The Columbia register. (Houlton, Columbia County, Or.) 1904-1906, July 22, 1904, Image 7

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Whether It li of the not, throat, atornacn,
bowels, or ruore delirate ornni, catarrh ti
alwaya debilitating and should utit UU oi
It ti a dlecherie from tb mucous mem
trane wben kept In a atata o( inflammation,
br an Impure, commonly scrofulous, con.
dltton ol the blood.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Caret all forma of catarrh, radically and
permanently It removes the cauae and
ercomea all the eaecta. Get Ilood'a.
Out the Tune All lUftht.
A new IrlMi porter was put at work
on an English truln. Tbe head porter,
says Ilouai'liold Words, directed the
new man to Imitate him cloeely, and
thereby learn lils duties.
' When the flmt train ranie Into the
atatlon the bead porter shouted, "Ker
ryhlll; chnnuo for Hartlepool, Htockton
and MlddlcitlMirouKb; etui ttise fur Kpen
nymoor, Cox hoe aud Trlmdon; keep
jour seats going north."
Harney strode after him and shout
ed In I louder vole: "Fareyhlll;
change for Pahorc, Uinphuinp, Too
tatooral, Plderhuni; rhango for Cox
ronib, Morrhom, Klnduatn, Coldhmu;
kaie your aeata where you are."
The atatiou-inaatrr culled blm aalde
and showed hi in the right natnea on
the tlmo-table.
Harney removed his cap'end aald po
litely, "Thank you, or. I got hold of
the music, but I couldn't catch the
word a,"
A Remarkable Care of Dropsy by Dodd's
Kidney Pllla.
Benign Ick. Ark., July 11. The case
of W. 8. Taylor's little son is looked
upon by thoee interested in medical
matters aa one of the moat wonderful
on tecord. In this connection bia fath
er makes the following statement:
"Last September, my little boy had
dropsy; hie leet and limbs were
swollen to such an extent that he could
not walk or put his shots on. The
treatment that the doctors were giving
him seemed to do him no good and two
or three poople said his days were
abort, even the doctors, two of the bent
in the country tola me lie would not
get better. I stopped their medicine
.....I ... . 4 ... n...i.i. ir ! ...
at uiug rriik ur I'mui a nniiini
I'llls. I gave him .hree pills a day,
one morning, noon and night for igln
dave; at the end of the eighth day the
welling was all gone, but to give the
medicine Justice, I gave him eleven
more pills. I ucd thirty-five pills in
all and he waa entirely cured. 1 con
aider your medicine saved my child'a
life. When the thirty-five pilla were
given him, he coXild run, dance and
ing, whereas before he waa an invalid
in his mother'! arms from morning
until night."
American pork la no longer prohibited
In Turkey. .
Mothers will And Mr a. Wltulows'a Soothing
Irrnn tha beat remedy Mutator their Children
during the teething period..
Cuba growa nearly one-third of the
world'a sugar cane.
IfKeeley uouor-morphine-tobacco
President Itoosevult has delivered 870
speeches wlthiu two and a half years.
It la sold he has broken the record.
Miss M. Cartledge gives some
helpful advice to young girls.
Her letter is but one of thou
sands which prove that nothing
is so helpful to young girls who
are just arriving at the period of
womanhood as Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound.
"Deab Mrs. PmraiM; I cannot
praise Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound too highly, for it
is the only medicine I ever tried which
eured me. I Buffered much from my
first menstrual period, I felt bo weak:
and dizzy at timea 1 could not pursue
my studies with the usual interest.
My thought became sluggish, 1 had
headaches, backaches and sinking
epella, also pains in the back and lower
limbs. In fact, I was sick all over.
" Finally, after many other remedies
had been tried, we were advised to (ret
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound, and I am pleased to Bay
that after taking it only two weeka, a
wonderful change for the better took
place, and in a short time I was J.
perfect health.- I felt buoyant, tu'u of
life, and found all work a pastime. I
am indeed glad to tell my experience
with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound, for it made a dif
ferent girl of. me. Yours very truly,
Miss M. Cabtlkdob, 633 Whitehall St,
Atlanta, Ga. " S000 farfttt If original o)
aaove Utttr proving gtnulninsannot btpnductt,
Beit Cough Bjrup. Tastes Good. Ufa
In tuna, Horn ny arwnrintii.
"?? t'lTcfEf.v.SI-'M M JF 'n?
. yTtsaea ia,u.,,,-r-
"I can alwaya tell when you are go
ing to tell a lie. aald Cregg to Legg.
"Ilowr asked Legg. "1 ace you open
your mouth, aald Cregg. Town
Old Gentleman (to small boy, who
la nursing a skinned knee) Did you
fall down, lltUe chap? Small Boy
Yer didn't think I fell up and baahed
gin a cloud, did yer?
Barnes Tormor I am in a quandary.
I have been offered an engagement by
two managers, and I don't know how
to act Sue Hrette Well, don't worry.
They'll soon find It out
"And do you think,- be asked, "that
men progress after death r "Well,"
ahe replied, "If they don't, it would
a I moat aeera useless for some of them
to dJe.M Chicago Itecord.
Mother Willie, whafa Tommy cry
ing for? Willie Only because he
doesn't want to learn anything. I Juat
took bis sweets aud showed him bow
to eat them, and be screamed.
"Thomas, spell weather," aald the
teacher. Tboinae W-l-a-e-t-b-t-h-1-s-a-r.
Teacher You muy alt down,
Thoma. You're given us the worat
spell of woathcr we're bad this year.
She Dut if you Bay you can't bear
the girl, why ever did you propose? He
Well, her people have alwaya been
good to me and it's the only way I
oould return their hospitality. Punch.
atlas Cutting That dog of yours
aeems to be remarkably Intelligent
Boftlelgh Yaws, ludeed! I aw
could not begin to tell you all be
knows. Miss Cutting No, of course
not New Yorker.
BIzzcr I regret to learn that your
son Iteglnald fulled In his graduating
examination at Harvard. Buzzer
Boggy could staud that If only hia crew
bad not been beaten In the boat race.
Ohio State Journal.
Gentleman (to man on horseback)
Why, my man, how do you expect to
get that horse along with a spur on
one side only? Horseman Well, sir,
If I gets that ero aide to go, ain't the
other bound to keep up?
"What a polite little boy you are."
exclaimed Anno Teek, "and do
you always take off your hat like that
when you apeak to ladles?" "No' in,"
replied the polite little boy, "only old
ladles." Philadelphia Press.
"I think I'll take this bracelet," aald
a lady whose husband bad auddenly
amassod a fortuno. "Are you sure It's
made of refined gold?" "Oh, yes," an
swered the Jeweler. "Because I do
detest anything that lan't refined!" Bald
the lady.
Tbe Uncle Well, here's the money
you're been bothering me for. Now,
remember the old Baying that "A fool
and hia money are easily parted.
The Nephew I don't know about
that I've had to coax you for more
than a week for this.
"I wonder why the groomsman at a
wedding Is called the best man?"
queried the leap-year girl. "I suppose,"
rejoined the old bachelor, "it la be
cause he baa shown his superior In
tellect In not posing aa the victim In
the tragedy." Chicago News.
She waa city bred, and had tbe usual
fear of cowa. "Why," she asked, when
the danger was past "did you take me
across this lot?" The small country
lad chuckled. "I thought It would be
fun," be said, "to see you try to climb
a tree." Then after another chuckle:
'And It was." Philadelphia Ledger.
"Yes,' said Mrs. Wordsworth; "the
family are most Interesting. John
dances divinely, Tom sings like an an
gel, David la a famous footballer, Su
sanna paints with great taste." "And
Henry?" "Oh, Henry! Well, he's a
rather dull sort of a fellow, you know.
He only works and supports the oth
ers." "John," Bald the bargain-hunting
half of the matrimonial trust as they
sat at the breakfast table, "I wish you
would let me have ?25 this morning."
"My dear," replied the meek and
lowly husband, "I wish you would
break yourself of the habit you have
jf dreaming that I married an heiress."
Employer You are having a decided
flirtation with the girl who has charge
of our telephone wire? Truthful Clerk
(with cold chills running up and down
his apine, and with visions of instant
dismissal) Y-e-e-s, sir; but please,
sir Employer Well, keep it up.
She will give more attention to our
calls if you do.
The small boy was having his face
bathed by a sister, who perhaps show
ed rather more enthusiasm In the mat
ter than was altogether necessary, for
the victim wriggled in her grasp. "Let
me go," he said gaspingly, when he
had shaken off the folds of the bit of
Turkish toweling used for a face cloth.
"I can't see why you wash, my face,
any way; I never use It."
Poor Gussle.
"I noticed Gussle Woodby reading
a book the other day "
"Yes, it was the Autocrat at the
Breakfast Table.' "
"I didn't suppose he was interested
in anything outside of the society col
umn." "Well, you see it was all a mistake,
which he didn't discover for some
time. He thought It was the 'Aristo
crat at the Breakfast Table.' "Phila
delphia Press.
Bald? Scalp shiny tnd thin?
Then It's probably too late.
You neglected dandruff. If
you had only taken our ad
vice, you would have cured
Hair Vigor
the dandruff, saved your hair,
tnd added much to it. If
not entirely bald, now is your
opportunity. Improve it.
I have hmO a Tar's Hair Visor for eer
IMti. I am now (( ,aarnltf ! tM7
itrowth of rtrh hrovn hilr. Sua, I Uiluk, an-
uiaijr w Tr. iiair Vi'r.'
a. M. A. Kiiti, Bllalll, III.
t. e.
Good Hair
Then They Dined.
"You are sweet euougn to eat" said
the very young man who imagined be
had tbe love market cornered.
"Thunks," rejoined the matter-of-fact
muld. "There's a small restaurant
Just around tbe corner."
You Can Oct Allen'a Foot-Ce FREE.
Write Allen 8. Olmated.U Rny.N. Y., tor a
free itmle ol Allen's Pnot-Ke. It curve
eweatlnir. hot iwollen , echinf (eel. It tnaket
aewortlsbt ahori y. A reruln cure lor
eorni, Itiirrowlns peJli and bnnioni. All drug.
(lite tell it Vk. lKn't accept any substitute.
MUtake Home where.
"Mr. Millyuns," said the poor but
aristocratic widow, "allow me to pre
sent my three charming daughters."
"Good heavens, madam!" exclaim
ed young Millyuns, "there must be a
mistake somewhere. Via not. a sena
tor from Utah."
lor Infants and Children. '
His Kind You Have Alwajs Bought
Bears the
Kangaroo fanning Is to become an
eKtablisbed institution In Australia.
riTfl Permanently enrca, no nuor nerroonneal
110 anrrflrntday'iuarofbr.Kline'aUmUNerTe
ttartorrr. Kfnrt for Fro U1 trial bottle and traaUaa.
lt.iU. Kllua, Ltd.. W Arcb bU mudalpola, fa.
Nearly 800 patents have' been granted
to Ldiaon.
$100 Reward. $100.
The readers ol this paper will be pleaned to
learn that there li at utait one dreadedrdiaease
that science haa been able to cur In all its
tagei. and that la Catarrh, llall't Catarrh
Cure ii the only positive cure known to the
medical Iraterulty. Catarrh belnf a cowtltu
liimal dlteaae, requlrei a eonitltutloDal treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure u taken internally,
ectinf directly upon the blood and mucoui
uriacet ol the lyitero, thereby dratroylng the
foundation ol the dlneane, and giving the pa
tient itrength by building up the constitution
and anilitlng nature in doing Its work. .The
proprietors Cave so much laltfl in lta curative
powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars
lor any caae that It fails to cure. Bend for liet
ol teaumoulal.
Addrem. V. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, 0.
Bold by draggltta, 75c.-
Hall'i family fills are the best
Diphtheria can only be diagnosed by a
bacteriological examination, and can be
absolutely cured by the administration
of antitoxin early In the disease.
For bronchial trouMts try Pleo'a Cure
for Consumption. It is a good cough
medicine. At druggets, price 25 cents.
The Romans had a god of boundar
ies, Terminus. His statue was a post
set In the ground to mark the limits
of fields.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature of
5ee Fac-Slmlle Wrapper Below.
Tary email amd easy
. te take aa nga&
tf ewt I Pnrelr Tegetanlevaw
Thifshermen and Sawmill Men Note I 150 It.
Endlens Linen Ht II chert, Heavy Canvas, 4 ply, 7
Inch Belting, I27.0O. ISO ft, 8 inch wide, same as
above, i3i.OO. Tank Pumps complete, with 18 ft. 2
Inch Suction Hone, 10 ft. Discharge Hose, with nos
tel and strainer. 110.50. BeltliiR, Hose and Packing
at wholesale prices. General agency for Parsons
Hawkeye Self Feeder. Lane shingle mill, run only
40 days, at a bargain. Write fur catalogs. y
Ne. 29-1904.
HEN writing to ftdvertUeirf plec
luonuun idii ppre
tier Brother Bad a Bather B ratal bat
CertaUl EClcacloaa Way.
am the door closed behind Poll, Tom
looked serosa at hie mother.
"How long haa this ben going onT
he asked. "She used to be the jolllent
little joungster In the world."
Pollj's mother shook her head at
blm, although her eyes were troubled.
"Don't be seter on her, Tom. Pol
Ijr's growing op, and sometime a girl
take growing op rather hard. Just
now her sense of proportion la a little
out of focus and small troubles loom
large, but she'll find herself present
ly, and it will all come right"
1 ehould hope so," Tom replied, fr
rently. Upon second thoughts he de
cided to saj nothing to his mother, of
tbe plan he had half resolved upon,
but wait bis opportunity wlUi Polly.
It came la a few dajs, when Polly
came from school teartul and Indig
nant over her French mark.
"It lan't fairr ahe declared. "Mar
garet Judeon didn't do a bit better
work than Iyet Margaret had nlney
six and I only ninety-three. I do think
I hare the hardest times!" she walled.
"res," Tom agreed, "I think you
Tolly looked at blm In surprise.
Tom's attitude since be came borne
had not been sympathetic that was
one of her grievances.
Tom pulled a notebook from hia
pocket and began to read:
"Monday waa a horrid, dull day, and
your balr wouldn't stay In curl and ev
erything went wrong as things alway
do on rainy days. Tuesday yon went
downtown, and couldn't find any silk
like Una Andrews', and had to get a
homely old thing that you never would
like. Wednesday you discovered that
nobody ever did understand yon, any
way. Thursday evening at Miss Ja
cob's, Miss Jacob acted 'queer,' and
yon wished you hadn't gone. Friday
Bridget let the cream custard curdle
when she knew it was your favorite
dessert! Saturday"
But Polly Interrupted. "Oh, Tom,
don't! I didn't know I" and then,
a deluge Impending, she rushed tu
multuously from the room.
"Oh, Tom!" the mother remon
strated, her own eyes full of tears.
"Don't you worry," Tom answered.
"I know Polly. She's grit, and she'll
come through all right I'm Just help
ing her grow up."
How Lawyer Utilize Hia Time from
Early Morn to Dewy Eve.
I know a prominent New York cor
poration lawyer who is out of bed at
S o'clock In the morning and after
taking exercise is ready for breakfast
at 6:80. He Is at bis office in Wall
street at 8 o'clock. Ilia secretary and
his stenographer await him. Dicta
tion begins at once of the rough out
line of a brief to be prepared. He
follows this with dictating memoran
da for bis clerks, specifying certain
questions of law and of fact which
he desires looked into during the day.
At 9 o'clock he reads and answers
important letters which his secretary
has sorted out for bis attention. At
9:30 he is ready for consultations with
clients. From that time until 4 or 6
o'clock In the afternoon he Is in con
tinuous - attendance - either before
courts (generally of appellate Jurisdic
tion); at meetings of boards of direct
ors or In consultation.
At perhaps 4:30 o'clock the lawyer
Is ready to receive reports from bis
clerks. They are required to report
solely npon the point Intrusted to
them. Little or nothing is left to their
Judgment or discretion. It Is merely
desired to know what the law and the
case's are upon some particular point
They are expected to report accurate
ly, concisely and quickly. This mis
cellaneous work continues until per
haps 6:30 o'clock, when the day's la
bor downtown is at an end.
Borne lawyers even make use of the
time consumed in going home. Dur
ing the summer months William Nel
son Cromwell spends his nights on the
New Jersey coast He goes down by
boat each afternoon, but a large state
room on that vessel is equipped with
desk and typewriter and stenographer,
that full use may be made of the pre
cious hour devoted to the trip. Dur
ing the winter he will probably be
ready for dinner at 7:30 o'clock. An
office boy has gone ahead of him car
rying a green bag full of books and
papers which are to be considered dur
ing the evening. World's Work.
Keeps Correct Time.
The world's best timekeeper Is said
to be the electric clock In the base
ment of the Berlin observatory, which
was installed by Professor Foerster
in 18G5. It is Inclosed In an air-tight
glass cylinder and has frequently run
for periods of two or three months
with an average dally deviation of
only flfteen-one-thousandths of a sec
ond. Yet astronomers are not satis
fled even with this and efforts are
continually made to secure Ideal con
ditions for a clock by keeping It not
only In an air-tight case, but in an
underground vault where neither
changes of temperature nor of baro
metric pressure shall ever affect It
In Happy Ignorance.
1 thought you said all your friends
had deserted you since you lost your
"They have."
"But, I see 'a gray-whiskered man
who calls here every day. Who Is
"Thafs the doctor. He hasn't beard
of It" Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Shortly after going on a sympathetic
strike a man begins to strike bli
fxiaada tor & dollar.
i re :ASS fJi fn ,y,f V tk
Soma of the most stubborn diseases enter
Into tho system through tbe pores of tbe ikin.
Like a soonge, it absorbs poisons of Tarioos
kinds, which are taken up by the little blood
vessels beneath tbe surface of tbe body, and
emptied into the great current of tbe blood.
Tbe juices of poison oak and other noxious
wild plants percolate through the akin like water through a aponpe, ars
taken into the circulation, breaking out afresh each season, and linger
ing on for years unless antidoted and driven out of the system.
Dye Poisoning; among the employes of dye houses, and from wear
Ing colored under clothing and hosiery, is of frequent occurrence
and dangerous to health,
causing boils and sores and ' no OAT A3TD rrs xrrxCTS.
Other emotions. Over flfUea years ao X wee poisoned with Pol
wV l UmA ,-.. nOk. X tried remedr evfur rem4y without
Workers in lead, DraSS ettinar relief. Boras broke out over my body and
and other metals ars often on tonsne, affetln the lialnr ct mysiouth.
, , ., . , Xlnaily, about a year aro ay doctor told me to
poisoned by the Chemicals try 8. 8. 8., which X did. After taking thre
and acids used in polish- bottlee all tbe eoree disappeared, and I havenoS
. , . r. ., been bothered since, and I fMlmueh indabtad to)
ing, and the CUSt ana m- your valuable tnadleine for so prompt and eom
inca aettlinrr noon the akin, plete a cure. X am eartain that 8. 8. 8. will do all
ings seuung upon tno sain, u el(aB4 for u Uood alMa-..
and which find their way vjaaTiiu, Ky. CON. O'BXtTAS.
through the pores into the
blood, followed by inflammation, swelling and the most obstinate sores.
Blood Poison the vilest of all human diseases, is often con
tracted through shaking the hand or handling the clothing or other arti
cles used br one infected with tbis dangerous poison. The deadly virus
reached by washes, salves, soaps or other external remedies. The blood
must be purified and a healthy circulation established before getting
permanently rid of the disease. S. S. S. acts upon the blood, ridding it
of the original poison and restoring it to a healthy, normal condition.
S. S. S. is guaranteed entirely vegetable, an unrivaled blood puri
fier and the best of all tonics. With all impurities removed from tho
blood, the sores and eruptions disappear from the skin. Write us should
yon desire medical advice or any information about your case ; this will
cost you nothing. J7 SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA
The Point of View.
"Have you a good cookT asked Mrs.
Bond HilL
"Yes, she's good enough." replied Mrs.
Chester Park. "She attends church
three times a week and all that but her
rooking Is aomcthlne fierce."
L, I x W J O
Perhaps It'a Plata Trouble.
Plate trouble It a common thine; and there
are various kinds ol it. Many plates never
were right. Others are properly made, but
the mouth U not put in proper condition
or wearing the plate.
If your plates are in
we will be glad to
and tell you the cause
i'e extract teeth wholly without pain an 1
work is at lower
xtractina free when
WISE BROS., Dentists 208-2U FaBta' Vlan
Open evening till Sundays from 9 to 13 Oregon, Alain MH
Write for Catalogue and Prices
SouthwicK 883ffit
Actual capacity, not claimed, 12 to 18 tons per day. l ositive. automatlo plunger draw.
No spring used. Gong indicator, steel linings, chaff grate, and a safe, roomy feed table. Low
bridge, four-foot stroke. .
Adapted for work at barn banks. Stands rap to Its work, hence no digging holes for the
wheels, hot necess ry for the tier to get down on his knees in dust, mud or snow. Largest
Keed Opening ot any Double Btroke Press made. Light of Draft. It is safe for both men and
horses. Puts full weight Into ordinary box cars. Hundreds of these presses In use In Oregon
Washington and Idaho. WE guarantee it the best on the market.
MHchmll, Lmwl A Stmvmp Co. Seattle and Spokane, Wash., Portland, Ore., Boise, Idahe
Thoroughly reliable and most durable machinery in the market. Honest In
construction. Satisfactory in operation. Self Feeders, Stackers, Baggers and all
attachments. Drop us a postal and our traveling man will call.
Branch Housex, Plough's Warehouse, near O.K. AN. Freight Depot, Spokane. MO BeV
mont Street, Portland, Ore. .
" t 1 . P Urn. I "".TW
nnaing us way mrougn me pores oi us
skin, contaminates the blood and produces
fearful ulcers, eruptions and blotches.
The diseases that enter the system by
absorption or through the pores are as
deep-seated and dangerous as any brought
on br internal causes, and cannot bo
Dr. C. Gee Wo
Thla wonderful I Til
n doctor la called
tnl btcaos. b can
prop!, without orwrm
tloa that ar glvra op
to dia. H. coraa with
Iboa. wonderful C'tat
m barbe, roou, buds,
barks aud Trfttablns
tha ar entirely on
known to medical sci
enc la this country.
Through the sea
those harmless remedies thia famona doctor
knows the acuoa of over WO different rem
ed Ira. which be saccessrullr asee In different
diseases. He guarantees to car cauarb. asth
ma, ronf, throat, rheumatism, nervousness,
stomach, llvsr, kidneys, etc.: baa hundreds of
testimonial a. Charges moderate. Call and
see blm. Patlenta out of the city writ for
blanks and circulars. 8end stamp. CONSUL
The C ke Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
151 Aides- SU. Portland. Oreg-M.
aSTMeuuou paoec
any way nnnatisfactory
make an examination
ol trouble.
than reasonable rates.
plates or bridret ars
Hay Press.
Investigate the Advance line of thresh
era and engines. They cost less to op
erate, require fewer repairs and do more
and better work in all kinds of grain
than any other make. Straw or wood
and coal burning engines. , Also a full
line of single and double Portable Saw
of I