The Columbia register. (Houlton, Columbia County, Or.) 1904-1906, September 15, 1905, Image 5

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Of t' a a lor a Marbaa wild On ftmall Hot
IU r thambarlala'e loll; I helara,
ad llarraa Itvms'Hy.
Mr, (I. W. Fowltr f lllglitotvcr, Ala,
rrlnlfa n t-xprrifitre li liat wlillt-rv.
lni(Mi a M tti Jury In a murder case at
K1 w'Mrtlavlll. county aat of Clfbouru
county, Alabama. lUaaya: "While
Hurt I at aouiM freali meal ami aoma
aouae meat mill It itnv mecuolrra mor
tmain very wvere furin. 1 wm never
more kick In my I If ami attnt to tlie
druir atiir for m wnalii otioWa mixture
Imt the driitfL'Ut vut rut bottle of
C'liatulwrlalii'a Colic, (,'liolt-ra, mid Din
rrliora lteniely lnairnil, aayliiir that lie
littd wlinl I win for, lut tlila luetlldne
Waa en inucli Iwller he would rather
end II tome In the fix I wm In. 1
took one doMt of It mid waa U-tier in
five minute. Tim eoond dime cured
tne entirely. Two tellow Jurer were
atlUrtled the. aalue niHltner mid one
email Nut lea cured the Hire uf tit."
For tale bo
OrUhe lal tUy of Oct., Mm. Waldo,
tho Bute Iecturer for tho (Ireitoo Htate
ijrangu will mlilrvim the citlxvna of
Ooliiinbla county on tho workoftlm
OrmnRP. Tliin w ill be of tho U-atoo
porlunltli to lenrn what ti.e (Jrung-o Is
doing and aliould not be inlaanl.
Cured ttf Lame Itark AsU-r IS Y vara of
"I lind bwn troiiltlfd wild liuiiebuck
ior llfteeu year and I found complete
mvry In the ue of (.'tumlrlaiti
l'nlii lUltii." aaya John (I. Jtl-lwr,
(Jllluiu Ind. Thin liniment IhmIh) with,
out an eiuul for taaliia and bruleea.
For anl by
ATEK R V ft CRA 1 1AM.
If you want to rent
If you wont to aIl
If you want to buy
If you want to trade
If you want anything
If you want to loan money
, If you want to borrow money.
Advertise tho fact In the
Arm You tCiigartvdT
Engmed M'oitle ahould remember,
"that, afur marriage, iimny quiirreW run
im avoided, by ket-plnir their (IlKfMtlona
in p"! condition with Klercrlo Hitter
H A. Itiown, d IteniiellMvlle, H. (,'.,
aayaj "For yrara, my wife auilrred In
teuavly from dyM-l. cniidlciiled
with a torpid liver, until he lt her
atouK'haitd vt'-r, and latum a mere
wret-k of her lorim-r aelf. Then alia
trlei Klectrlo Hinera, which indued Iter
at nni, ami finally niude her entirely
well. Hhe I now at mug and lialtliy.1'
For Sale. ,
All A. M.Holton'uHouHeUiiliUiooiU
V A jilarM bf rvllabW make fully guar
'ontevd worth (3o0 for only T175.0i.
One Htaver luitgy and aingle liarneaa
pole utxl aliavea coHt M-V only $45.00.
. Ilulanceof tlilnga at rioe that wilt
tnovo the gooJa.
- L'alh r write J. Q. Gage, fct, Helen,
Oreuon. ....
Uaualy In-ghia with the aymivtona of
common cold; there U chillliuwM,
.nwntnir, aore throat, hot akin, quick
pulse, lioiirmifM mid lniHded ronlm
tlon. Give frequent email ooeea
of Mallnrd'a IloretHiund Hyrun, (the
hlld will cry for It) and at the tirat
lgn of a crupy cotii: h apply frequent
ly Jlalhiidrt Snow Unlmeut externally
to the tlmmt. fitio at JJalloy ft liluu'a,
Mr. Crawford ia Hxing np the ranch
for fall work. He is preparing to put In
a nice orchard In the field below Ids re
aideuce. i ,
Cau You Kat?
J, It. Taylor, a prominent merchant of
Chrleaitiau Tex., atiys: "I could not
eat becaiiHe of h weuk atoniHCh. i lmt
&II atrenth and ran down in weight,
All tlint money could do w done, but
all bo)e of recovery vaniMhed. Hear
lug of aome wonderful curea efl'ected by
the line of Kndol DyaiepHla Cure, I
concluded lo try It. 'I he II rut bottle
benetltnd toe, and after taking four
bottlea I am fully restored to my tiaunl
treiigth, welglit, and health." Kodol
DyaH-pwUCure dlgeta the food and
curea. Hold by ttulley ft Brian
One of the finest edifices for Columbia
county Is that of the new Preabytcriau
Church, presently being erected at Clat
Bkauic. Tho building Is almost enclosed
and preaents a very fine appearance, 1
No Vnplaaaant KflfcoU.
If you ever look DeWltts Little
Early risers for bllliousnoiMi or conatU
ration you know what pill pleasure la,
ThcKe famous Utile pi I Ik ek'iintw the
liver and rid thcfymem of h'I lllo with
out producing uiiplcaaantefll'Cls, Sold
fcy ltallcy ft llrl mi's.
Do not forgot that Mrs. Waldo the
State Lecturer for the jOrcgon Grange
will bo at Deer Island, Sunday, October
1st. .
ItaUett From tha Dead.
C. W. Laudls, "Porter for Oriental
Iletel, Chanute Kan. says: I know
what It was to sutler from neuralgia,
deed I did, and I got a bott le of Jlul
Jard'a Hnow Liniment and I wasmlsed
from the dead. I tried to get Boma
iMoif, i-efore I had 'dcixised' of my not
tie. I waa cured entirely. ' I am tollln
tbd trooth too." 25c, 60c ,1.00 at i)al
ley ami Brluu'a ;, . ,
All meinliers of Milton Grange ate re
Quckted tot-eln attendanre at tho next
meeting. Weduenay evening heptetu-b.-r
20. The nmaler of the Pomona
Grange will be present and asuial in Hie
work of Initialing a cls of new mem-
bera. All jK-r-otta tutereated In Granite
work aliould Join socio grange and keep
In good aUniding. If you want Croln
surance Iniure lu the Grange . It Utafe
and Is the cheapest insurance to be ob
tained. If you want life inaurrucc, you
can do no better than take out a policy
In the grange Call and wo ua and we
a III give you lh bencfitd wbt little we
know along the line of grango work or
grange Insurance.
hlkm riadlng Money,
Finding health la like finding money
ao think Una who arerick. When
you have a cough, oold, aore ihroet. or
cheat Irritation, better act promptly
like W. C. JtHrbvr, of Handy Ivel, Va.
He iya: "I had a terrible, client trou
ble, catiaed by smoke ami coal diit on
my lunita; but allee finding no relief In
other reineflea, I was curel by Dr.
Kiug'a New Dlaeovery for L'onau motion
(.'-oiiiiha and Colda." Greatest auleof
any ihiUitIi or lung medicine In the
wolld. Foraale by
Andrew Klliott and wife of Pittsburg
were in attciidauco at the Claukanie
Picnic Saturday. He reported a eoploua
rain on the upix-r Nehalem Hatutday
Always auvral
When IndlgeHiioii bvcoir.ea chronic It U
diingerouH. Kcxlol Dytqiepalu Cure
will cure Indigestion and all t'otiblea
theivfroni, Ihua itreveiitiug Catarrh of
the Htomach. l)r. NewbrotiKh, of
lngue, W Va.,Ntya: "Tothoaeauf
(erlug from Indignation oranur atomach
I would any l hre la mi lttr n'tunly
tlimi Kim.. !)tnewio Cure. I liave
preacrittedll for a number of mv pa
llenta with (rHNt aucceaa." Kmliil l)y-H-jmlu
Cure diceata what you eat and
makes the atomach sweet. Sold by
liailey ft IJrlnn.
Abram Crouae bad a valuable bull
killed by the N P. train lat Saturday.
The animul woa entrapped between the
lino of curs and track, and w as struck
before It could make its escape.
91 Yearn A Dynpvpile.
H. H. Foater, 31H H. 2d M.,8)t Luke
City, wiltea 1 huve leeii tMithered
with lyixnln or Indlgealion for "
veura; tried many dmsora without re
lief; reoeuily I got a Utile of llerblne
One bottle cured me, I am now taper
ing olfon the ceoond. I havi recm
iiieiided it In my friends and It Im cur
ing them, tai." - 5"c at Halley ft Jtrlmi
3 ark Block of St. Helena is again on
the sick list and went up to the St. Vin
cent Hospital la Portland for treatment
Saturday lnL t '
, . NuaitM Ui miiI Wur'hlen. ? -
Kvervthing la In
cornea In' Witch'
the nume when II
lluxcl Halve. K-O.
DeWllt A Co. of Chicairo discovered
aome veHia nv how to make a naive
from Witch I lnr.l that la a spectrin for
Pilea. For blind, bleeding, Itching aiul
iiroirudlng PiUfa, ecxema, cuta, biirna,
iiriiUcf and all akin diHeanea DeWltta
Halva haa no equitf.- This has given
rle to iinnieroua wonhleKacounterflets.
Aak for jieWittV-the genuine. Hold
by Bailey ft Brlnn. '
Nela Potcrvon attended the Granger
plcuio Saturday.
livouril by Worm.
Children often cries, not from pain,
but fr iu hunger, h)I tiotili fetl abund
antly, A few doaea, ot Whites Cream
Vermifuge will cause them to cease cry
ing and btgiii thriving at once, very
much to the sunprlae and Joy of the
mother. 25c at lUlley ft Brlnn.
Mrs. George Ulce and daughter Dora
at ten Jed the fair last Monduy,
AKamady Without a Peer.
"I find Chamberlniu'a Htomach and
Mver Tubleta more beneficial limn any
other remedy I have ever used for stom
ach trouble," anys J, P. Kote, f Kdma
Mo. . For any dtaorder of tbeaiomauh.
bllliouaneas or coiiatipatlon, these tab
lets are without eer. Foraalo by
Judgo II at tan was over this way look!
Ing after the Milton creek bridge and
gave us a pleasant call Monday.
, lt For Children, '
Mothers be careful of the health of vour
children. Look out for Coughs, Colda..
Croup and Whipping Cough atop toem
in lime Ou Minute cough Cure ia the
remedy. Harmless and pleasant. Con
tains no opiates. Hold by Bailey ft
The dairymen around Scappoose and
Warren are quite buiay these days put-
ting up their crop of ensilage.
1 " i 1 1 t
Are you lucking In strength and
vlgoi? Are you In pain? Do you foel
all tun down? The blessing of health
and strength come to all who uao Hoi
later's Itocky Mountain Tea, 85o
. A good plaining mill with an edger
would find plenty to do and would be A
paying investment from the start. Lv
someone with the capital come forward
and put in a plant." In connection with
the planer, a feed mill could be. opera ted
to a good advantage. ,
Oood advice to women. If you want
a beautiful complexion, Clear skin,
bright, eyes, ml 1Ijh, g od lioulth, take
Hollaters Kocky Mountain Tea, Then
is uotbing like It.. ,.T)c , tea or , tpet8
A new organization was recently In
corporated at Claukanie. It Is known
as the ClaUaanle German CHi Horse
Company. Henry KraU of Clatakanie
is secietary and business manauer.
while Arnold Grdiam of Marahland ia
president of the association. There are
twenty stock boilers or meuiWrs of the
association. They huve purcha-id and
now have In Clatakaole for t!ie in.p.ove
mcnt of their stook of l:or-oa one of the
flneat bred couch hoi sea ever brought to
this country. This borae is called Kdi
son, be was brel by'E. Bedelfa, Seng
warden, Germany. He in brown in col
or, Is as smooth and clean build as any
animal brought Into the eountv. His
sire waa Kakiiuo by Asnnar, by Dudell.
his dam waa Itedner, by Kdo by Magne.
Foal P.W2, His American number Is 747.
,B L. Dennis lately from Hen ton conn
ty haaleaaed the Imner'ul hotel at Cla
kanle au.l is putting in new furniiure ,
a m . . .
ami tming it up as a modern hotel, lit
exiec6i to cater to the general public
giving stxjcial attention to tranclent
trade. A good hotel with dining room
accomodations is one of the things Glut
skanie has neeJed for some time.
J. L. Williams and Huge Leifcman
who have been workluic on a logging
road down near Stella, returned home
last week. The work was too risky, and
more eaicially as the rainy weather
will soon be here and will add to the
dangers of a logging railroad, Hope
tho boys will find good jobs near Houl
Ion, for the winter.
Mias. Lowe chaperoned ac!a-sof
young ladies at the fair Saturday. The
class consisted of Olivo Vining, Edith
Clark, Ida Popejoy and Dora Grouse.
The young ladies reported an excellent
time and enjoyed their vlaltvery much.
They found the exhibit in the Govern
ment building of special interest.
The saw mill men out backxf Houlton
huve started quite a lumber yard Just
east of the depot grounds. Corn cannot
be obtained faat enough to carry a way
the product of the mills and It is being
piled up to await the convenience of the
railroad in furnishing cars.' '
T. W. Robiaon of Houlton)' and Jaa.
Muckleof Ht. Helen were among the
number Initated on tho roof last Satur
day in Portlund. They . are now full
fledged Hoo Hoo, and can sing the song
of the Old Black Cat. '
James Rice has four acres in Lops thia
year and expecta to plant a much larger
acerage. He tins a modern dryhouae.
His hops promise an excellent yield.
The harvesting began Monday morning.
Claw. Perry and wife, A. jr.'Coyanl
wife, M. Shearer and wife d several
more whore names we dld.,ibt leain
boartledtho six o'clock.. train a littl
after seven. Monday to attend, the fair.
Jonney A eon and Dean Blanchard of
lUlnior were amomr the: number u-hn
consulted the wiadom of .the Old T;Wk
CaL They joined tin- Hoo Hoo and bad
tuo time ol their lives for fun. i '.'!
James Muckle and several 'cither peo
ple Interested in the court bouce nrooo-
iilonh"ptH'nid Into the roooi in time
U hear Necr explain about his court
House plans. Ol course it just so haDbcn-
Several Nehalemiles were out lookinir
after the raise in their aasefinent. Too
bad that men are put to the extra trou
ble by the Incompetency of the county
Roscoeand Ebley Scbootiover snent
a day or two last week visiting with
liieir sister'. Mr. Mitchell.
'0U BfiaillllH HO risk n.-liaii vnn l.i,.
O lamherlaiu'aCnlip: Clmlpr
r ioea Kcmedy. Perry ft (Jrabara will
rjiunu your money .ii you are not eat
afled after umImi? It. Tk la vcrviiin.
admitted to be the moat (uisceVful rem
in mm ror tiowel coin plaint and the
only One that never f.ilM. Ii.fnnio.uini
safe and rehaUe.
Alany at Clatekanio thought to per
petrate a joke on two editors a the pic
iilo. She purchased a dish of ico cream
with two spoons and treated the editors
Tlie joke practically turned the other
way. rne editors ato ice cream together
and as it was the first dish either of them
had had rather enjoyed it.
Rhuinatlam. trout. bncWii.-lio niii ni.
son are results of kldnev tMubto. Hoi
isters UiKtky Moim am t'eairot-s dlrect-
I.. ft. .1.. & .
ijr wi iiiv aent 01 l ie uisenae aiacuro
when all cUf falla. 5c.
The picnic at Olatskanie Saturday
waa a very pleaant social affair. There
was not nearly as mauy there as was
hoped there would be, but those who
werd there enjoved themselves. Mr.
Voorlices of Wood burn was present
and delivered the address ol tlie day.
Prof. Oolhns, Rev. Hawkins and E. II.
Flagg made excelleut short speeches.
Cauaa or Insomnia.
Indication nearlv alwiva rflutnrK.
the sleep more oi leea and W ofteu tlie
cause o iiiscmiouia. Mauy cases have
been permanently cured by Chamber
luln'a Hlomaoli and T.ivne IVhluiu
For Hale by .
Mr. James Macdotiald Burk head and
MlasV arena Lovell were man led at the
bomeol I he Lrioe's sister Mrs, H. E.
Lallare In Claukanie Toesday Sept. 12.
I aa beautiful home wedding lo
w hich only th relatives mid a very few
friends were very few friends were
present. Promptly at 1:30 I be btidal
pari y entered to the atrai ns of the mel
ding march played by Miss Jeasie Mo-
Donald, and proieeden to a beautiful
arch of evergreenii and pink rosea where
they were wet ly the minister, Bv.
James K. Hawkins, who read the 1m
pres Iva rin service of th Methojiat
Episcopal Church. Tlie bride waa beau
tiful In a gown of main crohmere and
all over lace. SI e carrUd a boquet of
pina and white Miman ron-s.
The maid of honor, Mies Frank: Lovell
wore pale blue and carried white roses.
The proomm n, Mr. August Saodberg
and Mr. J. F. Johnson, as will as the
groom wore tho conventional black.
The fllottive co'or used in the decor
ttiou throog'i out all the ro ms wat
pink and white wnli evrrreens. Afiet
theservU-e the guests sat down to an
elaberai aedding diuner. The guests
of honor were Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Page
and Mrs. I. BauuigarUner. The present
were many and beatiful. Mr. and Mn.
Burkl.aan left on the evening train for
Portland. Forst Grove and othercities
They will be at home in Clazskanie to
their friends Oct. 1- The groom ia a
rii-ing young business man cf this place
A man thorouubly respected for Lie
sterling worth. The bride is one of
Claukauie'a own daughters, and one
who is loth gnod and beautiful.
Satutd ty evening the friends of Miss
Nellie Lovell gave her a linen shower
and kitchen rush at the home oi Mr.
La Bare. It was a complete eupprsa,
and a delightful time was had by ah
present. Light refreshments were
1 fSv
Not very many years sro alcohol was
Used for lighting In combination with
other niiidt under
the name, of "Cam
iiheno," but it saf
fcriHl banisliinont
because It waa too
Alcohol is gener
ally harmful when
taken in the form
oi medicine, espe
cially to a delicate
Dr. Pkrce't tin-
eue-rcbuiltilno and
ntnrtinn-ttrrnrithcntnfj pton of traUinent
Is following after -Votiire'a pfnn,
Hn uaca natural remedies, that la native
medicinal roots, prepared by processes
wroiiuht out by the. expnnditurn of much
time and money, without the uso of alco
hol, and by skillful combination In the
most exact proportions.
Card a one of the active ingredient
of Dr. Plcrce'a golden Medical Dlncovcry,
Ki.ack chkkbybakk specially exerta its
Influence in cuaea of lunK and bronchial
trouble, and thls"niwovrnT" is. there
fore, a sovereign remedy for bronchitis,
laryngitis, chronic coughs, catarrh and
kindred alhnenta.
17ie immrn nf the nicdldiini iitgrrdimt$
of .this world-famous remedy are: Golden
Seal root, Ouoen's root. Stone, root,
Black Cherrybark, Bloodroot and Man
drake root
"I hare had aach a wonderful experience
with lr. rierre'a Golden Mt-dlcal Discovery
that I do nut lawltato to rtvommend II, lie
Uorlng It to bo a wonderful medicine to liulld
UP the tlswura of th ayxtcm." write Misa
lU-Kslo Brown, (vrt-ttry Emerson Literery
AuocUtlon, tta Kerman Avenuo. Applcton.
WU. Worry and nerroua troubles had com-
ilctuly run-down my health and strength;
tad no appetite, alept tiadly, and was In a
atato of norroiM collapMs. I totk twelve
bottloa In all. and. each wcok. knew that I
was retting better and strongvr. until finally
I waa as well and strong as I had ever teen.
I have the utmost faith and confidence In
your medicine, and wish to thank you for my
good health, which Is a blessing to anyone."
For SI One-cent stamps to cover cost of
mailing, you can get a free copy of the
Common Sflnan Medical Adviser," paper
covers; or cloth-hound for 31 stamps.
Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should be
used with "Golden Medical Discovery"
whenever a laxative is required.
Portland and Astoria
Astoria Route Btaamar LURtiXK leaves Tay
lor 8t. Wharf Dally except Hundari at 7 a. m.
Uavas Astoria dally (sxospt Hunday) at I p. m,
Closa connection with boats for Chinook Daach
Dasp River, tirava Rivar, Knsppton, Ft. Stsv.
ns. Ft. Caoby, it. Columbia, flwaco, Uwli A
Clark Rlvsr, On ley 4 Young's Rlvsr, and aoai
and train for both beaches.
Portland and Yancomer steamer CJfDtNli
leaves Taylor 8t. Wharf dally except aunday
at 10:30 a. m. and : p. m. Leaves Vsnoouvsi
at 1:10 a.m. and 1 p. m, No transterlng, n
dust, no delay. . .
aoth'Phnnet: Oregon Main 611; Columbia (U
wharf-foot ol Taylor 8t.
General afhee Wt) Ytmhltl St.
ream Vermifuge
IX TIIK M ATTKR or TliK Al f'Llr.tTIOM or
the "Khtrrt Trn-Mtrtaiiuo .tn atiy"
If Jahaer,w!rrtrTnd Umntftr,
iiruanl to a rr.liiilt.n of It Ueri t.
dlrn-lnr, tu hsre rrgll-rrt Ibe title to
lb fulioarlcg drxribed proprrtjr la
Columbia 'ouiitr,tat ot Orrgnno-witt
IkKinnliig al a pip one (itU wne.
fourth (l'.JIm h in diameter m-i In tha
gruund al a point Xorth rortT- l)tht J
srv sml K-vt-DUrn mlnuii a, (X. f 17 .)
Wi-I, Tarnt)- Ifhl hundreo and fllty
H(lil U-t oi.iaul from theMOuiie
-t eortx-r of atviloa f:ihl() In Town
ship numU-r K-n (7) North of Itance
rourO) Hot of the Willamette Meridian,
and runung llu-nce North Fonjr-three
di-f rrv and rblrtT iiiinulea (U 3..) Kt
Along the North aide of ( i.nnir R.1
KumtrTwenty-nrrn f7).)iie hundred
and Twenty-one KiKht tetilhn (la x)
feet to a ru lpe oce-balf (J,) lm h n di
ameter m-I In Ibe frouiid, ibenre Nona
Jortr-elltht drfrtea (l ) and rlfijr-four
mlnutenl.Vt') Wot Kwrtr-tour and thir
teen one himdtvdlhsfM b)fcet to an iron
IjI set In the ground, thenrti Xorih
Forty-one (11 ) dvfiws ai d Twefrty (ju,)
in I nine., rjut larntjr (j ) tei( theniv
North Kortjr-elght (I ) 'Irgreea and Kifty
nur( i) nilniitea Weat, Hlilr-ona and
one-teutb (61.1) feet to a km pipe nn tha
h fl shore of the ClaUkanie liver, thet.
Hotith Forty (a )deyri-eaand 1 atl.-.T-lour
(24) minutes Weal a Ion the li-lltbote of
raid river One bundled and 'I wentr-f ur
and hlxiy-evi n oiie-biinilrediha (1'Ji.i ;
leet, thence Hi.uth Thirty-nine fft;') de
gree and Uro (.i.) mlr.uie. at, tm
hundaed(lut) feel lu place of beKluninK.
Usry R-Lorkwood, Hannah r,nreni,snd E.W
ronyers her hucband, O. J. brvsnt sod
Margaret llryant bis wife, E. Hiaant
snd Mary V. Bryant bi wife, fred K.
llearrsand - lleana hla aife, Frank
llearnt and lk-errs hi wife, Mary E.
Krye, V. u. Ilrjant, John BrTsnt and
Krjatit bin a lie, rannlcB. Mcixinafd and
M. V. Mi-Donald her husband, Cora,
Wheeler and tole Wheeler her husband,
Maud Kralx and Henry Kiait her hus
band. Alible I Whltteu and K. V. Whlt
tenher hu(mud, and all to ahem Ulnar
Com urn:
TAK SfrtlCK.
Thatt D the 12tb daV of HrntrmL-r Kit, -n
spplh-stlon was filed by ih aald "Hhiver
i raofjionauon i oniny, nv Jmim Shaver its
pen ury and MatiaKer, in the l lrt uit ourt of
the Slate of Oregon, for Columbia Coutity, lor
Initial registration of the title of I he land
above denr rilied.
Now unlewis you appesr on or before the
l:b. day .f Octolier VMtr. being more than'
thirty dars from date of fill tiff tafff at fillfsttitn
and .how cause why sm-h appliestloii nal) not
lie granted, the same will be taken as coufeiv
ed, and a decree will be entered accord In to
luu prajervi me application, and you alii be
lotever barred from disputing tbe aanie.
Witness mv hand and rnri
this lith day of Heptemlier, l!.i.
II. Hk.HKKW-, Clerk,
(fal) BvW. A. 1IAKR1, Deputy.
IS- B. XK'HOl.AH and
, A ... Applicanta' Attorneys.
Flrnt publication Beptimber l l'Jui.
rn the Circuit Coort ot the State of Oregon, tor
t'olftntlila founts
John libblee, Haintlff,,
- V.
D.W. Dobbins and Eva EnnU Dobbinr. Deea-aniiL
To D. W. Dobbins, and Eva Ennis Dobbins,
iiivinmiito BlltMr HltlllfU. v .
txthe name ok the ktateokorecoxs
A Ytkll airae hasroltv aui.nlau -...... . A
d --- --- y aMMav4 iv BTTVl W HI A
mmer the t-omplatnt fifed ga.n. Ton In lh
lbors aWntltlawH ailit and f'nl.wl .m J ..I al.
bthdHyoKViobcr. which day in tbe hwn
w of tbe time prwribed in thy ordr for nub-
lloallnn S t. I - ... . a . .. . 1
.hwviuuvi luiaiuiuuiuillflliu II IOU lAU lO t9
FM-" nd unswer. for wut thereof plaintift
Will ft nill T fn t has trtli rf faa t Via ut.uf A .--1 a
In hn complaint, which is for the foreclour
iuurninctuTiiira ana Qeiivereti
ju w uu. r.iuoi, on januarv
, - I .... .. . V. M .tl ..111
pniiiiwmry note of yourselves for -W.0U iy
able November lt, liajl, with Interest at the
.nici.i.pcnTiu. per aiium, ana wnn n .arta
marln Ainv.rit.1 nnin ..1 1 1. . i ... .... I
that purpose the follow ing deseribel pmpertr
jituated in the County of Columbia, Hate of
"itiiiii, i on unuivmea . interest in ana
lAlhitfifl-nl tk. Ln nAUi.. ? . :
Un.U'lalm, being Clelm No.87,T. 7X., U J V.,
... .i. r,c auo rxce pi loerein-m a ngni oi
way through aald property owned by the Ash -ria
anil riiliirnhi. iri.i. L'ti Ku a r........u ...
. ... Ht... URIIIU.UI.I.IIJWUT, m
" bv deed of V. W, Dobbins et. al., to'sal.l
isanruau v.orn)iany, naiea iH'tooer Hin, IHULw
and recorded Feb. 6, li, In Book 2, Reeoida i f
IkeeiW. Kyirw nf I '.li.n.KI. I .. r .
which mortgage and thedebt secured therebr
K mm V... . n ...I.....J . I . I . ..... "
u.ouu asaiKucu uj saiu UOrS J. til lot !
John DiMdee. the above named Haintlff, who
IS now the nvner ami hnl.1.. iKmo..!- m.i m
cree barring and foreeloxing you, said I. W. baciiiiia iwooios oi ana irant
anv aim an rigm. mie or interest in or to wttd
real property and every part thereof ;ud such,
otherrelief as prayed for.
Tkl. .... - .. 1 - .11. . . .
.u.a .uuiiuuiis is puuiisnea Dy oraer oi
Columbia county, Oregon, made Angust ii.i'ja'i.
and directing said summons to be pubiUbeJ
once a week for ix successive weeks la the
Columbia Register the date of the tlrst publi
ration to be August 25th, mi, and the date of
iw piiuneaiion io oe wn, 19.
H.t.riw iittt. Attorney lor riaiatiif.
TNI aiNuiat paspsaiD ai!v at
Ballard-Snow Liniment Co.
, . ST. LOUIS, MO. .
In the Circuit Court of the 8tat of Oregon for
Columbia County.
W. R. McFarlane & II. McFarlane. partnera
unuer me nrm namu ot Mcrarlane liro
thers Halntiffs,
vs .
Al Lee snd George llroun, Defendants.
ItV Virtue of a llldiri-liifllt anil .nlUa Anl
Issued out of and under the aval of the above
eutitb-d court in the above entitled cause, to mo
dul, directed anddated the 17th day of August
Woa, ion a Judgment rendered and entered
In said Court and tjauae, on the !!nd day ol
October, laws. In favor ol l'laintiff and against
viciiuaius tor wie sum o stzvia witn interest
thereon at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum
front said date until paid, and for the further
sum of tM costs, also f.uo accrued costs on
farmer writ and the costs of and upon thla
writ, commanding me to levy upon and make
sale of defuudants proierty lo satisfy the same.
Now therefore by virtue of said judgement
snd execution and In nminllinm with m
commands of said writ. I did duly levy upon,
the follow ing described property to-wit com
mencing at a point wnere a Hue running par
allel with and on the west side of New Bedford
Street, In the Town of Rainier, Columbia.
Counsy, Oregon, Forty (4ti) feet from the center
of tho same and a line running parallel with
snd on the South side of Water Utreet, Fifty
pi) feet from the center of the same, would
Intersect each Other: thence rnnnlnir nearly
West and parallel with tha said Water Ktreet, '
100 feet; thence running nearly South, and
at right angles with said Water Street W0 feet:
thence at right angles and nearly East and
paralhl with said WaterStrcet 100 feet; thenea
nearly Xorth and parallel with New Bodfurd
street 100 feet to place of beginning being parta
of Lots 1 and i hi Block 10 lu said Town of Rai
nier. And will on Monday the 25th day of
September at the Lour of 11 o'clock A.M. at
the front door of the CountyCourt House, in
St. Helens, Oregon, sell at public auction,
subject to redemption, to tho highest bid
der for cash in hand, all the right, title and
Interest which the said defendants, or either
of them had on theiiid dy of October, 1H!,
the date of said Judgement, or since had in and
U the shove described property or any part
thereof, to satify said Judgement and execution
Interest costs and accruing costs.
Sheriff of Columbia County, Oregon. ,
Dated and the first publication, August i'llh, .
Graham & Cleeton, Attorneys for Plaintiffs. . .
Stealer Sarah Diion.
Xasarsa rwtilana Taesdef t4 Twanday al
t. m.. torClateaanU sa4 way Undian. laaw
y for Osk foiat. KsioT-Biats. laawa ClaVaS
hauls ; Wedaesday aiv4 rrtdyi 4 jTnJ T 3
HnR!M. LafvaaOak futt koasaaraf lb