The Columbia register. (Houlton, Columbia County, Or.) 1904-1906, September 09, 1904, Image 5

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    RNatT'Xr!riNnSKNOsasnv.'Sfl The fourth annual 1-am-la!l tournr.
jf T f i T I mvnt fur Columbia county was in
J.A. V-il.i 2) CLiti-kaiiie, Trlilny, SsturJay and Hun-
uXvaSSVGrXCTsBSNXZSJbJ: l;y lott. Friday morning the firt game
Tl... continue., .try snd ducty. M 11,0 IKri,,B wa" l'ulluJ oft l""
, ,, l visiting lu'-, anil M.
,,.... ' ' L' J-nn, resulting in atitory for Hum-
rail nt ilim o '.o. I, ,, in . u . i
Icr. Tli. .ri iwd 11 to H. In the
Uii'Tr.B n.,. Wnrl (h-m-i ! nf. .,,., Su U!.i- rmsmtil Ut with
.'-ir tl.TA it yc.r. ' CU.v kr.nie, thn Uing :l to.! In
Tiiiiimt Mill lu L.-4 M Mi.'- r.n, v illi ; fayi ri,f V -r.&mW: Suiurduy morning
rlniiiiiinciii i.f Into. ! tUi-i'.rr a hI-St. Helens u in used tlio
rro.' will, n very
Mr. .1. IS. 1'rin.lo i In lfoul'ciin
nit l''ini'. V.icnluy.
P. I. .'iulit'll Iiim returned from
r.iglo I'lilitoSi. I Mm.
liliH jivin away free nt tho Now
York i-lore in St. Helens.
A. D. tlillftt, of Ivlcwnrc, Olio, was
u Uu'mlcr vif iwir Sulurhiy,
Kcliu ltiU r tlmt tin lU:iltTKIt itlubs
w illi iril pniivr of Portland.
J. K. Monahaii, of (.'.ithlttuict, vinitod
in Itoulion tlio lirrt of tlio week.
Mm. It wan a Portland lioiind intn
. rngrr on tlio curly train Tut'sdii) ,
. Strikes ntul lock outs nro uhnoMt ah
iiuiucrouH hii in tlio days of (Irovcr.
J jlin I'Mlioliiii', of Vcriionhi, visited
Inn ldg in St. llt-h-ii Tin-why night.
Tlio dog ntul monkey circus vudtcd
lloulton Ibia-wcek, U) tlio delight of tliu
muall Uy.
K. SciHfinan, of Ycrimniii, was in
lloitlton Tui'Milay on liiit way to Port
land on buniiie'8.
Mrn. Pcltord, wIk hat .been cjietiding
tlio ntitnmvr nt tlio bench, returned
home tlio lirst bf tlio week.
IVrry Mi-lliugcr nnd Pay Mills pitmed
tli roiiy li I loiittoti, SaLupl:iy, t-urouto fur
tlr hop fields Ituttt'villo.
John Carney, tliu genial clerk nt
Persy A (iraliiiin'M store, 1m spending tho
neck at his home in Portland.
lloullon is to have, tloiirii! lights.
Nourly every rcH'ideme uud buniiiies
lioiino will Imvo lihla iiiHtalli'd.
At I'tuiloy A Urinn'H yutt find n pi'l
ijualityof Koii'Tiil inrtvlmmlixo, nt tlio
riylit jirioo. Now inU nrrivin daily.
Mis.M. K. WillimiiH, . of Yankton,
wliulriM Imm'H v i h i i i t i h in l'ortliiiul tliu
lut two u ii'kn, ri turiR'tr lioiuo Mon
day. (Juito n nuiiitor of tlio voting folkn nt
temloit tho aocial dam o given nt 0. L.
Ay re jilaoo nt Yankton, Saturday niulit.
All roixirt a ytry tnJoyubl tiuiv.
Two new houses arc contemplated in
lloulton in tho near future; onu jut
ncrofM tho way from tho ItriHtt-r ollleu
. nnd one nd joining tho Koititer ollice.
.Tho lioulton acIukiI pponod hero lat
'.'Tui'lay with MinaJtuby Jackson, prin
cipalnnd MiHHiJ'otu Louo ntutiHtant.
The uttundanco will bo larger than lant
your. '
County Judge Ilattun has been look
ing over nouio of tho bridges out Yank
ton way and fiiulu repairs needed on two
. of the bridges to make them oafo for
. travel.
ThoilwiiHTKii family is now Wotudin
. JJoulton w hore they will ho glad to re
ceive provender of nny kind. 1'otatooH
'U)o came of ball.
itut Knlnier w a too Ditich for St. I lelf na
nnd the f oore toxl " to .1 in favor of
lUluier. In tin afU'riiooti cunie thetu
of war. The itamu between ( lateknnio
nnd Itainii r.wns on. Up to tho third
limine, not a tnnn piumed II ret Uihc. In
the fifth inning, it wns a tlo 1 to 1, nnd
ut tho cloo of tint uiuth inning the noorc
to(xl 11 to 2 in f ivor..of luiuier. On
Sunday, the lant day .of the tournuuient,
Alln-rt Tarker tiiUl lloulton Anl rc
turnoil to Ida liomo nt l'itmbur. Satur
day, with hi wifo who ba.1 Uen to
Portland for mcdk-nl treatment.
On the return trip from St. Loul, Mr.
and Mm. Terry vimtl Yelloitoii
I'ark. They lay it la linpowible to form
any Idea of tho Uauty of "XAture'i
Jlantcriiiero" from A 'lonrription, but
that onco aeon, iU frjuxleur will never
Imj forgotten.
During tlio rt-r.t fcreat lire over In
tho Nehiilem valley tho reiidenee And
all out biiiidingp, excepting a barn, be
longing to John Mueller wan entirely
dintrofcd. Thin i tho aeconl loue
Mr. Miieltrr bu lout in tho Nchalem
valley by Hre.
The Jtainier achoola opened last Mon
day with un attendani-o of 1.'K. The at
tendance w ill probably reach 2)0 during
Teachers Annual Institute
friends about it and induce them Uv-
acribe. have special dabbing Tfliif
with the Tortbnd Journal, Oirgciij
Ad Fan Francisco Examiner.
the year. Another tcm hor and Another
OhiUkanle played St. Helens in tho r(K, wj 1 rojuired to give nceomwla
mornlng, winning the Knio by 11 to 4.jtion to tho whole school. All Krades
. and eubbit),'u arc nt par in payment
. uubui-ription.
Mrs. 0. 1'. llazcr of Houltoa started
AVednewlay inoruin for Clyde, Cloud
county. KaiiHa, to viHit her .daughter
And may prol;:ibly returii until
jie;t June.
Married nt the park. of U. I'.
utKiiiH. oiiieiiiuiiL- imaici! oi mo tonoo
nt St. llcleiiH, Wednesday evcuinr,
Soptoinber 7, Mins Ona Uelle iloVcy
And C. (irouiian.
Tli T.nulins Aid Society met nt Mrs.
Kainier'u houso WedneHday Afternoon.
A delightful littlo luncheon was Herved
to the ladles and nil voted it a very
, plcuKant afternoon.
On this Friday evening tho United
AVtisans of Houlton iiHsembly, Os'o. 80,
will hold open meeting in their hull and
will irivcnnico cream social. All aro
cordially invited to attend.
M. 10. lIoImes,.of Portland, represent'
Jng tho Portland. Daily Journal was f
visitor in lloulton und St. Helens yes
tcrday. JIo secured a number of now
-Bubacribers to tho daily in both towns.
Jtev. U. M. Frymeir has commancctl
-tho erection of a new residence ad
joining tho homo otT. B. Lottot St
HclonB. As Boon as complcto itho
houso will bo occupisd by tho, pastor
and his family.
ThoBninicr Mill nnd Lumber eom
.pany liavo closed down for a time.' It is
to bo hoped that for tho benoilt of tho
.families dependant on the mill for sup
port, that tho shut down will bo for. a
short timoonly.
Tho county board of equalization com
ploted their labors lust Saturday. A
reduction of ft), 240 was made in tho
entire -.roll mostly by way of correct
ions. Tho total assessment of tho
county is $2; 579,092.
,It is Baid that about $!0O of Clatska
nie money ..wcflt Jlainierward on tho
game Detwen Clatskanio and iKaimer,
Saturday. Woll. turn about is fair
play. It is only a short . .time .- sinco
goodly sum of Kainier gold . was ntakon
down to Clatskanio.
A hundred or moro of tho citizens of
Kainier went down to Clatskanio to at
lend tho baseball tournament Friday,
Saturday and Sunday. Tho grand stand
support Rainier received had much to
. ilo. with their good, playing.
In the nfternoon tho game between
Kainier and Clalnkanie wim tho motu
intcrcatini:.of the series und was by iur
tho li nt game of bull. Tho more utood
.1 to 1 in favor of Kainier. Kuinicr won
tho chnmpioiiHhip of the county und the
cup. Thin has heretofore been held by
ClatHkanie. Kainier alw won, t-'0 first
prize money, Kainier won every game
of thuferit s in which they played. St.
Helens lout every game of tho series. A
littlo better management for tho U-nni
in tho upper end of the county ..iuje;l)t
ho-ve changed tha reeulta tritle. And as
n.matti'r of fact they should have had.
the gniiio Saturday morning. At the
clone, of the guuie Sunday ufU'rnoon,
Walter Pullon and tho umpire, a Mr.
Wushburu, from Warrenton, came near
predplutin.' a general riot, but it was
happily averted by the friends of order.
The second, f:iO, was won by. CJatt
knnie. .The booby, fi" was St.
Ileh'ii. Kainier won the cup, but the
ClaULuHio Imivh still hold it claiming
that the cup belongs to them Iwaune it
lias lWi engraven on its kido. Of courso
it.woi:M huvo to be re-cngraved for J'.HJI.
Tliero was moru intereht in this than in
any former tournament held in the
county. The nest tournament Hhmild
bo held at St. Helens. In tho mean
time, St. Helens should awake, get a
good manager lor , trie coming season,
ml iiuport some new blood into their
tow nits well as in to tho git mo of baseball.
In tho associated press di. patches of
ic 2nd Itint was the following para
graph : VJ. J. Schmidt, who rented tho
inperial hotel, furnished, from Joseph
Bosoow itz; a capitalist of Victoria, )?. 0.
shipped nhout $1,1)03. worth of the furai-
ure ut different times last ;nonth to
'uget Sound, where it js bcloiycd to
have been sold. He disappeared a few
days ago. Vi.-tona detectives discovered
Schmidt's hiding place in Tacoma and
io will be brought back here for trial."
J. Schmidt or Jack Schmidt was well
known in Kainier as president of the
Columbia Logging Company. He. loft
rather suddenly and was not heard from
or a your or more. Ho was a member
of tho Odd Fellows lodge at St. Helens
and was one of tho charter members of
iainu r Odd Fellows .lodge. Ho was
running a hotel In British Columbia,
but tho hotel burned and ho lost nil his
furniture. He nftcrwnrd leased tho
mjnTial hotel in Victoria.
JniiicsStewarl, .4jf Kainier, "for tho
pest tw enty years has been troubled
w ith a wen. A, tirst il caused him little
trouble and no pain, hut in tho past
four or live years it baa been growing
and a consultatiun with physicians
caused him to submit to an operation
nnd have tho wen removed. Tho oper
ation was successfully performed on
Thursday of last w eek by Pr. Uockcy's
partner of Portland. Stewart under
went tho pperntion without taking med
icine of anv. kind. It required sixty
stitches. to sew up tho wound An his
Bcalp. . Wo nro, pleased to note that Mr.
Stewart isrecoverin from the operation
without experiencing any Eerious trouble
or inconvenience.
Tlicra-was an unpleasantness in Kain
ier tho other night. A young woman
attempted to mako lqyo to a young mar
ried man. The young married man told
his w ife that he could not hblp-it, bo tho
next time the young' woman camo up to
tho house, tho lady of tho houso opened
hostilities. Tliero iwas hnir-pulling,
weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth.
And tho married woman, announced it
as her determination to take her hus
band away from Rainier as tho tempta
tions in society lifo are too great , in the
metropolis of Columbia county.
Last Saturday, Mrs. R. P. Burns, o
Rainier, who has been ill for eomo time,
was taken to the hospital in Portland
for treatment. Sho has been .working
hard for several years past to fix upi
home for lierself and family : and to-day
the Burns homo is one ot the finest, in
the county, kit is hoped that a little
rest and careful treatment will, nurse
her back to her accustomed good health
and that she, with her husband, and
children, may live many years. tOcn joy
tholr, pleasant home.
Tho farmers in the- lower end of tho
county aro beginning to awaken to tho
necessity of stocking up their ranches
with improved stock of all kinds.
few days sinco, J. K. Rhodes, living out
back of Rainier, sent to Jefferson for
fine Suffolk pig for breeding purposes.
(ioiii first to U nth are taught there. In
fact a regular high school course.
I filed, nt her home, at Mist, After a
loi.g illnofs Mrs. Juliett Iov .pasMieu
away Aug. 19th V.)i. Sho was C years
old And left one son and two, daughters,
as follows J. K. Dow, of Mis,t, Mrs. J.
(J. Prjuglc, of Deer Island, and Mrs. 0.
A.Kreig, oi Waterloo,. Linn Co. Ore.,
besides a number of. (friends to mourn1
her departure.
.Tho fish traps aro All running and
supplying the cold storage houses And
one or more canneries with fish. The
fish warden pays no attention to the
law. ,Tho traps and wlieels should bo
driven off thu river and in a few years
there would bo good employment -lor
the gill-net fishers. . It is tho wheels
und traps that ruin tho fish business. '
L. L. Detrkk, the Pittsbnrg saw mill
man wait-out to Portland the first of tho
.wee k, aixl vislted Houlton on his way
home Tuesday. He reports consider
able fire over on the head of JCHt F?k,
an J on the upper Nehaleni. Says that
the fire is presumed to have been start
ed by a fire insurance agent who was
out in that country soliciting business.
Mjirried, ct tho '.residence of G. L.
Tarbell of Yankton. Sunday Sept. tl,
Rev. K. A. Smith.of Portland officiating,
Kay Turlxdl ond Misa Florence Nowles.
Only the purcnts and their families
were present. Tlio brido and groom
took a trip. to Portland and will settle
down in Yankton where Ruy will assist
.his father in running tho Yunkton
ranch and dairy.
At one of tho saloons in Columbia
county a piano is kept for tho amuse
ment of patrons of the joint. A few
nights sinco among tho voices in & bnc
canaliau.sonjr, could bo plainly discern
ed the siren notes of a female. If the
saloon, keepers desire to seal their doom
in November, they aro certainly taking
tho right course. Open all day Sunday,
selling to minors, and caring not for law
or order is certainly tho right- road to
prohibition in this county.
Tho county court was in session this
week. All tho member of the board and
court officers were present. Tho Clats-
kanie-Mist road was ordered as prayed
for in petition, as was also the Win.
Resimius rond and tho E. C. Stanwood
road. Louis Fluhrer was granted a
saloon license for one year from Sept. ,
nouiatskanio ana otlier bridges were
discussed and ordered improved. The
matter of letting the tax list and build
ing tho court houso had not been taken
up before wo went to press yesterday.
An accident occured at II. L. Colvin s
logging camp lust Tuesday morning that
caused the cold chills to run over those
that stood by and saw it. .The three
year old daughter of Mjr. and Mrs. Frank
Shortlexlgo had her, leg cut off by the
grip wheel. Several little fallows were
riding on the. platform and . when they
iad reached tho blacksmith shop, they
undertook, to leave the wheel. One of
tho littlo boys was handing tho smaller
ones down bo they could reach the
ground , he dropped the little girl under
the wheel. When. Johnny Golvin pick
ed her up ho eaw that part, of her leg
was laying on the other side, of the rail
Dr. Golden, of CUtskaote, was rushed to
the placo and with' the assistance of Dr.
Meyers, he amputated tho leg above the
knee, i It is most remarkable to Bay that
the little ono never complained but
talked to the plkysiciflns when they, ar
rived and ioJd them kow it happened.
September 14, 15, 16,
Superintendent. Hainler, Oregon.
rr work npnrn war Us, A iriU prtbh; If v wtrt upu brum
ilmr 1 1 Oft ft; ire rmr lemyU, IJkry tclti rrmmttU iml4w4:
fail ' r nirk im immurtll ml ml: 1 ttt Imkmf Utrm trUk frim
r !, rttk Ik )nM frmr if f.arf aurf tut if frllon-mrn, rf
pro re an that tabtfU tomrtklng irk will krlykU tm tUl rterattg.
Oi-ixixo Ex ehcihes, 11 : 00 O'Cum-k
i Writing L. R. Trayer
tRwuling C. A. Rice O
i (ieotfranhr II. D. Sheldon
" : - - - .
i Tho Sentence J. II. Ackerman .J
. X rtx ixo Exkrcism, 1 : 00 O'Cixxtk
SiMillinv T. XI Tmwp
4 O . ......... . - ......................... " - i
History. ,f ; II. D. Sheldon
Itcoding........ C. A. Rice ;
, The Tcaclier as a Miisionary J. II. Ackerman!
Tin. did you my? Ye. Well, T. .lr
k l'.rlna have the finest line ot tinvtr,-:
in the county and At price so lo yon,.
will be aurpriaed.
Morgns ot the Near York store ."c.ftk
Helena is offering "pec'ul inducen ontP, I
for cash trade. See him tor fine pi C'v
on dishes.
II. p. Sheldon ;
....J. If. Ackerman '
Dry anuVdoBty-rW-Uh it wbuld rain.
John Edholui and-J.1. Sessematt visited
the county seat Tuesday.
Sydney MAlmstcn nnd mother wore
doing business in the Grove the first .of
tho week..
Born, to the wife of Lon Emmons, jui
8 lb, girl.
Dr. Hatfield. ) building an addition to
his barn.
Hiram VanBlaricom is, erecting a now
Jiouse. Mr. Counts is .boss carpenter.
Boys, when you cut..vood .for your
neiglvbor..mea8ure. -with. the "Golden
Potatoes will be a total' failure in the
valley unless rain comes Boon. .
Last Saturday afternoon fire destroy'
cd 0. Muller's house, wood-shed, smoko
house,, orchard and a lot of fence. This
is the second time ho has been burned
out since he came to the valley,
IVvelopment of Nature Study in the Schools ,
(Tho Recitation
', Pictures L. R. Traver X
Methods p. ARjce
Practical Work in Nature Study H. J). Sheldon
Arithmetic C.'AtfEice
Every Day Problemaof the Teaclicr.. L. R. Traver
Thd .Recitation J. n. Ackerman X
Opexi.xo Ex ehci!es 0:00 O'Clock
Arithmetic C. A. Rice 1
Teachcra' Reading ..II; p. Sheldon
Methods L. R, .Traver
OpKXISO EjLEHl'iSiH, 1 '. 30 O'CLOCK '
A rfihmctic .... 4 O. A.- Rice ;
Psychology for Teachers II. D. Sheldon '
Methods L.tR. Traver!
Mr. Charles H.Jones of Salem and Sup'l L. R. Traver will lead the singing.
Miss Ruby A. Jackson wil aetata Institute Secretary and will issue Certifi
cates of Attendance.
No Reboot Khali be oprn In any dlntrlrt for tjke pnrpoae of ordinary In-
traction on ajr Hatnrdajr or on any Irgal holiday, or In any county during;
the tinio of holding the annual county Institute therein. Sec. 30, Page 33.
THE County Superintendent shall hold annually a Teachers' County Institue, or a
terra of not lins than three days, lor the Instruction of teachers and those dexlring
to teach; and all teachers In the public schools of hlx county shall be required to attend; ;
and the County Bnperlnteudent may at his discretion revoke the certificate, reduce the
grade, or refuse to grant a certificate t any teacher who refuses to attend the county 4
Institute without cause.
The County (Superintendent shall apportion toetk district inv his county 11.00 foH
each teacher employed by sucn district during the twelve months immediately preceding
such apportionment wno has attended, for a period of at least sixteen hours, an Annual.
County Institute or State J jai-hers' Association held during the twelve months immedi
ately prececdlng the time of making suclT apiortionment. The County Superintendent J
shall take as evidence that such district has employed a teacher or teachers who havei
attended an institute or association as above described, a certificate properly signed by !
the secretary of such institute or association, or a certified copy thereof. SCHOOL LAV,
Velvets will be much worn I f$
winter. Seo the aamplo patterns
Harry Oliver's. He also has a lai .y,J
line of fall and winter dress goods. .
Bucklon's Arnica Salvs.
Has worUl-wide fame for aiarvcllcus '
cures. ' It aurpasscs any other salve, lo
tion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns,
Puma, lioilfl, Sores, Felons Ulcers, Tet
ter, Halt U hen m, Fever Sores, Chapped
Hands, Skin Eruptions; infalliable for
Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 2."c at
Perry & Graham's.
The Rk;itke man has houses to rent
And houses to sell in the town of Rainier
tho .bait jjchool town in the county. A
house And one block, two houses And1
one block, .and also a house And lot' for
good business location. Helms also two -or
three good locations (or small fruit
farms or chicken ranches.
Aoy's Wild Ride For Life.
With family around expecting him
to die, and a hoc riding for lite 18 miles,
to get Dr. King's New. Discovery .for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds, W. H.
lirown. ol LiCesville, Jnd, enuurea
death's agonies from asthma; but this
wonderful medicine gave instant relief
and soon cured him. He writes: "Inovr
sleep soundly every night." Like mar
velous cures 01 uonsumption, rneu-
nionia, Rronchitis, Coughs, Colds and
Urip prove its matchless merit for all
Throat and Lung trobles. Guaranteed
bottles .V)c and $1.00. Trial bottles free
at Perry & Graham's.
, Old papers 25 cents per hundred. '
rxTHFCjitcrrrcoT-KTOP tue uaxe'qf
1 OrnKoii lor Columbia County. ' 1
J. Jl.l'eeules, rUtlnun, f
R. M. Peebles-, Dcfendnt. .'J
To Mrs. J." il. Peebles, the defendant bqye
named: .
you are hereby reijulreil to appear ani answer
the complaint ttlea axainst you in the' above
enlitleii suit by tne nrjt day uf the next yam
of tne Circuit Court ol the State ot Oregon Jur
the County ot Columbia, said date being on the
lllb day ol October, l''l, and following the ex
piratloii 01 I He prescrioeu lime in lue oruer iot
ihe puolieation of this summons, and if you
(ail to so appearand answer lor want thereof,
plaintiR w in apply to said Court for the releii
demanded in said complaint: A disaolutlou
of the marriage contract now existing between
plaintiff and uefcnduut and also the custody oi
ituih Adelaide fveblvs, the minor child ot said
This summons is published by order of. lion.
Thomas Jit-Bride, Judge ol the above entitled
Court, made pit toe iih day of Jul; l'jot, the
date'tf ttrst publication beiug Krlday, August
ilh, ' '
,V. C.yiSCHEB, .
.Attorney lor'laiflyff.
I Oregon for Columbia County.
Anna C. Malm, Plaintiff, 1
Ludrig Malm, Dcfcpdnt ,)
To Ludvig ilahn, detetidant above named:
you are hereby required to appear aud answer
the cornpfaint.tiU!d against you in the above
entitleiisiiit on or btiore the. ltith day of tep-
; I will be at Houlton on Wednesday,
Thursday.and, Friday, September 28th
IDth and iWth inst, with a full line of
up to dataiaiUinery, walking and drees
suits, Taiiocmade suits, jackets, coats,
and shirUvaist8. which I will offer to
you cheaper than you have ever. bought
before. Call and sea mo at Mrs. Ethel
Matthews. Houlton Ore. September
iWtU'Wth ami 30th.
Mrs. Jj. Swett.
tember, 1U04, which day is tbe iast day of the
time ' prescribed for the publication of this
summons, thu date of first publication bciig
August Mil, l'.Ml, ant if 'oU fail to so appear
and answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will
apply to said court for the releif uemauded in
her complaint, to-wit: That the marriage con
tract existing between plaintiff and deluudant
be dissolved r thai plaintiff have the custody, of
thfi.chilurn now livlug with her ajid fof such .
other aud further releii as the nature, of tni
case may require aud as to the cour.t JJiay seem
equitabl . '
' This summons is published bjorder of the
Hon. It. is. llattan, County Judge of Columbia
County, Oregon, made August 4th,
- , . Attorney for fluiutiif.
1 ' Oregon, for CuiuniMa County.
Minnie I iiqrgesss, riainuu,
vs. . "
.Thomas J. Burgees. Defendant,
, TO Tnomas J. liurgess, me ueieuuaut auyt
named :
You are hereby required to appear and answer
thecomplaint tiled against you in the aWe
entitled suit and Court, on or before-the latft
dsy of the six weeks next following the dat4f
tne tlrst pUDllcailon 01 inia suuijuuiis.nnai
being the time prescribed in the order
lication hereof; and if you fail to so ifppear
and answer ' said complaint, the pWintiff,
Minnie Lliurgess, will cause your default to be
entered and apply to the Court abgve named
for the relief demanded In tne complaint, to
wii : For a decree of said Court diso;!ng the
bonds of matrimony now existing Between tue
plaintiff and the defendant and awarding to
her thecare and custody of the iniaut child,
John L. Burgess, together with costs of suit
and such other relief as to . the Curt seems
This summons Is published pursuant to an
order of the Honorable It. 8. Hatjjin, County
Judge for said Columbia county, Oregon, made
and dated July 26, l'AH, which order prescribed
that the service ot summons, in mis sun,
should be made upon you by publication ouce
a week for six consecutive Weeks.
The date of the first publication of this sum
mens is Friday, July , Wot. ' '
Attorneys, for plaintiff.- ....
A8hort UmO'.fiince, Mrs. Elgin, of
Rainier, had the misfortuno to cut her
scalp by fallihg against a window glass.
V. IT. Hankins and family went down
to the Mission hop fields near St. Paul
the first of this week. Ho left his ranch
near Rainier, in charge of tho boys.
Mrs. James Stewart and children ac
companied the Hankins family.
'"Mr. Ferdlcarla thinks Ralsull ought to
be sultan of Morocco, ferdlcarla seems
to he making himself solid against a I to be a. cyclone
.OtUjrJiadqnppg expqclWloB.
Chicago lawyers, re to form a labor
onion. Any ono. who gcruhta that law
ycrs are entitled, .to frm a labor union
should caref uljy observe1 tbeamount of
hustling. the v average ,Uwb. of tho law
goes through rn getting a case.
The war cloud Is again doing an
overshadowing business In Europe. The
trouble with the European war cloud
Is that It belongs to the variety known
as wind clouds. This one may turn out
.Practice in any court', SHto,ior Federal.
Next door to covurkhouse.
The Steameriliall.
Makes round Ulpbfttwcea
leaving Rainier at fi;00 aH ra. and Portland
t 2:30 p. ra. dally texceptunday., e solifcit
anare ot tne puone patronage, aia in return
will give quick service and a clean boat. Wo
are here to stay and want your business, lead
ing at foot of Taylor Street.
C. I. HOOGHKIBfl;, Boater,
.Str. Joseph Mjogg.
.leaves Portlaud Tuesday, Thursday and Sit
urday at 7 a. m. for 8t. Helens, Kalama, Carrols
Point, Kainier and Ke'.so. Arriving at Port
land, Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 2 p.m.
The Bteamer Northwest leaves Portland, Mon
doy and Thursday for Toledo, Castle Kock, and
way points at tt a.m., re" urning Wednesday and
Saturday at 2 p. m. Best and cheapest routo
to the Ht. Helens mining district. Subject to
change without notice. Wharf foot of Haliuxm
street. II. Uuliuau, Agent,