t iii niiv Kt ii. mho", i i-on,ur.if r the ,ii olltiM.i. 3 ' HOrhTOX, )UK, JULY !. IMI rcuMstiEn vviiiY mow - MITVMlil.l. Siihseiitiju piit I' Jvr H alnmcv Advertising rat. tva.iia!ili jflomocratic National Ticket. w)!irnr.ii)K.T; Of New York. , R1J.V1CK 1UESU)KXT: ? ' HKNRYC. DAYiS, 0 West Virginia. , rlluTah for Parker and O.ivis! Plutocracy versus -dc-.nocrtu-y a-o the jwues of the day. . The Portland souvenir dollar will I s a "twofcr,J,2for (').. Tliere is some rou;h ruling for Teddy :fhe wishes to beat Jude Parker in the rice, to the 'White House. ! Two Port land lassies knocked out a policeman', thus showing to the. world the wonderful progress of woman's Wilts.- Judge Parker is a tiold Standard Dem ocrat and will roll nu the largest popu lar vote ever polled for president hi the November cl-jction. , Elagg, Qf the Mist,, says "Ictus move on..' Well ho caiMjiovo on at any time lie desires. SaooyUea will van tithe passing of. such an one. 'The RepuhtiCan party, by its plat form, has. erafulyiSought to mislead the voter, by Braking nn issue of tho money question-rath.eBthan.the question, of.ro viwou of tho tariff and reyuiatbn o the tr.ut8.. There was no more necessity for .he Democratic party in its platform to de clare Tround money or any other kind otmbnef, than there was for a declara tion tavoring the Monroe doctrine. The money qucstien is settled and is no long an.isse.., TbeiDemoeratic nait for the first time iarttwelva years stands united, and is witiisat a factional strife. This means nluch to the whole country. A change in, administration is among the possibil ities. A few days ago all was discord strife within the democratic ranks. To day the whole parti 64,1 their nooiineee. . Thesis muoh trdk Uirouglt- tl-eol--amns oftthe Mist, : of buildinst a new court -bouse. ,It,wBlie-several yearsbe fakre a Courtvliouje- iabuilded in. this county, .The gentldmert whomade the coftntyseatiight for Se. Helens promised tho voters that there would not be the old one was good enough for ten-years sa the v said. "Let us Mow On?' is the title of a flowing tribute paid to some of the twwns of the county by last weeks Mist. In; speaking of -tlve connty Beat, the writ ei'eay8: -:"St. Helens-alone ef the com manities of. the county,. Iui3 sbowa no decided- imprpvement in the recent ptys t.". After speaking so flatteringly .of your town it is -about time forrj-ou- to 5lxnove-OB," in a literal sense. . TBelaw abofishing convict laborpassed by tlie last session of -.the Illinois legisla tore, which was passed largely because of the efforts made by the various labor organizations, is regarded, as the .most ad.van3ed legislation of-the kind ever ackgited; aAywher&dn the eountryv. Un der its prpviains eontract labor-is abol ished entirely.. . Hereafter the convicts will be employed only in the manufao turh of articles used by the state. The ineaoure further provided that the con victs shall not be employed more than eight hours a day. It is hard to see just ban' confining convict labor to articles used by the' state prevents competition -kh free labor. - Xearly all that a state twes -ornbuys,' is bought.in. the open market. , The (employment, of convict labor on construction of highways eomes nearest to accomplishing, the -purpose 3oght ia-the above- biH, The one mile kf crushed rock, from 3Mitoo creeb into St. Helena, has con sumed almost $2000 .of' the district's ftipd morethan twoihirds of the whole fund; and the road ia flow impassable, except for flying, machines. The county hat no use for- this piace of road, nor is iivi utility to St. Helens, nor did -any of hertitizens, unless it was a couple of her astute politicals, ask for it. - It has befeome almost unused ; and automobiles pais ever it as frequently as other vehic les, or at least did, before it was made impassible by tbe late improvements. If the County board'.does- not soon put a stop to the childs play and experimental fojiies which have been, and arenowj going on in this distinct, an application foil a guardian wiH . be in order. . The mney may as well have been pounded into tat hole oreunk in tho bed of Milton -creek where- the county's steel roller1 is nor? gently reposing. -With an other road master or two, every cow trail in tho county woahl not only be macadamized, but beautiful statuary would grace its sides, more costly far than that which decorated and adorned thMppianway,- -. , . ' i " h' ' ' Applying the Lr.s'.i. Mtti-Ii Itu Ihvh .i'i.I, by U.o jurt '..;' r. pre? ,-, M.nee the 't. l.oif.a convention ::s ' to Uk." :.vr.I k:iu tiiviv:c-n of. fo lir in !t!re.WosT-.:ti ivrlv und to eom-ord i and simjeiic of ;:rj iw of the rvp"M:. , d .M ft VK ll.l f. td llll--k tl' ? I . , . X ........ ... V ... .!eir.den.e of the f irmer twitl th.it t! e -.liter are Kl n!c.t lv I'i'V. r.oo and Im;;,'. t:vLU t!io loots of. the Lwdi-r. Inth-.l.iU' v!cvt'.r.:i8 cih!j county, and es".i illy ti e very latca:,-. there l.: .,' been a dispw-'.tion ou t!u jurt of he rank and file ofU.o republicans to rebel ; and the rins candidates l.r. in many instance?, K-eii turned down. This is as it shoeM l o Pint ti e pns'a sire dis pleased that the people's cIkmco should he elccW.l, au.karc now takiiv- stev-n to have ell the le'ijr:.l dVuers wh failed to support tho rin;4 candidates, ousted from otlice in retaliation fcr their ref:s al Va sell t!eir vuls, jwn their individ uality and si aoklo their desires. This is the trand of polities which the ffar-g-of political irimps, now engineer in; Ue party, .is dishing tip. . They threatvr.ed it roon after elwtion, and are now making the attempt .to carry the threat into execution. We have no patience to pursue this theme, or discuss it in tho English lan guage. It savors too much of the Span ish inquisition and too little of Ameri canism. It smacks too greatly of the civilisation which erected the whipping , nosi. luimeu iwnw una iiiYcigucu against a man for kissing his wife on Sunday, ami not enough of freedom, pyitce on earth an-.U gooil w ill to man. It. "shows a will 'most incorrect to heaven.". It-is contemptihlo. Had they desired toenter -int-competition with all the imps of his Sut;uic majesty for the badge of eternal infamy, they could have no mora surely clinched tike pennant than, by attempting this aft. . Ii there is a buzmril in all the bottoms of the Columbia iivcr whose, stomach would not revolt at such carrion :v have a robusfrdesire to see what he looks like. Bryan will support tho nominees of the St. Louis convention. Wanted fourteen teams to haul the county's steel roller up out of tlie mud in Milton creek. 01iK papers 5 centa per hundred. ' Miss llsenstreter,.of Portland, is vis iting Miss Florence Hoffman at St. Helens. Miss Ruby Jackson, of Rainier, who has been assisting Superintendent Cope- land with his school work, returned homo Saturday evening. For salo or trade, a house and lot- Us Rainier. . Clocd. location, for residence or business.-. Call -en or address R. .II. Mitchell, Rainier, Oregon. Terry and Win Mellinger came over the mountains from Vernonia, Monday. They report dry- weather, and quiet times inthat neck of the woods. Let every friend of-the Register put his shoulder to the wheel and push. Just now we are building an office and we need a few extra dollars. Can', you send us a new subscriber and a dollar? 1 : In tbe county court the question- cf maintaining the office of road master was raised, and upon motion the office was continued . Judge It. . S. Hattan went cn record against- the proposition, as -ivill bo seen by the connty. court pro ceedings elsewhere. .. The man, who milks cows at $80 per month while doing duty as road master, eoubt to save the county some money by building a steel roller for smoothing out the crushed rock roads, but thinking the roller was too heavy for the bridge, he attempted to cro Milton creek at a ford. A s he is not a worker of miracles, unlike the prophets ax, the roller sank to the bottom, and will require the efforts of a Hercules to remove it. On last Sunday evening a surprise party was given Mr. "VV. E. Bel ford. The evening was spent in grand etyle, iii.eating ice cream and cake, straw berries and cream, etc. Those present is-ere MrJ and Mrs. Belford, D.1 31. Henshaw and-wrfe, I. H. Copeland and wife, Mrs. Gilson, Mrs. Matthews, Mr. and Mre.li. liritob'mson, A. 2s Coy and Frank Cooper. After luncheon, the party adjourned for their homes. Mr. Belford received several nice and useful presents. - . Working Night And Day The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. Kings New Life Pills. .These pills change weakness into strength, listlessness into energy, brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up tho health. Only 25c per box. Sold by Perry & Graham. "Commencing June 8th and continue ing untilregular summer pchedule is in augurated, the regular train of A. & C. It. R. arriving at Astoria tt 11 :30 A. M. will run through to Seaside direct in stead ofvia Ft. Stevens, arriving' at Sea side at 12X) p. in., returning leave Sea side at 4 :3(X p. m. instead of 2 :30 p.. m., allowing four hours at the beach.". No Pity Shownr "For years fate was after mo continu uously" writes F. A. Gulledge, Verbena, Ala. "I had a terrible case of Piles causing 24 tumors. When all failed Bucklen's Arnica Saive cured me. Equally good for Burns and all aches and pains. Only 25c at Perry . & Gra ham's, - , 5th AffilL WMEffli gals. Commencing July ISth at L. Sweit's, Rainier, Or A TEW 0? THE AIIGAS OFFERED r7 )vitr Wor.;ni:s !b'hoj UuUicrd l -lil '(V nml ."nV:t )air io.'d r.hc'i 1I"S.' for r!(ili!r'o U'sltue I t )' a pair kV -Working S!ir's fir Mt-n licl-.tc d t I'.lc tuc! :t ."il All Wool l'a:t8 KethiMtl to t2 .'u n pnir . fStfl nml JiiVtKl llov Vaults, h'lvz U.'duecu to and ?7.00 Trt'o l.incn W- fur. Men U!mvl l ."Vie ? 1 ."0 nrd I "Jo St ra w Hats Kednced t T.'o 1,'k atnl .'l."io LadixV Yt"is Ucduced to 10o an I '.)o fich Kxtr.t Dry ("5rAiuilat-d Can Su:ir 1." ih-. f 1 01 lhst Ilraivl Tom.ito's ior can It V. r.cst Sveet per H. Fancy Saiokid tif $10 (XI or niure. Mctico of Final Settlement. In tt.i'C.mnty tYuTt of tlio Sl;ile ( tit:oii '.r )iiimli I'numy. In IhiMMr.Ui'tol t).V 1aI;U t V. '. A.'.ill.ls U'l'tHM'ji. ymlro i hrrol'V rIvom lliat llio mulor!i!ril. Kilmiiii-triii.irni lm t;.-'nto tt I . t' A.I ts X iCZlZt't I F.-.tn-t a Kii.-h M.lmtrii-itrtiLiir .11' -..:. 1 . (!ii!.. nml Dint Momtity, tin- 1st Uy o( A I : c '' . "t I lie lion; of I ii'i-I.H-k, y. n.. )msli-j ii.iliy aUt limrl.thi timv lor lu-B'-mt: of i.l'Ji-olt.iiis to Siiiil n'l rl, siiul s-i:!.-irent iIwm . (. Ii. II. .m 1 1 ' 1 1 1-. i.i .. . AilnitilNtrator. l tho l-liiti-oi t. ('. Ait.iin ; uiv-i'ii-.!, . If you like the KuntuKii tell your; Mends alxjut it and induce them to bub- ! fcribo. . W have t-pccial clubbing rates j with the Portland Journal, Orcgonian a-id San Fra-.K-isco Fxar..im r. . j RMLHOAD CO. DAILY. ! ? - I BKvnrn kkiUvn STATION DAILY r. u. "to K U" 8 -.I) 8 .18 8 41 8 "HI 8 : 9 OS 9 19 19 37 10 00 10 08 10 20 10 Hi A. a. , A. 11. .0 L-v i'lirtlitml Ar liao 9 Ol 9 i !l..r, 9 .Vi '..Vl.ii. t.olile 10 tti 9 W 9 9 V7 9 17 9 M 9 IK 8 ." 8 7.1 8-lj 8 07 7 .V. 7 41 Uiilnirr ... I'ymnn.l . . Mnyui-r ... m 9 40 -.'i 'lJ 9 Ml -!l.l l....llilN'V 7 I'i 7 lis 7 VS 717 7 UJ S 42 ; li 1 1 10 00 i.a ).. Iittk-ii'ito . Hi 10 ; . . M rtri-.Uii.l . in '.i .. WfstHiri... M an '...ciittnii 10 57 itJ.i'.!...: Ktni iii... 11 ft"i 'yo.3i....Hvi'ii(i.in ... 11 18 l".4 .. Joim liny.. 11 ; .99.81 1 Ar At(irU I.v All trnins nmke rinse connections at (iulile with Northern I'm-tilo trln to nil from I lie Kvt nod Sound iMiiiit. At Purtlmiil with all train lonvtiiK Unlmi ilnwil. At Atnriu with '. R. & X. Vo't boat ami rail line and KU-unu-r T. rotter to and from Ilvvaco a:id North lk-arh jtointn- l'a.-wengern for Astoria or way points mimt Aug trains at llouls.ir Truins willatop to let passeii(ir off lit lloiillon when roniiny from points wuj.1 uf tiulile. J. C. M AYO, iim. Ta. Ant., Astrria, Or. . Steamer Sarah Dixoa. Leaves Iv.rtbind Tuesday and Thnrsdnjr at 5 p. m., forlllutsidiule utirt way latiiiiK-i. Viin day for (iU I'oint. ketnrninK. l.-avi-s Clittit kanie Wednesday and Krtday at 4 i. m., tide I iTinltiiiK. Icves Oak 1 olnt Monclay at 6.. p. in. Shaver TraiiMjiortution Co. VERMONT s iiniiRE S G. D. GILSON, pROPRiEioit, 1 HOULTCM, OREGON. 1 8 Good acc'.modatii)ii8 at rea- y eonable prices. Barn in con- h nection with hotel. i 1 HOULTOX I I HOUSE J I FIRST CLASS MEALS, . CLEAN ROOMS, g I COFOKTABLE BEDS. B Good barn for accomodation HOULTON, DItEOX. ITHE HOULTOH I SALOON, KELLY BROS., Proprietors. Best or Wines, Cigars and Liquors, Kept In Stock Opposite the post office. HOULTON, ORE. SALOOK g utflMiMij mus., proprietors. WE KEEP 8 THE BEST OF WINES, L'll-iUOKS, MlNhISAJj' WATER and CIGARS. Pool Parlorjn connection with Baloon HOULTON, - ORE. Corn "J rnn f.r "J u Sitield I'r.tnd ll ieon 0 '2c. per lh. KreigM cliara p iid on all hi I In L. SWETT,. RAINIER, OREGON. To ISe Bssfo Gnesser: A New FranMha Typewriter. To IK Second est Gnesser: A Webster's U.nabrised Dictionary. ;To TSi Third Bset 5Five Tlie CoI.VMBU Reoihtkii will give the ubovn jueiniunH free tor puoss. inlho Kepublican vote in Coluintiia (J utnty at tlie November election. '.. . ... , . J . A t . ... . I id no ei.iiii'Mi id a cutis', pay-vi nr jtoM'Mm hi-.vru:n. It you are jyuur ulisc:iptiiMi will be extended ei....,M . fu-i ii.'uiu in uvcawq awarded by priority of date At the late June election, P. A, ifiipreuie Judg-?, received 1001 votr?; C. C. Micklctf Jii, Socialist, 11:5; C, J. Date. Jly guet?H is that tlie Republican presidential electors in Columbia county willl receive votea at the November elcctitm. Name of Subscriber Tost Office : State In the guessing contest conducted prior to thfl Juno election on the number of .voteH It. 8. Hattan would receive for county judge, tlin guesse3 ranged from 0(X) to 102f'.v Mr Hattan received 8(11 votes. The best gUi'Bscra were Arthur VanlXdali and C!ia. McCauley. "Houhon, Ore., June 11, 1001. This i9 to c-jrtify that tho Columbia Uewstku has iai.l me the tmrn of $o.00, being one half the amount of priza on guessing neare.it to the number of votes Hattan would receive at election on Juno 0, li)01. My guess wa.? .H73 votes. AuTiirn Vamkilau. Cmas. McCaulky. Portland . and Astoria AND WAY LANDINGS AStOria. R0Ut6 St.-merI.CIir.IXKlenveHT.iy-lor Ht. Wharf linily ( xcejit riutiiluy) lit 7 a. m. fz-aved Antorin daily (exi.vpt Sunday) tit II p. in, t'lieeonnet'tloii with lio.it forl lilnook ll.-iii li-llet-p Kivi-r, tiray'a Kiver, K mi .'.ti, Ft. Kiev, ens, Ft. Ctttiby. Ft. Columbia, iiwuoo, Ij-wIh .; Clurk Kiver, Onlfy A Young's Ulvvr, and Lout and train for liolli beticliei. . Portland and Vancouver Steamer I'MUN'K leaven Taylor St. Whnrl diiity exi ei.t )undiiyj at )O;"0 a. m. iind 4::0 p. in. 1 nvei Vuiieouver Ht u. m. iu id 1 ii. in. No triinsfcriiii;. no I jjotti Ifhoii.-s: (inron Main 01.'!; Coiiimniii C1J. wharf Foot of 'J'nylor St. deneral ullleu as:!1 i Vrmhlll Kt. VAM:oUVKU T U A N !' l'0 1 IT A T 10 '. CO. THE STORE GENERAL MERCHANDISE S nLOTTTTNG. 8 8 DRY GOODS, p GROCERIES, .. y PROVISIONS, FRUITS,. fA PROVISIONS, . FURNITURE, STOVES, &c. g LOWEST PRICES. I H. MORGUS, ST. HELENS, ORE. The Steamer Iralda. Jlaken round trips between RAINIER and PORTLAND. Ix-Rvine Rainier at 6:00 a. m. and Portland at'2:30p. m. daily except Sunday. Wcnolleit u Hliaru ol tne puuuu paironiiBe. anu in return will irlva nuick nervine and a clean boat. We are lieru tontay and want your business. Land ing at loot ol Taylor ritreet. ' C. I.UOOCllIKIKK,5Iiiter, I New York 1 O 'if m 3 Pienic Uiiuis (' 12a Gucsser: Dollars In U. S. Gold Con. one year a fiinsoripiioii to tim no a pud mi.viiIkt, y paying Jfl one year and you will h. cntit'.ed I... o. .". : ...:u i. uu iitu p.uii, juviuiuiun nut uv; Moore, Republican candidatti fori Thomas O'Diy, Democrat, 31o; liriht, I'rohilitionist, 10S. .1001 1 CASH . TALKS I SEE 8 BAILEY & BRINK i ) x v 1 General Merchandise g DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, (jkxts' Furnihiiixo Goods, BOOTS, SHOES. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FLOUR, h FEED,' Hardware, Graniteware, . Crox;keryware, Stoves & Ranges. & TIOTTLTON. . ORE. 9. Str. Joseph Kellogg. Ijcuxcs I'ortland TneHdiiy, Thurwlay and Hat nrdiiy at 7 a. m. for Kt. Helen, Kiilumn, Carrols 1'olnt, Kalnier and KcIho. Arriving at Port land, Hominy, Wednesday and Friday at 2 p.m. Tlie Hteamer Northwent leaven Portland, Mon doy and Thnrnday for Toledo, Cantlo Uock, and way pointa at lla.tn., ro'tirnlni? Wednesday and Hulnnl'iy at '2 p. in. Dent and eheafK'Ht route to tlio Kt. HoleiiM liilniiiK dlHtriet, Hnlijee.t to ellaiiKe without notice.. Wharf foot of tialinon Kjreet, II. Iloliuan, Agent. . i IKILLthb COUCHl and CURE the LUNC3 v ir. ICsBg's I I rnn CONSUMPTION " Price I; Muni OUGHSand E0c&$1.00i j UOLOS . Free Trial, jfj 1 Surest and (luickeot Cure for all I B THROAT and LUNO TEOUB- gSOTjNBAOS j 0ODGINC THE ISSUE. V.Itj Cuuc.tm n Iu Au C.rrat Hurry lo AiUuuru. Tlio uiiihio li:n.k of tlu ItPi'tilillono lonilcrn. fivia Hi) jiiiKMoiit clown, tt r.dj.mru ro:i :iv.-i without coiihIiIitIiir. iiinny Imput'lint m;t tr Unit wt-ioi'iir m tlt'tiuiiHlitl If iu)ic of nil i'Iiish. v wns to I'Viu'p a iwurJ on iIIhiiiUihI qtii'Klloiin. Tlio il;'.n,;i r uf n "till fcrrnU ve lui'ivr.:!' of tlio iin'i u'.o'.u ni'pri'prlu tloiiH wan lsi a t!i-toii::liiij: fartur, ftr ti.rwiTws Uml nntli-ljiiuiM nil tlio ivvt tnuv iu.il pfrliciiH luoro Unit tlio tiva.mry fxpfrls fiUiii;ito will lo ml U'tto.l for tlio i-oiiilng linen I year. ntci Coi ia.ui on tl:o cUishij; tiny of ilitf Hrs.!oti Hal.l, "Tlio lotnl niifoiirlittinn Kiiitio exeiist $;:iMiiH).H.Hi, ami tlu-ro me oWlittl.'im luctii risl exenvlln (knJ.ihmi, nu Ulnt: n total of over $Hi0.. tKio.iHio, not Iih-IiiiIIiik; tl.o piropit:i tloiiH for tlie Paiiiunii e;inal." Senator OiUier.-um ileelnml tlio total f jtiieiiilltureK miller tlio lloinevelt ml uilnlitratli.it liinl leen f J.(il0',(KKl.(MK), or fJM.diio.iiOO greater tlmn tlio four years of tlie McKlnley iviliiiliilnlrntlou . atnl $sv:!,(!iu,(im) greater tlmn In tlio fum'.yvurn tif tlie Clevelmul tiilinlnls tnitlon. 'i!H lucremie l:o kuIi.IIvIiKhI an rolIowH: Civil tiiliiilnlctriitlon, ?Hi.).ih)(.. Win; naval, ?U11.wo.um; inllilary. ?'--SI. (lOO.OHO. So If tlie lleiUllilUnna left Mil tleiio inticli Unit wiih lutilly ii.vilo. they eerlalnly exeeiletl tliolr former cTorta lit lavl.ili cxpomlltureM atnl tlie certain ty of inereaslnu tiir.utloii. Mr. Wll-' llnnm, tlio uilnoi'lly U-mler of the liousty Btiltl tho Denioeratu uouM rejjret for a. lomr tliuo '"tho iinniictloii of llio ma jority that Heeinu nuxlotm to lonvo tho post of duty anil leuvo a uttiiutloH lirlstlltis with leglHlutlou tbut ouht to he iDlislilereil." -Kroin a political point of view tho enorinouH iipproprlntlutia of Hip Ueptib Ilea int nml their uiutitv hnnle to ad journ are to the neat political nil van time of tlio Iiepioernts. There ia no ilioiht that the fear ( InvcMlitlon oC the noil minis In the postolllce and other' t'.oimrli.ienta of Uie Kovcrmr.eiit tail", much to tli with this nnxlety to ml Jotirn, for at any moment n exjumur of U.o conniH-tloii or llepubllenu mem Wvu with the postolllco ami other peaiidilrt inltrht he ujruln hron;'ht to ti e Hurface, nltl;oiit;li the wlilluwaHti. Inush lntd been freely nppllcil CHINESE EXCLUSION .1 Mnttr f Crrnt Intcreat lo AuirrU enn WurkluKUicn. llio cslstlaar treaty of linmlsrattutt tii'twecn China and tho United State expired Pec. , WOl. If "lx inontliH no tleo lieforo that date la given. by either country. It Is reasonably certain that Ciilna hna Klven or will glvo tho necoa Bary formal notice, for n cuimtrued, by our Kovernnient tho Chinese nro cn tlrely dlssatlslled with tlio treaty. Tho IlooKovelt admlnl.-itrntlon secina . entirely obllvlotfa to the Importance oC Immediate attention to thla matter, for if, tho treaty expires and no other take . its placo either our entire trado with China will be Jeopardized or tho doora will havo to bo open to unlimited Chi neae Immlnratlon. It will bo Imposil blo to demanil of China tho open door for our cood.1 and those of- our peoplo who ulsh to go to that country aul. deny tho Clilneso nlmllar fuvom. The Koosevclt administration doubt Iphh docs not wish tho Chlneso ques tion to bo brought to tho attention of tho country before tho national elec tlon, for tho labor leaders are strong ly opposed to any Chlneso lmmlKra tlon, and tho labor voto must bo con ciliated until after election. After election always after election tho usual procrastination on' Important matters that politically cut two ways. How will labor faro after election at' tho hands of tho Kepublican politi cians when tho business interests nro deiuandlu tho open door. In China? Will tho Interest of tho worklngmati' nnd his anxiety for Chlneso exclusion . be considered after election, when even -now tho eight hour bill, the antl-lnjunc-tlon legislation and other measures fa- Yornhlu to labor arc hung up In com mittees by the Ilcpubllcan leaders lu congress? Tho trusts and corporations always hold the whip hand over a Republican -congres3, and measures of relief for labor or reform of abuses fare badly at tho most propitious times and mucb worse after election. Tfothlnar Inuo to Stop Grnftlnar. Congressman John Llnd of Mlnno eota has again called attention to tho -fact that alUiough tho fipcclal commis sion appointed by President Roosevelt to Investigate tho scandals In. Indian Territory reported that most of tho members of tho Dawes commission wero interested In land companies; . there and tho commission had outlived jib uneiuiui-Bs, j et iioniiug unu ueeu dono to stop tho grafting. Mr. Llnd.. Introduced in the houso of representa tives a resolution of inquiry which ...1.1.1 tinitn ulfttnU nf 41. MnnJ. 0 41. . matter, but tho ltopnbllcan majority In congress passed a substitute resolu- I n n ...lil.il. mna n ulmnli. . ...... i 1 . n secretary of tho Interior "to advise tho bouse, if not lncompaUble with tho public Interests, what has been dono with tho report of Charles J. Bona parto and Charles R. Woodruff, a spe cial commission, who Investigated tho condition of affairs in the Indian Ter ritory."' TtevUod lr It Friend. Tho high protecUonlsts still claim that when tho tat-Ill is revised it must bo revised by its friends. What aro these "frlenda" going to do about it, though, should tho other fellows win at tho election? Trobahly they still feel safe lh having tho senate. Well, thero may bo a strong enough expression of public sentiment to turn tho leaning of that body without changing, Us parts;, complexion..' ... , ., .. ,., .