Weak Lungs Bronchitis For over sixty years doctors have endorsed Aycr's Cherry Pectoral for coughs, colds, weak lungs, bronchitis, con sumption. You can trust medicine the best doctors tp prove. Thentrustthlstheoext time you hive a hard cough. I fca.il n wful eth for nn veer, n4 arvnati la m mi b good. trt4 Ayrr . I l .rir I'M-laral inS naa mii rarai. I imhhiii4 It a., all mi friaixl. t t.r iht ! rough."' Mlu M. MstlKi. Waaltlu.loa, I, V. JWl O Aa Oa,l.wall. Mm Aim btuulwUNit of 7 ItttAPAftlLU. A' MA!I V1004. Ayor'a fills koep tho bowel regular. All vcjjctblo and contty lautlv. II S pulled !' Brlaeaaa. W. Caryl Kly of llufTato. tbe prcsi Srnt of Mm Ainrrlcnu Mtrret Hallway HiMli,tloij, wan Miking at the in tension u Philadelphia about motor wen's and conductors' adrenturce. A conductor came to m with amlllnx face the other day," he said. "He wanted to tell me what had hap peued on an liuo;iilng rar. It seciiie that a mltilleai'l woman and her little noii, a lad of 0 or 7 yvars, got ou the car, and a a anon aa they were era ted the woman took a half-dollar out of Iht pocket and handed It to the youngster to pay the fare with. The toy held the coin In Lis tniall, fat hand, and examlued It closely and aol muly. The conductor appeared for the fares, and the youngster gave him the half-dollar with owllali aoletnulty The money waa pocketed and 40 cents In rhunicr was put In the small, ex tended band. Aa aoon as he got thla change the boy Inughed, wrlggVed In his sent and shouted gleefully: ' ". ma, he's taken the bad half dollar! " Hereford a FlgM. "Yea. my sod." "What do you think f Our minister bm Won acting aa a referee at a fighti" "Doo't talk nonsense, uiy boy." Tin not, pop. The tight waa In th choir." a s Ska m . i H Uk Salad. Take two cupful of cooked flab, half an ounce of horo radish and chopped cooked onion, quarter of a slice of fresh cucumber, three cooked potatoes cut in aaiull pieces. Sprinkle with a few drops of lemon Jules and pour over the following sauce. Berva with lettuce and tomatoes. Put ths yolks of two raw eggs In a basin, pour In the oil very slowly, stirring gently at the same time till It thickens, then add two saltspooufuls of salt, one spoonful of mixed mustard, a good sprinkling of pepper, a dcswrtxpoonful of vinegar and two tnblcMiiooufula of thick cream. The ingredients must be added In the order lu which they are written. raealaaslaetla. "B studious, my son," said th ha bitual adviser, "and yon may tar tablet in th Hall of Fame.- i "les," answered th cautions youth, "and b pointed out aa an example of what ordinary people get in while real genius is excluded." Wsshlngton 6 tar. 31 AAT TrATC a Hai ia r 0 mm & sb as bm asi mu vm Mm mm mm m ki t n VI- THEBLMFI.5 FITS fteauir rrmnntl)r Coras. tnnlMSii'i !o auor aervoueDees Mr Klina'auraat Nrr iraf. Knd Utf Bra ttfl trial hnf 11 anA (.mi In. K. U. Kilo, U&.M1 inAK, fbUMUipaia, fa. Slsterlf nart. That couraatioa of dreisraskirs ds- cldid that waists must b smaller this ms son." "I'm so sorry." "For yourself r "litre, no! For Jsns Puffelgh sod Lucy WsdJIt." CltrelsDil I'lalo Dealer. Yon Ca 0t AUta's Foot-Ease FREQ. Writs Alleo B. Olmited. La Rot.M. T.. (or a fraa Mm iU of Allen's Foot-rue. tl curt iswtstlnr. botiwnllen. st-hlnf It it. It makes atv or tisht tbort eur. a curiam cor tor eornt. Ingrowing milt and Imnlobs. A U drtif gists sell IL sac iun tscctpisoy soMiiiuis, Dead did you Hlskl. Quit tbat good job Praaerved UlaSrr raddleTf. Iicot to a cream four ounces of but ter aud four ouuees of sugur, break on egg Into it, and throw in two ounces sifted flour. Heat for Ave min utes, then break In another egg, and add two more ounces of flour. Beat for a few minutes longer, add two ounces preserved ginger choped small, and two tablespoonfuls of the syrup. Vt hen all la mixed aud the mold well buttered, quickly atlr Into the mixture half a tenspoouful of baking powder, pour the butter fnto a mold, cover with buttered paper, and steum for one hour and a half. 'What forr "Ths boss called ms a fooL" "Hut It dWt firs you? You for thatr "Yes, sir." "Than tha hou araa r1?hf." f1- labdXesder. quit How's TbtsT Wt offer On Hundred Dollars Reward for any eat ol I atari a ual cannot b cured by Mall S i aiarrn v urc. t'H K.N LY A CO., Props., Toledo, a undariifoed, have koown T. J j lot id a iui 10 yean, ana Miitra o tlT honorable in all buiinata traoi. lopt and floanclallT able to carry out aoy ob UgaUuni mada br thtlr Bra. Klilaliuu, WholMale I'rurr Waldixo, Kixkaj a MaSVUI, Ml A (iood a on p. Slice very lino one good sized Span isu onion or throe ordinary oulons; cover with a pint of cold water; add a tcaapoouful of salt aud a salupoon rul of pepper; cover and simmer for twenty minutes, rrcn through a col a ... . t .... nnucr. t'ui one quart or milk In a uoublo boiler; rub together two table spoonfuls of butter aud two of flour; add to the milk aud stir until smooth and creamy. Add the onion mixture; press through a flue hlcvc; reheat uud serve with croutons nn Inch square. tits, Toledo, 0. BoleaaJe Itfue LU, Toledo, O. I HiU'aCaiarrh Car Is taken tnternallr. act ing directly upon tbt blood and mucous iur larai of tna iriicm. rnca isc. per twitis. sold by all Drugs lita UaU'i family Pull ta. lenlroonlals us. art ths bail. IlaUla Drrad. into a pint or scalded milk stir a icaapoonrui or mcitea butter and oue of salt When lukewarm add a half yeaat cake dissolved In a gill of luke warm water aud beat lu enough flour to make a good butter. Set to rlae for eight hours, then beat bard, atlr In a cup of flour, aud kuend In a half- cup of halved and seeded . raisins, dredged with flour. .Set to rUo a gala until light, then bake. Swokad Three Mllea of Tobaeeo. Statisticians have figured out that Daniel Kelleber. of Wilmington, Del., who died at the reputed age of 103 years, smoked 17.883 lineal feet of to bacco in bis lifetime, lie was an ard ent smoker, consuming three large plugs of the weed of more than ordl nary strength every week of bis life since he was a youth, and It has been figured out tbat the plugs would ex tend three and one-half miles if placed end to end. ArortaM. "That organist played the wedding march ao fast tbst tb bride and groom in trying to keep I'.rp, almost dsnced up ths aisle." "Well, my dear, a wedding march I something of a two-step; now, isn't it?' Bsltlmors American. Tbe llaxk Has is aa emblem of horror and dread. When it is hoisted by an army, the order haa rone forth that " no quarter " will be given, ev erythin j; must be destro3'ei Helpless women and children, as well as oppos ing: soldiers, meet tie, same late, and a trail ox desolation, sutiering ana death is left behind. Contagious Blod Poison is the black flag of the great army of disease. This vile disorder is known as the blackest and most hide ous of all human afflictions, overthrowing its victims and crushing out th life. It is so nipccter of persons; no matter how pmt the blood may bo or how innocently the disease is contracted, when this awful virus enters thej circulation the hideous, hateful and humiliating symptoms begin to appear. and the suflercr feels that his very presence is polluting and contaminating. Usually tbe first sign of the disease is a little sore or ulcer, but as the blood becomes more deeply poisoned the severer symptoms are manifested, the mouth and throat ulcerate, the glands in tne groins swell, a red rasa breaks out on the body, the hair and eyebrows come out, and often the body is cov- . 1 . . 9 1 . A 1 - T - i 4 A. crcu wun copper-coiorea spots, pusiuiar eruptions bdu sores, in its worst stages thediseasf affects the nerves, attacks the bones and sometimes causes tumors to form on the brain, produc ing insanity and death. Hot only iTr,,J f 0 1 'a1.00 , " ... . 3 sndmyflaah was la aa awful condition, those Who Contract the poison Suffer, Oraat sores would break out andnoth- htit tinlrss trie vims la driven from 'nI put on tbem would do any rood. .DUl uniCSS we Virus IS amen irom M.halraDdeTabrowefalloutaiuilwan the blood the awful taint is handea frirht." iiy month was so sore I down to offspring, and they are its innocent victims. Blood Foison is in deed a "black flag." Mercury and rotash, so often used, never can cure the trouble. These minerals merely drive the symptoms away for awhile . . 4 fa a ana snui uie oisease up in uie system, and when they are left off it returns worse than before. This treatment not only fails to cure blood poison but eats out the delicate lining of the stomach and bowels, produces chronic dyspepsia, loosens the teeth and fre quently causes mercurial rheumatism to add to the patient's suffering. b. S. S., the great vegetable medicine, is the conqueror of this vile disease. It goes down to the very root of the trouble and cures by cleansing the blood of every particle of the poison. S. S. S. does not hide or cover up anything but clears the entire circulation ox tne virus and puts the system in good healthy condition. It cures safely as well as certainly, because there is not a particle of mineral in it. We offer a re ward of ii.ooo.oo for proof that S. S. S. PIIDCIV VCPCTAniC is not purely vegetable. When the blood rUnC.LT VLUt I HULL. i3 purfied and strengthened with this great remedy the symptoms all pass away and no sign of the disease is ever seen again ; nor isthere left the least trace to be handed down to posterity. Special book with instructions for self-treatment and any medical advice de sired will be sent without charge to all who write. THE SWtFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. CAm had to 11ts on milk and water. I took Juereury for a long- tlma and Instead ct ratting- batter I continued to arrow: woraaand tar arm a and hands bftcam olid aorea. My ley ware drawn ao X could not walk and I felt tbat my time; was short la ere If I did not ret soma ra lief. 1 begun to sst your B. S. 8. and it helped ma from tbe af art. After taklnar It awhile tb saxes all healed, my rheu matism was cured and to-day 1 am av tronr, well man. It rot ail the mer cury oat cf my system and it cared met oundandwell. ADAM 6CHNABEL, EvansTille, lnd. Wo. 11 Mary 8t, A Good Gnesser. "I onderstsnd there Is ao eminent humorist In the Hall of fame." "Well, I guens the humorists are not dying to get there." Cleveland Flain Dealer. Hotter will Fyrup the beet remedy to Dm lor tbelr children curing tna Mowing period. Ha Hadn't Improved. Mother II i ram writei from college that the football tesm will mike good. Father Well, mebbe ao; hut he'a been on it for two years, now an' I don't see no appreciable Improvement in his morals. New Orlesos Times-Democrat la s small shop in New York City, managed by a woman, flowera of wonder ful coloring are made from the scales of various fish. For coughs and colds there Is no better IvtilfllMnA than Piat'a On t. tt9 fVnanmiw ?'!.,!l!!l 'tion, Price 25 cents. A "Way Oat. "I cannot accept your affection," she said, "And yet I don't feel I could spurn it." "la that case," . he answered, "I'll be satisfied If only ycu'U kindly return it." Bsltimcre American, Wake aura a vtM of ouinttty and flunMiy. Wbea our filir planlMl larrr a. thry ware the lirai on I lit maxkrt,bulilM7 haveUanlmprov Ins tvar lnra. We are ! parte la Hi. war and Vattatable eaaila. I0OS Herd Aaaaal. tfoullrtllly 111 US trowl, fraa to all ai (meant. 0. M. FERRY CO., DttreR, Mick. Positive, Comparative, Superlative. I hive used one of your Pith Brand Slickers tat Avt ytare, and now want a new ont, alio ona for a friend. I would not be without ont fur twice tha co it. Thty are Jutt at for ahead of a common cott at a common cos is ahead of nothing." . (Santa aa pullretloe.) nicnEST award Vionrirf! faiii. ioo t. Bo sura you don't at one of ths com roon klnd-thls Is ths trffffZ mark of sicallenos. ftwt A. J. TOWER CO., ''Srrn BOSTON, U.S. A. iKE'Ji' TOWER CANADIAN CO., Limited, TORONTO, CANADA. 15 Haher$ of Wot Weather Clothing A Hats. To be 6lven for Reliable Information We have set aiide $1,000 to be spent for information and will give five dollars for a Postal Card giving the first reliable news of a chtnet to aril horizontal itrtm tn.lnt ol out tlci, within oar rant ol ilifi. We do sol want Inqulrlea it Ihia lint lor vertical, traction or ll anglnel, ATLAS ENCINE3 and BOILERS Build, of th, aval oompl.t, lint of ntlnwuid bntlir, mwle lij any out niauafMliuln, coocrn to Uta world Atlas Encine Works Ballloi mnclM Ib ill olllra INDIAN APOLIS OarllM, four VW. Aulnmatlo, lllih Spi1, Cora, ponnd and Throtillna kniluta, Water Tuba, Tu bular and Purubl, Solltta a 11m Knln In Hnlu 1,000,000 H. P. 111m Sullar, In tartlet 4,JO,0OU U. P. CUNtS WHtHt AU tl.t (AILS, Uutiiib Srupi Tiatai Uouu. Hulfl nr drtiaelati. Boil Cuuiih Hru l.i a in iinia. m.,m. iSjiaK .a4 Klar daily. rrepare the ugs by stewlug. Chop very One. Have ready hulf a box of soaked gelatine, put this over the flro In a cup 'of boiling water, add the awectened fig sjrun, stir until tbe gel atine ia thoroughly dissolved, take from the fire, add a wiue-glussful of I sherry and atlr in the minced figs. lurn into a moid wet with co d water to form. Pickled Cacanabera. Select cucumbers from two to three Inches in length aud handle them care fully, so that the Ilttlo projections on the akin will not be broken off. Pack tbe cucumbers as closely as possible In quart fruit Jit, then All each Jar to overflowing with pure cider Tine gar and add a toblpftpoouful of salt to every Jar. Senl tightly. No cooking or boiling of vinegar is necessary and the pickles are good. I'. vSfc 1 aW aaaarf ari i aa a aft . . . w zi-r . J a -a it .v:k. aUaaUaaSaaaalaaaaal Silver Cake. t. 4 M a . . ... vreum unit a cup 01 DUtter witn a cup of powdered sugar and beat In the stiffened whites of four eggs and a gill of cold witter. Add gradually a pint of flour that has been sifted with heaping teimpoonful of bnklng pow der and when very light stir in a tea- spoonful of roso water. Cover wTlu wnne icing, uavorca wltu rose or bitter almond. 'rwwwT:rr., V tVa - Drown repperanta. tjream a nan-cup or butter with a cup or brown sugar, add a cup of molasses, a bulf-cup of buttermilk or of sour milk, a tcnspoonful of baklus soda and a small teaspoonful of cinna mon and ginger mixed. Stir in enough flour to make tbe dough of the desired consistency; roll out, cut and bake as you would white peppernuts. Velvet Sponge Cake. Beat two eggs very light, whip In a cup of sugnr, then n cup of flour, sift ed with a tenRpoonful of baking pow der. Lastly, boat in a gill of boiling water and a tenspoouful of vanilla. Bake immediately In a buttered tin In a wcll-heuted oven. The batter is thinner thau ordinary cake-batter. v'.A :?. y WTmyrani tsnn in hV tX jataaaeaal a' nmkmmmttmW , Douulmuta. . Beat two eggs light with one cupful of sugar, add four tublespooufuls of I melted lurd, ono cup of sweet milk, a pinch of salt and enough flour sifted with two teuspooufuls of baking pow der to make a soft dough. Roll out, cut into shapes and fry in deep, boil ing fat tra-.'-..' aV. TheWinningStroke If more than ordinary skill in playing brings the honors of the game to the winning player, so exceptional merit in a remedy ensures the commendation of the well informed, and as a reason able amount of outdoor life and recreation is conducive to the health and strength, so does a perfect laxative tend to one's improvement in cases of constipation, biliousness, headaches, etc. It is all-important, however, in selecting a laxative, to choose one of known quality and excellence, like the ever pleas ant Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., a laxative which sweetens and cleanses the system effect ually, when a laxative is needed, without any unpleasant after effects, as it acts naturally and gently on the internal organs, simply assisting nature when nature needs assistance, without griping, irritating, or debilitating the internal organs in any way, as it contains nothing of an objectionable or injurious nature. As the plants which are combined with the figs in the manu facture of Syrup of Figs are known to physicians to act most beneficially upon the system, the remedy has met with their general approval as a family laxative, a fact well worth con sidering in making purchases, v - It is because of the fact that SYRDP OF FIGS is a remedy of known quality and excellence, and approved by asicians that has led to its use by so many millions of well rmed people, who would not use any remedy of uncertain quality or inferior reputation. Every family should have a . bottle of the genuine on hand at all times, to use when a laxative remedy is required. Please to remember that the genuine Syrup of Fics is for 'sale in bottles of one size only, by all reputable druggists and that full name of the company California Fig Syrup Co., is plainly printed on the front of every package. Regular price, 50c per bottle. , -:.yt.----- fy atiaWH T ""f 'rv-tl'lf IS V! Li .a LaAaaaaJk "Lou Rufornia Rg Syrup 5an f-rareiicOi tiico. ThTT aakaWfaaUaui .;. re "TTsiBamrif-W m J ...., .v.; ''-U 1 ...av..v:H-1 1 r-.i" I t A 1 r Jj i Vii 'mm 1 a 'W. ftvtutae HitatOJtiJL s-'nifcaM'i) P U T N A iVI FADE LE SS DYES Loioe mora areeda bripMer and faster colors than any other dye. One 10c pachace colors Cuaramaea 10 giva perfect rr.uita. Ak dreler. or we will send post paid at 10c sackaca. ilk, wool and cotton eoaolty wefl aad ta wntt lor irsa booklet Bow as dye