The Planter's Daughter I 2S FATE'S REVENGE ; ty tW. AUCC P. CA&3ST0N ; Author f "A Welf from the ," "Her Brightest Hap, i WarwareJ Win nef reel," etc. CHAPTER III. (Oeotlaoed.) ll imply aeemed Incredible thst It was the haughty, high-spirited Sylphlde Coor moot who obeyed th n each slant earn ansnd with tht submission of a link, What power 414 this rode fellew exert ver thla defiant flrlt Uad aha mat kar ana star ia hlmt Ua pointed to tha aaey chair which aha tad laft hut a mlnuta bafora, aa aka aaak Into It, ha carelessly toaaad hla dripping bat upon a dainty cofa covered with pala bloo satin embroidered with sppl blossoms, and braead hlmaalf against tha tollat tabla, tha maalla drapery at which became crushed and aolled by contact run his muddy boota. "First of all." ha began, sneerlngly, your tregedy a Ira aro out of plica. Ba ong aa you do not bring ua faoo to faea I do not caro a pin to maat klm: what la mora, I do mora want to kill him than I want to marry you for lota." Ha psused abruptly, and llttla by lit tle aha rslaed bar great dllatad ayao to la rac Ilka two burning atara. It may touch your ranlty la a vul Ctrabla apot," ha contlnuad, alttlng down pon tha adga of tha tabla and croaalng na root over tha othar. "but I don't loro you a apeck and never did; ao you cuay aa wall know, flrtt aa laat that If you hadu't been worth your walght la goia, 1 wouldn't Data looked twlco at you. You to not my atyla. I'm hot tarn pered enough myaalf, and bringing a fire brand Into my camp wouldn't haro heln- 0 matters." While ha apoka tha deflsnt look had baan creeping back Into Sylphlde' face, brightening bar eyes and curling bar ra4 lips. "So you aought to marry ma for icy money r aha murmured, looking him steadily In tha eye. - "Moat aaauredly; for no other re aeon xou cere loat ma and my money. I too!" aha cried, apringlng to her feat I "You, yea; but not tha money. Your S father laft a will, did ha not?" "No." It la doubtful whether, had a bomb ex tploded at hla feet, Oecar Couramont would hare atarted mora violently. ' i "Utt no will?" he cried. f I "I tell you. no," Sylphlde replied with I a stesdy, level glance. I I Couramont ahrugged hla ahouldera and I reseated hlnuelf upon the edge of tha i table. 1 "In that esse," ha rejoined, "all tha ! f roperty cornea to you. Wall, ao bo It I muat change my tactic. You muat f band orer to ma the half of tha aetata, I which by right your father ought to have 1 lett ma." The indignant reply that Quivered for rnmersnce upon flyipuide a Ilpe waa check fed by a sudden knocking at tha locked i4oor which communicated with the cor dor. i 1 "Missy Sylph. Mlasy Sylph!" called i woman's voice from tba other side of the -doorr l With a wicked glance In ber eyea, not betleva It Wltk baad cramped Ilka tbo tatoaa of a bird of pray, aha apraog at kar israsea- . Ji 1 ... . . m ..a. I .e. . a 1 I tor. atUHn. .brisk aftsr shriek of rage. 7e.pT.lo.; TtulX TlV"9: Lr " " kerror-aad dismay. Ilius i.t mmL a .ha ImJ bar Ub". "Hawed mother, were ea their tyr 1 want my aaur waa ua sogges ro ller kaida aet Ilk a viae apon aa arm. "Dlscoreriss!" ah gasped, "what oTe- coverleaT" "That aema 00a climbed the pillar o tha veranda nearest your window by meane ef the vine, and that the print of a korae'a hoof la freak la tho aoll of tha 11 ma-tree walk that leida up to that alia of tho houee. Which facta Incline 0 to year belief, that tklevea bare en tered tka souse." 'Loclaa, I teld yaa ao," aho cried wildly t "It la trie. There moat kav a plot U rob ao while wo war at church. Don't yaa aaa V Lodaa Courtlandt pre teed hla lip sp aa tha damp, pallid brow, and geotJy da 1 peeitlng the graeef al form opoa the cum- i kai of tha eofa, he roao wltk tha wardat "Ten are over-oieJtad and tired, poof child. Yaa had better reet kero to-alght Wo will leave Roeomoat at daybreak. The Planter's Daughter 2E FATE'S REVENGE J. I? KSX AUCB P. CAKJJTON Author of "A Waif from tho 8aa,M "Her Brightart Hop -Waywara1 Wlnnofrod," at. . CHAPTER IT (Oootlnoed.) I alz aaoBtba erery coat of year pre party And row nearly four year bad paeo- la likely to bo wiped ot by thl war "It le a lie, a lie, a Her tba pasted; oot of aay alghtl Yea yoa I- Bho ataggam. beat th air lor a mo- meat with her arme, thea with a low moaa of fathomleee agony, fall, faea dawawarda. with a doll eraah, like one etrickea with death. Too lata Ooear Couramont' dlaoooered tkat ko bad over-reached hlmaalf. Byl- phtdo waa bow Incapable of elgnlng tho Inetramoat which would make a wealth lulled late oblivion. Bo aho oleoed bar aye with weD-fclgnod wetrineee, and Courtlandt loft her to aaauao bof maid. No ooosor bad tho door ehat hla man ly figure from view whoa Bylphldo atart ed ap apoa bar !bow, her dllatad eyea burning with that deep red Ire that ono eeerm a hungry wolf. Bha bold ber breath aad ooaatod hi retreating feot topa, tm they fell away Into alloaca at the eitrecaltr of tho long kalL Then way baek to their aativo load. Bylpkida had appoood thla etep aa leaf tort aa aho dared, aad bad only glvea la at laat through fear of arooaiag her bao- band a euaploicna. Between tho two ladle bo ayvpathy aad aa confidence bad exlated froat the Brat of their aeaaalatanca; by tacit aoent they aoemed to bo aatagonieta froat the day they met Tho haughty old lady regarded-' her beautiful daug htar-m-law maa of him; beeldee, her criee had arena- l7m f!JTL 1ZA uem witk ""PW" Dor w x'pnWe edtha bouaaholdrburrylnr feet wore SaaVial mounUng tba otaira, alreay thoy were gJgL TjJ J reSvaweDt atrtoiaof Whaa tha ohlld waa bo, tho alder knocktaj at tha door, and a man'a vole fj ttt nMf ,w,pt 'trln,, f Mra. Courtlandt appeared to claim It la excited accenta waa calling apoa kar to open. Ia leea thaa half a minute th barrier would bo broken dowal Snatching np hla hat and revolver, Couramont aprang to tho window. MWa shall meet again, my lady, saver feart". ha hlaeed, menacingly; "wo aball meet again, when my grip upon yoa ah all ba atronger thaa It la nowr aald; t jlylphtde turned upon Couramont i "It la Diana, my maid," ah fahe will aecure my releaee!" f "Bah!" growled the raacal, "tell ber I to go away; I'm not half through talk- tag to you. Do aa I bid you; It la worth i your while!" 1 Taking a atep toward that thin parti I tlon that teparated her from deliverance, I Sylphlde ralaing her voice, aald: ! "I do not need you, Diana. Continue with tha packing." Then, with the dar I 'Jog gleam again abinlng In her eyea, aha f supplemented, "and If In half an hour I nm not down atalra, aak Mr. Courtlandt VVIMW UV IVI IMV "Fool!" aneered Couramont; "well, a woman alwaya will bare tha laat word, ao I auppoeo I ought not to blame you for what you can't help. All la, we aball bava to talk faat, aa I see no occaalon to soil my handa with thla fellow a blood. 0, by packing up, you Intend to leave Uoeemontr' "I do." "Then wa will proceed to bualneea snd aettle everything np before ycu go Sylphlde, I want py ahare of tha aetata, snd I want It now to night! "How dare youT" aha demanded, turn ng upon him, Imperiously; "your ah are 1 .What do you meanr' "Juat what I aay I want my ahara.'J "There la no ahara for you; I doubt ' D7 poorlather ever thought to leave .ao mucn aa one cent s. l la quite poaaible," retorted .ont with hla Imperturbable 4 old man never loved me, but ma. And I Intend mat you all atone for hla lack of common aenie and your want of forethought In marry 'ng thla Interloper." '.a ha spoke he advanced upon her jere the atood In tha center of tha amber, and drew from an Inner pocket allp of paper, "I am not atupld enough to auppoae tat ytu bava a aum of money upon you o-nlght sufficient to aatlafy my demand!, Therefore, thla letter, addressed to your ixecutor. and stating that In accordance rlth an expressed wlah of your father bat hla aetata be equally divided be .ween ua two. hla only helra, yoa will lV ipfirir .lie drew back a atep and glared upon ber ao balefully that aha recoiled and csuiht at a chair for support "Do you refuse to sign this paperr r inked, steadily: "bo warned la time ."'VI secret of your life, a secret Aft crush you forever, avaa. faarail- ''.r;ur marrlagaP' Jared 4 B )t rt Bt a oat do yoa meant "Sign thla paper, or I Inform your bueband that your mother waa a slave." Like a flash of lurid lightning all that bad been Incomprehenalbla to her la ber father'a behavior burst upon tho oabap py girl; hla nervouaneaa, his strange de sire to marry bar to Oacar Ooaramont, Lie wild entreaty for her to believe no vll goaslp of her dead mother all, all came back to ber In that dreadful mo ment with tho overwhalmiat for of soavictios, Tot area thaa abo wwM CHAPTER IV. Four years have alapaed since tha aventa narrated In the preceding chap ter, and tha flight of Courtlandt and hla bride baa eaased to exclto comment and goaalp long alnce. Already tha year 1803 la pregnant wtth Ita greatest day, Sept 22, whoa tha martyr President Issued hla immortal proclamation declaring tha freedom of all alavea In tha Btatea and parte of Statea thea In rebellion. Since that memorable night of dark nera and storm, in October, 1803, ua face of tho mletress of Rosemont has never once been seen upon ber hereditary estate. Having been left in competent handa, tha plantation ha yielded Ita ac customed Income, all of which has been transmitted through the bankers at Mo bile to I.uclan Courtlandt In whatever part of tha world ha chanced to bo. For a year tha young lawyer and hla beautiful wife traveled from place to place In the Old World, following the fashionable aeison from London to Bt Petereburg, returning along the ahorea of tha romantic Mediterranean. It had been a term of unalloyed delight to Sylphlde, and when, at tha cloae of the year, a lovely baby boy came to join their party at Nice, the young wife trem bled at her happlneas. The horror of her wedding nlgbt with Ita appalling rev elation now aeemed ao far away that ah often wondered whether It had boon re ality Indeed, and net the delirium of a fevered dream. In the peace and joy of her maternity aha persuaded hereelf that cruel Fata '.had forgotten her, and that henceforth aha waa deetlned to live In the auspicious light of favoring Fortune. Oscar Couramont had given no sign of life; perhapa ba had repented; perhapa he was dead. Sylphlde could afford now to wlah hlra no evil, alnco hla baleful ahadow had not crossed her sun llf path, Of course an explanation of ber In sensible condition when found In her chamber at Rosemont on that fatal night waa Inevitable; aha owed It to her hus band, and she gave It him according aa aha thought beet You see, I scarcely know how It waa,1 sue murmured aa ana lay in hla arma upon her recovery to consciousness, "but when I entered my own room for tho laat time and glanced about me upon th fa' miliar objects, It aeemed aa If father came back to me from the grave, bla face wan and pallid, bla two eyea burning like coala of fire. I waa terrified, and, fall ing upon my kneea, I besought him to tell me In what I had offended him, but be only abook hla head and alowly van Ished; and then I ahrleked and fell faint ing." Lucian Courtlandt smiled a trifle un eaally aa ha replied: "I don't believe In visions myself; fours, however, must bava been' some what out of the ordinary run of unlaid ghosts. Were you aware that your airy visitor wore muddy boota and a wet hatr "Lucian!" . "It la a fact. The print of hla hat haa left an indelible stain upon your sofa, and th muslin drapery of your tot let table ia Boiled and torn." With ready tact, 8ylphlde glanced up, terror atricken Into her husband's face "Then burglara must have entered my room while wa were at cnurch! she cried. "Do you have burglars in this part of the country, Sylphlde?" asked Courtlandt with an amused smile. "Well 11 not actual burglars," wa the Innocent reply, "thieve at leait, and plenty of them." , "Ah! But It tfrikea me as a little strange that you did not notice theae signs of disorder when you entered your chamber." Now, Lucian, what an idea!" aha ex claimed; "la It likely that in th dim candle light and considering the excite ment I waa laboring under, I should ba struck by tha sight of a few rain drop and a amouch of mud? How abaurd! Wby should tha damage not have been dona by one of th dogs? They are fond of ma, and often com np to my room." "Dog do not climb veranda, poata to second story windows, my dear; aad your doors were locked." "I locked -them!" ' , "But I found your window openf, "Upon bearing my approach, tho' dog might havo escaped by that means!" "Yon say th dogs are fond of yoa, and dogs In general are too intelligent to risk any auoh jump as that No, my love, It waa no quadruped that entered your, chamber to-nifVt It was a manl" . Ho fait bar weight grow heavier In bJs arms, but she managed to preserve onacioasnoaa enough to faltart "What makaa yoa think sot" 1 bar Instituted a search of the place, and bava mad certain aiacov- "Bavodr aho panted triumphantly; "saved I But what a narrow escape. I have bridged th abyaa with a straw, aad passed aafaly over. I ahall bo on my guard In future; It can never happen again. War I to meet Oscar Coura mont a hundred timea, I abould never ba aucb a fool again." Tha exultant soliloquy was cut short by the abrupt opening of the door, and a young mulatto girl, with a remarkably pretty, keen face, entered. She paused at alght of her mistress pacing to and fro ao excitedly, and Sylphlde pauaed also, fixing a abarp, questioning glance upon her maid. "What la It Diana r aha demanded, swiftly; "yoa have beard something; I so It In your face. "I haven't beard aa her own; for corns reason, which aha waa powerless to explain, ahe alwaya abuddered whenever abo aaw tba hand some boy In bla mother's arms. "8he'd like to rob me of him," Syl phlde often thought bitterly; "proud, old creature, I hate her more than she batea me!" Under the clrcumatancee, it waa use- It U a loager my power to part with H." "Why aotr 1 have a soa aad heir." Ton have s soa!" ho sneered; "so Pro told. Well, for his sake, thea, yoa bad better comply with my wishes," I sofase!" "8 bo HI Boar la mind that It I yoa who have declared war. Whatever bap pone, yoa aro alone responsible. I'm s desperate man, BylpLlds Couramont, aad I'm sick of your trifling. Tho cutting: msnnar la which bo pro nounced her maldea aamo struck Syl phlde more powerfully than all bla moods. She waa daaed, wondering what ho could mean, dreading to seek an explanation. When ahe camo to herself ehe found that a group of ladlea and gentlemen had entered the apartment and that Oacar Couramont 'had vanished. She braced leas to attempt to induce Sylphlde to go hereelf, and then aped wildly out Into the to Mre. Conrtlandfa horn upon th Hud- eon, when they arrived In New York. She waa resolute apon that point She would go to a hotel with her husband and child until a suitable homo waa eo 1 cured for them; she would not be the 1 guest of Mrs. Courtlandt! I So It waa arranged that Mrs. Court- ilandt should go at once to her country sect sccompsnled by her son, while Syl- brilliantly Illuminated corridor. All about ber tha guests of tha hotel were leaving tho dining hall, laughing and chatting gaily. Into ovary face aho encountered eho atared, aa though bereft of her senses. She even dscended tbo remaining flight of atalra to tho rotunds, only to be driven back in very ahamo by the crowd of mea aho met Her only thought waa that abo had soldi "I beg year pardon, I mast bava mis understood yon. Yea seem to have left my Interest is the boy out of tho ques tion, madam." "I aald advisedly my sob's child!" came ths rigid reeposes. "Naturally yea aro his mother, I suppose, but ao, an fortanataly, any claims yoa may la apoa klm win bo Vastly to his detriment I mast persist la calling him my aoa'a child aad entirely Ignore yoa la th mat tor." "Madam!" Had ths haughty old lady possessed tho merest tain: of cowardice m her heart aba most have been appalled by ths sliest sxbibltloa sf desperats, quivering wrath that was presented to ber view. Feeling that ths ominous silence that assasd was valsable - tune lest, Mrs. Cssrtlssdt said: "X am sot la tbo least surprised st yoor display of impotent rage at finding yourself baffled at laat; I anticipated it and hsvs com prepared to parry It" "Stop where yoa are I Can yea bo so obtuse as sot to learn that yoa aro hots insulting a wife and eoorasing a moth er r "Asd csa yoa bo so witless ss to fat ter yourself that, sooner or later, your destiny would not find yoa ont snd bant yoa downf "My destiny, madam! What ds yoa mesa?" "That tainted blood flows la your reins, that yoa are a slave, that yea bavs juggled my soa into believing that ho was marrying his equal in atatlon, and have borne him an Innocent child to a heritage of woe! She roes as aha apoka, and, aa if cruah ad by this avalanche of horror, Sylphlde recoiled to a sofa and asnk upon It cov ering her face with her handa. Making the moet of tho advantage aho had gain ed, Mrs. Courtlandt continued: "I do not blame yon for .wishing to msrry and bo a mother, Indeed, I feel soma pity for yon, but I can never fQr give yoa for having trapped a free-born, reputable family in your scheme." She paused, snd, without raising her head, poor Sylphlde murmured: "Who told yoa of thla thing V "I know not I received an anony mous communication this morning, stat ing tha facts snd Inclosing proofs that your father, CoL Couramont, married a alar girl In Louisiana, and that yon are ... mi... wu, it.-uuiysM.c if - " I alara stri in ixuiaiana. ana inai you aro anything, Missy .... .,fc ...... M ,.A m. him. In har nl Son f Ir.ttnn I . - . . , ' ' JLv " v Sylph," replied the girl, "but Pro seen :;r.r7v: 0?-mf. 2 " A,u,el . I mm 9 r Of 1 BUII wrw;ui v i saws v mvh ssvwhuw mvwi w w - something Maaa Oscar. 1 k.p r.nrn. A kii'umi waa deenerate. sa he had aald. and would Diana did not draw a breath for fully -t,,., ,nJ th doheaven onlr knew whst She dared a mlnuta after that unwelcome announce ment, for Sylphlde'a email band waa sot apon her lips like a aeaL Hash!" shs breathed, "do not dare to Hap hla nam until w are gone. My husband does not know of hla existence, snd most never know, -If we ean kelp It Where waa my cousin?" "Ia tha lime-tree walk, Mieey--mount- ln bis borss." "Thank heaven, he's gone, then, for the night! Aro th trunk ready pack- ad, Diana r "Yea, Mlaay, packed and strspped." "Bee thst thsy srs loaded on tho wag on to-night; w stsrt at daybreak, and yoa go with me. I may hava need of yoa In more ways thsn one." Scarcely bed the esstern horlson begun to flush with the promise of day, when tho family coach, followed by th bag gsga.wagoa, rolled swiftly down the road that led Into tha river r allay; and two hours later Mr. Oecar Couramont rode Into tha court yard at Rosemont to be Informed that If be had coma to break fast bis meal must be a solitary one. (To be. continued.) Two Famous Negro Women. Th old bead-handkerchief negro la th aristocrat of her race. Aunt Dicey oolongs to tills type, 8be is a product of the eighteenth century, and recently celebrated ber on hundred and sev enth birthday. Aunt Dicey Urea In a llttla cabin standing among pin tree on a spur of ths ragffod mountaina of Virginia, In slavery daya ahe be longed to a relative of Thomaa Jefferson. Aunt Dicey la a constant smoker, and baa been on from her youth np. Her cabin walla are covered with mag azine picture and acrlptural verses, many of them tacked wrong aide up. In the daya of her youth ahe waa a seamstress, and her neat sewing la the wonder of her many visitors. Tha finest needle la not too much for her wonderful eyesight The fame of "Aunt Jinny" haa gxm for beyond the border of Mississippi. Aunt Jinny enjoys the distinction of being the only negro woman depot master In the country. Aunt Jinny has been a railroad employe for thirty six years. She belonged before th war to some people down In Alabama, and waa with them throughout tha struggle. She says ahe warned them more than once of the approach of tha "enemy." n, nnt tA tua irirth a wanna Moral ta 1 awsit her husbands return. A handsome suite of rooms wss engaged, and the party were made aa comfortable aa wealth could make them. The only actual cloud upon Sylphlde'e arrival In America waa th fact that tha first night would have to be paased with out ber husband. Aa the twilight hour began to approach she grew more and more lonely and reet- leea. Gaslng Into the buay Square fail ed to amuae her, and when Diana sug gested thst she should go down to the public dining room for dinner as s di version, Sylphlds felt the cold perspira tion of spprehenslon stsrt out st every pore, snd shs curtly commanded her maid to order dinner In their private par lor. When the cheery gaslight dispelled the gloom, the .young wife and mother be came more cheerful, and taking her boy upon her knee, aha aang him a sprightly .Creole song, that ah had not thought of In four long yeara, until the child laugh- ad and clapped hie tiny handa In glee. Suddenly Sylphlde pauaed, with a aong upon her llpe, aa an authoritative knock aounded upon the door. Obeying a and den impulae, Bha aprang to her feet hand ed the child to Diana, and anawered the aummona hereelf. A hall boy stood before her In the lighted hall with s visiting card upon a silver salver. Sylphlde did not hear him ask svhether she were Mrs. Lucian Court- lsndt; she picked np the card and glanc ed at the name Inscribed thereon. In an Instsnt every drop of blood in her body fled with a sickening rush to ber heart; but, though ahe turned aa pallid aa th dead, aha ottered no cry, and did not stagger. Aak the person to wait In the public parlor,". ahe aald, with a supreme effort; and cloalng the door, aba paased swiftly into her dressing room. Apt to Be Charitable. "The Impromptu speaker may be all right In his way," said Deacon Jones, "but as for me, give me the minister who writes his sermons every time" "Wbyt" asked Deacon Smith. "He Is more likely to realize their length," was the significant reply. ,- CHAPTER V. The nsme inscribed r.pon the card, which 8ylphlde tore into little bits snd cast Into the open grata th moment shs hsd escaped the curioue eyes of Diana, waa tha name of Oacar Couramont Had ahe been alone, aha might havo quailed, But ah had a secret to conceal even from th mulatto, faithful aa ah waa. Therefore, when Diana called to her to know what had happened, Sylphlde an awered with enforced calmness: "Only a messenger from my husband. I sm going to him in a moment" Meanwhile ah waa touching her pal lid. haggard cheeka with rouge. Thanks to this and the tiger heart In her boeom, there waa no pallor snd no algn of ter ror upon her beautiful face, aa aha awept alowly down the grand staircase, crossed the spacious hall and entered the aplen did Bulte of parlors. A hand raised the ailken drapery that hung in ths archway before which Sylphlde atood, and Ilka a flash her antagonist stood before her, At sight of him she recoiled, snd ut tered s stifled cry. Wss this revolting wretch before her her cousin, the hand- aotna Oacar Couramont? Waa It poaal Aa Others Bee Ua. "You always aay the wrong thlsg at the right tlrme, Henry," aald Mrs. Ifack em. "Now, I alwaya think, twice be fore I apeak." not think. With lagging steps, clinging to ths stair rail for support shs drsgged hei weary way up to her rooms. Outside ths door she paused s moment to eummoa np a glimmer of courage and a wan mock ery or a smile, men sue csutiousiy turned the knob and opened the door. The lights hsd been turned low. Little Leon hsd been Isid smong ths pillows upon the bed, snd Dlans alept the sleep of the just and weary, in her chair be fore the fire. With s low wall, that aeemed wrung from a bleeding heart, the wretched woman flung hereelf upon her kneea beside tho bed, claaped the Bleep ing child .in her arma,' and rained pas sionate klaaes upon his' soft flaxen curls. "Oh, my boy, my boy, my boyr she sobbed, "thank heaven, yon are not old enough to guees your mothers woe" "Oh; mother in heaven, darling mother. hear me! strengthen and comfort me! I have not listened to the tongue of evil gpealp," yet the cross is bsavy to bear. Shield me, guard me, for I sm slone snd In danger. Save ma the lovs of husband and child; 'tis sll I ask!" In the chill gray of narly dawn, Diana came to her and toucher her shoulder. "Missy 8ylph, Missy Sylph T cried the fsithful creature, "get np snd go to bed!" Sylphlde roao alowly and painfully. Pressing her handa upon ber aching eyea, aha aald: I muat have slept, Diana; I need no more. Bee, tla morning! 1 had better dress for the dsy." At ten o'clock a telegram waa handed her from her husband. Eagerly ahe opened it and read Ita cheery eon ten ta: "Have heard of a lovely residence near Yonkere. Shall go to see It before re turning to you. Love to yoa snd kisses for the boy." . Hesvens, bow shs kissed that acrap of aeneeleaa paperl To ths poor, agonised aoul It seemed Ilka a ray of vivifying sunlight let In apon her dungeon keep. From the moment of its receipt she brightened up. She fsncled she felt s strong arm encircling her and supporting her. Diana asked permission to take little Leon for a stroll in tha equare, and was readily permitted to do so. When left slone, poor Sylphide went to her trunks. drew forth their contents and made se lection of the costume which had been most praised by her huaband in the hap py daya beyond the aea. It waa a won derful and beautiful connection of deli cate violet ailk and rich old ivory-tinted laces that aet off her marveloua brunette beauty to perfection. She added a apray of lovely pink rosea to her boeom, and the faultless toilette was complete. With just th slightest bit of coquetry she glsnced at her enchanting reflection in the mirror when all was complete, and aeated herself In the embrasure of a window that overlooked the square to watch for her child and await tha ar rival of her bueband. Suddenly ah heard th door of th your father had married this half-breed In good faith, or whether he had been tricked, aa my aon has been, ths papers do not show, snd I know not" "Hsvs yon those proofs with you?" Sylphlds demanded. In a ton out of which all courage, all hops had depart ed. "No; they are it home, but ahall ba st your disposal whenever yoa desire to examine them." Sylphlde abook her head aadly and claaped her hands in her lap with s ges ture of pitiful eloquence. "Well," aha faltered, brokenly, "what do you propose to do?" "Adopt Leon." A spasm of Intenaest agony passed over Sylphlde'e pallid face, but aha com manded herself, even granting that her indomitable apirit wars not utterly crushed. "And muat I part with my child V , "For his sake, yea."... "And what ia to become of me?" "Yon can live like an honorable wom an, aa no doubt you are, barring your culpable deception of my son." "And am 1 to ba forever sepsrated frond my boy?" "Since you oblige me to aay It," aho anawered, firmly, "yes forever." "And never aee him again?" Mra. Courtlandt heeltated. Perhaps her mother'a heart waa troubled by ths piteous appeal. . (To be continued.) Work'nc for Success. Charles Warren Stoddard, In bla "Recollections of Bret Harte" in tha New York Times, says that to Hartsa Interest and criticism he owes all that Is best in his literary efforts. Fsstld lous to a degree, Harte could not over look a lack of finish In the manuscript offered to him. He was not afraid to apeak his mind, remarks Mr. Stoddard, and I know well enough what occasion I gare him, yet be did not judge me more severely than he judged himself. Hla humor and his fancy were not frightened away even when he waa In his severest critical mood. Once, when I had sent him some verses for approval, he wrote: " The Albatrossf Is better, but not best wbJch Is what I wanted. And then, you know, Coleridge baa prior claim on the bird; but I'll use him un less you send me something else. Yoa can, if you like, take this aa a threat" . He had a special taste In the choice of titles, and I bare known him to alter the name of an article two or three times In order to make the table of contents handsome and harmonious. One day I found blm pacing the floor of his office, knitting his brows and staring at vacancy. I wondered why. He waa watching and waiting for a word, the one word to fit Into a Una bls-thst four year, could bar. worked iSlot 1 I suggested such sn appalling change In any human being? It,waa a wonder that, the attendanta below atalra had permitted such a dis reputable object to mount the atalra and run the risk, of terrifying ths ladlea he might chance to meet Sylphlde, in all her pride snd beauty, feet with parted llpa, and outstretched handa, a glad, expectant smile quivering upon every feature. The amlls vanished instantly as shs saw, standing in the cen ter of the apartment, not her child, not her huaband, but the proud, atately wom an whom the world regarded aa her mother-in-law. Attired In rich, trailing garmenta of 1 v 1 1 .a s . 1 . 1 1 s aa irirwa in ru-u. li siiiua ss. sis meuia va a . "Yea. mr dear." milled the meek and norror Da "x al " " ,.w ki.m, th. .Mr Mrs. number, l iu TTarirr .-hnt .r. on. r tho-s uramont waa ue nrst 10 spaa, with - tr.rt t his wrath by a ' , - 1 a mocEing ooe aance ana a remnant or . i . . . . . rsnid-flrs flhlnkera," - Lu. m 11- ..m. th younger. Sh bowed coldly in ao- I had Just met a I Ba St I - SW D.I.VIJ. aal S As It Bheald Be. "I suppose," aald th rleltor to police headquarters, "that erery officer knows a rogue when he sees him.." "Sure," replied th desk aergeant; "but erery officer doesn't seize a rogue when he knowa him." Ample Escnee, Josh I a'poea 811as la mad at the fel ler that sold him the horse. Hiram I dunno why he should be. If yef look at the horse yer won't blame anybody far sellln' him. "I see yoa recognise me in spit of th chsnr in me. Sines It Is roar work. how do yoa Ilk It? Yoa bare brought me to the rerge of poverty and starva tion." "Yes, yon! Had yoa remained abroad another month, I should have worked my paasage out and come to yoa to demand my rlghta. I'm tired of thia aort of thing. Yoa. are my debtor for keeping mum about that aecret of your birth. and I want the matter settled np.' A grayish pallor, which th rouge but served to accentuate, settled upon the young wife's face, as she faltered, with a violent struggle at seir-commana; "What do you demand?" "What I demanded four years ago, knowledging ths chair which Sylphlde ad vanced, and seatsd herself. "YotT. are doubtless surprised to ass me here," sh said, stiffly. Sylphlds bowed, snd ssid In snsweri "May I know to what I ow th honor of this rlsltr "To s painful duty," wss ths curt re sponse. "Shall I speak plainly V "If you please." Then cam th blighting words move cruel than death: "I hare com for my son's child!" one; it would not answer. It must be a word of two syllables or the natural rhythm of the sonence would suffer. Thus he perfected hla prose. Once when he bad taken me to task for a bit of careless work, then under his critical eye, and complained of a thought to turn away soft answer. I told him man who had wept orer a certain passage in one of hla sketches, - "Well" said Hart, "1 wept when I wrote it" The man who originated the motto "Lire and Let Lire" didn't take the undertaker into consideration, bat fell ome next October; and I want to have before her, CHAPTER VL Had a thunderbolt fallen out of th clear heaven, Sylphlde could not have been more amased. For- a moment or two she stared blankly st th rigid face striving vainly to fathom - - Suspicions. ' "' Mr. Hiram Off en I don't see why you should suspect the new servant girl of gossiping among the nelghbora. She seems rather close-mouthed. Mrs. Hiram Offen But I've discov ered that she's also close-eared close to the keyhole. Philadelphia Press. The Emperor Charlea V. Hred m rol- , tmtary exile during the last yeara of bla life. Hla chief occupation In his retirement waa devising new t lands aW, ! mmm w rvaa,av WMvw wwe " 1 VVUlf AJVVa VWIVWI SSSSea Sk W M W sswi - -w B . . . . . late bla hands Juat ths same. ths thing arranged here and now, for ta I be intense surprise. At last speech re- to tempt hi gluttonous appetite. ) - V