The Columbia register. (Houlton, Columbia County, Or.) 1904-1906, December 08, 1905, MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 11

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    j"g75S7j .'J-i,?Vr ,:W.v.l yJ5nh;
lcs t Ukssa law, Tbe
frarltatloa a la Uttla p-Bt alajoa
tBuctt laee tlian (ktt urf the aerta aa
lis Mm, aa4 1 wljti4-il KliM beaa
BrotiuM a unit ua pouuda, more of
Wee. Wltk Bi rukIw, it nu Botklos
lo Jump Mtaaif M elMf fast, tbe tflltt
oJlr twlua to aew tut lite groona at aU.
"it, 1 auppua ton Bie iiwiiUrlii(
bow It Uui Ute puu-t as nut uiim
to tbe earth bl tbe great aitriciiva v(
(tie latter Ixxi. It to.k tM ecwutiaie kaa
lUaa Ota aiUiula to UalMUilba lite (MK
accurate!. It aa becaueo f the cvia-
I4r ikcrt kitlorfif Jkt motl r
mark ai it Atrial rtc
trd, StturtJ from and publiiktd with
UluttratioHt of thi trip, if tour--Mty
of Tkt Ttcknical World, Ckks
"Last (all I participated to an esperlenca
that fr It ondvrtul puaeee baa nerer
ba dutillraied." .. . ... ,
John lnnrtt reached fr bit ftp. Illleo:
toil liabled It, aud thrn laurr toward u
a It te) ail if I wlnlirtf to bear wait be
bid to 4iulc. lla la a ttrjr rrmartnlita
mis, of tbat rere trpe fait dlapparlu.
for mora thaa bait a raulurf lia baa iunl
bla bue la lha brart f California' m a
tin tnouotalua. aud Ilka Iba "1'uct o( tba
bli-riaa." b iHri a .ln nlrlnrr,iil
beard., and batr to match, and la htiueelf
atii and a et bf nature.
I aetllvd tnjravlf lo my chat lth an tp
prwlll niHl, and J olio iMitt brgao
, what la truly a uit rvmarkalila atory.
I "I aio Ilia olilcat filn( of Vila lo
California." b aaldi "and t tnlnk It
thla tbat brmiabt to tba raucb a party
of aclvuiuta frm my old unUrraltjr. 1 am
out at lllM-rty to nauia thrm, fur tbry ara
ouiulua atalu lo trr auolhrr aitwrluiriit.
and until ibat baa tifO inado, tba whula
tblug la a aM-rvt of will nt do an
bartu to tall aa mura aa i luiauu 10, now
V"Tby bronitit with thrm dlrlgtlila bal
loco, and ronndrd that tbry wrra going lo
piaka aa aarrnt and atudy Ihf toigroiliy
i I ha lilorrai an In Irtt atila lo muki Mil
arcuratt mao of lb mtlra rang. It dldu'l
torn out Ibal way bowrvrr. aa yon w ill no.
la a aurt of autivrflrlal war I baft al
ar ara b-n tuimaicd In ariitatl'a and
kludrvd arlnrra; and wbrn ibry aakrd uta
to acvenipaay thrm aa goiua anq mmpao.
In 1 Irrrolnl lha Invitation with alacrity.
Wa want farther up luto lb rang, and
Biada ramp. Tbry uk tbrlr marhlna out,
and twrio tha wutk of aaaarinbllng Iba
part; and 1 want lo aay brrt ibnl It waa aa
romplrte a IMiig aa rtrr mao roaiia. i nrr
wal rylblug ralculatrd 10 ninka the trip
a aurrrai and rvrrr ainilaoia to iirvrrnl ac-
rlrivnt. It't prrlty rld up on lop af tba
rang abova tlinlirr Hue, and arraugrmriita
bad ba niada lo prevent tbla rondlilou
frutn rvlanlln Iba rincrlmriila. 1h ra
of tbo balloon waa made of Uluglaaa orer a
frame of aluminum. It waa entirely eo-
rkuwd, and waa bratrd from au elrrtrte
motor, wblcfc alao propelled Ibe marhltie.
Ilrdrtgen gaa waa aaed aa the lining
nower. autitilementrd by another motor, am1
vtygea waa1 nianufarlurcd and aopplM to
tba acuiauti of the rar whrn Ibe attnoa
i, here became too rartHrd for roiiifrtalla
breatbltig. I'rovlalona wera atorrd for the
party enoiitfb to lait all men a week
and wban Ibe aeeetmlon was made II aeeined
Ibat not a thing bad been overlooked. All
aorta of nrumuictrra, haruiurtera and Iher
uiontetera were lakeo along, and everytmni
neceaaarr for Ibe tiroprr atudy of tba con
dltlona Ibat might confront tba part after
Irarlna lha earth.
"It waa a aparkllng moraine wben tba
alguat wat given, aud wa aroaa with a
bound and. were aoon narl..g over lb lopa
of Ibe annwy peaka, rsever anau I rorgri
thai atfht aa I guard through Iba aldra an
bottom of tba tranaparent rar. Bo bright
- waa lha auunliliie Ibat wa were forced lo
draw the rr'' n allk eurlalni at eotne of tba
wlndowa. Within Bva mlnulra wa were
(Hiking down on toy mountain! tbat wera
dropping away rroin ua aa a atone aroia
from ibe top of a tall building) and tha
atmoaphrra bad leroiiie eo rareDt-d tbat the
oiygrn lauk waa opened Into Iba car, aud
tba beating motor waa atarted. Far off
to the went, we could Iba tiny valley.
nd, atlll farther, an rmllraa blue eiaiiM
that marked tha Ilclflo Ocean. Many men
bava vaulted In tba view from a balloon,
but few bava aver bad tba tipertenca of
making au am-nalon lo a .bvigbt above
wera mnra thaa a'tty mllra abova Ha aa'
face. Ibe Ibonghl elaigrrrd Mel but oa
a kepi, iba aili'iilUia nulling at aurh
onderful tiroirraa. Conatant uTirratlona
wera bvlng made of every condition, aud
ii wera jotted down tor future reference;
nd ailU onward and Upward wa auared for
auotlior Lour.
'At Ibe end of the third bonr, I noticed
remarkable thing and called Ibe aM. utloo
of on of my couipauloua to It. llltbrrto
tie earth bad, aa I bavo aald, been a blue-
gray Mot bonratn ua. It now appeared
lart Moo and part pale grty.tue latter color
Nlitg toward I be weal; and, aa I Intervatrd
my other fellow travrlera In tba glgbt, tba
wretrrn portion of tba colored map wa
In aruw larger aa Ibe eaatern t.orth.u
ilinln.U. it In U. None vt mv romimilona
could account for (he phenomenon. Tba en
tire of our vuiou wa cnangiug, uniu
now It aeemed that only a portion of lb
old faiulllar blua reoialutd, Uta pala (ra
lei rapidly thaa prevlooily, and X bP
pm4 to glance upward tbroojb lb alile
of lha car. 1 atmoat fell ever with aatoa
labment, and could acarcely get my volca
:! to l. Mlora '! I ""
I did. they wera a amaced aa I for directly
abova aa floated a tremendoua glob which
w Inatantly recoguliml a a map of ine
continent of Kortk America. It covered
almoat tba entire aky. and aoemtd bnt a
few mile dl.tant, while benentb n wli
what certainly waa another carta,
'Good graclmie," eidalmed unr lead
er) 'wa bava made tba greateat dleeovery
of all the agea Wa bava dlerovered an
othi-e world, and are falling onto It. Tbat
globe as there I tba earth, aod we have
liet It and ar about to land on another
I conrrae i ua I ma riiin" uu uui
Uoa of hebut. auca lugreUlU bav
put togvtber In lla formation a
to frpal tba adaocc of ta earth toward
a anion, but not enough to 4rl tba 1U
tle fellow altogether away from
motherly protertlou. lie bad eotue with
in a caruia diaUoca, beood which be
could not paaa. My companion called
me back, aa they wanted to make aome
calculation, and I prDj back aa allj
aa I bad J'itored acmaa.
"By looking at the earth, they Bd rlla
crrered that wa wera travelle aronnd
tbat planet from aat to weat, while It
turned over from weat to eaaC Tba com
blued motion' In oppoalte direction male
onr (peed about two thonaand mile an
boor, ao that we ebooM circle the earth
every twelve bonra. Tbla calculation
waa of the greateat Importance, alnca we
would bava to time oar departure ac
curately Id order to land wnera w
wanted ta. If we allowed oor balloon to
aacend at the wrong time. It waa Jnat
aa likely that wa abonld find ooraelvee
over aa ocean aa over tba land, and )uat
a likely over Africa aa aver America.
eiplala; but be toon made bliueelf plainer j figure were Jotted down, and we tben
( rA
Si4 Xf j;a I
Hagsoi For scan
Bead yr wat aai addrtt aad ra !'! ti ya
fre and pt pl 2 al aur tewclry aarcii c a
ell at lOceatarach. fnrkody yoa Hw th e will bay
tkeiaofyoM. a aoid aaad oa to aad wa vlU al
ad yoa Ibi
Handsome fur Gear!
It la nearly 4t laehra fcMig. made frwaj black lya
fur. haa a i fall. hy tab, very l$ft arjle, aad wa
kaow yew will b mora la pleiead wnb k. Wha yaa
receiva It wa kaow yoa will aay It ta tba ! aletaat
thoroughly good fur yoa have ever tecs. Muhleg aimiUr
thia acarf kaa aver Before oitarea aaa prtniuai; n
if rvcnlllig to tbat 're e e at.iMMd
to be man sebuloua bodieg afloat aut dda
- -Ta.
- 4 -w
dHermlocd soon aa esploratJoa of our
At tbla point I did noma Ognnng my-
aelf. It aeemed reaannable to me to aup-
poae that. If I could Jump aerenty feet
with little effort, I could run Jt ao many
time faater here than 1 could on in
earth. And I proved It I pointed out
to the other a clomp of tree about a
mile away, and tben, ak!ng them to time
me. atarted. Mr work anrpriaea m be
yond expectation, for I leaped Into the
air about tbiny xewt at eaca ponou,
allehtad eatllr aome elitj feet beyond,
and look another bonnd. a almply a If
on tba earth, yet with an ee tnat gave
me not the allghteat wearlncaa. I ran
back and found Ibat I bad made the two
mile In a fraction under three minotee:
At that rate. aald I. I can run
around thla ball at tbe rate of forty-Ov
mllM an hour: and If rmir ctticulntlon
ara correct, and It ta debt miles In di
ameter. It tnimt be about twenty Ova Diilc
In circumference. I can, tbererore, U 1
don't get winded. . circle It In ba than
forty minute, and I B going to ao it.
"Two of the party volunteered lo nc-
cnoinanr me. and off we rtartea at a
good clip, the atop watches Doing out at
the word Go! None of ua aeemed to
mind the ciertlon. If floatln lightly In
the air can be called exertion; and we ran
will giv year of eaiiiory waar. It ia a atylich.
drtaay efftct the wearar' inncaraaea. Ik only rcaaoa
W cia ol'rr Uicai la wa a larf anoinor i man am
ap lor waby one of tb Urt farrtera during thsaamer
bra traJa waa quiet (his la rha only rraaoa wa are aKIa
t offer ab aa pcaaiv premium. We bop ya will
take ad ran at of oar offer wiikoot delay. Tbia la aa
eviranrdlaaryerfcr td caaavt be darlicaicd by eaychcr
reliable eoneera. t trust yoa wnb Our lewelry aaul
aold. It com yea Bothlag to get tbla I uf. Addrua,
Dept. 655b f t Boti, Rlasaw
' n.'itf.i . - '' ;. ' .ft ff along through tbe foreata and acroaa tbe
Uf Ui, i V,' 'ifr'-V - '' i - e'o V .T ',.''. plnlua with tbe eaae and grew of grcy-
v i - i v? y. 'P-;, ? " . Kor half an we did not
V - Ui.VH "-"'' '.v v - J,tSrl. elacken onr puce; bnt there ap-
. M. ' "V.'.VS reared before a a deep gulUy. at
t ' -y - VT 1 the bottom of which waa a at ream.
i . : - . ' i V " , ., i ' ' . . f ''"1 , Here we came to a standstill Tbe
1 ,',- '" . - . " i ' 'J - ' JA rtilch waa qnlte Bfty feet deep and
V". , ' . ' VV -:! ' 1" i-; , J nearly b hundred wide at the top; and a
l, ' '. v . X . W.V v . far aa we could ace. there waa no better
croaalng In algbt. Elated at our work,
and feeling certain wo could maxe tne
leap, we all ran at It together. Every
bound we took waa better than the pre
rloo one; and when we reached the edire
of tha arroya, wa aprang Into the air like
bivtng.abaorbed It. Then, a suddenly a
bad come Ibe other rhnii;e, there crept In
from Ibe eaat a dark blue aliit'low thet rap
idly swept acroa the plain iueath,
rlinuglug the rolor agnlu to lu own, while
the former color moved awny. There
wera no defliilte objitta In algbt, only tbe
liiouotoiioua (lurk liluo tbut aovu vovered
tbe entire field below u.
"Not undemanding the rauae of the
rha rice, aud Ini-miilng ai.mewbat excrclaed
by It, the profcaaor In charge of the ripe
d It Ion concluded to deaceud, and according
ly oieraled tbe machinery for tbat purpoae.
luipldlr Ibe molr did it work, aud tbe
nlnln lielow iM'irnii lo timn a definite
form. It changed Its color from blue to bin
aud grvvu, with beta aud tbute a duixiiug
r-' ! : : i
I. .V-;- V v'.. V t
. r - v.-' - : " ' - ' .r ' " - ? .
'"- " ': ' " r '. ""'';:' '
Ii" i
tbe Btmoanbere of the earth, a fact tbat an
aelentlat accept. Home of tbeae bodlea are
a amall aa plubcada, while other may be
Inrser. Tbnt thla laat waa corn-i-r waa e.
M.1 V A M I, litta .MM hull IwAVAIWfl
1. . .1 L . Jl ft,"-. , MBM Ml 1 in.. . . .
tr tba earth's sstronomers was a puxiie
io me.
Tbat la a simple matter of explana
tlon.' aald our leader) 'tbla asteroid has
never been discovered, for the name tea
son tbat many email but Important things
nave been for year overlooked by acleo
tlits In search of greater Oelda to con
quer. It la within lc than on baudred
mile of earth, while tbe very nearest
object that haa ever attracted the tele
scopes of onr satronomrr Is the moon.
dtitsnt a quarter of a million miles. Can
yoa sot understand font no astronomer
would ever train bla Instrument ao a to
fociia an object leas than a hundred mile
"Tbat aonnds reasonable, yet I ankjc
him bow It wa that It bad never been
awn with the naked rye.
Simpler atlll.' he answered. Decease
thla little planet la le than ten mile In
dlnnieter. So smut) an object, with a
color nearly Identical with tbat of tbe
earth s atuiocpbere. would never be no
ticed, and hnvlne no lltrlit of It. vwn.
could not be seen tt any time. It Is a
mere speck in tbe aky, and no man can
. . j . . .- ? V. . '-, '- ( '
.... s . . . ,,v.
. . . :.x-v"
Why a Rcdhot Poker Does Not Hist
In Boiling: water.
If a red hot poker be thrust Into cold
water It hUsc ami sputters; If into
boiling water there Is no commotion.
When. In the first experiment, cold
water comes in contact with the hot
iron there is a sudden and explosive!
generation of steam, which canses tbe
liquid to be scattered with a hissing
noise, consequent upon the bursting
of innumerable bubbles.
When, on the other hand, a poker Is
thrust Into boiling water, which Is
already freely giving forth steam, the
Introduction of the hot Iron by still
further assisting steam production
causes the poker to become 'at once
surrounded by a sheath of rapor,
which effectually prevents the water
from coming Into actual contact witn
the metal.
This sheath of rapor is comparative
ly a bad conductor of beat, so that but
little heat passes from tbe iron to tbe
water. There Is no commotion, snl
the poker can be withdrawn still
glowing brightly.
A number of years seo. Amos Rusle,
the famous pitcher of the New York
Club of the National Base Ball League
occupied the lime light of public at
tention through his wonderful per
formance In the centre of the diamond.
At tbat time he received a salary of
15.000 a year. For some little indis
cretions he was disciplined by the club
management, and rather than take the
nunlshmcnt he retired from base bail
for a year or two; when he got back
into the harness again, his cunning as
a. Ditcher had deserted him.
For a time he drifted around without
occupation, but later received employ
ment as a lumber hand, wun a com-
Densatlon of $1.50 a day. It Is now
announced that he has been success
ful in obtaining a position in Cairo,
111., where he will receive Si a day.
Hsunar Pf.ese.its
Men' i Suspenders
Arm Bands, Ladies' Carters
with tha anlqoa new fad
Patotso Jan. 1004.
Particularly appropriate wove,
lies in which (.Uotugrapb CM
b inserted.
c 1 rr, COSTI N O O N L Y
The photo locket buckles am
extra heavy fdi and silver
pUted, on whh.h yoa aa en
grava initials or tnoooKrims.
Tba web is best quality si.k, in
luctnaUBt; sludes 01 liL-nt blue,
white, and black, and tney
are packed ia anracave
Single pair Domes.
XASDSOkni rrnanABLl, 1
SU fprrrwttrt, ar wuuUi far
IJOO mud 10 ttnli fttt''
Stat kind and color desired. If engraved. Ii cents per
pair extra, with sot aaora than three letters 00 a buckle.
VUttoe reproduced, 15c. per set of two, to at buckia.
Jjtiwest Sospcnder and Belt Makera in tha World..
lert. . B7UneoiaaaBaaxoa. auuw.
' tasUft. ahewtaf away strus eaaptat
mm. an4 elvtac labl. luferatttiB
1 anas. Will be nat rJUuS OS UljUttZ.
i J w
1 J
birds and landed on tha opposite side
fully tea feet beyond the edge. After
tbla tbe going waa simple, and we made
tha trlD aafelr. bavlm circumambulated
tell bow lonr It haa floated around onr the globe In thirty-seven jnlnutea.
rnrth. Thi-r- mav be many mora of "I sra not going to tlra you with all
tk.n. Kn m nnannf ,111 Mfitni I I he (V'.lIN Of tlV CI No!v 'l I "t
oiirsclvea to thla one. and aoon shall land U anfflea to aay that we had to wait there
.h rtii fl,or la n ana.1 .' I tWClVO bonra Wr tDC Lnilt'a Stales lo EFT.
... . . , ... I DBcK to 0. u "W nivauuuw
AH anemia onromerer was men let .k.,i Then wrhr Ca II
tbroncb the trap in tha floor. In order to fnrni. i,,.t ronndlna- the edee of the
Maln V kmmm -. .1. . . 1. I - " " .
j.-.. " '" ""i'urrw eRrtn from tne WPgtj w iirtcdincnor ana
' " ""..".f." " ,u .T" l"r."m "'c ihriod onr motor, b ddine but a tern
Americans are the heaviest meat ent-
rs In the world. This appetite is said
to be an Inheritance from the hunting
and flshlnc stace of the country's life.
The annual income ot u.i tuuiperor
of Japan is $2.7oO.(X)0. His official al
lowance is $1,500,000. lie has an In
come of SoOO.OOO from the $10,000,000
eranted him out of the Chinese war in
demnity. $'250,000 from his private es
tates, $500,000 from the forests of the
empire. i
ara tba or!fbJ aoCa
t"9 and sumI electors,
ll.ia Ifftttrro forma B
eolid aleld of netal
between tha ahootrra
bead and the cartful r
at all tunes, throws tlia
einpties awtir from hia
instead ot into hia face,
prevents amoks and
g-isea irons entering hia
e-rea and lungs and
teetn tli En ot iat
o-ioDtT-irtrd. Tha
MARL1N action
works easily and
smoothly, oau f very
bttia noiso. Our new
automatic recoil-oper
Bting loclrinc device
tnakea the BlarEa tha
aafeat breech-loadiiig
run aver built, uo-
1arw catalofua, 900 iU
itstratirma, cover ta
e;na colors, suuied lor
tlirea aUmpa. r
New Haven, Conn.
onto tba little world we had discovered.
The planet was arowtng lareer every mo
ment, and wa were now wttbln less than
a mile of Its surface. The instrument
snnvrr-u inni ine preeanro was eicnt , " . vm. anrl on-
pound. .to the sqpsre. Inch, which stent "LZJjnnw7J&
eqna.iea that on big D. monntalna on the V"V Y. L.Zl Z'. -;. VitMn a
cartn, so we were safe to land. Tha
porary farewell to onr little world, fnr
we all fully determined that tuis should
not be onr only trip there. The jonrney
back was the reverse ot tha conditions
anemometer attached to the car at this
time showed an entire Inch: of breexe. snd
ennbled to matte onr lnndlna; within a
werr ahnrt dtatance of the spot w bad
I - .' . . . . . M - m VAM
left bnt little mnre tnan nan i"7
iiuiw mm en rimre ihck or nreeie. ana " , " . -n. ..a , nlrTit wa
we gently dropped to the aorface of tbe J.rnT in
Nebula.' as I bad rolnnteered to call the an.tlf-l.,?.ntj!a 5 doAto tbe
discovery. A. we looked open the Innd- whpr,f w Y a
iir h i
. . ' . ,ea.
't .. , v a,t ,. V
I 'KV a. M a a 1 w V im) -. 1 . LI
senpe. It seemed as If wa had suddenly
tU-npped Into P"them i'nllnla. and I
conld not poaalMr Jntlfy this condition
of wordvtre with tb small sIro of the tiny
world, for snrh little thing could not be
oTpoctea to onstrnct enotich of the best
of the mn to ttrodtice snch a condition.
i"rien. 1 mrelf dropped a thermometer
throngh tbe tmodoor and noted 1t re-
mtor. it was elRbty dogrees- fact that
nirtner fmrpriaed me-and I said ao,
flare aay we ahall And tbat there
are ctnrr sonrres or heat bealdes tbe sun,
enia one or my companions; and no
sooner had we opened the csr door' snd
berrtn to climb down the anchor rope,
which had been cast ont. than we dls
coTered tha correctneaa of bla prophecy.
There were boiling aprlnra everywhere,
nn Tne yemnre was mngnincent.
miihIi tiAvr mnrnlnv.
He stopped abruptly and rellehted his
pipe. - I waited for him to rontlnne.
"Wbitt do yon thin, of It." he salted.
T think It the most remartaDie "
- .... , .
"And perhaps yon wontci uae w ioo i
onr little world, he asked.
I was Instantly alert, ana rose qmcKiy
....... ..... . ,ai.
"Come along, tnen, - ne aaia, icnuiug
the way.
Into the garret we went, where he eng
ont of a corner a fine band telescope,
which he carried to the dormer window
nn the enst aide. Swlnctna It Into a posi
tion 60 degrees, be peered cnrefnlly Into
l tnen artlnated It anln. screwed It
tlvMlv onto a awlvel. and bade me take
a carefnl look. I waa more than amaied.
for before me In the heavens was a giooe
Tyine? tne ancnor rone hnn a Vmri. 1 . v.iv v .,m riih
TtT; iw r.n t rJTey "a w.lfl- trace and outlines of what seemed
r.fc 1. 'i1!00. ! ,0k the to be Innd and water. For bnt a moment
enrtn we Dad left few bonra before, r lk.j than a too the Instrument
It was e more rosgnlflcent steht than 1 .. erm ma an tnrned tt from the llt-
mvrAi ms btb. .tl T. . -""J '-r-
in. v iiiiru aunn-iT Tnr 1 lla ninner.
lha aea of more than two miles. Straight
upward wa eoared: and within an hour,
luring which wa felt not the least dlscom
fort, wa had risen ao high that the
earth was now broad espsnse beneath us,
bine In color nd showing no convolutions
whatever. It seemed perfectly flat at such
a distance", and tha ocean bad become tbe
Barn a color aa tbe land.
of the gentlemen of the party low
eg.wi t thermometer through tbe floor and
drsw It back within ten aeeonds, Its bn b
howlflg that tbe outside elr was too-cold
f of It to record tha temperature. A special
Instrument was then sent drw, and
bsek with the Information tbat tha rarlflad
atmosphere we were In waa eighty degrwea
below aero, Wthln tba ear. the thermome
ters registered slity-two -degrees, which
wss eulte wt.-m enough for eomrort. in
another bonr y ''Vlu!". " i
atntotahere, an' "! that It had dropped
to " ta than ou jundred below aero, pi
ki. 1.. ti,a ...h liait haonma a aim
spot that Indicated watert yet even then
entire dome of tha sky, and tbe continent
rf North Areerlea Innkerl evaetlv a It
does on raised globe such as we have
In school-rooms. I could locate San
rranclsro as wen as If I had bsd s map
una miinrrr: nn rrom tnat Western n.
tronoila conld trace tha outline of tne
United States to tha city of Chicago, and further away."
, uu 10 1 110 ajnieway or r,Tirope iew
York. It was wonderful. The sir wsa
not so rare as to be bard on rones used
to mountain conditions; bnt some of tue
PRtty complained, snd one suffered n."e
bleed. There was a rippling brook near
at nsnn, its banks lined with plant lire
"Now find It." he commanded.
I tried with all my might to locate tt,
hut nothlne revealed Itself but tbe stars
and tbe moon.
"That's the reason ft hss never been
discovered." he said: "becanse astrono'
mens have always been looking for things
tha territory waa wholly unfamiliar to any . jnd I toward It to ret a drink. I
of ua, even to me who know the" in"-j felt wonderfully elated In mind and body.
tains as yon ao yonr own nomo. a u ui-,
loon, nnaer tne guidance or tne prnnim-u
hand of tbe operator, descended rapidly
toward a plain, bnt of course yon are fa
miliar enough with aerostatics to know
tbst the sensation Is tbst of being station
ary while tbe esrtb docs the moving. In the
sir, all seemB moving except the bnlloon
Itself. Well, within so hour we bnd fallen
toward tha earth In an entirely strange re
gion. Not a thing wss famllllnr, and we bad
evidently passed beyond tbe menntalof and
wares' ova a broad plsln. .
lrninedlsferv beneath wa vtow waa a per
fectly rtrenlar dine of rsrlerated colors,
snroundBd by an ocean of bright bine, with
hare snd there a fentbery cloud. The disc
seemed very small In eoapsrlsoa with tba
anrrnnndtna blue ocean, and we conld none
aw wBderafaVB, tt The ballaog oow tall
snd ran Hshtlv toward tt. fnlltna on mv
cheat, snd qnencbtng my thirst with the
mnat refreshing wntr 1 hud ever drank.
The stream was not more than ten feet
wide, and, aa far as we conld see from
where we stood, there was no narrower
place. We wanted to eroaa it and I'
fancied X conld make the leap, old man
though I am. I took a few ateps back
ward, and then ran toward the bank and
sprang Into tbe air.
"I eoared through that air like s bird,
and landed at least twenty tarda beyond
the farther bank. Mf wasepanlons, as T
k'lghted with the eaaa of a leather. Unit
looked bewildered, and then broke tnto
peals of almoat unceaslag Ungbtar, For
they nnderstood the reason Wre X did.
Do vonl
"Ho, WalL the explanation Is as sltn
oie as all tba etaara have baa, and fei-
- A Few Aiterthoasbts.
The recent campaign effectually dispels
tbe Illusion tnat there la any "suent vote.'
The cough losenge man Is glsd that the
uacoiniortuuie mt wentner is over.
The beef trust controls" the supply of sole
leather, and it la said thnt in consequence,
tha kicks of the consumer do not hurt.
The Cleveland woman who wss arrested
for patting a love potion In her husband'
coffee should have aaed some coffee Instead.
Oscar, not the king of Sweden, but the
ef of tbe Waldorf-Astoria, says toat one
meal a day la enough for the average men
wuuuvaw ai tt . aa. pucva.
-.he Panama Canal has reached tha stage
of n splendid cost of anna and a commend.
able motto. Thla Is a good deal further
isaa ua) a ran oa gvx.
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