The Columbia register. (Houlton, Columbia County, Or.) 1904-1906, April 13, 1906, Image 3

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' fcii Ti lHE
Is certain If you take Ilood'a Sarsairilla.
This great uictlidno cures tin mo cruitlonf
pimples and Kills tluit aptn-ar at all KcuKon;
curH nrrofuU nori'8, milt rheum or eczema;
adapt itw lf MtuiIly well to, and also curen, dys
IKimU and all ttnmaeh trouble".; cures rlicu
matlnm and catarrh; cures nervous troubles,
debility and that tired feeling.
This is itruved by thounands of tcRtu
i i .,.,... i a i ... a l l reports graai Uotfit to her Utile
monLilH, 40,300 by actual count In tno nm-1., B,r..priii. ui.e
List two years a record unprecedented ibmugui punfld b.r tud fwr
, , , , , ttark of that blood poisoning 41
in tho history of medicine ea.srsri imr, itga strength
.lie sure to pet Hood's Samparilla.
Liquid or table la, 100 Doit On Dollar. ( scrofula, tall rbcnm, ' etc.
Vegetable (Hk, nial of cotton and col
lodion, li to be manufactured la Meilco
on a large scale. The al la ouly cue
6 fill to on fifteenth of real al'.k.
A tlUAIUNTITHI cthk roit IMI.M.
Iirlum, HI nil, tiM-.n, 'r,,ir inline I'll. lr-
tiale am aulli-wlM-d In refund m.mey If I'AZO
iMMfc.VI ladslucuislMsloMdaya, too.
J(ill I(J rujeMSUt H'djq DTlf
strop i JHtu liimi piioq
tMjii jo inui, m
-ni o enM''lU" noX iiium mo , 'stead
eqi jo oiuu 111, jo aaede noi
W1 "In Vl 4 'ull ,uo "I W1I..
QOJJ pin Vxl tlt eqj aq po) jiljli
,dJJllUIU uq J'AO ao J0p4 HUJ,
eeuer i eaauoeeu
Mother will And Mr. Whitlow's Boothtng
Syrup Ilia beat remedy loin lot their Children,
during the teething trM.
A new horn dlseas baa rome to Eng
land from India by way of Koiiih Africa.
It U railed epliootlc lymphangitis, and
U very contflslo'i.
riTA Permanently rar4. IVofluor ncrrnaanM
(110 after nratd.y'suM'iif lir.Klliie'sureat Nerve
lleaiorer. Hnid f..r Vrr1 trial l.itl. and trrallaa.
Vt. li. it. Kim, 144.. Ml Ai.U HI., I'iilladelpbla, J
I'rlaonrr In Morocco uiuat pay the
poliirinaa for Lit work lu taking litem
to jail
25 ounces for 25 cents
Tb aillalle Hook of Pre
"Tlio icople of tho 1'imt and Middle Wmt will fall over themwlvcB to
coino to thu l'Hcilic Nortliwent vhcn they find out how much better tho
climato and adviuitUK'8 are."
Such In th written tttemant of W. R. Frtvall, who hu
len living In the J'aclllo .Sortliweit twlv jer.
We Want Them "to Find Out"
And in tail way to tell them la to aond them our puullcatloni:
"Oreton, Waahlnglon, Maha and Thtlr Retourcta." a hanitaomely llluitrated 68-pag
ImhiIi, telling ail alxml llio Ihrva illa. toiiri-anti In puttage.
"What Farmer rlav Dona In Oregon, Washington and Idaho, es Told by Themiclvct."
two rents In stamps.
"Restful Recreation Retorts," descriptive of th summering places of th Columbia
rlvvr sml Cosst, two cents In alt nips.
"The Columbia Rlvtr Through the Cascades to the Pacific Ocean," large panoramic
map in I a ('uluuibia rner, wlio siurr on reverse sultt, lour crnta.
large and accurate wall map of Oiegon, Washington and lilitho, r cents lu itamia.
Handy pocket map of Oregon, Waahlngton and Idaho, ana" cover, two cents.
For any of the above, address, enclosing stamps s stated
A. L CRAIG, C P. A, Southern Pacific Company (Lines in Oregon)
Write toiUy Portland, Oregon
Portland Trade Directory
Names and Addretse In Portland of Re pre
aentatlve Duslnest firms.
HIOTO ftrrn.lKHi KixUk develnplngahd print
ing) wrllt fur prices. Wwxliin!, Clarke A to.
MAdlU I.AN'IKHNH VtXalrr Co., 1'ortland.
Iwssl prlcaa on lAiilvrns and Bllili-s.
KI.AHTIU JIOsIKKY i Supporters. Brocesi Knit to
ell) frt nietsureiiienl blttnksi Wowlant, Clurke.
JIOIihh of all kinds fbr tnle at very reasonable
prices, IiKiuIre 27 Front BU
THUHHKK sinton approval I we auarantea lit In
most Utnieull cases Wondanl, Clarke A Vo.
BWK.KT PKAH Bend lOn for peka;. annul FalrUold
Mvilsl peso. J.J, llutti-r, 108 Front slrveU
AHTIFIC! At. EYF.Hi ryi-ry aliailn and ahupr; aa
snrlmenl sent on appruvitli W ondard, Clnrke Co
C'ltFAM HKARATOU8-Ve HUnranloit Ihe V.H.
HrpHrulor to hv tin' lii'nt. Wrlm lor Irue catalog.
Uasvlwaod eo Flllli and Ouk.
llK.N'Ht'I.OTIIIN Bnffnm A Penilleton, sole
Kcnia Alfred ln)nmln A Cn.'s corrrat olotlivs.
Kvi-ry lliliiK III men's rnrnlHlilni;s. Alorrlaun mid
Hlitb streats. Opposite Hiaioltli-e.
Fltr.K LAND IM OIIKOON unrtor the Cnrey trrl-
fatlonoot. Herd direct Amm state. Writs today,
inoklet and mn '" took Co., m
Alder atreet, 1'ortland, Oreiiou.
POULTRY FOOD If you want your hens to lay
mors egis write us for fri-e particulars about FU
KINA I'OUl.TKY KKl3ttAouie Mills Co.,
I'ortlaad, Oregon.
TAIliORS-Colnmbla Woolen Mills Co., PortUnd.
Ors. latest style ulothes mada to measure cheap,
Our self measurement system Insures perfect UU
Write for free samples and prices.
PIANOS A OKOANH-Oldest plana house on Pa.
eltle eoasl, Orgaqs and Pianos on easy paymeuls.
Write for list. 11 us quote you a price. Allen
Ullbert-Hamakar Co., Portland, Oregon.
Human Hair Oooda Switches, Pompadours, Men's
Toupees and WIS best quality I lowest prlcesi
tend for frss nrloe Haiti mall ordera a specialty.
Farla ttoi blore, W Waiblngton k)k Kst Its.
Tie Doctor Tie nutllclne I left for
you docaii't crtu to tinve Lid the de
al rod effect Huv0 you takcu It regu
larly? The l'atlcnt (t poet) At regularly
ai 1 could, doctor. You laid I ahould
take It sftcr each nual .
For Infants and Children.
Hie Kind You Have Always Bought
Elgaaluxt of
In Bonora, Mrxlro, alone, about $10,
0OO.OIN) of American money la now la
ranted. T n UK A ""!.! IN ONR DAY
T I. A X ATI VK B 11" M I giilnln Thll. fnir
rrfiiml nuinar t H fl ta rtir. K, W.
XUVk'baiaualuraUo rwli bui. be.
l'nf-1 AlUa.
"N," ld L'nela Allen Fparko, t
won't aay Doc Illlcgina la a monuments
liar, but of all the men I am acquainted
with ha baa tin mot vivid racollaclion of
tbiuf that uevtr bappened."
it the wonderful ratting powder of the
Wive Circle Thouundi of women are
bringing greater health and better food
into their homei by using K C Baking
Powder. Cotti Just one-third what you
alwiyipay. Jf you have never used it
you don't know what you've miixd.
Dontwaitl All grocer.
poP ju.U jod pijj; pj)Bnoouj q oj
pofinjnj oq.w OKoqi jo 0)q.u 'pojp juao
J.d I ,- aiio 'uipu I 'qvi J" 9ti3uid sqj
inut!3u pdiiin,Hiti tutoMdd H'i jo jno
Nothing knocks out end
disables like
Lumbago and Sciatica
Nothing reaches the trouble
as quickly as
St. Jacobs Oil
Known the world over as
The Master Cure
for Pains at nd Aches
Price, 23o. and SOo
P. N. U.
No. 15-06
WHEN wrttlns; to advertisers please
mentloa tula paper.
ill -7 t
Knglneem, architects, and builders
werywliere are Interettted in the plans
made public from New York for
ekyacrnper that will out skjacrnpe
anything yet built These plans were
filed with the New York building de
partment by Erneat Flngg, for the
protKMied Slncer building. Nothing
more rudlcnl has ever been attempted
011 either nuio of the ocenn Utnn is
embodied In the plans for this struc
ture. The building Is to be forty
atorlee high and other buildings In New
York and Chicago which now cause
people to become stiff nevked looking
up at thoni will, by comparison, apiwur
Two of the tallest Chicago buildings,
the MhsoiiIc Temple and the Majestic
Theater, would be but one Btory high
er than tho Singer building, If one
waa placed on top of the other. There
will be 5D3 feet of the structure above
ground and probably 125 feet of It
below the street surface, so that, all
told. It will be ten feet longer than the
mammoth Amcrlka, the biggest steam
ship afloat
It was supposed the limit had been
reached In this stole of structure, but
It seems not before long a fifty story
pile may bo expected to make slow go
ing people gasp.
While Chicago was the pioneer In the
erection of tall buildings, It has In
the last few years been far outstrip
ped by New York. The constantly In
creasing population of Manhattan Isl
and and the Impossibility of Increas
ing the ground area for the accommo
dation of the peoplo made it neces
sary to run tho buildings higher and
higher until It Is Impossible to tell
when the limit will be reached.
Why rinya Often Fall.
"Tragedies ouly draw well In pros
perous times. When money Is tight
tho people want farces."
The Beaker, an actor, went on to ex
plain :
"When tho public Is on Easy street. It
Is willing to be sympathetic, and It will
then go freely to a end play. But when
the public Is In hard luck, It wants to
forget Its troubles, and It goes only to
farces and musical comedies, for It
knows well that the woes of a sage
tragedy would recall to It only too
poignantly Its own woes."
Ilia Brilliant Idea.
Cholly Would rou er care to
chango your name, Miss Scrogglns?
Dolly Why, Mr. Nitwit I Well ah
y yes, I believe I would.
Cholly Well, It can be dono, y
know. You can petition the legislature
or, by Jove, you might get married.
Why don't you? Cleveland Leader.
The Point ot View.
"Now, that's my Idea of a Joke,"
said the editor, looking it over.
"Not on your life," responded the
waiting humorist; "lfs my Idea, and
It's worth $ 2." Philadelphia Ledger.
Mrs. Benham What made that holo
In the carpet?
Benham That's where I dropped one
, of your biscuits. New York Press.
V VW 'J mm.
cry part of the
remedy PURELY
tite, overcoming that tired, run-down feeling, and other ailments common to Spring, which
warn us that it is necessary to take a tonic, it is purifying the blood of all poisons and waste
matters so that it can supply to the system the strength and nourishment it needs to keep it
in perfect condition during the depressing summer months that are to follow.
bpnng is the season when
one needs a tonic. It is nature's time tor flWUW luru imtuuuumiuAi,
renewing and changing; and as
puts on new life, the sap rises in
the earth thaws out from its winter freezes,
and all respond to Spring's call to purge
and purify themselves, there is a great
change also takes place in our bodies. The
blood endeavors to throw off the poisons and
accumulations which have formed in the
system, and been absorbed by it, from the
inactive winter life, and calls upon every
member to assist in the elimination. The
system is often unequal to the struggle, the
appetite grows fickle, the energies give way,
the spirits are depressed, and a general run
down condition is the result.
Then the body must have assistance
it must be strengthened and aided by a tonic,
and S. S. S. is the ideal one. Being made
entirely from roots, herbs and barks, it does
not disagreeably affect the system in any way as do most of the so-called tonics on the market, t
which contain Potash or some other harmful mineral ingredient to derange the stomach and
digestion, unfavorably affect the bowels, or otherwise damage the health. S. S. S. tones up
the stomach and digestion and assists in the assimilation of food; it rids the system of that
always-tired, worn-out feeling, and imparts vigor and tone to every part of the body. It re
establishes the healthy circulation of the blood, stimulates the sluggish organs, and calms -the
unstrung tiferves which make one feel that he is on the verge of prostration. S. S. S.
gives an appetite and relish for food that nothing else does, and by its use we can find our
selves with as hearty, hungry an appetite in Spring as at any other season.
It acts more promptly and gives better and more lasting results than any other remedy, ;
and is absolutely safe because of its vegetable purity. , Dyspeptic, irritable, nervous, debili
tated people will find S. S. S. is just the medicine that is needed for the purification of
the blood, which, from its diseased or impure condition, is causing their trouble, as well. as ,
for toning up and helping the entire system. When you take your tonic this Spring do not
experiment, but get the best the tonic with forty years of success behind it, and the one
endorsed by the best people all over the country S, S. S., THE GREATEST OF ALL
murine Tr i Tipcpc.carv nt this tirnp. when trie svstem is depleted and weakened at everv
l WWST - - J -
twitf tliot tli rirrVif rpmpAv
S. S. S. has proved itself to be this remedy for many years. If it is taken at the first sign
of Spring the system will be so built up and strengthened that the disagreeable affections of
the season will not be felt as warmer weather comes on.
Color snore foods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One 1 0c paefcag e colors silk, wool and cotton equally well and to
euarantced lo give perfect results. Ask stealer, or we will send post paid at 10c a package. Write for free booklet bow to stye,
bleach and mi colors, MONROE DRUG CO.. UnioovUle. Missouri.
Pulling TccLh
noil. In that modern di ntimrv ban occom
pllnhed Hi gnuur than extracting teeth
without pain. Wa have 18 years' experi
ence In doin th's. We ran honestly extract
a sore tootb without hurting you. Dr.
H:urdTut, specUllat on chJdren's teetb
and regulating.
Fall ng Building, Third and Washington
A. M to t P. M. Sundays I to It
Main 2021.
t ', f
DR. W. A. wise.
AMA1 Don t be frightened
but be warned I
Every Mother knows, or
should know, that the terrible
Mortality among llttlo children 13 caused
by Stomach and Bowel troubles. Colic,
Sour Curd, Cholera Infantum, Summer
Complaint, Meatiles, Rashes, Scarlet Fever
even Mumps have their first cause In
Tho Delicate Tissues of a Baby's Bowels
will not stand rough treatment. Salts are
too violent, and Castor Oil will only grease
tho passages, but will not make and keep
them Clean, Heakhy and Strong.
There Is no other medicine as safe for a
child as Cascarets, the fragrant little Candy
Tablet, that has saved thousands of families
from unhapplnsss.
Tho Nursing Mother even In good health
should always keep her own Bowels Loose,
and her Milk Mildly Purgative by taking
a C&scaret at night before going to bed.
No other medicine has this remarkable
and valuable quality. Mama takes the
Cascaret, Baby gets the Benefit.
Cascarets act like strengthening Exercise
on the weak little bowels of the growing
babe, and make them better able to get
tt n
Ingredients that enter into S.
and preparing them so that they build up and strengthen
body, make it the greatest of all tonics. S. S. S. is nature's
VEGETABLE and while it
most every
a 01 r'tNV1 JSi pajsiM,
1 have used 8. 8. 8. quite extensively and unhesitating!?
reooic jend it as the best blood purifier and tonlo made.
I am a machinist by trade and at one time my system was
so run down that by ID o'clock every day I would be com
fletely exhausted, and it was with the greatest effort that
could pull through the balance of the day. Since taking
8. 8 8., however, all this has disappeared. I am a strong,
rigorous man, abundantly able to do my day's work, my
appetite has been whetted cp so that I can eat anything,
my sleep is sweet and refreshing, and I know further that
It has purified my blood and put it in good condition. X
cannot speak too highly of your great remedy, 8. S. S.
817 W. Broad St., Columbus, O. A. B. MONTGOMERY.
On two occasions I have need S. 8. 8. in the spring with
fine results. I can heartily recommend it as a tonio and
blood purifier. I was troubled with headache, indigestion
and liver troubles, which all disappeared under the use of
8. 8. 8. My appetite, which was poor, was greatly
helped. I can eat anything I want now without fear of in
digestion, and my blood has been thoroughly cleansed of
all impurities and made rich and strong again. As a tonio
and blood purifier it is all yon claim for it.
771 E. Main St, Springfield, O. MRS. O. WIEOEL.
rw ii cAf1n a tliar ic :TvrJfl11 v
Is tbe oldest of ell
all the Nourlshrr.cnt out of Baby's
Natural Food.
Larger children cannot always
be watched, and will eat unreason
ably. The Ready Remedy should
ever be at hand Cascarets to
take care of tho trouble when it
No need to Force or Bribe chil
dren to take Cascarets. They are
always more than ready to eat the
sweet little bit of Candy.
Repulsive medicine forced on the
little ones does more harm than good.
Home is not complete without the ever
ready Box of Cascarets. Ten cents buys
a small one at the Corner Drug Store.
Be very careful to get the genuine,
made only by the Sterling Remedy Com
pany and never sold In bulk. Every tab
let stamped "CCC."
We want to send to oar friends a beautiful
French-designed. GOLD-PLATED BONBON BOX.
hard-enameled in colors. It is a beauty for the
dressing table. Ten cents in stamps is asked as a
measure of good faith and to cover cost of Cascarets,
with which tEIslainty trinket is loaded.
Send to-day, mrnUonlng this paper. Address
Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York.
I atl
MnMwScifcf a inn in ii iia
DR. T. f. wise.
7 y fr" X
S. S. and the method of com.
is restorine the lost appe
-.- w Vk m-m ism M wm. SM
X .
nrlflntpfl tn the condition and
Well Drilling Machinery
Drillinc & f rshifeg Tools.
Irritation Plant. Hydr an
Ik Rams, Spray Pumps.
Write Cs
182-44 Morrison 8t
Portland Oregon
Dr. G. Gee Wo
Tlrs wondirfol Obl
i e Dech Is raitid
great because he cures
people wslliout opera
tion that are give.i up
to die. He cores with
those wonderful t'lil
n ae berta, roois, bud,
barks and veKSlablea
Ibat are entirely no
kuowa In medical sc ¬
enes in lh.seinn.ry. Tbrounh the ma ui tlioa,
harmle.-s rem.dli-s this lamuui dot-tor knows
the acilou of over i d ftarent remedies wblrb
hesurcessnilty utes in diflVrea. disease. 11
(.uariintienloi-iireca'arrh.Mthma. tun?, itar a
rbeiima:Um, nervoi stuns itomacb, liver; kid
neys, etc.; hai hundred of testimonial,
thariies moderate t all and see him. 1'aUeats
out of the city w rite lor blankr and e rculars.
bend stamp. COS SU LT ATUI3 i'HKK.
162'j first St., S. C. Cor. Morrison
Mention paper.
W. L. Douglas
W. L. Douglas $4.00 Cllt Edge Line
cannot be equalled at any price.
SI Mlllf. "yon. wh, eas
w wj w w w wiiiuf inn aunsmsni.
H I could take you Into my three larg-e factories
t Brockton, Mass., and ahow you the Infinite
care with which every pair ol shoes la made, vou
would realize why W. L, Douglas SJ.90 shoes
cost more to mane, why they hold tbelr shap
lit better, wear longer, end are ol greatet
' wht iobt nuiu inBir anana.
Intrinsic value than any other S3. SO hoe.
AfsMt. 0S.BO, $?.On, pn' t"h"l k
C,.?Jf00'.2-0' ?,$1.76. $1.50
, CAUTION, Insist upon having WJ,.iXug.
las shoes. Take no substitute. None genuine
without his name and price stamped on bottom.
fast Color Cunlttg uitd ; tAey mill not wtar braita.
Write for Illustrated Catslog. .
HV. tm IOLQLAS. lirocktoau 2faes
.ea I!!?
ygglg iJJUlY ft l870.
33 II Capital