The Columbia register. (Houlton, Columbia County, Or.) 1904-1906, December 23, 1904, Image 4

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    The Columbia Register.
K W 14 m wcviitM li mattrr April S,
M Ikt xl office at houllxn, ltrgun,uatrr the
ci ! ( wrgTv ( March .1 !.
JIOULTOX, ORK., FWH. 2:1, 1 Wt.
K. H. MITt'MKLL. Krfltar.
Bbvcrtpllon price ll.ui rt year in elvnw.
' AAvrrlisint mice rrsaonnWr.
Tl people rule in Oregou, in io
tax as thev know how.
1 a result of the recent prohibi
Go election Med ford is half dry
and half wet Exchange 'Alfanr
bdf and still some people say it is
b4 local option.
.A. school to teach suciKlism is the
blest. If it teaches the average
catrxen how to cast his ballot intel
lif rally socialism will be an accom
fdished fact so far as Oregon is con
caaed. There is talk oi amending the di
red vimary law in the nextsession
of the Legislature it don't suit
the bosses. Let what the people
have created alone their servants
caaaeno better.
Engineer Elliottt resignea be
caut there was talk about the
ik be had done in the city of
rtland. Perhaps if anDusen,
the fish comnaisstoner, should hear
what is said about his admiuistra-
tksr he would go and do . likewise.
If jou think you are important
and wish to kinw of what worth to
IbtcommnnUj you are, just buck
yovr finger in a pail of watei, draw
it est and look lor the hole. This
ithastrates to a nicetv the impres-
tkm yen Have made in. the coaimu-
often fool never." Perhaps
there was windom in the change of
mind of llonV John II. Mitchell
and Binger Herman. They may
resent and experience a change of
heart also after conferring with, the
grand jury.
Last week the Gazette published
the greater portion of the tax list in
a supplement. Had the printer
read carefully the affidavit of pub
lication he would have done other
wie. The last, clause in the pnx-f
of publication reads: . "And that
said notice was? published in a
Bcwtpapv and. not irv a supple
peat, ! '
The peopte made the local option
law and it is all right. Only a 'few
fellows do not liketheway it works.
The law is having a wholesome ef
fect Buon the saloon ' business in
this county The saloons are run
nearer in accordance with the law
than they were before the law was
enacted. The busine-s must con
form to the regulations or it will
haw to go.
Tie Mist ,and other county pa
pen would be, pleased to print a
synopsu of the meetings of the
county grange: but it appears that
the secretary of the grange refuses
!o famish grange news to any pa
per nut xus own. Oregon Mist
STio told you so? The eecretaJy
furnished the Wist, Chief and Ga
zette with a column of news from
tbt Pom-na grange previous to the
last one. This little wrileup was
not appreciated by the Mist it
did not say so. None of the coun
ty papers have ever anked for the
cewg. There is asi opportunity to
nnhe with the grange and then
yea can .et your own news. If you
persist in whining people will soon
think there is something wrong
with you..
At its iifxt letfiiiar tetsion the
ct mniWhipnera court will be called
upt'D to levy tttxs lor the enduing
year. Ih total assessed valuation
is $2,576,362. On this amount an
tight mill tax wou d raise $20,000
wbkb is a trifle less than the
mount expended last year for
county general fund. If the road
levy was put at 2 mills it would
raise $5000. This would be a little
.more than one fifth the amount
flrofcd hi last year and would only
he'enough to keep the roads in re
pair. This is sufficient. . If per
manent roads tie to be made let the
districts through which they run
lery a tax for that purpose, and let
all work by contract. The state
and school fund will require about
12 mills, This would make a total
of 22 mills, and would rais? about
$51,000. To this add $25,000 spe
cial taxes that should be levied in
different road districts and ech'ool
districts would make a grand total
of $77,000. And the people should
sot be asked to pay one cent more
than that amount. A two mill
court house tax has been suggested.
It is not needed until the ounty is
ready to build a conit house, and
frum what we can learn there ,-,wjll
be opposition to building a court
konse untiltheffve years have
elapsed since the election to locate
jfte county seat.
Irartty la Sew Sralaad.
New Zealand is the only country
we believe that has a compulsory
arbitration law in operation, and
in the main itstvmo to have worked
successfullv. Fublic ownership of
public utilities has also gained a
large foothold in that distant and
progressive island. Hence the re
cent report of the minister for the
department of labor io that coun
try contains some facts of interest
to the world generally, and a few
of them are therefore summarised.
There is no diminution or retar
dation in the steadiness of New
Zealand's economic advance. There
is general prosperity among work
ers. Municipal enterprises, such
as street railways, etc, have ab
sorbed surplus labor near cities,
and the demand for labor in the
country districts has exceeded the
supply. Though there were 18,1 S8
more arrivals than departures from
Australia, agricultural laborers
were scarce at 24 cents an hour,
and it has been difficult to get re
lable workmen on railway con
struction. Building trades have
boen fully employed all over the
province. "Wellington alone has
increased the value of its property
$7 508 010. Carpenters have been
scarce at $2.07 a day. The iron
trade was for awhile dull, but this
is improving. The gold dredging
industry now begins to rest on a
solid basis. The boot and shoe
trade, somewhat depressed for a
few years, is reviving. Woolen
mills have run to their full capaci
ty, and their only difficulty is to
secure labor, especially girls trained
in the hosiery department. Cloth
manufacturing, tailoring and dress
making were buoyant, and called
for much overtime work. Laundry
work has almost doubled, and
workers are in demand. So in the
pastoraland agricultural districts'
the supply of labor is insufficient
to meet the demand The colony's
exports have risen in 10 years from
$42,787,215 to $74,15X3,060, and sa
vings banks deposits have increased
by 1U,:505,770.
All of which is evidence that
New Zealand people have not suf
fared from breaking out of the old
ruts. Purtland Journal, Dec. 9.
The Grand Jury has indicted F.
r. Mays for complicity in the land
frauds. He will be the cheif figure
in the next case and the story pro
mises to be of more than ordinary
interest. .... -
A Certain Core for Croup.
"WTiea a child shows syioptsmsofcroup
unere is no ume io expenmant with new
remedies, no matter bow highly they
may be recommended. There is one
preparation that can always be depended
upon. It has been in use for manyyears
,1 l. 1 1 A. - '
uu iiiu ucvu unu kiiuwu vu lull, viz:
Chamberlain's Coogh Kemedy. Mr. M.
F. Compton, of Market, Texas, says of
it: "i nave used unamDerlain s Coucrh
Kemedy in severe cases of croup with my
children and can truthfully say it always
gives prompt relief." For sale by Perry
& Graham. '
A Landslide Great confusion was
created lately among the merchants of
Columbia county by the announcement
recently mado by L. Kwett that he will
sell all groceries; provisions, etc., at
wholesale prices. Highest grade canned
corn, 1.2.V per dozen; finest tomatoes.
$1.25 per dozen; Ked Star Oysters, full
weight, $1.23 per dozen ; fine breakfast
bacon, 1(5 cents per pound, other break
fast bacon, 16 and 23 - cents per pound ;
finest Portland flour, $5.75 per barrel
everything else in proportion. Freight
paid toyour town when buying in sup
Mrs. Mary S. Crick, of White Plains,
Ky., writes : UI liave been a dyspeptic
for many years ; tried all kinds of reme
dies but continued to grow worse. By
the nse of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure I began
to improve at once, and after talcing a
few bottles am fully restored in weight,
health and strength and can eat what
ever I like." Kodol digests what von
eat ana will cure you. bold by Bailey
& Brinn. .
Weather Forecast The weather
profits foretells extra cold weather for
this winter.. All indications point this
way. Fortunately for this section L.
Swett, of Rainier, has a big stock of
heating stoves on hand of which he
carries 1(5 different styles suitable for
home, store, office or church at prices
ranging from $1.95 to $15. Freight paid
to your town if you want to buy one and
be happy. Just see O Swett about it.
Kevolutlon Immluent.
A sure sign of approaching revolt and
serious trouble in your system is ner
vousness, sleeplessness, or stomach up
sets. Electric Bitters . will quickly dis
member the troublesome causes. It
never fail to-tone the stomach, regulate
the kidneys and bowels, stimulate the
liver and clarify the blood. Kun down
systems benefit particularly and all the
usual attending aches vanish under its
searching and thorough effectiveness.
Electric Bitters is only 50c and that is
returned if it don't give perfect satisfac
tion. Guaranteed by Perry & Graham.
War News In a recent engagement
between Swett, of Rainier, and high
prices the latter were completely routed
and cut to pieces. He is selling suits
and overcoats at astonishly low prices.
Regular $12.50 and $11.50 ovsreoats is
$!).85. Suits formerly sold at $10, $15
$13.50 all at $11.85. The wise ones are
buying now and are savim: money. It
will pay you to C Sweet about it.
A Costly MlHtnke.
Blunders are sometimes vey expen
sive. Occasionally life itself is the price
of a mistake, but you'll never be wrorg
if you take Dr. Kinn's Xew Life Pills for
dyspeDsia, dizziness, headache, liver or
bowell troubles.. They arc. gentle yet
thorough. 35c at Perry & Graham.
Register and Journal (semj weekly)
for $1,75 per year,
S Christmas -:- Store!
Miss Maud Kico went out to Yeroonia
Joehua Kose of Vernonia was la SU
Helens, Tuesday.
First snow of the season Ml on
Bunker Hill last Wlnesday.
Several wagon londi of spuds, were
marketed In Houlton the first of this
week. ,
AV. O Fischer of Kalnier was a IIouU
ton visitor Wednesday'. He had boen
looking after legal business in the
county seat.
Superintendent Copclnnd was com
pelted to take his fatlcr to Portland for
treatment. Tho old gentleman 18
been ailing for sotno tune. It is to bo
hoped that he will speedily recover. . .
Tho people of St. Helens and Houl
ton , should unite in building up a good
grange at this point. The grango will
have a potent inrluenco in moulding
(mblic sentiment in this country aa it
iaa done elsewhere.
Through TlckrUto Mil Kaatern aat Kit
ronran Point III Coauaotlon With th
0. 11. it N. Co., now on aale at A. C
H. K. Ueurral PaxuvnKftr OflUt at Aa
torla. By an arrangement effective since Oc
tober 1st, the A. & C. R. It. is now sell
ing through' tickets over its line from
Astoria in connection with tho O. R.
X. Co. for alt Eastern and European
points, in -addition to tickets via the
Northern Pacific Railway, thus giving
passengers the choice of routes to any
part of the cast and Europe, at the same
rates as in ettect from rortland. -
Perry & Granain guarantee every bot
tle ot Chamberlain's Cough Remediy and
will refund' the money , to anyone who
is not satisfied after using two-thirds of
tue contents ins is the best remedy in
the wnrld '-forja grippe, conghs, colds,
croup and'Wheoping cough and is pleas
ant and safe to take. It prevents anv
tendency of a cold to result in neumo-
If you like the Kko18ter tell yonr
friends about it and inftuce.them to sub
scribe. W have special robbing rates
with the Portland Journfljl, Oregonian
and San Francisco Examiner.
right Will Be Bitter.
' Those who will net-flint In rlnsint? ilioir
ears against the continual recommenda-
lion oi vt. rung's .ew inscoverv lor
consumption, will have a long and bitter
tight with their troubles if not ended
earlier by fatal termination. Read what
T. R. Beall, of Beall, Miss., has to say:
"liflst fall my wife had every symptom
of Lonsumntion. She tnnlc Dr. k mtr'a
New Discovery after everything else had.
iuueu. improvement came at once and
four bottles entirely cured her." Guar
anteed by Perry & Graham. Price 50:
and $1.00. Trial bottles free.
.The Register man has houses to rent
and houses to sell in the town of Rainier
the best school town in the county; A
house and one block, two houses and
one block and aleo a house and lot for
good business location. He has also two
or three good locations for small fruit
farms or chicken ranches.
la Grippe and Pneumonia.
Pneumonia often fallnwa In trrinno fmt
'never follows the use of Foley's ilonev
ana ia. xi cures ia grippe causlis and
prevonts pneumonia and consumption.
Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar and re
fuse any substitute offered. Mr. G.
Vacher, of 157 Osgood St Chicago,
writes : "My wife had a severe case of
la grippe three years ago, and it left her
with a terrible cough. She tried a bot
tle of Foley's Honey and Tar and it gave
immediate relief. . A 50 cent bottle
cured her cough entirely. Refuse sub
stitutes. H O.Oliver.
Save money by trading at Swett's
Progressive Store, Rainier, Ore.
" Mother, Be Careful.
of the health of your children. Look out
tor coughs, colds, croup and whooping
cough. Ston them in time. One Minut
Cough Cure is the best' remedy. Harm
less ana pleasant, sold by Bailey &
Cabinet Needle Free.
The Journal will send free to any
reader of this paper a cabinet of needles
all sizes and kinds, who remit oO cents
for the Daily and Sunday Journal for
one month, or the Sunday Journal for
four months, or the Semi-Weekly Jour
nal for five months, or tho Weekly Jour
nal for six months."
.'.',' Portland, Oregon.
Jftetvar of Cuuuttfrfeltn.
"DeWitf is the only trenuine Witch
Hazel Salve," writes J. L. Tucker, of
Centre, ft. "T havn iiowl it in mv
family for piles, cuts and burns for years
and can recommend it to be the best
Salvo on the market. Everd , family
should keep it os it is an invaluaeble
household remedy, and should alwajs
be kept on hand for immediate use."
oSjd by Bailey & Bripn,
Toys, Books, Games, Albums,
Dolii, Picture Clocks, Fancy L&msv
Dacoratt4 OJiuware. Manicar an4 TdWt Sts, Pros ana Stopplr Bail.
Pocket Cutlery, Fancy Clocks,
Pipta, Cixar Holder. Witcfce. dulm, Rlnjt, BraeaUu. Ptiva, Oovaa,
HolKlay Nkwear, Panclng Pomp, Iju Curulna, Rujra,
'Shoes, Pnrlor Stovea, Khncy Uocker,
lI.uu, AlK-THHT HEATlJt, FAN0YllOOacil WiOHSlOXl, eto
PlraUac Pole'a Hoaev aa.l Tar.
Foley A Co., Chicago, originated Honey
and Tar as a throat and lung rvmedy.
and on account of tho vreat merit and
popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar
many Imitations are -offered for the
venume. Aak for Foley's Honuy and
Tar and refuse any aattttitnte -offered m
nootlvor preparation will give tho same
satisfaction. It ia mildly laxative. It
cb tains jio opiates and ia aatcet for
children and delicate persona. II. O.
Oliver. .
The Columbia RwiiHTta and Seral
Veekhr Journal, lQ per year.
, rl Ulkljr Kfeevked Oat.
".Shne weeks ago during the sovere
winter wathcr Iwth my wife and my.
self contracted severe cold which apve
dily ikyrkipod into tlte worai Jtiml of la
grippe with all its miserable lympioms,"
sayaJ.H. Kgleston. of Maple Landing,
Iowa. "Kaeea and joints aching, mus
cles sore, head stopped up, eyes ana
nose runninir. with altrnta aiutila ni
chills and fever. We began using Cham-
otTiain HLOUgn jaeiactiy, aiding the same
with a dotte of Clutmberlain'H ftomacli
and Liver Tablet. And tiv it n
soon knocked out the grin." TIkwo tab-
1 lu MMn.AA . I. 1 . 1 lT. .1 1
"a I'tvuiuio a uvbivii acvion ot ute uow
els, liver- and kidneys which ia always
beneficial when the system is cwnci-stod
by a cold or attack ot the la grip. For
sale by Perry A Graham.
For'Salb Two-third a acre ot ground.
wuu two oouien, in iiouiton. AOirens
'Mary K. Lee, 1H E. Taylor street, Port-
; Ballartl'a UrhaBl Syrap
Immediately relieves hoarse, croapy
enhtfh, epprwiwd, rasping andditMcult
breathiig. Henry C. Htearns, druttKiitt,
SlmlluUirg. Wisconsin, writea. May 20,
1001. "1 have been selling Ballard's
Horehoqnd-Syrup for two years,, and
nave never had a preparation that has
given better catisfaction. 1 notice that
when I 'sell a bottle, they come back for
more.. .1 can honestly recomu.end it. 25c
50c and $1.00 at Bailey it Brinn's. deaU
trs Jn general mercbamliae.
" II
5 S'S-'J
li rllliWiniJ ' '
73 (Si :r-3
a" .'J 1 .
i Si ' till
-Mm i !
M ; r
raarlt ramlljr ltMt4y.
Freiuently acciletiU occur in tho
liouaehold which cause burns, sprains,
cuts, and bruises : tor use in such cau,
Ballard's Hnow Liniment has furmuny
vrars been tle constant favorhe 'family
remedo, 25c, 50c and $L9at Badey
Brio' dealers in general irwrcUoadise.
Rmoral Sal.
I am uuiklmg a concrete store bnild
Ingfai tH. Hclona and when It la row
0W!UP as a general mer.
chaaUieo store. 1 don't want to movo
any more goods than necesaar). and
tliere lore I will tell all the goods In my
premt store at greatly reduced prices.
Ihitk the Opportunity you have been
loelung for. My atock is large and you
can wave money by trading with mu.
. H. MtBtUfS.
Ma-Mare uftrlaf.
Hyou are troubhd with Imllgestton
get a Iwttle of Kedol Dyspepeia Cure and
aeeliow tjulcklyit will cure you. (ieo.
A.Thotnwon, of Upencer, Iowa, aaya-:
-ILtya had dyptpi hr SO years. Sly
case wjm almottt liopeltMt. Kodol ly
petHiia Care was rwwtnuM'nditd and I
uwl a few bottles of it an4 it is the only
thing that has relieved me. Would not
be without it. Havodoctored with local
physicians aad alao at Chicago, and even
went to Norway with hopes ! getting
some relii, but Kodol IhHjHpeh AJure
ia the vary ronmly that has don me any
good, and I heartily rvaommend it.
Every person suffering with indigeatlon
or dyapeiwia s'lould uso lt.H Sold by
Baltey A Brinn.
Next door to post office.
Practice in anv court. State or Federal.
Next door to court house.
I mi
a 22 :
?aV3 ;
gilt- Is- r3
0 t an
was , ' I cJ
it a . " 9 f ?
, o&g . Rp J
u is j r
Pf bo) S.8 , J
ly vif -y
1 r-osr
cram mam
PrArfiwivA " StnrAl
11 Vl VUtU 1 V J vv VI M
Mens' s Boys j
$5.00 UP.
32.33 UP.
Drea Shirts. Utest FaWlcs an Patterns )
oacta up.
Holiday Ktctitir, all Styles,
KJ slock of Hits In all Latest Stupes,;
3 .00 oj r.
WW llh vry II. hi iitkn-lmwd tou ( KKKK O
im I'limx-v 011 tlml U-milllul Jn-.-ril Krtriicli fa
iNiii nnr nn iniiiiiiiiniMi oi hitiiik. n
i'ewfhlng apell i'aaad Itvath.
"Harry DuckwelL aul :'" venra.
choked to death early yeHtenlay inorii-
ingat ins Dome, in the premuiuioi his
wife and child, lie centructed anliuht
olda fewdava aira aail imid tint little
LaUention to it. Yeatmluy ninraing he
was setMNivwiui adlUo eouicliMig which
oontianed for some tlma. Ilia wife aitnt
for a Mtvsiclan but before he eould ar
rive another coughing syell ennw on and
I'ucKWfil turd Iroiu suRocatlootf-St.
Iiula tilole-I)eniocrat, Doc. I, lHt)l."
Mallard's llorehound t'rup woUUlihau
him. Sc. AOo and $LU0 at Bailoy k
Brinn's, dealers in general mcrvlxuidiHo
f tr A Ktar shlnnta for sale at IIkj
Itegkrar tllua. An small lots or by tho
car load.
When you want a sjikoHunt himtlw
take Chamberlain's htouiiich uinl Liver
Tablets. For aalo by Perry AGrahnm.
ttakea KMaeya aa4 ladder Itht
Ara dee-U IndltMtlon. Mlnety-nlneaievew
oaa .hundred people wha htve heat rtroubia
'caD-ramembar whan it iu almpleilndlgea-
tlon. Hits a scientific fcet that alhcaaea ft
heart disease, not organic, are act only
traceable to, but are th direct result of Indi
gestion All food taken Into thai stomaehi
which faila of perfect eVgeatlon (omenta andi
awellstaeatomach, paf line It up eg alnat that
haart.. This Intariens with the action cf
the heart, and in te course oi time that
delloate but vital oorfanjVecomea dlaaaaai.
Mr. ra Kaible jrMndajQ mtk 1 M Mpmata
1 trni 1 Iti 1 mi In .. kaa (til u I h4 hMtt trooeia
wtthU. ilteok Kaa DytsepUt Cum forbv4 tf
ratentaetaatteure aw.
Keelol Dir.'etU What You Eat
and tellavea tl ie atomach of all nervoua
strata and the heart of all pressure.
Boat only. S 1 .00 Site h;Mint 2 times tie trUl
si je. which Mitt h 0e,
Nearee b '1. 0. DeWITT 0OH CHsOAQO.