The Columbia register. (Houlton, Columbia County, Or.) 1904-1906, April 29, 1904, Image 4

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    Tiie Columbia Register.
noriros, ore., april rhm.
K. II. MJTt UKLL. K.lllnr.
ApnHcuiion hm Ihmmi niHt'v io outer lhl p
wt m ', :nt mitts inur i (he lloiilton, tw
K i mM rth-t.
S il-ii(t:tiii priiv H.(Vi ptft year in ilvnc.
Advert Hint: rnto rt'onlile.
Relieving that there is a ileiiimiii ii paper in ition to'the
thr- IV-pu'iIicui pwtv pipers we
have determined " tt imse this
venture. Its success and us-ful-nss
d-pends t a trejt extent on
the amount of pur-nage IwsLiwel
tip u it Our columns wil! hi
op-n for th, frie discus-ion of all
)nitture f interest to our reader?.
The policies of the paper w ill f.ivoY
pnod government, as opposid to
lb-publican misiule. Thk Colum
bia R'kgistxk, the largest paper in
the county, will always bi the bail
paper in the county.
It was the Republican legij-la-tute
that appropriated; the peopl. "g
money , and cuised your tax to be
double what it should be.
If Ihn rwdt are had and the
brides poor in Columbia county
the Republican county c urt which
has been iii uower fur the list d
fade tue responsible for the roaus
not oeing iwtter.
Grandmother Flaj?, no'. Old Ulo
ry, wh' is j 11 -t mw thu titulir ea-ginet-i
of our weekly contemporary,
the much bartered and -tralliolced
Orego 1 Mi-d, is atnut to burst a
"ga'.tus," in a frant c attempt to
miiTe the $79,00.) OJ taxuim of
tl'irr county I o like thirty cent-.
it:, l i . I . . i . . ' . i J:
ms lau treu eiiuearors in una ui
rction, if ucfetul, will dubtles
b greatly appreciated hy the Ux
piyers and entiilo, him to rank, as
a jiir:ctl worker, ahw with II-r-
cules. E:idj:ivr, -iih?r physical,
mental r spiiittml-is obviously,
not Flag's long suit, a d Iim p st
luoti ii mesmerism and sp'dl-liind-ing
are likely to meet so-iie resist
aiue befo'e he finally disp AU th-
fuel, that wcare paying 119,000 00
more taxs than hist year, and
more than $37,000.00 in excels of
18'J7. It makes little or no diffr-
ence whether the money is di.-tposed
nl regularly or not The taxpiy
ers know tiiat. this county cannot
exist under such taxation 't is a
c.W t"i industry nnd absolutely
prohibit settlement. Trfis cujanty
must be differently finance!, or we
ii . i i
may us weii'iuruw up nm rpimgc
' and cut for the tall tinilx-r, a c m
tinnatinn of the present systen, or
Anything approaching it means
business paralysis and industrial
stagnation. We arise to fay that
such taxation is absolutely unne'
cesf-ary, especially since the liquid
ation of our debt in 1901. Our
thumaturgic friend hasten to
warn us, before the cimpiigh
opens, not to throw mud at hi
candidates; that everything is a 1
right; that the legislature is to
Illume: that our State and echo 1
taxes h.ive been raised to rue't th
expenses of the Lewis & Clark
fair and new legislation, tc. etc.
We hasten to assure our ovr-heat-ed
friend that we are not here to
throw mud; that his candidates
art all right (to stay at horn):
that the legislature surely is and
wai one long-eared pie bald ass
and we particularly hasten and
are anxious to admit that the Sute
dil direct Borne $4,000. or $5,000.
extra to be raised and the school
fund has nearly if not quite doubl
ed: but these taken together do not
equal $37,000 00 nor even $19,00.
and here the explanations end for
1 1 i .ii . i ' ;
ine very goou reason uiai mere is
lliLitlll IWV1 V v ' uiwviu.
Flag has done hut little, if any
thing, piDce the Republican nom
inations but an ticipat? mud sling
inp; not 'hat he expected the
Democrats to indulge in it, but
for the purpose of drawing the
people's attention from the isaies
We have no mud to throw: Flag
has a corner on thtt commodity,
let hiru wo'k i ff his surplus if he
fo desires; it may be fun for Flag
aiid it will he of very little mom
ent to the opposition candidate.
We had not fjupposed that because
our candidate (or representative
was a terc'parance man and christ
ian gentleman he would be amen
ably fir euch follies to any than
the M '.st High, hut we supp)se
that long as the temporary edit
or of the Mis. " has seen fit to 'ar
raign Mr. Young for bdbig a pro
hihition syw: ithiz ' , we may as
well ndmit the fact, and contem
o!a( with beaminr ndnv'ration
the superior know. a Igi of tiie lit
any of H itau ' poses-ed Fiag
We mhmit that our friend has
lakfii A large contract to niake the
i ii x payers hcc. nothing but cipher's.
or to cause tt:e voters to under
stand thif it makes a' difference
whether Mr. Young sub-icribes to
t'n NiceiiH cried or hc'ieves Jn
iufjiit d i m n i ' ion . ; .
No c'titon of Orrgon or.n vote for
I'rvsi.lont in NowmU-r wnlow ho r:
ist m In-fore May IC. On that late tho
Uwks doso, not to be oiH.nsl nain thi
year. No op will Uhlfrfely throw
way the ojWrtnnitv to wte (or lrvsi
dont; so register now. lVm't wait for
the crush on the last dav.
A Miperstitioiis sohsv-ribvr found a
ppMer in his paper, wants to know it it
is considered a had omen. Notion,; ot
the kind. The spider was merely look
inti over the columns of the paptr to
lut merchant was not advertising
so that it could spin a wvh across his
store door and ht fne from disturbance.
The Di'inocfatic county convention
enunciated a platform on which their
candiuatcs will stand or fall. The Re
publicans did not deem it necessary to
make a county platform. Thrir pnst
record of high taxes, poor rol, bad
bridges, and big grafia roid master
and rock crusher extra, etcetra beinj
sufficient guarantee to the people that
all they desiro is to hold the otlices, lor
the salaries. ,
Ix)uis T. Barin, vhos death ocrurl
suddenly Monday morning, was in his
day a conspicuous ficuro in local poli
tics in Clackamas County. In this con
nection he was widely known between
1869 and 1890. He was one of tho few
men who, after having bejni an active
and uccessf ul politician for luany
years, quietly dropped back to profes
sional life. His name win recall many
political incidents of a bygone era, and
the news of his death will be heard with
Flag said last week in the Mist that
the people ot Columbia county would
not endorse the democratic nominee
for representative, because he was nom
inated bv the orohibitionista. Well it
is not a crime to lie a prohibitionist.
And as as a gsntleman of the socialist
party expressed it on the day of the
Democratic county convention: "It
appears as though tl e Democratic party
had exchainged places on tho w hiskey
question, judging from the two conven
tions held in Clafekanio." The repub
licans being the whiskey party.
Editor Flag in last week's Mist says
R. II. Mitchell promised to vote for
Teddy Roosevelt and Martin Whlto if
nominated, and refused to eupport
Hattan for the" nomination Sheriff.
A half truth is always i told to make an
impresson and mislead the public. II.
H. Mitchell did at ono ti.iu a vy t it he
would support RoQsavelt and White if
nominated, but that was ' before
wo learned tint Fl;i ha I gone
over to join the Republicans. Tliere
are too many renegade Democrats in the
Republican ranks for the good of the
government. The only thinj for Dem
ocrats and independant voters to do is
to go together and down the corrup.ion
iste. As we look out over the field of
politii.8 in Columbia county we find all
the republicans of 'prominence who have
sou ;ht place on their party ticket have
been turned down for such men as Flag
who have gone over from the Democrat
ic rank's. Now Mitchell did not support
or favor Hattan's nomination for Sheriff
for two reasons. Frst it has been a
time-honored principal of the
Democratic party to oppose a
third term for any political . position.
Second we are satisfied Mr. Hattan can
be elected county judge, and if elected
such policies will b6 followed as will
relieve the taxpayers of the heavy burd
ens they now bear.
The ques.ion of local option is ono on
which the voters of the great state of
Oregon "will be called to pass upon, the
sixth day rf June. The sale of alco
holic drinks atretaij,has been the cause
of more legislation in many of the states
than anv otlftr. Some states have pro
hibition by constitution and legislrti ve
enactments with seven penalties for
violation, but in most states it is per
mitted under various restrictions.
That the sale of alcoholic drinks is a
necessity is proven by the fact that no
matter how stringent the laws are made,
they are invariably envaded or open
ly violated and it has been found next
to impossible to accomplish any good by
prohibition. Since the sale cannot be
wholly suppressed it seems .best, that
it should be confined to those communi
ties where it is desired, and regulated
by rational laws. Local option gives
to each district the right to declare for
or against the admission of the saloon.
It seems the only logical way ot set
tling the question under a- republican
form of government, that the people
should abide by the w ishes of a ma
jority in each community. The people
ftf Oregon are in favor of law and order,
anl good government, willing to obey
laws which arfJ reasonable and fair.
Experience in other states has taught
that the most effective way of . treating
the liquor question is through local op?
tion, in which the' majority decides
either for or against the sale of liquor
in eertrin pcecribed limits. And from
this experience the local option law
idea has been' sufficiently successful to
warrent its extcntion to this coamon
wealth. In voting fox local option ypu
do not vote for. or against the saloon,
but only enact a law by which in the
future, communities so desiring may
bring up the question and vote for or
against the the sale ot liquors in their
town, precinct, ward or county.
' the iKM'jiiTU'Tit-KcT. j fished by the success of tl.e IVmcratlo
Sujin mif Jut!-, Th.. u'ly ot Muttmtmsh. party throughout tho Nation.
Confirm in J JiMrict, 1. K. Slmmoni. . T1(C Keiiublican party has uf Into been
Pulry niut FtHMlCnuunta.Monvr, S. M. lmilm. ,, , , .. ... ...
t-MMMtua KWior. John A. jltei..ii. Mr- vnlHdle.l by tho v.gviroiw etTorts of the
km;T. H.c.raw(unt,t'nlou: V. u. Miunl. 1 1 Vmoerrta tomak? a pretense o( on
rimbi; nilJ. H. fmtih t t'Utmip. I fn big the "national antitrust laws.
j,.ut txuiir nvni wMhinKtoi., Thi IMiiIu.t.ri, v 0f the republican jarty
h.u,.,,.-M.,f isconohism lv shown by its strkiog
For Rcorescntative,
Of Clatskanie.
Fot County Judge,
Of St. Helens.,
For County Clerk,
. Of Maygcr.
For Sheriff,
j. m. trn.u -
For Surveyor, .
Of (Matskanie.
For County Commissioner,
Wm. rUlNGMC,
Of Pittsburg.
For Assessor,
Of Mist.
For County Treasurer,
Of Marshland.
For the benefit of our reiuler4 we here
with present the county nnd state plat
forms ot the Deinocracio party. They
are well worth yenr consiberation, and
careful perusal.
We the Democrats of Columbia
county Oregon, in convention assembl
ed, hereby make the following declara
tion of principles:
We believe in the most economical ad
ministration of all county and other f
fairs, consistent with efficient Service,
and we depr'wate the extravagance into
which our .county has been plunged,
and the extortionate taxation to w hich
we haw been subjected, which has
been doubled since the year 1S97.
Ye ure unalterably opposed to t!:e
appointment of useless officers, in the
county, thus subjecting tl.e taxpayers
to unnecessary burdens.
We submit that it is radically wrong
to force money out of our citizcus by
what is called taxation, and place tl.c
same in the Portland banks for them
to speculate upon, as something from
(4,000 to $10,003 ot the county funds
are constantly lying in bank, when it
should remain with the taxpayers.
And lastly we affirm tho. time , honor
ed principles 'oMfio, fathers' Joffersun
and Jackson ; and we invite all good
citizens who believe in 'retrenchment
to co-operate with us to bring about all
needful reform, and stop all extrava
gance in county affairs.
State democratic platform. '
The Democrats of Oregon, in the State
Convention asscmblod, believing that
in the present more than at any time
in the past, the people should
insist upon a return to the principal of
Democracy as enunciated by its fo ind
er, Thomas Jefferson, of "equal rights
to all and special privileges to none,
and present thce reasons lor Sue!)
Tiie Republican party, entrenched
behind the corporations and trusts of
this country, not only refu-js to abide
dy the will of the people, but attempts
to nullify and destroy the lawi enacted
in the past for the protection of popular
government and the privileges incident
thereto. We insist that but a casual
leading of the history of the past, and
obscrvatian of the present conditions
should convince the people that the
Democratic parry is the shield and
buckler that must protect popular
government from the fires of Radical
ism on the oue side and the grasping
creed of the money power upou the
other. The keystone of the Repudlican
power is what they call "Protection"
which we denounce, as now administer
ed, to he Vfraud upon and a robcry of
! the people by the trusts and tariff mag.
nates who supply their wares to the
people of foreign countries at honest
prices, while the citizens of our own
free land are made to pay extravagant
profit. For many years the Republi
can party has claimed that it would
remedy this evil by what is called
reciprjeitv between this ami other
countries, but instead of treatsng with
other governments, that party has
made treaties of reciprocity' only with
the trusts and protected interests, " and
tne evident compact is to retain the
iniquitous tariff in return for campaign
contributions to be used to debauch
our elections, subsidise the press and
corrupt the American Congress through
the powerfull lobby that is constantly
maintained :.t the Capitol of our coun
try. This system is destructive to indi
vidual effort, and puts a premium upon
both cunning and corruption in the po
litical and commercial life of the Nation.
It is' destructive of the morals of our po
litical organization, and the example
created is the inspiration o,f the greater
part of the political corruption in o.ur
state and municipal government where
such exists. In our opinion the reform
of the politics of the Nation must begin
at ,the fountain eource-our present
tariff system which must be modified to
benefit the people and not to protect
the trusts as the present law does
j This we believe ran only be accom
from such law the criminal provision
providing for imprisonment as a penal
ty for the violators. This was done
with tho approval of Theodoro Roose
velt in the face of abundant evidence
'hat these trusts were daily violating
tho criminal provision by sending
hunger and suffering to the homes of
the poor, by unlawfully and outrageous
ly im aeasing the the price of food and
coal, not to speak ot the t'.on i f
umipctition by ruining tho individual
producer. Th:s insincerity . is also
shone by the fact that as soon as the
I'nited States Supremo Court made A
decision giving effect to the anli-truxt
laws, Attorney-General Knox announ
ced tnat the "Administration will not
run amuck among tho trusts," which
tho people will understand to mean
that the executive branch ot our
Government will not interfere with the
greatest allies of the Republican party,
Rut notwithstanding this assurance,
these criminal trusts have insolently
rebuked tns friendship of tho party
that created then by its tariff system
hy declaring that they will defy the
courts. They have thus shown, them
selves to be real Anarchists ot the
Nation and have made tho Republican
party an object of cotcmntious pity.
Through tho efforts ot tho Democra
ic members ot Congress for a number of
years tne Republican Administration
isaliouto bcin com4ruciion ot an
Isthmian canal. The IVmoiratio party
has always favored this and docs now,
but in view of the exposure of our
present Poslal fVpartmer.t, we can but
pause and tremble at ti e roU ry of the
National Trea urv that will occur if it
is built under a Republican Admini
stration, and we believe that in order to
avoid a National scandal Hint wWi
undoubtedly follow its- construction
under the Republican party, that the
pwpltf should tura oat of the A I
ministration the party that refuse to
allow its' culpable olf.i ialtf toliu investi
gated. The Republican party hai Ion posed
as the friend of t'..o lalmring man and
is s'. owing that friendship by its cl'.ort
to defeat tho t-igl t-boiir law now pond-
Wjj uelore -Uongress, weuesirc- to en
courage the labor organizations of this
country in their efforts to secure the-
passing ot 8::.1 law and pledge them
the earnest assistance of the democrat
ic party in their behalf.
We believe in the vs tent ion of tlo
Postollieo facilities by and a parcel-post
system, which we believe has loo long
been delayed. Wo lavor tho enact
ment of the .bill now pending before
Congress glvinit the Interstate Com
merce Couimifsion power' to regulate
freight charges which was introduced
and is supported by members of tho
Democratic parly. Without this law
that commission is power U-ks.
We favor and demand the cs.adlish
mcntofa Federal assay o!!ioin this
state, which our mining interests, by
their Importance, are entitle I to
receive. .
We favor the embodiment of the fore
going declaration in our Nitionai plat
form with such other declarations as
will be in accord with the spirit of our
last national platform.
In state matters we most earnestly
indorse the-Adminisiration of Governor
Chamberlain and especially commend
ing him for his vetoes of extravagant
appropriation bills, by which ho has
saved the people many thousands of
dollars." His record proves the w isdom
of the people in chosing him, and we
desire to call the attention of tho voters
to the necessity of electing a Demo
cratic Legislative Assembly that will
sustain such vetoes and continue his
policy of economy.
flat salabiks.
We again demand the placing ot all
state officers on flat salaries, and pledge
our support to that effect. We believe
it our duty to call attention to the de
ceitful, false and hypocritical pons tion
on this question of salaries that has
been assumed by the Republicans. In
1894 the Republican state platform de
clared in favor of paying state officers
only their constitutional salaries. In
1902 tnat party declared a flat salary,
but has violated all its promises and
refused any relief. In its last platform
it has cowardly ignored tho question,
believing that contrary to the opinion
of Abraham Lincoln, that i(;can "hum
bug all the peoplo all the time." ,
The last Republican Legislature ac
cepted the suggestion of the last state
platform of this party, and passed an
act for the protection of em
ployes upon railroads by modifying
what is called tho "fellow-servant"
doctrin. We favor the extension of
that law to other occupations, - and also
the enactment of a 4aw that will afford
protection to tho lives of those engaged
in mining and other hazardous pursuits.
W e believe the time has come when
tho best interests of this state require
tho reasonable regulation of railroad
freight rates and we favor such law.
We also declare ourselves emphatic.
ally in favor of the primary election
law now pending before the people.
ipS' k ilk
SW - " (Pi ;i
Profeasor Vrpnjllnstltt In lih stupendona nenantlon, tho camel back loopl
A dancer defying demonstration of daring, dospcrate and delirious disaster.
New York American.
Size Must De Decreased if They
Are to Be Foil This Year. !
Republican Anilou to Adjourn
OonarokM Ilcfor Arlanl t'nrltf H
cam Known Fear TUrlr "Jin nil
Tnt" ami ."Proiporlty" Spcctbea
f.Ul Uo Mnd WurlLlcn.
Tho Republicans are doing their beat
to Ceeelve the peonlu us to the real
conditions hi tha buulacsj world. They !
lire (touring speeches Into congress fori
cao la the coming campaign the tenor
on which U "stand pat." "nil la well,"
"prosperity la still rampant," despite a
few fucts to tho coutrary. They would
havo the country believe that we are
ropldty recovering frouv the temporary
setback to J-.iJustry which occurred
last whiter, from Cctcber to January,
wbea wage reduction became general
and when nearly half tho milts In
many Industries bad to close.
Although fjcro cover wns more Un
portant' business for cougrcss to attend
to tkiu at prortont In ordor to brliu re
lief from tho tyrannical tru.;t which
Lnvo put up prices and licnyised the
cost of living to the hlghoat" point
ever kuown, while reducing wages hi
all direction., yet It hi the aim and
policy of tho Republicans to ndjourn
congress Just as soon ns the appropria
tion bills can bo rushed through. They
will then begin to circulate their "stand
pat" nnd prosperity" speochta, hoping
to lull to sleep the great i.uim of voters
ant to keep them .Ignorant of tho real
facts as to tho industrial depression
which Is etlll on ami which cannot bo
vanquished even by Republican rheto
ric. The Republicans know tint every j
day they remain In Washington will
not only bring to light ucw scandals in
their uumiulKtrntlou, but that it will
add new ovldenco of the depression
which Is now running Its courso. They
know that tho Democrats hesitate to
picture conditions as bad as they really
ore nnd tlir.t If congress adjourns nt
once the Democrats will practically be
Without frankublc speeches to offset
tho franknblo prosperity speeches of
the Republicans. This, they think, will
give them another opportunity to fool
tho voters. This accounts for much of
their unseemly haste to adjourn con
gress. That tho business wovhl. after some
slight recovery In February nnd early
March, Is again on the down grade Is
reasonably certain. Tho testimony of
the trade papers Is conclusive. Thus
that great trade Journal, the Iron Ago.
In Its Issue of March 21, mentions nu
merous wngo reductions nnd closed
mills, some of which nre:
"McKlnley lodge, Amalgamated As
fioclntlon of Stool and Tin Hate Work
ers. El wood, I ml., all hot mill men,
numbering r.00. has decided to quit
work rafher than accept the 20 per
cent reduction In .wages proposed by
the Aiiierlc.rn Sheet nnd Tin Plate com
pany nnd Is Indorsed by tha ofllcers of
the Amalgamated association." r
"At New Custlo, Ra.. tho men In the
lodges of the Amalgamated association
employed In the tin plato mills In tho
Greer nnd Shenango works of the
American Sheet and J"tn Plate com-,
pany have voted to accept tho reduo-.
Ron of 20 per cent In wages which
went Into effect on March 21. At South
Sharon, To., the men In tho lodge of the.
Amalgamated association have voted
not to accept the reduction In tfages."
A Pittsburg specfal snys: "While the
Amalgamated officials refuse to give
ont anything as to 'whether the voto
' Is In favor of or against the reduction
In wages we learn, from reliable
sources that the tin plate workers have
voted against a reduction. It, is not
known nt this time what net Ion '.will be
taken by the association In this event,
but It Is probable thatti number of tha
uutoii tin plate mills will be closed. At
otlior point whore tho men voted In
favor of tho reduction, ns they did at
tho Greer -und Shenango works of the
American itkect und lilti Plato emu
pnuy nt New Oillo, l'u, tho plants
will likely continue tooperutu at the ro
il need wugo scale. The whole situation
from tho Amalgamated association's
standpoint Is Hcrlnus, nnd It wlU re
quire the greatest diplomacy on the
part of tho o!llclals of thw organization
to hold It together."
Tho Wool n ud Cotton Reporter ol
Match 21 mentions a 5 to b) per cent
reduction In wiircs at the Arlington
mills, I.wictico, Mass, Hftcctliig '.'.olid
of tl.o l.iMiO operallvea, which took ef
fect March It also says that the
woolen mill i:t Mow Castle, Del.. nnd tin
Chcider (1'a.J Ai.iuufiic'.u lug company
have closed for liulvtlulto periods
also that the West Warren t'ottmi
luill McasaehUhCtta. his shut down
No. a mill and that the mills of the
Lomdulc (It. I.) company will In fir
turo run only live day it week. ,
Turning tu the Nc.v York Journal of
Couuuerco of March 21, we learn thut
somo of the drawer linUheis In the
narrower KnUUi:;; mtll nt Troy, N. Y
aro on strllio l -atn o of a cut of 2',j
cents a dorren on tl.o roods handled.
Again on April 1 It tells lis that ."O.OW
textile operative! In t'hlhnlclphl.i nro
Idle becnuso of poor comlltloimjn Ilia
cotton a ml woolen goods trade and
that "In the next few weeks It Is prolt
nblo that tiany ir.oio mills will sus
pend f perutlons nil that the number
of iuc.ii, women i: n J children out (f
employ !uor.t will Lo Increased niiije
rli'lly." It K.1J3 tl:t!t "many mills aro
.. I. ..14 !... ., I .
i u.i...iiaj I'll na.i l ine nu.i diiiv i.iiiii
cloCl down entirely. Auiong tho hit
ter arc the Pohaon Cloth an 1 Chinket
Cillls s;t Slr.nfiytinlt i-.nd tho VInCeld
Mrnufactuihig cc.-iipr.-jy."
Otbt r and organ.-i
contain Rlmllr.r newj r.a to Industry.
Only two or three weeks ngo M!VXX
rrft cord miners vofel to nccert n re
duction In wiiirrs of over R' per cent.
It Pes become known thnt tf:o nverago
rc.'.r.ctlon In wr.gcs cf those f ho
lCS.OfiO cty.rloreen cf tie rfl-cl trust
who were not illfthcr." n few months
fgo was more nearly 20 lh:;n 10 per
Tho whr'ow.fllnt glrisfi mi l fIIU In
i'.!tKtrles rre rtrhiiptt In ns bad condi
tion E3 nro tlio3'. ft stCTl. tortile nnd
cwil mining. tx-rnlnn nre
rrer.lly decrea-od notulthstan ling
that t!iousan:ht' cf were recently
laid off and that hundreds cf thou
sand:! have had their wngn.i reduced.
Only a few days ngo President Mellon
cf the New Yoik, New-Haven nnd
Hartford railroad announced that tho
trade depression In New England had
become so sovere that his road, had
found It neccsnnry to curtail Its' pa"
senge'r service
These nre some of tho facts that In
dicate that Republican tariff nnd tr.tst
legislation la rapluly reducing tho size
of the worklngmnu's dinner pall. Net
only havo money wages declined
greatly recently, but the toBt of liv
ing, according to Dun's tables ot
prices. Is now 43. por cent higher thnn
when the DIuglcy tariff bill became a
law. If dinner pnlls nro to bo fun
this yenr they nim'.t l o very, very
small. To feet n. feeling of fullness
the worTilngtiien must wear nhorter
belts than U3uu! and keep thorn buckled
up tight. ' RYRON X HOLT.
A Fctt (tnoatlona.
When tho r.epuDiicnns nro crowin
over their Sherman antitrust law It Is.
well for tho voter to quietly nsk If any
of those laws hnvo ever really Injured
tho ""trusts or benefited the people.
. Have these "antitrust laws ever stop
ped tho depredations of n single trust?
' Arc not the beef trust, the Standard
Oil trust ntid the pipe trust doing tho
samo kind of plundering now that they
did before tho courts decided against
them? ' Did railroad rates drop when
the Northern Securities company lost
'In the. courts? If bo, .why did tho
prices of. railroad stocks advance so
rapidly In Wnll.Ktroc't during, tho two
'.weeks' following the decision?
.The Republicans do not Intern! .. to.
harm the trust!-:. -They nre not putting
these rich criminals in stripes. .