CecacriUe Caadldatw tor lYIairy Nomination Waxlneedaj afternoon of last week, the Democrat of Orrjron assembled In caucus la tb Hibernian hall, lo Port land and agreed t place the folio nt name fur the eixloneuient of Iaio emtio Toter in the Primary election April SO: aoTrnor-pofS rbambcrUln, Incumbent. (Supreme Justice TLoiumG. HsJley, lncnmbeut. United States Senator John M. Oearin, Incoubent Secretary of Sta rul Sroaf, of Ifarion. State Treasurer J. D. Matlock, of Lane. Attorney-General Robert A. Miller f Multnomah. State Trinter-J. Scott Taylor, of Klamath. Superintendent of Public Instruction E. E. Bragjr, of Union ; W. A. Waun of LI nu. Labor Commissioner Sam Vcatcb, of Lane. Representatives in Congress First DUirict.CV. Galloway, of Yamhill; P. A. Cochran, of Marion ; Second Dis trict, Harvey Graham, of Baker; W. T. Vaughn, of Multnomah. Unman Blood Xarks. A tale of honor was told bv marks of human Moot in the home of J. V. Williams a well kuown merchant of Bae, Ky., He writes; "Twenty years ago I had severe hemoragrs of the lunjw and was near death wheu I began tak ins Dr. King's New Discovery. It com pletely cored me and I have remained well ever since," It cures Ileuioragrs, Chronic Coughs, Settled Cokl. and Bronchitis, and is the only known cure jor Weak Lung. Every bottle guaran teed 50c and f 1.00. Trial bottle free. Perry Graham. If you want to rent If you want to sell If you want to buy If you want to trade If you want anything Advertise the fact In the If jou want to loan money If you want to borrow money REGISTER. Clears the Complexion. Orino Laxative Fruit Syruy stimu late? tho liver and thoroughly cleanses the system and clears the complexion f pimples and blotches. It is the best laxative for women and children as it is mild and pleasant, and does not gripe or sicken, Orino is much superior to pills, aperient waters and all ordinary cathartics as it does not irritate the stomach and bowles. Girty & Roley W. C. FISCHER, ATTO R N E Y-AT- LAW, AND NOTARY PUBLIC !iext door to post office. FOLEYSKlEfEYCURE Makes Kidneys sad Bladder Right Day on Credit! this $60 Machine for $25 mm. rout. hj tiVSEZ S3! sUtta. double feed, Mil threading shuttle: hat automatic bobbin winder and other latest lmproT. BIDU. This lithe ANTI TRUST MACHINE. It If the hm machine agent are ak tng you HO for. A 11 attach menu go with each machine. 6old for only U rash and S3 monthly. Writ TOUT for tree ntafTWI CimtStlt showing Jegaat hentehold goods we will sbta(Frlak.t mjili) an last rtT"iU our new CIUIT plan. (Bmvurtx Furniture Contpmny IfS-lTSFlratSt., PORTLAND. 08. FOLEYSHOlfETTAB Cejraj Calda: Prevents nm-'- Steamer Sarab Dixon. Leeree fertland Tuesday and Thartoaratl ...wfvuiHtgHiu war lanolin. Ina. r , T -- -. .i.tR, Him viate emltiag. Lee re. Otk folnl Monday at a, TraaapertatUaCe). aM4. 60 YEAR 8' VT- EXPERIENCE (rap Hk"" Trade Marks .it" DcaiONt r'Mf1 CO-YRIOHTSAC Anyone tending a tkelch and detcrlptlon may euloklf ateeruin oar opinion free whether aa InTentle It probably patentable. Commtmlca. UonaaUietlyconfldentUI. HANDBOOK on Patent earn free. Oldest aceocy for securing paten u. ratente taken through Muun a Co. recelrs special aoc, without ebanr, in the Scientific American. A handtomely Illustrated weekly. I-art-eat Hr calallou of any adentlOe Journal. Terms. S3 ww; iwinun,L ooia or ail newsdealers. J. UNN SCO Branch Offloe. KB W BU Washing ion. D. Str. Jseph Kellogg. Lmtm Tertlaud Tuesday, Thursday and te fatar at T a. for St. Helena, Kalama, CarroU faint, kalnier and Kelso. Arrlrlog at rrV Uad, Uoaday, Wednesday and Friday at 3 p.m. The Steamer northwest leeree Portland, Mon day aad Thursday for Toledo, CasUe Rock, end way points at S a.m., returning Wednesday aad etardar at I p. at. Bast and cheapest route te Ike St. Helens mining district. Subject te afeaag. without a. tic. Wharf foot of Stlaus Str t. . 1. !- twt THIORiaiNAL LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE H0NEY4AR Bel Cterer Slsesom net Honey Bee ta twry Battle. Ecpfy UscrsT Tha famous littlo pKis. Fcr Pllsu Burns, Sores. Fcp Go;hgy Cold end Croups CsSrss Kldavys sad Claddar Right Columbia County Bank BANK AT ST. HELENS, ORE. We respectfully invito th public to inspect our tnethoJ of doing businc. We ca.h chocks, liOan money, Mke collections, Receire money on dopos't, Write Doraestio and Foreign Exchan, and do a geniral Banking Baine?s. STATE BANK OF RAINIER PORTUXD CORRESPOKDEKMREGOH TRUST led S1YISGS B1BL 4 percent Interest paid on Time Deposits and Saving AocounU Eastern Exchange Issued. Banking Hours 9 A. M. to 4 r. M. Saturday 9 a. m. to 8 r. v. THE FINEST LINE OF Spring & Summer Goods EVER SHOWN IN Houlton Oregon at Bailey & Brim's OFFICERS Carlton Lewis, Prvsulent John Dibbk1, Vice President C. S. VauAuker, Cashier DIRECTOR I Carli ton Lewis, John Dlbblee, Dean Blanchanl, Y. Cooper Morris, ltenj W. Reed. STATE BANK OF RAINIER RAINIER, OREGON. jColumbia Lumber Company ! (INCORIK)RATKD) ' Mnnufacturere of I -:-R0D6H AND DRESSED LUMBER-:- Special Attention Given to ORDERS For LOCAL TRADE. ! : BRIDGE ASD DUEISIOI LUMBER MADE TO ORDER. Call on or address. Columbia Lumber Co., Scappoose, Or INCLUDING: LACES, RIBBONS, EMBROIDERIES, INSERTIONS, CALICOS, OUTING FLANNEL, MUSLINS, WHITE GOODS, LAWNS, RANGING FROM ft TO 40 CENTS PKU YARD. AND NOTIONS GALORE. Good Goods a Specialty. Our Motto Live and Let Live. I II JUS J I The New York Store. GENERAL MERCHANDISE, I GotNsj, Drj Goods, Groceriei, ProiUloos, Frslls, Fimto, Slsias, ta LOWEST PRICES H. MORGUS, St. Helens, Ore. DRY GOODS Ladies underwear, 40 cents per suit. Ladies regular 60 cent collar, cow 25 Ladies regular 25c collar now 15. Ladles and Miases Common and Lace Hose, fiom 10 to 50 cents pr pair. The most complete Block of chocs in town for men, womin and Children. Dress shoes fur men 'Jnb to none and strictly up-to datfl logging aud working shoe in many stylet, not to be ex celled. Price according to qual ity. New line of hat1, cajs for men women and children, prices 25c and up. Men's wo.k-shirls good value 50c, overalls, jumpers, etc. Men's underwear, 1 00, 1.80 and 12.50 per suit. Gloves fur men aor.en and children. ,'A full line of gent's furnishing F0LEYS HOIfET, fo cJtfldmt tttft, j art. fin Portland and Astoria AND WAY LANDINGS istorlt Route St.am.r LCRLiNI UarM Tay lor St. Wharf Dally (cxc.pt Sunday) at 7 a. m. Ustm Astoria dally (.xc.pt Sunday) at p. m, CloaaconncciloD with boat (or Chinook Baach Vt RlT.r, Oray'i Klrar, Koappton, ft. Bt.. ns, Ft. Caoby. It. Columbia, rlwaco, Lewis A Clark RlT.r, Onl.y 4 Yonng't RlT.r, and baal and train for bota baaeha. rurUOilU U1U lUlUIUICI Bt.am.r C5DINI laaTM Taylor St. Wharf dally (axeept bunday! at 10:10 a. . and 4:30 p. ta. LaaTas VancouT.i at M0 a. n. and 1 p. m. 'e transfaring, n dust, no dslay. Sotb 'Phonss: Orf on Main IIS; C.lumbla (U wharf-foot of Taylor Ht. Oan.ral offloa 2 Trmhlll St. TAiCOUVI IRAN aPOETATlO J CO. Elodol Dyspepsia Curo Dlsosts) what you Mt. XSTORIA a C0LUK81A RIYEfi H RAILROAD CO. DAILY. (A DOWX M DalVIU's rTAM Salvo For PUot Burnt, Sores. THE HOULTON EXCHANGE, KELLY BROS.. Proprietor. Best of WIiijs, Clan ud Liquors, Kept In Stock. OpposiU the pott office. HOULTON, ORE Dti8 Early R2sc?a Tho famous littto pHa KILL the COUGH and CURE THE LUNGS WITH r. King's ijov; uiscovcrv forC 0NSUMPTI0N Pries OUGHI tni OLDS 50c l $1.00 Fres Trial. Sorest and Quickest Cure for all THKOAT and LUNO TEOUB LES, or MONEY SACK The Steamer Iralda. Wakss round trips b.twaan RAINIER and PORTLAND. LaaTlnf Rainier at 4:00 a. m. and Portland at1;p. to. dally except Sunday, W.aollosl shara of tha rubllo oatronai.. and In ratnra 111 (It. quick serrlcs and a clean boat. Wt , ar. ner. to stay ana want your business. LansV lag at foot of Taylor Street. O. 1. HOOOHKIRK, Master, r. m. 7.00 I 06 I 20 n I 44 60 I M tot t It It 17 10 00 lOOt 10 20 U W A. M. 1:00 t 06 t it Ua i t t 40 t 60 10 00 10 10 10 21 10 M 10 67 .0 N.I '&st: 56 53 421 t 4 712 7t.7 HI 11 06 90 I 11 U 6 .41 11 SO STATIONS Lt fertlsjid Ar .... Uobl. ...Rainier ....Pyramid ... ... Marier .... ... Qulncy .. Clatskanle .. ..Marshland .. .. West port.... ....Clifton .... K nappe.... . .. Brsna-.a .... ....John Day... Ar Astoria Lt lib 0 daily IX 21 A. M. 11:10 10 06 t 62 t 16 127 t 17 tot t 02 I 61 I U I 16 t 07 7 66 7 41 A. M. t 41 I I It I Ot 7 64 7 41 7 M 7 2t 7 17 7 02 t 42 t 2 t at t II All trains make elosa connections at Uobl. with northern Pacific trains to and from the East and Bound point.. At Portland with all trains leerlnt Union depot. At Astoria with '. R. N. Co' boat and rail Una and Steamer T J. Potter to and front Ilwaa. and North Reach potnte- Pass.ntert for Astoria or way points siasl Sag trains at Houlton. Trains will stop to lei paatrnfeni off at Houltoa when eomltii (real paint west of Ooble. 4. O. MA TO, Gen. Pass. Ait.. AJt.rU. Or. GROCERIUS. Flour, drain and Hay. Brau, por sack $ 0t) Shorts, pri sack Wheat, per lWlbs UVt Whole Corn, 100 lbs Cracknl Corn 100 lbs 1 10 Flour Htt, jr hbl 3 cans Tomatoes '.'.' 3 Corn 2" 2 M Pwlfd IVaches 3 ,4 Oysters 2 3-lb pkgs Washing Towdirs 2 pkgs. Cora Btarch 2 pkgs Gloss Starch 3 pkjis Arm Jc Hammer Smla 8 barrs Soap I'ail of good syrup 5 lbs Lard 10 lbs lard Hams, ser lb. . . Sard i nes, c a can and up. ttroums, loc ana up. We airy CrcssenL Hixhflight. Olympio and H& Btnd, wholo wheat and graham Hour. The Ijcst of tea, colTue-, spices and extracts. Tho above price axti for spoil cash, and bu eject to market change withont notice. Cull and get your part of the bargain while they last, . 23 5 i: 15 JO 2.f ro m 1.15 u HARDWARE Heating stoves, $2 and ui. No. K cook stoxrs I'J and up. lUnges 127 f'O and up. 1 iet of Tots Sad Irons .11 Stove pliw and elbows, 15c a joint. Hinges, locks, roe, nails, chisels, x faws, hand saws, trie bquaiss, MU:tres, axes aud handles. Garden rakes 25o and up. Garden hoes 25u and up. Garden ami, Onion buttons lQo per lb, 3 lbs for 2oceiils. . Drill bits, braces and bits,' pocket cutlery, knives, forks, spoons, g irdcn hoes, shovels, sythe and loiks. Wt have the largest stock of furni ture, Stoves and Kangei in town, all r.f which is bought right and will be sold right. Wecan save you money on anything in this line. Red Springs, full si xc, $1.50 and up Irod Reds.fuli size. . . .300 and up Kitchen TreaMirern. .2 50 and up Tables, Chairs, Stand', Hockers, Pillows, quilt, blanket., mutressea. Grsniteaare, stoneware and dishes, Samples of Wall Taper. Also sg'U for Millburn Wagons. Catl, examine goods and prices. You are always welcome. You are welcome to call and examine M r Goods. Whether you buy or not our friendship will remain the same. DO YOU KNOW T HAT THE 4c & 8 Chimterl.to-s Never fails. Buy it now. It may save life. Is now Iunning: j; Pullman Standard and i; PuJliri an. Tourist i; Slccpinfraqd Chair Cars Through to ii Karsas City, via Billings 6c C.B.&: Q. i; Which eives double dnilv trAin acrvinn thmmrli Miaannri Uitor i.lnia - j ------ - . - ... O . ww m mw i v J'WI ot em I Close connection at St. Joe for St. Louis. T B8 fo) JQ rarais,ran,nn UU Q Lb uud CM So many people who have apparently recovered from an attack of la Crippo m stricken with Pneumonia. This is due to the fact that the Bronchial Tubes and Lungs are left weakened U and unable to resist disease. . MLElfS am .TXirTSfiol IE Trh Uodol Dyspepsia Cmo Clgeats what you eat. not only cures La Grippe Coughs, and prevents Pneumonia, but strengthens the Lungs so they will not be susceptible to the development of serious lung troubles. Do not take chances with some unknown preparation that may contain some harmful drug when FOLEY'S HONEY' AND TAR costs you no more and is safe and sure. Contains no opiates. I bid s bad esse of La Grippe about ten years sgo which kit my Limes so weak that! have been troubled mors or less srery winter aloe until I used FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR, which eursd ids conptetalx and mj Lump no longer trouble me.-J. H. BROWNING, D.D.S., Orrick, AU. G. VACHER, IS7 Osgood St., Cbtcsfo, sari: "Mf Wt kad a Tttf severe esse of Ls Grippe, snd It left her with s rerr bad coach. She tried bttls l FOLEY'S HONEY AMD TAB and It fav kaatdlsts) NUaL" Thm stosv-2Sc, 50c, $1.00. Th 50-cflt that contains two and ona half times as cinch m tlx small alas aot th l.oo bottk almost six times as much. Refusa Substitutes. SOLD ttUD HC0II!!1ID0 BY J efts ROBBY,