'..V "' '"' . tf ".atl1"' r,""i"" - -ok-m ' " I I i ii I I I 1.1 i, mm m-tm ! i if mm mt ipn ' i mm i I m X n wj i i I I ' i. V v V 7 r SM Ii li st IIFADOrAKTKItS YOmKUIl'S KMI'OUII M RAINIER OREGON L. SWETT'S STORE, TOY DOLLS Wapou. VheeNMtrrwe, IU lUijrgiea, 1H 1M, Drwwe.l ami IV d -wd Doll, Drums, Horn, Uamea, Kucinect, Mfchanu-at Toys, Slos Kmix, SlvN, ltrkliitc t!iuMt ami Chairs, Air Uuna, Top Uun. Hall ami iiihiit oilit-r lot lliat will tlelilit tlic young lrae llieoKI. Inui ly that wiUlwtt. Toy Fun.Hurv, Trunk's dishra ami OoklnR Uu-naiU Kvry Ihiiifc to lf litilit the I'hiMrvn. HOLIDAY CROCKERY lSrvt varlftvof t'artor liups 1uii nailtt svta, Waier seta, 'IVa 't, lWrry wig, Wine rN, MunIi m Ih In art $ Cut lU-, l'is, Sam-vr. hhavlng Muk In frtiicy Il.tvilumt China. Mir j rota li nrva variety, Va, iVoaniora, J Pililu-rw, Carving S-ta, Silverware, T-ilt'l Cii"llr, Fancy Uanke!, Traya, Sta'unry Fancy Clock, Kte. OUR SHOE DEPASTMENT I rotnnM In nil lint for Miasra, I.uilir. Men, lloya, Utile (tfiim, CtiiMrm hiuI InfiitilH, Tl "Ortliopttlic" Htwl "lUdclltr for Indira. "Geo. KfiUi V ami "Oi n.xlelii'" i int-it In H-x Ctlf, Vicl KM, CT.na .ll ill ll III IntcM llllt ail ltTt, Nt rllT4 tllilt HHIOIIIkIi Mil OHII lH I tor Christ mas Sl'pn. bij; wlwnim Household Necessities "SuprrW S;M Uiitiji.- $2G.."0 CoU stoves 7.5" Parlor ctivn C"0 Airtight heater 1.50 Kiu-hen treasurers Dining tttUea 2.75 Wool Smyrna rug 115 Moquet rtitr xG S-00 Art Squaref 3 da. fqii: 4.95 "Favorite" Sewing rliine Full Ball Inuring. head, with attachment cin e'e. . . II) 35 'SianJard Maelilu'en. VhelT k Wilson iiiMi liinw LADIES DEPARTMENT II aml-tii i lored niiim. Silk hun and Skirt, Silk Wniata, rndioklrtM, wnitiiH In nil the laerl materl niyU-H a'-d aliadeo, "oh', Jhi'kfl-, CiiHti, Kliii'nia and WrupixTB. MIL1NERY A very exlenive line of tM4'iill y de ttiviieil ham ai low prii-ea. Musical Instruments Tilk-.K,liiinw, Vio'ina, (tuitara, Man dolintt, AeeMdeiiiHf Slitvt Mll-ic", SiriiiKH, Ihi onU TOILET ARTICLES Comb (Wa ami Hctaln Silver, Hand- mlntel China, lYlluMd, Fanoy WimmI, Manieurlnir r'ta, Shavli.j; S t. Hair Hru'tiiet, (Hove, (Nov ami andkcr elder Iloxea, Cuff and Collar lloxe; I'uraea, Hand Haga, IVrfnme. Cawa, lVrfi'uinca, Holiday Xeckwarv for Ithdhnand (ientlemeii, Handkerchief, SimiH-nderMutllens Ariuleta, darter. Pocket Mlrrora, Alluima, Haxoin, Scl- Hir. I'ochcl Khlvea with fancy liaiidlea. HOLIDAY JEWELRY Solid Uold, Hold Filled Warranted IttiiK", Ihuivlela, ItrtMH-hea, ClmleUln Film, Si-arf I'lna, F.uihleiu Churiua, IK'ketn, Ijt.lica' ami (iciii' Watch (luard. FiU. Chain. Cut! liuitoii, 'Vni-t Sa'I, Collar llul.on. Studi, Sah l'lni, lit ll Buckle, lint Tina In Kold and ailvcr, Koiiveuit Smhmin and oilier Ornament, Waiclna In Solid (l.ild, (hdd Filial, Silver and N'iekid with Wall ham and other I inovemenU. te$;?J FURNITURE j M I'icture. I'lcture Frame, Fa "icy y ' II Mouldini;) Anlhiio Frutnv made in Frnine Comhco, Matlinu, Shade y - rs .-"i )lr7tVTX-? I'nrtlera, l.a.v Ciirtalna. F.lc , Mlc. - r'.l''j' ' j-' "' i V have innny other Imivaliia In lI'J1 ' l"" ll"a Wl l"Ur't v"" 1'",,u' j ,-L"J f X In and n o them. MICN'H 1)151 A1TMICNT. Silk WiMHietl Sulla $12.50 lioval Itlue Serine null 12. 50 All Wool Chevliamil-a 14.85 KiiK'i'fii Mellon Mium .14.35 llrown inixiure imiI 8.75 T'. ii-mt, line wnrl rd 4.35 iroi-M nt. ah wool 3.75 I o i r, mixed 2.00 H o, i up, Derby, J. It. Stet mmi'm and other well known lira d o( i lie lalet hl vh- HlH)UTINtl r.OODH. Wiii'ii. mer Kith-, Mirllu U.mxatiim Mil 'Kin., Savag, llainiltoii, Item ilik too and Steven Itllli H, IteVolvel, lllliilli'X KlIIViH, Field (JIiihmti, CouipaNM, HIiikIo and Double It n r.-lot (Jun. Holiday Groceries IVactak Flour, Mr nick. $1.15 W. 11. Flour, per -in k 1.00 ltreakfal llacoii, j;r ll 10 Fine Juicy ITim, a-r in 15 lie! I'oIhIin h, er nai k 85 .18 .18 25 .18 .10 05 Kmrllaii N uluiii, ht In .... Almond. a-r lh MooiiMile KmImIiih, 'J plK . . , Talile Fruit per can (Hirer. a-r can Tomato-, a-r doen L. SWETT, RAINIER, OREGON. Thi Place to do vour Tradinu. The Store thjt Saves Yon Mnnev. 1 Jk.. XOTICE TO 4'RKDITOR.H. Estate of Matilda WllvenliiiK. iteeeaard. Notice t hereby given by the uikIithIkik1'!. exfeatorof tlieentateor Miithlliln WllvenlliiK. dec-il, to the creditor of, and all ixrvniH liavlni? claims a(ialnit the Miiil mtate to pre sent tlieni, with the proper voucher, within six month from the date of thin noMce, Ui the executor, at the oiree of DllUrd A Ihiy. the nmr beinir the place for the tranartioa of the hUMlnexa or Mid etate, In the City of fct. Hi-leiii. Columbia county, On goii. Dated Soveniber'21. li" JOHN II. WILVKKDINU, Jxe-uior of the inlale of Mathilda Wllyerding, decexel. RAINIER Real Estate AGENCY. Chamberlain's Diarrhoea Kemedy. Never (ails. Buy It now. It may aavt life. ASTORIA 4 COlfeiA Rl ii RAILROAD CO. DAILY. IUO (OVI 24 22 r. a. 7:00 06 I 20 38 I 44 I 60 M t08 t It It (7 10 00 10 OS 10 20 10 10 a. a 1:001 .0 t 06 W .4 t It (4A.S t 86 M.6 STATIONS t 40 t 80 10 00 10 10 10 21 10 36 10 67 11 05 11 18 11 30 66.9 69 3 62 3 Ml 71.2: 7.7 6 90 3 96.4 9981 Lv Portland Ar .... Uobl ....Rainier .... ....Pyramid ... ....Matter .... ...yuincy .. Xlatikant .. ..Manhland .. .. Wnlport.... ....Clifton .... Knappa.... . .. Krn,a .... ....John Day... Ar aitorla had rr DAILY 21 2S a. M. 11:10 10 06 t 62 t 36 t '27 t 17 to t 02 8 M 8 83 8 16 8 07 766 7 46 a. m. t:46 8 36 8 20 8 00 7 64 7 44 T 38 7 28 7 17 7 02 8 42 8 32 8 20 8 10 W. . FISCHER & CO Rainier. Ore. Alt train make eloa connection at Uobl with Northern Pacific train to and from th Kaat and Bound po'.nta. At Portland with all train Uavlnf L'nton depot. At Aitorla with '. K. H. Co' boat and rail line and Steamer T. J. Pottar to and from Ilwaoo and North htacb potnta- Paaenr for Aitorla or way point muit flaf train at Houlton. Train will atop to let paaaencsr off at Houlton when coming froa pilau wt of Gobi. J. C. MAYO, Chamberlain's &uhoVhakcm"y. Never fail. liuy It now. It may aavc life. m iiteamer iralda. kfaka round trip botweea RAINIER and PORTLAND. Leaving Balnler at 6.00 a. at. and Pertlaad at 2:30 p. ai. dally eicepl Hunday. Wolle(t a thara of th puail patronage, and ta retnra will flv quick (arvic and a clean boat. Wa are ktr toatay and want your buainaa. Laa4 Uf at foot of 'Taylor Street. CStB3OO8O0OOOCiOOOO THE HOULTON EXCHANGE iOLEYSKlDlilYCUIlE F0IWH0IilYHD Mak. Kidney, and DUHd.r Ri(fht Curts Cold.j Frevent. ra-ti KELLY BROS., Proprietors Best of Wines, Cigars and Liquors, Kept la Stock. Oppoalto the post office. HOULTON, - ORE Still They COME w H . Y ItocauHo thoy know whern they Kt a Rood article at reawonablo priren and get treated well heyideH. We keep everything frenh and up-to-HnufL No middle-men price here. That's All Now .,0l,.r. FRED TROW Oregon 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE T jaBaaaaaBab. w 2 a. m i I I a. Tradk Marks Designs CoaVRIOHTS Ac Anyone aendlng a tketch and deaciiptlon may qnlckly aacertaln our opinion frae whether an luvemmn la probably patentable. Coniroanlr. tloiitrlctlTi!onBdritlai. HUNOBOOt on Patenu went free. Oldest airancy for aecurHw patema. Patent taken through Munn Co. receive tptrial rwtict, without charge, la th Scientific Jlmeric.ui. A bandaomely lllniitrated weekly. Lanreit ttr. culallon of any aclentlHe loarnal. Terma, a year: four month, IL Sold by all newwlealcra. MUNN XCo.38""4 New York Branch OBce. 628 F 8U Wuhlnciuo. D. U F0LEYS) DILLARD&DAY, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Traetice in any court, Ktate or Federal. Next door to court house. BT. HELENS, . OREGON. W. C. FISCHER, ATTORN EY-AT-L AW. AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Next door to post office. RAINIER. - - OREGON nnvrtjirppr yioj) mm mm Do not take chances on it wearing away or experiment with some unknown preparation which may leave the bronchial tubes and lungs weakened and susceptible to attack from the germs of Pneumonia or Consumption. Mess not only stops the cough but heals and strengthens the lungs and prevents serious results from a cold. Contains no opiates. It Saved III Ufa After the Doctor Said Ho Had Consumption W.R.DaTli,Vl8saJU, CallfornU, writes: "There Is no doubt bnt what Foley a Honey and Tilt sawed my life. I had an awful cough on my lungs and the doctor told me I had consumption. I commenced taking Foley a Honey and Tar and found relief from the first and tares bottles cured me completely." A Policeman' Testimony. J. N. Patterson, night policeman, of Nashua, Iowa, writes: "Last winter I had a bad colif on tof lungs and tried at least a half-dosea advertised cough medicines and bad treatment from two physicians without getting any benefit. A friend recommended Foley a Honey and Tar and two-thirds of a bottle cured me. I consider it tns) greatest cough and lung medicine in the world." Three sizes 25c, 50c and $1.00. The 50-cent size contains two and one-half times as ranch as the small also and the $1.00 bottle almost six times as much. ftofuM Substitutes) 1 RHEYSWCIfEYCDTvE SOLD O RECORDED BY