THE BROWN TAG OUR opening gun, announcing the Great Brown Tag Sale, waa heard and the retpoiu waa generoua. That day and every day since, the people haya come and bought liberally and been generously loud In their praiae of our unusually laree assortment of me Desi quality ana atyies o! merchandise at the amaUest prices of any house In the city. The stock, the store the rvir the values- 1 are at their best at this writing. Our thorough preparedness is as gratifying to us aa it is satisfactory to our patrona! rrom me laamon cemen oi me eartn our Duyers nave brought th brightest and beat in Men's and Boys' Wearables. Backed by un limited capital and vast purchasing power those (the proprietors) who do the buying, making two trips each year to the eastern mar kets, have obtained price concessions from the manufacturers denied to smaller atorea and those buying from drummera. with the re sult that our prices are no higher than are charged elsewhere for merchandise of mediocre merit and fully 25 per cent lower than gooda of QUAL worth am be bought for elaewherc in this, city. SAIUB (J 'Big: Stock A?3) cMI Umbrellas ns 4' 'rT52ij.' .Which are to be .old at I f 1 ?- ';.' 1 " nir . -i-JL f I co'- W hv thm from Your Money Back If You WiW ' 40C This N 165-167 First Street, bet. Morrison and Yamhill All cm tint wtthla tci steps of por toot Change in Business MAIN CLOTHING A January 1, 1905, cause of Men's Clothing We handle all the famous makes. There are other makes just aa good as we handle, but none better. There are makers who Insist upon the retailera mak ing certain profits. This store, endeavoring to earn a reputation for underselling, cuts profits and therefore handles only goods on which there are no restrictions. MEN'S $7 AND $9 SUITS. Thla for a good wool Suit. De scription useless. re It and bo convinced of CI QC IU quality $0,yQ MEN'S 110 AND $12 SUIT8. A swell line of all-wool can. atmeres. In all the new staid color. They hay CA no equal In atyle and quality ;UuU MEN'S $12 AND 15 SUITS. A lot of elegant garmenta that cntch the eye of thorn who like the essence of atyle combined with qunllty. We haw thwe In clay wor sted, unflnlnhed worsted, in Diue ana uici. 7 perfect filling suit DI1tJ MEN'S $15 AND $16.50 SUITS. All wool, hand-tailored throughout, hand-made button-holes, In all the new and stuld roloni, double und single breasted sacks, CQ A C In rusalmeres and worated MEN'8 $17.50 AND $18 8UIT8. Can't beat m. Look the city of Portland over and you'll find nothing to com pare: ko to your tailor, aet hla price. ee the atyle and o,iiftllty you will take oura, the saving la too apparent; criKHlmerea and worsted, undressed CI? Cfl worateda l.0J MEN'S $20 AND $25 8UIT8 J. M. Mertlna A Co.'s awell Muff the height of taste, the cream of quality, only equaled by the beat tailor-made garments. All the new nnd predominating colore and C1 1 en goods IO.OV FOR CHOICE OF ANY SUIT In the houae. Including all our $22.60 nnd 127.50 Sulta the cream of the awcll garment! made for particular people who know and appreciate valuea and style. No tailor ran equal the CI f. CA selection ahown here JIU.uV LOOK IN OUR 8HOW WINDOW8 AND 8EE. Overcoats and Cravenettes Overcoata and Cravenettea for rain or sunahlne atylea. In every Instance acaaonable quality and materials the beat; moat atractlve patterns. In atylea Illustrating the approved fashions of the leading designers. In workmanship repre senting In every detail the finest custom work. Our stock of Overcoats and Cravenettes Includes the Hart, Schaffner & Marx, David Adler and Fedehelmer & Flshel Co. makes. GOOD, SERVICEABLE OVERCOAT, In knee length or longer styles $3.50 OVERCOATS AND CRAVENETTES In a dependable line for young men. Many atylea and all the new gooda. able line gooda. $3.95 Ave nave them tor .9 1U.UU, m o.ou, $5.00 and CRAVENETTES, all styles of goods, all makes the beat In the lund, In prices ranging from S15, 812, CC A C $10.15, $6.05 and QOAd ALL-WOOL OVERCOAT, In the staple fashions C7 CA In the prevailing colors, goods and fashions ....'.ViiOU A PEACH OF AN OVERCOAT here cast you $12.00 or $15.00 elsewhere; all good styles of make and $10 00 WE CAN 8ELL YOU A GOOD OVERCOAT you never wore a better one. Everything that's good and stylish must be seen to be appreciated. If you're a CI? CA Judge, glad to have you come in and look, , Pvv WELL, YES, IT'S A- CORKER box opera or Cossack lengths, coverts, tweeds, cheviots, Kerseys, beaver and all exclusive lines;, best overcoat values in the Jg QQ BETTER ONES THAN .QUOTED ABOVE WANT THEM BUT THAT'S 8AYINQ SOME. IF YOU Extra Special STILL A FEW LEFT ; A few odd Frock Coats and Vests, wortL $12.50, in English and French clay worsted, cheviots and unfinished worsted. While they last a great bargain each. . .$2.50 Sale X WEIN STEIN STORE I O I CHICAGO Boys' Clothing ' Suits This Is a branch of onr business receiving our special ef forts. We are going to make this the juvenile store of Portland during this sale; going to make parents bring their boys here because- It will pay them to do so.' We whole aale considerable in thla line and are in the inside on prices. Mothers who want suits for the little fellows that make men of them' In appearance yet .wear like buckskin, rome here during this sale. Look at these prices: $2.60 Suits f 1.00 $5.00 Suite 82.50 tt.00 Bulla $1.25 $1.00 Sulta 83.00 $4.00 Sulta 82.00 II $7.00 Sulta 83.50 All SOe and 6c Knee Panta 20 All $1.00 and $1.26 Knee Pants 55 Overcoats AdES FROM 4 TO 9 Mere Is where we shiner. We can fit the oys out In Just the coat you want style and Quality all combined. An Overcoat worth $J.S0 .' 81.50 An Overcoat worth 14.50 82.00 .,..... jn tk. cu, w..., ,.,,.84.50 Overcoat, ages from 8 to 16, 91.95 and up to 92.45, 93.50 and 94.95 all the latest styles and makes. Suits for the Young Men The youth who wants to dress In the height of fashion and at the aame time lay out only a moderate sum, can do so here, having a choice from a large aaaortment of the lateat cute, latest materials as well as the very best HIGH GRADE, ALL-WOOL checks, stripes and mixtures; Nght and dark colors; nobby styles; 'cut from 0 A BEAUTIFUL LOT of 12 styles, in all-wool or worsted, in very desirable colors and patterns. Every one CC 7C of them sold at and arer worth $8.50 . . O.I D 8INGLE AND DOUBLE BREASTED ! STYLES, serges clays, cheviots, tweeds and casslmeres, tailor-made, shape-retaining shoulders. They were our cr?e.t C7 CA $10 and $12.60 suits 4fdU OTHER GRADES IF YOU DESIRE THEM FOR A LITTLE MORE MONEY. Our Great $2.50 and $3.00 Hats We're stlli "harping" on the merits of these famous $2.60 and $8.00 Hats. Nothing to compare with them elsewhere In this city for less than $4.00 and that's no idle boast. The new Fall blocks in both soft and stiff shapes are all here. All the popular shades, too, made from the best select fur and superhly trimmed. Don't buy a hat 'till you're seen our stock. 1 For a $1.25 and $1.75 Hat a good quality In all the staple shapes and colors 75c A Hat good enough to wear anywhere, in all the late shapes and shades; you pay $2.00 and $2.60 for this Hat CI ? C elsewhere 4lu The beat $8.00 Hat on earth; quality and styles are sure to suit you .$1.75 A Hat that fits and looks well on any head. Wear it any time and place; quality A No. 1, and the styles C QC and colors the lateat ?lOu Women's Fine Footwear The woman who wants good, serviceable Shoes or dressy, fashionable Shoes at money-saving prices should visit this sale. Ladles' heavy soled vicl kid, worth $2.25; you take i n your pick, at . Sl.OU A still better grade; worth $2.60.' Only .$1.75 All our $3.50 Goodyear welts and hand-turned Shoes you'd pay $8.25 and $8.60 tor this shoes elsewhere 5Q TtAMFEW TO ALL FAKTS OP TIE CITY SHOE STORE Footwear for Men The good money kind, the serviceable kind, the dressy kind, at yery email prices much less than you have been paying. Shoes that you pay $2.60 for other places; many stytes to elect from; every pair of them guaranteed to be perfectly satisfactory; a regular shoe-store $2.60 and $8.00 ci in hoe, at 51.0U A dandy pair of shoes; extra quality the- kind that fits, weara and holds their ehape; all styles and makes. You'd pay $2.50 and $3.00 at a shoe store for this 1 nc grade, now l.y Now we are talking shoes. Tou get no better style or quality anywhere for double the money, and 15 we will back our reputation on them $dO Our best Patent Calf. Vid Kid. Box Calf. In all the new shapes and lasts; the kind you go and pay $4 and $5 for, and yet get no better quality, no better fit and no better style. We gamble on these and guarantee every c i en pair to give satisfaction OOtOU Pants For worklngmen and for the man who wants stylish appear' nee and tne beat euamy. Wool or worsted Pants; the kind you pay $2.50 and $3.00 for any place else : Regular $3.50 and $4.00 pair of Pants; well-made cf fie high quality pair of trousers, in all the new goods O I .0 $5.00 and $8.00 pair of Pants the goods are here and will speak for themselves, and we are only too glad m to haver tou Dass ludement on them at VOtOXJ Vests Tour pick of a handsome lot of odd Vests; worth up to $1.60 good values .' Tour choice of another lot worth as high as $2.60, and worth the money, at Fancy Vests In all the choice, stylish and desirable goods, par tlcularly the new shade of brown, for Men's Large variety, best quality and the prices lower J. than our competitors ask. Shirts Good stiff-bosom Shirt a shirt of quality 301 Soft-bosom $1 and $1.25 style a shirt good enough to wear any placer by any man ; 504 All kinds of soft and stiff-bosom $1 shirts, including Crown brand ................654 Choice of soft and golf $1.50 Shirts 854 Extra quality cassimere and flannel $1.50 Shirts ......851 Seleot French flannel and silk-mixed $2.50 shirts ... 9145 Good Working Shirts you'd pay 60c anywhere else for this Shirt . 364 Boys' soft or stiff -bosom Shirts, all our 65c kinds 304 Underwear 60c grade lightweight odds and ends in Shirts and Drawers ; 20 Several styles 60c and 76e Underwear at, a garment 35 Regular quality 75o Underwear you'll pay. $1.00 for this quality at other places at 50e Natural, all-gray $1.25 Silkene Underwear, a sensible gar ment that is unequalled, for 75e The $1.75 celebrated all-wool Underwear 'we defy competi tors to equal this at 85et The very finest Australian In- the well-known Roots make,' in all colore; worth $2.60 .' 9150 $1.00 and $1.25 Natura) Gray Underwear at 75t Special Inducements given to merchants outside the city who call during this sale and want to buy goods at wholesale. w ssi BBi Amr f mm f . i. ;. -- m I if ...95c M V u i fii J Prompt l A I Atten- $1.65 (V V 1 i I flnn ky i GivenAU I Wi Orders f- Reqelved Goods Big Stock of Trunks, ;h Valises and Suit Cases V'7 S V Sent on at 60c on the dollar J Approval Neckwear, Collars, Suspenders Bows, worth 15c .....54 Bows, worth 25c 10 . Pure Silk Tecks, Strings, Bows, etc., worth 25c ...............154 The 2 for 25c G. & M. Collar you can't equal 'em .....J.8e A regular 25c and 35o Suspender 154 The famous G. & M. Belt Suspender the equal of the President, and sells everywhere for EOo 25t Sox Good Ones Our best grade of 10c Sox 54 Dropstltched, 2-shade 20c Sox ....104 Regular 25c and 35c Sox, In cashmeres and lisle thread 204 8 pairs for 504 All 25c Sox ......i. 154 pair, or 2 pairs for 254 AH-Wool Sox, worth anywhere 15c and 20o .....104 Boys' 20c fast black stockings 104 flfTtC 0REAT VARIEl VJlOVeS SMALL PRICES QREAT VARIETY Good Cotton Gloves 54 Horse Hide, extra quality ....304 Genuine Calf Glove, worth 75c, for 454 Genuine Oil Tan . Glove, worth $1.25, for .......... 654 The best Glove in the house or city for that matter only. ..91.00 We carry a complete . assortment of gentlemen's Working and Dress Gloves at easy prices. . 1