The Columbia register. (Houlton, Columbia County, Or.) 1904-1906, December 02, 1904, Image 4

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    The. Columbia Register.!.
V.iitrrvtl t tMiW-lv mutter April , 1M. I "
Sthe )t ttftr m ll.iulton, Orvg.. it, tinder tho
It. H. MITCMKLL. Keltor.
!trcHilm pri- pr yw le a-Mietv
.ViortUln-. raw rvaamab'.c.
tT -..- -
l' Vlft . nvl-Awcptjon. a JU chief
stflt of a Portland c3retor oir-'
U is not "iSutittb Thotnaa' but
ilissinjf Thomas'- that ujes Ah,5
1'ykland grand jury.
AY had tho pleasure of going throjzlr
Jkp tur gWHmdsvth-j first oC this week.
Tte. buildini;; yoail progressing finely.
Tlease note lhaX,t,ho stjindkatiou at
a coj.tinuaJioao(.Ut..1lig prosrigr
'vavc you voted Iu.a catin Uio a;rc8
3 the section men fron $1.43 ,fU"v
Lot all Uie friends of the Rkv.istkr
put Vheir shoulder to the wheel and give
us.&iloostbctwjrenthis and Bargain
DnjT and we wi'.l ive you a much better
papenext yiac-thia have ever done
haVetoJor. If yiu,i:po the-Rjsgistkk,
70 should help to "hold up our hands.!'
We would like to make ithia the official
pajer of the county and to do this it will
only Vetjuirea little effort op your part.
Head our bargain Day ofjer and get
iuf y. . Tb person, sipiling ua fifteea.
orntapoaahaci-uHwts f he Register
anj! JimioaLuadcr any ,of vtlie special
propositioBa.will. receive the Daily and
Snjiday Journal and the Kkoistkr and
Urraa'a Commoner free for one year.
A petition for the renwvakof the Mc-.
Dohald family -yroa re.W ind..tite same
mt a "referred to "the Ccuntyk iniM for
investigation;' - t
Aher the' canvliSking orWltt l-letfliori
rePurfiS forml" ftinsl -prohlitkfnr it
isVdVred tlrnt uaid proJiibition Oid- not
carr4n "the county -at large crin'any
precTnctot said county.
The -following bills wererallowcd to
-'ndi'tea clerk and messengers' of -tlec-tionrv
C 0 Thayer S CO 'fC'Bilbjr .. 3 00
CbUrk m ' R P Burnr 2 00
If X UTiMMA-. . . tiO W J Petlf S 00
TAStbun&e'ii' .. .3 00 Arthur Huggla ....S 00
L M yfown.: S 00 E Joseph . ,. ........ S 00
mllplt 3 80 Halver Ol.son 3 00
3alpftxen 2 00
Henry Lanon.... 3 00
i & mraeraon...3 00
O llenshtw 8 00
C X Gabls 3 00
E A Eminerfon. . . 8 00
tGXiNt.X.:.t 00
G(ftDg ...3 05
M" PomcroT ; .8 00
W J Fullerton 3 00
C Ackiu 3 00
frank George 8 00
FH Brlggn.; 3 08
A J Doming 3 00
A King .....3 00
U W Clark...-. 3 00
JI B Duni 4 60
J PMcKm..... 3 00
O DGrtton. 2 00
Gc twuj -.,.. 3 CyH Bryant 8 00
J !$.'.((. M 3 00 J M Reddltt.i ... .10 20
3IW-(?faTi'aSn ...A 00 O c Tiehcnor 3 08
Adam Barr 3 00 T J Flipper. 3 00
CBCenyera 3 00 SCTIchenor 3 00
D Freeman 3 00 ER 0 29
U W Barnes 3 1K8 Payne 3 s
C i Drlaon 3 00 Fred Kluhrer Ji OS
'.V alter June 8 00
JohnO Libel. ...,...
ChaiG Lingren.... 40
Join F Peterson.. 3 00
FB Members'.... 3 00
JrlAiffriAge 3 00
C HWIlwn..,, 3 00
WBColvin 4 00
Ram Graham 3 00
JllCdlvin 11 20
J it (ham ' WtStdgar Colvfn 3 00
GMWalch 3 60 John XcA4am 0 80
Wen Xorgrcn....3 00 Thoa MorrU 3 00
WH Kjetor... .:... 3 00 JoIrnfiaU 3 00
3 3jTtX.....:.3 00 V M BeeghTey 00
Wi Wilson....
Gee XerriU...,
HC Gore
Frank Kilby...
,. .3 OT' J .VMcDonald A 00
...00 C WMetlinger..,...8a)
...3 00 N A Andrew. .......4 00
...3 00 C W Emmerson ....3 00
...3 00
M 8 Shearer 3 00
...3 00 OEWenderley
.8 40
...3C-W LBrown 3 00
...3 00 B Silver. .3 00
Thta Sqncicks 8 00.
.TCWatU 3 09
. tar rL1.i-t - e an
James Kenedy 3 00
Vi X Hampton 3 00 Henry Waner. . .3 0
QJugdn 3 09'
The following bills were allowed en
lie general tund :
U t Mfertelect4on hall rent;. . ...... i 00
Mra E J Ellft tfoard of prisoners.- 2S 10
A L ParVe'r'Mate of penalty and Int. .... I OS
J V Kinley Jon bunal of BesHie Hopkins 29 00
Tfibs Bassi supplies for Hopkins family.
6 80"
A F Meyers same
3t.VlnoenU HorphaV same. . . . .'.
iti Hood Idtrntttittee same....
J A J Catoptwttcowing woo far Isabell..
S I Barnes making ceflla for Hopkins. :
Balriier Lodga K of P bofor dead man..
J B Gofllrey watahlng Michel Pieters. .. ..
Gee W Perry Juror October term
H B C1M witdeits same
3 H MHt-hell same .
James Dart same
Bessie Uattan. .
2 021
7 IT'
1 90
4 00'
72 00
2 2
4 80
11 Cliff examination MoryUobiiicon ..
7 SO
lwin Boss sameO. 5 00
Columbia Regfxter stationery.;. 8 00
GrfzettQ Pub Co same...: U SO
Jo Hall cleaning Jail etc 1 CO
John H Cramer supervisor disU'.ctd 101 25
Jatoes (iaitens ball rent frifc1eCthn 8 00
A NewAi.n.'RD Nol.,.'. i,20
J'Barker, & D No 8. , .20 00
H Me Adam, same 18 00
Peary Washburn, same 19 12
John- Ball, same......' 2 23
Weiday Duke, eme&. 1A 75
w 'Dowoli, sarne.:..;..; 27 00
G Kama, -same :;. .....7 6S
M Jaeooson, same.,. , 44 83
Hjlrry flbserve, same .....0
Joan MeAdam.same....
Coarud Snyder, came,,
JlifgerXo, same....'.'..,
.91 lit
. 4 50
A sure sign of approaching revolt and
serious; trouble in your system .is ner-
vbnsneBs, sleeplessness, or stomach up
sets. Electric .uitters will quickly dis
member the troublesome' -causes. It
npver faih to tonditlnrt(totachr regulate
the kidneys and bowels, stimulate the
liver aifttelarify the blood. Run down
systemS benefit particularly and all the
n8"al attending aches vanish -under its
searching and thorough effectiveness
Electric Bitters is- only i50c and that is
returnetf if it don't give .perfect satisfac
tion. Guaranteed by Perry A Graham.
Ifyott like the Register tell your
friendtf about it and induce them to sub
scribe.'; W have special clubbing rates
with the Portland Journal, Oregonian
and- &m Francisco Exuminer,'
An t.'iucrgrt'rjr MrdlrUts
i..c-, umrt uuiii aantg aim
:llkilnBB ftrtlt'l-i.-a. thalM. 111 tUlKlll.l BA -Mat.1
hanibv-rlant rain Intl.,.. It KtOtllCS
, i :e TOnii an.i rot omv kjvm instant
rtlief from jaiii, lutcr uj-jh the jvirti t:x
lieal m alout one-thinl tl:tinio rv
nwirvd by tl usual treatment. SM by
IVrry & Graham. h Tltrkt.te at Katlrni and fCw
rwnoau loin.U .'uurrtluu With Ik
O.IU N. ... um .ale B A. C
M. IU tieucral 1'aMrugar OBIc t As
toria. By an arrangement effective since Oc
tober 1st, tho A. A C. . It. is now sell
ing through tickets ovue ju' lino from
.Atori,a connection with the ,U. U. &
; NCo. Tnj; all Knttcru aaJ. European
Northern ( Pacific Bail way, thus tcivtnn
raasaenccra thochoic of routes .Ijkiiv
f liftrtoi Uuast and Europe, at tlefrtiuo
mica as m eiioct uoui roruanu.
A Certale Cure for.-.Crt.v
When a child shows tmptoniSQfcoup
mere w no iimo t expeimicnt with new
remedies, no matter Iww-.h'ehlv thev
May oe reeooimenuct, liter is on
preivujitiou that can always bs deejidedJ
u.jvu. it una uceu in use tor uian years
nu iihs new ucvn known. to la
Cham berlain'd -Cough Kenicdy..
h: " i nav useti unamoeriain s lough
Uemeily in severe cases of cronpwith my
children ami can truthfully say it always
itives prompt relief.!' lor sal by l'crry
The Coloibia Rkgistkk and SemU
Weekly Journal, $1.50 per year.
Crip gulckjly Knockvil Ont.
"Some week? ago during the severe
wimter weatherlioth my wifo ond my.
se)f contracted severe colds which Fpee
dily deA-elopetl into tho wont kind of la
grippe w,iikaJl iksmisi'rablesyinptoms,"
says J.S.Eglestwi. of Maple Landing,
Iowa. "Knees and joints ssbJng, mus
cle's sore, head stopped up, eyes ami
noseunning, with alternate spells of
chills and fever. We began using Cham
berlain'sCough Remedy, aiding the same
with ados; of Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets, and by its liberal nse
soon knocked oui the grip." These tab-
!V'ii remote ft hcaitliy action of the bow
Icls, liyer and kidneys which is nlwavs
b?tffi?al.w.uen the system is concerted
b'ya cold or attacit-of tli h, grip. For
tale by r?wy& Graham,
?Utr A Stir shinglrt for sale at the
Register etlice, lu small lots or by the
car load.
When you want a pleasant laxative
take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets. For sale by I'erry & iirahain.
, For Sale or Trade An A Xo. 1
spring wagon, two-horse vehicle, Will
sell or will trade for beef cattle; call on
or address R. If. Robinson, St. Helens.
The Key
That l alorka The
Ieor to
Long LlTing.
The men of eighty-five and nioety
years of age are not the rotund well fori,
but thin, spare. men wro live on a slen
der diet, lie as careful as be will, how
ever, a man past middle age, will occa
sionally pat too much or of Borne article
of food- not-suited to his constitution,
and will need a dose of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets to'clcnnse
and invigorate his stomach and regulate
Iiis liver and bowels. hen this ra uone
there is no reason w hy the average man
should not live'to .Id age. JForealeby
l erry k uraham.
Cabinet Needle Five.
The Journal will serin ' freoi tO 'airT-
reader of this paper a cabinet of tieedleir
all sizes and kinds, wW remit 50'ccnts
for tho jJaiJy.and Sunday Journal fori
one month, or -the Sunday Journal foH
tour montlis, or the bemi- eekly Jour
nal for five months, or the Weekly Jour
nal for six months.
Portland, Oregon.
. . - - i
Perry & Granam euarantco' ever'bot-
tletof Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and
will refund . the moii(V to anyone who
is not satisfied after using two-thirds of
the contents. This is the best remedy in
Jth world for la grippe, coughs, colds,
croup anuVwnooptng cough and is pleas
ant and sale to take.-at--prevents any
tendency of col'l to "result an'memnc-
nia. .
Removal Sale. .
I asn Duildintf a concrete' store buHd
mgin St. 'Helens and when it is com
pleted-w ill 'occupy St as a general mer
chandise fitore.-I don't want to move
any morer. good than necessary, and
there fore I wiH sell all the coodin mv
I. . V ... - "
preseLt store at greatly reduceu prices
lookiainfoT- My stock is larce arid you
i,caniave money ny trading wtm me. .
50T i xmnniTa
" . . . "
i Iaa'etrlppe and Pneumonia.
Pneumonk often follows la grippe bat
never loiiows the nse oi toivy'f iloney
and Ta..It'curtfl la grippe cariglis and
nrevonts nneumonia and crnisnmntion.
Ask' for .Foley's Hohey jtnd Taf and re-
mse any auosntut-ottered. .Mr. u
Vacher, of 157 Osgood - St.-. Chicago,
writes : " My wife had a severecase of
la grippe three years ago; and it left her
with a terriMe-cough. She tried a bot
tie of Foley's Honey and Tar and it gave
immediate relief. Jl 50 cent bottle
cured her cough entirely. Refuse gab
stitutes. II OOlivet.-
Eobert A. Miller, tforioeTly Ee"gisero
the U. S. Land Ofllce ?t OregotuCity,
is now located in the Commercial build
ing, Portland, where he -has an office
Jfor tranatingla'ndandtoiher legal busl-"
Plratlrt-oUy's Uohe ad (TaTr.
Foley & Co, Chicago, originated Honey
and-'.Taras a throat and luflg renledy.
and rf account of the great merit and
popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar
many imitations are offered, for the
genuine. Ask for Foley's IIdna'yi,and
Taf and refuse any substitute offered as
no otber preparation: will give the same'
satisfaction. It 4 is" mifdly laxative, it
contains no opiatcs and is safest foH
children and delkat - persons. H. O.
Oliver. ,
REaniTES ahd Jonthft (semi wcclefy)
for $175 per year.
, A Costly Mistake. -.
Blunders are sometimes vey en
sive. Occasionally life itself is the price
of a mistake, but you'H rfevef bewrorg
if you take Dr. King's Kew Life Pills for
dyspensia, dizziness, headache, liver or
bowell troubles. They are gentle yet
thorough,- 35c at Perry-A Granam,
I Christmas Store!
Lcok.cwt for
So frequently settle on the lungs and result la Pneumonia
away orae. somthixig .tkit-OQjjJialf cures it, leaving:
I rOf IV I I iTv. 7 A hi
II I 1 I 1.1 I V lli 11 I 111' II
a t" f
A Pleeoaet rill.
No pill V as- pleilsant and po9itive-B8"
DeWitt's Little Early Risers. DeVTitt'
LittleEearly Kisers are so mild nfid ef
fcetiv thai children, delicate womens
and weak people enjoy thcif cleansing
.effect, while strong peepo- say they are
the best hver puis sofdWid hy.iiaiiey &
Drfnn. -
1 ' JefM Hendrlckxloral'eense to sell cptr-
ous malt and -lnous .liqeon ana icrmentea
cidar, commonly known -a Jbaad cider, In less
qunn title tnan one'gtfion. -To
the HonorabVthe'C'oinity Court of Colum-
Ma County. State of Oregon.
We. tie unden-fsned, tomprlMng. nn actual
majority of the whole number of legal voters
of Cnion Precinct, Columbia County, On-gop,
hereby petition thie Honorable Court to grant
to Jene Hendricks a IJccukc to sell spimoun,
malt and vinous liquors, and fermented cider,
commonly known as hardtder. in less nuan
titles than one gallon, at Houlton, in Inion
PrecifWt, -Columbia County. .Oregon, for the
period of six 'months. - And - your petitioners
will ever pray.
Jack Landbery, W Bogen, Geo H Clark, W
Bellinger, O R Wood, it A Kmernon, 4 ' Wil
liams, U Wakole, M OIen, J. Despain, Frank
WhfUker. C StowelJ. Joe Sabaskey, J.J. Boy.
len, Mitchell Bar, John McKie, D McKenzle
R L Htanwood. h E llalley,
A J Kelly, John
MlntunsTfO W Kelley, Kdgtir Young, i KCur-
, r I. v. m-
mlth, (ico
tiss. J.W BroylcK, E (1 Pratt. W H Si
Thompson, a J) Weeks, rrnnk J-armer, f (
Wlkxtrom, C J Wallis, A F Hardei
Fowler. Ernest Brown. Y W Robi
rdenbrook, D 11
nson, Harry
Bloom, C, Bramble, Joseph J)upont, I.eorold
Dupont, John Bouquet, S 1 Dupont, Dob Bud,
A ahk, k ungart, t sauervein, uwen ilea
Hauen-ein, A A Smith,' W Hauervein, F F Smith
S ltoele. T L HolMlne.- G D Barney. J N Ilrinn.
: J Smith, C W Sherman, B llurman, S W Ear
ly, v x nowara, r Borennon, e, u uampicy, J
Olin, C H Chamberlin, Oncar Svardstran, F
Bteavy, Geo White, VtetorOliver, C E Fuller, R
M'Mets. CW Herman. A C Ingram. W K Del-
ford, J J-: Manahan, Jim Williams, John Boyle.
W J Melllnge
er, M J Parker, C C Hhurer. i W
Potts, F Vivian, Chas Bee be, Dan McGregor, H
W Cade), L Reodlcth, John Kagan, J E Smith,
K n uauaiin, Helix Davis, a t wstnon,-J H
Wellinflton, Harry' Hughes, O C Blanera, J
Walker, J.Cade, A P Usher, C A Fnller, Edward
Mills, J Iaamberxon. F J Cooper. A Kenwekl, J
E Black. W F OlKer, Ira Ax tell. J D Blrdsall,
J II Decker, Eugene White, W S Mcney, Conrad
Hoffman, C 8 Dodge, J B Hull, Fred Watklns,
Frank Fer5y, G R Kcllaf, John Lnfferty, It A
Price, C R Ileins. M O Donald. Lrlali Kellov
Geo II Iyemont, Y.uust F 8choby,-jyrtlttr Kin?
khiok, u u itoucy, i p .orin, jacou UKvnwnui,
I. JMagoon, Herman Usher, B F Wand, Pat
rick Kelley, D HenshHW.-Joe Hall, E. Mills. W
Harrison, Geo ilecker, D W Richardson E O
Steward, W Briieo. II R Cliff, C W Hlakeslcy.
8A 8Ynge(V,4qnn, Al-arge, FA George, W A
Ketel, FSFrick, AC Poijoy, John King, RC
Kctel, Fred Hendricks, Jenno Hendricks, John
Simeon, M I'erter, H C Henry, JoKepu" Hay
burn, A M Laproth, Howard Pricburd, 1) M
Hcnxhaw, Wlber. J Uimcn. J Munson. Jas II
Sheldon, A J Demlngi Al Robinson, LM Cronse
P J Smith, F Johnson,- Christ Jensen, Allen
Wateon, J Kapplcr; J W Nowels John lloyd, W
E Smith, J J HartmaDj T K Mills, H FLake,
rfonu L-aae, j n. uiaaesiey, n jiiuKCSley
, uidemnsnourefoqi
Toys, Books, Games, Albums
Dolls, Pfctuttfb Clocks, Fancy Lamps,
Decorated Odiuwart, Manicure and Toilet Sets, Purses and Shopplnf Dj.
Pocket Cutlery, Fancy Clocks,.
Plpev CJar rV'x, Watches, Chains, Rlnjs, Bracelets, Wns, Clovei,
Holiday Neckwear, Dancing l'ompa, Iac Curtains, Rugs, .
Shoes, Pnrlor Stoven, Funcy Rockcrw,
Stops the Cough and heals the. lungs and 'prevents ;
IFiraeiminmoQiiDO amtH' (Sosiisiainiiptloin
Conturaptlon Threatened
C Unger, 21 1 Maple St., Champaign, III., writes:
"I was troubled with a hacklag covgh for a year and
I thought I bad consumption. I tried a great many
remedies and I was under the care of physicians for
several months. I nsed one bottle, of FOLEY'S
HONEY AND-. TAR. It cured me, and 1 Juve not
beta troubled siocc,"
Tarte tlzes 25T, 50c, 11.00. Ths 50-ewrl size contains two and one-ball limn as much at thi Mtlf
slzs aae the $1.00 bottle almost six tlmis as mscft.- REFUSE SUBSTITUTES.
9. vasu
1 eachef vou wilr take notice that we. A. J. .
Kelbjy and G.W. Kelley, will, on th 4tliday
of January, 10H.', apply to the County Court of
Columbia County. Ma1e-of Oreuon,-f a I.l-i
eenne tosell-tplrlTnus, vinous, ajid malt liquors
atiff -nnrii-ei'iur in iiuantiurs less man one gal
lon, for a period of six montlis, In the illHgu
of Houlton, in Union Precinct, Columbia Coun
ty, Oregon, which application w.UI bo baxvd
upon the following petition:
of Oregon, for Columbia County,
In the matter of the application of A. J. Kel
ley and G. W. Kelley, for a License to cell cplr
itous, malt or vinous llpuors and fermented
cider in quantities less than one gallon.
To the Hon. County Court of the County of
Columbia andXtritc of Oreeun : .
We, the undersigned legal voters and rct-J
dents of Union Pret-tm-t, ui Colunib'a.Cnunty, ,
Ht.ti. nf Oroffan. unit'. who htvA ar-tnallv ri-Hi-
ded irfeaid Precinct thirty days prroi to the
signtng-and tiling of this-petition, would re-j iietitlmiyour Honorable body at tho,
January' Term of mid County Court, com
mencing nn Wednesday, the 4th day of Janu-
- .rwv? U I.. .1.1 In .1... lf....UA In tUa
City of St. Helens,- In. said County and State,
thata Ucensebe granted A. J. Kelley audG.
W. Kelloy M jtcll spiFttoiis, vinous aud--malt
llruors ann-teriueBtea cmer in qnantiues less
than one oallon.ln Union l'rocinet. lii the V11--lage
of Houlton, in said Colmnbla Count)',
State of Oregon, and that such license be Is
sued to "aid A. J. Kolley and (I. W. Kelley for a
period of six months from the 4th day of Jan
uary, 1905, all of which your petitioners will
ever pray.
II Weber, J W Broyle. F R Kelley, W O Wad
dell, U D Kelley, O A Fuller, Geo Harrison. A
CrouHC, E E Ellsworth, E E llasen, G it Lake,
I) M Henshaw, G B Walthcn, T E Mills, Jacob
Oschwald, Wesley M Potts, W A Kctel, R C Ke
tel, WE Hmlth, 'Jim. Williams, W Campbell. C
r i ne,ij.iiarrw)ii, m ji rrait. n, n tiavis, joiiu
Ufferty, Vn Jlellln?r. L M C rouse, John
Winters, Herman F Iaake, Jpha Lake, I W New
ell. B.Thompson, C ;
Sehurer. Ednar Young.
Herman L slier, Alien watson, w J meiunger
J I.Iaamerson, Frank Farmer, it H Roberson, J
K Black, 8 Weeks, F V BalcliJobn Urson,
HW Early, -C W Sherman.-E Y Emerson,. 1)
Hemsliew, A J Watson, C Morris, Albert Hen
shaw, A H Mattheny,. Mitchell Ray, thus Mc
Canby, NJ Dupont, J Jobann,.K E Graham,
August Shole. F E Curtis, J K Blakesley, R L
Stan wood, Joe-Harris. -E D Potter,, E J Cooper,
H A Williams, .R IliggLiibothRin, Frank Wllkins.
Frank Whitaker, C H t rie, C J Wallls, Hurry
R C1HT. I O Wlkstrom, James Cox, Oscar Bvand-
Strom. Fred Hendricks, John Boyd, Robert
Cummings,Pred Hooper, Patrick Kelley, Fred
James Churchl'jy, Ira Owen, vll l'opc,
js, B Burinos. J Dunont. ll L Dupont.
11 W Kale, Christ Jensen, W A Melntyre, Thos
Melntyre, M A Kale. J P Mackcy.U Prltvhard,
Geo II Clark, C Williams, C W Herman, E A
Cooper, Jesse Hendricks, Mark Obsen, M, H
Smith, G 1 Downey, BF Smith, A Sauerveln, C
Sauerveini VV Sauerveln, X.McDougall, A Wood
eng, E II Wong, D W Richnrdson, R M Met-!,
E Charland, Jans-Bosquet, E Aisk, Uab Desk.
Arthur VanDolah. F 8 Vrlek, Geo H Lamont. W
VV'Blakcsley, J JI Decker, G. W White, K McVey.
C 8 Dodge, Conrad Hoffman, Frank Wing, Fred
Watklns, W Sweeney, -.Eugene White, J Van
dohl, J A Blrdsell, F Vivian, L h Decker,
H W Cade, P O Smith, (1 C Beavers. J ('line,
P Usher, A H George, -G R Kellogg, J I-ambcr.
son, Ira Hall, Dan McGregor, John Tracy, F
Rlcharti J Doyle, Clarence Garrison, A U
Hayes, Wm White, Duncan McPhcdron, E Miles
B H Girty, ueori
II N Cade. Chns Larson
W Brann, 8 A Wilkinson,
ij k Jteins, jonn
King, W I. Tallman, Elmer
JWlllEf IV U 4 aiiimll. Jjiuic a A aV laaifriraif wuen
r 'i n
llcrgett, W K Kelforfi, Jaw (irant, H L i'me, Jue
Zttbaka, Y J Kelley, U. W. Kelley.
or Consumption. Do not take chances on a cold wearing
the seeds of serious throat; and lung trouble.
i & ' i a
Cured Hemorrhages of the Lungs
A. M. Ake, Wood, Ind., writes: "Several tetrt
since my : lungs were so badly affected that J had
many hemorrhages. I Hook treatment with several
physicians without any benefit. I then started to take
FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR, and my luncs.are
now as sound a a bullet. I recommend it in ad
vanced stages of lung trouble." ,
Dependable SHOES for WET WEATHER.
WB can Fit Jou In PRICE, QUALITY and WEAR.
Ladies' Shoe $1 50 to $ 3 50
OhildrenV Shoes 50 cts to $2 00.
Men's & J5oy? shoes $1.25 tof4.
' noon MiaK niioi'H, eiaBo.
Agents for Cutters and the Chippewa
Cruising and Driving Shoes.
230-232 Morrison St Near 2nd.
jCSTThe Money Savers in Shoes
Fresh Bfead;,
Pies and Cake.
At Harry 0. Oliver's Stores
A Frlglitened Horse,
Running, like mad- down- the street
dumping tho oocupants, or a hundred
other accidents, are everyday occur
rences. It behooves everybody to have
a reliable salve handy and there's none
as good as Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Burns, cuts, sores, eczema and piles dis
appear qvicklv nnper its Boothing effect.
20c at Perry & Graham.
and CURE the LUNGS
Dr. King's
Hot? Discovery
0UGH8 and
60c & $1.00
Free Trial.
Surest and Quickest Cure for all
1 Progressive -:-Store!
$3.00 UP.
$2.35 UP.
SOcts UP.
Dreu Shlrtf.Uatert fabrics an I'atterns
58ctS UP.
Holiday Nectar, til Styles,
23cts UP.
BlfstocX of Hatsin a'l latest Stapes,
$r.oo up.
i lilt rvi'iy l
v ll.m iturohmril you an KUKK (
'llml t ! If til ilrr.MMl Krrm h j
uitii I'ltmir nil I lint li'aull
1HII now nil i li 11)11 tun at OUt MOKh.
Cream Vermifuge
thc ocnuini rniPAaco ctiilv a-
BaHard-Snovv Liniment Co.
ex. LOUIS, MO.
No appetite, loss ol strength, nervoue
ness, headache, constipation, bad breath, ,
general debility, sour risings, and catarrh 1
of the stomach are all due to Indigestion,
Kodol cures Indigestion. This new dlscov--ery
represents the natural juices of dlges -tlon
as they exist In a healthy stomach, -
combined with the greatest known tonlo-
and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dys--pepsla
Cure does not only cure Indigestion
and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy v
cures all stomach troubles by cleansing, ,
purifying, sweetening and . strengthening ;
ths mucous membranes llnlng'the stomach.-..
Mr. S. S. Ball, ol Rsvenswood, W, Va Mys: -I
was troubled with tour stomach for twenty years,..
Kodol cured mo and ws are now using It In mllli
for baby."
. Kodol Digest What You Eat;
Bottles only. $ 1 .00 Size holdlnt VA timet ths trial '1
size, which sells for SO cents.
Prepared by E. 0. D.WITT & OO., 0HI0AQ0. ,
IMens' s Boysj
III - "" V 1 I 1 1 I
w o m
I ForPiSo8 Durns, Sorota , j