The Columbia register. (Houlton, Columbia County, Or.) 1904-1906, March 10, 1905, Image 2

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    Tha Columbia Register.
fcntrrv.) m rcMilM'Un Mkltrr Alrll J, 1W.
M la M miAr al UnMltn. Orrftm.unOfr In
auausa tvur raniAV
K. M. MITl WKLL. Hilar.
uUrrttlm SUM t Ti-r la Jvno.
IWod PuUvlio : "It if said that trout
are already biting well iutle lVsehute.
To ascertain that lact before April 1,
however, one must lace Nubility to a
fine of $339 ami imprinl too days.
If it U a bilious attack take Cham
hcrlain' Stomach and Liver Tab
let and a .trek cur if Cv rtatn. For
sale by Perry Jfc Graham.
Star A Sur shinclew tor sale at the
Keeister office. In small Iota or by tl
car Km J.
For an Impaired Appetite.
Law of appetite always reuls
fiin faultr indtrrti n. All th t
is i.eeled is a few dxMi of Cham
berlain' Stomach and Liter Tb-
A Hood ltiver man last week rlowrd lei TheV will in vibrate the stom-
j a relish wbich was llt inclclon?: gcJj, strengthen the digMion and
24 3-4 Inches in circumference, and'girevou an aptita likn a w If.
weighed II pound. Tito radiah bad ' These Tablet nlo act as a gentle
Iwrn planted Ustsprimr ami coo Inikd Uxative, For sale by Pctry A" Cri-
AitwrtMnc ratv mwmM.
Honicr Pawn port, the great cartoon
Wt. will brin bit prvlW birds to Port
land fur eihihition at tlie Lenia ami
l Urk Fair, lib peasants of various
kinds art tlie finest in tlie wwkl.
to grow until a month ago.
Vr. Jauica Withycowbe, p resident of
the tregon Agricultural college at lir
vallis, hat formally announced bia can
didacy for the notnination for the gov
ernorship of Oreeon on Ue Republican
ticket. He will depend on tli dixvet
primary law for tbe nomination.
ftm't b too Itar I on the poor editor.
KMuvboJy trutlifully says tUt if a doe
Tillamook county baa plenty of good
brick material.
1 hawpUa LIkIhm-M fr havaiuatUm.
Chas. Drake, a wail crier at
ChapinviPe, Connsays: "Cham
berlain's Pain Balm is the chain-pi-n
of all Hutments. The past
year F was troubled a greit deal
with rheumatism in uiy houlder.
After trvin several cures the
tor makes a mistake be buries it; .if ' gturekteivr here recommetvleJ this
merchant makes a mistake be n vr remedy and it ompie'.ely cuie l
Mia it; It a lawyer makes a mbtako lie n,e," There is no u.m; of anyone iuf
crawlaoat of it; butif anlitor iuakt;ft.ri,g from tlut painful ailment
a miatake lie pata it on a Urge heet of wben this liniment can In obtained
paper for the workl to look at, amlln fur 4 aruall One a.pliatioii
evrry communitjr tliere am cranks Vl iVM protnpt relief and its con-
think they are moh-b of wisdom la tinued ue fr a short time will
cause they occasionally discover them. ' produce a iiermanent cure. For
9 The Elikrt My Dear Mr. SuUscrilxr: After
carefully reading your article. "Asx-sMnent
Laws," I had a rihkI latteh utul eoneludecl you
mut indeed lx very guiless, iutuMrnt, and inexperi
enced in iolitics, in tryiu; to cure chronic corruption
simply by seiuunjj men with backlHne to the
ture who would plexljie themselves Ufore Roittj; to the
polls and not lie allowed to ko astray, lo be sure,
cul state of afTairs, we must hit wrmptioti a knock-out
Wow by publicity, us corrupt ion is a plant of the
shade. Have we not the Initiative and Referendum?
Why don't we use it extensively? Why do we not
make the LeKiMature our servant, instead uf having it
our boss? If we will kill the political Ihvs, wc must
do it at the primaries. Now suppose two propositions
for laws were sent from each precinct to the counts
convention the parties Wing merged for this purpose.
, A l alraga Alilrnuau 0- Ml 1. 1 (. .a
la I kaMrlal'a I otigh llrmr.l) .
"I can limrtliy and con c v..
tluurlf reconimimd K'hambc l i'i.N
Cough KeTcdy for aticltini I' 'm
thruat atul luiiS-"," V 1!'. J . .n
.Shmiek, '.'-.DHoulh IVorlt H m,
Chicago. "Twoycura ago du hi.' i
nolitieal camtmiKn I caught '! I
1 . . tit
von can kill a bis tomcat with a fat mouse tmicker, or wunty ctmventiolts could form two of tiie most
voucan knock the pillars of Hercules with an old ' nMcil propositions into bills to Uxtmic general laws,
dishrag over easier than curing our political cancer by : lrw or four Uwme hval measures. The Kept c-
simplv sending an honest Representative tro:n this scmauveoi caca county wouui utmg tiiesc mils to tne
county to the Legislature. You furthermore deplore House (the Senate to be abolished) which should not
the fact that instead ot sending a farmer we must send j ,uvt 5,lt lo t,,a"ire them or kill more than one
a lawver, editor, or real estate mar. One would infer , general law bill ,rom each cointy. l.ut no hval
from vour statements that farmers have no pockets in-1 tneasures. Kuch RepreM-ntative shluhl be subject to
to which cash or checks could not be laid noiselessly, j a fine of 1(XK). or one year in the peuiUuliaiy for
ikeethe egg hv a goase; also that all the rest were ,snKstltuting or changing u bill,
dishonest and susceptible to bribes. My cxwricncc in This cjtange in our legislative met hoi will have
the jury room led. me to the conclusion that some of j to he made, even if u constitutional uincnnuieut is
these farmers, having their tangles straightened out at necessary, for uside of the . state of New York, only
court were less trustworthy than the lawyers, who, us J Oregon can pride itself on such a worthless rabble an
a class are so to sav, moral color chemists in ling our last legislature.
able to make black out of white and white out of ' Will later on explain my assesscmcnt mid Uxa
black. Tnder their skillful manipulation the reddest i turn propositions, if the editor kindly allows mc la
criminal turns out ga-en and the greenest fe'.on turut;l,ut- 1 tmk his patience with my scribbling is near ti
rmt u'hite. It we tntetul to clianire tins nresent tHhtv- ciui.
after being ovrrliealed, which i r'.
titi'it my ihrout and 1 was f ly
roniNtled to atop, as I coul . n u
apeak aloud. In my ext.ei . i
Irlei.d ndvlntd me to use Chan. .
Iain's Coujih Itemedy. 1 toi k t
doff mit afternoon and cou 'l a
K-;l i. y aencp4 whfii I f I
the next iiiorniog lh inlLiMiu.
tion hud liirgely mtbddi'u. I -k
feveml doPH that day, kept it lit,
on talking through the r.-tmpi .
ami 1 thnnk I It i imdieine lint I
won my teat in the council " I'i.h
remedy U for sjI hy Pciry Ar
Have money by trailing tit Swili'a
I'Mn-fKive More, Itninlcr, Uro.
Startling Mortality.
Sbitinties show etirtling uiortui.
iiy fr-irn apiM-ndiritis and peritoui
ti. To prevent and cure llionwful
iIIhooo'I1, (hero is jiml on reltillt
remMly, Dr. Kina's New Life Pill.
M. Flannory, i f 1 1 Cutoiu Hon tt
PUw, Chicago, nay: 'They lutvn
noeu:il fo- eoimtipatioit and ln
loiianeas." '.'n at Perry V (Srahim.
United States lrosecutini Attorney
Heney ia evidently trying to make a
clean aweep of all of Ue prominent pu
lie otfkiab in tlic state of OreKon, ha-
in just Sanded to the United States
L.I. I ... P..,- nnham
Seven new dwelling aro bcins con
structed in Vaseo.
gca a
8 Awett mm riraalng Tl.
Mrs. C. Peterson, 25 Lake Si .f
attorney eeneral ami the ln-ei.lent a Toteka. Kan., speaking of Ballards
bunch of. charfw ajrainft Uuitisl States, Horehound Syiup. sayf: "It hai
M.i.1,.1 W r M itil .m (fp ii i ! -nil. ! filAl . ctii-m it rm s.itiifi;
duet in office. Ills belierwl, however, U- n, and of all cough remedies, it i
that thcr are In the a.e category as" s my ravmile, anu 1 must eon less
many ot tliose he hs preferred against to my many friends that it will do, '
ottur prominent otlicubin this state, and bas done, what is fir
Mr. Matthews, in a public statement, it u siieedily cure a cough or co'd
denies all of them in toto. -and it is ktccI and S'i pl:uing
in tsste." 25, 50 and H bottle, at
Bailey & Brinn's.
"The railroad sulwidy will be raised,'-!
says the Tillamook tlca lliglit. j
La Grippe and Pneumonia.
Pneumonia often fullowa lagi
, but uever follows the u-e of Foley J
Tl.e editor ot tlie arerajje eoun'ry
new Mtwr b generally not only w illir g
out glad to print anything in the ebape
of news that he can get tioLI of, ami the
mora he gets the better it suits him and
hb patrons. Bnt he b neitlier omnipo
tent omnipresent, neither is he able to
get information from on hhjh.yet peo- U ney and Tar. It cures la grippe,
p!e often think tl.ey are ii-U'ntlonaHy ; cuU.1j and prevents pnpumoni, 1
blighted because he tloes not jtuMblt an(J consumption. Ask for Fide V I
some item that don not rome under his , Honey and Tar and refuse any
olerraiion. but which l e woahl just as pobstitute offered. Mr. 0. Vacher.
cheerfully publish, whether it on.-ems 1 0f 257 Osgood street: Chicago,
friends or enemies, did be but know i write: "My wife had a seyere case j
The moral ot the above is just this: 1 0t la grippe three years ago, and it
"When you know anything which you j c,t her with a terrible cou, h She
think will make your liome papir more tried a bot'leof Foley's Ilouny and
newsy and readable, just give the editor 1 1 ar and it gave iroroe Hate telief. ;
4 ip and see liow quickly he will to A 50 cnt bottle cured her cough
for it.'
entlrelr." Refu e substitutes.
by II. 0. Oliver.
TIip rM-ftit fir ut Rainifr almtild 1m a
warning to the citizen- of that thriving up at Brlnn x Stanwoo.rsr.iin,
, . . ... 'anuuken to my place, 4,'s miirt irom
place to make some adequate provision Yankton, on Jan. 12, HW-Vone light bav
for protection against lire. W ith an hone, with white hind feet, alwut '.M
lbs in weight. Owner can have the
same bv paying expenses of f. eding ami
advertising. 0. C. Movek.
: -- yX -
' .1
Cures Sciatic Rheumatism.
Mrs. A. K. Simp-on, 50J) Craig
street, Knoxville, Tenn , writes,
June9:h, 1891): "I haw been tiy-.
.expenditure of $20,(XS)a water system
could be put in that would supply the
town with plenty of water for all pur
poses, and would also supply power for
an elect! i: ligl t plant, which would
light the town and furnish motive powir
for lactones and bIio yet to be erect ed
t'lere. It is said that :il)0 horee p-twer
could be develojied by carry
ter acroes from Ken; on lk
: , KTl i j "7,7? ' !?m" Liniment than ay mhcine or'
that the people should take hold of w j ,,aVe (,Vfcr lrml E.
tins matter at once and pnt in the wafr ciH, fi , p :8t,ffi e order for 11
rSS. n ' Z '"T- S'ndmeal-rgeb't.hbyrir.ther,,-$i).000
would re-luce the cost of "nr. E h & q.huu
ance one-half or mor. .vould supply ' i
the town with plenty of gol mcnatain' Tlie Tiix;inTKa mail Um houses to rent
water, besides ihlding power for factor- and Uiihes to m il in the town of Kaiuier
.. .. t the best school town in the county. A
lea anu oiuia mm huqim mure man my
One rf :h? finest horses ever owned iii this county is I ockwool, the property of O. K. WONDKRLY, residing 4 1-2 mile south of
RAINIER. ROCKWOOD is a dark, dapple bay, i years old, weighs lii."0 pounds, is 10 1-2 hands high, and is u high grade I'erchcioii-Clyde.
I'0 ing the baths of ll-.t Spring , A. k ,
ying the ws, f(,r rheUii itisni, b U 1 get "
wr'V I',ate more relief ir,m Bal ard's S,ow!
for the outlay in five year -
neas enterprise we know of nothing in
Columbia county that would pay a Ian
ger percentage on the investment than
this proposed water KysU-m for Ba'nier.
Here ih it chance furtiie Push Club to Jo
something for the town.
Imiixe nml one Llork. two houses and
As a busi- m 1,1-k, and alo a house anJ lot for
trood busine m location, lie has alho two
or three good locations for small fruit
f rms or chicken ranches.
C I Jren's Coughs and Colds.
m J Mc'jrMili, .'527 ea-l 1-t
t r ei, liu:thiiin. Knn., wrre:
jl iiavegivn HilUri's II jreho'.t-id
Syrup lo inv children fr miugh'i
and c-'lils for the n;ist lour years
Ik Hi
Strikes Hidden Rocks.
When your chip of health strikes
the hidden rocks of consumption, ' an.j filu it ,jie jedicine I ever
pneumonia, etc., you are lost if vou ui, Unlik- many cough syrup-,
don't get help from Dr. Kings New jt c t.li4 0 p5iun i,ut win
iic"very "r mnsuiupviou. a
-rKio , of Talladega Springs,
writes: "I h:id ne-n very i i
with pneumonia, under the care of
two doctors, but was getting no!
lie tier when I began to take Dr. !
hal nv disease of the
ii ,s .juicker than any
n.ed. 25c, of): and $1, at
cv Br.iins.
King's New Discovery. The first
d 'Se gve relief, and one bottle
cuied me." Sure cure for hm
throa, bronchitis, cough a id
colds. Guaranteed nt Perry & Gra
haai's store, price 50c and 11. Trial
bottle frte.
'.right sunny days' cont'nue in Ore
gon and spring seems to he coming, al
though we h'aire not yet had any winter.
A Safa Coach Medlrlna for Children.
" In buying a cough medicine for
children never be afraid to buy
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
There is no clanger from it and rn
licf is always sure to follow. Jt is
especially valuable for colds, croup,
and whooping cough. For Bale by
Perry & Grabanu
The biggest stock of shoes for men,
women and children at Swett's Pro
gressive Store, Rainier, Ore. .
The Colonel's Waterloo.
Colonel John M. Fuller, of Ilor.ey
Grove, Texas, nearly met bin Wa
terloo frm liver and Kidney
trouble. In a recent letter be says:
"I was neirly dead of these com
plaints and although I tried my
family doctor, he did me no good,
ro I got a 50 cent bottle of your
grat Electric Bitters, which cured
me. I consider them the best medi
cine on earth, and thank God who
gave you the knowledge to make
them." Sold and guaranteed to cure
dyspepsia, biliousness, and kidney
disease by Perry & Graham, at 50c
a buttle
So many people who have apparently recovered from an attack of La Grippe are stricken
with Pneumonia. This is due to the fact that the Bronchial Tubes and Lungs are left weakened
LI and unable to resist disease.
V7 T"7 vi
TP 9
l Ma VittJW a
not only cures La Grippe Coughs, and prevents Pneumonia, but strengthens the Lungs so they
will not be susceptible to the development of serious lung troubles. Do fotkechances with
some unknown preparation that may contain some harmful drug when FOLEY S HONEY AND
TAR costs you no more and is safe and sure. Contains no opiates.
0.' VACHER, 157 Osgood St., Chicago, stys: "My wife hid a very
severe case of La Grippe, and It left her with a very bid cough. Sbo tried
a bottle of FOLEY'S H0NET AND TAR and it gava Immediate relief
I had a bad case of La Grippe about ten years ago which left my Lungs
so weak that I have been troubled mow a lew every winter since until I used
FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR, which cared me completely and my Lungs
no longer trouble m.-J. H. BROKING, D.U.3., vm, mo.
Three siiea-tte. c. $1.00. The SO-cent size contains two and one half times as much i as the small size and
7 Me' Jjji fcouk .jnjost six timei as much. Refuse Substitutes.
n ------
Dry Gooiij Groceries, SioeSj
irunwmmR. mm. GRANITEWARE. ETC.,
W LZZLI JrLT 7 2rerTrret