. i . i ft Quiets fAe Cough 8 This is one reason why Aycr'i Cherry Pectoral Is so vtlui ble la consumption. Ic stops the wetr ind tear of useless coughlnz. But It .does more It controls the Inflammation, quiets the fever, soothes, tnd heals. Sold for 60 years. Ar.ri Caerry rerWat Iih Wea rrlr Ufa ftmitw to e. Ii fcrvuiii sue Utoh Meie eiiae of aaemnoKla, and I ImI Ih.l I eveniy Me to lis vuiiri.iful trj rupertta."-William U. lauiTT. Wane, Had r ' - Lcw,u ansa. AM MMttlMllirft ! 7 lltXAPASIUX xcsllent Attractions at the Theaters A Busy Ssason. Tbe visitor to Portland now has wide range of choice la the matter of amusements. Tbe 1905 Fair ti, of coarse, the big attraction, with Its luenM regular ex position, aud its seductive Trail. "Vn. ce" it acknowledged to be tbe greaten success and best show on tbt Trail. around about tht Fair la the congrata-1 rhm Art of Plata waebloe-. atory remark that tha tplandid expo- A dish well scrspd it balf wished. tlon Is an assured financial success. BcraDe and stack dlahes carefully. awi . ami ll - ini Kiranim urano lonier omnw whan knives, forka or Mate are brilliant aeaaon with Wilton Lack ays greasy or flab from the serving of "Trie Tit," ana ail the town turneu fllh p, then, off wj,tn pieces of out. Beginning Wednesday, Sept. 13, which are eaallr burned. Kmd probably the moat widely popnlar play L, frMM orJt of pan tDd aw,y oi we year, "rs. wigga.oi xum van- from tt dllhciola. oage raicu, win open at me warquam j.. dUhcloth of nnen if libit and always bemmeJ. An unbein med wash cloth or wiper lesve the Hasten recovery toy bowels regular with keeping the Ayer's Pills Ifnoraoce. when It la voluntary, la rrlmltiil aud ke war properly be cltarr a witti ' who rrfusrs lo lra bow ke mliiUt prevent It -Johnson. W ni e man In tirty lua lo rprrii til. I.ft ir bninlh ami iihiimi I. Kll- l-U nin In vnlaMa !.. AUdrM 11. Ilankw, Itia niil. Ai rill nintt'lnitL A4lrM 11. HO'ikar, IVT 7th St., CortUnd. Ore on. MALLEABLE IRON STUMP PULLERS fHlM, thlMt aiMt tirnogml Mama lllf a n. Mirk. II Hiitm pwt aa Mta Kb Iwo liunn. Will faf darlptla rauuuf oil unraa. . " " m KiUtttHUN MACHINKHY CO. Faat al MarrMae Slrl tartUittl. Orataa 7 J r'f eifr i coucTaf a Dla IhW aut. ratartl te Ui vHnthe imam a 4 4drwu of yourtatf ini w of yaur ttiandi. and ihe 4 he yoa tll erobiMy tniar a bulla colWf. IU ciislil yoa tih IS 00 on our SbS.OO Kholirthlp. Our at hail otitrt tifrptkmal advanlit M Itudtnl of Outlnm. SinnhMd, Engtltli, tic Bur iMTaucTioa-lowtsT Tuition aaill rl CAIMul 10 tfO Mil : THE MULTNOMAH : business institute: m. a. auiiN, fata. I biitn ar. PORTLAND. ORE. and remain through the reat ot the week, playing special matinees Thurs day and Saturday. "The Chaperons," (scintillating musical comedy) plays at tbls theater all week beginning tiept. 8, and the old favorite May Irwla oc cupies the Marquam stags Sent. M to 28. The fall sason sUrts oO with a boom lots of interest and good pro ductlons. The Belaaco Slock Company contin ues drawing heavily and keeps np Its high standard of productions, "liar- et's lloneymoon" running tbls week; Judah" opens Monday, Sept. 11, and Captain Jinks" Ukes op tbs week Sept. 18 to 24. The Helaeoo is one of the handsomest theaters on the Taclnc roast, and no visitor should miss seeing it. The Baker Theater is having a Joyous run of musical burleaque. Manager Raker wears his broadest smile of ap proval as he sees the Urge audiences 'The Brigadiers" is on this week, and the "Kentucky Belles" opens for tbs week of Sept. 10-18. Pretty girls, lots or fun, attractive spectacle. Tbe Empire Is giving quite the most startling melodrama that Portland has ever experienced. Tbe critics agree that the thrills in the plays, pat on with a change of bill each week at this theater, are veritably nnlaue of their kind. Every other Instant a pistol shot, and tbe intervening seconds filled with thrusts at your heart strings. Tbe Grand and the Star continue vaudeville entertainments with new people weekly. OUTSIDE l ,fl INN sifieseTflrfertMjfir Vl mumi IX -v.. Klartrlo llihtad loiimi. Batht and motUm eonvanlaiieoa. Huoiai We, llano. l.oe par day A naw, lanuananl hol.l. directly oppndte main antranca lo f air, au (trail can lor rair land juti at Dotal rtuor. fORTLANO, OfttGON ECONOMY Hot Air Pumping Engine Pampa water lor bouN and Irrigation. DUplaeea wind mill and ioUne eului. Burnt iMollna, wood or ooal. Hu auio- matlo itop. bblppad oa approval. Write lor eialoiu and prioea. BEALL & CO. 321 Hawthorne Ave. Portland, Ore. Va f Trie DR. C. GEE WO MEDICINE CO. Hrlck Butldlna at tha B. R. fJarnar of Flnt and Morrlion Etreeli. an Formarly.looatad at 263 Aldar Hi. lor the 4 put 4 year J HAVE MOVED To tha traaoa No. K2 Tint Straat. Successful Home Treatment DR. C. OKK WO U known throURhout tha Vitltad Hiatal, aud ! rallad tlio Ureat ( hi nana Doctor on account o( hit wondarlul anm, wlti out the aid of a knife, without uilnf Bdlnon. or rtnifi of any kind. Ha treats anr and all dlieaiei with cowarlul Oriental Kooti, llerbi, Iluili, hark aud Vofatahlei that are unknown to medical olxnoe In th la country, and through tha Uieof theie harmleii ramedlni. He (tiar anteei to cure Catarrh, Anhma, Lung ltoubla. Rhaomatlim. NeryoumeM. Btom- aoh, Mver. . Kidney, Female fteakneu and All Chronlo lilceaae. Call or write, enoloilnf i lc, it am pi for malllnf Book and Clrouiar. a an rem The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. No. 162! riret St., S. t. Cor. Morrlion rVtu bkiiUm tbli bim. Port and. Ortaon. . p. nu. No. 37-t0S BEN writing to advortlaors pleeee m tatia aoontloa pspar. PORTLAND AMUSEMENTS. I f r III! B I Alsbes covered with lint and particles of tbs frayed edges stop up tbe sink drain. Wash the silver first, using plenty of hot wster and soap. Two pans are Decenary to wash dishes properly one for tbe wsahlng, another one for rinsing. Into tbe bot tom of the riming pan fit a wooden strainer, two or three Inches from tbe bottom of tbe pan, that tbe wster turned over tbe dlahes may drain through It and leave the dlahes free of water. This saves dish towels. Uae hot wster for rinsing. Wssh tbe glaaaes after the ailver, and then tbe cups and' aaucers, platea, etc. When the dlahes are waabed. throw tbe water out Don't wash tinware or setues in tnick water. Have a separ- ste dlahclotb for pans and another for kettles. Plenty of scraping, plen ty of wster, plenty of soap, plenty of pans, plenty of towels and washers. make dish wsshlng what It should be. If during tbe marriage ceremony the weddlut rioc ahoald fall down, tbe bride's fate will not be aa enviable eat. PITO Permanently Cared. He flta or oerreueneaa F 1 10 aftarflratdar'eua.urilr.KllaVaUraMltanre jAeatorer. H.nd hr frae trial btle aod araettoa. Vr.H. tt. Kline, Ud.,u Area BI. I'blladalyate, fa A Weleomo Chance. ' Colonel," aald tbe eeDtlnel, aa ne ea luted the officer In command of tbe be- leftd town, "a aoraeleas carriage ap- proacbea. That a good," replied the Colonel. "We may now be able te gat some horae- eas beef. UEUT. P. S. DAVIDSON. - V -S' Sk.;; X '.-.V. ' - : 'X. xx-x:.,s-;; :ixS:x;fx :-;x;-x.-v' Beef Coke. Any remains of underdreased beef; salt and pepper to taste, a few sprigs I of parsley, one egg, mashed potatoes equal to one-third the quantity of the meat Mince tbe meat very fine. Boll and mash potstoes equal to one-third the quantity of meat mix them nicely with It aeason with tbe pepper and aalt mince up and add the parsley to It Then beat the yolk of one egg, mix It with the mince to bind It Make the mince Into cakea about the size of the round of the top of a teacup and balf an Inch thick; flour them, and fry them a nice brown In hot beef dripping or lard. Serve with a garnish of pars- Canned Iteeto. Wash the beets and leave on several inches of tops. Boll until tender; pour off the hot water and cover with cold. When cool enough to handle, rub tbe skins off with your hands, and slice Have ready and scalding hot a quart of vinegar which has been brought to the boll with a little salt and pepper and two cups of granulated sugar. Lay the slleed beets In this, and when they are scalding hot, pack in jars; fill these to overflowing with the vinegar and leal More Converts Every Yenr Every diy la every year ) ! that comes, more housewives t I txe mn2 up their exhorbiunt x priced Baking Powders and turnm2 to is. tne Honest ana reliable, "which has stood to well the test of years. They are find ing out that Ik vL? POWDER costs one-third the price of powder anywhere near K C quality, and makes better, purer, more healthful baking. 1 ounces lor zx. end postal for " Book of rreeeata." JAQLTS MFC CO. Cbleaao. CL &ji effort made for tbe happlneea ot there lifts na above ouraelvea. L. M. Child. HoVa TbJaT Wa offer One Hundred Dollars Seward fat any eae oi taiarra uu caanut no ourea 07 Kall'l teurrn Cure. Wa. tha nndaralcaed. have known V. J. Cheney lot the la 16 year, and be Here bint wrlMUr aonoreuie in an trawmw irmnaao loni aal flaanciallT able to carry out anyob- Uiatleoi nade by their arm. If noiaeleaa powder ever cornea Into general nee yon'll not hear it MotbeTiwIll find aire. VMnelowf Boothtng Syrup the beet retnedy to nae lor their ebildiea durinf tha teething period. Nothing la more friendly to than a friend In need. Plautoa. a man Professor C. W. Kitt, lately vice president of the Gregg school, of Chi cago, and for a number of years of the Soule college of New Orleans, the lead ins buninesj colletre of the South, has SUdoro"-" last joined the Multnomah Institute, Mah'e Catarrh Cnrela taken Internally, act-1 q( Portland, Oregon, as associate pro !LB?J Profeeeor Kitt is one of the Bold by all brukt-itu. Teellmonlala Ires. KaU'i faeally f LUa are the boat. Semt-nndity la common In rural Japan. and fartbermore It la respectable and healthful best known commercial United States. teachers of the A French professor is the owner of collection of human heads, represent ing every known race of people on the globe. Maple Parfalt, rut In a saucepan the well-beaten yolka of eight eggs and a cupful of ma pie syrup. Cook until ihe mixture forms a thin coating- on the bdooil with which It should be stirred stead ily. Take from the lire and beat until cold. Whip a pint of cream stiff, stir this in lightly and freeze. Serve in glasses with a spoonful of whipped cream on top of each glass. This re cipe will make a little over a quart Frozen Peochea with Ice Cream, Large firm poacues sbould.be chouen for this. Peel carefully and cut each In half. Pack In an ice care or freezer for two or three hours, until well frappe. Have ready rounds of sponge of angel cake. Lay one of tbe peach halves on each of these, surround the eaae with Ice cream or whipped cream, and put a large spoonful of ice cream 1 In the place left vacant by the peach- stone. PERUNA STRENGTHENS THE ENTIRE SYSTEM Haahed Brown Potato. Peel white potatoes and cut Into small dice of uniform size. Cover with salted water and boll until tender but not broken. Drain and -dry between the folds of a clonn dish towel. Turn into a pudding dish and cover with hot milk that has been thickened with a rump of butter rolled in flour. Put la cover over tbe dish and cook for half an hour, then uncover and brows. F. 8. Davidson, Ex-Lieut. , TJ. 8. Army, Washington, D. 0., care U. : S. Pension Ofllee, writes: "To my mind there is no remedy foe j catarrh comparable to Peruna. It not : only strikes at the root of the malady, but it tones and strengthens Ihe system j In truly wonderful way. That has i been Its history in my case. I cheer- j fully and unhesitatingly recommend ; it to those afflicted as 1 have been." i F. 8. Davidson. Good Chocolate Banco, Four ounces augur, one gill of water, boiled for fire minutes. ' Then stir In slowly four ounces chocolate. When these are well mixed pour Into a jug or a jampot placed In a pan of hot water. Let the sauce cook In the Jar for fire minutes, then stir In a gill of cream, or milk, or custard, and flavor with half a teaspoonful of vanilla. It you do not derive prompt and sat isfactory results from tbe use of Peru na, write at once to Dr. Ilartman, git ing a full statement of your case, and he will he pleased to give you his valu able advice gratis. Address Dr. 8. B. Ilartman, Preal dent of, the Hartman Sanitarium. CW Iambus, OhU, kc Toast. Beat two eggs very light, add te them one pint of milk. Slice baker's bread or nice light home-made bread and dip the pieces into the milk and eggs, letting them He long enough to be thoroughly moistened and ret not fall to pieces. Fry a delicate brown la hot fresh suet Serve with sucar. The disease that has done more "PTTP? TV than any other to wreck, ruin and . JuilEr)ll humiliate life, is Contagious Blood Poison. Sorrow, shame and suffering go land in hand with this great enemy, and man has always hated and fought it as he has co other disease. It is the most powerful of all poisons; no mat ter how pore the blood may be, when its virus enters, the entire circulation becomes poisoned and its chain of horrible symptoms begin to show. Usu ally the fust sign Is a small sore or ulcer, not at all alarming in appearance, but the blood is being saturated with the deadly poison, and soon the month and throat begin to ulcerate, the hair and eyebrows drop out, a red eruption breaks ont on the body, copper-colored splotches and sores make their appearance and the poison even works down into the bones and attacks the nerves.,. Not only is the disease hereditary, being transmitted from parent to child, in the form of scrofula,' weak eyes, soft bones, weak, puny constitutions, etc, but is also so highly contagious that many a life has been rained by a friendly hand shake, or from using the toilet articles of one Infected with the poison. To cure this blighting, deadly curse tha blood must be purified, and nothing will do it so quickly and surely as S. S. S. It goes down to tho very bottom of the trouble, drives out every particlo of the poison and makes the blood clean and strong. It does not hide or cover up anything, but from tho first begins to expel the poison and build up and strengthen the system. S. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable.. We offer a reward of $i,oco for proof that it contains a particle of mineral of any kind, Book on the dis ease, with instructions for home treatment, and any advice desired, without VIZ SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATULMTA CAm HHul pnussian spa f.n cans-, ui ' ' ' ' x thaold, tlm tented enre for Spavlna, eiefkaae, S.lhrt, Ca-ka, a. I " . il ImI to-d.y br thuuMndaot ux)eluf hrwJ 1a and eaucia i bonea. 1 A ainirlM botttA on hind often um a valuable bona. "1 tried Prunian fpa.ln Cure on my burM (or blood eparln, and tiro bottle, rumored ItenMraly and there i no ilgn of any tptTin. All of onr remedie are aootl." O. H. DabUwnr.Cartit.Wle. Prtee SI atall dniKitlbtaor'wMtenedtmct. We aim make the folio-win f.moo.llne of PrtM.lM rootlM Heave Preera. Warm Peweere. taarv Oarlae trr. Stack Feed. ate. Write and tell aa where too ml tbi au anew, will n.aujwe. our PRUSSIAN REMEDY CO. feu Paul, Minn. oa PORTLAND SEED CO., Portland. Oreioit, Coast Agcnta mi ara emigrating to Aluera aud Can ada by the thous- , t . 4 dollar to be made Uncle Sam's People ffi.s herta atfnrila tha firvatett opportunity of any country In the world for ocd lnvest- hi.nl. 1 .nri fun V. Wimrbt .if th. P. H R rnmninl nn eajtv niv. arW3Cya4,' mentu of one-sixth to one-tenth down, 6 per cent interest, yearly pay men is, irom s.o(i to fb.iv per sore, mat is as nne iana as me un verehownon. I am conduotlnr parties out 01 Hpokane Mondays of each week, giv ing special railroad rates aud snowing them over Alberta. Join the crowd. Any Information cheerfully lven. JAMES H. ItWIS, Special Land Agent Alberta and Canadian Railway lands. 719 Riverside Ave., Spokane, Wash, t j. THE SANDWICH STEAM PRESS Free from small, frail parts and complications. Two to four tons per hour. 82-lnch feed opening. iu to m leeas to mo oaie. Steady, powerful motion. A ftst-worklng xceuay-makefc. MITCHELL, LEWIS 3u STAVE R CO. WIST AND TAYLOR STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON. Seattle. ' Spokant. Cobs. Salem. Ms&ortt ! 1 i i ?! i i ; ! S ;1 ! 'i . f