c ' TT) IC (C F HP ITT)' OLU VOL II. JIOULTON. OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 16 1905. : NO. 8 t'onl lilrtl HewiW. To liilVrt health, Hie ImmIv ahotitd U- k"l lii it laxative condition, Midi I lit IsiWiIk IiioViiIhI lct ollCe II tiny, mi llml nil Hie poloou w:i- Hre .xpcbcd dally. Mr. (I. I.. I'M wt.hU, H'J N. Ml n MNit, Wlcliiia, Km Hi, wni: "I have uacd Her dine in regulate I hvt-r mimI IhimH fur Hie tl leu veuiH, mid found Itii reliable r lucdy." 50.: lit llallcydt llrliin AMoriu Day at 1.m im mni Chirk l'.x ioiiioti, Portland, Oie., June 10. Afe'enta at Axloriu, Swt-uevii, Chilskanie Juiutlnn, ;tilnr y, Msygcr, llninWr, for above iviiion, and on date ahown, MifcnU addrci-cd arc atilhorued to kell tpociul t-xctiriiloii ttikct from their re r upcctive Mathm to Portland mid return Mt rale of tH'tf furc niil one-lhird for the lound trip, iiinler too .Hoi4i von liti"ii: I Kit m of Sale June 1Mb and loth. Limit Limit tickets lo rxplro fur return June '.Mill KHI5. l'l'-ket IVe form !.. except 32. ChildrenHalf fi.ri of "dull Mte will l charged. J. C. Mayo, 0. I', A. MlirNllirtl Alikl. Mill SvvV, I. II ill Ankle, Mill Sftk, Mhuiililvr. Them nre lime common ailment for W hlch Chiilhl llniil' I'iiIII liilill lr ilccliilly v.iIimIIi'. If promptly ap plied it will tc oii fine, money in t Ullli lllik' W hell hot.lileil w !Hi any one nf ilo'x nlliio'ii'K l-'or hitlc hy KAINirit PHARMACY, . .. - A The Caiiaimo government will din. pltlfll lite hU'iimer NcpltlllC, Oilolm ilore Ixiw in lominaiid, to make mi ef Icirt to jiu no tin- Noriiiweuerii paa;;c. The expedition will have llulifux, NoUl hint in, enrly In June. iilmii IllMrrliuM. I'. S. HohheM who wived In Cubi dining 1 1 it jiiii!hIi W.i I kiinw whui thl ih.ii ii-1 n, uikI i hut ur-lln.iiy rviitc- i hen have Utile nioie elMT lliall mi Hindi water. Cuban iliuil'hiHH I" mIiih'xI ii cvcie nlj'l dangeroU ll ii inlliliiil.uk ol' cholera, 'lucre I one riilii'Uv. however, tint! Can lilwiiV" U' ili'l'iirii il iihiii ii h w III U' wen hy the lollow liiii ccrtilh itte ftnui Mi. Minnie Jncolm, nf I lolixton, TcMi. ,-I lierei'J ccrlity Hint t'li.iiuhi rhilu'n Colic, Cholera and lihiirhoeii Ihniedy clued III V llll'hmnl of HwMTe ill ti.t k nf I'll h ill 1 1 lit 1 1 1 1 m ii . which he hrouhl lioiue limit t.'ul'ii. We hiol wveliil iln;lm hul llii'V ill-l hllll HO It' ll I liu- hoi ;! nf ililx ifiiifily eiiri-il It tin. II Kill-lii'lulllnl w ill IrnMly. I tliunl tiixl (or iii viilnuhlc a ineiik'iio i!i- ly I'lsry .t (.'inliiun. Tiri'il mil, wnio o it woiiirii niniiot Miit'O. rut or wink; hi-ihk u . tl ciu1 would lly '.ii piiiiM. Holli'tri'n lioeky Mollltliilli '1 t-il IIOilUH hllom! lifl'VW kiul rh li hloo I. :i"i ei'iiiM, tin or ludlelx .ttii Whut KviTymn' Hiiiiutit Mr. J.T. Iliirl'ii. ol liwliivdie.dii ItlwtiVi Ueei II lioillfiil I 'liiiiuliet IiiIii'k ('olir. t'liolriii nod HiiuihoiH Ki-nieilv hi IiiiiiiI riMilv for iii-tiint HM-. At tueliM of ciilic. thol'Tit iiiolliH mid ilim i loK'u I'oiiitH on no HUihli'iily Hint thrie l no lime in hunt u ilocloi' or In to in the More for medicine. Mr Ihulrcr x.t: "I htive irndt'liiiiither In! n 'm Cu ll'. Clmli-i'i! nnd lllttriliot lO luc'lv whleli one of tui hi-M niedl elite- I -vi r miw. I keen it hotllunflt lit in v roiini iih I 1 1. 1 vi hud hi' v end lit liiekn of inlic mid it IttiM Olovvil to he Hie l nt nieilii'liif I ever uhciI. Nld hy ItAlNIKU IMIAUMACY. When In Itoiihl what to huy for Your Sweetheart, to nod ' V. hWKTT about ll Commissioners' Court Continued from IhM, week. The follow intr tluinni Mptinxt Hid pen cm I roil I fund were now.nllowe I hy the court, Mini iheclerk oidertx'l to draw wn. riniU in niviuent of -Hnie. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 2. K K I.ftm'n 22 M W U tx'r f'H to It O lUceii WO" (iUNt iHiutckiiotl 4- 00 K A lloyt 2H 00 M (.ohermin 10 00 A IIiikm "'00 Il lUriM 10 .' ROAD DISTRICT NO. S. (ilen WMtkin 1-' o John r.oy.1 00 I .vlni)r 31 00 M.lntv.e aiMK) T WwkUnl WNowIe W 75 Sum Viti.ent 10 Oil Yin etil 4.'i 00 I I.hwh 0" Cloninpr 0 tin ire 3 03 slx.lix 4 ("0 Mr Amern u r. . . 3 ihi slurui:iti r.nm l.hrCo W 1? Oil I'riiri: i Sin ' 4. HJWttter 0 85 R0.D DltiTRICT NO. t. (M'.arnett 10W I'.row n JW IK) V K Me.eiiH "0 II K r.iiHhniHU M 00 Newiinin 41 0) J 1 DnncHii HO Ol allien hpeiee. A Sien k V K'liniiieviT . . . 1 IIO'.III K n minever . (i Lnuue . (1 01 ;o on :tl 5) '.' oo -7 oo 40 4 00 12 00 11 00 7 00 18 00 II) Inn nf rnitilun Jh, in IIh toimeiili, like dyliiis of eon MUinptii'ii. The iroirenmif ooiiHUiiip Hon, f ion i the liet-1 n uinu to Hie end, is h loiiK, loci ure, hoi li to victim mid fiiendi. "When I hrul (otiMiniilion ill itKllrxt nliif,'t'," wiiies Wi.i. Myeri, of (VurfoHH, Md., "nfler trying dillereiil liu dieii oh and a Bond doctor in vuiu, l tit hut took Dr. KIhh'h New J)ineoveiy which iiickly and jieiniiiiieiitly cured liie.'J l'ioinit relief and Hiire cure for (rough, coIiIh, hoiv tliioat, hroituhllK ele. Trice 500 mid $I.IH). Trial hotlle free, (luamntei'd tit UA1NH2U IMIAUMACY. M. C. OeHtcrherjr. of Stockholm, hai Usuii niipointed SwediHi tutor to l'rin eeiw Margaret of Con nauj;lit, who Ih en triiKetlto rrineo (itiHtav Adolf, the old cftHonof thoirown irinco ol Sweden and Norway. lingo Tank, It vvim a hiiK'o timk to undertake the cure of Mich ti bad ciihu of kidney din eaw) ih thatof C. F.Collier, of Chero kee, la . hut Klectrio liittciHilid it. He wrltcM. "My KidneyH were ho far gone I could not Vlt on a clutlr without a ctmliii.il. !aud Htillered from dreadful backache, headache, and depreKMon. In Klectrie JIIUcih, however, I found a cure, and by them was rentored lo lierfect health. I recommend thin i treat tonic medicine to all with weak (IdiiovH. liver or Momueh. Price 60o. Otiaianteed by TERRY & GRAHAM, ROAD DISTRllT NO. 6. (J Metrill Joe Miller 1" Archibald M V 'hiwo . (MUteell ROAU DISTRICT NO. 7. A Hum ROAD DI0TMICT NO. . Altn-HA ; 'SOC0 Ii Ilen.lliikHoll ... 00 (lie lli kko "0 00 II Krkkala M 0 I'MatHon 0 00 V r.umithi "''''O J.w Ku'tli 4 Ot) J A K. uii 1 ' 00 II l.iliuk "2 00 LcMcr Ki.e '-'1 00 ROAD DISTRICT NO. 10. ) V l reeinun 21 tK) OKKIlioit 20 00 U J) Kelly 32 50 ROAD DISTRICT NO. 13. I) Y Kreenmn 0 50 K T Wallace. 10 00 Jim Jon. h 2:5 50 ROAD DISTRICT NO. IS. (! Mii'iuMcui 0 MalniHten U TIiouiiih Sam Tnik J K ):dlll 1 11 Wo (I I) W Ketmcy John I'ritmlc Powniiii: 0 baaibiTiaiii II licdiiiaii T UTlirooit (i I iUHttlfhOII 0 l.'uubtroin Q HesH 11 lioru ,. 11 ChriKtcnueii , OSiuuimihun I'D rainier T IteruerHon STATE GRANCE PROCEED INCS. CO.TITi;i KIMiM LAST WfcHK. . Taik OH Till Kau.vincjh, A very Impoi tunt pieiv of (ironyc lep- iHlattoo, nd on whu.li will 1-ecoinc a pitit of Icpil history of Oivn. wn the prenTitntion of a bill by Judye llooe which w I 1 1 Hiibjceti d (0 bcoine initi Mdve nil 1 ii very likely to become a law of the Mate. The proposed ineiuture in In the form of a bill, juM a it will appear If it heroine a law. It prooe to pro provide an Mddillo hI Mute revenue by tnx;n expreim, teh jcri pli and telephone eompunleii to the extent of 1 ler icni on their wroM earn iig. The bill i very awn-ping and provide for the annual collection of the tax,unie to bo paid to tlie Statu Trea-uier mc comjiauiid by a intcna-nt of e.nli io.it pnny or it general initifl!er at I be d -M of eiicli year for the past ytar. A Jail -ure to comply with the law In milking reHirt! on jajni iit or laxe vuina pr-iM-viition by the Attoincyoeiieral and a collection of the money. An of oM.it cl tie com panic named b i it; ccuiii ted ol luilure too niply win Ih- fcuhjou to a fin j of f 250 to 1 KM) or impri-otitii nt of from 30 ayi to tlx in mii, or oolh, in mc dicte..ou of ti.e c-'ort. The xv; Hpplie toall corporations of .he k nd naiuc I doin, bumo-a in Ure- Kon, w hether incorporated Lere or e!ift w h re, '1 he hill in Mire to le pinctd I fire Hie VoIck til the next gencrt 1 election, M:mo;iai. SkiiVICKS Hk1.I. A fjecinl itur lor 2o'lock l"iiay -.v..k i.iv-oiortai iii vitv; m memory ivl'i'lii tl Iili-lliU in w ho were tot itK-rlx i hiililicd with the Siu'.e (ii'imge u .P. I ii i or icprcM'uiiiiivcrt. The lint C mt..'.. icd M-Ven lialiie Well KlioW II In O.eon. 'Ihey hii ; Mra.ClC.Hiir ley, of Oswego; Mic M. A. Lent, of K.-eiiitiK Mnr; Allivd Ltielllnj;, of Mil wnukie; I. M. WiiKiier. of Halem; I' inch S'.kirven, ot Clackamas1; Mom- 1'i.rker, of Sand llidgj and C L. Moor, of t'orvaUi. t : .. v , jUiie m i vice were in toe iiuiure or a tribute to the lib and character of the lepiiiteil brother mill MMer if the '4 Iflfinnnw m-.mwt A .1 felflHHhl I I k u nuituu ujiu. iba)eiktr wereHenator Jfulm-a, Mra ICHlli Toiler Wcatherred, Dr. Withy- mi he. J. J. JohniNin and A.T. 15uxton. I io knur tiiwtta tiirt nlnrwl In nmiiiiiu. I -1 U mi for the place of liokllrtfr the next ,(&lUUUlUUliWi$ anmiHl aeioii. Ihey were AHmny, Corvnlli-, H-leiimnd Tim Dalle Al I any won out by one Vote on tbe first ; b4l'ot. The follow ing itema came too late for ' Inst week. 1 (J lite h number of farmers have et.irt- 'J he MD'rt of the committee on tax-! ''" at Ion, , II. Jf. Dufur, chulrmiii. wa ; 'C. Ur-en, of Portland, waa a Waren amended to as lo rvad Hiat a iMiard of vwitm Sunday. pedal aiw'esmfft only Miall lime 4iwer Mrs. Sutherland and children are via- lowei or mine Vn-ewnueut. A con- bin,: at Henry Duncans, cealnient of properly will make any j Mr.&uon ha taken the contract to peisoii, nrm or coriralloii llai.le lo . ,aui mie u.oanand coida of w-jod for Mr. prosecution lor erjury. Kver.d coinni'ttee made reott which were amended and adopicd. Among i hi iii weie commitidcM on fl nance and uhm of the order. The fl iiiince coiuiui'.teerepor.ed the accoun's ' ofaeeretary and treaanrer lo be In ac cord with each other. The aecrelary'a alary w.i nAml lo $ !0.l a year. Tli tiruntfw adop'cd u resolution u thorl.inx the legislative coiiniilllee to I 'quire into the pra-licMl'illly of having 1ir--i'iif Cf!itl!.f.ii liio.l,.,g twii.c lac toty m iii. iMiitchiiary. ' Juile W. I). Hare Hocujcd the dop t'on of a refruliition which. If enrro-d "ill in the right p'rit, wni'd m-rve to at i nutlet the 1'ret.ident of Hie United Match ill r.'Ulbtlii the rates acroMxthe iihiuuao us lo prevent competition from ou'-ide coinpunie-t 'I hv hi. Iiiive committee presented a nit hhu'v for n atui ri.iUay eoiomiM- o l, w i;!t full nwcr to fix raws on all line under Us jna'edictioii. The mea Mire watt wniutly dcbiittd, iui wik H m.lly ud 'ptint. The lkmton Cotinty delegation nuked that the Initiative tun! lefeieiidum be invoked on mII lawn iiftet'tioj( taxes on fulfil landa, and for (be enactment of more Jum law. It was reflered to the committee on, legislation unl Anally adopted. Tonipkins. The Warren Lumber Co. bis a l-rge quantity of lumber on thu Mde track of N.1MI.U. Kev. Alford will preach in the M.' E. cliurch next Sunday morning and Kev. Duviesin the eveninir. Rev. McKee of MeMinviile w ill preach n the M, I. Church, this KruUy even ing. All are invited to attend. U!e rtowiimn i having two lanre haniH b.nit on li evrooml Where tl.eiui-C was burned. N. F. Baiter, builder, ii doing the work. Under the ab'e manaeement of Max lierjf, Sr., the Warren hand ii coming to the front. The band it nnder' contract to p'.ay at Scapioofe, July 4tli, for $50. Stitte organii-r of the W. of W. will BK-ak in Baker'a Hall next Saturday, June 10. Woolnien and Woiuon pf Woodcraft, of ilojlion, are invited to at tend. In a town not far distant a man wss . brought into Hie court drunk. A law yer, a friend of bin, attempted f apeak for hliu saying, 'may it please the court, , I know this man, he is not often in thin Btato" "Yes I am," said the drunken, fellow, "I live in tliis su e." Well aunt, have vou received your of road sujiei'viaora bypriein.-l; ul- the power of H e JicrplMiii re?ll Hie elect hih of miiv public oillcer vb) doe fulfill b'n pledge. An income tax law waa nconimei d eel uixni a rewolutioii from Clackaintin (Jianc, accoiopaiiled hy MiilahU ieo- i County; ali another, retjiiiring that lutioiw. Tl-y were each allotted n 1 ti, (.oinneiis.nlon of ileniuv i.ri.H-iit- liij nttomexs he fixed by the fevtral County Court. Continued rext week. OShaniiahaii K ti Shanualian. T It Detwlow .... V Johnson 40 1 50 15 CO 7 40 1 80 7 00 2 75 5 CO r ho o 40 CO (it) 4 (!! I) K) 2 40 2 40 3 00 1 hO 11 10 24 HO 7 SO 5 40 14 00 11 40 () Arnihlromr 11 40 All other mat tera and claims, now on file with the court, be and they arc here by poisoned until the regular July 11)05 hohmoii of thin court. A:ljourncd without day. If troubled with rheumatism, irtvr Cliuiutei'lalu'H Pnln Jtalm a trial. It will not cost you a cent if it does no good. One application will relieve the pain. It also cuies Hpraiim und bruineslii one-third the time required bv any other treatment. Cuts, burn. from bite, quliiNey, pains in the aloe andchcHt, glandular and ot h( r swell Ihrh are quickly cured by applying It. Every bottle warranted. Price, 25 ayd 50 ceiitH. For Hale by PERRY & GRAHAM, metiioi inl pae in the proceedings ol Slate (range, to be published In hook form. AtniKKSri r.Y Vimtisu Master. Hon. J. (). Willi;, MaMcr of the WtthliliiHiou Stale (itaiic, u dt I rested i be convention yesterday ufieiiiooii and made a few iceommc udtuioio, wliich will te adopted, lie Mooted a I'cderatioii of all nii ck and arictiltui al ami kindled tiMociatioiis oflhehtnte a a mailer of exa-dieney and econ omy, lie aifo tolviK'itieii the teiiciiuiK of ajiilcullure in the puhlii; M-hoois, is the Male Agricultural College cannot reach every boy and girl, ami such MiO- Jivts Hhoiild be w ithin Hie reach of all. Another mca-ure which Stale Mas ter Wing is making mi endeavor to bring about is to create a aepaiate Stale (ir'tnp' in Idaho- Tliat stale Is now in the Oicg ii jurisiliHtion, Willi only a lew (iiaiigts. Wa-hington was once in Midi a position, bill is now iudeiend- cut, uml Hie wo:K will oe pusiu'ii lino Idaho, mi that it may get recognition in at:d a ilclcgule to the National Cirange. A hpeclal order for 3 o'clock yester day tillurnoon was the election of a member of the executive committee to succeed ti. U. Stephenson. After two ballots C. K. Snence, of Clackamas Comity, was elected. The evening work consisted of con fi-rrnnr the n th and sixth, decrees on a huge clasa by the ollhers of the Slate Mrange. The exercises were followed by a banquet, furnished by theCmmjje and citizens of Forest (J rove, Albany lias been chosen as the next meeting place of the Orange The fourth day's convention of the Oregon Slate OraniiO opened, with a decreased attendance-. Many outsidf vis tors left on the early morning tra u; also a few delegates, Last night's decree work brought the climax of attendance und enthusiasm, the degrees having been conferred on 43 numbers in the fifth deciee ami 69 In the blxth. Tne evening clwed with a ba iquet In Liberty Hall, followed by aJdrt'Bses aud other exercises' Amoug photos from Air Smith's? "Y a, and I Clackamas C untv favor the election 8nt tlem back in a hurry, with a not' t. llin him what I thought of hiui." Wh-it waa 'hx mattet? "Matter enoujh! Whr, o-i the back of every piclurj were these words. T.ie original of this is carefully preserved." Wm. Soiitherland, Lorn at Vancouver, Wash., Dec. 1872, died at Warren, Ore., J une :. Funeral services were hel.l ii the M. K. church al Warren, Sundav, June 4. There was a largo attendance offrieudsof the family. The sermon was preached by Kev. Lew Davie. His text was taken from b-a. 51-0. "We all do fade as a leif." A Had Sfiri'. Someday you will get a had scare, when you feel a pain in your Ixiwels, and fear apindioiils. Safety lies In Dr. King's New Life Pills, a Mire cure for all it.iwel and stomach diseases, Much its headache, biliousness, Costive ii, etc. Tre IIihiii. Sold by PERRY & GRAHAM. A Splendid llvmt-dy. xenrsliric piins, rlieinuntisni, lutnba iro and sciatic pains yield to the iwiie iritliog inilueiiee of" Italian!' Mioxe Liniment, it nelrutes lo rite i t-rvi s .'llltl lllllll. Hllll tl il !l!t4.ll'ih.ft itltfl ill- Will n Lu Lit Unices j l)liM,d, ii liealillL' liropertiefl an- con- veytito every pait of the l.tly nl etlect M'liie wonderful cures" Mr. D. F. Moore, ajient Illinois Central Rail way, Milan, Tenn., if.-res. "i have-u.-ed Ikillani's Miow Liniiiient for rheiiuiiiiinio, hnekache, etc., in my family, u is a Hpieudiil remetly. We cannot d without ii." 25.-. 50c uul ?I.''0at liuilev & Ihinn's. No Man Can he is under a Panama doiit buy before You C. SWI'.TT about it. Koilol l)yin'iiia Cure. Digests nil c'as-es ot fid, tones anil strenet hens the stomach and iliireMive reaoM. Cuic ily.Hiiensin. h.dijrtiou, siomach troubles, mid makes rich red lilood, health and stre:n:th. Ko lo D sin'iisia ei.ie rebuilO wnin out iii- -lU-i-. (O)V. Vi. W . AlnlUSOII, Ol V . V., says: "t have Ued a miinlier f hollies of Kodol Dpt psia Cure anl have found it to la- a very ellective, ami, iin'eed, -a liowerful remedy for Mouiach ailments. 1 recommend it to my friend " Sob' by PERRY & GRAHAM, Dont Worry about Furnishing Your home; Oo una get married and then C. SWE PT about it. Fol.y & The Origin!. ('., Chieag.. oriirinateil Outtlity v. ytmntlty. Hard imiscleH and strong ldy do not doiend on the quantity of lood vou eat, but on itsiieil'eot digeslioii and proper assimilation. hen yon tuKe Xotlol ,Dysepsi!i Cure your system gets all tho nourishment out of all the lootl you eat. It digests what you eat regardless of the condition of the stomach and conveys the nutrieut properties to the blood ami tissues. This builds up and strengthens the cnl ire system, oven-onics mid cuies in digestion, dyspepsia, belching, sour stomach, etc. Sold hy PERRY & GRAHAM, Tim Sulv Tlnit Penetrate. DeWilt's Witch Hazel Salve pene trates the pores of the skin, and by Its Hiiiisepiic, rtiltifoclent and healing in tlueuce it subdues Inflammation and cures boils, bums, cuts, eczema, tetter, ring worm, and all skin diseases. A speeille for blind, bleeding, Itchinit and protruding piles. The original and genuine Witch Hazel Salve is made bv E. 0. DeWitt & Co. Sold by BAILEY & BHINN. Hone and Tar as a throat and lunj; remedy, anil on account of the ureal merit and popularity of Foley ' Honey and Tnr many Imitation are ollered for thv? genuine. Ask for Foley's Hon ey and far .and refuse any substitute oil end as no oilier preparation will give the same satisfaction. It is mild- . ly laxative. It contains tw opiates! and is safest for children and deiL-ate jiersons. H.O.Oliver. O. K. ltiiriihuin Teat iriex After 4 Year. ii. It. Itui nliain, of Carlisle Center, X. Y., writes: "About four, years ago I wrote vou slating that I had lieen entirely cured of a severe kidney ircuble by taking less than two Un ties of Foley's Kidney Cure. It en tirely stopped the brick dust sediment and pain and symptom of kidney disease disappeared, I am glad to say that 1 have ne-er had a return of any of those symptoms during the four years that have elapsed "and I ant cured to stay cured and heartily rec ommend Foley's Kidney Cure to any one suffering from kidney or bladder trouble." H.O Oliver. Tim Children's Favorite. For coughs, croup, whooping cough, etc.. Oho Minute Cough Cure is the children's favorite. This is because It contains uo opiate, is perfectly harm less, tastes good and cures. Sold by BAILEY &1JRINN. Dffl' Early Risers The famous little pli!s