Mr. mul Mrt. WYrnlx of A mm. Ohio mt undo mul mint i( Mrt II, J.WbIith of Si. Id liii, nrrivi'il Ihtu l.tTiiilrt.v ami are tl.ii K'i'tii of Mr. II. J. w ultra of St. Ili-li'im.v will vllt the Uwi uihI (.'link fair and iainl acrkt Ott thia I'tmat. Ja a MrloiioM of ('Utkknnli' tmk In tin' fair nl I'lTtluiuUiiiiil r irtiriitii 1'lulnkmitu I'ttiiiji of Morli'ii W'mmIiiiiii County Clerk llttliiiti ntxl family vli'llr.l (rli i.U ut Mayitcr the l!r( of the mk, r turning home Suniluy rvcnlnu'. (lit Atlanta Hi nt to Si i-il' Snmln y. Mr. I. Ili'iiliiiw I nfiiiliiiu Hrnoplf of on In at Si'iii'li'. ljt Hii'li Mm. A run Kcllry vlttltel ln-rnlli r Mr. lirwe lliiliawa who u fili' l Viuu'oiivri. Mr. ami Mm. I'nrillim of uiiiy wire vtailoraii tin' rounty wat Tiii'liiy. Mra, l'linTm I ovrrwi-r of 1 1 l'nniufiit ttritti. Hm Iiiih In i n n vi ry yr:it Itt-lp in I uiMnitf up tlx or li r in tlm lower jiiitl of tin iminiy. Il in rtininrt'il that lln'V lmv kiiIiI tin ir ranch in'iir ijiiiney. 11 tliin ! Iron we ioh tiny will llnd ntiotli. r I'H iiiiuii In Coliiinliiii nuiiity. K.J. 'I'm Lir, wIki hh wmki'i on tlx lluiiH ul Kuiio.Miii mm t.iU u willi luintihi i II mi. I I. in f.r Hid tlmrly llltt'lMhll'UI of hi fellow Work null wmiM luivi f.illt n () tin prouiiil a ilin taint of mvifiil fi l l. Ho ilii-il of liclilt fnilur. , In (urn iinileil i I ton!. I rc;ul dim. Hi win u nuin of family mot Jri'l (irnn ily livnl at llo. Uiver. !.(, 2 1 1 U ntnl wife from IIhIm'V, tlriKoti. wi n the r'K tt of I;. , Ijuii k ! "' H"' lculiiii: ninl l i i t-l,nw fiunilv of M. Helena l-iNt Sunday. Mr.j,l"'r' While it ij;i t. inu a yin..l iilt.nd tiuji k wiia T'l xe.tiM old ulldav ai), i 1 "inc. .M l it i Hi' uo-t expeiiKivi then tin fpry oi hi "ii I!. I'. Shiiid.iu llucof 1; linii-r vat up to iiit .'.i!h hn d.iiij.diter Mri lillV T.'.riiell of Vtliikl'itl, tin hi"! I'HII oflheMiik. Mr. T11 1" II It 'itii. lin, v. 11 li a MAt n lltl.ii k of A I "till ki ! ! V'e nn ple.-oed to lentil that n r l.i!i ' illipTi iii III d I' : .1 o;;i.!i. .'itim'H .irirn !.l W ill I e n i It itMial. lli-v A I". mit'i d ha le IIIOM'I wl'.li hii f;lillv lo ( N', Witi h , l.cri theV Will rcfide ill tln- fllttlle. li. ( tin oVC I I'.ir! r l;ihi'V nud f..n i'v have til. l in ine Vacii'e i,v ipmaii, U iio l.ionVi I (oSi'ap- p iOff, ,l:i M: '!.' drove toil to ri'tfhur-j Motl'l :y 1 . n u.' wilh W. II. I'.mi-ll. to lltlefd He foti. r il ' ( A. II. 1'nwi-ll. the f.ltl.el of V. II I'oU. 'l , T St. IMei N. ilr-iv ,. I', rry and win, .el Home f; .,..!. over lo i.ik K r k toi itti.ivs- out in; I, iv lnornin,.'. M'o!.rCas 1'nw'. r vv(n! ili.u n to Clittfl. Mil l.lit Sunday lo all.'tid school 'I In s. I.omN n( t iat-Kann nil aiiii.uu I I... I . ti I 1 1 .i kin'.. it li. ulli Tin ,i ' ....... .-. i.,. , . ii i . . w pupils ftofi all p'Hts of tin county. j ''", proilucini; unpie imuiI elt'ecl, Sold ,, , , ' hv I In I Icy t aliiiii.'s. II. M. I'owler of (iiihh' Visited Astoria - und took In tint ltcu'ittn last week. Rosolutions In Memoriam. Harve avs he had it eool t lm, and we (joble, Otej, Sept. 'J, HHCi. tlon'l iloubi it. llvcrvboily has a fcood ,: Whereas, Jly the d atlt of Sister time w hen thev iiticiid the Ktvntta. ! Clara K. I'atrick, liohli (irani No ',)-J.t Mrs, Martin While, Mrs. Smith, n j . "Hn faithful ahd enthusiastic niciu aistcr of Mr. White and her son took . lHr Wi,H 'Vir ready nn I willing to theeariv train Tuesday iimriiinu for a ' i ' wnra for the bunelit of the visit to tho fair ami up to old Yamhill 5 fiati .. She was a member of Pomona county. itirane and, alo, tojk Iho Sevcnt't Mr.Yi.f't.nfHfo'kaof Yimktnn. atari. ' 1,1 National lirmige in IVt I'd Tuesday for on out inn at 'ho hopOclds. M. Kills, one of lUinlcr's, principal business men v. as in lloulton a few minutes hctwccii train and html Monday jnorninu'. At thin meelinij of the Town Council liiNt Monday evenitii; ('has. Cox was ;ranled a saloon license. F,. F.. Quick HiidJ.u k Mt Kio were uiven as Hoods Jni'ii I lull the saloon should hy kept ordi'il , , thai is should nol hu kcit open onSunihiy. Mr. Welhind Hinted before thu Council that ho had drawn out of the business. An ordinance denning offenct a was reiul a third time and pass cd. H II. Mitchell tendered his resig nation iih memher of the Council. Mrs. Jaa. Dart and her itntittlitvra Crace and llcrtliii lelurneu to their homo in St. Helena, last Friday, They IinvinrWn ut Seaside during the hiiiu mer h . son. Jos. Miles nnd wife from old Missouri, we did not learn whether "ihev were all tho wi from I'iko," but they cuuieout to vial lie fair und spend a day or two with f . r and Mrs. S. A, Mller, of St. Helen Son. f the duck . hunters from Peer Islund toll eonio hard -luck stories about tho In .mi Hcaiintt nwuy all the ducks. On tl t'latduy of Oct., Mrs. Waldo, tlio ftn'o Lecturer for tho Oreurou State "Qrangi will address the citlzonsof Oolumbia counly on the workoftl Orange. Thia will be of the best op portunities to learn what the Grange is doiug nnd should not be misHed.- The matter of expvrtiiitc the Kaika ot Coliiinlifn rounty la Kill In p.otfre-a Thua far the hooka of Ih aherifT ami IrcAHuriT liuvo lacti cxamim! ami mo fur hn tlm txttrta urn nlln to learn th lfMpkrfiroiiily kritamlilif amount aro correct. They arc now working on tlio Uniki of lliu county clem. All the work lima ac.'oinilialioJ by tlm ex (i riH mk'lit luivi ln ilotiH in t very fi w Iioiiih liy tlio district attorney ami fii itrund jury. A 11 iimt'crof fuel they liHVi'ouly ifouu ovir Hits ftiiitf itnl liavctukrii tin work of the-county court in rlm kliiK "I ',u laikt aa aUolulrly correct. Tlu ru U no douht liul that the court Ii'im rliitrkt)) up t viryi liiiiit in good xlinjii. Ho tin mailer of xp"nlii,j luiht liuvu Ui'ti iliiMiuH-i witli a'l' Ki tlur. Tlu comity Iiun aty-d'ni Hint if carried out to tho h tliT, notliiii nlmrt of n ionniiriMy litwcin tin county court ami oilnr rounty oI11i1Ih coul.l iiiukc It POfii!i!i fur u county o!lli inl lo Uo W Miitf w iHmiil It KcliiH k 11011. It Iiiih I .it 11 rciinirkiil lli ul if the oM cmirl holiHi hlimilil liillli ilown, it niillt he "iilil Unit llu ulli iuU kIoIu tlio couulyV inoiicy ami Inirni 'l th rci'iuiU to cover the crime, it ii' I tin work of tin; cx;'Mh woiiM jircvcnt any audi ciniluionti. Oil lit' ut licr hiill'l, IIOW tlmt (lie liMikn lihvi I ift 11 rx.rrtci unl nil Ih fouml cor ni l, u hut will In x.ihl if thu oll court lioiim tthotiM he lillrlicil? Thii in 11 I talk anil aiiouM noi t ntcrcoonty alLiim. ! An you hicklnjr In at rehyth ninl I tt"! Areyou In tilir.' ) vmi Uv j all 1011 down? Tin l.lifsli.if of heitlth j " V K, Y. c " ! iHlcr a K'u kV Mount ultl l i n. .. i 1 1 11. . I! Iieeuia htr Hive I10W l he peon eat the 1 ' I tin!: putt on i.e the varloua ! ow on th- ' Til Kloll,ke cl Oil Up l one Willl the lar.'t-fl huililllii,' nid it) in hi1 lion tot Ilia him Irotu $10.1 (HI to 11 0 ill I'old ill)-! in t-i; ht ill the Wo.k'.llj. id t e tl 1 i f i i-. Ti l in tie i" ail exact rcpto din tiiiti of n typii il luiiu. If you oio l',.e t'.iir and I ui'l vieit tlii ahowoii lliit.H one of the I'etoti tic Tl'.nl. I-ik" t imt Ir .g II.1111 . I'iliilnn he.iiili i i;e liiiiliii til ittey --i Ihiuli lli.. w ho tire Mt'U. Wh'-ii Mill have 11 ci'll .-li. cold, mhv I lito; t or el. i it ii rilii' ion, la-tier net pnnipilv ; I he W. C, llaiUr. of te!. V. j lltKi: ' I a l.-l 1 t'lii'-l llnil- Iih. eiiiixeil hy fiiioke and co il iln-t in my linm; hut aliei' llndliii nn tt-lief in ... I... ;. ... f 1 .... . V Hic'-ie., I w na CIIU U .y IT Kiln's New lUcovery fiir('imiiiiip:ion t oughs ami robin. (i'atet halet.f Miy coii-i, or lu'm Incdicilii In the ! , wm Id. J i.' xalit by I'KllliY tc CUAIIAM. A 1'rnrt nsvlllti family wIiom family nii..:.i,.J..!'. m'.L .. u " -- "" " "!., 1 1, ,.;,. i i i )" ' "rnwi1 "r .und consnlvr.- seven ! I N riiileaiui t:ir.-rl. ir you ever took I'cUitta ,itih I'.atly rlnt-rx for I lil'uume-K or consti. l (-..lion ym, know ph asmv I,. ; TIicm limit. u.- I I h ii t-leai.M the t ... i . ....... I I 1 I I . I . . . i .i . i . ni Ml . I m- p ,- J : I MI l ' I II hilitl, in l'.lOl, therefore be K, lleHolved, tnat thia ( lender It's heartfelt fyinpnthics, and coniiolenccs, to her son owing Husband, childrcnund other relatives. ih'solved, that our Charter bo draped in Mourning for a period of thirty days ami that it pn(.'e of our.minutcH bo de voted to her ineiirorv. Mrs. Annie Lindsay. Mrs. Minnie Jordan, (ieorge. V. Fowler. KOKS tt'KKI Of t'liolerii MorlitiH with One Sinitll llol ll of t'liaiiilterliiin'a folic, 1'holeru, ami Ularrhutta lleiiimly, Mr, (1. W, Fowler of 11 Ightowcr, Aln, relates an experience lie hud while nerv imri'ii a (tetil jury in a murder case at Kdwardsvllle. county seat of Clehourue county, Alabama, He says: "While (here 1 ate some fresh meat nnd some souse meat und it iruve me cholera mor bus in a very severe form. I was never more sick in my life uud sent to the nruir store for u cenuiu cholera mixture huttlis. druggist font me a bottle of Cliumberlaiii'a Colic, Cholera, unii Ulu rilinea Keinedy Instead, saying that he hnd what I Rent for, but this medicine was so much better he would rather sendltlome In the fix I whs In. I took one dose of it and was better In five minutes. The second dose cured me entirely. Two lellow Jurers were ultlioled In the same manner undone small bottles cured the three of us." For sale bo PERRY & GRAHAM, r flood advice to women. If you want a beautllul cori'plexlou. Clear sklu, bright eyes, red hp, g od health, take Hollator's Kooky Mountain Tea, There Is nothing like It. , 35c tea or tapleta. One of the if rent otn-dn of lloulton anil St. llflt-nx U Utter t' lioolit. We tlo nottlt-niietorartl any rcllct tion on the , iiuiiaatiiicnt of the ehooU of IiIuim. I.ltt .... tl.ln. ! tl... canuul olmerver. It in imKniiihle for the teiw hera of cither district to t ike uji the K1I1 anl Dili tsriide work and do jiikliiv to the HiiiU tf the other RritHiit. Tin H'ale law ahoiild It ttni mini that llniihtli uradt-a aliitll only Im tnulit in im IiooU hiivin thru or iiiorc The ninth itrade on It in whooU w here four or more teachera aie cnijiloytd e naveaa phni icai iiera in iionuon an , there are in the county, hut il in imai. j aii.lefoi 1 hem to teach II Vf jjnult a in one, r,a,.n and Ihr in 11 e other. The . ..... . . thmn that ahould l.t limit, anJ that riht aoon, ia to conaolidale the two ' di-t.icla, and huild a achool'e 011 i 11 .. it . . 1 . . m i:..f rt the lull j'lat of Mr. traw ford, I rtf iileint or ut ir the Lil cmunda, Ih - twfcn lloulton and Si. Helena. The, ...1 . 11 . .1 ., 1. , acl.iMiI I inline nil tin exianditiirc of a i , , ... ... lew hiiiiilreil dolUia could he iniidt in'o 1 ,. , 1 . ., . 11 , ! a court hoiin that would anawer Colum ; hla county fr Hi- next twenty war Tlio lli iltloo aehool h'iij-o could la aold for it renideni e and the money de rived fiolli the cult of f lie two htlildiu" would aliuot-t if not quire huild 11 new four room hoiiw thi. t yuld he a ided lo iih it would no doiiiit rcipiire more room in fjur or live enia. Honlton ia nn au'iiin - t the ironition of irectim; "'"Jl,',r room un, vmj.loyiim ano her teacher or cW the eijjlith nud inntli uniHe jiinl will J,avi to ko tlnew here their Hclitadinir Al Yuu KiiKitilril? . 1 111 1 r.njoiicd aope hlmuld reniiiiilaT, thai, after iinirriwije, imtuv ouiim l fun, hy keepiui; their ilij.eMio in (.-ood coiiilltiiili with i;iectiic llllter- Kia: r yenra. my wife -tillered In le i.m-H fro.,, ilyape, m,i cunpla a ed w .lha lorp.d ner, 1.1, II .he io,t ..r ; 1? ? V! ,K" r o- -,",'V H UUT wieet" o tier loriner aell. I hell a he i 1 1 leu fclrli HiiU'ta, whicit lielpul h r at tun e. and lit. idly liiniie her entirely weil. S'.e U ij.i.t .iin.iin and healliiy.'' .M'c a h tl te at I'lillUY & GKAHAM. For Sale. AM A. .M.IIo!t'in'i.Ho'.if.elI..l lc,Q , A piano of ri I'.nhle uinke fully i;uar- ' ""'' ititx-d wor'h 1) for only J 175.01. .-luvcr i.i-.v nun miIc harncfs I "l' UIHI Mii. if 1 ( ol i I ,. on V J l-i. (r). iii. . i . . . . . i.-iiitu.-iM). ii.HKs at tiiat will! i;ioe tin irsi .la. ' ' 'rj.'i Cull r write J. Q. C,;rr, St. Helen.' ii. t liuliit, rtlllll " I'uhkIi llenieily Ai.Ih Nnl arc Mtdii'ines that aid nature are nKvnvs ino-t cU'ecliial. ( 'huiuherhiiu'a ('ouli ItellieilV net mi llilM nlaii. It i,!hn- . ,. '. : ' oe tiiiiu'ii, i ncvei I l.e riia'S axni Cinr ; ,,, Mv,j,(H a.15 s ih, iiiitnii ii, rentonuk' ine hvstent to a I liealiny comli'iuii. Kohl by I'LhtllY & GKAHAM. A farmer living neaf Athcda has a (hu. tTlip r ,, (,irn wIlioll w.ll inanulacture into hitnuns. At Salem, where there ia ii factory, ltooiu corn is woriu ffsl a 'on. You us-Miuie no lis!; when you hiiv Cliainheihiln'sColie, Choleiu, ami tliar ihoea I'.emedy. I't riy t (irahain w ill refuutl your iiioui'V if vmi ure not sat- I siletl after uing it. It is everywhere i admitted lo be Hie most suai-eanful rem in use for Iwtwfl eoinpluiuta nud thet only one I hat never fails. It la pleasant safe and reliable. The Freev uter Times having decided to go out of business, the citizens got to grthcr and induced the proprietor to stay by agreeing to support him. so llu t ho need not go hungry or in rags. Attacked lie a Mob. uud bet.ten.ln a hiliorriot, until covered wit Ii sores, u Chicago street car conduc tor applied thick lens Arnlcu Salve, and was mam sound and well. "I use it in my family," writes (J.J. Welch, of Te konsbn, Mich., "and Hnd it perfect." Simply great for cuts und burns, Only Joe at PERRY & GRAHAM, i 1 A North Yamhill man his invented i. long felt wanta machine that will remove a boiled egg from the water and remove the shell. He deserves riches. Altemedy Without a Peer. "I find Chamberlain's 8tomnhaiid t.tver iatueta more benenc n i any. other remetly I have sed lor torn aeh trouble," sav . P. Kote, of idma Mo. For any d order of t .o .o nach. bllliousueas or i rjatip.oii, Hies tub lets ure without i tci. For sale oy PERRY & GRAHAM, A lone caribou, said o be the first of ita specses ever found in the Blue moun tains, was killed in Willow Basin by sheepherders, it having run into camp when frightened, Ulasupposod to have wandered away from u herd in the moun tains of northern Idaho. . Beat Kor Children. Mothers be careful of the health of your children. Look out for Couehs. Colds. Croup and Whooping Cough stop toem in time Ouo Minute onugh Cure ia the remedy. Harmless and pleasant. Con tains uo opiates. Bold by Bailey & Briuu. .. Card of Thanks. I witdi to cxicnd my inimt hrart 'ell t,aflka(nnd take this way to tloaoto tmJ Womt-n'a t'iiclca of W00.I Craft of lloulton and Women Circlea and the (ieneral Community fr their valued atumtaiice rendered me in my bel ved wlfc'a Funeial and InUrmeut. Alao, tho irfneral cmniinity forthenamt aHHia tane rpml-red ilurini my father' liu (jfrinij illiiean death hnd Interment. I). II. 1'OPB. Xano-rlra and Worhl KvervtliiiiK U In the name when it to Wllcli Hazel Halve. Iv C. iHjW'Ht A. Co. of Chicajjo dlacovered M,,,,,f ?' n ,,oW l" makeaaalv ft'" J.Vh Y'iV 1 " .m IHc to't ' ror hlliid, blt-ediin', iu-hiogaiKi protruding I'llea, fczema. cuta. hurna, hrniaea and all akin ('1-iiK-a l)eVitta httlvi ,w ll. 'H''" l" Iflven ri-e to liuineroii. worltilefHCouuterlleta. A,k f,r 1)(W11,,.e ..,,,,., S,W l,y ludey k Urinn. . : : , A J 011 lighter a horn into the wor d. . .. The IhMtor jfctH ; the editor pnnta a . ieat Mtinounceuient of the event and . . ... . ieiBu. su me ciinaienini! me prim Kfta f 111 t lie editor frreiu $iU. Years pact and the voting innn lakes unto hiinpelf a wife. The pnachtr gets $:': the newspaper man eia$(KiO Attain a etiHl of xeara durini,' which time the ' puiiiiinent citizen hrenkn into p ni fr iiently I 'inally th. priiii Hi ip- cu'a the tine ol the under tdker p-ia $101); t e edi or foignin ajhsnription a 1 oun'. puhlinh a c.'hiii.n ohiiu.tiy an' tfi t-i'l. V.nly the hfe of mii edilo ia io'deii 1 re. mi. 4 KOt I' lll!itv l'k'il' W i! Il llie - V 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i.f 11 comriiou cold; there is chil!iiiei. Mii ejiiL, aore throat, hot akin, quick pul-e, lioiiruea4 and iuipi'did rerir:i- I lfltl . Illllllllll tltH.ll 1..Ui. I..II...,1'J tl..r. ,...1 .I...,l will orv f..r in -ml tti.Hrt HiI1H of erur)V (.OI1 b ,y fm uent. v jjalhuda Snow Lininient externally Xo rottL Wk: at Ualley & liinn'e. A cheepe factory ia beint; talked of at (lohle. The matter has been throu:!y j d fi-ussi'd iii the (jol)li. (j range, and it is ' now up to the citizens to do the work of ' ft'trting it. A hitter location foroh'ain ; in- tmlk cannot be fui n 1 on the Colimi j hia liver, r.esidi; 11 larjje nuin'ot-r of I dairy cat lit in the vicinity there i th best of i ail aiuUteatnlKj il trattf-port-.t.on ; (roln a u,Mi ,;,ii v country in both Ore- : .....I Wul. ;...... We Uoyv to be able to niinonnce the putting' in of the facto" v in ! 8 rt t:uif. , I'.i-1 i r.ini the lleail. ('. W. laiinlis, l'oi!er for Oriental 1 1 -t ). ( 'lianule ' Km. -ay: I know what II was to t-iiller from iieiirnlL'hi, lice. 1 J did. and 1 u'ot a hot I le of i Id's Soovc Linimenl ami I Was raised Criitn tin i!c. id. I 1 1 ietl to .fet amii.t i i.r. .... 1 n.i.i ,1 ..f .., i..i 1 ' ' . ! "' I was cii.vd entjrek. . I t.m ted ..' I lt d tlootlt fn.i." J.V, -.te ,I.W at ilai lev ninl I ti i it n s S'. Helens ltd;e No. 117 I. 0. 0. F. i had work in llu: first decree at their last meelinj:. and at their meeting next Saturday cvetiin.-; .1,' cv will have woik in the second dec. ret. C tllA lf I IIMOtl lllu. Indigestion 'nearly alwua tlisturbs the sleep more oi le.-a nod is ol'teii the catie ot iii.soiiittnia. Many eases have been peniuiiieiit ly .curr d by Cliamber lain's Stomach uud Liver lablels. For Sale by PERRY & GRAHAM. 11-- A HARD ROW And a lortjr pull describes tho of a woman alilietod with female weak ness unless she is under the care of a doctor who has had successful experience In the treatment of such cases or el so has found the riirht remedy which can be Mfely used Independently of tho doctor. Forty years ago. Dr. R. V. Pierce found that women went being grossly mal treated -mainly through Ignorance and carelessness, and ho determined to devote himself to study and research till he found the real causo of their suffering and a proper remedy for it. He fouiul if, ami dug from Nature's Laboratory, tho earth. A'utioc'a remedies for woman's weaknesses und ailments. lb found in Lady's Slipar root, It'.uck Cohosh root. Unicom root. Blue, Cohosh nsit and Golden Seal root, tho required Ingredients. The remedial virtues of these ho ex tracted, combined and preserved by h's own peculiar non-alcoholic, glyceric pro cesses, and tho com pound Is now known the world over, as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. "The wearing of corsets too tlirht soemod to have brouKht on an alKlomtnal pressure, weakening tlw) ligaments mul resulting In displacement, which troubled mo until 1 was not tit to walk, and at times could hardly stand," write Mrs. Beverly Sltgreaves, ot IH Fulton St., 8an Francisco, Cal. "A nelgliltor advised mu lo try Dr. l'lorco's Favorite l'w scrlittlon. 'lleforo the first bottle was usod I felt much better. Improvement wont steadily on. and within tour months I was like a new and well woman once mora I am now perfectly well and strong, and ex tremely grateful to you for your blessed rumudy a boon to sl,ck women." A Qreat Doctor Book Free. Send 21 one corit itamps to Dr. R. V. Plorco, Buffalo. N. Y to cover mailing and he will send yon a free copy of his 1008-page Common Sense Medical Advisor, paper-covered. Clotb-covorod 31 stamps. Dr. Pierce's Ploasant Pellets are th best and safest huauva lor taa use w ullct women. X. I'lnknevof Carlco wm a caller at iur den Saturday. W notice the jzenial amilea of Will Mile ocraaionally around St. Helen and lloulton. Will hai heconie quit t ai ranker. We hope to tee him more frep:jent!T. Therxwaa a funeral every other dar lant week in thia vicinity. The Ion t-xr)ilye dry weather liaa Xxtn'YfiTf nrd ti endure by the aged and infirm. Mrs. Fprajrnc of Kelso was down iiul arent a day or two with li.r daughter, Mr. Weeka. of lloulton She relnrncd io-ie yeat.trilay morning. The New Nickle is t4ie name of the iew talooii, the pronrietnr are Cliaa. Vox and J. Welland. Cliaa. Cox known to every one in this community Mr. Welland is not t well known, hat iiofe who know hiui best eak rery hihTy of him. A few tracks of apnd, and fruit will be received the name an mIi if qreaenteii efore we have lo lay in our winter -upply. Look out for the rains and the first t'Uich of w inter weather. . F L. Heywfo I the general traveling sale man for Um Oie-it We-tern Tailor ni: Ctunpany of Chicaio, Illinoi has irranired to give a grand bill in HoultoQ iturday, Kcj.t. loth lo which the pene al poplii: are coidially invi ed. He ia nakih a canvas of ihit viclnisy in the intereat of his h nife and w ill fit you oat wit li a cull of cloths made to order and m ide to fit you. He comes very highly eoiiiii ended, und his htue ia one of ne betjt known institnt ons o! the kind loing btiMiieis in this country. Card of Thanks. ltuinier, Ore. Hept. 5th, lf(05. I demre to exprei my sincere t hunks .tiie many friends und neighbors ho were an kind and attentive during (lie sickness ami after the death tf my .vtfe. , Ico. V. Kyaer. niiiimatisin, nout. haekache ecid poi son me icnuIis td kidney trouble. Hul steis Hocky Moiia am lea i;. tea direct y to tin siM if the disease mid cure when all tl.e failn. : 5c. If you want to rent ' If you want to sell If you want to buy If you want to trade !f you want anything If you want to luaa money If you want to borrow money Advertise the fact in the . , KECilSTKH. tiot Otf i'heup. He may well think, be has irot off clienp. who, after having contradicted constipation or indigestion, is still abltj to oeiTecily restore his healtli, Nothing will do this but Dr. Kings New Life f'lils. A quick iileasant and cert id a cure for headache, o.oiistapaliou etc. 2Jo at PfiRRY & GRAHAM, DILLARD&DAY, ATTORNEYS -AT-LAW. Practice in any court, State or Federal Next door to court house. ST. HELENS, - OREGON. W. C. FISCHER, ATTOUXEYrAT-LAW, AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Next door to post office. RA N iKfK. - - OREGON The Steamer Iralda. Makes round trips between RAINIER and PORTLAND. Leaving Rainier at '8 :00 a. m. and Portland at 2:30 p. m. daily except Sunday, We solicit a share of the pnblia patronage, and In return will give quick service and a clean boat. W are here to stay aud want your business. Lm& Ing at foot of Tavlor Street. C. 1. HOOGHKIRK, Master, . Portland and Astoria AND WAY LANDINGS t Astoria Route Steamer LURIlNE leaves Tay lor St. Wharf Daily (except Snndtiyi at T a. in. Leaves Astoria daily (except Sunday) at 6 p. m. Close connection with boats forChiuook Beach Deep RWer, Urav'i River, Knappton, Ft. Uter. ens, Ft. Canbv. Ft. Columbia, llwaco, Lewis A Clark River, OnleyA Young'a Klver.and boat and train lor both beaches. Portland and Yancotmr Steamer TJKDtNK eaves Taylor St. Wharf dally except bunday) at 10 80 a. m. and 4:30 p. m. Leaves Vancouyet t 8:80 a.m. and 1 p. m. No trantferlnj, no Both' honeV:' OreRon Main 1S ; Columbia all. wharf-Foot of Taylor 8t. General office 2S3U Yrmhlll Bt. VANCOUVER TRANSPORTATION CO. . Steamer Sarah Dixon. Leaves Portland Tuesday and Thartdayat t p. m.. torClatskanUand way Undlnfs. Buiv day for Oak Point.- Returninf, leaves ClaUf kanta Wednesday and Friday at 4 p. tld permltlnf. LaevtaOak Point MoMaial V to. Bhavat Traasportattata Ca j