euti UUt Bx'Mj COLUMBIA VCL. II. II0ULT0N, OREGON, FRIDAY 8EPTEMBKR 15, ,1905, NO. 21 Hit RAINIER GAZETTE. All tUo itiWrltNf to tint lUluler aelte, win have paid in advance, will be anpplM with the Odnmbla Itiiitvr In lleutf'd liaxeUa. We iiOh to ad your Mtuti to ouriKular list of aub orlbeM. Kk)i fwatni In arrears (or the Uueuetwllt pletiw aot.le with K. II. MiWllwcf lloultoti, who iurchnJ the ubacriiiiJon Uxiki aJ amninta. rt a v ?o? c1 &IKIERISP1RTMEHT, & i;Ki;oi;;;ii Ononf. the larutwt real eatato dealt-1 made liiuMa vleiuUvfor a long time wan oonauianau'ed Juataiurdiiy when Uih. MutH k awl i t .Mraait. Kuthcrfurd and lleaoiH-k.f (itit of, hit splendid wiiler front, Uuwv Fox Owk weal including the) Fart-in . liiH'k and the roadway loading l-aa., and. extending from tu railroadWiu river. The tr't cuiitinn aUiut ur' t acrcr. The purchase rU' wafi'.''00. TUa purchaser lutend erecting eiaiiixW-M aaw. mill, lhHnainv aw to l a -band aw. Orders (or ma. chlneiy Imtt Ixon plaood, ami work I. gin at oaer . TliiMHt.f mica have rental bounce ama-Till bring llu'lr famllioa here to live. Xhrre Ih no Jxitu-r situ on thoU Ikdutnbia tliivcr (or nulling purc tllNII the 0"l U.CttU. IIM'U llHVO boilgSl A mill of tUr kiud jr,ojected in worth luuro to tkiAtjMit thaathe County Heat. Until buyte id seller, have mude a good bargain auiV.lio .Town in the biggel nain-rof ali. ; ruin it the only mill prop riy in tutrir . .that. oiu on a alma. , Now l-t jrtt buy m d open VaUr v street from cm I to cod of towu, aud fc nmre kidm-. i will noil. At nil wljuti, ncd jintling U wwk, i..tlie Torn ta II graJtic'. a water fiaa 4 li'no to the Mr;ic -aakUitf it, and prac tically ui the tu anner Uv y dolml. A , fi-titian tx-arltat the aigusAures of nine tm'.hof the ityirrty .trnera aixl tux j pay rrtoI.Uninki.waapnMti.uled, rrqucHt lug thill riaiii, miviiioa la iimr.rted ' lr, t'iu )MJtU'i ti4i of the lti'criUf the 4tp"t. 'A lit pV',lon retain ml hiit:aiit (attention tromJe tjooiiull, run! wnt vhWully ifiii'iad 'iTIio Jmuh la thut ' the Tt.wn it hoMiul.for. twrty five yvare whtlH the o Mf re ( tho 4x ttK'hiiM Are hot. t' bond we di'ioai?cd and or I hatttttion inothkvf can bt onforord. It it tutf) to Kiittaa Uut thoaiuiie wrebtli -i wat- wiU cnfc)uc. ,It i a bud tltii'tr (or a Tmvn wim a, pt'litlon of k'a tnipR.vji: ciil'i-iiN itu,ao Wht wlLh the otllutra who vo coiuUilin lis .attain. f MaCtu'lla Mawln. aeewtary of tho Vr'Mvt'- Libntry, &muiikr!, epcnl . r!uturjiiw,,ja tows organUinn a4eub liu HUary Kinder Hit ,tuU lw. A mcetiiy of ,iho Town J.ibrary Hoard 0a hfW tail offioli rr AY. U.iTiacliur ui wl.Mi .C'JmIu rttt'wiicr:. km .docted jproMttleift. lUMiSVIien I-oia'CBcinry. A further .Oimrtinu will beheld WoJnut- ,Jny ovonii ts-f t. Uth, tif which limv .Cniiimitk'tr y lm 8)ioiiMd' wayiund .iiifnmt dVMi JM hxation cl.oiott, And ji lihrarinn i civd. A roiWiitulioru by Jhwh mid rul ihopiovirwaui'iit of tin 11 i.-r I ami Liiimry will l m looted. Jlid-i M irvin ,'l vultuhi nU.vicv iroij: her 1 a ry ,x m. r if i ir in ir.uch nut ter. ThuiOoiin ty Gotirt;rHntod tl jM'ttlion of Full;; J)ol;int kiu! ,tlmi hr ciiuity roiul. Tho jiiaUlon wiih one of M idtroiiKVit thut I'oaiid Imvc lici'ii pneulod l)tit thocounty wwvtfor ignorwl 11k; yclilion.ui one of ,tho moHt lniKrtaut piviM of tku ton I und loeHttidanew crado imrt thereby will cmo dulav iu opening ruid tho gtuid will heavier anJ tin cw-.t if renter. The whole job ot ro!idloL'iUiii Ih one tluit roilects ho cred it ob Aito wonk of tho aurvej'or, and will cerUWIy.boirfiiH'mbered uufjivorably by tho pWt.iuiuiK. j In ii flat (possible for tho town olllcers to do soinetliiog to abate tliia HWiwlnnWo dog nuieuncoT Cur Dofra of, hlidi and low degree In aiht Hnd uiuWifuot every wlim. The matter is ljidaut ind dlngraoefiul from whit people! atnnapolnt, butwliul u g.orloua place for IGOGRITIiSJ Why cannot we got th Fair commissioaerB to loud us th.e dog altera for u week or bo to muke a clennlnff up. Madame Rumor tellr that the partner hlp existing bitween Thomaa Nordby und Oban VYilaon has beot or or la . About to b dlatolvod. FALL AND WINtERl 19051906 sTYJEs NOW OUT) For Newest In Suits, Coats, Drygoods, Shoes, .etc.- CWETT ASoit It HAIKIER - id). W. Kjraer is reporktl quite HI.' '.TJiaTujj (uiiffon, witii .two licrgca loya' tho liu .1 Vm k ovnfititiday. TTJi) Columbia li iver Daiir vOotny Mit work llllui) an onUr for .itOOO IPTtM.) door mill fiK),0O0 apxuoe wiodow aaalsitjr the Cki04j market. JA t the last f und. y events aervkw in tkelUjiiKresaUontl Ohurcft, iUiore aa pM6Ut tbo 'Itirgea; audiitx-e inix navntim, at a rt gfilar service Thef kHmokauviikUMeRall a-amcawe iipftu4ayon tkosS'-r. Jordan to play a guittwith tltc illaac ier toaia. -A onw.l of fUtyfCitlums lotim WalikiafccuiCJouu- ty cuuoailong tc t oiicourago t(lo. boyt The gun roHulUitl Ln'Xavor of (aJuuuoka- wa bv ax-ore of 9 to 8. Salomic were etujrfinir hint uulayj tho sauaCiM umial; ifor a Hundkjior two they hai,lceii deieiiit.enounh .koeo the front .dm ra ekunll Mt train time hi thtu'venik,r. It initit )t bo foiottoii that thexetnieu uro ,vk)laiinj t laws, nf Oiegon every Suntla in carrying on thoir dlcivftiit'il lo Ii a Coif &wc mankind would have to invent milk. Milk :Is Na-L ture's emulsion gutter Ssntter put In shap,e for diges tion. Cod liver oil is ex tremely nourishing, but it has to be emulsified before we can digest it. Scott's Emulsion combines, the best oil with the valuable hypo phosphites so that it is easy to digest and does far more good than the oil alone could. That makes Scott's Emulsion the most strengthening, nourishing food - medi cine In the world. Send for free aamplo. '. SCOTT U BOWNE. Chamlate 400-415 Paarl Street New York BOo. and $1.00. All 4lrugffUt ,' . . . .... .. .v'.t v:t , ; - OREGOW -I The Steamer Iralfc Make rouo trtpa bet' 1 RAINIER and PORTLAND. . Ia(.ig Rdl nigral 15 a. n. and Pertlt td at 2 :J . m. dal ly icepl Sunday). to) kHt tham of tha publla patronage, and In rat fw will ! a quick terrlca and a elaanjboat. Wa ara haaa to itar and war t your bmlnaaa. 1 td. Ini at arat of Tajrlar Btatet. tl. I.UUOUUKlRK.MuUf, ARD & DAY , ATtrORNKTO-AT-LAW ', rractiee in any court, State ort&eder. U. A axt door to our t house. ST. HELENS, - OREGON. C. FISCHElR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAWi AND NOTARY PUBLIC , Next Ajar to post ffice. RANiKfR. - OREOON llainier.has several jtood sites for man- ufacturiiiq purposes siill on the market. planiugitnill and a kx factory.imist k located ' here. Y.xtry reanon for this and would 4 profitnUkt totheowaers. Fon't drivo.reople but givei!ieni tie glad hniii, and induce them to:a.V. t.ifveyour information rfreely and jijiut (Xfw our ailvai'tngeK, tbey ie intiny 'vr uv$' plane in (this county. Sehof.l t;i4wd Monl y with Pto-.J. B. VVilkerwuttH princij', 'Mies JVry in-Caare of HU and tilh igradea, Mis Lima in diai'it of :ird aucl 4th grade, oml Mk ilkwton in cliarge of i- .,;,,, a .:, ' , ..,...f woa .ordered that tho ten tit grade tat .tttublisheil. M.mJ.'M. jRon.1, of Canton, Ohlotj wiImj been .nit&ing a tJewa week vinjtwvrJi A. L. ilhtrk and (ani.ty, start edou Ur return bwne Tuesdkv niorn inp. Vbe will 8lot:nt points olanterest in f avbIom Ktn and vtiimvdu on ltf.t way. Uaicior ticetlg a hUuiiii launjy, and thi iMt.i(M will Im Jtepf. beloa the public until it meet) the eye of rfoine ono who w laminar with the laiwdry tuninew, w,U will cotu An I mul Jiin jfortuna. The hop eiip on tho lower Nelialuw la ubove thev.t4'Auo this year. Tlie workmea commenced on tb foundation of Twy 'a new cottages tlie flratof Ihe week. They will be pushed rapidly toward cotnjlotion. De'oi IJeer, a Portland architect was down trying to induce tho county court to build a court house after a net of plans he baa prepared for ilt Jtnowu at tbe Strand".. . . . 0ml i - " rv.F. A Vatt wcl Slaughter ipcnt several daya wck liK'khig after the Oregon Wood OwnftK y's buainew daring Jack Dlack'a dlrneaa. PITTSBURG. $la! W. D. Case was hwriedlj called io Inland, Tuesday, on account of the lllnwr. of her daughter who ia in a hos pital there. The death of A. II. foweJl on the 3rd InsUut removed one of our oldest and Vbli:nowii settlers, of early times, the duevcued here with hia family 28 years ago. They came from Kjnsaa to settle .inlt'ie t.ien, wild and hardly known Kl:Alein valley. The funeral which teok place on the fifihwaswelliiiXeixli-d IriMiiiliei both from up und down the rlwc:. Will Powell cauw in from St. lleltns aa did Jaa. Muukle,a old friend ofitbe deceased. Mrs. Myitlo Kelson of'Peep Klver Waah came in oa Wed- j naday, the nietage of her fathers death not reaching her until Tuesday morn Ittg. She expects to return to Deep JJtvor this week. . dtfrs A. Kllkit returnH home on Sat" from a ten daya slay in Porthtndwiih her sister. Mrs. Sweeney, who was hurt in street car acciden;. She reports jMn. Sweeney much Improved though net able to walk yet. aO. Keasey has begun work on the gM7eling extension from below the Pow ell bridge to tt.e old Cook place and aarsted by 0o. Armstiong who has done some good o.k. He willftart laying on gravel this week. When fuiched it will give us a mile of the best road in the county. . It ia with thankful kja-t8 that we learn of the completion ofehe new Clab-kanie pranc, thus en a:dhg Nehalemite8 to market their goods wlil out costing almoet their value in hocre flesh to get to market and their irrutferirs back home. It would be in teresting to kn.w huw many hundred tonajof freight hai been hauled up that l'oruiblo -7 per cent grade in the 2.3 v ars cf -ttt.iir. Or l'owell we-it to 01 itikaiie on ' rtiiiN.lay iviin a Inid ot li ui', ciiit ke" and gi'iiin. A eonihinat o i lnud io U- t for niiting ntvr.ey into ile f irm t t pOv:ke4.' if.tll ure piopoi-.y li.u.d'ed, tind the wln!te Piyunnuii l;o k. which irs. i OA' Utilises, always tom nand a g(od price. vuiiipmiifeinig ai ernonia ueing over weryote ft els like saying "As it wa ia the bjinlng is now and over shall bJ fr tne railroad has .again failed to ma- Lterialize, iBut we will live in bopa,eveu i we do Uave to die in despair. Proceedings of The County Court. KTlHiraa agltxt the County allowed and awicrea paia nt tne Bnpteiuber I'.hij teriu of the County t'urt, on General Fund. tiiirveylng-, Wowtng and Locating Felix ftutawt Koad. WTATatts ,mO0 II C RohiiiKon..., 8 00 W F Taylor I 00 John W est 2 00 Fells Ji'bast... 2(00 Harry Doan 6 00 Kdlnon Doau... i00 L M Aaron 6 00 Jos. Rkb 70 G W tirant... 18 00 W E fitarens... 1H0 ' ". Tho Basd Powd.'rAsC Road PlstKo 9... 19 85 L 8wett, Powder & C Boad Pist No 7 ; ... 1 83 Woik on ClaUkauIe JSt Mist road, and sup pitas tor tune. J Jones.......... 20 00 T N 8helter. 6 95 i Jones 10 00 Jaa Eastman 23 73 toe Hlnket at) OOChas Hillor....... 4 05 Cecil Lane .25.00 Joe lllnkel.;...1... 25 00 J fiKastman....Jll) 00 Mrs A D Lane. ...1.12 50 D A Lane 87 75 J Howatson 210 00 LBanihami.... 4S SO C Malmberg llto 05 Poternon. ....... CI J B MoNeley........ 71 45 D R Burnham..l42 04 Geo Fisher... 80 40 JN Howtott.... 19 50 H Prako., 64 80 W T WllU."..t. 60 D A Une....,...; io 00 Jo Utakk 40 ''rnk BumhaM. Woo J r u UVjJf XtytnA C.. ! Mi Leitn 110 X) Henry Iwwrr 4 4.') Kenry Krali. . .14 27 JV Umtfrea 18 3 l'til)tT Ai'onni fUlvta Hi, Atiendmue on lUlt 4 12 SO KrrrtTrow, Hup).lic for Ji.fl.B lino i K ButiLlmm, IIoum ttol for IltipWln'.. It Oo tome forth A fed. Board of Mm I'rtailer V. 00 M Viryi Ho.pitl Board of W BaUoa 4.1 40 H NorfU., Kuipli CO WfMai'lay, Milk for McDoualiU SCO HI. VlMtita Huapital, Care of Kit Varntll V to A f McLaren, Hoard, Medii-loe and Atteinlaoee on AU farker M K McVry, Huppllr tor MclKmul l family Hi i lH.'mlng. Medltlna for Vt'm OugK'na. 4 7 llarry Went, Expreaon Coffin A C 1 1111 1 SO M Ciry, Coffin C, tor Hall M 19 It P Watklnii, J P Vet, State-VH-Uutler. . . & 73 MnMolUeRlr,Vt'itBw fut-a 7 SO Mrt Sadie Uadle. Vi llnewi fe a 7 SO Wah Muckle, ContUble fee, 8la(e-V8- Borrk- hardt 2 4 Oregon Mint, Stationery 30 CO Irwin Horiaon Co t O0 Martin White 10 R II Mitchell 21 SO A J Deming 7 JO K C Blackford ;. 00 II llendernon, ToaUge '.. 20 0 Joe Hall, Cleaning Court Uoue SO I II Coptland, Trar Exp Btatlouery i Pottage Road Buphrvloon. M Jlrglert IHtrictNol 10 00 J W XowcU , , C E Olaen , , Jaa Kennedy , , G W Richardson , , .. 67 SO .. 12 SO .. 96 SO .. 8O0O i . W L Brown R A Lllllvh . 9 t t 1 1 7 20 00 9 9 12 9 9 Jamej an , , , ZWZ- 82 M trCCWelch" , , " -.11 30 HO ATHney"'", , J2 .... I h'JO B F VanTt?? ,, it . '.. '. .... "..102 40 rw M.-llii-r 3; , , it iirro P kiwrwiii'i.. , , 7T1.' I 16 25- C'aTiH't'Jljljri, t uouijr ( (.inuiiiiiiiir ST!" Frrd Wrttkinltr!nFirK ntnre'x time. . 2 lO M it utl I Imlfi, Wmk lit VMwur'i Otlcc 2H BO J 11 (jutiiivy Mtoie 42 SO II U Ktrovi aame C7 fv Xel'.le Laws fame . 40 !." J Btiodfruy, work Board of ItiiiiilUatlon. 6 X IIatcy, Clerk .of Election S no- u i owi.ii, tiamiMiioa ( i li't'.-oers... ia uu MnHSVVay, same 15 00 Mildred tirant, work on Tax IiUl U fm Waahington Cremery Co, Ice Crer.m a Punch, Lewis at Clark JKalr... 30 00- DC Bunin.iSoppliea lor Lunch, Col Co day f j. f ral . p .. u . r.ti . . ............. ............ 9 vu Martin & Korpes, Decorating for Col Co dar ... Lf ?;. 4 SO- Port land Wire Works, Stand for Col Co L U C Fair u so Oregon DutiiberCo, Lumber ...100 80' It It Cliff, Secy Board of Health 81 90 ROAD DISTRICT NO. 1. . J B Puncan & 50 Will West, S 6 Otf W t Stevens . . . .12 50 Xelwn Wilcox L C 40 63 Wall & Price .. .28 60 John Bparks .' 6 00 nvnu uioinii.1 Perry AGraham 160 Brin &8(anwood 111 QI James Spence.... 40 Warren Lbr Co.... 29 17' (ilrtyARobey... 5 97 A Mclntyre 15 CO John Boyd ..11 00 John Kappler .... 17 00 J W Nowlea 32 62 .' ROAD DISTRICT NO. 4. C N Fowler U 63 M Fresh NPtnckney I 25 J Spence..... OlofOloen...... 48 44 CEOlHn.... CII Engliyh..... 2 70 C II Grre... ... 44 86 ... 10 00 ... 97 50 ...C 2i F Clark. 50 ' ROAD DISTRICT NO. S. FLengacber...... 58 00 OJLink 28 00 ".Bl" 11 00 R Anliker.... Anton Wke ... 5 00.H Morrell.... J P Archibald.. 8 00 G Mcrrell... JG Kennedy. .-62 '00 H ' Merrell.... (i Merrell 7 00 . J G Kennedy.. Geo Link 9 00 L Bradley.... 2 00 52 OO 50 U 6 OO 10 (XI 12 00 h Mauley...... 2O00 ( V Makinster.. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 6. 4 00 It Bukcr 27 90 Xorlby A Wilson. S3 &) H D Htrhardttin 2.' 95 G 11 Rkliatdaon 6 2 0O A K Mtrtan.... H) 00 Nord:y & Wlison. 72 1. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 7. J R lleadlee.". .!: M V n io.Kt0(u. . . Io iw ROAD DISTRICT NO. 9. Oregon LbrCo.-. 2S 44 Icn Mayer.... ROAD DISTRICT NO. 10. V T Simmons.. 4 N) Scutt Hall.... C Johnson...... 15 75 W fc Harding. W Fpgel....... 8 75 XathlnVan..: Geo Miller 71 50 G A Kelty ...... John Campbell. 20 01 Goe Murray.. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 11. J H Cumeron. v 3 00 O rk-ksun... ... 58 e:t ... 5; ...17 M) . . . 12 OO1 so ... 1 OO ... 21 00 J M Anderson... 2(1 60 ROAD DISTRICT NO. 12. John. Cameron. 20 00 John Wilson...... 8 6(1 ROAD DISTRICT NO. 14. ' Hosford 6 00 G Mills ,.. AKearns 6 00 JD Hall. J Emmons.. v. 10 00 Roy Tucker... RMills.., lo.oo PMelllnger... W.Allen ;.. 4 20 Wtlburnllall. W D Case 24 50 T M Tucker... S 00 2 00' 9 OO'. 10 OO 3 50 17 50 L M Becghley.. 17 60 A Emmons 15 00 F Tracy......... 7 00 ROAD DISTRICT NO. 15. O Downing....; 7 0i) OW Parker..,..-..' 1 00 E R Throop. . . . 125 r Bt 10 OO JCMnllins..:., 200 J A McDonald.... 4 20 Albert Thivterge 4 00 A Q Hotchkiss... 5 00 IP Spencer 4 80 C Mahnsteu...... 7 a A M Parker 5 80 .. Allowed on special tax road district No M nostora 2 00 W L Dugglns.. A Kearns...:... 10 00 Ror Tucker... T M Tucker 21 00 K E Ntclcerson C Bergerson.... U 00 FTracy... w D Case ,. 19 00 W DCase...... A Emmons S3 00 W Allen U M Beeghley., 34 25 Wilburn Hall. J Emmons . 20 00 J D Hall.....;. P Mellinger:.., 2000 R Mills..! ..,. , WLDuggtns... 12,00 C W Mellinger!! u, . .. , District No 15 8 00 7 00 4 00 84 50 1200 26 23 28 00 18 OtV, ' 17 0O 80 50 uun wottanea, .11 )