The Columbia register. (Houlton, Columbia County, Or.) 1904-1906, April 29, 1904, Image 8

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Daaaage Placed at $12,000,000 Witt
$ A, 360,000 ItMrucM Acta lor
Seffrere-AI PabUe BaUdlage art
Placed at Their DUpoaal-ErecUM
at Teaiparary Strectaree Permitted.
Toronto, Out. April 22. The total
loaa by tha fira whkh destroyed the
wholesale district of Toronto last night
will, according to tha most conserva
tive estimate, reach $12,000,000, the
total insurance $3,360,000.
Tha area swept by the fire embraces
14 acres, and 9,000 to 10 000 persons
aia thrown oat of employment. The
work of tearing dowa tha dangerous
walls was continued until this after
noon. Tha city council this afternoon placed
all public buildings and the exhibition
grounds at the disposal of tha fire
sufferers, amended the fira regulations
to allow tha erection of temporary
structures, and appointed a committee
to wait on tha legislature and secure an
act ordering all wires under ground.
Tha principal warehouses of tha city
were reduced to ashes and nearly 250
fiims were put out of business. The
area covered by the fira is three blocks
in length and varies from half a block
to two blocks in width. Every build
ing on Bay street, from MeinJa street
southward to tha waterfront, was wiped
out and the fire spread on Wellington
and Front streets, along the waterfront
from this section and tha Eeplamade
along the waterfront from this section
with Bay Btreet for a boundary for a
few hundred feet to a whole block.
From the time the fire started on the
north side of Wellington Btreet, a short
distance east of Bay street, in the E. &
8. Currie manufacturing plant, till it
burned itself out at daybreak, there
was not a moment when a shift of the
wind te the northward would not have
resulted in the destruction of the great
er pait of the city. '
At a meeting of the Toronto legisla
ture tonight, the premier and the
leader of the opposition expressed
sympathy with the fire sufferers, and it
was decided to place a sum of money in
the supplemental y estimates for the
benefit of the firemen's fund. .
It is probable that the prorogation of
the legislature, will be indefinitely de
layed because of the fire. The burning
of the Warwick brothers and Butter
building delays the government print
ing for this year.
The total number of buildings des
troyed is 122; the number of fiime
affected is 222.
aovcrameat Decides to Taka la tha Pay
etla Valley Project.
. Washington, April 22. The govern
ment has finally decided to take up the
Fayette irrigation project, in Idaho,
which contemplates the reclamation of
140,000 acres of land in Boise and Pay
ette valleys, by diverting the waters of
Boise river. Examinations of this pro
ject have been under way for several
years, and the department is now con
vinced the project is feasable and can
be carried out at a reasonable cost.
During the coming summer, final
surveys will be made for canals and
other works, and it is expected that
contracts for the construction can be
prepared and let by the end of the
ine ooara oi consulting engineers
will consist of II. N. Savage, J. II.
Quinton and W. II. Sanders which will
soon examine the Umatilla and Mai
hear irrigation projects id Eastern Ore
eon to determine which of the two is
the better adapted for government con
etruction. ine report oi in is Doard is
likely to lead to the formal adoption of
one or the other of these projects.
Blizzard Rases lo St. Louis.
St. Louis, April 22. A severe storm
raged cere today, at tines assuming
the proportions of a blizzard.- The
storm began with a sleet storm, fol
lowed by a fall of 20 degrees of tern
peratuie. Following there .was a snow
lau oi nve incbes. street traffic was
impeded and trains were late. The
snow prevented the games between the
St. Louis and Chicago national league
teams, and St. Louis and Cleveland
American league teams, scheduled for
today. Five to seven inches of snow fell
within radius of 150 miles of St. Louis
Flew the BrltUh Flag.
Paris, April 22. A dispatch to the
Temps from St Petersburg says the Rus
sian fleet, while making a reconnais
sance just previous to the last attempt
to blockade tne entrance to the harbor
at Port Arthur, sighted four ships off
the Maio Tao islands flying the British
flag. After the warships and the forts
bad sunk the vessels used by the Japan
ese, the Russians identified the sunken
hulks as the same British ships previ
ously seen off the islands.
Tralnrobbers Oct $50,000.
. Tiflis, April 22. A tram cn the
Trans-Caucasian railway was held up
between Novosenakai and Abasha by
four armed men, who entered the mail
car and,' after binding the officials,
escaped with registered letters and val
cables worth $50,000.
Seaate Caaamtttea OtJctl ta Mitt Bill
Regardtag Chleese.
Washington, April 23. Tha general
deficiency bill reported by tha senate
committee on appropriations carries
$11,342,149, an increase aa it passed
tha house of $940,525. It contains as
am amendment tha Hitt Cbineaa exclu
sion bill, which was accepted by tha
house before tha bill was passed. Tha
Hitt bill was introduced In the senate
by Fenroee and referred to the commit
tee oa foreign relations. In this com
mittee the discovery, it is said, has
been made that tha bill will affect the
introduction of Chinese coolie labor in
to the Panama canal sone, and to a
considerable extent affect the immigra
tion to this country of Cor earn and Fil
ipinos and the deportation from the
United States, ITawaii, Porto Rico and
any teiritorvy, "subject to the jurisdic
tion of the United States of any person
held to come within the definition of
the words "Chinese persons," and ob
jection has been made to the far reach
ing effects of the bill.
When the senate committee on for
eign relations began considertion today
of the Chinese bill it was suggested
that the bill might be of wider scope
than was at first thought. Sections
defining the words "Chinese person"
were called to notice, and it was sug
gested that these' might be held to re
late to Filipinos, Coreans and others
not intended to be included, and that
the purpose of the bill might be in con
flict with the existing treaties. It was
late when the discovery was made, and
finally the members of the committee
concluded that no action should be
taken on the Penrose bill in view of
the fact that the Hitt amendment was
reported in the deficiency bill, but that
the matter might be discussed in open
senate. It is understood an attempt
will be made to amend the measure be
fore the deficiency bill passes the
Rwaataas are Rapidly Croat! a g tha Yala
Maar are Drowsed.
Niu Chwang, April 23. A messen
ger from the Yam river reports that
the Japanese outposts are near the Rus
sian intienchments with large bodies
of troops five miles distant. He also
states the Russians are fleeing north
across the river in overcrowded boats,
losing hundreds by drowning. The
messenger himself met only a few of
the Japanese, bat they were reported
to have shown themselves in force on
various occasions, afterward quickly
The newspaper correspondents ac
credited to the Russian forces have left
for Mukden. -They bind themselves
not to divulge news respecting the re
sults of engagements, or give any in
formation which may awaken public
uneasiness. -
The Russians have issued placards
in Chinese explaining away the Jap
anese victories, detailing Russian suc
cesses, magnifying the Russian
strength, and prophesying victory for
Rassia. The Chinese are not misled,
but still believe tha Japanese will con
quer in Manchuria.
Bxtcnt at Disasters to Her Arms
not Be Sent Out.
Paris, April 22. The Yinkow corres
pondent of the Paris Journal says he
has tried tepeatedly to ascertain the ex
tent of the recent disasters to the Rus
sian arms, and be has tailed to do so
because of the perfectly-organized sec
recy of the Russians. In his conclud
ing statement, he says:
'.'The people., of France will be
obliged to be satisfied with notices
marked 'official' or semi-official state
ments sent from Harbin, or Mukden
many miles removed from the actual
scene of war. I am close to Port
Arthur, and might give the true ver
sion of many incidents, the news of
which, as published, has been mere
conjecture, but the Russians strictly
forbid all communications of land or
sea events. At the moment of rending
this message, grave happcisgs are pro
ceeding on the peninsula; In fact, I am
told that another battle is being fierce
ly contested in the neighborhood of
Port Arthur
Boitlsh Sympathy Much Appreciated.
St. Petersburg, April 23. While ac
cepting gratefully the world-wide ex
pressions of sympathy which Russia
has received at the death of Vice Ad
miral Makaroff and the Petropavlovsk
disaster', the papers seem especially im
pressed with the sympathy shown by
the British press, several using tbe text
to argue on the opportuneness of the
decision in favor of a Russo-British
treaty. The Novisky says: "A sin
cere approachment with Great Britain
would guarantee our future develop
ment" .Skrydtoff Given Full Pawer.
Paris, April 23. The correspondent
of the Echo de Paris at St. Petersburg
says that in the course of tbe audience
between the emperot and Vice Admiral
Skiydloff, his majesty conferred npon
the admiral full power to act at Port
Arthur in accordance with the necessi
ties of tbe moment. The rumor that
$ 1Q,Q00,000 in cash went down with
the battleship Petropavlovsk, the corre
spondent also says, is declared to be
Koaropatkln Waits for Mora Troops.
Paris, April 23. The St. Petersburg
correspondent of the Journal says
friend of General Kouropatkin baa re
ceived r letter from him in which the
generr says he intends to await the ar
rivaJ f another 100,000 men before
risk jg a battle with the Japanese. '
Fear MUba Dollars Are
New Drawing
I at treat at t Pel
Salem Tha state of Oregon now has
$4,000,000 of school funds drawing in
terest at an average of 6 per cent. This
is the largest sum the state ever bad
drawing interest and it represents the
limit of the irreducible school fund, for
a number of years hence, at least. The
revenue from this fund will be about
$210,000 per year, and from this the
expenses of runulng tha state land de-
partmnet mutt be paid, amounting to
less than $10,000 per year, leaving
about $230,000 to be distributed an
nually among the counties of the state
upon the basis of school population.
The apportionment this year will be
reduced somewhat by reason of repay
ments of interest received from pur
chasers of land where the title faill.
Of this total of $4,000,000, about
$3,500,000 is in the form of loans and
$500,000 is in the foim of deferred
payments on sales of school land. Of
the loans, $3,250,000 is out on real es
tate mortgage securities paying 6 per
cent interest. The other $250,000 Is
invested in school district bonds bear
ing 5 per cent interest. The $500,000
due on sales of land is drawing intereet
at 6 and 7 per cent. An average rate
of intereet on the whole $4,000,000, is
6 per cent.
Less than a year ago the state treas
ury contained $725,000 of idle money
in the school fund. There was then
little prospect that this money would
soon be put out at Interest, but several
circumstances have combined to create
a demand for the school funds.
It will be the policy of the board to
favor small borrowers, as the money
will benefit more people In this way.
In all the loans that have been made
the board has been careful to . accept
only gilt edge security, and it is believ
ed there is not a loan outstanding that
would show a loss even if hard times
should bring about a decline in real
estate values.
Incorporrtloa Artie lea Filed..
Salem Articles of incorporation
were filed in the office of Secretary of
State Dunbar last week as follows:
Plaindealer Publishing company,
Roeeburg, $6,000. '
Northwest Yiavl company, Portland,
Upton Gold Mining company, Port
land, $5,000.
W. W. Telephone company, Wil
lamette, 110,000.
Enterprise-Imnaha Telephone corn-
many, Enterprise, $2,500.
Hood River Baseball club, Hood Riv
er, $3,000.
Oregon Land A Trust company, Port
land, $5,000.
Finis Irrigation company, Milton,
Ashland Improvement company,
Ashland, $15,000.
Ashland Ice & Storage company, Ash
land, $20,000.
Lytle Electric Light & water com
pany, Lytle CrooV county, $10,000.
Cow Creek Placer Gold Mining com
pany.'Baker City, $10,000
Blodeett companv, limited, Grand
Rapids, Mich., $3,000,000.
Experiment With Small Fry la the Big
Astoria Reservoir.
Astoria During September, 1902,
Fish 'Warden Van Dusen secured a
number of small salmon tbat had been
kept in fresh water for several months
and placed them in the Astoria reser
voir. Recently tne reservoir was
emptied for the purpose of cleaning it
and tbe fish were taken out by Deputy
Webster. The largest of the fish was
only about 15 inches in length, show
ing conclusively that the salmon need
salt water to develop them.
The. effect of this experiment will be
to overthrow the theory tbat the salmon
fry should be kept in fresh watei as
long as possible before being turned out
and permitted to make their way to sea.
Planting of Sugar Beets.
La Giande F. S. Braawell, field
supei intendent of the La Grande sugar
factory, etaets that the present pros
pects for a large acreage of suear beets
are very flattering. The total beet
acreage last year was 1,800 acres, and
this "Vear 2,800 acres are assured. The
company itself is seeding 1,800 acres
this year. Experiments are also being
made in several sections of Umatilla
county in the matter of growing sugar
beets. Seeding is in progress in every
section of the county, although foot
hill ranchers are a little behind.
School Loans Approved.
" Salem The state land board has ap
proved applications for loans from the
school fund to the amount of $100,000.
These are the applications that were
pending when it was announced recent
ly that the idle surplus will soon be
placed out at interest. Even when the
bui plus has been lent, there will be funds
available from time to time as those who
have borrowed in the past make repay
ment or purchasers of school land pay
their annual installments.
Cannera to Use Oil for Fuel.
Astoria Several of the canners and
cold storage men have decided to nse
crude oil in place of wood for fuel in
their plants. Contracts have been
made foi oil at 90 cents a bairel, with
the guarantee that 2 barrels of oil
will equal a cord of tbe best fir wood.
As the latter now sells at $4.25 per
cord, the change will effect quite a sav
ing in the fuel bills.
Coadeaaed Prod act Adapted ta Orltatal
aad Alatkaa Use.
Hlllsboro Tha directors of tha Ore
gon Condensed Milk company, of "this
city, and who manufacture tha Ormron
Grape brand of evaporated cream, have
received word from tha Kelly-Clark
company, exporters of evaporated
ci earns to Alaska and the Orient, that
the recent test by the Holman refriger
ator company, subjecting this cream to
extreme heat and cold, has been veiy
The cream, in cans, was subjected to
a heat ranging from 118 to 160 degrees,
and several cana were froien in a solid
block of ice for 10 days. After the
tests were made the cans were openel
and there was no separation whatever,
proving that the Oregon Grape cream
is excellent for Alaska and Oriental
This is naturally ot great Interest to
shippers, as both these fields draw
heavily from Oregon for export cream.
The Hillsboro factory is- the largest
west of the Mississippi river, and was
the first established in Oreiron, and
this recent test establishes the manu
facture of evaporated cream as a
cessful and permanent enterprise.
Warehoates are Nearly Empty.
Pendleton About a quarter of a mil
lion bushels ot last year's wheat crop
in this county remains unsold, and
nearly all the sold portion has been
moved, leaving the Umatilla ware
houses comparatively empty. The
wheat still held is principally in small
lota, 10,000 to 15,000 bushels being
about the largest. Moat of it is residue
of crops already partly sold. The
market is quite inactive, quotations
being made only on request. From 65
to 66 cents has been the ruling price on
club for several days.
Fair Haa the Fonda.
Portland An official document at
testing that the Lewis and Clark expo
sition has $600,000 available funds has
been dispatched to Washington. The
document, bearing the signature of
President II . W. Scott and Secretary
Henry Reed, is required by provi
sion of the appropriation bill, and must
be presented to the treasury department
before the $450,000 covered by the gov
ernment's appropriation may, be
DlvUloa af Wade Property.
Pendleton A report oi the sale of
C. B. Wado's portion of the Wade
blooded herd has been filed with Ref
eree in Bankruptcy Fitzgerald. .The
proceeds ot Wade lutereat amount to
$3,912.53. ThU brings the total
amount derived from the sale of per
sonal property up to $18,581.29, which
is over $3,000 above the appraised val
ue.. The first dividends will be declared
in behalf of creditors this week.
Beginning to Make Proof.
Alba Members of the co-operative
colony, which holds 15 or 20 home
steads and which was originally com
posed el Umatilla county teachers, are
beginning to make commutation proof
The colonists have their united hold'
ings leased to. cattlemen. Most of
them will reside on their filings this
Wheat Walla Walla, 73 74c; blue
stem, 81c: valley, 8183c.
Barley Feed, $13.60 per ton; rolled,
Flour Valley, $3.90(34.05 per bar
rel; hard wheat straights, $404.25;
clears, $3.8504.10; hard wheat pat
ents, $4.4004.70; graham, $3.504;
whole wheat, $434.25; rye flour, $4.60.
Oats No. 1 white, $1 17)601.20;
gray, $1.12)601.15 per cental.
Millstuffs Bran, $19020 per ton;
middlings, $25.60027; shorts, $20021 ;
chop, $18; linseed, dairy food, $19
Hay Timothy, $15016 per ton;
clover, $10011; grain, $11 12; cheat,
Vegetables Turnips, 80c per sack ;
carrots, 80c; beets, $1; parsnips, $1;
cabbage, 2)c; red cabbage, 2c ; lettuce,
head, 25040c per doz; parsley; 25c;
cauliflower, $2 per box; celery, 650 75c
per doz ; squash, 2c per pound ; cucum
bers, $1.75 per dcz; asparagus, 70
8c, peas, 5)6c per pound; rhu
barb, 79c; beans, 10c; onions, Yel
low Danvers, $202.50 per sack.
Honey $303.50 per case.
Potatoes fancy, 91.20(3 l.ou per
cental; common, 75cO$l; new pota
toes, 304c per pound; sweets, 6c.
Fruits Strawberries, $3.25 per
crate; apples, fancy Baldwins and
Spitzenbergs, $1.6002.60 per box;
choice, $101.50; cooking, 75c$l. .
Eggs Oregon ranch, 18019c.
Butter Sweet cream butter, 250
27 per pound; fancy creamery,
22c; choice creamery, 20021c; dairy
and store, nominal. .
Butter Fat Sweet cream, 26c; sour
cream, 24c.
I Poultry Chickens, mixed, 13013ftc
per pound; springs, small, 20c; hens,
1314c; turkeys, live, 16017c;
dressed, 18020c; dueks, $809 per
dozen; geese, live, 8c per pound.
Cheese Full cream, twins, 12013c;
Young America, 1415c.
Hops 1903 crop, 23025c per pound.
Wool Valley, 18017c; Eastern
Oregon, 1012c; mohair, 30032c
per pound for choice.
Beef Dressed, 507)40 per pound.
Mutton Dressed, 607)4cper pound;
spring lambs, 8c.
Veal Dressed, 67Kc
Pork Dressed, 708c.
Adjaatabla Wata Beat.
The Illustration shows a bandy
wagon seat which ts comparatively
easy to construct Take a two-Inch
board six Inches wide, round the ends
and cut slots la each end as shown,
so that It will go between tha stakes
of the wagon. Fasten a board a foot
wide and three feet long la the center
of the first board as shown tn the
cut Then take an old seat, from
some old machine, of form one If you
are handy with tools and fasten tt as
good home-made seat could be
formed of Inch boards mounted to a
place ot tough hickory and bolted to
the boards, as shown, with a brace of
Iron at the back. Such a seat would
be very handy to use when doing
rough hauling, while It might not be
sufficiently attractive to use on the
road. It la comfortable, which la the
main point to be considered.
aUklaar Draft U01
There Is one thing that the man who
Is trying to raise big horses should
not overlook and tbat Is plenty of
food for the colts. A draft-bred colt
that has not enough to eat will not
make a draft horse he will be a
chunk of some grade, not heavy
enough for a draft horse. Some peo
ple claim that draft colts will not re
quire any more feed than colts of a
lighter breed. That Is an error, Tbey
do require more, but not so much In
proportion to their size as does the
light horse, because they are of a
quiet disposition and put more of their
feed Into growth and less Into exer
cise or nervous fretting than the light
horse. But' no big horse will be pro
duced If the feed Is lacking. Give the
colts enough to keep them growing,
and they will pay a good price for all
they eat when the time comes to sell
them. At a sale In Ohio last week
draft geldings coming 4 years old sold
to feeders at $200 to $283 a head. When
feeders can afford to pay such prices
for horses to fatten for, market there
is nothing wrong wltblhe draft horse
business. But there were no stunted
colts la the bunch that sold for these
Three Iloreea to a Wagon.
Here's a device for hitching three
horses to a wagon. The method Illus
trated substitutes two wagon poles for
one, the middle horse between tbe two
I if
1 ' 1
poles or shafts. There are two neck
yokes and a triple evencr. The mid
dle horse has one-third of each double
tree, making two-thirds of both, while
each outside horse has two-thirds of
the evener he Is hitched to.
Sanitary Straw Hog Hon.
The best bogbouse on earth Is made
by eettlng two rows of fence posts one
foot In ground and four feet apart one
way, and one post length apart, the
other way, so posts may be used for
stringers on top. Put cord wood cross
wise on top of stringers and build
straw pile over all, leaving hole In one
end big enough for a hog to enter.
They will all follow in and complete
Interior arrangement of house to suit
their hoggish artistic taste. '
, This house will always be dry and
comfortable and will save many a
heated argument with the hired man
airaut cleaning put and bedding the
hogs. Hogs can be fed out of doors,
or a board feeding room may be built
at one end of stack with door 'be
tween. In summer, pull out posts and
burn straw hoghouse, haul out refuse
and build new each year. Then you
will have healthy hogs, avoid mange
and many other parasites. I winter
80 hogs every year In this kind of a
bouse. A. A. Andrews, North Dakota
Ueee of Canned Ego-.
The nse of refrigerator eggs has be
come ao widespread as to cover a
greater part of the habitable earth.
There has been a great trade in can
ned eggs recently. - Large quantities
of canned eggs are bought by confec
tioners, and they are also used in the
manufacture of linen. Several coun
tries supply eggs for such purposes,
but the supply is not equal to the de
mand. Large Importations of canned
eggs come from Russia, Germany and
Denmark. These usually arrive ta
large packages and are packed lo some
ULknown preaervaUve and are hermet
ically sealed. The air Is excluded la
some manner, as It will not do to beat
them as In canning fruit, as that
would destroy the value of the prod
uct. Science la still doing wonders,
and we may be able to have fall con
trol of the egg trade of the whole
world In the near future. Great strides
have already been taken, but there to
room for more Improvement
readies Oate la the Sheaf.
One of the first things I leaned
when a boy was that feeding sheaf
oats to horses was wasteful. Howsver.
I had to do tt last fall and I now wish
I bad aaved a portion of my thrash
ing bill that way. Several years ago
I read of a certain farmer condemning
a cow because she leaked her milk,
while he bad other cows that did not
pay their keep, although they did not
leak their milk, while the first cow
paid well In spite of her leakage. Now,
In tbe case of my horses, I have
known them to pass oats with their
manure In so perfect a state that they
would grow, and no scheme ot driv
ing nails in the bottom of their feed
boxes, putting In stones or having
their teeth flatted by a horse doctor
had any effect on them. But lot wheo
1 fed there sheaf oata, not the first
vestige of aa oat could be aeeo la
their manure. Now. what difference
does it make where or how tbe oata
are wasted? And If a few plga could
have access to tbe stable when tbe
horses were out la the field, it seem
to ms that sheaf oata would have
the best end of the argument Farm,
Btock and Home.
Bemorliur Wart a froaa Uor
Take about four leaves of strong
cured tobacco, place them in a vessel.
pour about one-half gallon ot water
over them, place on tbe fire, letting tt
boll down to a strong Juice, and apply
to the wart Always pick tbe wart ao
as to make It bleed before the appli
cation, that It may strike Into tbe fun
gous growth. A few applications will
aoon do the work; gradually the en
largement will decrease and disappear
as If by magic. As an evidence of ita
efficacy, some years ago a horse that
we drove had a bleeding wart on his
back that tlij lines kept continually
bleeding. It waa about the slse of a
walnut with a neck about the else ot
one'a Index finger. I would occasion
ally sprinkle a few crumbs of tobacco
on It from my pocket d the wart
went away. I have removed wart aa
large as a pint cup from horses' Irga
by taking the tobacco leaves, dipping
them tn hot water and binding them
to the affected part Try tt and you
will be rewarded for your trouble."
Oeeae oa Lowland.
Geese are extremely hardy and long
lived. They thrive on low-lying landa
which would not be suitable for fowls.
Old pasture Is beat suited to their re
quirements, as tbey crop the grass
very short and would likely destroy
the roots of newly sown grass. Tbey
must be afforded -liberty and lota of
grassy range. They are very coarse
feeders and will eat nearly anything
la the shape of green food. Although
It is dealrable to batch early, tt is not
always advisable, as It depends upon
the climate and location. Goslings
need grass, and do not thrive unless
green food is supplied when they can
not get range.
Importance of the Hen.
It Is estimated that the production
of chickens tn the United Stares last
year reached 8,330,000,000, and of eggs
thirteen billion. The total-value waa
$200,000,000. The true Importance of
the poultry business will, however, be
better appreciated by the following
comparisons: Our annual wool clip la
about $28,000,000; sheep. $05,000,000;
swine, $180,000,000; cotton, $250,000,-
000; wheat $227,000,000; tobacco, $43,-
000,000; potatoes, $80,000,000; barley,
$30,000,000; oats, $200,000,000.
Onr Butter State.
The manufacture and consumption
of butter In the United Stater Is con
stantly growing. In 1870 we made
615,000,000 pounds,' while thirty years
later, In 1000, we made nearly three
times as much 1,492,000,000 pounds.
Of the great butter-producing States
Iowa comes first New York second.
and the others In the following order:
Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Ohio, Illi
nois, Minnesota, Michigan, Kansas,
Farm Notes.
An important item in stock feeding
Is regularity.
Long feet are frequently the causa
of lameness in horses.
It If a waste of feed to give more
than an animal can digest
With all stock, food may be wasted
by giving too much or too little.
Sheep, when being fattened, should
have protection from wet and cold.
With all stock, there Is no single
feed that possesses only good quali
ties. Early pampering suould be avoided
if mature and healthy development Is
desired. - .
Tbe sheep raiser who is not progres
sive cannot expect to attain perfection
In his calling.
Labor, even on the farm, Is most ef
fective when directed by intelligence
and thought
To Injudicious feeding may be cred
ited a large amount of the fatality
among hogs. - ;
The brood sow should have plenty
of nourishing food such as will cauB
a healthy growth ' Without too much
fat .. ,. ..... -
.Variety of live stock on a farm
quite as much as variety of cropping
Is a source of wealth accumulation In
tha holding.
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