The Columbia register. (Houlton, Columbia County, Or.) 1904-1906, November 11, 1904, Image 7

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    Columbia County, Oregon,
U. U. MJIM K,ol ( lac kaii.a. County..
JAMKH A. IKK, ol I'niMlIU ruiitiljr."
i, N. I1AHT, l .olkCt.uiity
A.O. Ilol'lill.vf Jw()bln Cnuiiljf
TIIOMAM ll.('HA,VKOKI,if I nlun H olliitjf Inmii.kthIIc
V. B. 1HI.I.AKI), ill ColiimbU ( ounljr Drniiwrmlc
WAI.TKK H Jl AMiLf()S,e NMiiliiVonlyT.T"7r.Tl)rmirrllc
"J. A. JKKKR KY, til Marlon County .TTTTT.". ..llmnrniuc
I. It. AMOH.ol Mulliuiiiuli Comity
W. r. EI.MOKK, o( Mini County .'
T. iTxiiDANIKI, oUiultmlmiih ( mTnTr
C. W. I1AR7.KP. ( Witto County.
WIU.IA.M.1IKA RI, ol CIm'Ssmm County
C, UKKR4NUTOX, ol Multnomah Ctninty
. H( ll( UM-T. of i sckaon Count jf
J, .,J4,M, or Mnn County...
Ml. M It All AN, ol Marlon Countr.
f. K. I'HKMti.ol Malheur County .
U. r. HCIIMITLK1N, ol Ja sn I ntwiiy.
ruK I'KUHIItlilUN.
County Clerk lIcnJerwn,vliUJ I'ort-
,lnJ Monday.
JCrtkn deirint;,olJ ncwftpjtiHirn ithould
iiitll nt thin oilier.
Kkuihtkh and Journal (ncnil weekly)
(or $1.73 jht ycur.
K. Morton of Vnrn-n won in lloulton
,Tutltty election duy.
Vt.. C. KiHclker, o( Hninjer, took in the
J'omona (irangsCUiUkanie.
C'rjet or no eurjK't in tlio ijuetitlon
, tliAt confronts Amx-nuor Lnwu.
nrtiRtud lmn removed from Clutwktt
nie to Oak I'oint, M'noliington.
C'jhs. MeCnuley lion moved with lut
family from Vernonia talioulton.
W. K. lklford, yf lloulton, vinited
(Jatncy and Glatukonio lottt Friday.
Jeuty AttHetwor Tichcnor weut down C'JaUkanje to cant Lis voto Tuesday.
iVe nro pleased to npto that Jan oi
Dart, of St. HeleiiM, in uguin alio to bo
. Star A Star shinglon for ttalo at the
.Jtogifctcr otllee, , In umall Joupr by tho
.J'rchi'tent V:pi wnn itt lltull)ii tr;i
.Uing Monday iiiylit; Imd cl h si
. Jarger hut.
,Vo nro lt:iricd to l-:trn thai Oloi
( Anderwn, of l!aini r, ia recovering from
hi illllCHB.
. J. 1). Godrev of St. Helens took in
tlio imuiona grango nt Clutukanio liiHt
. Saturday.
County Schoool Superintendent
Copi'luiul, won a ClaUkanio viHilor,
Uncle T. B. Ixtt, of St. Helens, did
vralicnt ecrvico (or the prohibition causa
election day.
L. CulbertHon, the genial city nnrnlial
of ClaUkanic, wan a St. Helena and
Jloulton visitor lost Monday.
Michael rioters is to rcceivo bis sen
,te.ieo next Saturday. Ho will take an
appeal to the Supreme Court.
ieo. llowattton, one of Olatokanie's
Vost loggers, will keep posted on Colum
bia County affairs by rending the Keg
.Istor. Mrs. Anna Tarelius, of Quincy, who
,Jias boon - treasurer of tlio Pomona
Grange, lias been promoted to the otlice
, of Overseer.
S. Saulsor, of Bacbolor Flat, wns a
pleasant caller at our sanctum last Mon
day and did a little guessing on the
..Journal proposition.
Miss Graco Adams and Willie Lee
were up from Kainier visiting their
rand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mathews,
.of the lloulton House.
If you appreciate tlio write-up of
Columbia county in this issue of the
Itegister, call and buy a half dozen
copies to send to your friends.
John Yost, who has been in the har
dness business nt ClaUkanio, and former
fly at Rainier for several years, has u
ijttovoj to AV.Ua Walla, Was).
Fob Saiir Trad An A Jfp. 1
,-spring wagon, two-horso vehicle, VJ11
sell or will trade focbeef, cattle; call pn
jcr address R. II. Robinson, St. Helens.
(L-J. Johnson of Spokane, Washing
rton, who several years ago ran for
, -county surveyor in this county was a
.Visitor in thistnock of ,tLo woods this
nweek. Ilekijtreeidentof the Rosslond
Consolidated Mining Company. He
ypporls prospects good in tqotr urines,
and paying good diyidetds.
The whistle of the Western Cooperage
Implant will call the men together next
Monday morning . and the plant will be
operated continuously. There will be
no shut-down noxt summer. The com
rpany wiH put 10,000'cords of bolts ini
tie pond this winter and have enough
, on hand to. keep the mill - running all
i through the dry season. The plant will
i require 40 operators and about 80 men
vwill bo employed in the woods this win-
Jpr, A,totalpny-rollof 120.
-n Tin: voti: or-
R piiblli'ayi
for Prr.ld. nt: TlfrV!PrPJK)f(fVEtT.
rt VU finvjrnl-. tUa tuawi W.. rAIRHANK.
for rrvnlilrnl: ALTON II. I'AUKCU.
rr VlM-rraiklvDt: HRNttY 0. UAVIH.
. I'nihlbltlun
. rrnMbltlnn
FrlrrMcnl: aW.AIC.tnVA,:.tOW.
For rdildrnl : t
KocVicr I'renlnt:
. FropU'i
Kor rrrldf nt
Vice freiliU-nt
. l't0lt'
Columbia County tn Its Ninth
Quarterly Session.
An lnlrtailng Mtlag Llal mt Offlapi
yiiMUidTh Baqntf-Hat-lutlona
Ci.atmk amk, Ore., Nov.ft, U04.
Tlio ninth quarterly scraionof Colum
bia Pomona Grange met in regular we Clalvkanie, in Graham's ball,
ith tho Worthy MaeU-r, W. A. Young,
The following pro teni appointments
were matlo:
.Miss l'earl Monroe, Cores.
Mrs. Jennio Lovelace, Chaplain.
Mrs. M. C. Jordan,' Lady Aesistapt
1h r were 04 members prcttcnUat tie
opening session.
The minutes of the last meeting were
then rend and approved.
Tie report of granges was then, taken
ScapiKosc grange wns not represented.
Veil grange of Warren, was not repre
Yankton grange wns not represented.
Milton Grange of lloulton reported 15)
, iiieiubcrK in gol landing.
Vernoni t gmng" was not n presented.
, "at:il grange reported 44 members in
I t!od Kan ling; have their now hall well
I under w:iy. It is a fraino one story
bnildinij;, :L'xfl0 i' ct.
' Mayger grange was not represented.
Cedar Grovo gringo repotted an ayo
rago attendance of 12, with 48 in good
standing; havo.tho lower story o( ball
completed. ,Scvcn members of tho
grango hnvo mmlo application (or the
seventh Deuroe. Tlivir new hall is a
two-story frame, 2(ixoO feet.
Quincey grango have 28 in good stand
ing. Good interest.
GoUlo grange .reported r7 in gool
stAnding; good attendance. Seventeen
applications for Seventh Degree.
Rainier grango reported in not very
good condition.
Reaver Valley, grange reported hold
ing her own ; seven members made ap
plication for Seventh Degree.
Clatskanio grange reported CI in good
standing, with 5 applications for Seventh
Degree. ...
Deer Island grange sent iiA written
report showing 35 in good standing.
.The chair then appointed. J.. H.. Col
lins, T. O. Wottsand W. 0. .Fischer as
a committee on gcneraLrcsolutions.
The grange then took a recess until 2
o'clock p. m. "
A fine dinner was served in the For
ester's hall by the members of Quincy,
Cedar Grovo and Clatskanie granges,,)!
which all partook freely.
At 2 p. in. ike grange met, per ad
journment in open Qsian.
Dr. Wythicorab delivered a -stirring
address, which was received with fre
quent applause and great interest.
Prof. Coots, of the Corvalis State Ag
ricultural College, also delivered an ex
cellent address, in which much interest
was manifested. Many questions were
asked by members relative to the sub
joctdjinder discussion.
A 1 5 :30 1 p. m. grange os-opened inithe
Fourth Degree.
Upon motion the. feleciioiwpt officers
was mode a special order for 7 -.30 p. m.
The grange then took a recess until 7 "JO
During recess tho. members repaired
jto the dining hall, where supper was
served, and to. which all did justice.
Grange reconvened at 7:30 p. m.
Mrs. Gertrude. Ooljins wa appointed
Lady Assistant.fjte ward , pro torn., Mrs.
Jordan having .returned to her borne.
The special order of election of offi
cers respited in tho Ejection of tlve
Worthy Master W. A. Young, of
Overseer Anna Praline, of Quincey.
Lecturer-3. II. Oopeland, of lloulton.
Steward Jas. Rarr, of Clatskanio.
Asst. Steward F. J. Peterson, of Mist.
Chaplain Jennie Lovelace, of Rainier.
Treasurer T. p. Watts, of Reuben,
Nov. 8, 1904.
Secretary R. II. Mitchell, of lloulton.
Gatekeeper Krick Krickson, of Quin
cey. Pomona icrtrude Collins, of Clatt
kanie. (res Jessie McGreggor.of Coble.
Flora M. M. Knglish, of Deer .Island.
Lady Assistant Steward Lulu West,
of Scappooee.
Tho executive committee:
W. A. Young Master.
It. II. Mitchell Secretary.
Mm. I. II. Copland, of lloulton.
Mrs. Jennie Lovelace, of Rainier.
J. W. Armstrong, of Pittsburg.
Grange then opened in tho Fifth De
gree and proceeded with tlio conferring
Lof that degree upon a class of "22 meni-
The committee on resolutions then
reported :
Inasmuch as there is some talk of a
bill being introduced at the coming ses
sion of our State Legislature to rejal
the present law requiring the Count
Court to levy a tax of $ a pupil for
school purposes; and
Whereas, .This law lias proved a great
benefit to nur state in furnishing o'T
school district with more money, cna
bliug them to have longer terms of
school and better teachers; be it
Resolved, That this Pomona Grange
request our Representative to use his
influence to defeat such a bill should it
be introduced. J II. Collins, )
- T. C. Waits, Com.
Natal Grancb, Sent. 17, 1!(04.
We, tho Patrons of Husbandry of
Pomona Grange,
Resolve, That it is our duty as tax
payers of Columbia County, Oregon, to
use our influence with our Representa
tive to the Legislature, to endeavor to
prevent the raising of tho salary of any
of our county officers at the next ses
sion of the Legislature.
J. II. Collins. )
W.C. Fisciikb.V
T. O. Watts.
Resolved, That the Tomona Grange of
Columbia County, Oregon, recommend
that the granges of this county put torth
a etxong effort to make a creditable ex
hibit ofour products at the Lewis and
Clark Fair, to bo held in 1905.
J. II. Collins, )
W. C. Fischer, V Com.
T.O. Watts, )
Not approved for want of support.
Resolved. That we are opposed to the
Cracticejof the county paying for the
onds of the county officers-
J. H. Collins, )
W. 0. Fischer,
T. 0. AVatvs, )
Referred to subordinate granges for
Resolved, That we ask the next Leg
islature, of Oregon to abolish the office
of Road Muster, and to re-enact the law
proviping forthe electioaof rroad super
visors by the people..
J. II. Collins,
W. 0. Fischer, V Com.
T, 0. Watts, J
A. L. Erickson, of Fishhawk, runs a
jnilk waaon (or the T. S. Townsend'
Cream Company, and makes regular
trips (rom Fishbawk to Mist gathering
milk cans from the dairies on hia route.
The new hotel building at St. Helens
is nearing completion. It is fitted out
with all modern conveniences. A fine
sewer has been put through the block,
leaving it in much better' condition than
before the fire.
a J.y. Morgan, agod 45 years, of Scap
poose, died,iii the Good Samaritan hos
pital at 9:30 o'clqok Thursday night of
last week. He was taken to the hospital
October 31, with pneumonia, and medi
cal aid was powerless to save him. His
remains were sent to Scappooee for bu
rial. Last Thursday Mary, the child-wife
of Michael (ieters, attempted to commit
Suicide b$,Aakuig carbolic acid. It is
said ber, . mother knocked the viol from
her hand and the poison only burned
her lips slightly, Wh.en will the sensa
tions in this extso end?
J. WVLaneof Mist, was in Olatska
nieffiaturday. He brought out Chus.
Wnlovfir, a cousin of Clyde Lane, who
allowed his left hand to come in contact
with Dave Lane's cut-off saw in his float
factory. Ho lost the thumb and his. left
hand was severely cut. Dr. llall- dressed
thtj, wouids.
r.Y nireiNCT.
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Port Arthur is still facing its doom.
You don't have to go dry in, Columbia
county. .
Nehalem precinct went wet by ten
Mrs. Winnie Bailey visited Portland,
There were not sufficient trusts to
carry Parker through.
Chaa. G. Lingren, of Mist, was in
lloulton Wednesday.
James Beeg!e, of Warren, was a St.
Helens visitor Wednesday.
Roosevelt received a million and a
half more votes than Parker.
Rurjcrt Dibblec brought Rainicr's
election returns up Wednesday.
A social dance at the opera bouse is
advertised for Saturday night, "ov. 12.
Miss Mojestie Ayres is again able to
be about and returned to her house yes
terday. Less Bailey, of the firm of Bailey &
Brinn, transacted businees in Portland,
Mr. Bailey, of the firm of Bailey &
Brinn, went up to The Dalles for bis
health, Saturday.
John Reddick, of Hnzle Grove, came
up from Clatskanie with the election
returns Wednesday.
Chas.Mellingcr arrived over with the
election returns from Auburn precinct
Wednesday afternoon.
According to the Telegram, Goble is
putting on airs. A new hotel, new bat
bershop nnd a new restaurant.
W. A. Young will clot o a successful
term of school at Goble todaj. He may
teach the winter term at Vernonia.
, A gentleman at Clatskanie ordered
the Oregon Mist discontinued and sent
the editor a piece of cork as a stopper.
The only sure Btate for the Democrats
was South Carolina. The Republicans
might have placed it in the doubtful
column had they placed an electoral
ticket in the field.
Miss Isabel!, aged 108 yenr?, who has
been a county charge for ten or twelve
years, went with her nephew last week
to the Siletz Reservation, where she will
receive ICO acres of government land.
. Wm. Rush, tho pioneer photographer
at Clatskanio, has sold Iris scow and
leased the building formerly occupied
by John Yost as a harnessshop and has
fitted it up into a first-class gallery,
where, if you are good looking, you can
get a pretty picture, and if you are not,
he will make one that will please you. as
it will look just like you.
F. J. Peterson, of Mist, was out at
tending the Pomona. Prank was re
elected Steward for the next two years.
Let us hope that he will take good care
of the goat, and .may he have many
more to take through tho mysteries of
the Fifth Degree in the next two years
than he did in the past two. He has
helped to initiate more than 300.
Wednesday, November 0, 1004, in
County. Judge's office, Judge R. S. Hat
ton officiating, Thomas J. Adams, of
Vernonia, and EflieVanblaricomb. Sher
iff White acted as best man.
Thursday, November 10, 1004, at Rain
ier, Rey. Alvord, officiating, O. C. Clark
and Ida L. Morgan, of Houlton. The
Register extends congratulations.
Notified Shingle Shipper.
The Northern Pacific today is
sued a circular announcing ta.all
lumber and shingle shippers that
from this date the coinyany will
refuse to accept shipments of lum
ber or shingles to go forward by the
Great Lakes from ftulutb, Minn.,
or West Superior, Wis. The rea
son for this is the closing of navi
gation on the Great Lakts for the
winter, and the traffic of steamers
is not expected to be resumed be
fore next May. Shipments to the
East from the Northwest must be
made by rail if at all during the
winter months, and " means in
cieased expense for freights.
17.4.1 t'..75 112 50 ,fl00 $30.00 t2(J Suits
With a saving to you of
$2.00 to $5.00 on a Sq!t
Boy's Suits $2.00 to,$5.00
- , , . , . . g , -
Men's UndcTOear
It Win Pay You
221-223 Morrison First
Portland,- - - Oregon.
In the Blatrlmonlal Market.
Those wonderful Japs! Whether -tlo
martial or matrimonial affairs, they
are worth studying. The praise of the
gelslia girl has bpu .sung the world
around. But it seeps that she Is not
the only potion of female Jaan that
Is worthy of note. Por example, there
Is the widow. The .widow of any
clime lins a chivnn of her own, but the
widow of Japan Is n dream, and the
best of It Is thnt she la a dream that
comes true.
All of these things the world already
knew. But here .Is a delightful piece
of femininity from- the Flowery King
dom thnt has just come to light The
marriageable ones maiden or widow,
as the case may be let the fact be
knoyn In the way they wear their
hair.' Think of the convenience of it!
A man there need not be lost In follow- j
ing a blind lead.
Widows of whom, 4hi-re -wIll. soon
-unfortunately be . a grently Increased
. pumber-rcut their hair short and comb
it back plainly without a parting, un
less Indeed they are prepared to ac
cept fresh offers, in which ease they
give a broad hint of their inclinations
by twisting their hair round a long
shell hairpin placed horizontally across
the back of the head. .Marriageable
maidens distinguish and, as it were,
advertise themselves by combing their
1 locks high In front and arranging them
An the form of n butterfly which Is
something to be cauglit-or a, fan half
open and adorning these significant de
signs with bright colored balls and gold
er silver cord. Speaking generally, the
dressing of the hair, which Is changed
at Intervals from childhood upward, Is
an indication of the age and position
fit the simple, minded mid fascinating
.female Jap.
While praising the soldiers and sall--ors
that are busy reducing the inflation
of the Russian ego, let us not forget
tho dainty femininity of the island em
pire who arc considerate enough to .let
a mnn know when they aro iu the mat
rimonial uflirket.
A twelve pound New Jersey fish
cently caught had in its stomach -a
watch stolen three years ago. Query:
Which is the greater miracle, the fish
swallowing the watch or .a man swal
lowing the story?
There are seven candidates for presl
ient: Roosevelt, Parker, Watson, Swal
low, Debs, Con-Ignu nud Scott. There
will be six victims for the slaughter.
A St. Louis man wants a divorce .be
cause his wife has not spoken to hlxa
for eleven years. That la not the com
plaint of mest men.
The discomforts of summer railway
travel will now be doubled by the im
portunities of the straw vote man.
A Good Complexion.
"Sparkling, -eyes and rosy cheeks re
stored by using DeWitt's Little Early
Risers," so writes S. P. Moore of Nacog
doches, Tex. A certain eure for bilious
ness, constipation, etc. Small pill easy
to iaKe easy to act. liaucy s isrinn.
A Word .About Gloves
There are all kinds of Gloves Gloves
from all known and unknown ani
mals. There are many Kid Gloves
that are good Kid Gloves and some
are worthless at any price. We will
made from prepared stock, Foster
Lace; usually sold by first-class
stores as ajeader for $1.50. Ve
will fit and: warrant every pair
for ......75c
The new.Lewis and Clark Pathfinder
Glove, -English Derby and French
Peca the best jlove made for
street wear. Extra special for
this trade, .(95c
Fancy Coif Vests
Ladies' Faney Golf'-Vests, double
breasted, worth $1.50 .50c
Mc Alien B McBonnsii
Take Grand Entrance Right on the Cor. Third and Morrison Sts., Portland, 0
- ''V5;;;:'.;'.,,"l
to trade with
The Amefiean
Krt Liniment oaKnrtb;
I. M. MeHany,Grcenviilc,..Tex,write8
ftov. 2d, r.K)0:"I had rhcuiuitism hurt
winter, was down in led six weeks: tried
everything, but got rw relief, till a friepd
gave me a, bottle of Ballard's Snow Lini
ment. I nsed it and got two more bot
tles. It cured me and I haven't felt any
rheumatism since. I can reoommepd
Snow Liniment to 1 the best liniment
on earth for -rheumatism." For rhn
matic, sciaticun- neuralgic pains, rub in
Ballard's Snow LinimeDt, you will no
suffer long, but will be gratified with, a
speedy and effective cure. 25c,t&0c and
fl.00 at Bailey & Brinn's.
National Grange convenes next Wed
nesday. Mrs. Mary S. Crick, of White Plains.
Ky., writes: "I have been a dyspeptic
for years; cried all kinds of remedies hut
continued to grow worse. By the useuoi
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure I began, to im
prove at once and after taking a few bot
tles am fully restored in weight, health
and strength and can eat whatever I
like." There is no remedy in the world
equal to Kodol digests
what you eat. Sold by Bailey & Brinn.
Wet. Yes, plenty ; thank you.
ot Slek Day Since.
"I was taken severely sick with kid
ney trouble. I tried all sorts of medi
cines, none of which relieved me. One
day I saw an ad, of your Electric BittefC
ana determined to irv that. A Iter pi
king a tew doses I felt relieved and soon
thereafter was entirely cured and
not eeen a sick day since. Neighboraof
mine have been cured of rheumatism,
neuralgia, liver and kidney troubles and
general debility." This is what K. F.
Bass, of Fremont, X. C, writes. Only
50c, at Perry & Graham's.
'Boy- tu am la rf M T
naa. m om vnps uiy-u, .
an, Md mi k mmtf. mi
' mil v llllinAT IOUK-
l! Al U. mw. w ramiirW to mmkm tfc.
.curt, and mty tta, MUtf nm
Moad. T any boy wta w try
tea t iB and MxoaiM ft THE SUN
aca. Afttr ul all paaaia tfc.tlr.k-arirad-wiU
aa .lrwri to Wm by fcaUwr
, axpnaa at arbalaaila prim, and k
comaa ful fWsfaa irvnaapa aibt.
1 Yoa caa itart aay data, aad II mccaaaM
(baa ordara e b. tnt ia isc THX
ALL THB NBWS. aad away apactal iaa
taral at lataiaH to awa aad wewaa. aad,
baaldaa. kaa al tha childraa'a comic aagaa
carried by tha W Sanday papcra ad
tnltBMaL kaaa ata Rutin, aa ajatk
aa SI to St waak la anall wwaa at tka
aanhwaab Doa t 70a waul to try f
aa extra pataaa. aHB bt dMdad taaatbly.
aa additioa to M nftuar praana.
ta tha Urnr lowaa. Oct at THS JOUR-
Pankaa, Ot.
;.Meis Shirts.
Men" 's Colored Dress Shirts celebra
ted Mt. Hood regular $1 drade 35c
Men's Soft Golf Shirts, worth $1.50
and $2.00, only 57c
Corse Specials
$Lp&0 and $1.75 gradesfor ...96C
$2.00 and $2.50 grades cut to $1.24 . .
and..; $14t
OddJoV. worth n'p.'to $2.50 go at. .?26cV
Best Batgaia. or Earth wa defy oom
petition ir, BLANJKETSand TALE
Swell Raincoats
Xew lino of the very latest just in b
express. No matter where you g(
they can't be duplicated, ann ifyou
want the cream ef quality and style
buy here. We have them at $19.50',
$12.60, $15.00, .$17.50, $1U50, and
$22.50. -