G LOCAL. 4 IUd Welch's new ail, ('. Hwrtt's ml lut k. Christina two week from Moil tiny. A lilt W winter weather, llmnk jou. W. K lU-Uord vIiIUnI Atorl. the 11ml of lit wrfk. Wni. lUrry, of Iluilioiig & Co., v In IliHiltni, Monday, A tlirvmitt M'Ih li tier U loading at Muc klt.'. ,iN k In Kt. titbits. Joint AtUiim, of Wnouln waa III Ifoulloti id flmi b( the week. !!. tw dnviv. of Warren wan In tli'Mi Momlny morning and gv ut nut rail. i. Mllrlivll and family vMled x aivrt and other IiU Hi Wiu.li- I, Uat werk. t'rlektid family have returned . Foil Ntvn. and are now In III-, Id ItoIlM In )IuuIimi, V rr (Ii-iuk l rapidly recovering fmrw ii attsn-k of typhoid lever, coi. trar I. I Id ! living In II. Milton. h are imiiaiMi noie iimi hum Ini Wi I'llna U ImorovliiK and wan m -I- ii I ttlirvlrd il.iM ii oil the Mieet, Vovh ny aftrinoiin. i .A in -.r ii:tnii icwt a Vain l r .si'iNMM, Mondny, known, ilroxs ItOAD PINTBICMTEALTII. County Ccrrk llendenoii liaa juat ooiiidVied ilia ort Ionium t of the county wealth I4.IU7.ii4V among the aevrral road district of the county, aa follow: . I 2 - 2rH.V 4 2Hl ""W tt . t &47fh7o 7 ...... 1H4..140 K 2II.&H0 0 ( li A1K) 10 m . 3 l&i I I xf aMiimmt.i.in. ) ' , tV4 l' 114 MUI 1.1 14 - SIH.170 rU aro the fliieat it Hit Mali Thry n In iiiNiitlilia of "J I Vira frv with carda. r . .'.hin '. dr'Ulvr m-iloii, vim a.. 1 n r f sai ' t' in. I nt I ml, ti aiutkle fill, m;i.ih In all who ue ..Iii-i ' Kkv M.,u'iImio 'IVa. Xt ivoia, 'I'i-h or 'liiiilt'ta. Ak your dnig jji.i. Cow fir aiilc, milk m rich runt yi-t it nut of 1 1 if udilir, a n'Kulur luttir i-ow.is.r furl her uirticula( in 1 1 ul tho Mlal olTliv, T. I.. 'II io liotilion Town council will imi'l In Hiljoiuiifd tfNNlnn next Moil- day I'Vi'iiln lit which linn thu newly t lictcd oflhvra will ttiku the outli of ofllcf. HI rayed, n hrown Jcrwy row, In calf, a km 4 ycura, Iciiinlcd V. on rltfht lil. AuyarMiii rt'turulutr the cow to Y. Vlvluii nt Columhiii City will bo re warded. Tint I, mile Aid of Kotiltoti w ill give u aoclul Huturd iy evening, Ik'C M, at lVrry a (irahuina hull. Como mid p't aonicthiiiK kh1 to cut and huy chimera on tho AulOKruph tjullU llolliatrr'a. Il icky Mountain Ti iH almply lliU hi i Icrirlo ly. It t;ora to every utrl of your Ui ly, lirliiKliiK new IiIoihI, Mil ftijf ' It and new V. It inikkra yuu well nud keea jou Well. :t'i cent. Auk y ur lriiKKHt. Atllio HH'cIul nut'tinti f Koiiltnu LikIjjo No. ls tho following oiVcrra were rlrctrd, Kuttirduy uilit: A. N, (J.y, X. ().; L. I). liiilley, V. (I.; Henry Keiinlrr, Sec.; uud V. K. Jtellord, Trraatirra. . reautif)'itK iiictlioda that injure the nklu nud health lire dimcrou. Jtn lieittitiful without tllcoinf.Hl ly tuk inn llolliHlcr'a Kia-ky Mountiilu Ten. Hunahiucy fiiceN follow I'.h Ufo. .Ii i-entM. Aak your druKKit. Mr. Leonunla lmby, Arthur, died ut thi homo of it m Ki'uiid iiiou(m, J Ltimhcmou, lloulton, aired two inotitha and 10 tluva. Hcrvicen were coudiu'ted hy Uev. I,ew Iluvica. Tin! reiimltm wert luld to real ut Hrtipl ooc jjrnvw yard. Special Organizer Kiln M. Porter, will lio with lloulton t'hcle No. -4TH Women of Wood Craft on next Tuea day evridiig, Di'ceinher l-ili, All ii'ciiiUth are ui''mI to attend iih hiii- 1 1 cms of I in ixr timet will romo hefoie tlio Circle. Trenching aerviceM at tho M. I). Chinch next Sunday morning nt 10 :!.", H. H. at ID; a. m. 'I'll la clianno in tlinu la for I Ida week only. II. (J. KEMP, l'HHtor. Following nre the newly elected oilkera of Avon Lodne No. C2, K. of P: . II. Copclund, C. U.; K. K. Quick, V. 0 ; W. A. Harrla, K. of It. & H.; 0. W. JJIakrHl-y, M. of F.; M. 0. dray, M. of K ; W. II. Powell, Prel. H. 0. Kettel, I (J.;M. White, 0. 0.; II. II. Oilll', M. of A.; W. B. Dillard, M. of W.; K. K. Quick, Trutttee for III ree years. The editor of tho Iteumter vlHlted HtevniHou, the county neut of SkMnia ilia county, Waali., a few days nltice to boo their court bouae. It Id the haiulMomeMt, bvut built, and ohcapoHt building of the kind we have ever neeu. It would be money well speut for our county Judge and commiBglononj to visit It, and they would there form a better Idea an to what Columbia county needs. One thing is settled In our mind, the courthouse should be liuilt In 8t. Helens, and tbey should commence at once. The taiabiti wealth of the Town of Ilalnler Ii 1113.240. 3ATAL SUITS A. it. Holmes iM iultlng III logafor Huycox'a nllll. II. Itudillinaii liaa moved bis family u to (he aliimclo mill. W. K. Conyera of ClaUkanle wna liaikluK iP ""Ut cluluia In (lie valley Inat wit'k, F. II. Ilaycox la running liU new auw mill nt full hlnnt. Hinbllmiin Itroa. willtart up their ahliigle mill tlii week for the winter seitaoli. (ra Powell entertained aevernl of her young frienda at her home near Pittxhiiiir. on Tliankxglvii'g duy. Win. Flllott, formerly of Hah haw k, moved to hi own pluce neur I'ltUhurjr, lual week. J. A IUy hna Itla aawmill net upon (hik Ilancli Creek and w.ll soon U aawing luinlier. A k'Tiind hull will he kIvcii nt Natul (Iratii.'o Hall on Clirlatmni nlhl, Dec. 'Si. VM. t Tlie iiiemta-nior Nat.it (2'aiive l ave Juat Unladed a at utile HO x 40 feet, neur the (rniiit hull. Pntrona of Huh bundry are ever fur the projKir treat ment o( the iluin nulinala. VALUES FOR MONDAY AND TUESDAY We wish in emphasize the word VALUK and define its true rneaning as it in employed in this Anouncetneiit. The .rincipsl m which our luiiess is built is Value Gifing. Th beet quality and the greatest qusntiiy for the lowest price ensiatent with modern merchandiae. Such has been our method of winning the c mft lence of the public and such will always be our plan of holding that con fi Jence. itemembtr Monday and Tuesday every dollar gets its ?alue almost doubled. Kvi'ry ladr who rpndathi ought ticome. t,TTttTT??Ttr? T ? i RA n F.R IlRPlKTMRNT. r W Civ v vv r w vf. r ys virt v -ri Table Linnens CO inch Mercerized Damask, fine asnorttnent of pulteriis; worth O.'Jc yard, special 50c 72-inch Satin Damask, several patterns; a good value at 75c yard, special, yard (X)c M-inch Union Linnen, wpar well and actually worth 4 )c a yard; special, yard Lace Curtains $2.00 Ilohinette Curtains, white ami Arabian, antique lace ind insertion, 2 yards long; special, pair $1.25 1.100 RufTied Bobinet, Bitlen berg insertions and edging, full 3 yards la ng; special llJ.j $1 50 Swi'ks Curtains, in fancy stripes, 3 yards lomg and 38 inches wide; special, pair..9."c 5Sin-li Creniii Dnmask, in a l5 Nottingham CurUins in as choice K-lection of pHtterna; wrted patterns, full 3 yards worth 50c yard, special. ...3."k j lnZ ep-cial, pair 1100 UOIES I'SDERWQR Ladie Winter weight Pants and Vests, fine wool liniah, and made to fit all Vires; worth 75c garment, special garment.. 50c Ladies, Fine Cashmere Pants and .Vests, a standard $2 25 value, cream and gray-while ibis lot lasts; special $100 Children' fleece-lined Unun Suits, cream and gray; regular 35c and 45c values bay them Monday abd Tuesday r.t suit 25o Ladies' fleecee-lined Vests and Pants, wel. finished and god weight; a good value at at 36c a garment, special garment 25c DRBSs GOODS SPECIALS i5u ilk and woo! Plaid', all the lieweat color rfiVct. J'o cl iSfl them cut quick they go hi, yard 50c Special lot of all-wool Plaids, 40 j 1000 yards children's School "aids all the newest color combinations; worth 35c yard, special, yard 19c a 1 . a jnctieg wide, in the new gray fhades; a splendid value at $1.25 yard, special, yard. .$1.00 GREAT CORSET SALE MONDAY AND TUESDAY CO ll N ICR THIRD AND MOKKl-N STKKKTS. McAllen and McDonnell CORNER THIRD AND MORRISON STREETS. J, I). (Short Iihh nil ted the Congre- Kiillonnl piiMimiKu until hia own dwelling can he built. C. ('. W llcoti bus retvlved a new pluneroflhe Inri-nt size, which wilt laj liiatulled ill hia mill hack of town. The new building, under construe- tlon nre hII more or lean delayed on account of had went her, but otherwise nre proxiieriui; aa rapidly na could la expected, Talk of ninny new dwell- lia la current. Tlie dunce Riven by the L. O. T. M. on ThniikaKi vlng Duy for tlie honcflt of Miaa Dnlay Waa well attended and netted upwnnla of fNO.00. Tliia sum wiiMacnl to Ml Wniklim, with the la-st wlahca for her aaedy recovery. Tlie four nutated achooiier ''ProHiH'r" will load nhout 100,000 fin't of luiuhcr nt the Ileitis Dock, ami then lltiMi her cnro of K-,0,(MK) feet nt tlie Itninier Mill A LumW'rCo plnut. Sli irrlved Weilneadiiy inoinlui;. The tlirce tin nUil K-hnoncr "Alpha" lum nearly completed her cargo nt the aiiiue mill. Friday evenli'g 11 hoy who waa filling uome Imiiiiim in the Knlulcr (Jrninl Hotel liuilding, w anted to mnkeNUie vliclhcr lie wna iiniig gusoline or eon I oil, and iih n tent, tried the llnitl with a liuhtcd mutch. The teat quickly proved the 'UlT to he gnaoline. Piompt and vk'oroim meii.xurea nverted whut iniuht luivo liecn n anrioua conlliiu'ritt ion. An editorial in tho Morning Oregon -Ian of Inat TucHilny touching on the auliject of compelling promoted to give heavy hoiula when they nak a town for n fmncliWc, and binding them in tlila way lo do us they agree, ia right to tlie point in Rainier. If a cet of men have capita' enough Kuck of them to put In a light and water plant cost; Ing any when from f2D,O0i) to t.r0,OOJ they will Imvo no trouble In putting up a bond of $2,000 to show their good faith, and If they enn not put up such a bond, It la a nate presumption Mint their whole .scheme Is a promotion put e an ! simple. Tim people of K ti nier petitioned their 'council to reqiiiro such a bond from the pnrtlea who sought the recently granted Light and Water franchise, (lad th!s been done, monkeying wiuld have ended nnd work would have been begun on thene plants some time ago. But our council onuld not rise up to the gravity of the occasion, and paid uo attention to the requests of the people on this subject, and the result Is, at leant from all present appearances, flint Itninier has been thoroughly and completely mugooned. 0 I SOLE AGENTS FOR A. A. CUTTER All Styles. HANSEN'S "Three Lake' CHIPPEWA HAND MADE, .j Stilson's Pacific Logger and WATSON TOWN. I LIBERAL DISCOUNT ON QUANTITIES I BARON'S SHOE STORE, 230-232 .Mo&! PORTLAND, OREGON. NCH00XOQXS REMODLING SALE. Men's Elegant Suits and Overcoats, Cravanetts and Top-Coats: Men's $7.50 Suitsfe Overcoats $4.95 7.45 9.75 14.75 19.75 2.65 3.45 i Bill I MR WW V4 i IO.00 15.oo 20.oo 25.oo 3.50 Heavy Shoes for 4.50 " Bargains In Every Line. IF NOT EIGHT WELCH MAKES IT RIGHT. WPff - pM The AMERICAN 10lWini9 CLOTHIER. 221-223 Morrison St. Cor. First. PORTLAND. ORE. (