The Columbia register. (Houlton, Columbia County, Or.) 1904-1906, December 08, 1905, Image 4

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    The Columbia Register.
Entered as sai-onrxlavw matter April M, 14,
I in post iiffin at tttititton, Orrrfon.under lh
Act o4 i onjtrw at March. I tar.
K. H. M1TCMKLL. Kdltar.
nbncriptlon prica 11.00 per year In advance
Advertising rate reasonable.
Last wk the Uoncnilliwimo, of the
Mist' eiiitorlal foundry, IimikKh! ua
(thekKalileniixraryJoiif, which Jam-xl
us from lochloii to frontalis. H
asserts hat the "ileiiioeratlv"' buunl of
Equalisation, of Columbia county, has
becu cnught tal-hauiled, holt uobing
with thewuliVw railroad corporations.
uid giTiun the Insatiate eulntleaof
wanlu., aid and comfort, by reducing
their asfiueDt. The article bristle
with facta and flgurea sufficiently to
guarantee the compiler thereof a life
Job iu the U. 8. bureau of vital atatia-
tics; and the writer Mate with aatauic
Katinf action, that !Htj72.00, in untainted
coin of the ItVnlni, huVe escaped the
coffers of the County, and been swept
by the uuKodly hand of the democrat Ic
board, iuto the omnlverous all-devour
log maw of the corporations.
hereby expocinjt a man of political
putresceuce and economic rottei
neos, the smell of which Is highly
suggestive of the close pioximitv
of a Mitchell republican. Till
$4672.00 is now' gone-Kone beyond
recall. It can be neither ued on
the Nebaleiu road nor appropriated for
the support of a perpetual Fair Com
miwioner, deplonible as the latter
propoiti"D may le to the Mist
niauiiireniet t. Itisjiint as we feared,
two years ruto, when we ured the
people to vote the democratic ticket.
We then had a premonition in f.icl
Fla)!gid we wouM nure ulipou mune
orange peel, the coueUeul aliock of
which would drive our back lone
through the crown of our sombrcm
The Mint muii, with a ptt-sdenci truly
uncanny, then foretold, with ha
matical certainty, that a leiinKralic
administration would catie the wheat
to smut and the army worm "to flour
ish lute a buy oixe." It in, ala.! true
that we promised the people if elected,
we would make the plethoric corpora
tions pay ALL the taxe; bu'. through
the iiisidioua dirtributioii of piuaaea to
each official, and each uiemler of hit
family, they found our weak xpot,
which, sad to cay, lay in our cupidity
and not our heel, and we fell mid fell
hard. And now no more will the
golden tougued orators of the de
mocracy have the temerity to mount
the stump ami blunt, with their retor
ical lightning-;, the hopes and ambi
tions of the (. O. l No longer can
our conscientious editors aud advocates
exclaim In the cla--ic language of
Plupy Shute. "we point with pride to
our unsullied record." Gone, forever
gone, is our erstw hile glory. The uu
of our uceei is dropping like a pluuiet,
behind the dark horizon of dixpuir and
sliume. Our claim to everlusiing in
famy is now complete. We were .'Vi
years living down the scandal of the
rebelimi, while some of us have run
for office on the republican ticket, to
get the slink out of our feathers; and
doubt Ich the obloquy of this thought
less flirtation with the rapacious Kail
roads, which we have s long fostered,
will clii.g to u us long us did that
lurid nightmare of the "hl.iody shirt.'
"Oh teuiMra! Oil dolores! Oh darn
The iiiipaiiinve mandates should be
eiunt'-d into law. It would have a good
til' ct on u l it of poliihtil, who
a e i-worii to enforc; ihe hws instead of
breaking them.
Cun; lor S re Mpjilcs.
As wxn a tin' roioi , done nursing
apply Chamherlaiu's Salve. Wipe it
fill wiili ai-oli cloth before allowing th"
Cuid to nurae. Many trained nurse
UHHihis with the bent results. 1'iice
y-i cents per ls)X. For sale by l'erry &
j rahuin.
"There is a Mitchell ring in Colum
bia county.' It. II. Mitchell is it."
Oregon Mist. Ho ho ho! Wouldn't
thai jar you. It is a very small ring,
but it worries our brother of the Mist.
Delinquent Taxes
For the Year of I904.
Tiilue vf ft warrant for theeollection of
dtllriMit U it Itva fwmiiil ot th year
la al xxaiuiuuiai iu"i) riawj as
orrMt W nlch warnm la now lu ray aanai
nl la la WiMrusauu Sgttiraa lulwiar:
KTaTI or Oaa.xig,
loi xti or Cow am a.
Ta la Kkrir f Otsmkla
(I), Oeeia.
IKiV.Vwi are hereby roiiuiuaiided to nrll
m several arllou ol iicraonal itoiwrly, anil
laarex kt ol real ratal ina.ii which such laxea
are reasrtlwly lerled and ahiiwo lo I dclhi
H lien I, llllatd and ulMMlkvlrtl on im WtlUlu
and forraotnaT III roll cooslalinil lati Vid-
unift marked A. I M., at Hi . lu IM III
uikiiimt pruvulnl ly Ih.
Wiiimi n lutnJ anil arat nt I he Cimnly
(Nmti nf lJu.uiia fount;- HUH'ul irvi(ou.
IUU J7Ul day ol ik-lolH-r. A. I , l-V
M. MtM'KrtaON.
Miuiy i'lrla
Whli h arnint l attarhnt ti lha lltofuiv
MHl and Ji-Iiiuiui-mI tmxrm kir III vtr l4. Ill
talil l olurolila tvunlv, llrvymi.'aml hi punu
Miuvot attlit warrniil I will m'II Um IhIIii tuat
lll ill real lnlTly for Ihv ilrlliKiui-m, uii
iialttaiul uiHiillrrlrl tax on Ihr Mine, aa
a-Hn on thvttvUuipivul la mil fur Ilie Mtltl
)rr l'.l.
DECEMBER, A. D., 1909.
Court lluiiar. In SU llrlmi. Columbia I'uuutr
Mutvul limiin. In-(iiiiiIiiic at tin1 Imur ol 10
ii. Imk In ilt hinpiiirain if km l1 ilav. ami Mll
rut-li latrri'l ur pnni-U In xtmmi (to ufltra lo
my tin- btxni, mil ai it accruliiK -iillU-
Ihervtin, uiul lake a ftriltW'ali' i( ule at thai
luwent rale of Inlrreal.
Slx-rllt ot CuIuiiiMa l on nly, Un-gun.
11)CMV OK l utl'MMIA. i
I liiTiliy rt-rtlfy tliat llin wnrrant mrliiM
above ma true unit nirn-cl oii'j i ilu original
itrraiH lor Ilie rollrrUoii ol ai-liulii-iu bix
lor l la- yvur
M ARTIN Wlill K.
8lu-rilT of Cotumiila Coiuiiy, Urvgon
N. II. All tlinoe a lnhlint In inv Intra
Ix tore naieiHl Ilie IiiikIi advertlnt liriv-
In, uiul M-ml in aiMtliim In the aiinnint
lated, the root of aUvi rt lng, winch
at the rale of luci-ut-l u lluv.
Auk. Alexander 8 W '4 of S W , mv .H,
tl A S. K l W tux with lM-n uml Inl JK'i
Adtutm. Juiiii'n M. lot. I. '.', :l In lllm-k J I
MellliiKer' Add lo Vertioiila.Ux w ith
lien and inl
Autlri . I'. S. I'oiiuiienriiii! al a hhiiI i'i
rhiilna S. of N. W rorofMW '..ilu-m-e
(."x liuin.; tlienii'K Kli-lmlnn;
llii'lu-i N i lialiiK', ihi'ine W
lii iliailiit lo Ixfiliiui it M-e ."J ti S N, It
W , lav, la-n and Inl in.
Anlilimn, I'. K. Ij.I ii and N W'.ofSK1,
and S id f K ei- il, ti N , It j W
lux, in n mid lot . I.I Hi
AtkniK, J. A Jr. I nd ., Int Ii. S K i, olS
h mt 1.1, ti T .V K .1 W, I nd ,lnt
in r. of N K 4 "if :i. in N It .1 W ,
I nd . lot net- l-i Ip 7 X K '.' W, I nil
lilt III loin I, lllld X ' .f! fc1, of
S W i4 tv I t Ip 7 N, It .' W, tux, a.
and Int I1M
Itailey, Howard V. I'lnl Add to Vi rno
li In. Iit I. -J. I. I. 'i, . 7. X. '. !, II
and la, IIIim-. 1J, to Willi K-naliy
and Hit It 07
Hmwu.W.L. X K'.ofH K U-a Jarre
mi? 10, ipH, k ;l W, tux, m-ii mid Int .IS 4.1
llniwn, Mrs. M . I.. X ',o. ',fii W
Iras .' aerx-a uml N of S W '. of (4
W ' , an t S of X W i , of a V r4
11,' tpbX of H :l w; lux, n-ii nmi Int.. UK
Ilrymit, u. J. All timl ixirilon of (he it II.
lUMlniii Uml !! In tui'tlon V ii I ul
IS Ip 7 X nf K i W . evi-i'plliig I.'i urn
to li. I'. Illutl, exit-ptliiK H arrea lo W'.
i. Ili.i'k, exi-i-ptliiji lUaerea l II. W.
Join-, i-xrepiinir J', m-rea do J. I'.
Molina': exivpUnK tl arm to J. X.
Kii-i-. IjiIm:i v, 1. II, Kiitijlvlnlon of
III I. Wiitfnni-r i. I.. . li ainoiiiit in
lli-nwni, Ip 7 X ol K 4 W ; Uit I.
mi- h ip 7 X of in; Un 1 inn t
to lli ii-on. hull mid viclHitialil mm- H,
t 7 X or it I W . 1-1 add to I liilHkiiule
lot I lllia k :,, tax, pen mid Int 4 I'
Itryallt, K. S. I.ia I, 17, .'J. X; mid S of
Urt m ill iliv of Hie I W'aoni-r, I). I..
r. s. ip 7 N of It 4 W: l,ni ." (jut).
Dlv or Ihe 1 Virtier I'. I.. I". Ie tic
amount to (ii-rirude Kil.a-n. Ii-m Ihe
ainouiil Inl lurk the
amount to Hi-iok.ii it It. I " miioiiiit
to cotiiity road we s, tp 7 N of It 4 W,
ljiitff '1, .1, S, l 'i. Is Mih. I Ilie liryuut i
I., r. mm- h tp X o It 4 W; lil II, mt
5 tp 7 X of It 4 W. .1 is Inu riKt In nil
tlmt pnrt of X of the K i. Ilryanl I
I., r. Ij 1:14 W of pn-M'iii utemiiliiuit
i'Iiuiiiii'I Mi'lloim f, mid s tp 7 X ol It 4
W, I ill,. :;, I. In ISIiak 4 I'liiiakunli-,
iiiteri'id In liu 4. 7. s, lu IfliM-k 4,
I IhIkLuiiii-. Iiln :i Rinl I lllm'k I, IhI
A'Hl to I ill--, I. I :t, MliN'k H, ll
Add to I InUkmile, U1 1, Itlia'k Int
Add to rirtt-kmiie. tut, pen and Inl ')' 4n
lirymil. Mr. M. I . Ijit J I'.loi k . Jut Add
to ( Int-kHlin-, l.l I ItliM-K i.. Ul Add
,o ( lalkuulf, tin, m-ii uml Int , 10!
liiii kxlroiii, I.. o; l,ot -2. -I. I I'.loi k 1 in
NiH-t tv, tn'x, pen anil Inl ... 1 ll'l
Itiiki-rmnl linki-r, X 'jiil.HW mul H K
(4 of S V 1 4 X., Ip IX ot It W tux
pi'ti mid Inl I.'
Ulolt. (ii-nrt'i- K of M W nee 7 tp :l X of
112 W, lux, ii-ii uml inl II .VJ
Bnli', Sarah A. All Unit portion of th" S
K!,oflheXK lymif 'el of No
imli'iii Kiver In 111 ipli X of it 'i W
tax. nulty mid I'lter.'Mt .ill
I'.oi.h. Aii'lr.-w l. il In, Itiix'k 17 Vernoiiiu
lux, pen mid ml . Ill
r.ra'li n, Milly i'w'a Add to VeniMilii,
liti I. .'i iiloi'k 7 iiix, H-ii and int 'in
lini'li'ii, in. II. r lri Add to Vt riiniil,
Iot " lllm k I i, lux, p.-imlly Mini Int. Z
ISruinlx-Hi;. It. Si'i oiid Ai d lo Vi-riioniii,
Lot 1 1 ; I'M" ii I, lux, o n 11 ii l Int 'J'.
liiirU.-, II. I'., uml MurtiiH s V.fXK','
end W iji K 4 .;. Ip7 ol II W
lux, pi'iml'y uml Inlir. hi ...I.', rt)
ilynon, 1 n d S. Molllinsor'N Add lo Ver
in, niu. IoIh7. . II, in, 11, II! in Itiiick .'I
tux, pen mid Inl 1 !fl
Kyiion, Huh II. Mi'lilnijer'ii Add to Ver-
noniu, IH 12 I'.lock 2- lux, ih'H a Int 2ft
('liuinliri-uii, W. . (,'cilnr t i iiiIkt on N
a ofH W mid rt :t ofs W ! , wr 2.1
Ip N ol It i W, lux, pi n nnd Int '. 'i
fiiiiiphell, Win. hi'coiid Add to Vcrno
iioniii, !,: 4, 6 mid K, In ItliM'k 7, tax,
-n and Int 7S
f.'lii'eniH', M. It. Komi's Add lo Voriiniilit
I t I'.', liloek ', lax, pen mid Int . . 2."i
Clark, Anna M. N '.t of H W mid W
ol H K k : tp II N It :i , lax ,h m
and Inl 27 KT
Oinley, John Koeond Add Ut Vernonla,
.Ota l. :i, lliuid 4, In liloek W, tux,
pen and int 1 02
Conway, John F-hIhIc, 71 news In nee HI
tp 7 N of It 4 W, tux. pen and Inl 8 25
Cramer, .IiiIIiih 11. N K V N V. 1 and S
Y, of N K we. Kl, tp 4 N of it J
penalty and interest 11 27
Daniels, K. A, 8W '4 seo'lon 2U tp 5 N of
K 4 w tnx. pen aiid Int 14 8.r
I'Ippold, Mrs. Y M. N K section 11, tp
tt N of K. II W, lax, pen and Int 9 90
Dunean. J. It. K of M K K of N YM of
see 14. in;i N or a X w tax. tsm It Int.. 10 W
Dye, Frank N K 14 of X K V : l-"'. tp 7
N of K 4 W, tux, H'ii and hit
Daniels, Uoorue H. Columbia City, Lot
6 liloek 2 nix, Int and ien
Daniels, M. N W of 8 W K aoc 10, tp
8NofK2W. tHX.fieii amf Int. .......
Davey, K. t. and OeorjtJa Ixiu 1,2 and .1
4 73
4 16
8 97
mciw, tpsm, it 4. tax, pen and Int
12 Inclusive In Mulfidicer'a Add to Ver
nonla, tax, pen and Int 14 10
Decker, l.lllie A. Estate, HefrlnnltiK at N
W corner of N R 4 of N W 4 section
24 tp 4 N of K 2 W thence east 40 rods:
thence south 20 rods; thence west 40
rods; thence N 20 rodi to place of Iw
Davis, Anna h, t nd y. Inlln K V. of H K
U sec 2-2, tn 4 N, of it 5 W and ftid XA
lilt In N W 1 of 8 K -t. tp 4 K;
of It A W'.anA I'nH irn n f.i 7
Initmc. lai. lii ami liu I a
IVI.aliuiull, Maria I lid Inl la N W
i, an- W. I .1 N , of u J w , lax, la-nal-
ly anil tuietval I U
IM1 II ii vita in, w, II. TIMan4 In front of
U I, HIiM-k I, and tale ImihI In rroul
oimimiiIi x)a--iof J wiwi, ( uiuuibia
Cllv. tan. 1-Il anil Inl . Ml
IVhtlna. Aim H W i4 of M W t arc til,
uu.MKKin ana w or "t
ami N W t, of S W I are l t a N, ol
U W. .i nan4liil ... X'U
Prate. J. It. a Hha-k .K III OhuiiiIiIm
i lly. ux, ln-ii ikI Inl I
Kllloll, 1 1. K. H W ol SKI, a 2 In
T N , of R A w : , '.UK', ami
of N K rrthin II, liJN,ofHMVj
TlinU-r I'll N K of N W ami N V
4 ol N K of mi IIoii ti, Ip T N, vf K
!. XV. lax. inn ami lu Ill tl
K)irllni;ir lrhrni, lmroemaut ou
l.lm in. lUlnh-r. Mt. lien and Inl ... 7 3
Edward. J. J. Ul t Haak a, Vernonla
lax. tn ami Inl 'J!
Ktl'loiii. I da an! i & ami a and H of
n w oi M-e .-v ipa .,oi i. w , lax.
IVn and Inl . ft 1.1
rarnkotT. How l-ol in. IIUm-k t Flral Add
In i-ruoiila. lax, lien ami Inl W
Kiler. W. A. S W w Mill N. of It ft
W . lax. 'i ami lal vs w
Funic. John, rrae Una I. 1 11 and i. lit
riiia-k .v.'i oiuiuiiia i lly, lax. ieu. lui. si
rUhorly. Kd. I nd lul. n-.l in Ina I,,
lllia-k I. I iiluiiilila I'ltv. lax. lain and
IiiIiti-! .. . IS
l.'arrlMm. Frank n. Frai'tlon N w U of
In 4 , It i W. lax. In Inl ... It U
lUrrl-m. l. i N K ol N W no i l
S N. K 1 W. lax, i-ru and Hit HO
(irlfho. Mr. J. II. iw I n nl mi at M K cor
of S W , re ti i N, II i W; them
weal III nt: tlK-ne nnrlli n rutU;
Ihrlii-e enal Mi nnl; llirm-e anuth -kl
ml. lax, iieuallir and Inl
UrlftU. Viola, IaiI S. M-elloit i, III 4 N, of
It 2 W, lax, In ii ami Inl
iallivalli, Mr. Jane Me. K. N '.ol N W
olnr.w, U SN.H S, wx, eii a
Ilerke, Mnrlti: Went luarn-a or S W
of S K of are I V, li :l N. ol H 'J V ,
tax, eii mid inl
UoliUiullli, M, lnt S and I. aee ., ti 3
N. nl K i W , lax. lien mul Inl
llalnea, V. W . Hum- Add III Vernonla.
.V llliN-k I, and Hiw'i Add lo r
nonla. loUH ami 7 lllo lc 'J, lax, eu
and lot
Hand. Nellie F..H K l,wJ, t(i .1 N, of It
W, tax, wn and lot
lUwkliK.Jmi h.ll-tm..r Jidin H llnwklna
l I.C, Hl.MV.'l, lp; .N,( R 1 W .lax,
10 '20
1 s
A 70
u ami oil
12 IS
llawklna. Ada W of M W . see 21, tp
7 ,n, of k.i w, tax pen and tin
termini. S. Ud I and N W or X K .
and H',ol X r! M-eitl tpn X, of It I
W , tax. n aiid Int
lleyaiasl. I', K. Senmil Add to Verno
nla l.ot. 1, 1 and .'i, ItliM-k 7, tax, pen
and ml
lllrklinill, A. First Add to Vrllionlil
lus i ami S HIiH'k 'I, lax a-n .V Int .
IliKvlna. J- K.-Tnina'. a s K ' and X
W ',of a K'.and S K.'.or.a W '4v
7. IpH X. ol It A VV and X ol X K
and X l, X W Ma' II. tp I X. of II
W, lax. a n and Int
llolllilni, F.Ua I. Sia-ond Add to Verno
tint. Lota . j, :t. 4,7, lu. II and 12 Ii.
Hha k .", lax a n mid int
lllllihe. i lelav la, f ml 1 . Interest In N W
M-r :t2 tp j N ol K .' W, lux, a n and
lnten-l ...
Johnson, I.. J. Kirnt Add to Wriioniit.
Uila .' mid II. IMia'k 1 1, I olmiililii I 'II v
I jits mid Id liloek 21. tux, an uml
Hit .
JllliKliH kle. V. F. X W . sir s, Ip S X, of
it 2 U ; lu, I "ii and Int
It Hi
17 'A
.'d Ml I
1 Ml
A liil
II 40
Koskin, n-tur liiit 2 lllis k 1. Dohle. lax
iii mid Int . .
Kelley. I. I. Flr-I dd to Ver on la
I 3
l.ot 7 nnd s, lllia k tax, ullh n
and let .V., John. Ktle of, H W ',ofSH I,
sie 21 ti 7 oflt .1 tt and X V of
N W ', a '2'i Ip 7 N or It I W. tix,
wllh a.-ii and hit 12 pr.
Kexaer, lnvnl il. K ',of H W ', m-c '!, Ip
I X of It 4 W, Mix, pen nnd interest.. 12 Vi
Klnnev.M.J. l-ols I, 2. 't. I slid K'.i.r
W a.e l'i. tp .i X, of It I W, lux with
fa'iiulty stnt Int ! :t'i
Ullie. Mrs. M. A. A of W , lllld H K
l4 of S i . and SI1, of a W ' , a,,
4, ti N of II i W and ME1, of X K
iind S K off K w. too N of
It A W, tax with a'n nnd Int . 12 IX".
Mnk, Mie. Nirri ili , Lots 7 and , Hl.a k
4. tin w ith S'ii nnd Int 'M
I. Ink, lilemile, luuiof. Nn lly, lota
.1, 4 .'iaii'1 1 liloek 4, lux with n and
Int tW
Link. M.I). Seeriliv. It 12, liloek 22,
tax with (a n and Inl 17
Link, tt llltc, .Veer I lly. Iils Hand lu In
llns k 4, lux with lM-n and hit .. :i
Unisllinoiit. 1'eter, tiiinrdimi. Ids 4. X
lllol tlmt plLTt of I j.t . IvItiK west of
nind of 1. A. and II. J. r'ri. ki', le :
ai res to Moil ill see Is, tp :i N, of It I
tt. All iIihI sirt of Inla, I '2midNNV
ofX W lylntf north of Imnl of
( iirlstlne .lohnaon in sir I'. Ip ;l X. of
It I W, I nd Intermt In M K nf N
Y.K wc 1. tp N, of II i W, tux. hhi
and Int . 4 .
Iivearen, J, II. Moeo'sAdd to Knlnler 9 and III, lilis k .r.l, tax with poll
and IntereM II 70
Lyons, M.J. H tt' see M, tp li X, ol It 2
tt , trfx with m ii slid lot ... Ill .'l
Merrii), Kdlih, In'Kliinlnu at a isilnt H
:i In" K il ehiitiis nnd links and X
r.i 40' W I KSi'hiilns In. in Ihe Inillsl
ixilnl of I hi' Mir'". of the town of
I'lstskanh", tliein'e H .Vl In K IHI lia-i:
thenee '."i tu' W HI', lia-l: thenee N
M" lu' W line, feet; thenee N '2'' ' M V.
M',rii-t lo iMvriiiiniiL'. In town of
I lnt-kllllle, uml l,i.l I liloek I Hiillth
i lulsHunle, lux with pen and Inl .'I '27
Merrill. A Un it, riiilskiinie, l.ol llllot k '2
nix with pen mid Inl ft M0
Merrill. Noriniiii, S K ', or. S W and H
W ', or is I'. 1 :, siH-tlon mi, tp II X. or It 2
W; Sorl li aeiea uf X K '4 of S K "
aoi'lloii 1. to i X, ol K '2 W; South l'i I
iieiea id N r. ' i of X li ' . aeeilon I.1, Ip
i X. of It 2 W; S K ' , of SI'. ' , lesa the
IlillOIIIlt III HHII'Irt, eN ( it rlKlltof
wav III si e'lon II, Ip 7 X, of It I tt ; H
i f'.r.N K'.nnd X K of X K'imiil
tt i , of S K ', M ellon 21, Ip 7 . of
KIW; l.ol 7 slid X VI i, of N W ',
seel Ion 22, tp 7 N. of K I w; X K 1 , of
HI) -, seellon 21, Ip 7 N, of K i W ;
I aiU ,.s lllld H W i(iiii. N iv ', ol'S K
'4 leas A A (' It It Co nilil. of wuv in
M'l.'iiuii I, ip 7 N, of K .'i w ", rnil hull
oftliat srlioti of the.). Merrill li. I,,
(.'. I.ViliSt ''HHt ol I leer iMlillnl 4oiikIi III
seellona 4 slid ft. tp .1 X. ol It I tt : N
V of X K si ciion fi, tp 7 N.ol It I
W; lli'iclniiliix in a point on sonlh
line or .1. Merrill's I). I,. ('. ll.W cIimIiim
Kiii.iI 4 '') i'IiiiIiim north ol coiiiiiioii
corner of wcllons 4, !, xl), tp.ri N of It
I V; tncnee X I ' X' K ;t.'..V2 eliniiis;
thence north IK lu cIiiiiiih to tint nurtli
llt.ei.f .1. Merrill's I) L. ('.; Ihenee K
M cIihIiis lo low tide line; thence H
llu I I' K Is.lHI chains: thenee. M o" ill' W
3.'.7 chsliis to sotilii line ol J. Mer
rill's I). i. '.; thence west. 2 chains to
heKllinliiK and coiiUiIiih iii.'i? acres.
Also hcKiiinlnir at a point In exten
sion of south I Ine of . I. Merrill's I). I
1.'. 4.:J chitlns N and ill. 07 chains K of
cimiinon cornel lo sertliniM 4, ft, H, !l,
tp ft N. of It I W, thenee, N W W I'.I.Kl
oIihIiih; tlienee Y. 'I chains: tlicnce H
IH'Mi K20.u:ieliallM to exlen-lon of
H line of said U. I,. C; ilienen W on
said line K..V) chains to IjcioiiiiIiik nnd
contai.iN 10.42 acres, In Neer lly loll
6 and 6. hlix'k 2; In (,'oliunhla Clly,
' lot '2. liloek 211. I'lulskiinle, Iits 7 and
ii lllix k 1: Clalskanli), 7 and H liloek ft
Clatskanle und :'i Interest In Ixils 1,
2, 7 and H, blo k i, tux, with penalty
nnd Int 209 15
Mllli-r, Khner Commencing at 8 K cor
ner of the land ol J. M. (ircwell (see
hook il piiKU Hit) thence north ill' 41
cunt oil K lioilliilary of said tract 40
rods, thence H ll'2J f: 40 nxls, thence H
41' 4.s W 40 rods more or lest to the H
line of the H. . Aclillles I). L. V ; and
theme N 02' W III roils to place of be
frliiiilnK andoonlalns lOacrea, beinga ,
part of Hie M. C. Achilles I). U C, sec
tions 17 and IK, tp 4 N, of R 1 W, tax
with penalty and Int 2 85
Mills, Ktnery K ofH W i and W of H
K li tee 211, tp 4 N, of If 4 W, tax with
peu and Int 15 45
Monroe, J, C. and Martha Commencing
at a point 13111.10 feet N and 40 feel W
f IS k corner ol tbe 11, )l. Hastings V,
l.r. la aretlons Miand IT.IpT
M 4 W ; Imiiihi W iA rials, Iheiav IMtrtli
l Mais, Ikeneo al )U ruda, to rai
llnol pixaa-nl etinuty riant: llin(V M
l rials to pine ol t-lnnhf and eon
tHlna aeia, bm la, Ip N, of K 4
W.lax with la-n tint Inl
t IS
Miiekle, iKwinda A, Itetfllinlnf al Ilia
InlerareUoii of tna Una dlrtdlnf the
Unitlaol F, V. liM'lMner ami lHaoi
HlaiH'hard lth Ilia uittMherlr line of
IhaA. '. It. It. I'd. rlii I.I of way,
llieue N. 14 K. to channel ol To.
In initial Klver, thenee N. 1 1 0 W. aj
feel down said river, lliene H 110 W,
!ko lia-l lo uid rtfhl of , tlionrw S.
9 K. followlna "Id rill hi f waf l.l
Ihe plaea of iM'ilniilng, UX allll ll.
anil Int. . 23
Mii Wriv, Martha U N W I, ot UK', of
Nsi J4, lpT ,,of IU XV, tax Willi ti
ml tin
Markliitisili. Mary A. H ; of N W
I Wt A
ri w of Mi', ntaee XI. tp S
.x w. lax, ta n ami nil .
Mammon. I', A. M K ' nf ai -ja, tp 4 X,
ol K i W , 'ax, pen sod ml
Maniuam. I', a, U. W i. of a K ' of xi
'21, lk III W. ami lot S, see '27,
ins X.of H 4 W.lax. ta-n ami Inl....
Meeker, J. U Vnd add In Vernonla, Iota
I. 'J. I'hM'k , las, pen ami Inl ,
Mrash-k. W, I, 2m: a id to
Veritolila. o
6, tilia-k a, lux, pen and Int .
Mlnsle. Joseph. W hull ol X W I, of see
27, tp 4 N. of R 4 tt , tax, lam ami Inl
Murlell, lleorve II. '2nd add lo Vermuiux
Iota a, 4, t, in, In liloek 27, lax pen
and Inl
MoFlrnv.N. Kvs llelts of. Cud half Inl
In sK'.nlH K '.or see It, tp7 X.of
It a W: nnd hal.'lnt in K half N K
' , of see '21, ti 7 X, oi K It w : nnd hulf
Inl III lot 7, see l. tp 7 N. ol H 2 M :
u d half Int In Iota I. I and N half of
UK l, of see 1U, pl N, ol H JW, tax,
Inl ami "'n ,. . . ...
MrllaliMii, A. I. Illy, loll,
hlia-k 77. tax, pen a. id lot
Newell W A. M ', o N K. and M K ',
ol N K of se 2. Ip & N. id It I VV.
tax, an and Inl .
Xorlhmp. j. Fast aide add to Vernonla
lot A, lilm'k ln.lax. 'en ami Int '2
tklumlrr, Kmiiia A. H tt I, of X K ', and
HI.', of N K ' and W ' of N V l4 of
32, Ip J X, ol K ft W, lax, im'ii and
Int.... 7i
tlnaendal, II. J. Ud .1 lias riilroad rlllhl
of way. see, 14, tpk X, of It a W. tax,
4'il and Int S 4l
I'liwie. Fllee T X K ', olM tt I, of Ma- '27
Ip I V. of It 2 W; a i.ol M F. ol .ee?7
Ipl N.of H JW;X F ',of HK'.ofsrfl
'2. tp 4 X, nf It J W ; X tt ', of N W ,
ol Mi- .Vi, Ip I N.ol II 2 tt , tax pen ami
Int 41 1-
I'alne. IJonriio M. Sr. '.am' K',ofStt
4 ol sec 2.'i. tp I X. ol It 4 W , tax, ien
ami Int .... . . . 121 .'
Katnla. Thns. a F. ', of m SJ, tps X, of
It & W, tax, m-ii and Inl ' .'.1
Hold oti, A A. K 'o la M . h see 23.
tp I X. id t AW; N '.ol N W i, nf mo
2.. I y I X, of It A tt . in, j en and lilt '271 IX)
amlsiroin. Jnliii. lots ..,.. iiislnm-el
Ma II, tp s N, of II I tt , tux. pen and
lilt ... ..II.
iipiHaie t o. All that portion
i.fllieH M. Wulo i I.. I . Dial la
hnlinili'd on Ilie X.irlli l.v the huiillh
Hue .t Ilie IIiiii.Hi I jimla-rson I' I..
I' , nil the ileal til Sea."BM Creek,
on the Month In I. mil ol I ri d (ler
her. on the Fast l.l X I'. II It. Co.
rlii'il of a it y , and contains I iiert-a,
mt i.'. ip .1 . ot ii i w . a ix a in inn i
Inseliliierv, ete,, Nil. M'ii mid lilt
Mlii-srer. Ilerths I. ,s ', ol H V '.ami W
s: us
1,0ft F;'. of Ma-, V Ip ,i,
1st, la-uulli and Int
lu itt
Hlll.llsn. I Isril I lalakanle, nnd . Int
III In'. '2. Iil.a k I, tax. M il uml Inl
Hhenr . F'n'ik K. X Y.'t of va K'.un.l
W '.ill UK', of .ia- .'J, p 7 X . of II i
tt ; X W . ' , of a tt ' , of see 21. I p 7 N .
of It 'itt , tux. u and Inl
Mniinuker. Frsnk tt , Vennnilu, ha In,
liloek 12. tox a'ii mid hit . .
Mmlth, Amos M. Nit!, '2, it I, o .11, Ip 7
X, of K 4 tt , tax, h-, ami Int
Htew art, Joiiii, loia 2. I uml ', of X F. '.
oru-e il, Ip j X, of It 2 tt , UiX poll and
!l K'.
12 10
lul . .
htewiirt, John. N '.ol X K '. and M W
41 tk'.
', of X K ', 22. Ip li II. of II il tt ,
lav , - a id Inl
Thninaa, It. K. MeapiMHiao, lo il, litis k
tux, a-n slid Inl
Tin, mi on. tleiiuett. i'liii'lsinll h shop al
lloiiitoii, lav, pen nnd li.l
Turner, Onirics F. tt'1.. of X F1. of see
ill. in it X, of It I tt ; rf W ',o S Y ', nf
M'oiiii, IpH X. ol It 2 W, tax. ta n and
Tedlord. ! C. H "A ', ol N i, and N tt'
', ol H tt ', of mm- .'4. tp7 N. of It il W,
lax. pen slid tut
I'ptiiii, W. tt'.- K-lnti. lila t, 2. .1, M'i
iki, lp N.of H V; lots 1,2. .1,7, H.
and X ', ol X W ', ol Ma- HI, Ip s N, It
W i tola I, 2. il, I, ice it.'. 1 p n ,N , of It
A tt ; lots I. 2, il, 4, see iCI. Ip a X. ol It
A tt ; lots il, ii, 7, see ill. Ip N N, of It i
W : lo's 2. il. 4. I. tt. 'i and X ' ol X V
21 7
10 .'n
I, snd X K',ofK V '. and X IV '4of
M F. ' . a ml H W ' ; i ol a tt ' , ol mi
s N, of R ' W , lux, a'ii and Inl ,V
t'llkliown Ml. Il'leua. lad I, lllmk Ii,
la x wlih " ii unit Int
I'llkn.ovn. H llrletis, l.l 2, liloek 7,
Isx Mil pen mid Int , . .
t'nknown, st. Ili'l. iiv' lil 4, liloek 7,"i,
tux lih 'ii und Inl . ..
I'likiHiwn, HI. Helena, lil '., lil.K'k 7 i, Inl
with ani nnd lut
flikno.i n, HI. Helens Lot I',, liloek 7 i, lax
with 'ii and ml
I'iiWh.w li, Mt Helens. Iit 7, lll.s'k 7,'i, lux
Willi H'II snd lut ,
rtiknown, Mt. Iloieus, bit a, lllm k 7.'i,
lux Willi poo and Hit
t'llkliown. Ml. Helens, l,ol u, liloek lav
Willi H'ii snd lul ....
flikiionn. Ml. Helens, l.ul 10, lilo. kTi,
tax wil li pen slid nil
t'llkliown. SI Helen, l.ot , lllis'k T.'i,
t ix with m ii snd Inl ..
t'liUiiowii, Ml Helena. 12, lllnek 7.1.
In X Willi p' n slid Inl
I'likliown. Mt lli'leiia, l,ol II, HllH'li
tax u II II pell 'in. I lut ...
1'iiki.oun, St Holers, l.ol II. Itl.ak 7.'.,
In X w ith pen nnd Inl
CllkllMU II. HI. Helens, l.ot I.'i, liloek 7.1,
lav with pen irlul lul
I'likiiowu, si. Helens. Lot II',, lllnek
lux tt llli noii uml Int
I'liknuK'ii, Mt. Helena, Lot 17, lllm k 7 i,
lux wiih pen uml Inl
t'llkliown. Ht He, ens, l.ol la, l,lm k "
tux with pen nnd nil
t'nknown, Ml. Helens, Lot l!l, liloek V.'i,
lux wli'ii lM-n and Int . ,
t'liklinwii, HI. Helena, Lot .11, lllis k 7 i,
tux with pen nnd Hit
I." it k now ii. HI lli'leiia. IhiI '21, lllisk 7"
lux wlih pen and Inl
t'llkliown, Ht. HcletiM, Lot 22, lllnek 7s,
lux with pen and Inl
t'llkliown, Ht. Helens, lit 1, illock K0,
tax with pen and int.
t'nknown, Kl. Helens, Lot 2, Work Wl,
tn x with pen nnd Int
Unknown, Ht IIoIiiiih, lit ,1, liloek Ml,
lux with M'ii mid hit
t'llkliown. Ht. Helens, Lot H, Illock HO,
tax with pen and Int
t'liklinwii, rSt. Helena, l,nt U, Ml,
tux with ien mid Int
t'nknown, Ht, Helens. Lot In, Illock Mo,
tax wlih j.oii and Inl
t'llkliown, Ht, Helens, Ixit 1, Illock In.'.,
tax with 'ti and Hit
t'llkliown, Ml. Helens, Utt 2, Illock lil.'i,
lax with pen and Hit
I'liknnwn, Mt, llelnhs. Ia1 il, liloek lO.'i,
lux with pen mid Hit
I'liknnwn, Ml, Helens, Lot I, liloek 10.'i,
tax with pen hii.I Int,
Unknown, Mt. Helens, Ixit tt, lllm k lC'i,
tax with tie n nnd Int
Unknown, Mt. Helens, lit 12, lllmk 105,
tax with pen and Int
Uiiktio'vn, HI. Helens, Ixit 17, liloek 1U.'i,
tax with (kiii and lot
I'nkno vii, Ht. Helens. Ut IH, Illock l(k,
tax with pen and Int
I'd known, Ht. Holeim. bit 111, liloek loft,
tax with pen and Int
Unknown, ht, Helens Uti 20, Illock 105,
tax wltb iK.ii and (tit
Unknown, HI, Helens, Lot 21, liloek 105,
lax with pen and Int
Unknown. HI. Helens. I Ail 22, liloek 105,
lax with pen and hit
Unknown. Ht, Helena, Lot I). Block KB.
. tax with pan and Int
Unknown, Ht. Helena, lot 4, nlock loo,
tax with pou and lut
I' Helens, lllnek lmt,
tax with la'ii ami Inl
I'llkllliWII, Hi, Helens, Ua S, IM k
lai a lih la-ri ami Inl
I'likiHian, HI. Helena, Ud t,
lax with nan and Inl
Cl.knoin, St. lUleiia, Urt a, liloek lli,
lax x III) pen ami Int
Cliknnan. HI llalrns, l-d , IIIim k Hat,
lax with ii and Inl
t'likuoaii, si. Helens, lad II, lls k hit,
tax with IH'ti and Inl . ,. ........
I'liktiiiwn, l. Helens, IJ, lllis k list,
tax Willi pen and lul ,
I'likiioan. at. Ili'letis. Lot II, lllis k lixl,
lax with a.ii and Inl . ...
I'll known, r-t. Helens. Ut II, lllia k Ud,
lax with an ami Inl
t'nknoMii, Ml Helena nl t liloek lo",
Isx wild ti ami nil .,. . .
1'ltkl.i.a.H HI II..1.I1S Ijftl lA. Illia-li llSi
N I tax allli la-n slid In'
t'llkliown, e! Helen., lad 17, ttlork list,
fU .in, ... u...i i..i
4 IAI I'nki.iiao. al llelfi.a. lail 14. Iil.a k hat
I . will. t,ai. ait lul
'ft t'ltknuau. ai. Helena. Uil Jit, lll.s k U".
tax with s'ii and hit
I' SI llnl.,,1. I. a 111 lll.a-k list
lax with la.ii and ..I ...
I' HI. Helena IjU 'JJ. Illiai . II.
'Jl tax w lih in-ii and nil
I'liklo.wil. HI. Hek.l.a I .ill a IliiaM l.U
3ft tax wiih iH ii uml nil
t'llkliown. Kl. Helena. Uil 10. til. irk Ilk
i X tax with lam and Inl
t'liklinwii. HI. Helens. laH II, llha k 111,
lax with en nnd Int
t'liklinwii, HI, Helens, lH 12. llha k 111,
lax with a'ii mid Inl . ...
t'llkliown, t. Helena, lad til, lllla k II I,
lux with iwii and Inl ,
t'llkliown, M. Helena, I ail II, oliH'k 111,
lax with pen and Inl
t'llkliown. al. Helena, lot A, llha k 111,
I lax wlih sn and Inl .
.all t'llkliown, HI. He ens, ttl li,lti'M 111,
I lax with a n aud ml
s' t liki.imii. at. Helena. Ul 21. lllis k Hit,
I lux w Hit ta n and lul
t nknowii. hi. Helens, lad ..', Hlork 111
in. tax with laiiuud Inl .
t'llklloHII. H. ,.,.,a, ., ,1, lll.M k III.
lax wlih iwii and lul
t'tiki.ow n. l. Helen-, lad , Hha-a III,
lax u till soi ami lot
full. M. . lens I Mil III, III. irk HI
lax Willi s'ii and In' ...
I'tikmiM li, St. Helena, Ud II
lax with n and inl
t'llkliown. HI. Hek us, Ud 22,
lax w lih a-n and lut . , ,
I'llklloWU. S. Helena, j. I,
lux w till a n and lot .
Iil.ak 111
llhak III.
Iil.ak 1 2.',
llha k 1 22,
IHia k I.'.'
t likln.oll. -I Helens, Ij 2
tax w lih a n and till
t'llkliown, M Helens, i ,1
tuv a lilt a-n and Int
I'likliown. Mt. Helena, lal I, lllm k
lax mm Hti ami lut
I Ilk III IK II . Ml . Helena, l.ot ft,
lrt a llli a i, ami lot
lllkl.oon, M. ilelelia, I Mil II
tax with a ii ami mt
I likliowu, H HeliUa, Ud 7,
tux ullh a ii uiul lut
I'llklloall, SI. Helena. i. S
lain lih wn and Int
I'liktlnH Ii. . 'lelelia, .l l'i,
tax llli li and Inl
I'likima a. Ht. Helena, Ud III
tnx a till a n ami Inl
1 22,
1 22.
, lU.a k I22.
Illoi k I22.
, lllm-k l.'2.
t'tikii.iwn, si II. I , U.t Is, llha k 122,
Isx lih a u sl.d Inl
t'liklinwii, HI. 1 1 el , l.ot pi, Itl.a k 122,
tax M lih ii and lut
Unknown. t. II. h na, Lot .11, III... k 122.
t.iV ll llli a-ll slid Int
t'liklinwii. nt. Helana. Ud 21, III... k 12.',
isx w llli pen and lut
Unknown. Ml ll. l. to. tail 22, Iil.a k 22,
lux v llli a-u and lilt ...
t'llkliown, SI, Helena, Ud I, lllm k l.U,
Isx a Mil I a' ll slid lut
I' nk mm u, M Helena. Ud 2, litis k 12",
Isx with H li aud Hit
t'liklinwii. si. Helens, Ud it, Iil.a k l."i,
lax w llli n.i and ml
I 'llklloW ll, S, Helena, Ud I, lllis k 121.
tax w lilt 'ii and Hit
I Ilkll'.W II, si, Helena. U.t
Isx w Hli a-u and lul
t 'llkn.iu li, H(. Helen., l.ol
lllmk l.".i,
lllm k l.-i",
lllisk l.-.i,
lllis k l.-i,
, lllis k I'.-.i,
isx h lih a'ii niie tut
I ' ilk nam li, hi Helena, l.ol 7.
isx w llli a'ii ami lut
I'ukiiow ii, si, Helena, U.t s,
tnl w llli 4'li and Inl
I'likliown. Hi. Helena, Ud l'i,
lax wlih a'ti and Int
Ink now n, HI. Helena, Ud 10
tsx ii Mil a'ii and in. . . .
I'likliown, Ml. Helena, Ud 17, lllmk 121,
IsX Wlih 1411 slid lut .. . .
M if.
t'llkliown. Ml. Helena, Ud Is, lllmk
tsx w till an and Hit
I Is,
Utiktiow n, HI. Helens, Ud l'i,
Il '2U
tnx Willi pen Me I Hit ... ,
I'likuoH n, al. Helens, Ud 2H,
tnx Willi la'ii slid ml
C Ilk now 0, al. Helena, Ud 21,
tnx Ullh SI slid Int
t'likliow ll, HI, Helena, Ud 22,
tsx w lih pen and Int . ,
I ' ll W 111 iu li, nt. Helena, U,
ll k
III..', k
tnx w lih pen and nil .
Utlkliow li, Ht. Helena, Uil li,
lux w llli pen nnd Int . , .
I'likliown, HI, Helena, Ud 7,
tsx w llli pen uml lut . .
t'llkimw li, HI, Helena, U.t s, lllook
lax w Hh la'ii and lul
Ullkuow u, HI. Helena Ud !',
Isx w llli M ii imk int
Ullkllou 11. hi. Helen-, Utl 17,
Him k
Illoi k
tsx w nil p ' u huh int ,
t'liklinwii. si. Helena, Ud Is, lllm k I ts,
lux u lih lain mid inl .
l llklinw n, Ml. Helens Uil pi, lllm k I ts,
tnx with pen Mel lul
Utikmiwn, st, Helena, Ud '20, lllm k
lux w lih pen and tin ...
Unknown, Mt. Helena, L a 21, Illock
tnx w lih pen snd nit
I ,
t'llkliown, Ml. Helena, Lot I,
tnx w lih pell nil. I lul . .
Ullkllou ll, M. Helena, l.ol 2,
Inx Willi poll uml Inl
t'llkliown. St. Helens, Lot
lux w lih pen hi d Inl ,
t'llkliou li, Ml, Helena l,o
Inx W llli pell slid lul .
I, lllm k II
'., lilo. k II.'
, lllnek li.
Uiiktiiiti n, hi. Helen-, Lot'.,
Inx u llli lien uiul inl . .
I liklinu u, M Helen.. Ut ;s,
tux ullh pen slid inl . . , .
I'likliown, st. Helena, Lot l'i,
nliick H
tnx w Hh pen uiul lut . , , ...
ClikuiiH li, Hi. Helena, Lot 2". Illock II .,
lux unli pen and Int
I'tikuoun.Mt Helena, l.ol '21, llliiLk 11'.;
tux with pen imiiI hit .
t'llkliown, Ml. Helena, l.ot 22, lllnek II..,
t ix with pen mid lul
VlltlCHI'lllip, I'.llllllll, lll'lllll'll, Lois 1, 2, 1, I
IIIin'X .', lax u llh pen aud lul
VlUiovei', laiills, NeerCliy, Uil !', lllm k .'
Inx .tltii pen und lm
Vlelor, K. F. N l ', ot N W '4 I, tp :l
' N, of It 2 V, lux. wlih M'ii mid Int
Wti'kstrotn. I, 'I. H tt i,, tpii n,o It
I W ; H ',. ol ('iiniilimlintii M li.L.t.', less
liitioiiiil to Willie A llnlloy, tux Willi
H'li nun int
Wlckati'oiit, Alice, Heultmliiu- nt the H K
collier of Ihe .) ill li McNulty I), L, C.
tlienee N 2ft' 4i V In chnliis, nliniir K
line of suld elulin; Ihenee M til" s. W
4(1 chains; HieneeH 2ft Ii l'i 10 elm Ins
to til nth line of snld 1). L. (;.:
Mieiico N 01 H. K ,o lieulnliiK and con
tutus iial ai res, see H, li I N, of It I iv.
KcKlnnlnit ul a point (i'.si rent Hontli
froiii N K coriier of X W '.' ofs K ei of
see7, Ipl N.of It I W; thenee N 7f ' K
, Wsl.rsi feet; I hence N Mr' :mh h 1 Ift7 M
fii't. I hence H M'' W Iftiri nft feet to tint
sonlli lliieof MeNiilta. I). L. C.theneo
H HH' 2i V Vm.m feiH.lheiicn N Kf W
70,'i.M0 feet to heullllilim. sectons7 lllld
HtplNnfltl W. Ht. Helens. Lota),
2, 21 nnd 22, Illock 27, tux wlih penal
ty and Interest
Wann, Mar" A, Vernonla, Lot 7, Block
12, tux Willi lie n ii lly and Int .
Weiss, Fredrick K. K U of H K 1 seellon
no, IP 4 N,of 114 W : tax with
nnd Hit
Whltlen. Ahhlc, Cliitskiinlc Hi of lit 10
HlockH, lax with neu and Hit
Will, urns, Alinlra, tilllnor's Add to Co
lumbia City, Uil 9, Illock 21, tax with
pan and Int
Williams, K. A. (llltner'i Add to Co
liinihla Clly, Lot H, Illock 21, tax with
Mii and Inl
WrikM, A. N. Klrst Add to Vtimonla,
Uils 1, 2, liloek 1ft; Hocnmt Add to Ver
Don la laitaft,7 and 8, Illock 27, tax
wltb initially and Int
10 Ut
1 ft:t
I kft.
hh :)
?9 .'
7 40
7 00'