L LOOAL. 5 iirry Ycr. ( "VVino I'-rothcr., IVrtUml, IVntiHt. Intttiill;ilin n roiiiimmin next Moiulajr. N. A. IVrry nnV l.unily imtuil Snip ClirixtuuiH tvi'iting. For lint-Hit ilentiittry, ir to TV'uw I'.rotlirrH, of I'lullum!, mrncr i( Tliirl mill WiixliinHu, Tim Imrmt ntli-ii froia Trice, it Srnr- , Sun.luy nifclit, wun (omul ut St. llt'lcn, in thv ulit rifCa Urn. Tim K ni'litM of I'ytliiiw will lioliltlieir annual innu'littinn witli Miv HatlilKme Sinter ut St. IIcKiih, next Tucmlay owning.. Krvil li. WoiitiT,-tlio Cliiii;o oti!n nuT, will Imnt tlui Vermont Hotel Sut unlny with rittiiiiivN to liiro for tho inaH'iurrnilc lull, Sntunlay uwninu. Tlio iiioiiihiim of' Milton (imnnu ore Vuttiinc fnrtli u upmHl cllirrt to lirinu their uroti' to 'life. Tlnri wilt )o in- iliution ftu.l iiiHtulIatiiiii next WivIiu'm lay evening. lU nvcr ValU-y ;rnni;o will hoM llieir liiHt.illaliiin tlio Una Snturilay rt'iKlitin Jiiiiuii-v. Tin y ur jiri'jiarin to ceil tlifir liall luivo 1 1 10 IiiiuIht in the Iioiihc, w uitin for it to nt uxon. To every new nulcribcr within the next ten diiVH, or until January nth, we will jjivonix iWMrti'il writing tuhlotH and two1 Irtinclu'n of t tiToloju'M. Thin in a mutp worth f l.7". All for fl.fHi, Koncn Iht" Hh iii!iHUfnvilu lv bo 'Jf'.vm .'l Iloi It 'li I ti ,':;!i nif'it. ini pi ' l. i K . rr . , k VI I. Ill l al V ' th'.'i l' Jy ' I i ii kI i I i I ' r i, 'i ho i oil ' I'll, air n' 111 till f.i l. ll H('h I II', i- ,-. i !. Ml). i j v . .... 1) th. j'lM hr- hi;j; ilv by the fi'i Hi'. m.I ' '! i.int 1 , ' ,y wi' il Tf.t. . 1 4 i -id wiih itipr.!ciatei Vixitor. lint lit ,iMi:u had u rejjre- feiitativo there.. Friday evening next Fern HeU-kah Iodt;f, 1,(1. O. 1'., will hold a special meeting for the purponcof eoiiferping tho tlegree upon threo eunilidates. Tho Ke bekiihn ttml (K Fellows of liuinier will hold n joint iiiHtailatiou Saturday eve ning of next week. Houlton Cin le, Women of Wooilcrnft, jfiive n very pleaxatit ball hint Friday niclit. It was a HH-iul and tinuncial miivesx. They will hold their iiiHtnlla-' tioii tii'Xt ThurMihty evening, in a joint seHsion w ith tho Wondmeiiof tho World, who will also uiHtall tho same evening. While tho 1'ricen of Scnppooso and their guextn werw partaking of their ('hrintinan dinner about eight o'clock in tho evening, n thief entered Trice's barn and stole one, of bin best homes. Tho burce rai lead out between two lmililingH, by a man with a lantern in his hand. The Kj-iiiKTKii irf in receipt of fifty shares of mining stock in one of I'nclo Win. Holiiian's prosiH-ctive minus in tho 8arraiuento biiHin of California.. Many thanks. May tho projects grow into reality and mines bo discovered even richer than tho famoun inincH of the land of OphcrV in tho wish of the Kkiii tkh. J. L. Johnson, of Xorthport, Wnwh., was in tow n the first of this week and exhibited soino of tho finest mineral lieitring rock wo havo ever seen from that country. They nro making prepa- tionsto build a tramway and expect to open tip their mines for active work about tho first of next March, or as soon thereafter hn the snows will permit. Tho elder Kettles, of St. Hclem, whoHOBonn nr operators in tho cooper age phuit ut this place, wcro the recipi ents of several lino and useful Christ mas presents from friends living back ii old Wisconsin.- They havo two children living buck there. K. 0. Ket tie, ono of tho boys working in the fac tory, received a beautiful umlgo pin beuring the coat of arms of tho order of Fores tcrs. Tho Houlton Sunday-school Christ inas tree Sut unlay evening was a very nice affair. J hit little had been said to ndvcrtisu it. Yet tho house was full.. The children, both old and young, en joyed tho exercises and wero tho recipi ents of many presents. Miss Lowe made an excellent talk-on "Why wo celebrate Christmas.'' There was nothing to mnr tho evening's- entertainment, worthy of mention. At tho List meeting of Goble Grange No. 32!), 1 of II., tha following officers vf orc elected fof the ensuing year : Jane McGregor, muster? Minnie 0. Jordan, overseer;' Mary A. Link, lecturer; M. Link, steward; Thoinns Hunter, assis tant Mewnrd ; ti. AV. Makirtster, cliaji lain: (i. ('. I'vhr, trcaiau'er; T. V. V. :,ii . in. i.-l. r : i V . . il. '''it .1, .... . . , k .'pi ;; r ihe ', ''vwe; Crogor, I'linioriaj K My I. i'ni Mien AY nits. Iik'v ,issi-(-nl ft is8. il - (1 ,pl 'WVli A Mieul i'licf broke a window hi Port-1 . ry & Graham's storo building a day of two bel'oro Christmas and extracted a few toys. It is pfctty well known who did tho deed and it may be necessary to send tho youngster to the reform school. Tho proper place for boys and girls after bed-timo is at homo and in bed. Parents will do well to sco to it that their children aro at homo rather than to allow them to prawl around tho streets until late- in the morning.- All IciJ'ng ciiko gooJi l the new nloon in St. Hflerm. I Met luz n. ol rfcii. a rouhtv i r.. i Hon. 1'aul IVeily, of Portland", wai St. llt'lcni visitor Tui-Jny. II. H. NicliolaH, of Portland, won in St. Iltlcni aUciyUnif Circuit Court TucikUy, Th miitof If.Wc'mhart vi. Wilcox in not fr hearing in the Circuit Court on January Lit. CLATSKA5IE DEPARTKENT. -:-hy cvsmx:-: rid you attend the dance Xmati? It not you ininHcd a treat, lico. l rtTinon waa uy from Muralilund to attend the dunce. John MeFarlnnd, father of Mrs. Imiac lUitiiviwdui-r, ixtnying with Ii'ih father. (i It lliiiiK'in is working at the carpen ter trade thin week. Anything tir work with (icorgu. The dunce waa w ell attended, pirtica from all parta of the county being in attendance. Win. Mark well went to Nehalem to upend ChrlHtuian with bin parents. Married. At the home of tho bride's mother, Mien Jennio Orwig to Arthur Hunter, both of Clutukanio. Havid and John Uine, of Mmt, with their ri-Hpectivo fuinilieH, wet'o Xmaeiag in tlio city, for n few days. lr. in .1 Trrt. 1'. 1). ICpIW liavo tfooe - " - j - to Wn'!i'i!i!:ii, Wii'li., tviait Mru. K'i pirn i:ta. i ' u ry !.ru!j!, ono of our principle luih :ii'hm tiK'ii, went t rottlund thin (Net k lo pi.rchune new oodn. RAINIER DEPARTMENT. Kuiuier school district voted a .7 mill tax. Joe T.rough is spending a few days ia town. Mrs. Nels Stewart is visiting her Ba rents this week. II. T. Klgin spent Christmas with his fiim.lv in Itiiinii.p. The Misses Katie and Myrtle Pictx spent Xmas at home. Mrs. II. Jackson and Miss Alice Terry visited Portland Tuesday. Mrs. Annie AVoods spent Xmas at the Hums' homestead at Hudson. MissArlie Chambers w spending the holidays with her parents hero. AVm.. Young and sistej Grace attended the dance at this placo Xmas eve. E. 11- Joseph is up from Astoria spending the holidays with his family. Mrs. Marie Nunn,.of Portland, spent Xmas at homo with her father, M. Sex tan. Freeman Hirlzel is spending this week at homo w ith parents at Mount Angel. Miss Georgia Silva is spending the holidays with ber friend, Miss Hall, in Portlund. Tho L. O..T.-M. of this place w ill have a class initiation and oyster supper this Friduy night. Ixivi Mulcom and wiforot Mist, spent Christmas in Rainier with Mr. Mal coni's prtrents.- Hurt Clark and wife aro spending a few days with his brother Charley and w ife, of this place. Mrs. Ed Clark's sister, Mrs,.McCart and son, of 3heds, aro visiting hero at Mrs. Clark's home Mr. and Mrs..M. R.- Pomrojv of As toria, spent Xmas with Mr. Pomroy's mother, of this place. Judge ,T. A..McPrido was. shaking hands with his friends hero between trains Tuesday morning. Miss Nanie Quigley, of Portland, is spending tho holidays with her sister; Mrs. Jack Staccy, of this place- Prof, and Mrs.. Wall, of Hillsboro, wero iii attendance at AA'. OvAY. dance. Mr. AVall directed tlio orchestra. AVilliard John, of Castlo Rock, passed through Rainier on his w ay to Clatska nieontho 24th, where he callod for a danco that'ovening. Some person or persons' thinking it sniaf-t put M.- Kllis & Co's. delivery Wagon In the river If the party is caught it will go hard with him. Mr. Bovens, an old and faithful em ploye of tho sash and door factory, who litis been enjoying a visit from his- pa rents, returned homo to King's A'alley, Oregon. , Tho Christmas exercises at- this rface were a decided niccess. RevvITaggart doservcb ti-:at credit for the children all ijj; i,V0Jlr whieh ahows they had been ! well trained.. Bi,ie Sdiulta' team ran away Sunday . i. as tliey wero coming nuiuo nm tu Valley ..throwing Mr. and Mrs. Schultz nut of tho wairon, Mrs. 5clmlt2 was hurt quite badly. Prof. Geo. Morris and wife, of Tort land, passed through Rainier Monday with the body of their four-month's old baby girl, which they buried in the AVoodbine cemetery at Hudson. D. P. Morton is how livirg in his fine now house back of Rainier which he has lately completed.. Thomain build I'.lackforJ, the jufticaoJ tha peace of ClaUkanin precinct, wai la attendance at court Tuewlay. Jay Ikmminz, the lnigglt of St. Helena, la hating, aa be deeeryca, an excellent traJo tlute dayi. John Tringle, of Vernonia, and hia arm William, ot l'ittiburjf, were out at tending Circuit Court laat Tucaday. Hon. T. J. Clccton waa among the at torneya from TortUm! in attendance at the adiourned term ol Circuit Court j Tuesday. Tie outaide work will bo finished on Adam liarr'a new houae this wk and ready for the plasterers. Mr Ferine in go'uig to de the mason work. It is quite a eight to see the delivery men ot tnc unic-rcni wm nuus through town. Hut they have to do it in order to keep paco with trade. Your correspondent bad occasion to take Xmaa dinner at the hew Home Hotel and a Utter one waa never acrved in ClaUkanie. Jim has that reputation (A feeding good. Wm Markwcll, senior member of the firm of JI inkwell & McKay, left the first of the week en a business trip through California and Kansas. He will bogotiofrom two to three months. Mr McKay will keep the business boominic whilu bin partner i away. There were several Xmas trees in the city Xmas, one at tho Tresbyterian church, ono at the M. K. church, and kibtbut not least a kind of a family tree in tho New Homo Hotel parlor, where tho families of Mr. McKicl.Dr. Glore, (i W Yitler, James McDonald, and sev eral old bachelors were congregated and had a most pleasant time. Everybody went home feeling better for having made the little ones happy. When you want a pleasant laxative tike Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tublets. For sale by Terry & (Jraham. ing is '24x?':, with an L ldx.'W. Mr. Morton deserves this fine new home. Dr. A. P. McLaren and his sister, Miss Maruaret, and her friend, Miss Galbraith,of Rainier, were up Sunday and spent Christmas at the home of Dr. Cliff. Dr. Cliff has been . ill, but we hope not seriously so, for several days. Andrew L. Clark, tho genial poet master at Rainier, has bis office and candy store in apple pie order. He has built up a lino trade by close applica tion to business, and success w ill crown his efforts. Arthur AValkcr, formerly of this place, but now of Baker City, brought bis bride home w ith him. They gro spend ing tho holidays with his mother. His many friends here wish him all kinds f happlnesB. J. A. Schunesen, maker of the best butter ia this section of country, bos added several patrons to bis list who furnish him rich cream. By careful at tention and building up his trade, be can put out a larger supply of butter than heretofore. TheAVoodmen of the AYorld give their annual 'w Year's ball in the K. of P. hall this week. Among the several committees we find the names of the best business and professional men on bho program. A crowd ef men went to the AA'alker homestead to serenade the groom and his bride. They took along some sticks ot blasting powder. They set off a small blast only 1ft sticks, and broke 32 panes of window and tore out one corner of the fence. They are singing another tune now. Mr. and Mrs. John Dibblee, two of Rainier's most respected ritizenB,. are now enjoying the fruits of a well-Bpent, frugal life, earned in their early days. Their fino home occupies nearly the entito block between AVater and Union streets,, and south of Xew Bedford street,. Rainier. The block which is slightly elevated, is covered with beautiful fruit and shade trees. Along AVater street front they have erected several tennent houses,, all of which are rented to good advantage. Tneir fine, large,, twostory residence is elegantly furnished through out. In fact it is an ideal home, and it is tho hope of the Register that their example may be emulated and. many more just such homes builded in our eounty. One of the infant industries, ami one which for a long time was undecided as to whether to live or die, is that of the creamery business. J.. A. Schunesen,. one of tho best butter makers on this Coast, associated' with himself several of Rainier's best citizens and organized the Rainier creamery. By close atten tion to business Mr.' Schunesen has caused the industry to grow un.til Rain ier creamery butter is in greater, de mand than the. creamery can supply. Many new customers have been added from time to time,, and nearly all the old customers,, who started in with the organization, are still ' with it. This speaks volumes for the enterprise.. "Tall oaks from little acorns grow.." A Landslide. Great confusion -was created, lately among the merchants-of Columbia county by the announcement recently made by L. bwett that he win sell all groceries, provisions, etc., at wholesale prices. Highest grade canned corn. 81.25 ner dozen : finest tomatoes 81.05 ver dozen : Red Star Oysters, full weight, $1.25 per dozen; fine breakfast bacon. 10 cents per pound ; other nncon 10 nnd 15 cents Der tiound : finest Port land flour, $4.75 per barrel everything else in proportion . Freight paid to your town when. buying, m supines.. C'aacertaad Kali. Warren faml will give a Concert and Hall on t)e evtnini(of Thunnlay fw. at X. T. I'.aker'a Hall at Warren. Uoodmuaiu will be furnialiexl and the beat of order kept. The band haa al waya been Tery willing to ait in all charitable entertainment and others, and "aa one good turn dtcrvea another" it'a only fuir that a lan?e crowd be peient to incrown their eflorta on the above date. The boya would be pleaned to have a Koodly number come from ScnppooM, Ifoulton and St. Helena, as well aa those residing on Willamette Slough. Everybody come and help a icood cAiifte along, that of niutfic. ' Administrator's 3otlce. cd. r. lVll lUiHK KHTATE NiiTICK IX IIERKHY n tb( th unOernllixil h brrn Hiiuli'fl ilnilnlnlntur of lha rtl ol K. It. liv. iIcccuhmI. I.r the t 'nmitr Court rl the Huir ol tirrKnii, iir ColuuitU ronntjr, onl h (iiall(l.i. All JMrmn hvlng rid I inn uliil ohI'I fllc are iu-rrbr nollfleU to prr.i'iit the name to tue at my nuiilf nre at Ver nonia, uliiuitila t iiunty Orrron, with i.rotxT ',m Iiitk anil duly vrrlSed within rix tnontha Iroiu the date liereol. L. H. STL ART, Alinlnltralor. Iiati-d anl ftrwt publUlieil lieiirmlxr 21, 1'OI Ailinlnlatrator'a Notlm. I II. ItRAt'X KKTATK NoTICKlB I1KREUY alvi-n that the uutlentanml ha been ai I'liiiiril administrator of I lie entate ol J. it. hrniin, ilwupM'il, by tha County Court ol Col umbia County, Mate ol trvon. ami haa utiall-tlt-il aa mull. All HTwnm barlnR rlaluii Hl'it alil rtle are litre by ncttllcd to pre-M-iit tlw mime to mr at luy mldenre at Anoka, Columbia Couutr, nn-Kina with rwr vouch er and iluly verlneil, within lx mumlm from the dale hvriMit. YK'TUKIA IlKAlX, AilmlnWtrMtor. I'ate and ft rut publlnheil Deeemberv, l'.H. NOTICK OK INTKXTIOX TO APPLY ro LI fjt OK LIl-KMhK. TO AM, I'KUHONH CONCKHNF.D. VOL'ASD eai-U oljriiu will take liotli that We, A.J. Ki'lley and . W. Kelley, will, on the 4th day ol January, luu-'i, apply to the County Court of Cnluiiibia t'ounttr. State ol On ifon, (or a Ll-I'i-iim' toM-ll nplriUiiK, vinouii.and rualt lliUom and hard eider In iiuantltlea ft- than one Kal Ion, for a period of nix month, In the village of Houlton. In I'liion I'rei'lni't.ColiiDiblaCoun- t)', Oregon, which application will bo baed Umiii the followlnr petition: PKTmoN. IS T1IK CCCXTY CUI'KT OF THE KTATK ( Oreumi, for Columbia County. In the matter of the application of A. J. Kel ley and ti. W. Kelley, lor a l.li-enne to nell plr itoui., malt or vlnou lipuor and fermented rider In iiuantitle 1m than one khIIoii. To the linn. County Court of the County of Columbia and Mate of Oregon : We, the undertflKiii'd U-ital voter and retd- di til.oll nion Precinct, in Columbia County, Htateof Ori-Kon, and who have actually renl ded In iald l'ni'lnct thirty dnv prior to the aiKiiingatid tllitiK of thN petlllou, would re- N-t'tiu.iy iK'tition your llonorablebody at the January lerm of ald County Court, com metii-liiK on Vt'cdnedav. the -tin day ofJanu ary, ltC, to Ik- held in the Court ilotiae, In the City of Ht. Helena, In aid County and Ktate that a Mrenne lie (ranted A. J. kellev and ti Vt . Kelloy to m-U i-plrltoim, vinotm and malt llotior and fcruieiited cider In iiuantltlea It- than one icalloii, In I'liion Procinct, in the 11 lage of Houlton, In aald Columbia County, Htate of Orriton, and that ui h lli tiiM! In; bi nned to ald A. J. Kolley anil ti. W. Keller lor a period ol nix month from the 4th day of Jan uary, ivo.au ot wntcn your petllionera win ever pray. H Weber. I W Brnyle, F K Kelley, W O Wad- Crnue, K KKllaworth, K KHazen.ti h lke. ll M lli-lhnw. ti llWalthen. T K Mill. Jacob Om hwald, tt enlcy M Pott, W A Ketel, H C Ke- nil i. rjiiitii! mum i in hi pp nr v uiii I'kmi. , F t'rlc, J (iarrtaun, H M Pratt, H R Davis John t .. iv.. u-n. i..ni..u i vi i..i.n Wiuter, Herman ' Lake. John Lake, I v Jiew- ell, ll iniiinpmin, l; i; ht-rurer, hlar lounft, lienilan t'aher, Allen Wataon.WJ MellinKer J LIjuieron, Frank Fa nuer, K II Roberaou, J K lllai k. H I weeks A V ilali h, John Ijirson HH" Early, C W Hherman. K A Enierwin, J) lleniahaw. A J Watson. C Morris Albert Hen- aliaw, All Matthew, Mitchell Hay, elm Me la n by, j iMitxmt, J Johann, h. r. t.rahnm Aiiguat Hhole. K K Curtis J K lilakealey, K L HtanwiHMt, Joe llama, r; l Potter, K J t miper, S A William, K H !-- nbot haw. Frank Wilkin Frank Whitakcr.C 11 I rle, t: J W allis Harry K Cliff. I ti W lkatroni, Jaine Cox, Oacar Svand- atrom, Fred llendrlcka, John llovd, Kotiert t uiiuulliKsFred Hooia-r, Patrick kelley, Fred I.arHcn, Jame Chun-hl.'y, Ira Owen, 1) H Pope Ed Hine. II Hurtnan. J Iiupont. HLHuiont ti V Kale, Christ Jenaen, W A Mclntyre, Thn Mi'lntyre, si A kale, J p Mackey.lt Frttchard, tieo U Clark, C William,' C W flerman, K A Cooper, .leaae llendrlcka, Jlark Olaen, M II Kinith.O 1) Itowney.H F Smith, A Kauen ein, C PHticrvetn, w KHUerveln, Mi'liougall, AWood enjt, E H WtiiiR, I) VV Kli-hardatm, H M Metz 11 Caarlanil. Jan Itosituet. E Alsk. llab Hesk Arthur Vanbolah, F8 r'rli k, lico 11 turnout, W W Klakealey. J II lK-cker. li W W bite. E McVey. C H Dodge, Conrad Hoffman, Frank Wing, Fred watklna. w Hweeney, hiixene White. J an dohl, J A IHrdsell, . F Vivian, I. L Decker, H W Cade. P O Htnlth. 1C Heaver. J Cline P I'aher, A H tieorge, ti R Kelley J Lambcr Min, Ira IlalU "M" Mctiregor, John Tracy, F Kii'iien, j noyie, imrcuce uarrison, i c Hayes. Wm White. Pum-an McPhedron. E Mile E H (iirty, V tieorge, 11 X Cade, Chas Larson WHrinii.H A Wilkinson, C E Heins, John king. W L Tallman. Elmer Thomnaon. JxiuL llergett, W K. lk'lfonl, Jaa tirant. R L Price, Joe iabaaka.A J kelley, U. w. kelley. NOTICK OF 1NTKNTION TO APPLY FOR LIQITOK LICKOSK. TO ALL PKRSONS COXCKRXED. YOU AXD 1 each anil all of you will take notice that Ji'xsm Hemlriekx will, oti tlio 7th day of Janu anvlim."). amily to tin- County Court of Colum liia County, State of OrcKiin, for a license to veil cplrlttioiiK. vinous anil malt liquora and k rinonted cider, commonly known aa liard cuter, in utiantities lesa tuiin one eauon. lor period of nix months, in the Village ot II mil ion, in i nion j-rcciiici,. loiumoia county. Ktate ol Ureeon, which application wiil be based upon the following petltin: i 1'bUUUMl IX THE MYTTER OK THE APPLICATION' OK I Jesxe Henilitrk for a license to sell splr oux malt and vinous lhUore and fermented elder, commonly known aa hard elder, In less qtiantUies than one gallon. To the Honorable the County Court ol Colum bia County ..Stale of Oregon. We, tao unclerslgneil, comprising an actual majority of the whole number of legal voters of Cnlon Precinct. Columbia County. Oremn. hereby petition tali Honorable Court to grant to Jess; Hendricks a License to sell spiritous, malt and vinous liuuors. and fermented cider. commonly known as hard cider, inlessiinan .i.i .i it.... ... ii .... i ... .. i i . . i lines mail ouv gnuuH, ni uuiiiiuii, 111 l 1111111 recmct. Columbia County, Oregon, tor the period of six months. And your petitioners, will ever pray. jack Bh ml burg. v noceni. i.eo n i ihtk, Mellineer. U H Wood. K A Emerson. C Wil liams, U M Kale, M Olsen, J Despnin, Franc Whitaker, C Htowell, Joe Kobeskea, J. J. lloy len, Mitchell Ray, John McKie, 1) McKenzle, hi. etanwoon. fc jiHiiey, a j Keuy..ioun Wihters,, (i W Keller, Kdgar Young.K E Cnr tissJ W Hroyles. K (1 Pratt.W II Smith, tiro Thompson, 8 l Weeks, Frank Fanner, I ti iKstrom,u J wants, a. r iiaraenuriMiK.u it Fowler, Ernest llrownP F V Kobinson, Harry !loom,C llramble, Joseph Pupont, Leopold Pupont, John Hosiiiet, S J Dupimt, Hob Reed, A Ask, K Engart, C Sauerveln, Owen Heagle, A Sauervein, A A Smith, V Sauerveln, K F Smith SRock. TLHolstine, t D Honey, JN llrinn, C J Smith, C V Sherman, II lleernmn, 8 IV Ear ly, C F Howard, P Sorenson, E (1 Tampley,J 01ln C H Chamberlin, Oscar Svardstran, K SteavjvGeo WhUe,. Victor Oliver, (! E Fuller, R ar Ate-tavu w Herman, a v Ingram, w r. itei- lonl.J K Monaaan.Jim M1I1hiiis, John Hoylc, W J Midlliiger, K J Parker, 0 H Shurer, J W raritcr, sr, 11 Thompson. W L Tallman, Wesley Potts , v man, tin Chas Heche, Pan Mctiregor, ll V Cades, L Reodleth, John Kagan, J E Smith, n, j t. Mint ii, Watson. J 11 r, r, uaualln, B K Davis, a j Wellington, Harrv Hughes, O C Heavers, J Walker, J Cade, A P Usher, 0 A Fuller,' Edward Millg, J Lamherson, F J Cooper, A Kenweki.J K lllack. W F Oliver, Ira Axtell, J D llinlsall. J II Decker, Eugene White, W 8 Meney, Conrad Hoffman, C S Dodge, J H Hull, Fred Watkins, Frank Kerry, li ii Kellar, John Laffertv, R A PTiceC E Heins, M O Donald, Uriah Kelley Oeo llT.amont, August F SehotK, Arthur Van doliin. U C Robcv. J L Zorin. Jacob Oschwald. LJMagnnn, lferman Usher, It F WaniUPat- tick Kelley, l ltensnaw, Joe nail. t. Alius, Harrison,, h L Decker, I) W Richardson, E 0 Steward, W Hrttce, H R Cliff, C W HlakuOey. 8 A Lynpe, W Doan.A Large, FA (ieorge, W A Ketel, FS Krick, A C PoiH;joy, John King, R C Ketel, Fred Hendricks, Jesse Hendricks, John Simeon, ,M Perter, 8 C Henry, Joseph Hay burn, A M Lnproth, Howard 'PrlcUard, D M Henshaw. H W eber. .1 1'lmen. J Munson. .las H Sheldon, .A Jli'mlug, Al lUihinson, L M Cronse P J Smith, Y Johnson, Christ Jensen, Allen Watson, J Kapplcr, J W Nowels John llovd, W E Smith, J J Hartman, T K Mills, II FLitke, John Lake, J K liltikeslejy W Y. ltlnkesley, Joe vmnupion,. P THX STOUT NOTTD for THX BUT ekSs now o o o o oO) TIMt'S to SHORT to TALK, W rttho Ingth Larnt and B$t Asiortment of LatQe', Misses' and ChOeren't Ready-to-Wear Suhs, Coats, EtcM to be seen h the City and oar prices art the LOVVtST. Do not forget the great reductions wre makinic in Table Linens and N kins. pecial sale ot Thomson's glove-fit-g UorscU. This is the Corset that taken the first prizes at every ex bit ion since 151 tbo grand first ixo at Crystal Palace, London. There no "JuHt-os-good" Corset. See our Ladle.' Flannette Wrappers doubt the money we ask, 50c, McAUen (& McDonnell Take Crand Entrance Right on the Cor. Third and Morrison Sts., Portia n d, O favorite Family Kemed y. Frequently accidents occur in the household w hich cause burns, sprains, cuts, and bruises; tor use in such cases, Dallard's now Liniment hos for many years oeen me constant. lavonte lamiiy remedo. 25c, SOc and $1.00 at Bailey & Brinn's dealers in general merchandise. Removal Sale. j lam Duilding a concrete store build ing in rt. Helens and when Uncom pleted will occupy it as a general mer chandise store. I don't want to move any more goods than necessary, and there tore 1 will sell all the goods in my preset t store at greatly reduced prices. This is the opportunity you have been looking for. My stock is large and you can save money by trading with me. U. MOliUL S. No More Kuflcrlng-. If you are troubled with indieestion get a bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure aud see bow quickly it will cure you. Geo. A. lhomrison. ol hnencer. Iowa, savs: Hiiva had dyspepsia for 20 rears. Mv case was almost hopeless. Kodol Dys pepsia Uure was recommended and I used a few bottles of it and it is the only tmng ttiat lias relieved me. W ould not be without it. Hava doctored with local physicians and also at Chicago, and even went to orway with nopes of eettine some relief, but Kodol Dbspepsia Cure is ine oniy remeuy mat nas donemeany good, and I heartily - resommend it. Lvery person Buffering with indieestion or dyspepsia should use it." Sold by Baitey & Bnnru The Columbia Kkgihter and Semi Weekly Journal, $1.50 per year. Grip Quickly Knocked Ont. "Some weeks ago during the severe winter weather both my wife and my self contracted severe colds which spee dily developed into the worst kind of la grippe with all its miserable symptoms," says J. S. Egleston. of Maple Landing, Iowa. "Knees and joints aching, mus cles sore, head stopped up, eyes ami noee running, with alternate spells of chills and fever. We began using Cham berlain'sOough Remedy, aiding the same with a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and by its liberal use soon knocked out the grip." These tab lets promote a healthy action of the bow els, liver .and kidneys which is alwars beneficial when the system is congested by a cold or attack of the la grip. For sale by Ferry & Graham. For Sale Two-thirds acre of ground, with two houses, in Houlton. Address Mary F. Lee, 018 E. Taylor street, Fort land. Or. , BOYS MAY BE HAD land HiinrtlmM virlal for (1) ordinary nerviceat wages; (J upon in- uriuurv. no won, aitenu scnooi, ami oe brought up somewhat as your own; and,-.'! children may be had for legal adoption. Address, W.T. liARPXKR, Bupt. Oregon boys' and lilrls' Aid Society. PORTLAND, ORECiON. How to Make an Honest Dollar Withont Work is the Question of . the hour. WELL, WE DO MOT KROW HOW TO DO THAT, BUT -WE OOW HOW YOO can save A : : : : :, Dollar Withont fork, ' Or KOMI, mil PEMHY SHED is as GOOD as a PESJY E1MED BAILEY -CARRY A A NewLine of Heaters, Cook Boots, Shoes, Hats and .Caps. By Trading with Us, You save Dollars, TOH ARE BETTER THAR D0I1A8S REINED TfilTHOUT WuBL BAILEY Houlton, - COOD5 at 15 LOWXST PR1CIS." lff Come here today for new Kid rGloves in Mocha, Glace, English, De by and French Keca, $1.50 grades; eycry pr fitted and warranted, for only. . ,95c We are quoting ridiculously low prices on all our Curtains Brussels, Net and Bobinet, Swiss Curtains, plain milled with antiqno and Bat ten berg lace, 2 and 3 yds Ions, $3.50 to 29c Nothing like them. Matefa-al cost 69c, A7c,and 95c Pirating f'olry'a Honey and Tar. Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the ereat merit and popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine. Ask for Folev's Honay and Tar and refuse any substitute offered as no other preparation will give tho same satisfaction. It is mildlv laxative. .It contains no opiates and is safest for children and delicate persons. II. O. Oliver. Through Tlrketato all Kaatern and Eu ropean Point In Connection With th O. li. Ji. Co., now on aale at A. ft U K. K. General Faaaengnr OIHce at A , toria. By an arrangement effective since Oc tober 1st, the A. & C. K. H. is now sell ing through tickets over its line from Astoria in connection with the O. E. & X. Co. for all Eastern and European points, in addition to tickets via the Northern Pacific Railway, thus givins; passengers the choice of routes to any part of the east and Europe, at the same rates as in effect from Portland. Perry & Granam guarantee every bot tle ot Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.and will refund the money to anyone who is not satisfied after using two-thirds of the contents. This is the best remedy ia the world for la grippe, coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough and is pleas ant and safe to take. -It prevents any tendency of a cold to result in neumo nia. If you like the Register tell your friends about it and induce them to sub scribe. W have special clubbing rates with the Portland Journal, Oregonian and San Francisco Examiner. Fight Will Be Bitter. Those who will persiet "n closing their ears against the continual recommenda tion of Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, w ill have a long and Litter tight with their troubles it -not ended earlier by fatal termination. Read what T. R. Beall, of Beall, Miss., has to say; "Last fall my wife had every symptom of consumption. She took Dr.. King's jsew JJiscovery alter everything else bad failed. Improvement came at once' and four bottles entirely cured her." Guar anteed hy Perry & Graham. Price 30c and $1.00. Trial bottles free. The Register man has houses to rent and houses to sell in the town of Rainier the best school town in the county. -A house and one block, two houses and one block, and also a house and lot for good business location. He has also two or three good locations for small fruit farm 8 or chicken ranches. Mother, .Be Careful. of the health of your children. Look out . for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough. Stop them in time. One Minute Cough Cure ia the best remedy. Harm less and pleasant. Sold by Bailey .& Brinn. & BRINN, FULL LINE OF- FURNITURE, Stoves and Ranges, & BRINN - Oregon