The ColmWa ReMer. Entered a econb-rla waiter Ajrl 3 l th poal office al Hon Hon, Orrgu.u.BUr the Act ol CongreM tl March S laT. rYM.IIKD KVKXT rilPtV K. H. M1TCMKLL. KaltaaT. Subscription price ll 00 per year la aawatas Advertising rate reasonable. SHERIFF'S SALE or Delinquent Taxes Kor the Year of I904. X'OTICK IS HEREBY C.1VKN. THAT MY jw rliiuo of warrant .r the collection of lino,uent Uin of Ihe wwiuriil of th year !, iu and for l4miihla Ownty, 8Ut n 4reoo Which warrant t now in my hand And U la word and figure as foaowtag: $titi or Out w, I Coi'HTTOr toLmnu. i ft. Ta Ik Khari f t laaxhla faaati. Oregaa. GbbktiK.i: TNTHK NAME OF TUB STATE OF OKE I GOX.Yon are hereby commanded lo m-ll Ibe teveral articlea of personal property, and para to of real eatate upon which anew, lax c are respectively levied ami ahowu U ta Jclln quent, unpaid and uncollected on tia wtthlu Md foreg olnn- Ui rvill coiudaling of too vol Bnm niHrkftl A. to M.. and N. to Z., in the nanner provided by taw. Wttucaa hit Ivan J and leal of the County Owrt of Columbia Conner. Hut of Oregon. Aikla 271b. day of October. A. IV. 1A. H. HEXlEKMOX Couuty Clerk. 4SEAI.OF Whlrh warrant I allarhrd to the INI nf un paid and delinquent taxes for the year In ld Columbia fount v. Oregon, aii'1 In puru aoceof aaid warrant I will n-ll the following list of real pmprrty for the delinquent, un paid and uncollected taxea on the Mime, aa appear 00 thedeUutiuebt tax roll for the Mild year l'.v4, OS SATURDAY. THE m DAT DECE1BEB, A. D., 1905. OF AT THE FRONT lOOrt OF THE COl'NTY Court Houe, la St. Helen, i'oluti'bla t'ounte ftare of Oreiton. at '.he hour cflO o' look In the forenoon of wtin day. and nell ea-h parcel or parceln to person who offer to pay the tax e, cot a d accruing naltle thereon, and take a reriitii-ate of faleatlh lowest rate of intereai. MARTI WII1TK. Sheriff of Columbia County, Oregon. KTATEOFOKKiiO.t. f, t'aOSTYOE COLI'MBIA. I hereby certify that the warrant aa cited above i a tnie and cortt copy of the original warrant for the collection ol iinitienl tux tut the year 14. MARTIN' WhllE. Sheriff of Columbia County, Oregon. . B. All tho-e wlahlng to ra before raie on the lands advert!.! hero in. mul aend in addition to the amount uted, the coat of advert King, which I at the rate of 10 cent line. Owner IHncrlption Amount jtsk, Alexander SW.'; of X W 4 arejn, tpSX, K3 W tax with pen and Int.. Adanis. Jam- it. Ua I, 'i, 3 in Block 24 ilelliuger'a Add to with pen and In I Andrewi, C. Commencing at a point i" rhnina !. of X. W or of S W '4:tUence W a chain: thence E 40 chain ; thence N" rhalua: thcni-e W 40 chain to 1-n.innlt g ec2! tp a X, H 4 W. Ux, tn aud Int 2 tti JUhnuiii, C. E. Lot and N W "4 of S E and 8 of t E auc- 23, tp IN, Ki W ux, pen and Ini 1.1 Si AUitiK, J. a. Jr. I nd ' int iu H K ) ol 8 K !-c in, lpl. K J w, 1 tin nil in K of X E ec 24. tp iNKl W ec 24. tp JSRJ W. Li to; X K 2 W. Ind I ... 1 , I a 1 , lut in lot 1, 2 and X 'ivtHt't of S W '4 aw 19 Id 7 N. K 2 W. Ux, pen. ami Int 19 50 Bailey, How rd V. Klmt Add to Yerno I, J, I. 4, i, 7, H, 9. In, 11 12, Hoc li, tiix wilb penalty tai Int Itro l . r.'.ui-r.'. leaa I acre ec 10, Ip H, K 3 IV, Ux.'pen and Int. . . IH 45 Uruwn, H. . L. X !, of X ' of M W '4 Iji - acta, and N lj of 8 W of 8 v ;4 a - I 8 !4 of X W .4 of 8 W ?4 -e 1 , i 6 i of K 3 w; lux, n and int.. n 97 Bryant. j. All tnat ixirtion of the 11 H. ilaoliiix that Hk lu w-4'tiou 9 and 10 ip 7 X nf It 4 W . excepting 15 acre t.i . 1. Watt, excepting 6 aerea to W. i bt-clt, excepting lOacre to G. W. Joue-., excepting 2,Vj aerea to J. C. .Monroe; fXeepting acre to J. N. Ktee. I0la , 9. 10, 11, aubJIvlaii.n of tin: I. Wagoner I'. I..I . leal ainouin to Benson, a, tp 7 X id K 4 tt ; It 1, m a tp 7 X of Kill; loi i lea uni t to i'- i.xn, hull Hiid .iclxmald n-c M, tl 7 S ol K 4 W. 1-t add to ( In lakan lc 1.11 1 Hun k 3. lax, pen and lut 4" V J3r n., 1.. . I-oia 1, 17, . :i.', and S 1 :t of IJt rtsb li v or Hie I Wagoner, )'. I. C. f a, lp 7 X of K 4 W; Lot Rub. ll, . 01 lne 1 Wmner I). L. C, le t cii' iiiit to Oertru'le r ii!-n. U- the iiinouiit to lnrk & Ihiniilum.l. B. tlie Uli.ulll lo b'MI-Otl 11 ll. " KlllOllUt t c n.iiiv r md in-c tp 7 X of It 4 W, Nit 2.3, a, V, 1", sub. 1 I thrt liryiuit I 1.. I . .rc 1 ip 7 X o K 4 W; lil ti, c ii lp 7 X of 11 4 W. .1 W Intereat In sal that pxri tit X j of the fc i. Hryant ll I.. ( '. 1.. W of pieHent it-iiiiil-ul eiiiiiiin.'i .u-ctlona : und a tp 7 X of It 4 W, Ij.i. i, i. tt In llluek 4 ClatHkimie, interest In 4, 7, H, In lilin k 4, I .h.iakitiiie. yiita3and i UWa'k 1, lat A'ld to I l.itkilllle, 1...13, Mlot-k lt Add U 1 li.Iikaiiie, l.t 1, lilock 9, lat Alio t'i I iutnk;iiiie, tax, ix-n and int 3fl V) Bryani. Mra. M, J. L i,i 14 ua m W of f- K V4 and X K ' ol n K lt and S ID liera of a W K. ol X K ec 14. ID 7 N of k 4 V, tax, pen and int 2 Z' Bryant, Mr. il.C. Lot 2 P. lock H, lt Add lo rlHt-k.inie, Lot i HIH-k li. lat Add .0 Clatakanle, tux, pen and Int ,103 Backairoin, L. O. liU 2. 3. 4. block 2 In Neerclty. lax, pen and Int 1 03 JJakeraiKi Kaker, N K of H W and 8 K 'A ttl ri W ,. ace i, tp 4 N of It 2 W ux pen and int 22 12 YtLle, Donald lot5 Block 9 (ioble. Ux, peualty and inten-al 3 43 JJIott. oeorge t A of 8 W ic 7 tp 3 N of K 2 W , lax, n and Int 14 52 Vole, harah A. All that iiortloD of the 8 h oi the N E !4 lying went of Ne lialem Klver in aec 19 tp f X of It 6 W Ux, penalty and Intereat 1 72 JJOoh, Auarew lt 10, lllock 17 Yernonla Ux, pen and lut 24 JSOOH, J. O. ma lleit.hauae K. 11. N E li of Lot 4 Block 7 Vernonla ux.Mn,iiu 24 uraaen, miiiy itoae a Add to ernoiiia. IIk 4, 5 block 7 lax, pen and Int , 60 jjraaen, w 111. 11. nrnl Add to YemonU, Ixd 5 Block l', Ux, penalty and Int. fjrorabeag, K. Hecond Aod lo Vernonla. Lot 2 Block 4. Ux. Den and Int Burke, H. K. ami Martha 8 '. of N B ' and W y. 8 E y. aec W, tp 7 A of K 3 VT Ux, penally and lnleret l0 jiynon, rren b. Meiunfer'a Add UkVr. nonla. lota 7, , V. 10. 11. U lu Block 21 tax.peuaud lut ... 1 K Hyooa. Uaa It Mtdihaaaw's Add U . nola. Ua 11 Hum k tax, a a 4ot Ckanionmu. W . . Uif Uaawnr wa N K . of H W . aaal v ad ft w V ear n lalNwIKtw.lai. tan. and lul 9 A Campbell, Win. Hoa-ad Add iu Yra noma. lu,autt, luura ..taa, pea and In! 1 l'hfw, M. It R.waa'a Add Yeraaaaka Lot It, Blocks A, Ul and tat . 2u Hark . A .ma M. N S of H W a4 w ; wlttk'tmc M,tN tt4W.Ui.peu aud Ini V to Ctwilev, John Mvod Add U, Lot!. 3. aud 4, lM Hkark . Ul, peu and In 4 I AS Cotiwax. John F.tai. 71 wcce la are 14 to i N of H 4 W. Ux. peu aa( lul..,. ti Cramer. Jullu It. N K cf N K , and V,of N K', e4. t4 S of ItS Vx.iax penally aud Intereat 11 XT Jiaiilela. K. A. 8 V MV'iua JU IP J N of K 4 w las. n aud Int MM blfoold. M r. V M . X K1. avlkm II. to i N of R. i W, la. and lul..... 0 iAum-an. J. IU K .t K '.of N fc'.of mt 14. tps i'IRIH la, urn S lul.. ID JO Lw. Krailk SK. of N K aw I . IP I N of K 4 XV. tax, iwn and lul 4 TI Uaairla. onir II. t oluutbla I'lty. Lot 4 HbM-k t U. lul and tn 94 lti.l K M N W l. of W wf Id. In IN of Hi W lm.wii and hit U iMrrr. K. 4. and t-rata UH I. i ami i . tp . K 4, lax, prnand In!.. . I t7 IXavl. Abimj H. I'nd lu Hi k, ul K C m tp 4 N, ol It 4 W and I ud lutki N W of K',H-ii, l S, of It W.and I " I tnt In IaU I Ui ti lur4uUe li M.'lll'ikrr'a Add to Yrr mmi. U, pri. a d lut II 10 IhM'ker. IMht IV Kit. IWliinhi at N w corM-of K ' of N W art'ltou 21 tp 4 N of R W llu-uor aat 40 rl: llirw auulh At rooa: thrurv Wt-M 4U nalv lhria N -1) rtla lo Dlac of be- aluiiiiic. lat, iwn and Int I M) DvlaliliKill, Maria I nd' lollu N I. at XL IP i S . of It J W . lax. Penal ly and tntrrmt IN Mllliitf liain. . l. Tldrland In from of Uil I. Hlm-k l.aud lld land In front of tkmth M Uevl of J atrrvt, t'oluinhla CtlT.iai. p-n aud int SO Porting. AUlo. S V '4 of S W I. T 10, tp i N H K 4 M and W . of N W and N W I. of it kt Ik ll 5 N.ol HIM, lax, itii auo lut XJ lU Drakf. J. II. 1 Blia k lu ColuliibU I'lty. tax. iwn and nil 17 KIIMI. . K. i 'A of X K V4 !t. tp TN.ofRjW; . , f K ami VV of N K motion II. lp 7N,of K j Timber tn N K '.of N W '. and N W 4 of N E ' of Mvtlou Zl, tp N, of K . W, lax, tvn and lut TH 15 Ehrlingt-r 4 1 4 b. re, Improvement ou bloi k 1, lUinler. tiix, eii and Int ... 7 S tdwardo. J. J. Ut I llloek 4, Yernonla tax, pen and mt '.H Ekblom, Kdwanl Ia ! and Hand f of 8 '4 of ee 3i lp N, of U. i V, tax, I'en and Int 1 13 FttigeitM. Annie, Tnitee, ll-vlnulng at . W Corner of E ,of N K1, M, I p SN.ofK 4 W; tliencv euM 40 mN; trteneefouth ! more or lea to middle of IttH'k Creek; thence eater I; up Mit-Min to weal lioiiiuliiry f the aald K thenre north along ald lMuniitry line k nwla mora or h-w lo the place of lietflunliig ami cmitalna 'arreaall In aecai.tpi N,ofK4W, tax, pen and Int 4 10 FarnkotT. lUtac Lot in. Hlock I Klmt Add to Yernonla, tux, pen ami Int . .. JD Foster, W. a. s'i( wc tp 7 N. of R S W. tax, Pmi and lot.. ... 1J 4.1 Fung. John, Frar Lot I, 2, 11 aud I-', In hlork .v. Columbia I'lty, lax, ta-n. Inf. 34 Flahertv. Ed. I nd inten-l 111 Low l.. ril'k .". t oiutniiia city, ux, en ana tntenut aec H tp 4 N , It 2 'A , tax. pen a Int Uarrlaoi:, O. ! N K '4 ol X w 1, ec 2 3X, R 2 W.UX, pen and nil It Si If 6 MO Griffi. Mr. J. II. Kegliiolng at M E cor of 8 W '4 aec 35 tp A N. K I W; thence weat 40 nala; tln nce north 4 rod; Ihence eaal 40 rods; thence aoulh 40 rod, tax, penally and Int 1 90 S .V) tiriflU, Yiola, I Jt X, eclion 2, tp 4 X, of HI w. lax. tan and int uilbreath, Mr. Jane Me. K. X 'J of X W 4 or aec W, Ipd X, It 3 , ux, eii 4 int ...... 10 20 (ierke, Morltx: Wet loacn-a of X v '4 of X fc ' 01 aec 1.1, tp 1 . ot K 2 , tax, la-i. - ud mt 1 DM 5 70 (ioldainltl , M. Lou and 4. ec l", tp .1 .. 01 h 1 . uv lan ni 1111 Halnea, E W. Koc Add to Venioubi, L.t i. Itlia k I, and 4oae a A. Id to er 110111. Iota a and 7 Bl.a k 2, tax, n and int 77 Hand. Nellie E. F. aec 5. tp 5 N, of R 2 W. ux. lieu and lul ..1100 Ilawkln.Jno h.lieir of John Kilawkln I) L C,; 21, lp 7 N. of ft 2 .tax, peii and Hit 12 15 Hawkins. Ada W 1, of H W 1; ec 21, tp 7 N. or R 1 W. tax pen ami till ..HOT) IJerinaii, 8. U.t I ami X W '4 or N E and 8 , or X E . - 33 tp X. of K 1 W. UX. p"n and lot 17 !i" llcywotal. C. F. Second Add lo Verno nla IjoU 1, 2 and 3, block 7, tax, (x u and Hit Hickman. A. Fir! Add In Vernonla It 7 and a hi.h'K -x, ux la-n & int .. ;t Hlggln. J. E. Truatce, 8 M K and X , Ipn X. of It '. W and X ..r V f I - ..I and X X . aec II. tn I 01 ll.) W, ux. 1a.11 ami Int M mi HotlldHV. Ella L. 8.-COIHI Add to Verno- iilu. Lot 1, 2. 3. 4.7. 10. 11 and 12 lr. Bha'k tax la? 11 and int 1 an Hughes, 1 ictavia, Cud interrat in X W . aec 32 tp J X ol It 2 N , tux, la-ll Ulld lub'nfHi 3 l Johnaon, L. J. F" Add to Yeruonln, liol mill 11. Block li, roiutiiiiia 1 llr 1 ta 9 mid lo iiuA. .1, ui.x, m-ii mid Hit ... i Jutignlckle. v. F. X W : aec , tp'l N, of it 2 w; tux, iwn and Int . . 11 40 Kllbv, W. C. W 1, ,.f f w 1.4 of .H W . aec 3j. tp"N of It. 3 W, tax. ll A int.. 7 75 Koakcs Victor Iil 2 lllia k 3, (iolilc. lax, la-n ami Int . . I ,e K rid.-l. Carl J1, nrrea in N W corner of X E ! t of 8 K f4 ec 12. tp 3 X, of It 2 W, lax. IH-iuilt v ami lot 1 OK Kcll.y. 1. I,. Firt Add lo Ver onla liLa 7 Hiid a, Block 5, tux, with X'ii and int .72 Kenely, John. Kalaleof, 8 W 1 or S W a.-c 21 l7 . f U :i W himI X Y of N W ' 4 a.-c -i., 1 p 7 X of It .1 W, I .x , with en and int . 12 Kcvser, Imvid ). E ',ors Vi !. X tp 4 X of K 4 W, tax, pen 11 ml Intereat.. 12 ii Kinney, M. .1. I.I I, 3. I and E'.of W yt e I'.i, tp i X, of It I W, lax Willi (K-iialty ami int 4!! 3.5 Une. Mra. M. A. V V. of W ' and H K '4 of X '4Mnd X r ',of H W 4 hcc 4, tp .. X of It 5 W and ME1, of X K 1 . and X . '.- or 8 K tuf h tp j ft or it.i V, tax with a-n and int Link, Mm:, Xecr City, lila 7 ami 8, Uha-k 12 a'. 4. tax wltli pen and nil Link, lilciuiic, Kntatc of. Nivr City, Lou 3, 4 .5 and 6 Block 4, tux with Ja n and int .... Link. M. IV Xeeri'lty. Lot 12, Block 22, 69 ux with mi and lut 17 Link, Willie, .Veer City. U.I a 9 and 10 In Block 4. MX with pen and lul 34 Loiialgnont, l'eter, Guardian, Iota 4, 8 and that part of lt 5 lying weat of land of 1. A. and It. J. r rikea, lea 30 aerea to H01I In ec la, tp 3 X, of It 1 W. All that part of lota, 1. 2 and N W ll of X W i lying north of land of Clirlailne Johnaon in aec 19, tp 3 X, of It 1 W, Und U intereat in H K '' 01 X V. Vi it Z. lp S, or ll 2 W, Ux, pen and lut 48 SO Lotcgren, J. B. Moeca'a Add to Knliilcr iol 9 and 10, lllock 39, Ux with pen and interest 11 75 Loomla, Cbarlo Vernonla, UA 2 Block 7, Ux wllh 1 An and Int 25 Lyon, M.J. M W y4 ; iu, tp t, X, of It 2 W. ux with pen and int 31 ft) Merrill, Kdltb, Beginning at a point 8 alif ESctmluaandHJi llnka and 8 2U40'W 1.M ehalna from the Initial point of the aurvey of the town of . Clatakanle; thence 8 53 40 K 101 feel; lhencM 29&40' W 81 . f.t; tlx nce N 1 10 W J00"i feet; thence N 40 E ' JM'feet to Leginuiiig, In town of liai-xunic, ana ii 4 niocg 1 nouta Clatakanle, tag with pan and Int.... Merrill. Albert. Clatikanie. Lot 4 Block 2 S27 ux Willi peu and lut.. IM Merrill, Norman, , of S W aad a Wt NortaxJaereaof N K , Muoa 1. ip j. N.i k a : j . aerea of N K t of N K rrllon It lp kN.ol HW; a K'ofrf K kaaha aaiounl ttt kanda, leaa M It rlgbl of wwy la avium H I ;1 V,..f M K aiid NK, of N K1, and S t of A k aell..n Jl, tp 7 . of K 4 W . U.I T and N W i4 N W e lUmti,tplN.of K4 w; N K 4 JN.of K4w; N K ? n 3. tp T S. of K IW; I HW ,an.l Nw,m(K H V. i atviion UvU i. ft and i. Ina. A a C H R t o rht of wav in rxhn I, ip 7 X- of It i w; bji luif of that aMtonof th J. Merrill l. I.. C. Ivmg raal of lHer laland HU.ogh In aeeiloiK 4 and 4. Ip 1 N.ol It I W; M W Vl N K e'tin W, IP 7 N, id It 4 W : Healimlua at a point on aoulh linvof J Merrill a H. U C. f.W rhun K ai.d I So rhalna luM'th of eoiiiinoii corner orarrltna4, ., lpN of K I W; tnenea X lJ ty k .tA.yj chain; tlteme north in u chain loilw north 111 . I J. Merrill l I. C.; Iheiiea E I. , rhalna lo low title line; thence m V IV K IvW e halua: Ihcnor M 1J .ir W j.VaJ rhaloa to aoiilh Una ol J. Mer niralv Ul'.: Ilience weal i chain hi lathulng and contain U.'j7 acre. AIo iM-gli.miig at a point In exlen iu HMHith line of J. Merrili'a 1. U C. 4 r ha in .N and 31. u" chain K of roniuion corner lo aeciloua 4, A, a, a, i. A.N of It I W, thence Nlie-W ehalu; thence E i chain: I hence (4 I M' K JUKI rlutliia to extension of line of u Id IV I. O: Ihen.v W on aalit line ft .'al ehalna to bi-giiinlug and roll la I. IU.4J acrea. In Seer 1 lit Iota A and a. huak i 111 Columbia ill). kit 1 hl.a k ;a. CtaUkante, Uh 7 and a III. k I; Clatakanle. 7 and Hl.a k 1 I'li.Ukallle uud liilereal III l4.ta I, i, 7 and . bhwk . Ux, with x iially and Hit iW U Miller, Klnirr Coutiiicwl.ig at H K or ner of Ih land ol J. M. l.rvwrll laee b. a4 S ge IW) ihence north SI ' c. il oil K boundary of aald tract 40 rl, ihence H B." E 40 imI. thruco H 41 ' 4. W 4u rMl more or Ima to the H line or the K. C. Arliillr ll. U C ; and theiiee N a." W to ro.1 In plu- of be glunnig ami contain lOut rea, taring a intrl cl ll.a M. C. Achillea IV U . (ional7 ail I. tp 4 N.of K I W, tax with priialty and lilt ! HI Mill.. Euwry E oCHW 'tani W tof H t ' e .0, tp 4 N. of H 4 W, tux w till ptn am lot . . l." 4i Monna-. i. C. aud Marllia Coiiiuienrlng al a llit :U 10 (trl N and .0 feel of H homer nl the II. II. Hailing IV I, r. In acclloii , 10 and 7,tp7 N.of hU; thence M i.. naU, I heme north lii rial, thence cal i ro.1. li nl llneot prcacul eouuiy naol. tlienee H In nala 10 pia e ol U'giuulne and con lulna i ' en, ec IH. tp 7 N, of It I W . lux lih la-ll ud tin 3 II Mm We. lKirlnda A. IW-wlunlug al the liilcrx.'tioi. ol the line divi.llna- Ihe liimlKol c. inch. ier a'lil iKati Hian. hard with the uorthrrlr Hue ul the A. A". II- It. lo r In lit of ay, thence N. H5 E. lo liii.nnel ol o luinbia ihence N. IiO W". ' leel ald river, Ihence Mil! V, l leel lo u d right ol Wa, IhellCe K. 7.,: K. following aald rlxhl ol Witt I., the place of b. ginning, tax w llli pen. and Hit VI M Cnnr, Murtha l N W ';olK',of HerH,Tii N.of It i W.UX with pen an ' 11 1. i." . . .... .. At . kj I .. , V It t a. M II I 1111011, ..iar it. n -j . " H 01 x r. ul cc Si, ip a jx, 01 u & W. Ux. pen and Int 4 li Munition. I'. A. UK1, of aec 23. lp 4 X. cl H 2 NY, 'ax, pen and ml 12 75 Mariitmiii, C. a, ii. W of 8 E '4 or .-o lp h X. ol ll 4 . ami 101 a. ',, Ipa N.of R 4 W, lax, an and lot ... Maxwell. A. I.. Olid Int In X K '.of ec 17. iptN.ofk'JW; uml half lot lu N '.V of w IT lp 4 X. ol Hi W : und half int in X V ', m-c .'l. tp 4 X ol R 2 W ; und halt lut lu E hall of 8 W i, (k W half ol 8 K H ofaeC2l,lp4 X. oIK ft W. Ux ih-ii and hit . . . i 21 HI 97 Marker, J. U 2nd mid to Vernonla, Int 1. 2. 3 hl.a k tax, p'" "1 I1 Meaerve Hna) U.I I, 2. S. 4, 5. 7 A X V i.aud X W i.ofH W of we 27, tp8 X. of K 4 W; K half of X E and K half ol S E ofia-c , p N.ol R4 W; lot 2, ! ainniliil aold to Nonlhy, ecA4, tps N, of It 4 W , ux. pen aud lul Mcsalck. W. I, 211.1 aid to Vernolilit. lot i. block , ux. pen and lut MlllUle, Joaeph. W hull of N W '4 of aec ;7, tp 4 N. of R 4 W , UX. a-n and Ini MofTeit, lieorge )l. 2nd add hi Vernonla lolaS. 4,9. I, III block 27, UX. u an I Ini Mcl.lroy. I4. Fa-llclia of. I'nd half hit lu M r". '4 oil E r aec 13. tp 7 X, r It H W : uud hnl! int In K huir o- N F. 4 of ee 21, t7 X, 01 R 3 w: uud bull Int In lol 7. aec la, tp 7 N. of M 2 W: u nl half Hit In lot I. 2 and N half of H E '4 ot aec 19, tp 7 X. nlK2W,lax, Int and a-n . Mcllattiin, V. E. Coliiiulila City, loll, hl.a-k 2T. tax, pen aod lilt Seer. Maud M. Beginning ailnl HI feet E of lol 2. block 22, Ne-r CIM, thence X 5.15 V. 77 reel to X. V. It. H. Co. right of way, lhenc- nutlierly follouing .ild rlrflit ol war to a pdut due K of filnt of lieslnuliig, thence W 10 beginning. In town ol Xcvr City Uix, k-h and mt Newell, W. A. II of X K and M K ot N K '4 of 29, tp 5 X. of It 4 W. tax, lien and Int 12 95 V, 4 .V. 1 02 19 13 Xorlhrup, J Eat nldc add to eruonla loi .'i, block lo, lax. m.ii a'id lot f Mauder, Emma A. 8 W 1. ol X K ' and 8 I. of N E ' and W of N 4 of aec 32, tp 7 X, ol R ft W, ux. a-ll and Int (Itla. 11111 A 8 W of x W 'i of aec 20, IP 7 X. of It 2 U ; X W ol X of I I ec .". t 7 X. of K 2 W, Ux, k-ii and Hit Ougendiil. II. J U.t 3 lea rutrnad right of way. .T 31. lp a N, of It 3W , tax, pen mid lut ...... Payne. Kllen T N K ' of siPj of w-c 27 tp4 N. of It 2 W; 8 ',olH E '4 oi 27 t n 4 N . of K i W : N F. ' , of a E ' 4 of . o 2X. tp 4 N. of H 2 N ; X IV '4 of X W ol M'e .li, Ip I N.ol It 2 , lax fii ami int Falne. George M. 8 I. '4 and K ' of S W 4 ol aee lp I X, of It I , tux, 'll ami int Plndell. Stephen 8. N E '4 of 8 W of aec 20, tp 6 X, of U 2 W, tux, K-I und Ini Randn. Thena. H E4 of ace 32, tpa X, of Itft V. tax. pen and Int ... 14 41 r.3 Kohl- mil, A. A. H y, of H W 'i or acc 28, I p 4 N , or K 5 W ; N ol N W ' , of a, c 2fi, tp I N.of Ki W, uix. lien and int 21! 90 Bandatrom, John, lot ft, 7, (balancel ae: 14, tp 8 N, ol it 4 W. lux, m uud mt 1 T McftpiaKiH Lntnhcr Co. All that portion of the B. M. Wall ! L. . that la Ixiunded on the North by th" Houlli line of theliiiiothy Ijimlieraon I). L. Con the Weat by hcapaaiae Creek, on the Houth hv land of Fred V tier lr. on the Eaat by X. V, it. II. Co. right of way, and contain 4 ucrea. acc 12. tp3 X, of It 2 W; alo uw lull! machluerv', etc., Ux, a-n und Int . .. 87 05 Khearcr. Bcrtlia J. 8 H ol8W'4andW y or H K If of air ft, tp 5 N , of K 6 W, ux, iwiiiilly and Int 10 35 8nlilvaii, Clara. Clatakanle, tind int In lot 2. block I. lax. im'ii and Ini ... H5 Hliear . Frank E. N K i of H F. V4 utid y.otAY. of MX- 22. tp 7 N, of ll 6 W ; N. W. V4 of 8 W yt at m-e Ti, tp 7 N, of H5W, tux. jxiii and Int Hhumnker. Frank W. Vernonla, lot 10, 9 85 '''cM 12 tox vn iici int 2S Smith, Amoi M. J. tg 1, 2, 3 I, boc 31, tp 7 of K4 W, Ux, ) .. and In, 12 10 Htewart, Jo.ui, lola 2, H and 8 of NK ', of aec 3. 1 p ft N, of It 2 W, pix pen ami Int ' 41 95 Blewurt. John. N 't of N E and M W. otS fc'4 0fH;i21tp6ll,of H8 W, tax, pen and Int 21 79 Thayer 5 ti. Lola 1, 2, Bee 22. ll 7 N. of A 2 W; loU 1, 2, d, 4, and N W V, ofM W '.;, leaa amount to John Backna. acc Jj. tp 7 N. of It 2 rVl 8 K 4 of M B 4 and W X of 8 I 4, leaa 10 acre to - John Bavkiia, ee 72, tp 7 N, of It 2 W , tax. peii aud Int M 00 lbiaai, R.K. Hcappoose, ol 8, block 6,., , laa, aaJUBUd Mil... .....V 10 B Thuraton, John W. It , of H W l and W Sola K ul are 1, IB a .1,01 a n, T a .... M laa, pea aiwj ..... ..... Thou. a. hi. avnuelt. hlMckatnlth ahnp at llouilon. lax, pen and lot I Toinpklna.knilly K. N W la nf K aud ri Hla " aim " " i"!"' V, of act. la, tp 4 N, of R W, lax pen and lot . Turner, Charlea F. W of N K V. of are M lnS,olll4WjlWt,.atV1of are Ai,lp N.ol II W, lax, -rn and lut .. W Tedlorl. IV l K , ol N W V, And N W i of H W i, of ace .'4, lp 7 N. of It t W, lax. iwll and lul , 'JO rplnn, f. W.- Klale. Uita 1, 1. . aro i. IP N.ol HAW; I..I 1,1 .1.7, , and N , of S NV 1 4 ol arc Ml . I p a N It 6 W; tola I. J. . 4, aee .', IpH N, of It A W ; loia I. . 4, ace M. Ip a .N, of It W ; lola I, a, 7, w XI. Ip N. of It S W ,.i 1. g. ,&.. and a ol N W and N K '.ofH W ' and N W of H K and H W ' ol W l4 of arc j,lp B N. of a 5 V. lax, pen and lul Al 10 00 10 IW I'ukunan Mt. Helen, lait I, Hl.a-k JA, lax wllh pen and lul fnkn.iwu. H Helen. Uil 2. lll.a k TA, tax wllh pen and lul rnkliowu. Ml. Helen. U4 4, llkark TA, Ux wllh an aud lul t'liknowu. 81. Helena, Lot A, llluck T.i, lag wllh pro and till I'liknown, 81. llrU'in Ud a, lll.a-k 7 Ux with pen and Hit I'liknown, Ml. Helena. I ait 7, lll.a k TA, tx w It h pen and Hit 1 ... I'liknown. M Helena. j,t a, lll.ak "5. tax wllh pen and Int ( Bkiiowii. Mt. Helen, Ud . block 75, lax w llh an and Int t'liknowu. Ml. Helen, lad 10, Hl.ak 7. . lax with M'ii and ml I'liknown, Ml Helen, lad II, lll.a k Ti. lax with a n and Int I'liknown, Ml. Helen. Ia.1 12, Blm k Ti. UX with p"ii and Int I'liknown. Mi Helen. I ait It, lltia-k TA, lax with pen and lul t'nknown. Mt Helen. Ud II. lll.ak 7 tax wllh wii and hit t'nknown. 8. Helen. Lot 15, Hl.a k 7 tax with pii and Int I'liknow ii. ai. Helena. Ul Id, lllia k T i, lX Wlh pen and ul Helen. Ud 17, lll.ak T, tax w ilh pen and lul .... I'likuowii, 81. Hr.ciia, Uit IK. Hl.a k 75, lax Wllh (a n and Hit I'liknown. Mt. Helen. U1 19. Ilio. k Ti, Ux wpli li and tut t'liknowu. hi. Helen. Ud ', III' k 75, lax with eii and hit t'liknowu. 81 Helen. Ud 21, Hhak 7i lax a llh pen and lul ... I'liknowu, 81. Helena. Uil 22. Hl.a-k 7x. lax wllh la-" and lul 10 lu UV 10 O.I 10 III 11 lo 00 10 I 10 I 09 Ml 0.1 lu 10 09 10 09 lo 111 on Hi 0l lo lo lr I'liknown. 81. Helena, U.I I. lax wllh -ti and lul .... I'likuowii. at. Il. l.'ii. U.t .', lax a III! lan and Hit ;n.M-k mi, IH. a 10, lll.a k mi, II. ia k Ml, t'likuoun, l Helena, U.I lax wllh 11 and Int . . I'liknown, Ml., lit lax wllh la-ii and Hit 3. t'liknowu. at. Helena, U.I lux w llh 'i. und Int I'liknown, ai, Helen, Ui' lax w llh 1 en and lul III l k Ml, , in, in.H k M.', I'nknow n. Ml, Helen, U.I I, llllMk lu., lax w llh 'ii and mt t'liknowu. HI. Helen, l ot 2. lll.a k In... tax w nh eo and lul t'liknowu. HI, Helen, Uil 3, HI' k 10,, lax wllh -e" "! lul t'liknowu. Ml Helena. !,ol I, lll.a k III'-, la with I a' 11 aud Int t'nknown. Hi. Helena. Utl 5, Hha k 105, tax Willi -n an. 1 Hit . I'likuowii, HI. Helen, Uil li. Hl.ak III'., lat with peii and lul l'likno-ii, 81. Helen, Uil 17. Rl.a'k lu'., tax wilh peu and lul . . I'likuo n, 81 Helena, Uil la, lll.a k li. Ux wllh p.-u and lot I'liknown, Ml. Helen. Ud Pi, lllock In,'., Ux with pen and Hit I nkiiuwii. m. Helm. U.I .11, lllock lu'.. 10 j to 10 10 w 10 011 10 10 09 10 10 I III 119 10 09 In in lax wltli pen and Hit . t'nknown, at Helen, UK tax wllh pen uud Int 21, lll.a k lui. I'liknown. 81. Helena. Ul 22, "ll'loek loi, Ux w llh pen and lul I'llklinu 11, al. Helena, Lot Block Mi, tax w llh pen and lul ... I'liknown. 8t. Helen. Ud 4, lilia-k lax Willi -n ami Hit . . t'liknowu, at Helen, Ud A, llbak Ux with la-n and Hit I'liknown, Mt. Helen, lad a, Hba k tax w lib m-ii and Hit . I'likuowii, Ml. Helen. Uit 7, lllock li., ion, "i'm.', ' li;; Ux wllh atn and lul . ... I' .n, at. Helen, Uil a, Hloek ion, tax w llh M'li and Hit I'liknown. Ht Helen. U.I 9. lll.a k Hal, lax a lib pen and Hit I'liknown, ft. Helen. Uil II, lll.a k lii, lax wllh m-ii and int t'liknowu, 8t. Helen, Ud 12, lll.ak ', tax with -n and lul ... I'likuowii, 81, Helena, Uil I.I, lll.a k 111', tax with peu and Int . t'liknowu, 81. Helena, Ud II, lllia k loti, I'., lllock ll., C, lllia k H'., ' - ill uix wllh ia-11 and Int. I 'tik mm n, mi Helen. U.I Ik tax wllh i-cii and Int . . t'likimwn, ni. Helena, Ud lax wllh (8-11 and lilt .. t'liknowu, ni Helena, Uit 1 block ino. Ux Itli 'ti aud Hit . I'likiiown, Ht. Ili len., U.I 18, Bha-K lax wilh pen and Int I'likuowii. 81. Helena. Uit in. lllia-k Hl, 10 tax with im'ii ami lul I'liknown, M. Helena, Ug 21, llba k Hal, lax wllh lam uud lut iih Unknown, ni. Helena, 1 .01 22, Hba- m. lax u lib M-u and Hit . . I'likliowu, Hi. Helen. Ud a. Itl.a-K 132 tx Willi a-n and nil I'liknown. M. Helena, Ud HI, llliak III lax wllh la-ii and Hit 79 I'likuowii, M . Helena, U)t 11, III.H-k II I, tux Willi m ii and Hit t'liknowu, 81. Helena. Uit 12. Illia-k 113, lax wllh IM'II and 1 11 1 ... 17 I'liknown, l. Helen. Uit 13, lllock 11 1, lax with pen and Int I'liknown, St. Ileleii. Uit 11, j.lo-uk 11.', n 4Y, I tux Willi pen ami 1111 unknown, ri. iieieiia, 111 11, iiiih k hi, In X wllh a-n mid Hit t'liKiiuwii, Ml. He en, l.l HI.IIIih k 11 1, lux Willi m 11 uud Hit . I'tiknou ii, nl. Helena. Ud 21, IIIim k 113, i lux wilh M'ii and lul 1 IIKiiowu, 81. iieieu. lan iiiiM-a. 11. 1 lax wllh M-ii and Hit ,7i I 11 H now n. ni. 111 u na, 111 n, iiiih k 111. uix wiiii pen nun 1111 I'liknown. 81. Helena, U)l 9, BliM'k 111, H ,Vj I lax Willi a'ti anil 1111 I 11k now 11, nt. Helena. 1,01 111, hum k hi V ,',1 lax wllh a-u and lu' ... I.likuowil, Ml, Helena. Mil II, IIIim-k III UX wllh a-u uud lut I'nkmiwn. 81. Helena, Utl 22, lll.M-k 111, tax with pen and Int . I'nkiu.wn, ni. Helena, Ud 1. IliiM-k 122, lux wilh H-n and lot I'likuowii, 81. Ileleii, Uit 2, lllock I-"-', tax with 'ii and Hit I'liknown, 81. Helena, Uil n, Block 122. lux Willi M.'ii ami lul I'liknown. Ml. Helena, Uit 4, lllia k 122, tax with M'ii and Hit I'liknown, Ml. Helena, Uil 5, lllock 122, tax with pen uml lut I'liknown, ht. Helena, U.t 8. lllock 122, lux with M'ii uud Int t'liknowu, ht Helen. Ud 7, lllia k 122, Ux with im'ii und Int Unknown, Ht. Helen, Ud 8, Hha k 122, tax wllh M'ii and Hit t'liknowu, 8.. Helena. Uit 15, Blui-k 122, tax with (M'li and hit Unknown. HI. Helena, Uit HI, Block 122, Ux with n and int Unknown, Ht. Helena, Uit 1M, lllock 122, tax with h-ii and lut t'nknown, l. Helena, Lot 19, BI.M-k 122, . tax with pen and lot Unknown. HI. Helena, Uit 20, Block 122, Ux wllh pen and int Unknown, 81. Helen. IM 21, Block 122, tax with pen and Int Unknown. Mt. Helena, lajl 22, Block 122, tux wllh pen and int Unknown, HI, Helen, Uit 1, Block 129, tax with pen and Int I'liknown, Ht. Helena, Uit 2, Block IW, tax wllh pen and Int Unknown. Hi. Helena, Lot a, lllock 120, tax with pen and Hit Unknown, Ml. Helen, Lot 4, BliM-k 120. lax with 1 en and Hit Unknown, Mt. Helen. Ijtt ft, Blm k 129, tax with pen aud Int Unknown, HI. Ilvlan, Lot , lll.a k Ija, laa with pen anc lul . o Unknown, el Helen, Ut 7, Mua-k li-i, laa w lib pen and lut .. w I', hi. Hrleli. Ud B, HUa k I2B, Ul with peu and Ini 10 Unknown, 81. Helen.. U.I ., Hl.ak .i, laB wllh pen and lul ... hi I'llklH.wn, Ml. Helena, lad 111, llliak If, lax w llh a'n aud lu. . . 00 Unknown. m. Helen, Uil 17, Hl.a k l.m, lag wllh u and Ini . lit Unknown, Mi. Ilvlen. Ud la, Hi-ark 1.0, lax w llli -u and Hit . .. , Oil Uuklioaw.M Helena. Ud II, 'hark li". lag with a-u ali.l Int la Unknown, M. Ilel. li, Ud jn, lll.M-k li1, tax wlih a-u ami nil . .... 19 Unknown, al. Helena Ud 71, Hhak li, hi wild pen and lul IM Unknown, ni. Helen. Ud 22. HI... k r, la wlih 1 -en and lul . . .. lo t'liknoaii. at, iiru if, U.I A, lll.ak UN lax wllh (ayn and Int H I'liknown. 81. Helen. Ud B. lll.M-k I n, lax wlih pen and Hit IU Unknown, el. Il.l"ii., Utl 7, lll.ak l, lax wllh pen ami lul , .... U Unknown, ni. Helen. Ial a, llliaik la, lax wlih pen ami int Ill Unknown, 8i. Helen. U i, Hhak Ik, tax with pen ank lul ot t'llkliownal. Helena. Ud IT, lll.ak Lax, lax wllh (a ll ami lul .... Ill Unknown, fd. Helena Ud l, llliak, lax wlih pen and lul on t'liknowu, Ml Helen. U.t III, lll.a k I M, lax wllh a-u and Ini HI I'liknown, i. rtvl.-iia. Ul jo, lll.ak I.-, lax with a-tl and llli 0U I'liknown, Ml. Helen.. U! '.I, llliak 0, tax null Mrn and lul . o Unk now n, Ml. Helen-, Ud I, lll.ak lift, lax Wlih pell and lul ,00 Unknown, II. Helen., I.ot I. Hl.a-k Hi, tax wilh a.u and lilt lo I'likuo ll el. Helena. I, III. ark 145, lax with I n and lul UW I'll know ii, Mt. Illicit U.I 4, llliak It'., lax wilh u and Ini HI Ulikunwii, 81. Helen., U.I S, lll.a k Hi, lax llh (a-n and lul l' t'liknowu. l II. leu. U.I '., Hl.a k Hi, lax wl Ii pen and lul nu I'likuowii. Ml. ll.-lel, U.I IU, lllia k 115, lax I. lib a u and lul 10' t'l.k...' li, mi. Helena, U.I .n lllia k Id, la X w ilh a u and lul i" I'liknown. mi II. - leu .Utl 21, Hba. k ll..; lax With pen al d lul Ill I'liknown. Ml. Helen. Ud ti, Hint k Id. I .x wl.h M-ii ami Hit . . U uncriinp, Fi.mia. Ileiiia-u, U.I I, 2, 3, 4 Hba , Ux Wllh "il and Ini I 1 Yaitover, Uul. X.a C , U.I 9, llua k A lux lt li n and lul . la Victor. F F X l , oi N V ce I. lp I ai. ol ll 2 W , t.tT. wllh a-u ami Hit I a. Wagoner, rJKe. Illunebard' tdd to Hal Uiei, Una II ami 12 llliak 3, tax with u aud Int 9 Mt Weal, linn. That trtl"ii f Tlmothv I amlH-raon IV I l . I) lug i-a-l id iIh touiiiy riaul leoiiiiig ft. nu I'oitlaii.i to at. Il.-I. li, a.a- T, ip I X, oi K I w. ami M-etloii I und li. lp I X. ol 11 J W:lv tl.-aalier ! I . C, taa-t loll i. ., 7 ll nil a lp IN ill It I V, Ail pail of M Mi Kai ' IV I.. C Ivloae.iai oil on.iy lliatd leading from I'm Hail l lo 81 Helena, le ulllouiil to U-lllla 8le elia III Ip .1 X. of It I W , Ma- l ip .1 N.ol ll 2 V; U'l I. i .1. atx' i. Ip I X of KIM; U.t iot a.-.- 7 Ip I x. of K I w ; u.t i mi' fi ip i ;;, .1 It I w . Iu Willi a'li at'd ml Ml 72 Wlt-k.ln I. li. Hill, aec .-, t'"' ft, ol ll I V ; 8 I, ..I I llllUilliCllillll I'.I. C, l'-a aiiioiiui to V 1 1 1 1.- A ll.tlli y, lux with 'ii and lul . . I la 111 Alice. Ilcglllliing ul Ihe 8 F. t-oriier ol tli John kli-Milly IV I I . thence N 2' I'M Hi chnlit. along K ll.. of aalil clnlin; llicma-M m ' m m chain. Ihence M 2.'. t K Hi main lo III.-aolllll line of Bald l I.. C: I be, ice N id . K ... la giiilug and cam lulu P.i a n-, Ma- a, tp I X, ol K l , lu-giimiiig at a m.H.i '' had ...uili from X Ktori.crolXW ofHEof aec 7. Ip I X. of It I W: 1 1. cine X7 K .ftai.Vl feel; tlienee S ' K II '7 1 feel. Ihelice M .1' W l'a'i n-V f.a-l lo lb." Militb Hue of .McNllllH. IV L. C.llicliee a aa J. W I o 'i rcel.lhelice X .'-l' W t 5. II leel tolanliil.lng. aeeloin 7 uml aipiNofKl W. 8i. Helen. U.i l, 2. 21 and 22, lib k 27. UX Wllh a-naU IV and Intereat .... ... . T (i' NYniiti. Mar- A Veruoiila, Uit T, Hha k 12. Ux w lib p -iittllv aud lul . i' Welaa, Mtalrlck n. E'.ofnK', Mt lloii IP I N.ol K I Ws UX Willi a lialty and ml .. ., ' m W bitten, Abide, Clatakanle 8 o IM 10 . Ilha k ft, tax Willi la-it mid Int 7 i'. Will ani'a, Aliolra. t.liln.-r V. Id lo Co luiiibbtl llv, Utl 9, Hba k 21, lax Willi pen and lul. 17 Wllllaina, F. A. Gllluer a Add to Co liuiibhi Clly, Uit 8, III.H'k 21, lux with a-ii mid lut . 17 Wright, A. X. Fir-1 Add lo Vcruoiihi, Uil" I, 2. III.N-k I A. fa-fond Add In er l-oiila Uil 5, 7 ami ft, lllia k 27, Ux w llh la nuliy mid lut 1 i 10 10 Oi 10 10 HI 09 III the Circuit Court of Ihe Hlate of Oregon, for I '.tin in l.ln eoimly, John IHbli'cc, I'lnlnilfT, Va IV W , Hobbllia and Eva Klllil. Ilobldll., Ileteli- Mill.. NIHICK MIIEItl-IIIY CtlVFN 1 II A E I'N uml by virtue of mi execution and order of aale la.iied out ol Ihe Circuit ' nun ol the 8lale of Uregoll III and for Ihe County ul I n. luinbia n the 2llh ihty of October, pi 5, iintler and Hi piiiRUMii.-t'of a judgement and il.-rn t) 'nude uud enlered in .ibl onri on the li lli day of i ii-IoImt, pi',, In a aim m herein John lillihlcc, 1.1 i 1 1 1 1 1 ft . reeovered judgement iikiiiii.I IV V. Imbbliia and K.a Kitliia I'ob blila, hla w ile, tor Hie "il'ii of (f-ui l .ig .1 lioii ili eil iloliaia, n 11 ll Inlei eal i lien on ul I lie rule of a p. r i unl k r h li ii ti in fr mi January '29 I '.), Ii-.a Ibe .inn ol Bi.t, paid November lal I'xil ; the llin her aiiui or 1.5.52 w llh ll teicat ul I In. rale ol a a-r cent, per iiiiuiiin from Hepiciuber 23, I''.'; Hie fllrllier auiil ol li.9.l w Hit I Ml. rial at Ibe rale ot a per i . -nl. per iiiiniiiii noiii Hi-k- io! Hi, HI nil III HI IH In Hi Oi 119 III 119 I.-iiiIiiT il, liar.'; I lit' Hii ll.i.itl Willi liilereal lit the rule of a per cent, per ll 'ln Mull h i). I 'IV. Hie lillllu-r alllll of II. 1.3.1 wllh I li lol e. I al Ihe rale ol H ar i-eul. per a ll li ii in liotn Heplcinlier 23, 190'; the lull her an in off 81 15 wllh Intereat ul ibe rale of a p. r cinl peraiiniiiu Iroiu Miirch 1 V Hail: miiouiillng lo lim m ll ill or $3art 85; the fiii'tlu'i- mini ol lu'.na mi alloi-uwy'a l.-u: and the further inn of l-'l lia coat and illabiira.'ineot. and Ihe coal of Ihlawrlt, reiiiirng mc lo make aale of I bo following di-aerllied real H'oh-i i v, o ai.tlafv tin-nliove iiinoimia limll: ibe undivided 5-7 10 10 (HI 10 w 10 111 09 10 09 1(1 10 intereat In and to Ibe neat ol the .Inin.a liohliliia IioiihIIoii Uiuil Clalui.liellig Claim No. 37, T. 7 X , H i W , or Ibe Willamette Men, Hall 111 l oliiinlila Voiiulv f late ororegoi.. aave and except the icfrcin a right ulway through aald Iiroa-ri) on tit ) i in- .xaipria ami I oilllliina liver Itiillrouil Coiiipiiny, aa alotli by deed of IV W. Hobbllia el. ill., to aald IliillniHil ConiiiH ny, dated October lllb, lani, and recordeil Keli. li. IH'.ai lu Hook 2, Hecobla of liecN, I'ago 2-52, ol Colnuibla County, Orciuni, togeilier ' Willi all and ai"gulur the lenenielila. liereillUI llli'llla, lllerelllllo la'loliglug or III aliywlae Bp pertaiuiiig; to !m Mild ua iihiii cxik'ii lion und the proceed arlalng tlicrefioiii lo Imj upplled. Ural, to the payment of the I'XH'ii.- ol nalil aale mid thu coal and dlMhuranieiit of Ih la. ault, Including llieauni of (7ftu nil atliirncy'a Iiich, nud, M'coiiil, mi thn payini'iit of the aiiina line 'on pliiliitlll' note and mortgage, princi pal und Intereat amounting to I.Ha.2Vi and tln other aeveral auiiiH aforeauld, and ntler pay nient ol aald Mivernt aiiina, the nverplna, If nny there he, be paid Into the Clerk' nllleo to be dlaioacd of aa tin Court limy illreclJI Thcreforn on Hatunluy (he 2Mb day of No rmnlier, IWfl, I will at the hour of 11 o'clock In the foreiiiMin nf aald tiny, at Ihe Court llouae door In Ht, llvlulia, In aald County and Hlnle, mill Bt public miction, lo Hie hlgboat bidder, for eaali, all thn right title ami Intereat of aald II, W. DolihlnM and Kvn KnulB Dobbin, hla wife, the alnremld delendanta. and ouch of Ihcni, of. In and to the reul property above deter I bed, to aatlaly the aald execution. Bated at Bthelcn, Oregon, Oclotar iEI, 19fiS. MARTIN WHITE. Hlierlff of Columbia County, Oregon. Flml publication IhMimer 27, 190ft, god laat publicxlloii NovemlHr 24. laxlft, W. C . rim. II Elt, Attorney for PUitillf . 10 0.1 10 10 09 10 09 11 OU M