The Columbia register. (Houlton, Columbia County, Or.) 1904-1906, April 29, 1904, Image 1

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    A O X VawAv.(
C m hmriia Plains:
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NO. 1.
v; 1
Co sroae) sty RovWw ( tb Import
sat HaryMtas of the Past Wk,
ITHWIp H VOenmaOOa I M H. aTiOOl
L&oly to Prove Interesting to Oar
Masty Riadirs.
The Japanese have crossed the 'Yalu
Dear Wlju. ,
Frvaident Loubet, of France, was
'warmly received in Italy.
The military at Tellurite, Colo., has
Reported 29 more minen.
The Oregon building at the St. Louis
lair will be ready (or occupancy May 1.
Fire in London's wholesale district
destroyed 1500,000 worth of property.
King Edward has made no peace
proposal! to Russia, as has been re
ported. Russian authorities say the crossing
of the Yslu by Japanese is no import
ant victory.
Another unsuccessful attempt has
been made to assassinate Premier
Maura, of Spain.
The Vladivostok squadron is reported
to have sunk four Japanese transports
convoying 4,000 men.
The New York Central's railroad
bops at Ablany , N. Y., were destroyed,
-entailing a loss of $250,000.
The senate has passed bills giving
"3 "f , ' Fort land an assay office and dividing
' Jegon into w Judicial districts.
Of T nnla ttaa Iwutn warniut tk avnaot
flood. .
The house has passed the bill giv
ing Alaska a delegate.
The Vladivostok squadron has sunk
small Japanese steamer at Gensan.
Koaropatkin is to be made com
mander of land and sea forces in 'the
Far East.
A dispatch from Port Arthur denies
that 20,000 Japanese troops have land
ed at Dalny.
, ,The foHgn , military .baorvei -.
" ignd to JapM'e nrtt ray in uorea
have been ordered to leave for the
The Japanese are landing much ma
terial and other supplies and preparing
to build bridges in the neighborhood of
The powers are expected to back
Russia in declaring the use qf wireless
telegraphy constitutes espionage. The
' United States alone is expected to make
certain reservations.
The tomb of the famous Livingston
iamily, near New York, was broken
into and the bodies of several removed,
-while the bones of others weis scat
tered over the floor.
The house has passed the senate bill
- providing that when the United States
district judge of the district of Oregon
is absent or unable to hold court, the
circuit judge may bold district court
and perform other duties of the dlstiict
Thecazr has signed an order recall
ing Viceroy Alexieff.
The Japanese lines on the Yalu river
now extend for SO miles.
Bank robbers at Iola. Wis., secured
11,200, but overlooked (9,000 in their
'Ts The Panama canal property has been
' L formally turned over to the United
':' States.
v An American doctor and eight nurses
live arrived in Japan to assist in Bed
Coss work.
Alaska Indian children will be
-thought to the Chemawa, ' Oregon,
.-. school or education.
- Koaropatkin has forbid his generals
to engage in any battles and even op
poses small skirmishes.
. Rumors of fighting on the Yslu, in
which the Jspanese lost heavily con
tinue to come from Port Arthur.
George A. Hammond, consulting en
gineer, has been ordered to Eastern
Oregon to assist in the examination of
the afalbenr irrigation proposition. '
The Indian agent at Colville, Wash.,
and the bonded superintendent at Nes
.Ferces, Idaho, reservation nave ueen
. let out on account of Indiscreet actions.
Neidermeir, Marx and Vandine, the
Chicago carbarn bandits, have paid the
penalty of their crimes.
A, Port Arthur report says an entire
.Japanese column was destroyed on the
-'.Yalu river. . No confirmation is obtain
able. It Is reported that two Jspanese, dis
guised as beggars, attempted to assassi
nate General Kouropatkln while he
was in Nia Cbwang recently.
The Uansbrough bill recently passed
by the senate repealing the timber and
atone act, and authorising the sale of
government timber to the highest bid
der, has been practically killed in the
Louse public lands committee. ,
Diplomat 5ays Oaly Danger Uta la
Priests Stirring Up a Revolt.
Paris, April 28. Mr. Ou, first secre
tary of the Chinese legation here, in an
Interview on the danger of China being
drawn into the Russian-Japanese war,
said General Ma was not a very Import
ant personage, and had never been com
mander In chief. He is In command of
the regular troops in the province of
rechlll under the viceroy of Tien Tain,
who would Incur the death penalty, If
he acted without the direct orders of
the Pekln government, which, the sec
retary said, was determined to maintain
neutrality. Moreover, General Ma
had not over 15,000 troops, which
there was no reason to suppose were 111
disposed toward Russia.
Asked point blank whether he did
not forest danger of complication,
the secretary admitted the Chinese
people were favorably disposed toward
the Japanese, and In this fsct there
might be a possible source of trouble.
If the Buddhist priests and the secret
societies stirred up a revolt, and the
rebels attacked the Russians, the latter
might consider the imperial govern
ment responsible.
"If we should be treated as belliger
ents," said the secretary, "we should
be obliged to defend ourselves. That
would be the only event in which we
would make common cause with Jap
Raasla Hears Proas Vesstls Seat la Sec
tioes to Port Arthar.
St. Petersburg. April 28. A dis
patch from Port Arthur ssys :
"Experiments with submarine boats
here have been attended with brilliant
"All is quiet in the region of the
The entrance into service of four sub
marine boats at Tort Arthur means the
addition of a new and formidable
weapon for the defense of the strong
hold. The dispatch of the boats in sec
tions over the railroad have been
shrouded In secrecy, and even today
many In St. Petersburg are inclined to
doubt the report, by officials of their
frenrrat Port -Arthur,' or to accept
the information as trustworthy.
An effort now to close or blockade
Port Arthur will be too dangeroua, it is
thought, for Vice Admiral Togo to at
tempt. The defenders of the port will
be able to guard against Jspanese sub
marine vessels entering the harbor and
attacking the Russlsn ships at anchor.
Japanese Ships Pass Kobe, Undoubtedly
Making for Oenaaa.
Chicago, April 28. A special cable
to the Daily News from Kobe says:
"Under full steam a strong squsdron
of Japanese armored cruisers were ob
served this morning, making their way
northward in the Japanese sea. It is
believed that the vessels are on their
way to attempt to cut off the Russian
squadron thst appeared off Gensan, on
the east coast of Corea yesterday. It
is feared, however, that, as the iciar's
cruisers are superior in speed to those
of the mikado, they may escape in safe
ty to ths shelter of Vladivostok.
"It is also stated that the Japanese
have succeeded in luring the Russians
(om the protection of the Vladivostok
guns, and that there is another Japan
ese squadron between them and their
retreat, but these are mere rumors."
Amending the Patent Laws.
Washington, April 28. Favorable
reports were authorized today by the
house committee on patents on the
Mann bill amending the patent laws
by authorizing the issuance of patents
on the formulae of proprietary remedies
inetesd of orrthe manufactured article,
and the Tawney bill requiring affidav
its to be filed with copyright applica
tions stating the place where the type
for the publication was set. No copy
righti to be loaned on works not
printed in this country. The penslty
for a misstatement in the affidavit is
fixed at fl,000.
Steamers Fear Mines.
Tokio, Aril 27. Jspanese companies
which operate steamers on the Yellow
sea, and the gulf of Pechili are cancel
ling their engagements to call at points
beyond Chemulpo, Corea, because of
the mechanical contact mines which
are known to be adrift on the high
seas. These mines drifted away from
Port Arthur and Port Dalny, and con
stitute a serious menace to navigation.
It is known thst many mines have been
detached from their moorings by storms
and currents and several have been de
stroyed. , Russia to Boy Mors Warships.
Paris, April 28. According to a re
port, the truth of which it is impossi
ble to verify, the sum of 105,000.000
rubles has been appropriated by Rus
sia for the purchase of several torpedo
boats in France, two Argentine cruisers
and two German transports. The two
German traorporta have already ar
rived at Libau.
R scant Rasslsa Losses are Cttod-Som
Favor Saaarise Coafsreace Re
fort Qtvlsg the PresUeat Power to
Delay Contraction ol Battleship If
Deemed Advisable Agreed To.
Washington, April 17. The 'tenat
today passed a bill to provide for an as
sociate justice of the supremo court of
New Mexico.
Hale called' op the conference report
on the navsl appropriation bill elimi
nating the differences between ths Tq
bouses. In making a statement on the
report Hale criticised the modern bat
tleship. Continuing he said:
"I mui. ssy that if I were secretary
of the navy in the present condition, I
should not dare to go on and commit
the government to the building of an
other Immense battleship costlag $8,
000,000. The loosons of war between
Russia and Japan thus far go to show
the vulnerability and the nnsafety of
these immense and lofty battleships and
the nndeairsbility at present of com
mitting ourselves to the further con
struction of them. The great and sal
ient evils of war show how Incomplete
as an engine of war la one of these
enormous high turreted battleships.
If she is struck below the water line
and the center of gravaity is disturbed
she turns ovsr like a turtle and every
body on board is drowned.
"If an explosion takes place through
hurried firing In a turret, it is more
than likely to igr.ite the magaaine and
the whole ship is blown Into the air
and everybody on board la killed.
Aside from the disasters In the Fait,
where the large Ruslsaan battleships
have been disabled and put out of busi
ness, .we have had three explosions on
our own bsttleshlpa within a year."
Stewart expressed the opinion that
the battleship will soon be a thing of
the past and that submarine craft will
take their place.
Continuing. Hale said be tloucht
congress should legislate on the char
acter of battleships for the nsv,
not leave It ti the Jeuarinient.
All isoif said the discretion given to
the president to defer action for a year
was a wise one, because of the fact that
a test of battleships was going on In a
pretty lively, way In the, Far East.
The conference report was agreed to.
Koaropatkin Mas Large Force Tarawa
Across Upper Yalu.
St. Petersburg, April 27. General
Kouropatkln has played a strong card
In the game of strategy. A large por
tion of General Rennenkampff'a Cos
sack cavalry division hss been thrown
across the upper reaches of the 'Yalu,
and a considerable force of cavalry,
which crossed the Tumen some time
ago, is moving down to the southwest
to effect a juncture with it. Together
with this force, which, it is believed,
totals 20,000 men,- he will threaten
Lieutenant General Inouye'a left flank
when the Japanese are ready to cross
lower down on the Yalu.
Being composed of cavalry with a
few mountain guns, Rennenkampff's
force is extremely mobile. Unless it
should be dislodged, it will compel the
Jspanese to leave a strong army to
guard the communications, whereas, If
a Japanese force should be sent to drive
it out, it would have to move directly
away from the main army while the
Russian army, if compelled to fall back,
can recroes in the direction of the Rus
sian troops concentrating in Manchuria.
He Is Destined to Command Forces on
" Sea as Wall as oa Land.
St. Petersburg, April 27. Genersl
Kouropatkln, it is believed in the
highest military circles here, is des
tined to become commander of all the
emperor's forces, both military and
naval in the Far East.
Admiral Alexieff may remain there
for some little time as viceroy, but his
reign is consideied practically ended.
He will not be humiliated, but in order
to effect harmonious relations a way
will be found to secure his elimination.
While Alexieff and Kouropatkln are on
fairly good terms, harmonious relations
between Vice Adimral Skrydloff and
the viceroy are considered impossible
and with the three enjoying indepen
dent commands it is realized that fric
tion ultimately will be bound to arise
which might endanger successful opera
tions. Skrydloff and Kouropatkln, on
the contrary, are warm personal friends.
Treaty With Amtrlca to Hand.
St. Petersburg, April 27. The draft
of the treaty whereby American firms
can sue in Russia and Russian firms in
America, over which Ambassador Mc
Cormlck has been negotiating, has been
received from Washington and laid
before the foreign officers. Since It is
no longer possible to secure Its ratifica
tion during this session of congreos,
Mr. McCormick . probably will allow
the treaty to take Its normal course.
Rate ms From Nomas farroaadsd by
Rising Waters,
Fort Scott, Kan., April 27. Fort
8cott is experiencing the most eerlous
flood In its history. Marmatong river
aud Mill creek, which runt Into the
former stream here, have risen ten feet
in the past 24 hours, the result of
heavy rains. Beveral hundreds oi per
sons have been rescued in boats. As
far as known tonight no lives have been
lost. The estimated loss In llvsstock
drowned and property damaged U
The two streams began to rise at 10
o'clock Isst night and today ths city
waa divided Into three sections and al
most completely Isolated. Normally
Mill creek runs Into the Marmatong
liver, northeast of the eity, but because
of the rspld rise they formed a new
channel which cut across one end of
the city. Tonight the entire northern
part of the city is cut off, and partj of
the city Is inundaV-d. .
Ten feet of water is rushing through
the streets in that part of the city and
several hundred persons in what la
known as Belltown have been forced to
leave their homes.' Many were taken
away In boats.
There were several narrow escapes
from drowning. Late today an aged
couple named Lemore, living north of
the city near the river, were rescued In
boats. Tbey were completely hemmed
in. Rescuers were out all day under
the direction of Fire Chief Amman,
Mayor Congdon and Chief of Police
Mendenhall, and they succeeded in mv
lng thousands of dollars' worth of prop
erty as well as the hundreds of inhabi
tants of that district.
Msny who refused to leave Belltown
will stiil have to be taken awsy In
boats, as all avenues of escape have
now been cut off.
The gas works Is three feet under
water and has closed down. The en
gine and pumps at the water station
are 20 feet under water. The South
western Wholesale .Grocery company's
warehouse is flooded and the water has
reached the office. The wholesale dis
trict Is completely surrounded and mer
chants are removing their stocks of
goods. All the railroads are tied up,
bridges being threatened and tracks
'aJioaU an repotted la all direc
tions. In the low farming land the
water Is from five to ten feet deep and
much stock Las been drowned and
heavy damage to property caused. It
is estlmatod that 300 persons are home
Wsst Boand Santa Fo Trala Collides
With Light Engine.
Los Angeles, Cal., April 27. A west
bound special train carrying several
carloads of soldiers bound for the pre
sidio, San Francisco, was wrecked at
Hartoum 8tatlon, the first station west
of Needles, Cal, on the Santa Fe rail
road. One soldier, James M. ' Bowei s,
was killed and about a dosen Injured.
According to the meagre Information
obtainable la this eity tonight the
wieck occurred sometime during the
afternoon Sunday and waa caused by
the colliding of a light engine esat
bound with the troop train. The en
gine had helped a train over a heavy
grade just west of Needles, and was re
turning to that point, presumably with
out the knowledge of the special' troop
Carnival at Portland.
The Federated Trade" Council, repre
senting 75 labor unions, and the Lewis
and Clark Farternal Building associa
tion, comprising 84 fraternal societies,
have arranged to hold a mardi gras and
carnival in Portland June 28 to July
12 inclusive. It la intended to make
this affair the largest and most com
plete ever attempted on the Pacific
coast. A spectacle employing 800
people will be one of the chief attrac
tions of the amusement features, as well
as a circus, baloon ascensions, etc.
Th management has promised that the
entire two weeks will be full of special
ties and one cannot go once and see it
all. There will be a monster Fourth
of July parade, also an illuminated pa
rade on the nlgbf of July 2. Reduced
rates have been secured on all transpor
tation lines running into Portland.
Irrigation Investigation at Yakima.
Washington, April 27. District
Engineer T. A. Noble, of the reclama
tion service, st Spokane, Wash, has
been instrcuted to proceed to make the
necessary investigations at the earliest
possible dste concerning the develop
ment of rhe Yakima valley, to ascertain
wnetner the opportunities for irrigation
works there are of such a character as
to warrant the beginning of a large
government work in this city. The In
vestlgation will be for the purpose
largely of securing a better - knowledge
of the physical conditions of this region.
Improvements at Paget Sound Yards. '
Washington, April 27. Bids have
been opened at the navy department for
a steel storage building at the Puget
sound navy yard, the lowest bidder be
ing the St. Panl Foundry company,
$30,788, and for a boatshop at the
Ptjjt sound yard, the lowest bidder
beisg T. Ryan, Seattle, I1&5.GG0., .
Agreeateat Traasiers Property W It hoot
. RssonraUoB-StockaoMars Will Now
Ratify the Act of PrssUUnt and Di
rector of Compaoy TKJe la Perfect
U. S. First to Hear Nswa.
Paris, April 25. The Associated
Press Is authorised to annoonce that
the contract by which the Panama
canal passes to the United States is
signed and sealed. The title to the
canal Is now vested In the United
State. The document by which this
transaction is con sun a ted bears the
signatures of President Boand Director
Richmsn, of. the Panama canal com
pany, who signed for the company as
its responsible officers. The transfer is
complete and without reservation, and
the United States secures a perfect
This result baa been f quietly sccom-
Elished, and unexpectedly, ss the public
ss been given to understand that the
contract would not be executed until
after the meeting of the stockholders of
the Panama canal company tomorrow,
at which the question of ratification
would be presented. As a matter of
fact, however, when the meeting takes
place President Bo will announce that
the tale has been completed, and, In
stead of asking for authority to execute
a contract, It will only remain to ratify
the contract of sale which the officers
of the company have formally com
pleted. Only a few of the highest offi
cers of th company are now aware of
the secret, which will not be known
except by this announcement in the
United State up. to the time of the
It 1 confidently believed that the
completion of the sale before this meet
ing will increase the rote for ratifica
tion. '. .
Finance Mutator Says It Is Not Forced,
and No Loan la Destrod.
St. Petersburg, April 25. Russia has
mad a now Issue of $15,000,000 'In
paper currency against free gold In the
State bank. At the ministry of finance
It waa explained that it was an ordin
ary issue, and In no sense was forced.
Under the law paper is Issuable to dou
ble the amount of gold up to $160,000,
000 gold, in excess of which paper is
sued most be covered rouble for rouble.
In the Stat bank there are, in round
figures, $400,000,000 in gold, which
would permit of an Issue of $550,000,
000 In paper, but the paper Issue at
present only amount to $350,000,000.
All sorts of figure of the cost of the
war are printed abroad. The corres
pondent of the Associated Press Is au
thoritatively Informed that the daily
expense are averaging $750,000, and it
is estimated that a year's expenditure
for the war will total $250,000,000.
To meet this there existed a free bal
ance of $50,000,000 by reductions in
ths ordinary budgets, leaving ostensibly
$135,000,000. But a portion of the
latter Is made op by the Increased earn
ings of the railroads owned by the gov
ernment. It being in reality a ques
tion of bookkeeping, how the balance
is to be raised has not yet been determ
Hoase Committee Decides oa Reform fas
the Civil Service.
Washington, April 23. The house
committee on reform in the civil service
authoriezd Chairman Gillett to intro
duce a bill providing that on June 30,
1907, every office in the classified serv
ice of the United States held by a per
son who is then over 70 years old, snail
become vacant, and that thereafter such
offices shall become vacant when the
incumbent becomes 70 years old.
The committee directed Mr. Gillett
to report all pending bills granting
pensions to civil employes of the gov
ernment to the house, with the recom
mendation that they lie on the table;
also that the draft a bill reclassifying
the clerical service of the government,
with a view to providing for more fre
quent promotions in the smaller sal
aried positions.
. Alaakaa Fishing Season Extended.
Washington, April 25. The
tsry of commerce signed an order today
rescinding the regulation which limits
the duration of the salmon fishing sea
son in. Southeastern Alaska. Under
the former regulation, cannery men
wars prohibited . from taking salmon
nntil July 1, but the order issued today
removes this restriction entirely and
no date la fixed. The repeal of the old
regulation was demanded by the can-
nerymen s association, and was
also recommended by the Jordan com
Protects Water Supply of Portland.
Washington, April 25. Protection
to the wster supply of the city of Port
land was provided by the bouse today
when it passed a bill prohibiting tres
passing on the Bull Run forest reserve.
The n aximum penalty for trespassing
was reduced to $600. , .
Spies la France are Trying . to Learnt
Plaaa of Rassiaaa.
St. Fstsrsburg, April 28. Tb Ruski
61 vo pilnt a latter from an official J
th French secret servlc which report
th presence of numsrous Japanese
spies In France, wall provided with
money. Tbey shadow Ruaaiana and
watch the shipyards. Especially do
they endeavor to ascertain the exact
date of the departure of th Baltic fleet
and th point en rout at which it will
Th Novostl states that th Russlana
should feel gratified at th strategical
achievement of ths naval squadron,
which Imposed caution upon the Jap -aneos
operations and gave Russia time
to throw a prepondeiing military fort
into Manchuria. Ths most favorable
time, the Novostl continue, for Japan- .
ese mlllta rv onerations has naased.
A letter written by Colonel Apsgeff,
an officer of marines on the Petropavlo .
vsk, who was drowned, describes the i
routine upon the battleship. We rise,
be wrote, at 6 o clock, learn the news
of the night and drink tea. At 8
o'clock we attend colors and then read
the papers in hope of obtaining Infor
mation of the Intentions of the enemy,
Afterwards we go to a meeting at head
quarters and discuss questions of de
fense. Lunch comes at 1 o'clock. Af
terwards we visit the city or transact
our own affairs. Dinner at 6 o'clock,
when rumor of all kinds circulate.
If report of th appearance of the
enemy are persistent, th letter state.
th torpedo boat are sent out, and
upon these craft falls the hardest ser
vice of the war. When Grand Duke
Cyril arrived at Port Arthur, be waa
given command of a torpedo boat.
The ships In the harbor, it is stated,
were connected with tb others and
with the shore by telephone.
Nation Finds Crook Coaafy Flo id Take a
by Private Concerns. .
. Washington, April 26. The secre
tary of the interior has received a pe
tition from 300 members of .the Farm
ers' co-operative irrigation association
of Oregon asking that a thorough Inves
tigation be made by the reclamation
service to determine th irrigation pos
sibilities ol Crook county. The pe
tition has the indorsement of Senator
' It happens that representatives of
the reclamation service have made ex
tensive investigations in Crook county,
and reached the conolusion that there
is no present opportunity for the gov
ernment to enter this field. There are
several attractive irrigation project
along the Deschutes river, but all of
these are now covered by segregation
mad by the atate of Oregon under the
Carey act, and th government does not
desire to interfere with the plans of
private companies.
The only other water . available for
irrigation in Crook county is tLe
Crooked river, and the summer flow
of this stream is now fully utilised.
As it would be very expensive to divert
water of the Deschutes across the
Crook' river valley onto the distant
arable lands, the government has de
cided it can do nothing in Crook county
unlesa private enterprise under the'
Carey act are abandoned.
Postal Department Is Expected to Aa
thortce the Issoo Sooa.
Washington, April 26. At the sug
gestion of Senator Mitchell, the post
office department has taken up ths mat
ter of preparing a special issue of post
age stamps tc commemorate the Lewi
and Clark centennial. The department
can issue such stamps without special
authority of congress, and in view of
the department's attitude on the to
casion of other expositions, it is expect
ed that the postmaster general will
soon authorise a special Lewis and
Clark leans.
Senator Mitchell has also requested
the department to supply the Portland
postoffice with a special cancelling
stamp bearing some such words aa
"Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposi
tion, 1905," Portland, Oregon," or
"World's Fair, Portland, Oregon,
This suggestion haa been taken under
advisement. Senator Mitchell believe
the stamp issue and the special cancel
lation stamps will be an excellent
means c! advertising the exposition.
Will Oct Boars Ordered by Oertnany.
New York, April 26. Some sensa
tion has been caused in Berlin, says a
Herald dispatrh, by a rumor to the
effect that Germany has ceded to Rus
sia certain torpedo boats building In
private yards, which are on the point
of completion. Eight of these, which
are being built by the 8chichaa yards,
are the largest torpedo boats aa yet
constructed in Germany, being 550
tons, with an. average speed of 28. In
order to prevent a breach of neutrality
it would be necessary that the German
government annul its contract.
Jay tnsss Land Near Port Arthur.
St. Teteraburg, April 28. A report
is current here that the Japanese have
landed 20,000 troops at Kin Chau,
above Port Arthur. .This report, how
ever, cannot be confirmed tonight.