Who U running the rock cruhherT Nw Im tliu time tu ..ake kimmI rondt. Tn k (.'(inwiiiA lU'imTTH imikifl Hi Ikw, : ' Halnlcr Iiiib a liiiMclmll club and lrn"N bund. ,' Ouuntyi'oiiinilmionpr'fl court totivont-ii next AVediit'dy. '. ' . if yrm wont u fln hat go to Ihuly A Brinns. They have th;; good. 1 , Attorney Mendetihull of Portland wai a i'miityM'ut visitor, Monday. Join Fmlth, of Yankton was a rtillcr At tin) Ukuihtkh oillie hint week, , A, 1 1 nil. Ks'piirn of St, 1IIiih rall- Jvu fiTtt few minutes, Monday cvt tilny. Kelley (Brothers have added a new pon li ntit awning to their place of busU JUHH," " 1 Ion. J. H, iKmnof Uninicr, whilo on route for the county-seat, Tut-mlay took lH)k at our den. Micriff Ilattnn visited Olatskanio Wcdnccday on ullku! L"j"lneM pertain ing f circuit court. 10. K, Stinker of ltainier lias Wn m-rioiiHly ullllctod with rheumatism, for twoortlircA weeks. The game of ball between Ht. Helena 1 nnd Sciu jumihc- was won by trVup pooau tho score being 4 to 5. l'ruf llciirici of Portland furnished tlit music fur a very pleasant nodal Imll At lUinter Satuiday night. Tliu Houlton Stave factory is runtiin on full time, ninl la one of (ho Vst in tliiKiricH in Columbia county. Win. Shaw utiJ family havo returned to Kiiinicr, Mr, Shaw having vet-tired Mm former situation wi'.ii Heed's mill. The iimriiinjpt are col I and dully, but there la an occasional suniiiiur day tltut reminds us that warm weather ia nigh. At Ihiily A Prion's yon llnd a gnml ijitnliiy of general merchandise, itt the. right price. New eoods arriving daily. Miss. Lnglurt of Suappooso ninl Mr. Thompl.iim of (Vucgo were the guest of Mrs. It. 11. Mitchell of Kniniir last week. lr. llint'M of the ftnto Historical Ho cloty c.reHHed lii.iiHelf a mirprisod at tho prugrow uad duvelui-iuout of t!tc to a ii of ltainier. The circuit court will convene Tues day May 10th., , Tho catto of (ieo. V. M 'l'ridefn. Norlhwrsl I.iuhIkt Co. ia el for Mav I2tli. l.lio'Mt. Yi-rnon Hand of Warr-n will give m-rrtitd imll nt Houlton thla even in. A c,oo I program Iiiih been nrrang o I fr tiio con.-ert. 1'aily A lin u enry a full lino of Me:)', women's n ml children' kl.oea in I't liii; u fino KtOwk of Uoyul (Jhi inK)!i' jubt nrr'ved. ; Mm, Hano Watta of tfjappoVse w: coiiijilimeiitod very liiiily for her Minj inj; nt tho CMio liution h. the OoujrefcM tioiial church in Kainicr. T.he ItctiihTKit retiima tlmnka for the mutiny cxprccriiona of good will, and for a helping hand ly reveral of the ycuag men in aettin up our proaaeti. liu 1 netiHiiaw, wlio una ix-cn qu,to ill for two weeks pa;;t, fins recovered .idi'ier.tly to afl'alil hn aboit. J lo p.ud our raii' tum ii visit Weilnea lay. Tim roiuona grunge nieeta nt Senp 1 jioohi!, Saturday, May 7th. Tliia prom ises to he ono of the most intorentin nuetinia ever leM in tliia county. If you wuut a'uit nt theright price call and ace u. W'c are cIojWik out our en tire sto;:k of nien'a, yoili'a n.l Imy'a clotliing, Huily & Urinn, Houlton Ore. County Sliool SupperintendentOopo land returned from it trip to the Nohn lcm where ho viaitod acveral achiiol."", and f nind thent in a proaperoua condi tion. A x'Jol live corrcRpviident is dceired to join the HeoiaTKit stuff. If v:iu. want to try tho jol for tho coininunity wliero vou rt!iile, tuko tho matter up with ua . at once. . , !orria Pratt pitched a very nice game of hall for St. Ileleit, Sundny but un fortcnntely ho hu-tono of hia k'8 whilo runni'ig a baao imd liaa been laid up thiaweeek, UW.A, Voung is elected represen tative the people of Columbia county nvty look for some needed legislation for tho benefit of tho farmer us againat ' tho uraflcr. , The old dilapidatuj picket fence cn tl )iing a part of Jacob r.rouao'a proper ty in ltainier baa ?ivi'n place to A live lwnrd fence, which grea.ly. Improved Appeiiwueea thorealwuts. The preliminary hearing of Elizabeth lirought charged with purjury was hud before Jufctico Wutkina of St. Helena, Thursday. Mrs Brought was bound pver to appear at May term- of court . : Sheriff Ilattnn has collected on this voara tax roll about fGS.OOO. and their f.mains only about $9,510 uncolectcd, vey little of this amount ia delinqent, the major part being for last I-bM nf tax. The lUinier Mill & Lumber Co. re bu netl,opjrations,'ain last week, Tiio Koed mill hai been idlo 'for several inoutha past, anil when the whistle pounded, (of work tho frst"of "last week ty)t a, sign d for rejoicing amo'nj busi- peas men as well in laborers and op ' i'ratgra in tlie mill, Ww tm oirtde no inl effort to rt cum advertiMing or aiilwcriptkuia na yet We have only taken. hat baa been offered. The advertising coluinna nl wnya an lnd to the biiNinena intercut of tbeplifo, but nura la not complete. There are two LlAckamilli ahopa a burU-r ahop, a buU her ahnp, a Jewelry ahop, otiw atoro and aevernt aawmilla aud carpenter ad, that ahouM and probably wil appear in tho Uuihtch later on. , Pr, J. It. Omatuad, Hupremo Medical Kxamiiicr for the United Artiiana, will lecture at Pcrry'a bull thla Friday even lg la'gininn promptly, at 8 o'clnck. All Artlaana and tho public are cor dially Invited to bo present. The apeaklng will begin promwtly at 8 o'clock and the audience will be out in ample time ao that those that wish can attend the concert at. cucua hall beginiug at 9 -o'clock. On Monday Attorney 8chnauble punned through St. Helena, with an urn containing the aahes of Win. Jiailey' w ho died at Iloualulu, and Ida reinnina cremated. Th urn waa deposited in a grave bcaldo Ida mother's in tho tierma ny If ill cemetery. Willie Italley was well and favorably known in this vi cinity. Two bays and two girla havo been dropped from the roll of the Portland High school. Immoral conduct outside school ia tho charge . One of tho girla attempted aoicide, and declared she was being punished for tho offense of another. Several mcmbcra of the ladies base bull team of Houlton, paoctico every afternoon, and will shortly issuo a challenge to tho St. Helena young ladies team to mat them on tho dia mond. Tho Livealey P.rothr ra have received another extenaion of time in which to pay for the Mucklo mill, six months, or until, the supreme court has decided na lo Mucklo Brother's title to tho lan 1. Tho Republicans nominated thoir candidate for commissioner in tho lower cud of the county within ten miles of tho home of the holdover commissioner. The South end of tho county lias no representation on their ticket. Deputy Slmaiff Wood and Walter lllakealey were aeen u'Hterday with pat ka on their hacka, fishing rods ami ta klo in their Imml going up tow ards Kcappooae. Fish stories next week, A vote for Wm. IYint'lo for connty commissioner iaa voto for eexniomy in county affairs and tho lowest tax levy consistent with tho needs of tho county. lWHord, tit foreman of tho Western CooiH-rage (.,hns commenced the erection of a cominodioua residence on tho tract near the depot. Thursday whilo pulling at a lino on raft of lo', tho ropo 'alippctl and gave way and Menara Harney Kelly and Cabs. Dean got a ducking. J-uiica Bacon Una njain taken charge of tho Waren pont olfiee. Glad to bear of the change. Jim always, waa a good postmaster. Itirt McKibbcn win has been ottend ing school at Cotage Grove took a abort vacation, and visited his friends in St. Helens. Uther Clark of Houlton waa choaon as member of the State Democratic Central Committee from Columbia county.1 John Liimbetnon Jr. ha9 returned to Houlton. Ho has been residing at Palm's mill n.-ur Clatr.kanie for some timo. ' I Tho Western Cooperage Co., shipped two enra of their product to San Fran cisco vtsUrday. Dan.Gileon ia preparing to duild a barn for the accomodation of teams coming to tow n. Tho Oregon Wood Co. it .prcpaing to lo ul a schooner with'400 cords of wood for California, ' s All matter for publication should be on our table not later than Tuesday of c.icb week. Mrs. Ilowarth of Portland ia thegueBt of her Bister Mrs. Iloohkirk of Uainfer. Mrs. Ayrca of Yankion, wa9 agtiestof Mrs. IIhendric.8 of Houlton, yesterday, The P.eoiktku will club w ith tho Ore- gonian weekly at 2 per year. Tho Heuihtku and the Portland Semi weekly Joururl ono year $1.75. Jcaao HcndricB transacted business in Portland this week. Tho roads nro getting dusty in tho high nnd dry places. Tho Rkchstf.r ia prepared to do all Hinds-of job work. . Subajri'oo for the Hegihteii fl per year in advance. - Joseph Copeland was viaiting in Houl ton Wednesday, - The Bfwmills are kept quite buisy with local orders, Morgus qf the Now York Btoro has an ad. read it, ' A very flno April shower yesterday afternoon. fc Agoodfru't crop is looked for this season, - , ' Rend H'rry 0. Oliver's new add Book and job w o;k a specially, Houlton has a base ball tentn, Advertise your business, : : , Send u3 thp new?, .Subscribe now, VERNONIA. What alout our telephone lino ? All quiet just before the election. Kverylnxly ia buay farming.when the weather wilt admit. Mm. Dow who ban been quite ill for some time is getting bettor. Miss fizzle Mover of Scappooae is viaiting friends lo-tha vicinity of the old 1'earis post ofllce. On day last week while at din ner, Dupont's ahlrigld mill was dis covered to be on Are. Tin fire was toon quenched, and no great dam uge was done. Miss Maud Rice is carying the mail nu tho west end t( the Houlton- Vernonii route, while John a siats on tho farm. She reports th rouds in bad condition. What is tho matter with the rock crusher? Lnst w?ek Geo. V. Itice of Ver non ia took a load of wool out to market. The Nehaieiti valley in gaining quite a reputation as a wo.d growing district. Large consign mentd'Wiil be , shipped from tho valley, this spring. A town ball is talked of at Sea Side. La Grande is to have A new city hall. The CRth. congress adjourned yester day. Moro hops than ever this year, prob ably. It is A great season for the pla. nr miners. Morrow county expecU the lanrcsl crop in its history. The Woodburn post ofHco was bur glarised Tuesday night. A new feray boat, 58x13 feet, has been put on the Snake river at Ontario. The Browns have lost 25 games and won 6, and it looks as though Portland baseball is dead easy. AllofOrcon'sJLiilla in congress havo been passed but two, and they will go over to the short session. A 22,000 edition of a pamplet.dea- acriptive at Benton county has been ua: cd for general distribution. A Hepnor man's two terrier dos were lost in the Blue -mountains for a week, but tlnally found their' way home. A number of new buildings aro going up in Silverton, which will improv this year more than in any former voar. A Seattle man bid hia savings -under tho carpet." Some ono got away with the dough, and now tho man s floored himself McMianville's new water works will bo ready in about 60 days. They will help to make McMinnville qno of tho finest little- cities in the land.- . During tho recent flood in Burnt rivir the water waa two feet higher than in 1891, Tho O. R. & N. has a force of 200 men at work building a new bridge. The New berg creamery now occupies its new building. This creamery start ed a few years ago on a small scale, but has grown into un extensive industry. Several carloads of potatoes were shipped from La Grande last week to Missouri. What's the matter with Mis souri? Nothing, anyway, with Ore gon. Dayton ia progressing aurclv, if slow ly.- It now has a sawmill, a (lour mill a creamery and Jour evaporators, and will soon have a water works sys tem, i Tho farms of nearly 100 South Dakota men having been sold to tho govern ment, most of them havo como to Ore gon. Several of them have lately leen at Corvalli8, The Jepaneee are repulsed in an at tack on a Russion port ou the Yalu river and it is reported that a Japanese transport with 6C0 men on board was ' sunk by a submarine boat. Thrco great Qualities of the Irish language, said a delegate to the Irish Teachers' Congress lately, were that it waa tho language in which they could pray the most fervently,, curse the most bitterly, and court tho - most sweetly. . Tho Spring campaign has opened caaly on the John Day range. As a re sult of tho first volley fired into a band of Bhcep by , those who grudges these creatures tho grass that 'they eat, ninety sheep lay dead and and about an equal number were bo cruelly wounded that it was necessary to dispatch them for mercy's sake. . A war of this kind isadisgaace to humanity. It proves nothing and settles mothing. . Tho Forest Grnvo milk condenser snipped a ca 'load of cream this week to New'Orleans, tho first shipment to eroKSthe Mississippi, though Texas ha3 been a libcrav . natrok fur months. A test has shown that tho cream is per fectly adapted to either a hot or a cold climate. It is Bent south, ami across the Pacific, to tropical countries, and to Alaska. Milk is cqming in very lib erally now, and thore has been a greati lying increnpe in supply over this, time last year. . Nearly every farmer .is in creasing his number of cows from 25 to 100 per cent over w hat he started w ith a year ago. HOW TO HELP YOUR TOWN. Praise it. ' Talk about it. Writo about it. Take a home pride in it. Kemem ber i t'a yonr home. Tell of it business resources. When atruingera come to town use them well. Look ahead of self when your town ia considered. Don't rail your best citizens frauds and imposter. Support ) our Institutions that benefit tho town. Don't forget that yon live of! tlie people here and you ahoujd help others as they help you. Respect every good citizen in your town, and if therj are others try to make them rood. DELEGATES CHOSEN. The recent State convention selected the following delegates to the Democrat ic National Convention. Governor George K. Chamberlain, Multnomah. W. F. Butcher, Baker. C. Red field, Morrow. F. V. Holman, Multnomah. Jamca Gleason, Multnomah. J.T. Matlo.-k, Lane. T. R. Sheridan, Douglas. Samuel Garland, Linn. Passed 8th Grade Examination. Tho following ia the result of April Kighth Grade final exuminat.ons for Columbia county : rASSKI). Cass Fowler and Olive Blackford, of Clatskanie; . . Willie Burns and Gilbert Thayer, of Rainier;' Grace Dianey and Iva Grcwell of War rent Chafl. F. Brown of Yankton. Seven others tan pass. in May by rais ing their grades in one or iwo branches. Three failed completely. Democratic County Contral Committee. J. W. D.iy Ch'init., 8.. Helen. Or. J. A Schunt-er, Sc , Kiiinicr, Ore. APIARY PRECINCT. To b lilit (I AUDURN PRECINCT. Wm. 1'iiiigln ,f 1'it cbnrjr, Ore. CEAVER FALLS PRECINCT. To be filled. ' CLATSKANIE PRECINCT. (Jeo, TichiiOr of ChtFkjnbv DEER ISLAND PRCCINCT. .' A. Molt, Deer, Island, Ore. COBLE PRECINCT. ? J. C Monroe, (to()b, Ori'. . MARSHLAND PRECINCT. S. M. GrtihiiTi, M;irhhlund, Ore. . NEHALEM PRECINCT. John Bunzer, Mist, Oie. ' OAK POINT PRECINCT. F. W. Fl'ihrer, Mayjer, Ore. RAINIER PRECINCT. R. N. I.tvelac, Rainier. Ore. SCAPPOOSE PRECINCT. P. LuUrigiiitf Scappoone, Ore. UNION PRECINCT. E. A. Emm r on, Hultnn. Ore. WARREN PRECINCT. W. J. Fullerton, Warren, Oro. W. C. FISCHER, ATTO R N E Y- AT- LAW, , AND NOTARY PUBLIC Next door to post office. RAINIER, - ; - OREGON DIIv.lv A R D & ' DAY, ATTNHNEYS-AT-MAW, 1'ractice in any court, Stato or Federal. Nest door to eourt house. ST. HELENS, - OREGOX. The Steamer Iralda. Makes round trips between RAINIER and PORTLAND. Leaving Rainier at 6 ;00 a. m. and Portland t 3:30 p. m. daily except Hunclay. We nolicit a ahare of the public parrouage, and In return will give quick service and a clean boat. We aro hero to itny and want your business. Land- lug at loot of Tayltir Street. C. I. IIOOGIIKIKK, Master, Steamer Sarah Dixon. Leaves Portland Tuesday and Thursdav at 5 S.m., for Clatskanie and way landings. Bnn iy. for Oak Toin t. Returning, leaves Clats- aanie neaucsaay and r rtaay at 4 p. m., tide pcrmlting. Leaves Oak Point Monday at 8. p. m. Shaver Transportation Co. Str. Joseph Kellogg. Leaves Pnrtlaurt Tuesday. Thursdav and Rut- nrday at 7 a. m. for St. Helens, Kalama, t'arrols Point, Kalmer and Kelso. Arriving at Port land. Mondav. Wednesdov and Frldav at 2 n.m. The Steamer Northwest leaves Portland, Mon- aoy ana Thursday lor Toledo, Castle Hock, and way points at 6a.m., Te'iirnln? Wednesday aud Saturday at 1 p. m. Best and cheapest route to the St. Helens mining- district. Subject to change without notice. Wharf foot of Salmon street. II. Holman, Agent. HOULTON -HOUSE, FIRST CLASS MEALS, CLEAN ROOMS, CO FORT ABLE BEDS ; Good hrn for accomodation i f tho public. j;. 4- 3 HOULTON, OUEON. 6 O THE GRANGE Cm4vc44 by J. rr. daixow. duo, n r. JYcas CorraiMimUnt Kco Tor BtaU Uranyt PORTLAND GETTING READY. Plnaa Already Itolaar Mad For th Eatvrtalnmeat of Xatloaal Grass. Oregon and Washington are Already .huBtlliig to give the national jrrange a grand reception in November, 1004. In the first place, a cumpalKA for In creased membership ia now being con ducted by State Lecturer J. II. T. Smith of Washington, and likewise In Oregon there will be a atrong effort made to show a large percentage of In crease wbeu the national body con venes. Kvenlng Star grange, fa 27, of Tort Innd. Ore., la alive to the situation. A resolution waa adopted at a recent meeting congratulating State Master Leedy In securing the next meeting for Portland, And a movement was started by the grange to give the eastern grangers an ex hibit of green vegetable And fruits that will f A. In November. Grapes on the vines and et raw berries, raspber riefl. otc muli! B. a. leedy. be shown. It Master Oregon tats has been sug-j ATance.J gested that Ore gon and Washington combine and make A grjind display of farm produce. From tho Portland Oregonian we lenrn that' there arc some up to data grangers In' that locality. Ewnrtsvlllo grange owns ten acres of land and has built a flue! halL In this ball all the socuil func tions of the neighborhood ore held, as well as the regular bualness meetings of the grange. A Thanksgiving din ner, at which more than 300 were fed. was served In this bait. This grange has established an annual three days'! picnic, with' a fair and live stock show, where the best stock In Whitman couo-' ty ia shown and liberal premiums are awarded. . . Pine Grove grange, at Albino, Is the secoiTd oldest In the county and has A membership of l'40. This grange is out of tlebt nnd has a substantial fund in the treasury, which will 'probably be tivrwl lifaltft a finll TltA fnanrA la 1 keeping clear of politics and devoting Its energies to bettering the social and financial condition of -the farmers. Its work is largely social and cducationaL Tho first grange was organized in this county about three .years uo. LECTURERS' BULLETINS. A Means of CommuBlcatlo Dcrweem State and Sobordinat Graasrea. There is growing need of a means of communication between state lec turers 'and lecturers of .subordinate granges. Ko method is so inexpensive and efllencious as a monthly bulletin, in which the state lecturer may com municate with the subordinate lectur ers on assigned topics for discussion, impart Information on matters of pres ent or future Interest and thus make It possible for the subordinate grange to keep constantly In touch with the state organization. As an example of what we are speaking of we may re fer, with high commendation, to the Michigan state grange lecturers' bul letin, edited by Mrs. F. D. Saunders of Rockford, Mich. The advantage of Is suing such a bulletin regularly Is that It can be entered In the malls as sec ond class mail matter and thns be en titled to the pound rates of postage Vermont In Line. O. J. Bell, master of the Vermont state grange, says that the attendance, at tho recent session of that body was tho largest for twenty years and It was one of the most successful meet ings ever held. There are 110 subordi nate granges in the Btate, ulfiety-five being represented at the state meeting. There nro twelve Pomouas In the state. Worthy Master Bell's annual address laid great stress en the need of legisla tion In the farmer's behalf. Governor J. C. McCullough was the principal speaker at the public meeting. Pro fessor Morse of South Paris, Me., well known In grango circles, was' humorist of the occasion.. The Grange Mast Do Things. P. A. Dcrthtck. master of the Ohio Btate grange, Is father of theso weighty words: "If a subordinate grange wishes to exert a commanding influence In Its community it must hare a good finan cial footing. If it deserves to per suade men and women to join, it must have something to join." The next thing It must have, or the first thing, we would say, is an interesting and profit yielding programme. Yon . haven't much of n grange if It Isn't doiug some thing. Nearly 0,000 Patrona la One County. Jefferson county, N. Y., Is probably the bauner grange county In the United Stated. It has 5,020 Tatrons In thirty two subordinate granges. All New Jer sey has only 0,000. Moreover, the state grange dues of every subordinate- grange are paid to date. Jefferson Is necessarily Influential In the grange of fairs of the Empire State. , Pennsylvania Patrona. The gain In the Order's membership in . Pennsylvania last year was over 5,000, thirty new granges having been organized. As an instance of th6ir pro- eresslveuess Cambria countv tout be cited, where there -are twenty -two granges, sixteen of width own their own halls, valued at $23,000. y y ? A SEW LINE OF C; Shoes, AND DressGoods S AT HARRY 0. OLIYER'ol HOULTON, ORE. DEALKR IX HARDWARE, FLOUR 4PR0YISI0SS, Furniture, Call and see Our Premiums, WITH CASH PURCHASES PRODUCE TAKES IS EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. This ppace reserved for the . Vermont House. ' Houlton, - ' Oregon. I THE H0OLT0N . SALOON, KELLY BROS., Proprietors? - r Bestof Wines, Cigars &nd Liquors, . , , . Kept In Stock. Opposite the post office. .HOULTON, - ORE. RED BE AR SALOON. BESDR1CKS BROS., Proprietors. WK KEEP THE BEST OF WINES, LIQUORS, MINEBAL WATER and CIGARS. : Pt'ol Parlor ia connection with saloon. HOULTON. - ORE. THE New York STORE : GENERAL MERCHANDISE CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, . GROCERIES, , PROVISIONS, FRUITS,- PROVISIONS, ' FURNITURE, STOVES, &c. LOWEST PRICES. H. MORGUS, I ST. HELENS, ORE. Groceries,