The Columbia register. (Houlton, Columbia County, Or.) 1904-1906, December 08, 1905, Image 3

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Tbe society mwrter wu awiy en
bin vacation and the horse reporter
bad Wen delegated to writ op a wed
ding. "Hut," proteated the editor, glancing
er tbe report, "you failed to men
Con tbe brldr.'rooiu'a name."
"It wasn't l:ecMary,H e i plained tbt
quint authority. "He flulsbed auioug
ttioae who 'also ran'."
Day to ll llemr robwred.
"I dread to think of 017 thirtieth
birthday," began Mies Iaay.
"Yea," replied Mlaa IVrt, 'something
dreadful muat bar hnjiiNMied to you
then or you wouldn't remember It tbia
long." 1'blladeljibl Ledger.
Cable Totla to Japan.
It coeta $1.78 a word to tend a voti
ng to Japan, and, with war raging In
the Far Kant, the cabla toll for war
news ara aomething tremendoua. Rut
aa the people will have tbo war news
Jn connection with their morning dlab
of Plllebury's Vitoa, tba cablaa art
kept busy day and night.
Crab Shell naraaaeter.
The Inhabitant of aoutbern Chill art
aald to foretell tbt weather by meana
f a strange barometer. It conalata of
the cant off ahell of a crab. The dead
hell la white In fair, dry weather, but.
Indicating the approach of a moist at
moaphere by the appearance of amall
red apota, aa the inoUtura In the air
Increaarg It binnnes entirely red and
remains ao throughout the rainy sea-ou.
To Oet At-oaalnted.
The Hoarder la thla Harriet 8l?np
klna reully aa pretty aa people aay alio
Farmer Stubble You'd think ao If
you knew how many of the city fellers
Hue inniifiKe to have their ottoa brenk
down rltfht amaik In front of the
Klmpklne' houne an' go In an' borrow
monkey wrem-bea an' thluga. Detroit
Nearly erery Culnrae ran real, but
about W per rent uf the women are en
tirety Une.ltii-Aled.
Whr niit mrrr h o fnv ran. Holn our sortrt
nd mn-l anl CMirpiiiiil with reputable M-rwiia
In Ilia Nmthwral bu w h la marry, Me have
bnetrvda uf nirinliera of hnih vin. many wealth.
VVrite I'T lectner Mainnmnlal Hrgielrr: price 10
eenu. Itos Ml, riltland, Orua.
fuiMt, MihlwM ami .lrrr4 mump rail
M the market. Ill line ftmrt M u
with two buna. Writ tot draoripiive raiaiu(
ami price. . :
rol el Merrleoa Street Portland. Oregea
A New Organ
Delivered U any Rait- f A f
road Made ar Baal lltl
landing in Oraien " w
1 srec
Here li plrture of on of the moat perfectly
(I nlerterl ornani now manufarmired. It la tba
I'K'lllo (411 ot n, made eKclallv (or Ellera I'lano
iioumi. i.nuioe 01 lancy wmnui or aeieoiea
oakra-ea Hue, very lame bt-velod plate mir
ror, perleotly llnlabed; aa ornauiaut to any
Numrrom naw and valuabla linprnrementa
ara anilKHtlad In thla organ, making It at onre
one of the beat and moot durable organa mau
Ulaotiired In the United Ktaiea.
hullt with loeclftl rogard to Paclflo Cout
Kealdxa the regular reed tone, thla Inatru
meat alio haa reveral oolavea of the rvgulaf
pipe etlecta, to be lound In no other make.
Special Introductory offer.
To Introdure thla Organ wa are making moat
exceptional ronreaalone In our price and
lerma ana win neiiver anerfeot and fully guar
anteed Oraan freight raid, to any railroad ate-
lion or boat landing In the itate of Oregon (or
148,00 payment of ft down and 14 a month,
The fancier atylex IM, $.'16, etc., on aame terma.
write ua toaay, aa tma oner 11 limited only to
the nrat 100 luatrumenta.
Urgtet, Leading an) Moat Raaponalble Weat-
ern waaiera.
Waahlngton atreet, corner Park, Portland,
Bprague are. and Poat it., Spokane, Waak.
114 Market atreet, tan Fraaoieoo, Oal
P. N.U
No. 49-1909
BKN wrlUav to akdrartUere slMe
umm lata pn
Tkelr Bile Ara Raid U Be Far Leae
Danieroaa lhaa la Bappoeed.
When In doubt, charge It to a aplder.
That alight creature, aaya the llrook-
lyu Kagle, baa been held rvapotuiible
for dealba and UlneaM-a wherewith It
had nothing more to do than the
United BUU-a baa to do with brigand
age In Morocco. Yet the familiar
uewapaper announceiuent, "Killed by
a aplder," la before ua again, and we
read bow tho Buffering lira. Wllaon, of
Knosvllle, died in twenty-four hour
aa a roault of a aplder bite, her body
being awollen to twice Ita normal alze
before aba regained conatiouancaa.
If wt art to believe the eutomolog-
leal authotitlca in Waablngton, who
are paid by the governoiont to know,
wt hare only out kind of aplder that
la really polaonoua enough to hurt,
and that la a little fellow marked with
red and black, and not all black, aa
the KnoiTllle alarmlata declare. Until
laat year the total number of deutha
actually traceable to aplder bite In
thla country waa one. I'oaalbly It may
now be enlarged by two.
Wt cling to our auperatltlona and
that of the deadllueaa of epider
venom la one of them. A aplder hue
enough of thla acrid chemical to kill a
fly when tbt web la not atrong enough
to bold It but the human aubject baa
on rarloua occaaiona eometltnea with
out knowing It been aubject to ber
aurgery without other reault than an
Irritation, coiiMlderably leaa than la In
flicted by a inoaqulto. When death
reaulta from ao alight a cauae It dova
not algnlfy that the aplder la dn tiger-
oua. It meana that the aubject waa
In ao pcrlloua a condition of health
that a pin acratch would have aerved
a a well to end life aa the aplder'a
trifling wound hna done. ,
Not ninny yenra ngo the tarantula
waa regarded aa aure and audden
death. The aouthweatern miner who
turned In without hla iKwta and found
that half a doten of tbeae giant
apldera bad got into bed before bint
made bla will on becoming cognizant
of tbla fact Now be merely brushes
them off, usee a little language and
goea to aleep again. Even tlie ratile
anakt haa bla apologists.
And It la well to know these facts,
not merely because wt permit aorae
useful anlmnla to live who are doing
their share to rid us of insect pests,
but because we can amble about the
world with freer mind than our fath
era could who auspected death in
every moving form to which they
were not accustomed. The spider baa
killed, we will aay, two out of the
many mllllona of human creatures that
have Inhabited this country, and hns
destroyed countless boats of flies and
moaqultos, bearers of germs which,
but for her interference, might bave
poisoned 100,000 of us. Observe the
spider, then, with equanimity. She
will not barm enough to hurt
All the WaklatT lloara Should Ba
Speal la PruBtabU Fnraulta.
A. E. Gibson presents an exhaustive
analysis of tbe physical and psychical
bHals of dreams. lie sums up his
views in part ns follows: To sum up
tho argument, dream and waking dif
fer In degree aud form of manifesta
tion only, not In principle and essence.
Like wuklng consciousness, dream re
veals, but does not create. Tbe same
world that surrounds the waking In
dividual surrounds tbe dreaming, only
tho viewpoints and media of observa
tion are changed.
As the life experience of an Individ
ual In bla waking consciousness re
ceives Its character and 'value by and
through his power of respouse to en
vironment, so In a similar way the
value of a dream-depends upon tho
power of the ego to respond to con
bciouMicss in Its various forms of emo
tions, ideas and feelings which consti
tute the environments of the subjott
Ivo or dream plane. Waking or dream
ing the individual Is, or becomes, what
he cIioopcs to be at any given moment
of bis exlptence.
The background for ordinary dreams
consists of undigested remnants of
wuklng life. Hence ordinary dreams
ure merely undigested life, being rondo
up by longings, desires, anticipations,
idle hopes and miscarried realizations,
which, occupying the mind during the
day, nre overtaken by sleep before hav
ing reached their fruition. Hence the
mixture, in most dreams, of the sane
and the insane, of truth and delusion.
Ou the other hand, the life lived out
aud (.Kslmilated In a purposeful exig
ence becomes absorbed In the forma
tion of character and leaves no residue
to form the bizarre staging for the
confused dream. And .to such an In
dividual the Intuitions of dream life,
with their dazzling Imagery, will In
troduce symbols which, properly inter
preted, may carry the significance of
prevision or prophecy. Therefore, to
turn dreams Into useful, intelligent
and intelligible factors we must fill
our waking life with deeds and
thoughts of universal usefulness and
freight the train of events with an un
flinching devotion to duty and vlrtuo.
Medical Record.
It Is never too late to unmend In
the dlvorct courts,
A Itataral Remeaty,
That tbt remedy la sometimes worst
than tbt dlaeaat la again shown by aa
Incident chronicled In tbt New York
Times. A prominent politician baa a
wlft who Is a model tf domestic care
fulness. Sbt'baa a talent for making
bread, and takes great prldt In baring
ber loaves turn out well
Out evening she bad set tbt batch of
dough to rise In tbt kltcben and was
reading In the parlor, when ber 6 year
old boy came running to ber, crying,
"Mamma, mamma, there's a mouse
Jumped Into your bread pan!"
The fcood woman sprang from ber
"Did yoo take him outr she asked,
"No'm, but I done Just as good. I
threw the cat In, and she's digging
after him to beat the band!"
Christian 8ctence.
In tbe UaiUd States there are about
400 Cbriatian Science churches, with
about 100,000 adherents. According to
Mrs. Eddy, Its founder, tbt church is
making tremendous stride in popular
Ity, in which respect it resembles Pilla
bury's Vitos, tbt popular cereal food.
Shoal Da Dlakeal.
"There are three beautiful words In
tbe English language," said a peraegrl
natlng philosopher as be sipped bis
morning glass, "that ought to be cross
ed out of the dictionary.
"Tbe flrat one Is 'honesty.' No one
Is absolutely and perfectly honest If
you give orders to say you are not
at borne, wben you are in and don't
want to be dlaturbeJ, that ian't quite
"The second word is 'satisfaction.'
No one la perfectly 'satisfied.' Suppos
ing you had, by a long atretch of Im
agination, $10,000 a year, you would
want twenty.
"And the third 'word Is that beauti
ful monosyyable 'If.' On that I need
not comment."
Tainted Tin.
"Can I get In?" atked the new ar
rival. "II-m-m, that depends," replied St
Teter, doubtfully.
"I never drank, amoked, chewed or
swore. I gave everybody a square
deal, I "
"Cut all that out." was tbe terse re
ply, "and tell me what was your busi
"I was an expert accountant"
"Sure, you can pet In! You're what
we have been wntchlng for. You see,
we are expecting Rockefeller now at
almost any time and all of our account
ants are working overtime. We want
to be able to band him an Itemized
atatement when be applies for admis
sion." "A statement of what be did with
bis money?"
"No; a statement of how be got it"
Houston Tost
Fooling; Hnbhy.
"Let me ahow you the new novel for
married ladles," confided the cleric In
the book store.
"Novel!" echoed the prospective cus
tomer. "Why, that Is a cookbook."
"No, it is a dashing, breezy novel
with a cookbook cover. You see,
when your husband walks In and finds
you readlug what's apparently a cook
book he will feel so tickled he Is liable
to hand over the price of a new fall
hat" '
Jawback Wlaa.
Mr. Jawbnck I'm going to get a life
insurance policy.
Mrs. Jawback You're foolish. It's
all a graft
Mr. Jawback But what would you
do If I'd die?
Mrs. Jawback Marry again, of
Mr. Jawback You couldn't if nay
life hadn't been Insured for a good,
big sum. Cleveland Leader.
from head to foot? Can't work
today, but tomorrow you can,
aa the Old-Monk-Cure
St. Jacobs Oil
will aofton and heal the
musclea while you sleep.
It Conquers Pain
Palc, 33c. and 50o.
Color mora tooda brighter and faster color than any other dye. One 1 0c package colors allk, wool ami coUoa equally well and is.
raaranteed to ha perfect reaults. Ask dealer, or we i will i aend post paid at 10c package. Write far frea booUa how to dye
(leach and ink colors. MONROC DRUG CO Unioavilla, Missouri.
Every Year
quality, and makes
nealthiul baking.
Scad poatal for " Book of rreaoU.M
It Waa Jfa Caa.
Dick Come on and go down tbe
street with me, Jack.
Jack All right old man wait till I
flnlah this letter to my dad.
Dick Oh, If you're writing to him,
don't come. I'm broke, too. Cleveland
Stbmarint Cables.
There are 376 submarine cable In
the world, tbt length of which amount
to 178,919 miles. , Most of these be
long to private parties, only 25,000
miles being owned by the various gov
ernments. All, however, bring daily
orders from every land on tbe globe,
for rillbaury s Vitoe, the all-day food.
Drajajara la Laaatoa.
It la calculated that 4,000 persons
make a living In London by begging
and that their average lacome amounts
to over 11,500,000 a year. Last
1,025 persons were arrested for beg
ging In the streets, of whom more than
1,500 were sentenced to terms of Im
prisonment varying from one week to
three months. Many of these objects
of charity were found in possession of
sums of money and even bank books
showing very handsome deposits.
Beware ol Ointments tor Catarrh that
Contain Mercury
bj mercury will surely deatroy the eenae ol
amell aadeompletelr derance the whole ate-
tern woen entonm it tbruuch the mucuua
eurfacea. Buch article at. ould never be naed
excapton praacrlpUona from reputable phy the damaj they will do la ten fold
to tne gooa you can poaaioiy aerivelrom teem,
Hall 'a Catarrh Cure, manufactured l F. J.
Cheney & to., Toledo, O.,contalnanomerrury,
and la taken Internally, acting directly upon
the blood and raueouamrfaceaot the system.
In buying Hall'a Catarrh Cure be aura you gt
the funulne. It la taken Internally, and made
In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney Co. TeaU
monlale tree.
Bold by DrnggiaU, price 75c per bottle.
Hall's family 1'ilUare the beat.
Lack? Gaoat.
And it came to pass that the nam
let troupe was stranded at a water
tank twenty miles from the nearest
farm house. A roving tramp crept out
of the shadows and, approaching the
leading man, said in awe:
"Mister, are you really Hamlet?"
"Yes," replied the barnstormer, "but
I wish I was the ghost"
"Why so?"
"Ghosts don't get hungry." Colum
bus Dispatch.
FITft Permanently Cured. KoBtaornerrousneaa
I I 1 u .ft.r Ami ri.v'.iiunrrt. V11.i.,.i2k.. v
Kentorrr. Hnd fur a-.Maa tri.ihnti.n.i .c i
Ir. K. U. Kiln, Ltd., Ml Arch St. miladelpbla, F
Llncoln'a liar Crop.
The stories that Kansas newspapers
are now prlntlug of the big corn crop
recalls Lincoln's story of the big bay1
crop In southern Illinois. "What" In-'
quired a visitor, "do you do with such 1
a big crop of hay?" - "We stack all wCj
can on the ground," replied the vet-'
eran story teller, "and the rest we put
In the barn." Detroit News.
Motherewtll find Mr. Wlnalow'a Soothing
Syrup the beat remedy to uee tor their children
during the Uothlng period.
Wants a Holiday.
Mamma So you want to give your
dear teacher a present?
Tommy Yes, ma; I'd like to give
ber some of that cheap candy like I
bad the other day. '
"Why, Tommy, that was what made
you so 111."
"Yes, ma; I know It was." Chicago
We do e Mwn and brldgework without pain.
Our 18 years' eiperience In plat work en
ablea ua to flt your mouth comfortably. Dr.
W. A. V Ise haa found a safe way to extract
teeth absolutely without pain. Dr. T. P.
Wise la an expert at gold filling and crown
and brldgework. Extracting fre wben
platee or bridges are ordered.
Falling B!dg., Third and Washington 81.
Open evenlnga till t o'clock. Hundays Irom
, to 12. . Or Ma n Ok
I J .i.,.,-. j m M
day in every veir
that comes, more honseVtveg
are giving up their ezhorbitant
Baking Powders and
turning to KC. the honest and
reliable, which has stood so well
the test of years. They are find
ing out that
costs one-third the price of
powder anywhere near K C
better, purer, more
25 ounces for 25c.
Chlcaflo, HL
Paxk and Washington, Portland,' Orego
The, School of Quality"
A. P. Armstrong, IX. B., Principal
Thousands of graduates in positions;
hundreds placed each year; mart calh
for help than we can meet it pays to at
tend our school; largest most modern,
best equipped. Departments: Business,
Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship,
English. Open all the year. Catalogue,
penwork free. Call, telephone or write.
Around the World
Ml have aeed yaatr Flak
Brand Slick era for years
la tba Hawaiian idands
and toand then the only
article that euitcd. I ana
aw la thla ceaatry
(Africa) and think a great
etal af your coats."
Oumt om anuoanoa)
The world. wide repata
tion ol Torcr'a ater
prool O
l Oiled Clothing tWlrUS
tree the hover of
the poeltive worth of
A. J. TOWER CO., Boston. U.S. A.
j 53 ' Toronto. Canada.
tTsefut. Reliable. At.
T. Laatin 7.TJ r ta hat
and AnthariLUvo. Kno'hrift
wtll so Often bs a reminder of the giver.
S380 pages, 5000 UluatraUoca. Becently
enlarged with 85,000 new words, a new
Gazetteer, and sew Biographical Diction
ary, edited by V. T. Harm, PhJ) LL.D.,
V. S. Commiaaioner of Education. Grand
Prixe,World'a Fair, St. Louie. Oet the Beat.
WeWer'tCalluitoDicttoBvj. UrrHtofasrdirUr
mt&RafnlvaadXUaFaniaditiiioa, UlCnaai4
f rite for " Dlctlourv Wrinkle "-Free.
K M ttWfiM a a .
mu. aa i mrturtinm uu., fcjpruigfleld, uaaa-
Dr. C. Bee Wo
Thla wonderful Chi
nas Doctor la called
(Teat beeauae he eurea
people without opera
tion that are given up
to die. He cures with
Ihoee wonderful Cbt
nra herbe, roots, buds,
barka and vepelablea
that are entirely u it
known to medical acl-
enca In tbia eonutry. Through the u- of Uua
kTmlesa remediea thla doctor knows
the actiou of over 600 different remedies whl-h
he Buccesalully nsea In differ a. disease, fie
t unran-.i ei tocur catarrh, asthma, lun. threat,
rhetima.Um, nervousness, stomach, llwr; td
mya, etc.; has hundreds of testimonials.
Charm moderate. Call and see him. Patlenta
out of the city write for blankr and circular.
162' first St, S. r. Cor. Morrboa
Mention paper. . PORTLAND. OREGON.
tv ni