The Columbia Register ) 'tu:. iv.t - .i.ul.. m.v.-r April -.N. vm;. ! t the .( i:iif al i;.iiltiti. ireco:i,m:lif Uo I AH..U oii(-iv-Mi Narrli S In., j liol LTON. OUT.. Jl'l.Y 12. . rrni.iKiint kvcfy rnr.iAY- K. II. Ml IX Ml 1.1 t;ilii'iil''U i jjcifll U 'tr ear i:i a.l A'!v .Mvjirp tlr iviN4iinilU :mocratic National Ticket. ! a. r. iwkki-.u, Of Now York: . IVIcVICK ritESlPKXT; - 11KXUYU. DAYiS, Of West Virgin. . i - Urer Fla denounces "Wiliik-n Jen nings lryan as a Hopper for standing on of his jxirly. Flag-, is the only political bunco-steerer in the world who voiced premium on political deser- . i l!" Though tho ute of Oregon eirong.y ucpuoucan ana every Xinnrl in t Vl elolu tWfV.. clvinL-i ft Republican majority, tho Demo crats hava suoeceded in lectin;: quite a number of their candidates for county oftioes. Tliero are ?3 counties, each with a full set of county officer?. Thi Democrats have 113 County Judges-, 13 Oounty Oleris, IS.ShetiiT,, 7 Treasurers, 7 Srhool Superintendents,-11 'Assess ors, 3cSurvyors and o. Coroners. Eiic!vcUDty ha two Commission ers, and out of the f'ri, 14. are Dem ocrats. Only ten- of the counties have Recorders-, as separate officers, and onlv one of these is a Demo crtt. The Leavenworth Tio3 predicts that IVu I Norton will fnd even the arduaus duties of a Cibinet ofijbial easy as-compared with his recently attempted work of adjust ing freight rates so tW. they would be &atisfactnry to t'e Kansas ship Perplexed antlhotly heseiged tna(5c agents of transcontinental l-uads running t and through Solane and other inland points and on to Pacific shipping ports doubtlet-8 appreciate the forca of tais-remark and sigh that there ai only one Cabinet position to :which our etrenuous- President could transport a man whose stren uous !ifi contains an invitation to C8me up higher Tiere are now six . Presidential 'ickets in the field. Debs -and Handford, pf the Social Democratic ticket, were the first out. The Prbbibitio&ist were -second in the field-withlSa-allow and Carroll as standard-bearers, while later the nominees of the Populists at Springfield and the Sooialist Labor party in New York jo5ned the pro cession of candidates. These, with thoregular Republican and Demo cratic Dominations, cospiete the. list of. Presidential tickets up to date. .When it is remembered that ouiofa total rote of 13,901,5o( in 1900 all but 393,57 were cast for the Republican and ' Democratic electors, it is' easy to estimate the small figure -that the four, minor parties will cut when th grand taHy is made up in November. "tfe notice, by a Portland paper, that William Reidt, Jate a demo cratic candidate for some. County office in Multnomah county, whose democracy was evidently for reve nceonly, has experienced one of these honest changes of political faith, so-often met with in these latter days, and gone over to the republican cam p. FI6pped. Here now is an opportunity for some rjpple-tonguea has-been democratic-editor,, whose intellectual dis placement is -too infinitestima-1 for accurate adm-easuremea't,-whose hk in dodging the fool-killer is pitnominalj ami whose anxiety to justify his own- apostasy amounts toa mania, to unmuzzle himself, riag ip tho lire j department, do - a fe Btep3ofthe political - scalp dance and sing Grod save the -great republican party until his vocalic energy shakes the everlasting foun dations of Mt. Hood. And as Mr. Ittit is somewhat of a mining ex pe?h; by way of remumeratiorr for flapping, Teddy might tender him the secretaryship of the mining barenu as soon as that office is cre ated. Perhaps that is why Port lafccl politicians are so anxious to have the nevsr mining bureau in staHed ir the White house. ::Z!:z 1 Olerd.n S3 V "Rrvtn too . . ... lt e; W'--t VU VUl t l.'ll OKllorot OUT 'line." As an ajw&t!e of ih ir.ulli- i hide, Bryan i-t without an etiiul in jour roimtry." And after compar iig Bry.ui with Clay ami Pair!; ; llanry aiul a .a.-t of ether orator., i who have llir;ledtho n ttica with !ir luattiilfMawcr if uOry,iow . Franee i bri mri unto tue tVgonian says: "Oratory is useful to anarchists Ir-causo it is iutlamilorv, .iitniratora sue useless t good government,- because every popular vrtor is urcsuniahl an anarchist or a dtrjagogun." Dtm cra'3xre uset! ti -bfing cHd vilt names because thev have tho back bjne to sUnd up for their rights. l.Vineway, win require some- thing intlamitory to incite the people to assert their rights; . they have oecoa so used to e:nsi I ridden over rouh hod by such! musU rideM as tho Republican , , , , . . , I leadnw, who lay oh the lash and ; cry anarchis', .whft. rg uaient and' , mi .i i " w" answer UHir pur - pose. James W. Abbott, special a-ent for the Rocky mountain and- PacN tic coast divisiou, roid inquiries, of iU !'.,;,,. c.. .1.,.. . ..e agncultiwe, is at the Imperial. He is making arrangements for a good roads demonstratiou uuder the supervision of government experts at Euggne. This will b) the first sample of good robd.s U be mada under government auspices on the Pacific coast, and U therefore arousing, widespread interest Some time ago the enterprisiug citizens of Eugene wrote to the de partment of agriculture and asked that the experiment be made, and MrAbboU was ordered tare in r spon?e to the request. 'The sample road will be from half a mile to a mile iu extent, and of the best ma aadaoi class. Linn county will furnish the transportation, and the road . making machinery con cerns of Portland will be given op demonstrate their lat ent machinery. There is. no section of the United States that does not need. better reads," said Mr. Abbott, ."and.; I -suppose Oregon needs them as much as any other slate. The people of Eugene have taken hold of tho matter with great energy and determination to make the demonstration a success. The government's part in the work is to furnish without charge the ex-, perts and supervision. If the pre liminary arrangements can be com pleted without delay I think we can begin wotk at Eugene early th9 .coming week." In Columbia county we do differently. Instead of getting a U. S. government man free, wt heve undertaken to educate a man, who milks cows, at a salary of $ 80 per month, by experiment. In the course of 25 years he will no doubt have a knowledge of how to build a practically .good road. Ex perience - is a good school, but rather expensive. Any man can take a new spaper. It is the cheapest thing he can buy. Every time a hen clucks and has laid an egg his paper is paid for that week.,. Itcosta lees than a postage stamp kss than toj pay or receive a letter. Itcoraes to you every week, rain or shine.calm or storm. No matter what happens it enters your door a welcome friend, full of sunshine, cheer and interest. It opens the door of the great world and puts you face to face with its people and great events. It is your adviser, gossipcr and friend. No man is ju3i to his children who does not give them the local paper. No' man is good to himself who does not take news papers. Junction City, Oregon, Times. A few day's since we received a copy of the Great Bend (Kansas) Iienister, Vol. 31, No. 5-.'. Twenty-nine years ago we took up :the position as devil in this office: -Having a fair school education, lt'did nob take long for us to learn the case and tho rodiments of tho art.- We went from devil to comoositoT and soon graduated, and emigrated to Rush Co. Kansas, to start in business. The Great Bend Register was always ourmodel for a newspaper, and it wa the thought of our first experience in Great Bend that suggested thenarao'ofOolumbialtegister, If Oregon people would put in more time in discussing needed improvements and allow the "old land marks" irtclud ing "tho first school houses, etc." to go their way, the state would be several years forward in the march of progress. A few antedeluvian cranks seeiu to have enthused an overdose of "old" interest into-the entire state. 1; im:l U, as they say, Mint the Ja r.v ttcUing for jvacc. They're uuly not li.litini: lor tun. Aiul now the day Uiu to aborton, hut wf need not lay awake uiliU im auinin the mow i'.lei id t! coining winter. The- pe;u-v of Kuropv is tK'inUing in a Kilacvo. Kiulaiul will make Uu-nra- ; two demand iiiy.i7 to lluwian rijht i t VlllW t?Vm. tli.t IVlliull ....I- j a. wan foot ins. . Herman ii ailciU, but rtai'.y for action ;it anv nu -nieut. . No Pity Shown. "Kr years fate was atlrr me rontirui uouslv" writes l A.liuHetljte, Yeilhsm, Ala.. 'I 1 1 ul a terrible, ease of Tile irausin IM . tuniciv. . When nil failwl Uucklen's Arnica t'aw cunl me. Ki)it:il!y oot io Hocus tux all nolic uul I'lii:;.. Only l',"c at lVrry A tira ham's. l sale or trade, a l.ouxo and lot in Uainier. lio'tx) location for residwire or business. Call on Mitchell,. JWier Call on or address H. It. NtghtWds HetTorture. i " woiihliii)h neartv allniht Umg" writes Mrs. t has. . AployHte, ot Alex- w.JlUt ln,tM .ntl hahy p4wy lee. 1 had eoiiaumption bad that if I .Wrtlke-ltt hli-k 1 .would coilli frtuht" i fuiiv nnii i,0.i s,,, ien uJl other, meilicines failwl, thrte ft.tX) littles ot I . . J ' I - l .k iv t t . . I lr. Kind's ew Discovery wholly cured me and 1 ruined .Vsikhhu ids. Its leo- lutel suaranteed to t-ur Coughs, tVilda, Lalifiio, Jlroncbitis uim nil Throat aiul Luiii: Troubles. Trice .VHs and ll.tK). j Trial bjtles free at I'errv A OrabamV. John W. I lfifiKiir o Painter and Paper Hanrr Akent'for Potter's Anti Trust Wall Piper RAINIER- OREGON. g DILLARD& DAY, ATTOHNEYS-AT-LAW, Practice in any court, State or Federal. Next door to court house. . ST. HELENS, - OREGON. GEO. nr. REED Contractor and Builder Planj Diawn, Estimates Given.. General repair work Aspeciaity. HOULTON, OREGON. W.A. FISCHER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAWi ' AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Next doorto post office. . RAINrER; - - OREGON. A NEW LINE OF ANI AT HARRY 0. OLIVER'S HOULTON, ORE. DE.lMiH IS HARDWARE,, FLOOR & PROVISIONS, i Call and see ' Our Premiums, WITH CASH PURCHASES - PRODUCE TIM IN EXCHAKGBFOR GOODS. Shoes,, FiirTiifiirft JUUX JUltUl V 5th ANNUAL CIEARANCE Sale. Commencing July 15th at L,Swctt's, Rainier, Ore. A FEW OF THE BARGAINS OFFERED' ."7 pairs Woninns Flrora Reduced to -It) 4lc nnd a pair Rlaek H8o for Children KmluctHl to 12 a puir XW Working Shirts for Mtn Reducsd to 10c each S.loO All Wool Pantd Reduced to2 :irfa pair and iJM V Suits, ,.n? pants, Reduced to lilWand f7.f .sb Linen Hats for Men ttrduml to :l'V !fl..H)and $1 'J.') Straw Hats Reduced to 7 I.'mj and oSo LudieV Vet In Reduced to 10c and L'Doeach Uxtra Dry GramiUKl Can- Sugar l.rdhs..f0t 1,(K). Rest Rrand T6m(too9 t,or , ran 10c. Rest Sweet Corn "2 cans for 2i Shield Rrand Pfonio Iltun(i. 15 pr lb. fluncy Smoked Racon ( V2c per lb. Vrv'xghl charge paid on all bills ol flO iHor more. . L. SWETT, RAINIER, OREGON. Notice of Final Settlement. In llu-l'iiuiny Tumi ot tlic-vtKMt iliirviHi (or CiIiiiu'4h V .hi ii i v. In UnMiiAllorot llii? I'jblMlo of !A l AUiom, i1iii-hI. . i 4 lir.y bIvmi llmt tho Mn1nrliiiml. I '."tmi..r ..t th j.:nov. il?. f aAm, , umivumy s u o J i , .'A' r niunl hk viirli kmliiMriUiir ot 1. tlrtt... mul tluil XIoikInv, lliv H iUy ol iVikii(, H. , the in.ur .1 i u rnicK. i. m iihj, ih.,.,, HX(., ,v ,,, 1'onit ihv llnio for hcitrliiK ot oliji-cll'dii to Mid rvHirl, mul tht wllli-mnit thrrtnt. H. II. Min'IIKI.I., A.lnil.lliilrmor ot llic KiUUmiJ C. f. AiWtim, tU't-vrtM'il, If you Hkv lh Kkuistkk tell your friends aliout it and induce them to sub scribe. W lave special clirLbm rales with tho Port land Journal, Orejoniau and San Francisco Kxumincr. . ASTORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER L RAILROAD CO. I'AH.Y. ', KKAurr nr.oiK.wx ' STATIONS Ji.Ul.Y ! 5 j i ! 5 ii -.'l '. i-. .n. i A7rm"m"mmT 7 iv s vm s H 41 h :o S M t-ltt 9 If 19 :r linn lu (is hi a sum .n .v I'oribtiii) Ar ll:lo U II. "Ml l ft 1H ,t j.H ! iU lUhiU-r ... I'y thiii lit ... Mhykit 10 u". : .' tt H 9 -n 9 17 9 M 1 1.' a xt M .- S 07 7 7 4 ; Xi n .u H Ml 7 .VI 7 4H 7 'M 7 7.17 "fU i a m 'JO II iu :ii ,vi.ii 9 tU 1 m t.i!l..l : . . . ('iiliu-y 10 AU T.'..U '.. 'lHlhklll .. lu n nu '..iiHowhUiut .. 10 '.'1 .. V.i)mrt.... lo ;?s.7 I ...fllttiui 10 :i7 Hfi.iiJ.... IHjiip.... 11 u"i i!W.:l.;....Sv.iion .... 11 IS V.4i...J,ilillHV... 11 t A'lorln'l.r in m i All lrnln ninke clime iniimt-tlotiK nt (iodic with Sort horn I'nt-illo tntliin to mid from tln tt mul Hound jhiIiiIh. At I'ttrtUnil with ull trmitm IvnrliiR I'lilon ilupt.f. . At Ajtorln. wllh '. K.. N. vo'n mul mil Hue ml Su minT T. i, 1'otter to mid irnm llwoo nud North lit-Hch polliU- HmweiiKi'rt lor Anlorlii or wsjr tolnln miut Ut; trnliii. at Houlton. Tntlm will ntop to li-l pNMe iik'tk uff Mt lloultuii whc'k.iaimliiK from iwlntawintoftiuMe. .1. C. MAtO, Oi'ii. I'ms. Aitt., Amrrln. Or. Steamer Sarah Dixon. Lavon PnrtUnd TiHlHjr nnd ThurNlnv at ft p. rn., liirClKtKkrtiili. mul uajr IhiiUUikm. Hiiii lny (or Oak I'olut. Hi t iirninir. .Ivitvi-a i'Uta kaiili' WriliK-nibtir iml Krhlav at 4 i. in., tlile IH-TDillluK. 1 w )ak 4'oiiit MoiiJiy at tl. p. m. Mi aver TrMaportatloiu.t'atr VERIQNli' HOUSE. O.D. GILSON, Pkoprieiok, HOULIW, OREGON Good accomodations at rea sonable prices. Barn in con nection with hotel. 51 - HQULTON HOUSE, FIRST CLAES MEALS, CLEAN ROOMS, COFORTABLE BEDS. ' Good barn for accomodation of tho public. , HOULTON, OREON. g ftO9C808Ce08KC808 THE- HOULTON SALOON! KELLY BROS., Proprietors. tost of Wines, Cigars and Liquors, .. , Kept In Stock. ' Opposite the ptt office. HOULTON,. ORE. RED BEAR SALOOK HENDRICKS EKOS , Proprtolrm.' WE keep: THE BEST OF WINES, LIQUORS, MINERAL WATER and CIGARS. Pool Parlorln connection with saloon. " ' HOULTON, ORE, To The Best Guesser: A Ne7 Franklin Typewriter To Te. Second est Guesser: A Webster's Unabridged Dictionary. To Te Thircf Bset Guesser; Five Dollars Ih U. S. GbM Coin. The Cou miiu ItKcif rr.H will give tlie above premiums free for guess ing tho Republican vote in Columbia County at the November election. To bo entitled to a jjuesv ly 41 for one year'A subscription to the Coi.i MUA Rkuwkih If you nre now a paid nubscriber, y paying 111 your subscription will lie extended one year and vow will be entit'.eii to a guesss. Should two guesses- be the same, premiums will be uwarded by priority of date At the late June election,. P. Av Mbore,. Republican candidate for Supreme Judge, received KK)1 vob; Thomas O'Day, Democrat, 3 l.ri;. C. C. MloLitson, Socialist, C, J. Bright, Prohibitionist, IDS. Date..: .1001 My guess is that the Republican presidential electors in. Columbia. county willl receive- votes at the November lectiom Name of Subscriber Post Office , State In the guessing contest-conducted prior to the June olection on tho number of. voteR. 3. Hattan would receive for county judge, the guesses rtnijcd from im to l()2r;: Mr Hnttan reoeivod Mi votes. The best guwers were Arthur VanDolah and Chas. McCauloy. uHouhon,.Orc., June llMl!l()ft This is to certify that the Columbia Ukoistkk. has paid mo the sum of $5.00, being one half the amount-of prize on guessing nearest to the number of votes Hattan wouldneoeivo at election 6n Juno fi- 1WL My gues wa S75 votes AllTIM'U VAtNIMLAtr. Chah. Portland and Astoria AND WAY LANDINGS AStOrli R9Dte HU-anuTU-ltUXKh-avoiiTay-lor Kt. Whiirf Dally (except HiiikIh)-) at 7 a. lit. li-iivi-it AHtoria Uafly (except Hmiilav) at tl p. in, Umm-connection wtlh iMialu fort liliKM.k lleach-iH-ep River, liray'a Ulver, Kiiaii(on, Kt.Slev. etif, Ft. fnnliy. Jt. Coliiinlila. flwaco, Ij-wIh & Clark Klver, Onlcy it Vonng'a Ulver.anil IhihI ami train (or both beat'lic. Portland and Vancouver leave Taylor Kt .Wharf dally (except tniintlnvl at lO.JOa. in. ami 410 p. in. I .envoi Vancouver steamer I' N DISK nl :: h. ni. aiulol p. No traiuftrliiK, no lixt, no ilclay. Jlotll 'I'JmneM:. On-unti Main Cl.l;Ci3ninbU Oli. wharf-Foot of TaylnrHt. tieneral iilllw.lK.Tfti Yrmhlll Ht. VANCOUVER TUANSt'ORTATIOSm THE New Tort STORK (GENERAL MERCHANDISE i CLOTHING,. DRY' GOODS;. GROCERIES,. PROVISIONS,. FRUITS;. PROVISIONS, FURNITURE, STOVE3, &c. UOWEST PRICES. H; MORGUJS, 8T. HELENS, . ORE. The Steamer IraWa, Makes-routid trlrxt botweeii' RAINIER and PORTLAND. lA!avlii(KttliilertO;00 a. in. and rortlnnd at 2:30 p. in. daily (except Hunday. We solicit a Hliare of the public pulronHKO. mid In return will Kive quick Hcrvlce and a clean boat. Wo nre here to atay and want your biislneHs. Land ings! font of Taylor Street. CI.JlOOOUKIJH4,3Tttter, CASH TALKS SEE. BAILEY &BRINN, FOR General Merchandise DRY GOODS,. CL0THIN-G, Gemts'TuhnibiiinqiGoods,) BOOTS,, SHOES. GROCItRIES, PROVISIONS) FLOUR, FliKD. Hardware Graniteware Crockery ware, Stoves & Ranges. HOULTON, ORE. Str: Joseph Kellogg. saved Portland TneMilav. Thnrmluv ami a unlay at 7 a. in. for Ht. HeleiiH, Kalama, Carrola IViInt, Halnier and Kelno. ArrlvliiR- at Port land, .Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 2 p.m.. The Hteamcr NorthweHt leave Portland,, Mon rtoy and TUurMUay lor Toledo, :nHtl Uock, and wuy pol n u -at ) u.m ., re u rn I n k WmMi wtday and Haturday ivt2.p. m. IWat anil ehcapunt router totheHt. Helena mliutur dlntrlet.. Subject to. chnnge without notice. Wharf root odUaluiMt Hireet. II. llolioan, A(ent. KILL the COUGH AND CURE THE LUNC8 i WITH Balling's How Discovery for C ONSUMPTION " Price - - . M 'OUGHS and 60o&$1.00 Free Trial. OLDS Suxeat and Quickest Cure for all 1 THROAT and LUNO TROUB- JUlB, or MONEY SACK