bia Retei 4 W .t I Fun rvrf r m m t:ie pot i tl Act ui niif r v nt t.uiii: i ". cr .Mr.' .'usi c.r. I ,n!Yr the A Narrow Escape, by few minutes briVre thne , o : s : ti.o aitcrnoon otcurtwi n .n liosi :vj:in; nu;.i tut, c.ime near jmv:m; taUl to tin train) !row, wr.d it teem dii.ft't a mi'Clc ( TT::iMtK, i;n u t!.t all should escape without nv m i v; xt-anw iKi:iiMi;!r ,::ln, rvr';V r,:,,m ! rlotw injury. Tho accident a not de j i tf. it. miti -Mri.i w ! to iwiy tict of any of the haml, bc.t j i iTi w i'w A rv f r7 tvM-c. ow im: t the rvcvnt i tin the ro-vl bed, through what is known s Jacob Push's I ' ,iU T . . J No. of tkiy oitond.inco.: National Ticket. ' thAn " ,li0 l',,ier .h track to , 0 o:- lm late. tvtilo. V. iun John Mivrrin enim, j o.ol luiruw cnroiieu. . w l.kli is know n us "Two Sjt," reached I Av- 'j ""u" this point, hintou manner left IIJS i track and went humpui:; ulorti; on the i ... ... i . i! kou. or noxo;u ,.vo .i ooio.t 1 1 1. vii t tx viihtml n till t i.ou., niv niia i , . , . m.i.w .w.i..f !utri, V. flvMUnu rfthitoiuliiiil ft ."- My ty tl.euuuttlt fii'linu (VloUr 14, 1 104: 1 1'humW'iUlu' Jtiimm It IJvi r TiMel - Democratic A. It. TAUKKK, Of Now York. ton xwv. rra:sim-.NT; HKNUY IS. DA Vis, Of West YHrdnia. v 11 1 24 ts, 7-i :4, .4 44 :tit : V2 it) llTtt m W4 cfiumn sEi;ii-jfflOii fihucul mm ' Tlio O. U. .N. To. will exjieiu. Mil,. (KXt in iiiiproveminta t Albina, pt uile rortlauJ. , llrnuttful I'oiiifKxIuu Arv tHllltl t- li'lnn any klml il rvrnt;n tlil till- llic mr- of ho kVlu. TUo U-t lo Hrnivn flcur mmpli-Nlun, fn fnm mIIkw ms iili'M'N '!li hi, ou-, U i kni lli llr hi i!ixt iili r. An Mi'liiMut Kmi Hcf tw IU i-1'ii:m' U'Wvl-.'gnlHlo lhi liver mul m i".(nllh a rWr, livnliUy nunj U xliin: Clvinc Tho Clork, Sheriff and Troasurors heponiortn. oix Month's Ending on the SOth Day of September, 1904. SF.MI-ANM'AL HKrOKT Ot i, ronnty tin ,4 ColnmMM ..nnty. mi ;m -11 . J ...ii..i of .ttm.l. .Iihwh.hikI moiliil .i.rrHnt..ut.ti.n.lit. l mm.I.I. Imui lh' JM ir ' "i. n umn ii. niiii niiiiiiihi v - - l6i' .Hl)i ln il H jttinU'r( lal. ImiU lin Unl. i I i v Nell'm ami I ifion at lVrthui.l, commraein8 ,oa,UM. "lvul f,.. iiuh nl Xr.. Tl... Afrii ! was runnui at a gotxl hhhI, ana it was Tlie National Cirano will bold its nn mi on tne nun ot .over.iixT. ii:e eixth anil seventh degrees will le ron lerrwl on the HHh at Maniuam theater. All patrons shouU attend, as it w ill be H verv interOtini; nieetinvf and it will le a lonj; time before they- come to Tort-laitd'a&iin. .IK. l... l..fl .111.1 :,.;! 0.r. Tlu. 'train. wn,1i fon ' Kd.ard Uw lW, Lloyd, and Kf le . i. : .1.- f .... .1..! iiauan, .via vieon, ON WHAT AITOJTNT AlJ.0V-.t William WtUf, also some down grade. When the en gineer and train men saw that a wreck was iz.evit&ble, they watched their op tHirtnnity, and when the train had slowed up a little, jumped oft. They had hardly jumped before tho engine turned over. 11. I.evene, ft Russian Tho question of liquor liiense or no- pevldler, was the only one to stay with liquor w ill bo on in this county in Nc-1 the cab, and, strange as it may seem, Vembcr. The aniendinent or prohibit-1 he crawled out thrpujrh the steam w ith ory law lost in this county by a very i out any injury. Joseph lleckcnhcrir, small majority, and it will be no sur-! Jerry Cotus, KoWrt Hall, and Engineer prise if local option should carry in this ! Sherrin were handling, the train, llack countv at the November oieetion. The enlwrg sai I that it was comical to see reason for thi; is the fact that the j the Russian Coming out through the j siut, muuui. uom.v t...u. :-. - . . mo ot H wry lml cough ll 1 ha.t lorlliiw make no effort enforce the law. If Japs were alter him. llaekenherg sa:d j m(,mli ,,.,, , ,.,. ft,llll.,,ll.C (kIU-.i to u-m- they would run tRyir saloons m a proper ; that it looked ns though the encme was j fft wo j ,. highly womu.vml it for coukIi n;itinf.r nm! mould iftmblim iroinc to turn over on him as he lumped : amlcoliU. Sol.l ly . O, Oliver. m - -- --- - w - . - - 1 nnd drunkennis around their places,-; and he ran out nit tho meadow quite a there would be less objection to uivmg j little way before he stopped. lvlan, and Karl Scufcrt. J mks DonsoN, rrinc'pal. Virgin Hattan, Leslie Walters, Stuart lcKic, Jessie Cade, Frank Siivius, En nia Deminc. Frank Thorpe, Charley Ijiws. Vera Harger, Kuth lVcker, Urn Clear, Glady's Walters, llamor McKie, ISoldie Hattan, Uarley VanlVlan, lori an Patterson, Thorpe, Dorothy Johns, I.uoile Hohon, and . Matthew McKie. Miss Emma Klkmmisu, Ass't. You M'iiii'" no ilk he it you liny I'IhhiKt. 1ii1m' t'olli-, I'lmlcr mul hinihu n lii-inuly. IVrrv .V (ithnm l't n your ...oiivy If ym hiv imi! miiii1i'i! ticr U'l.j( It. tl N v'iy pwln-tv H.lmllU-it lo I. I)i mi! m.-l,liil ivmoly lu hm1 lur Imwi'l iH.n.lh)nt niwl ljn only imi tl'.Ml l.i'vor lnlN. It i.. oIiikmi mi it (v h.iiI n-IUIilo. KururiMl by Hoth l'ttrtlcm. Ui'itilU-Bii nml IVinwrKt Hilko irtiti Fiv U-y'ii foiicy mill Tnr (or coiyrlf, coM mitt U thrtwtmulliiuit iIImmim's, h no ollu r ffilioily J cmi roniiwre with it. II lnfi mul mrv. K. T. mon hint, 1T1 MhIii 1., (lniii-vrUir, of wrtti': "f oivy s inuivy un mr i-iirvu CV hi V.iiWy k llif nn' i'Iht1 uivrt hmu!U. I ....... 1 Koseburi is oon to a Uonnt factory. t i . ' " ' , kliall). -lilt lllUll' roil lllllil . ... . Himil mul Ii1iIkiv iii'IIithI I u ml 1'hii im I I'i-IiiiIiihI nM.inl, l ln-iill I'oi.rt i miiMiliI, luiilU'ii ol Hio h'hp folirt . Suili iiery, iiiilliiK. rlr fourl Iiohm' mul Jil ' I'lort x Hivminl . MUTlfl'4 HITiUllll , 1 hitrvrYiir' Mvuitnt. . ,. ; ItHllltl . m iiiui.I fl'I.IH-l S.IIHtIiiIPIIiIi'III'K Mlltlllllt , t inniiy JihIi' Any reader of tine paper, reixung 25 i,imuii.ininT cents in silver, by postal note or In one ! w T. ', '. '. '. '. . '. '. '. '. '. ". '. '. '. '. '. '.V.'.'.'." ' andtw cent stumps, will bo m The y,, Pailv Journal one month; or the Sim- Kiiiiifra mul HKiir day Journal two months; or the SemU j Ixmahwiiu Week I v Journal tftree months, or the A,M'r,,.r V ' Weekly Journal four months, atid in inirit ,uorm..v addition a nuiU-h safe filled with tacks, I Wm'nft tae prepaid. AJdresa The Journal, ! fty:'" v ,i . . .. i 1 1 i ' r i 1 oriuuiu, vreon. A produce exchange has been cstab- ! Fished at Athena.' (hem a license. .Columbia county contains 093 square miles, of. which .w2 square miles are covered witli t.TOOftK't, board measure, to the acre. Agriculture is slow of de-. i vcr nso.l lor h-.Ui he mul jnn . Kev. E. C. Horlon, f iiljibnr Piirinir, Texas, writes Julv l'.Uh, l'U: "I have ummI In my I family Brtllanl's snow I.iuiment mitt Horv I hoinie Syruii, mill they have proveJ eerliilnly i salifitctorv. The llrlment i the let wc have The etni(!h I velopment, 9 the big trees cleared away before farming begins i Along the w aterways and the railroad j dairies flourish. A large number of, skimming stations and creameries have Leen established, notably in the upper t-ndofthe county, along the Columbia River and Willamette Slough. Pairy products find ready raarket at low cost, as there is access to Portland both by. river and rail. Here the horticulturist finds soil and climate in which truit and nut-bearing trees, except those peculiar to" the tropics, gr,ow to perfection. Min eral development , ha9 hardly begun. The Xehalera coal fields and iron moun tains are inexhaustible, but the quali ty of the products remains to be settled. Railroads would make Columbio one of the most productive of Oregon counties. These apparently are not for off.- Soiue Seanonablw Ailf Ue. It may be b piece of superfluous mlvire to ii iRe people t thin mnimhI of the year to lay In uVuppIy of chaniberliiin'ii Cough Kemedy. It is almost surO to Imj needt-tl U-fore winter I over, anil mui h more prompt ami natMartory results are obtained w taken as soon as a colli Is contracted and before It has become Mettled In the system, which can only be done by keeping the remedy at hand. This rvmcdy is so widely known and so altogether good that no one should Tiesltiite aout buying it in preference to any oshcr. It la forsale by Perry 4 Uraham. - , Circuit Court. . OtTOBEtt. 1.1, 1104,-THIRD DAT. T. W. Xordby vs. Oregon Fire Relief association ; motion to have X. Merrill made party defendant, allowed. Gorman Merrill vs. Oregon Fire Re lief association ; motion allowed to con eider with 'ordby case ;' both cases set for October 21. OCTOBKR 14 FOl'HTH DAT. . State of Oregon vs. Joseph Wilson ; a true bill. Fishing with net lines. Mary Raich vs. D. Balch; default Referred to Chas. E. Runyon. . Louisa P. Feemy vs. Ralph Feeiny, default. Referred to C. E. Runyon. ' iS. W. Rice vs. WTilson Bros.; settled. ' 3Iinnie J. Bnrgess vs. Tlios. J. Bur gess; default and decree. ' Florence D. Cafef vs. Allen Calef ; de cree of divorce. ' City of Clatskanie vs.- John Johnson ; taken under advisement. : J. Amt vs. Jacob Toppila ; taken un der advisement. . ' i OCT0BEHl7 FIFTH DAT. .State of Oregon vs. Michael Pierter; a true bill. Abducting Mary G. Robin eon. ' . J. Dupont vs. Ivo Wambeke ; allowed to file amended answer. State of Oregon vs. Michael Pertier; arraigned upon information for inticing and abducting; also for rape. ' OCTOBER 18 SIXTH DAT. II. E. Noble vs. M. E. Wratkins; ta- ten under advisement, , , i Foord & Stokes Co. vs. Jacob Hoosa, etal. Confirmation of sale. ' Gust Larson, administrator, vs. Xels Larson ; twenty days to ai'Bwer. . State of Oregon vs. M.ichael Pertier; pleaded not guilty to abduction. ; State of Oregon vs. Michael Pertier; pleaded not guilty to rape. State of Oregon vs. Michael Pertier ; pleaded not guilty rape No. 2. State of Oregon vs. Michael Pertier ; :tondsmen. exhonorated and defendant committed: to jail on failure to give -,$2000 bonds. ' ' 1111 rieaaure. , , If you ever took UeWftts Utile Early llisers Jor biliousness or constipation, you know what pill pleasure Is. These famouslittlc-plllscleanse the liver anil rid the system of all bile without producing unpleasant effects. They do not gripe, sickeu or weaken, but pleasantly give tone atid strength to the tissues and organs of 'the stomach, liver and bowels. Bold by Bailey & Jirinn. ... i:.:'Vv' ... ' must be syrup has Ih-oh our dot-tor for the l.'.st eight years." SoUrby miley nrlnn. Part of next year's wheat crop is ur and trowing in portions of Eastern Oregon. iirt-ii M' luti-r l ougb. J. K. Cover, 1'H North Main street, Ottawa, Kansas, writes: "Every fall It has betn my wife's tnmble to catch a sever cold, and thertire toeough'all winter long. La-t fnl'. I got her a bottle of HorvhonnU Syrnp. 8 lie iwd it and has lieeu able to sleep soundly all iiiv'.it loiiK- Whenever the vough troubles her two or thro doses stops the rough and she la able to b up and well." 2.V, .V)C acdfl.UU. 8:1J by Bailey & iirinn. It is expected that the telephone line to Florence will be completed this fall. On of Mnny. I. A. Tlsda.e, of suninierton, 8. i suffered for twenty years with I he piles. Sia'clullsts wctv employed ami many reiucilies umiiI but relief irml permanent good was found only In the useonK Vltt'sVl:ch Hun t Salve. ThMs only one ol the many, many cures tiuit have awn eff-jcted by this wemlerful remedy. In buying Witch Unml Salve It Is only m-ci sary ttoee that you g.-t l lie genuine lk i:t, made by E. r. DeWitt A t'u., In (.'hh-ag.), and a cute l certain. lH-WKl'a Witch llmel Salve cure all kinds of piles, cuts, burns, bruies, edxema, tetter, ringworm, skin diseases, etc. Hold by ualley & Hrinn. Cure Chill and Fevrr. C, V. Wirt, Naecgdoches, Texas, saya:. "His daughter had chills and Jever for three yearn; he could not ftnd anything thai would help her till he used: Herbine. HI wife will not keep house without it and cannot say too much foOit." jOc. 8old,by Bailey i rrinn. A hop. buyer says Josephine county nrbduces the finest hops he ever snw; 8ad HI Mr. J. V. Davenport, Wingo, Ky., writes June 14, I'JrJ: "I want to tell you I believe Ballard's Bnow Liniment saved my life. I wax under the tieatmetit of two doctors, and they told mc one of my lungs was entirely gone,- and the other badly affected. I ulso bad a lump on my side. I don't think that 1 could have lived over two month longer. I vu induced by a friend to' try Ballard's Snow Liniment. The first application gave me great relief; two lity cent bottles cured me sound and well . It is a wtmd.irfnl medicine and I recommend it to suffering humanity." Hold by nailey li Hrinn. A Lakeview potato weighs almost four pounds. ! A IrfiveLetter. . Would not interest you If you're looking for a guaranteed salve for sores, burns, or piles. Otto Dodd, of i'onder, Mo., writes": "1 suffered with an ugly sore for a year, but a box of Buck. len's Arnica Salve cured mc." Its the best salve on earth ; a at Perry & Graham's. W. C. FISCHER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Next door to post office. RAINIER,' - ' - OREGON NOTIIFOFINTKNTIN TO APPLY VOK LHJIOIt MCKNHK TO ALL FKHSOftt CONCURS F.H. VOL' AND " KACH OK YOl" WILL TAKK iHilU-e t.iat I, John Freeman will on th 21 dsy ol October, 1AH, at a sei lal term of the County Cnurt olt'olinubia County, State of Oregon, apply fur a license to sell splritous, vinous, oml mult liquors and hard rider in (iiantities, less than one gallon for a period td six months, in the Village of ScapiHsise Pre. cinet, -Columbia County, Oregon; w hit-h appli cation will be based Uhiii tne follow lug etl tion; I'ETlTItiN In the county court in the State of Oregon, for Columbia County, in the mailer of the application of John Freeman fur a license to sell spiritons, malt or vinous liquors and fer mented cider in iiuuitities lesa than a gallon. To the Hon, Court of theCountyof Columbia and State of Orwgou; We, the undersigned legal voters and res. tleuts of St-apiMHise ' Precinct, in Columbia County, State of Oregon, and who have actually resided in said Prt-iihict thirty days prior to thesigniug and tiling of this petition, would respeeu'ully petition your Hon ISody a unadjourned session of the Seiitdmbcr term of the said County Court on Friday the 'Jl day of October inn, to U' held In tin Court house in the City of St. Helens, in said County and State, that a license be granted John Freeman, to sell spiritoiis, vinous and malt lii.ior ami fermented cider In quantities less than one gallon in Scappoose Precinct in the Village of Kcappoose, in said Columbia County. Stale of Oregon, and that such license be issued to said John Freeman for a period of six months from the 21 (lay of October, 1'.I, all of which your petitioners will ever prav. C. H. Beiidder, I). K. Freeman .. Hagey, J. Keimiller, R. A. McKay, (J. V, Itamsey, Peref I)avis. I. 11. Duncan, Miiiard llachelder, K. Crawionl, (ieorge Washington, L. Orant Jno Koerig, K I) Snider, W. W. W est, II. Nouman J. Foss, A. H. LnMtin, Wm. Anderson. Carl II. Keidl, John Flisinblatter, W. E. Stevens, Adolph Kvert. II. West, E. B. McKay, L. Payns, J. I). Mcl ay, J. Bushman, W. U. Milligan, A. UariK-r, Edward O. Boyle, II. O. Larscn, (.. B. Harris, C. Uabinsky, .1. C. Brittingham, A. Zeisman, W. Bushman, J. Zclsnian, Ala Utsig nant, Peter Mayer, Aug. Hlimidt, tiustave Iange, Henry Vandermost, F, Kayncr, T F Smith, E C Hay, Paul L Bonser,' P L Chaney, A Anderson J F McDnnough F Boesel F R Adams, Kelsey Vance, n A namer, J I) Morgan Chas Erlckson P Uisignnnt Oeorge Jackson h Hiiomskl, Joint uaiil, A Mewmnn t nns. Kyttnel J Eversaul John FWstsonOttn A Miller li Hitv It B Mabie Luiiirigh Inisher, T W Crant, J Markwart Thos Williie (i C Kabinsky O li ierks, Andrew Newman Louis Lussier i) Fred Kammevcr, (ieo, W Grant Mulcoia Mekay, J W Oillihan, K K Thomas. Confession r a Priest. ' l'.ev. John S. I'ox, oj W'sir, Atk.. w rlie : "Ft 1J year 1 suffered from yellow jaundlea: I coiiM.lio.l a number ti phy-i l,ui and tried all sorts o( uitwllrjne, but got no relief, ytvrn I begun i'ic use ot Electric Hitters and feel tlnil I am ;iow- cured of a disease that' had me In IrV gru-i'for twelve years." If you want a rvllnble meilli-tne or liver and kidney trouble, stomach disorder or geliekal debiltly, get Klectrle Hit ters. Its guaranteed by Perry & Crahain. Only jtUTIIK .The Panama Canal Commission will soon advertiso for Oregon railroad ties and hiniber .V Judicious Inquiry. A well know n traveling man w".io vUltsthc tlrti trade says he lias often heard druggists tlUiilreof fiistoiiiers who asked for a cough nieilii Ine, w hether it was wanted fur a child or fur an adult, and If for a child Otcy almost I n'H rid My recommend Chainbf rtnlii' Cough Itemedy. The reason for this Is that tliey know there Is no danger from it mid "that it always cures. Tcre Is not the least danger In glvliiX It, and for conge s, colils and croup it is unstii'pcd. For atc by Perry it Uraham, Bad breaks in tho Columbia River jetty near Fort Canby are to bo repaired forthwith. - ' Insomnia aud liullgrst Ion Cured. "Ijtst year I fcad a very severe attark of Indi gestion. 1 ism Id not sleep at night and snf fered most exaruclatlng pains for three hours after each nuvL I was troubled this way for about three months when t used chamber. Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, anil received Immediate relief," says John Mxoti, Tulla. more, Ontarjo, Ciinudii. For sale by Perry & Crahain. Total amount claim allowed and draw n A M Ol T t r W A It It A N 1U A W N li i.K.: . . . I.l'l I HI ... I'll Ik) , ., si . Jl ... ;ui w wi ... i.iit :.i . l,m: ni l'J Ao . . W IM . , Ml .HI . . . I't W ... .ITI i , il.l.'t l,'i . . , . I 'V . . T i V 411 Ml II IV . . . . i . . . m iv' . Vl . . . 4MI IV J1 . , . . 9 '4 . . . tv . . . HI 1 .... xi AOt'NTOKOl TUTANIUXU II 'A It HA NTS t'NPAlO. Out4kdlng unpaid county warrants mi tbe Will day ul Hepleiiilier. luu, lieiieral Fund Outstanding unpaid I'tiiiiily warrants un Hie ilith day el September, l'.H, Uoad Fund j Total amount of unpaid rounly warrants i PKIMIKAI. t l.iA I l.i'll 4)1 STATE OK Oil Et ION, U. Ctiuuiy of Columbia,! ' I, . Ilendersun, Coiinlv Clerk ol IheConniv of Columbia, Stale of Oregon, il hereby ivr. Ilfy IJil the totcg.iliig U a true and correct slHleiiicnt ol the aniouiil of claims alloVnt l.v I he County Court of said Count fur the six mouths ending on the :tlhdy of September, I'M, on whar oi.nt the same were iillowed, and the amount of warrants drawn, and the of warrants ouMaiiilliig and unpaid a the same appear iimiii the refolds ol my efflce and In my ortli-lsl rtiMiMly. , , H'ltness my hand and st al ol Uw i'uivt Coiirl of said County thU Hlhda of October, A. D. p,M. ll. nr.:ir.iti-ti, i oimiy i let. ; ir. a. HAituis, N puiy. SKMI-ANNUAL SFMMARV STATEMENT Of the Financial Condition of tl.ti Cetiiily of Columbia, m ll;e Hlate of Omgnion the. inht!H nt September, A. l. UM. r- UVJIMTIEH. AMtit'NT. IIKsotlll'KS. Tho REtitBTEB man has houses to rent and houses to sell in tho town of Rainier the best school town in the county A house and one block, two houses and one block, and also a house and lot (or good business location. He has nlsotwi or three good locations for small fruit farms or .chicken ranches. To warrants drawn tin Ihe county trvattrtr, ami out standing anil unpaid, Gen eral Fund To wsr. sitts drawn on the eoiintv treasiirnr. anil out standing ami niislii, Horn! r u nn I Totsl liabilities !fy funds In tianila of i-ounty treat- 1 urer applicable In the imvi.ii-nt ol. ( eounlv warrants, Riiicralfiiiid. : $ 1,V if) liinils In liatiiU ( county tteas- iirij- appiicaiu lo ins iwynii iii or t-ouiity warrant., road iiiiui 1,011 41 Uy ettluialed uiipald current taxes' applicable lo the payment of coyu ty wsrtanl", general fund by estimated unpaid current taxes applicable lo the payim-iitof coun ty warrant, rtiadlunil i lly pstlmated amount of liens ou nsiKi OMU.i iy con n i j tit dclluitielit Ity estlmalisl amount taxes b lot, liiilldliig and tlxluni lif rock cniii r, engine, etc,,. f :i Total reonriv SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT MOl'NT. .....I S,1"W li 4,M U M JJM "iri 91 I,!W S i.Tirttrj im 'J,irt IV . . J l,WHi M . i .- Of Ote Conn I y Treasurer of Columbia County, Oregon, fur the six l.ioiilj'" ending on O'Hb tlayof H4pteiiitH'r, A. I). I'.H. of niuiiey r.sclvcd and paid out, from whom tecclveil and from what source, and on what account ild out: DIIvIvARD & DAY, ATTORNEYS -AT-LAwi ' Practice in any' court, State or Federal. ' Next door to court house. ST. HELENS, - OREGON. I VERMONT HOUSE. W. A. WOOD, Proprietor,' HOTJLTON, OREGON. Good accomodations at rea eonable prices. Barn in con nection with hotel. KILL. the COUCH AND CURE THE LUNGS WITH r. King's wfc B mi uiscQ'cry rONSUMPTION 0UGH8 and OLDS Price 50c & $1.00 Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNO TROUB LES, or MONEY PACE. I Str. Joseph Kellogg. feavcs Portlaud Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday at 7 . m. for St. Helens, Kalnma, Cnrrols Point, Rainier and Kelso. Arriving ot Port land, Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 'I p.m. The Steamer Northwest leaves Portland, Mon doy and Thursday for Toledo, Castle Rock, and way points atia.m.,re'urning Wednesday and Saturday at 2 p. m. Best and cheapest route to the St. Helens mining district. Subject to change without notice. Wharf foot of Ualmon street. II. Holioan, Agent. The Steamer Iralda. ' Makes round trips between RAINIER an 4 PORTLAND, Leaving Rainier at fi;00 a. m. and Portland at 2;:) p. m. daily (except Jiunday). We solicit a share of the public patronage, and in return will give quick service and A clean boat. We are here to stay and want your business. Land ing at foot of Taylor Afreet. C. I. HOOGUKIKK, Master, ASTORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER ii RAILROAD CO. DAILY. BRAD mvi 24 22 STATIONS 1-. M. 7:00 8 0') '8 20 8 H 8 41 8 60 8 58 9 08 9 19 19 37 10 00 W 08 10 20 10 HO A. u. 8:00 9 ft'i fl 18 9 :!T 9 40 9 ) 10 00 W 10 10 21 ui m 10 Ji7 11 05 11 18 11 !10 .0 30.41 45.8I ;58.0 Vi.91 r.2.8 M.4 71.2 78.7 00 .3 95.4 99.8 Lt Portland Ar ... Goble ...Rainier ...Pyramid ... ...Mavger .... ...Qulncy ..Clatskanie ., .Marshland .. . Westport..., ...Clifton ... Knappa.,.. ...Hveiison .... ;.. John Day... Ar Astoria Lv BEAD VP DAILY 21 A. M. 11:10 10 05 9 52 9 35 9 27 9 17 9 08 9 02 8 58 8 XI 8 15 8 07 7 55 7 4rt 23 A. .M. 9:45 8 ft". 8 20 8 00 7 f4 7 4(i 7 : 7 28 7 17 7 02 42 fi 32 0 20 fi 10 Mother Who would kerp their ' children In ood health, shouht watch for the first symptoms tv worms, and remove them w'lth White's .'ream Vermifuge. H Is the ahildren'a best tonic. Jt gets digestion at work so that their total dia-s them good, and they grow up healtjjy niid) strong. I'ic at Bailey &, llrhui's, general cjiandtse. If you like the Rkiiwtek tell your friends about it and induce them to sub scribe'. W have special clubbing rates with tho Portland Journal, Oregonian and San Francisco Examiner. llroke luto III Houe. , H. Lee Quiun, of Cavendish, Yt was niblKsl of his customary V'althy by Invasion of chronic constipation. When Dr. King's New Life Pills broke Into his house, his trouble was arrested and now he's entirely cured. They're guarau . teed to cure ', 2."c at Perry &, U rub Inn's. Star A Star shingles for Pale at the Register office, Jn small lots or by the car load, . . ' Do l'ou Want To Yawrnf Feel cold, sbiverliig, aching in the bones luck of energy, headache, and great depression? These symptoms may be followed by violent headache, high fever, extreme nervousness, a condition known asjualarla. Ilcrbtnc cures it Take it before the disease gets a fair hold though it will work a. cure in any stage. J. A. Hopkins, Manchester, Kan., wrlses; "I have used yourjfreat medicine, Ilerbine, for severa, years. There js nothing better or malaria chills and fever, headache, biliousness, and foV a blood purifying tonic, there is nothing a good." 60c at Bailey & Brinn's, gc'neul my.r ' ' ' Oaacara. bark is down to 4 cents per pound, . ' i , . Call You lUt? J. B. Taylor a prominent merchant of Chre nun, Tcxw ay5! "I could not eat because of a weak stonlach. I lost all strength and ran down in weight. Aft that money could do was done, but all hope of recovery vanished. Hear ing of some wonderful cures effected by use oi Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, I concluded to try it. The first bottle benefitted me and after taking four bottle I am fully restored to my usual strength, weight Hiidliealtli." Kodol Dyspep. sin Cure digests wliat you cat and Cures. Hold by Bailey fe Brlnn. I . Smut in threshing machines at work in Eastern Oregon has caused several machines to explode. . ' To amount on hand from last reirt... ni amounts receive n trom sheriff To amounts received from sheriff. To amounts received from slier I IT .To amounts tecelved from sheriff , . , To amounts received trom sneritr. To amounts received from sheriff. To amounts received from sberlff. . . .-. '. To amounts received from clerk To amounts received from clerk .' To amounts received from scIuhi! superintendent. . To amounts received from statu tresaurer To amounts received from , To amounts received from To amount received from ..' To amounts received from All Indus make close connections at Goble with Northern Pacific trains to and from the East and Hound points. At Portlaud with all trains leaving Union depot.. At Astoria with f. R. &V. Go's borit and rail line nnd Steamer T. J. Potter lo and Ironi Ilwaco and North Beach points- Passengers for Astoria or way points must mig trains at Hotilton. Trains will atop to let passengers off at Houltuu when coming from points west of Goble. J. C. MAYO, Gen. Pas. Agt., Astrriai Or, ', Good For Children. Tho pleasant to take and harmless One Min ute CoughCure .gives instant relief in all cases of cough, croup, and la grippe, because it does not pass immediately Into, the stomach, but takes effect right at the soat of tho trouble. It draws out the Inflammation, heals and soothes and etircfl permanently by enabling the lungs to contribute pure life-giving and life-suitiiin-lng oxygen to the blood and tissues, Bold by Bailey & Brinn. . . '. '' Old papers 25 cents per hundred. FOLEYSKOKEMAtt for cAUdrtni 4fir. to opiate XMOINT RECEIVED. FROM ll' WiflU K ItECElVEl). ....General lax ... County road tax ...... , (tpeclal school tax. ., . . . rH-flal road tax . . . Interest and )a-naliy.. , . . Fees i . . ,. lH.'UliiUc liLlax . , . Fetv . . I.Hiid redemptions ,. .'Institute fund ...iSfhool fund .. .jHiK-c school tax relumed ... l.litior licenses ...! Flues ...jtieii scjimd tax returiii'd AMol'NJ Tutsi received. V AMOUNTPAIll OUT. . 4,719 f . I.H7I 37 , uTil till . :i7u :.-J , .tvV.'si 97 r WW . . l,:tH!l Mi ,, .si ui U oil , , 4.1WI ' ..' till i'V ,, l,2tiiv 2000 , , till 01 ..a-si.lH'i Jfy amount paid out on county warrants ; Jty amouiit paid nut on school super! titeodeuts' warrants .. Jly balance general fund on hand -.- 7y balance sehtad fund on hand, apportioned Jly balance school fund on hand, not apportioned Jly amount paid outou county road warrants,.., Jly amount paid out on special road warrants Jly amount paid out on siajclal school fund Jly amount paid oiiton Institute Fund Jly amount paid out on soldier and sailors Indigent fudd.. 7'o balance on hand sieclal school fund To balance on nana, county roan tuna ,s'o balance on hand, special-road fund To balance on ha nil, special deposit fund.,,.,,..,,,., To balance onJiiimC Institute, Fund To balance on hand, soldiers and sailors mid "KitiT pa iiTout. . . 7. ..111,25 IW ,, i7tsi I .. :i,.i!ni ir, ,. M.n i . . I2,HiM 07 ., 1,478 tpt .. il,o:l. 11 .. Hit 75 ... II UI W Ml .. 4,8:10:41 .. J..V.I HI. 2.5 Vi it II) 6.11 41 ."ivf.WJ 4i;' er.irE of orewn, 1 County of Columbia I, Edw in Ross, do hereby certify that Ui oregoliig4 tnnand cirr,ot statement 0f thn nuts received, paid out and remaining on hand. In tlie County rrcasury of said Couiiiv he six monlhsetidlng on the :mUi day tf HepiemlM-r, A,. D. im. "B""r' ,'1' ' "Ull,y , amounts 1 for the 1 Witness my Jjaud tjhls 7tJ fj ql.Ortotier, A, D. P.104. KDIi'lN ROHS, t'opnty Treasurer. IIERJFF S SEMI-AXNUAL REPORT -For the six montii'ji ending September 30th, HKM,- A.JtOJJNTO BKCK'KI) DtRfSO TW ftlOXTUH OF BOL'RCE 4piil May J,iW July ngust Bept Total Collectotl 1903 t $ 8,0"fl0 ...727 89 ...2iio 02 .,.'jfi 91 ...$:19 73 . .12081 70 1 7 fti',7 07 Fees....- 7 20... 13 30... 25 tl5... h 40 J;t iui u7 RA 18!l:idcMn.Uent..... , , n 80 . .... ii L 1HIK1 dellntinent . 12 im .. J.t Z 1889 mortgugo 8 92 !"" ; 1890 mortgage V. VI 50 "I" i 4(') v, m 1891 mortgage , J5 oo 2 m i 1892 yiortgago 27 00 '.'.V.'.'.'.'.'.'. ir oil Total recelvld I 3,725- f 881 93 Jf 831 33 $ C89 05 4U 1.1 2,220 50 8,163 JO . HTATE OF OREGON, County of Columbia,) I hereby certify that the forgoing statement, showing the amounts coHMcd each month , for tho srx months ending September 8tith, 1004, Is true, and that the same was turned over to the treasurer each month as collected, during the six months ending HentenKicriUiih Pmi ' , . MKRI'IN II'HITE, thcrlfl of Cduiibla County"'ori'ou. Saves Two From Death. ' . . "Ourjittlo daughter had an almost fatal at tack of whopping cough and bronchitis," writes Mrs. 'A . K. Hiivlland, of Armonk, N. X.', t'but when all other remedies failed, we saved her life with Dr. King's New Discovery. Our niece, who hud consumption In an advanced stage, also used this wonderful medicine nnd today she is perfectly well." Desperate throat and lung diseases yield to Dr. King's New Discovery as to no other medicine on earth. Infallible for coughs And colds ; 50c and $1.00 bottles guar. .autced by Perry & Orahani's. Trial Ijottles f.e.a. Vlt fio Kight To The Hpot." When pain or irritation exist on any part of tho body, the appllcaslon of Ballard's Bnow Liniment will give prompt relief. "It goes right to tho spot," mild an old man who.was rubbing it In, to euro his rheumatism. 0, R. Bmith, proprietor Bnilth house. Tenahit, Tsjxus, writes: "I have used Ballard's Bnow Liniment In my family for several years, and have found it to bo a fine remedy for all aches and pains, and I recommend it for pains lu the throat and tthest.' 50e and $1,00 at Bailey & Brian's, gene ral . merchandise. A