EUti Hlit Soclet .1 OLUMB lilJU VOL. I. nOULTON, COLUMBIA COUNTY, QKIDOON, TOIDAT, DECEMBER 1G, 1004. c IA NO. 34. WEEK'S DOINGS Newsy Items Gathered from All Parts of the World. Of INTCBCST TO 0U2 READERS General Review of Important Happen. v penlgs Presented In Brief and Condensed Corm. Fire destroyed an immense coal bun ker at Buffalo. The real work will Dot begin until eany In January. Jnbn D. Itut-kufcller lint given Chi cago University $300,000. The utM-ond trial of the Oregon land framl cam ii in progress in Portland. The nomination of Govrenor Brady, of Alaska, has been held up by the senate. Tlie national convention of Traveling Passenger agent will meet in l'ortlaud in 11)00. The International commission to in quire into the North aea incident ia expected to meet in Paris December 2J. Barliod wire stretched in front of the Japanese trenches ia proving the worst foe of the Kuasian army in Manchuria. A nnniW of Boxer leaden in North ern China have been placed in prison and it It thought probable that the in tended uprising has been nipped in the bud. At the last cabinet meeting Secretary Hitchcock spoke briefly of the land fraud cast's, indicating that some start ling development in them might be expected in the near future. The Rough Riders will have a place of honor in the inaugural parade. A Chinese capitalist declare that he known Port Attbur has pro talons for three months. Of the 100 locomotives ordered for the llarriman lines, 60 are for the Southern Pacific. Dowle baa paid the last installment on his debts and Zion City is again on a sound financial basis. - The Russian battleship Sevastopol at Port Arthur has not been sunk and ia adopting defeneivo measures. The Japanese have turned their at tention to Golden Hill fortress and eome damngo 1ms been inflicted. A dispatch from Mukden says the -Japanese have driven the Russians on the right bank of the Hun river west ward. The president has aunt the nomina tion of C. P. Neill to succeed Wright aa commissioner of labor to the senate for confirmation. The Pritlsh American arbitration treaty baa been signed by Secretary Hay and the British ambassador. It is ex pected that ,thc Italian treaty will be ready soon. A Russian "captain has been anesled for criticising the admiralty. Washington baa four aspirants for the office of fish commissioner. The Southern states are flooding Roosevelt with invitations to visit them. The remains of Krnger, the ex-president of the Transvaal, have arrived at Pretoria. Severe skirmishes have occurred on the Bhabke river in which the Rue elans were defeated. A Japanese cruiser struck a mine at the entrance to the Port Arthur harbor and sunk. Of the crew enly 39 were lost. A number of prominent Russian offi cials have resigned on the czar declar ing be will stand by the new ministei cf the interior. Twenty years ago, when both were stationed at Paris, General Kuropatkin and General Teruchi, now Japanese minister of war, met and became fast friends. On the eve of the present war an exchange of swords as presents took place between them. The first snow of the season has fall en in Eastern Oregon. 8t. Petersburg authorities deny that a famine exists in Southern Russia. . The torpedo boats at Port Arthur have not been sunk, and they may try to escape. it 1b reported that the czar Las order ed the Baltic fleet not to proceed to the Far East. Governor elect DouglaB will appoint General Miles as- adjutant general of the MasachuBetta militia. the School coal mine, near Peoria, llinois, ia on fire. There were 100 men at work at toe time the flames were discovered, but all escaped. The property loss will be heavy. The house committee on rivers ( and harbors has decided to send for some of the district engineers, as they dee ire to hear from them on the needs of rivers and harbors in their respective dis tricts. ( I ' ' ' ' . .. DOINGS IN CONGRESS. Monday, December 3. The short session of the 68th congress met at 11 o'clock. No business was transacted in either house excepting the nsual routine work of opening day Both houses adopted resolutions of res pect to the late Senators Hoar, of Mas sachusetts, and Quay, of Pennsylvania, and their adjournment waa a further mark of respect. Tuesday, December 0. President's message read. A number of resolutions have been introduced in the house looking to a change in the tariff laws. Wednesday, December 7. The leeislative. executive and iudi. ciai appropriation bill, catrying $28, 81)8,700, was reported to the house to day This is 1840,408 less than the es timate and $236,881 more than the current appropriation. Piatt, of New York, nniuul tlr in the senate by introdeucing a bill pro viding lor a reduction of the congres sional representation of the southern states, on the ground that many of the citizens of theses states are deprived of the right to vote. Senator Hale introduced a bill to re quire the employment of vessels of the United States in the transportation by sea of sell supplies of every description for use of the Panama canal commis sion or the contractors in the construc tion of the Panama canal. Senator Morgan, of Alabama, de clare he will oppose to his utmost the proposed change in the Panama canal from a lock to a sea level canal. He snvs it is a scheme of the Imm. continental railwaye to delay the con struction of an Isthmian waterway. Thursday, December 8. The eonate held only a short session and adjoined until Monday. An attempt to secure consideration of the puie food law by Senator Hey burn was defeated. Tillman brought the case of William D. Crum, the colored man nominated for collector at Charleston, 8. C, into prominence by asking for a report from the committee on judiciary as to the btatua of receHs appointments. In the house the civil service com mission was attacked because of a pro posed increase of 23 employes to con stitute the rural examining board. The pay of stenographers to the house committees has been reduced from $5,- 000 to $3,000 per annum. A proposition to increase the salary of the secretary of the civil service commission was defeated. rrlday, December 0. The house passed the legislative, ex ecutive and judicial appropriation bill almost ast it came from the committee and adjourned until Monday Throughout the session today the policy of retrenchment held full sway, and all attempts to increase salaries failed. The house rassed a resolution to ad journ December 21 nntil January 4 for the usual Christmas holiday. Monday, December 12. The senate committee on privileges and elections has taken up the Snioot case. Three witnerses were examined and several new points brought out. Senator Stewart has Introduced a bill to raise the salary of the president to $100,000 a year, of the vice president and speaker of the house to $20,000 each, and each senator, representative and delegate to $10,000. It is provided that the bill shall take effect March 4, 1909. The house passed a bill to give the agricultural department control over forest reserves. The senate discussed the pure food and Philippine government bills. . Tuesday, December 13. The house passed a resolution im peaching Judge Swayne, of the North ern district of Florida, for "high crimes and misdemeanors" A . committee was appointed to notify the senate. The senate passed a bill to throw open for settlement 800,0(0 acres i i the Yakima Indian reservation. Nothing of any importance wa9 de veloped in the Snoot case ' today. Five w Unease were examined. The house resolution for an adjourn ment from December 21 to January 4 was adopted by the senate. Senator Mitchell is sure of securing the chairmanship of the committee on canals. Sensation In Panama Matters. Washington, Dec. 10. Representa tive Shackleford, of Missouri, who has a resolution in the house calling for an investigation of the Panama railroad company acquired by the United States government, ia determined to form thiough an investigation, if it can be done. Friends say he is collecting evi dence to show that a member of the canal commission was a member of the railroad company It is understood that some sensational charges will be made in demanding a reorganization of the pres ent canal commission. I I . ' J OREGON NEWS DEVELOPMENT Of LINN COUNTY. Object of Club That Has Organized at Albany. Albany. Tom Richardson, of the Portland Commercial Club, delivered an Interesting and instructive address before Albany's business men in the Grand Opera house. Mr. Richardson displayed a thorough knowledge of methods of municipal and state devel opment, and gave a lucid explanation mertial organization, ant the addTesHjl WI1H nrrwlllff lira nf roan It a V w V w ... X. J V VU U At the close of his taik Mr. Richard son took charge of the organization of a local commercial body for the devel opment of Albany and Linn county. A number of people pledged $5 per month for the support of a push club, others smaller sums, and a committee of business men was appointed by Mayor Davis to take charge of the or ganization work and secure a ra ember ship sufficiently laree to eatahllah the club on a good financial hauls. it la the purpose of the organization to advertise the county and place men In the field to work for the develop ment of Linn county's great resources. It waa unanimously decided to Join the Oregon Development League and co operate with that body In the develop ment of Oregon. The organization committee waa authorized to find a name for the club and nominate offi cers, the nominations to be ratified at tho next meeting, when organization will be perfected. ' Mr. Richardson was given an, in formal reception at the Alco Club at tho adjournment of the meeting. Oil Spoils Water Supply. Salem. Farmers from the Waldo Hills report oil discoveries In the vi cinity of Pratum, where oil was discov ered by Rice Brothers last spring. Many wells have been abandoned be cause the water cannot be used. No effort has been made to sink a deep well for the purpose of determining whether oil can be found in paying quantities. Local capitalists arranged lust fall to sink a well as deep as might be necessary, provided the farm ers would bond their property, agree ing to Bell their oil on a percentage baids. Many farmers would -not greo" to this, prcforlng to profit by the re sults of experiments conducted by others, and as a consequence the well digging enterprise was abandoned. Willamette fishway Completed Salem. The new fishway over the falls at Oregon City has been com pleted at a cost of $2973.50, and En gineer J. W. Moffatt reported that fact to the State Fish Commission today. The engineer expresses his confidence that the fishway will make it prac ticable for salmon and other fish to ascend the Willamette river. In re porting the work at the several fish hatcheries, Master Fish Warden H. O. Van Dusen says that 6,650,000 Chinook and 3,646,000 sllverslde eggs have been taken at the South Coos river hatch ery, while 2,607.000 Chinook and 1, 000,000 Sllverslde eggs have been taken at Yaqulna. These results are considered very satisfactory. Improvements at Hood River. Hood River. It Is estimated that the O. R. & N. Co. is expending $10,000 In Improvements to the depot grounds and track yards at this point. The pas senger depot is being remodeled and enlarged, and a freight depot and warehouse has been erected three blocks west of the present location. The facilities for handling freight at this point have afforded very poor ac commodations for the last three years, and the improvements now being made are a source ot satisfaction to the ship ping Interests. Claim Uumpers Busy. Grants Pass. Claim jumpers con tinue to do their work In the Sucker Creek district. A claim owned by Sheriff Lewis, of this city, has recently been jumped, and as the claim is valued quite highly by the Sheriff and has had two years' assessment work done upon it, Mr. Lewis is anything but pleased over the usurpation of his right and aas gone to discuss the mat ter at close range with the Intruder. Phone Line for farmers. Chemawa. Chemawa Is to be the center of a rural telephone line, to be established at once. Fifteen farmers In the vicinity of Chemawa met last evening at the residence of Frank Beatty and formed an Independent rural company. Material has been or dered for the line, and will be here In about three weeks. The central office will be established at Chemawa. Selling Sugar Plant Stock. Milton. Robert E. Frazler of this place, Is in' Portland Belling stock of the Mexican National Sugar Refining Company, of which he ia a member. The company will dispose of $250,000 worth nf nrefarred stock In order to In stall a Bugar refining plant. The com pany la composed largely or Milton and Walla Walla capitalists. Mohair Show January 19-20. Dallas. The committee of arrange ments for the Polk County Mohair As sociation appointed to arrange for the fair, has named January 19 and 20 aa the time for holding the fair at Dallas. This is primarily a goat fair, but poul try and sheep will also be an Interest ing feature of the show. Entries are open to all Oregon. . ' OF INTEREST TO DEAL IN riNC HORSES. New Industry Opened In Pendleton by former Eugene Man. Pendleton. A. C. Ruby, formerly of Eugene, Ore., has purchased the Ore gon feed yard of this city, and pro poses to maintain a distributing depot for Imported horses. He has at his es tabllshment 27 horses and six jack asses. The horaps nr trench draft, Belgian shire and coach Biaiuons. every horse was selected by him In EuroDe and hinnri tn m country from Germany and France. animais are or the gentlest dispo sitions, Mr. Ruby not purchasing any that showed signs of ill temper. The animals will be kept at Pendle ton, and, aa the occasion requires, dis tributed OVer Oregon Rn1 Wnatilnirtnn The McLaughlin Bros., of Cincinnati! proposed 10 establish a station here, hut finally decided upon Ogden, Utah. Mr. RubV Will either nnrrhaaa rod. dence property or build and remove uis iamny to this place, where he will have permanent headquarters. This station means much to eastern Oregon and Washington, not only for the convenience of it, but for the material Improvement that will be made in the horses. Until the last few years little attention to the breeds of horses was riven. Of lata vonra nrlnoa have Increased until It pays handsome ly 10 raise a grade or horses that com mand the highest nrlcea in eastern markets. The day of the cayuse is past, ana tne rarmers have learned how much more work can be expected from a horse of Rood size than from a small cayuse. Not only are the farmers demanding eood horses, but are ralslni? mula The Jacks' owned by Mr. Ruby are irom Missouri, and, are much sought after by breeders. To Bore for Artesian Water. Baker City. Manager Vinson, of the Emma mine, six miles east of the city, has closed a contract with C. A. Fredericks, of Spokane, to bore for water on his property. Mr. Fredericks has the most extensive boring appa ratus ever brought to Eastern Oregon, It having a capacity for boring 5000 'eet The contract with Mr. Vinson calls for 2000 feet Or lesa,- boring to cease whenever a sufficient flow of water is encountered. He does not ex pect water under 500 feet. The work will be commenced at once. Mr. Fred ericks also has a contract to bore for artesian hot water for the Hot Springs Natatorlum Company of this city. The hot springs of the company are within the city limits. fewer Cattle fed Than Usual. Echo. Five hundred head of cattle are being fed In the Immediate vicinity of Echo. This is a small number com pared with what are usually wintered at this place and is occasioned by the extremely low prices paid for beef. As large herds are herded upon small alfalfa fields, the pasturage afforded Is eaten close, and hay feeding begins about the 1st of November. Cattle raisers are hoping for higher prices the coming season, believing that the visitors to the 1905 fair will consume a great amount and bring up prices. Several small shipments have been made already this fall, and the highest price received Is $3.25 per cwt., live weight. . Anxious for Good Roads. Grants Pass. The good roads move ment has struck Josephine county with Breater form this season than ever be fore, and there Is a more general de sire to better the highways or tne county than this section has ever be for known. Durlnz the nast two months nearly $5000 has been paid out by mining companies ana maiviauai mining men for the improvement of ronria In .Tnspnhlnft countV. and as a result many of the Camps that were al most completely Isolated auring tne winter will be readily reached by wag on hereafter. COMING EVENTS.' Inland Enmlre Sunday School insti tute, Pendleton, Ore., January 30. Oregon State Dairymen's Associa tion, Portland, December 29-21. Oregon State Horticultural Society, Portland, January 10-11. , National American Woman Suffrage Association, Portland, June 22-28. Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposi tion, Portland, June 1-October 15. Sell Land Near Helix. Pendleton. William Kupers.and G. C. Shroeder, farmers residing near Helix, have disposed of three quarter sections of land to Joseph Selvers of that locality for $8000 a quarter. Mr. Kupers, who Bold one of the sections, and Shroeder, wio sold two. have pur chased land near Nez Perce, paying $4500 and $5000 a section. , Irrigation Work. Milton. Workmen are building flumes for the Finis irrigation ditch, which will water a body of land near the Hudson Bay section. Many other flumes are being built under the rail road at different points, and an im mense territory hitherto bare will be put under cultivation next season. Northwest Wheat Markets. Portland Walla Walla, 83c; blue stem, 88c; valley, 87Kc. Tacoma Bluestem, 89c; club, 86c. LARGEST VOTE TOR PRESIDENT Roosevelt Defeated Parker by a Ma. Jorlty of 2,346,169 Votes. New York, Dec. 14 The Times to morrow will say: A canvass by the limes of the popular vote at the last presidential election, compleU except as to one county in Tennessee, and four counties in Michigan, where estimates are given, shows that President Roose velt defeated Judge Parker by 2,564, 169. He poKed the largest vote ever given a president of the United States, 7,640,660. This is more than 400,000 in excess of the vote cast for McKinley in 1000. The official flea res for MisKonri ihnw that Roosevelt carried that state by zo,ouu. In Maryland one Republican elector received the largest vote, but his col leagues were defeated. The Democrats of Maryland, therefore, will have seven votes in the electoral college, while the Republicans will have only one. A comparison with the vote table of 1900 shows a marked change in the Socialist vote. Debs, the candidate of the party that year, was also this year's candidate, and his vote shows in in crease of more than 30. Wateon, the Populist candidate, ran strongest in his own state, Georgia, where he received 22,635 votes. He received moat of Mn votes in the South and West, bnt onl one vote was cast for him in South Carolina. The electoral vote will be 360 for Roosevelt and 140 for Parker. OREGON HAS A GOOD fRIEND. Appropriation for fair Due to Influ ence of the President. Washington, Dec. 14. Oregon has reason to congratulate itself on having secured the appropriation for its expo sition at the last seesion of congress. It now appears that the $475,000 ap propriated for government participa tion in the Lewis aid Clark fair is the last money that congress will expend for expositions for many years to come. The action of the house committee on expositions in flatly refusing to make any appropriation whatever for the Jamestown exposition is an indica tion" that congress has had enough, and has finally reached the stage where it will put its foot down. Had it not been for the interest Piesident Rooee velt took in the Orecon entomrinp and for the influence which he ex erted in behalf ot the Lewis and Clark appropriation bill Oregon would have suffered the same blow that has been dealt to Jamestown. Congress was just as much opposed to exposition annroDriationa a vear m as it is now, out Oregon had a friend at court, and the only friend who could be of real service. ASK fOR fULL AMOUNT. Oregon Senators Assured Support or River and Harbor Committee. Washington, Dec. 14. Senators Mitchell and Fulton have united In a letter to Chairman Burton of the Riv ers and Harbors Committee, strongly urging that liberal appropriations be made for the Columbia river and other Oregon waterways. They point out the necessity for securing at this ses sion enough money to complete the jetty at the mouth of the Columbia, asking for $1,300,000. They urge the appropriation of the full amounts rec ommended by Major Langfltt for the Dalles-Celilo canal and all other pro jects in which Oregon is interested. This letter is filed to back up argu ments which the Senators have made orally to Chairman Burton and to Rep resentative Jones, of Washington, who Is on the committee. Burton and Jones show great friendliness toward the Columbia and give assurance which leads to the belief that ade quate amounts will be appropriated. Sultan Changes His Mind. London, Dec. 14. The Constantino ple "correspondent of the Standard tel egraphs as follows: Charles R. Flint, of New York, while here had an inter view with the Sultan's secretary, who declined to entertain a suggestion looking to the purchase of Argentine warships. Mr. Flint left on board a Russian steamer for Smyrna. After his departure Palace Ministers sought him everywhere, and finally telegrams were sent to Smyrna offering him sub stantial pecuniary inducements to re turn on business connected with the sale of ships. Zero Weather In Manchuria. General Kuroki's Headquasters in the Field, Dec. 14. The anny has had its first taste of the real quality of a Manchurian winter the past week. Last night the thermometer fell to six degrees below zero, Fahrenheit The days are cold also, hut sunshine and the absence of severe winds makes life tolerable. The hills are covered with snow, which on the plain Is one Inch in depth. All streams are thickly frozen.' , Snow railing in New York. New York, Dec. 14. A snow storm, accompanied by a high wind, descend ed upon New York early today and still continues. Nearly two inches has fallen. Traffic in the city has not been seriously impeded, hut craft of all kinds have been delayed. v - TO GET CANAL Site of Locks al Oregon Gfy May Be Condemned. SENATOR FULTON FATHER'S BILL Hopes to Have It Included In River and Harbor Measure Nation Has Right to Build. Washington, Dec. 14.- Based on a report of United States Attorney Hall, sent to congress today by the secretary of tar, Senator Fulton intends to intro duce a bill authorizing the government to acquire by condemnation the canal and locks owned and operated by the f ortland General electric company at Willamette Falls. The board of engi neers, which made an examination of this canal two years ago, reports there is sufficient water in the river even at the lowest stage, to meet the demands of commerce and to supply power for the several manufacturing establish ments now located at Oregon City. District Attorney Hall, reporting on the legal question, says if the govern ment desires to acquire this canal, "the measure of damage would be the actna) present and prospective value of the locks, together with the damage suf fered by depriving owners of the right to take water therefrom for manufac turing or other commercial purposes." Already, based on these reports. Sen ator Fulton hat secured a promise from Representative Jones to endeavor to se cure a provision in the river and har bor bill, now being framed, authorizing the puchase of the electric company's canal after condemnation. Represent ative Jones will base his demands on Senator Fulton's bill, which will prob ably fix the limit of the cost of the canal at $600,000 or $700,000. SHORT SCHOOL DAY fOCJYOUNG. New York Board to Consider Adop tion of Three-Hour Day. New York, Dec. 14. A' report is be ing prepared by Superintendent Max well for presentation to the board of education, which, it is said, will be the first step toward the adoption of a tttfee hour or threcTand'-fc' "half hour ' day for the lowest grades in all the elementary schools of this city. The board of superintendents has been investigating as to the relative results obtained by full-day classes, part-time classes, morning classes and afternoon classes in thefirst two school years, since the beginning of Novem ber. The investigation waa begun aa a result of a proposal to cut down the school day in these grades generallv by eliminating certain studies. President Tifft, of the board of education, said in reference to the scheme: "While a five hour day is probably good to keep children on the sheets in Borne parts of the city, I believe in short school dayB for younger children. I would give every child educational facilities as great aa possible, bat not so great as to interfere with proper mental and physical growth, More than three houiE claes work daily makes the children restless." CHINESE LIKELY TO RISE. Any Japanese Reverse Will Likely Be the Signal". Chicago, Dec. 14. The Chicago Daily News has the following today from a staff coriespondent at Hong Kong: "Rumors oi impending Boxer trou bles are prevalent throughout North ' China. Information from several sources points to the fact that the Chi nese are drilling everywhere, and that conditions are similar to those that preceded the last outbreak, but that the trouble is more widespread, and the organization much better. It is believed that large numbers of Japan ese officers are drilling troops in the interior and commanding detachments of General Ma's army northwest of Pekin, and that a Japanese reverse will be the signal for a genet al uprising of the Chinese against Russia, led by Jap anese officers. "Many residents here fear that each an outbreak could not be confined to its original limits but would .endanger the Bafety of the foreigners throughout China." Russia May Protest. St. Petersburg, Dec. 14. Consider aoie interest is manifested in the re port from the island of Perim, in the straits of Bab el Mandeb, that the British steamer St. Leonards was taken to Perim by the British cruiser Fox bet cause she was credited with carrying coal for the Russian second Pacific squadron. If it should appear that the St. Leonards was stopped solely for the reason that she was carrying coal for the Russian squadron the matter , is likely to become the subject of a pro test to the British government. Carrying filipinos Home. Seattle, Dec. 14. When the steamer Iyo Maru, of the Nippon Yusen Kaieha line of steamers, sails from this port today she will have as passengers 24S Filipinos, who are returning to their island home from the St. Louis exposition.