HUBBARD ENTERPRISE Eight A BOOST T H E L A D IE S B E H IN D T H E GUNS to serve the fin e spread A ugu st 17, W ith ten beautiful C am pfire Girls thqse A L S O bea u tifu l ladies “ dished ou t the goodies and take it fr o m us they w orked and W O R K E D and W O R K E D : Mrs. Hal H oss, Mrs. Ed W o lfe r, Mrs. G ordon T ay lor, Miss F rances W eaver, Mrs. G eorge Knight, Mrs. Jerom e Jackson, Mrs. G eorge L e ffle r , Dr. Ethel R iley, Mrs. A lice W eaver, Mrs. John M oore, Mrs. Jack Alexander* Mrs. Thom as Erharisori,- Mrs. H arry H ugill, Mrs. H. E. Adams, Mrs. B ertha D illon and Mrs. S. L. Johnson. A n d with them that “ prince o f good fe llo w s, Jerom e Jackson, (m a y we n ever lose h im ), who n ever stopped until the last cake was gone. We w ou ld have been in an aw fu l fix w ith­ ou t this fin e group. D o w e like y o u ? W ell, does T ippy W o lfe r like can d y ? WESTERN DAIRY PRODUCTS CO. BOOSTERS JO E W E A V E R G O E S E A S T Read the editorial in the Ore­ Joe W eaver, the M arion coun ty gon Daily Journal (Portland) ! truckm an, le ft with his fin e fa m ily August 20, “ The New Epoch” , I f o r a trip East last Saturday. He' in which the meeting at Hub­ expects to b e away until January 1. bard is lauded. This advertis-. Joe is one o f those likeable fellow s you hate to see g o f o r he is a “ b oost­ ing could not be bought. It. is e r '’ ari'd w orker. D u rin g his absence warth thousands of dollars in H oward Pem ble will be in charge o f publicity. Is it not worth while thè tru ck business. M iss A gn es W eav ­ then to wojrk for your town and er will drive 1000 m iles w ith her forget your selfish purposes? uncle to m eet her folk s. The children will enter school at Goshen, Indiana. Gee! What a few public spirited H ave a g ood tim e “ J o e ” and R E M E M ­ men and women can do if they B E R old H ubbard wants you back work together. The community again. spirit just means working to­ A 76 -Y E A R -O L D H E L P E R gether. No more; no less. WM. BLIVEN RETURNS William Bliven, the hustling representative for the Butte- Ville Farmers7 Fire Relief in­ surance Co., of Donald, is back oh the job again and ready “ to write you up” . This company is the farmer’ s friend and has that splendid reputation of ¡al­ ways living up to its agreement. Bill Bliven is well-known here­ abouts and is as honest as the day. Just phone Mr. Bliven and he will visit you. s The Western Dairy Products Co. of Salem through that fine type Kiwanian, Howard Hulsey, was a generous donor for our Clackamas-Marion meeting. Their ice cream is the best made. “ A turn about is fair play” , so we are asking all of you to remember the Western Products Co. and ask for that MR. SANDBLAST VISITS ice cream when you are in the Mr, and Mrs. Sandblast and notion of ice cream. It can’ t be family of Portland visited and beat. dined with Mrs. George Speight, Sunday. They visited the Min­ PINK AND LAVENDER CLUB eral Springs and Mr. Sandblast Mrs. Alice Weaver and daugh­ was more than surprised at the ter, Miss Frances, entertained improvements. the Pink and Lavender Club in a N O TIC E most hospitable manner at their home Thursday afternoon, Au­ Big dance—Firemen’s Benefit gust 16th. The guests assembled at Playmore Park, Hubbard, under the grand cedar tree Sunday evening, August 26th. making a setting of a real gar­ Leta Nibler’ s fine orchestra. den party. Tnere wee 33 mem­ Come out and get behind the bers and 5 visitors present. ' Volunteer Fire Department. Mrs. Adams, President. T. A. SNYDEK KILLED MRS. ANNA SCHOLL GIVES T. A. Snyder, 65, of Donald, WONDERFUL CAKE was killed by an unknown mo­ Mrs.'Anna Scholl of the Pink torist last Saturday night. His and Lavender Club donated a body was feund near the high­ fine luscious cake to the Clack­ way.! *He leaves one son. amas-Marion meeting. My! b.ut those cakes were good. Thanks H O W A R D P E M B L E - IS D R IV E R to Mrs. Scholl. H ow ard P em ble is substituting fo r C A C T O R Y * C H A R L IE E IL E R S F IN E P E A C H E S YOU MONEY-SAVING TH E M O N TH OF Joe W eaver on the tru ck and Joe could not have .chosen a b etter man. H ow ard is popular, c a refu l and strict­ ly honest. T he business is safe in H ow a rd ’s hands. s a le AUGUST " Everyone knows that the Rexall Store is continually offering its customers the, bene­ fit of the close relation to its mammoth factories. . Everyone knows that the articles sold under the trade names of Kantleek, First-aid, Cara Nome, Jonteel, Puretest, Rexall,. jSymphony are beyond reproach. Here is one of the many bargains. R exall Orderlies A never failing laxative* gentle yet positive in action. They work naturally. Safe for ;.chidren, invalids and grownups They form no habit. Factory-to-you Sale Price Box of 60’ 3 9 c Hubbard Drug Co. Y o u have ju st g o t to see them to realize how w on d erfu l they are. The fin e st C raw ford s w e have ever seen are a t Charlie E ilers p each fa rm h ea r A urora. u ; F ear for Dr'ilsh Cctks . Britain’? most, noble tree—-the oak— is being rapidly depleted by- a mysterious epidemic, which is en gaging the attention of research workers oral the forest commission.. M ildew,, together with the rovei moth, is responsible for the disease, wh.ich has spread over -the southern counties cf England. The only- oak? being grown to replenish the na­ tional supply , are those planted by. the forestry commission. SEED HOUSE opened Aug. 1 for business. Bripg in your Oats and Vetch and Clover Seed Paying market prices for same. Our work guaranteed. L. L. Hershberger. 22-5t Mrs. Thom as E rkarison, m other o f Mrs. John M oore and Mrs. H arry H ugill, was one ou r best w orkers at the C om m unity m eet. God bless her and m ay she be w orking w hen she reaches a hundred. She kep t those fin e w orkers, Mrs. Jack A lexand er o f Portland and H arry H ugill’ s good w ife , “ a stepping.” W e can ’t thank you enough ladies and only hope we m ay be able som e day to recip rocate. Y ou know the num ber, rin g it. W ant Ads RATES—Two cents per word for first insertion, one cent per word for each additional insert­ ion, Smallest charge for one in­ sertion, 25c. Card of Thanks, 75c. PACIFIC P r o t e c t i v e B u r e a u Law and Collections. Phone 1961. Home office Portland. F. M.- Crabtree, 275 State street, Salem, Oregon. tf Notice of Final Account DANGER-^-All wires may be N otice is hereby given that B . W . dangerous, Only a touch may M acy, administrator of the estate of mean death, telephone or elec­ R a y S. C ooper, deceased, has .filed his 1 tric. So hands off. Notify Mo- final account with the County Clerk of lalla Electric'Co. i - t f i Marion county, O regon, and the county ■" court of said county has fixed the hour of 10 o’ clock a. m on the 1 7th day of September, 1 9 2 8 , in the court room of said court in the M arion county court house, as the time and place for hearing objections to said final account and the settlement thereof, at which time any interested person may appear and file A DEMAND for objections to said account. Dated this I 7th day of August, 1 9 2 8 . in . limited quanti­ B. W . M acy, have such bring to 27 Administrator of said estate. SEE Dr. deLespinasse for fir st-1 class dentistry at moderate prices. All work guaranteed first class. Examination free. Right here at dome. tf \yE HAVE good fruit ties. If you the Midway Berry Farm on the Pacific highway at Hubbard. O. H. Boje. 14-tf DUNCAN TIRE SERVICE. Opp. postoffice, Woodburn, Ore. Guaranteed work. Casing and Tube repairing. Goodyear Tires and Tubes. Phone Black 97 ANNA HOSPITAL, Hubbard, Oregon. Your own doctor. All cases except contagious. Pleas­ ant surroundings and exact care. 15tf Columbia Paper Box Co. 212 E. 25th St. North Portland, Ore. The Best Is H ere FOR SALE-AL6 inch ash wood at place or delivered. E. U. Anderson, Ore. FOR SALE—3 year old regis^ tered Guernsey bull; also one 16 inch Oliver tractor plow nearly new. Jake Wanner, Rt. 2, Hubbard. 24-4t WANTED — Hop pickers. See Chin Him, Hovenden place, 3-4 mile west of Hubbard. S U M MO N S IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F TH E S T A T P r e F O REGON F O R TH E C O U N T Y O F M A R IO N Departm ent N o. 2 J. M . P arsons............ Plaintiff vs. Juanita Parsons . .D efendant. T o : Juanita Parsons, Defendant. In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled command cause on or before September 2 2 , 1 9 2 8 , and if you fail so to appear and answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in his complaint, to-wit: For a decree dissolv­ ing the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff, and defend­ ant upon the grounds of cruel and in­ human treatment and for such other re­ lief as may be equitable. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof for four consecutive weeks in lhe H ubbard Enterprise, pur­ suant to an order made August 2 1 , i 9 2 8 , by the H o n . J. C . Siegmund, county judge of M arion county, O regon- T h e date of the first publication of this summons is August 2 4 , 1 9 2 8 , and the date,of the last publication will be September 2 1 ,1 9 2 8 , Jas. G . Heltzel, Attorney for Plaintiff P lace of residence and postoffice ad­ dress.* Salem, O regon . ÍMon Enterprise ads pay. THE G A T E W A Y T O HAPPINESS Young folks dream of marriage and home more than any­ thing else. They picture the future thus and work diligent­ ly to such a situation. But there are years of toil ahead, and the easy way lies along, the path of systematic saving. Begin right now with a savings account in our bank. It’s the safe way to make- dreams come true. S T A T E B A N K OF H U BBARD Vick Bros., Salem Automobiles of pronounced merit The Peerless Pontiac A CAR OF CHARACTER Let’s talk oVer autom obiles V IC K BROS., Salem Pigs Consult Us About marketing your CLOVER VE TCH and RYE GRASS SEED. Agents for a complete line of FARM MACHINERY. St. Paul, Oregon Donald, Oregon j Can You Use Some of ( These Bargains? Darbys The School of Quality That Serves the Entire State Come to your State U niversity fo r cultural education and professional training | Pabco Rugs, 1st quality, 9x12 . . . . . . $8.25 $7.75 Pabco Rugs, 1st quality, 7x10 1-2 . . . . Colonial Enamel Trim Range, with oven thermometer, Armco anti-rust proof steel $ 6 7 .0 0 Other Ranges as low as . . . . . . . $45.00 27-piece Silver Set . . . • . • • • • $5.50 Son Pigs J. McKillip, Stewart & Garrett J . S c h o l l •& Pigs I have now a fine slaughter house fot livestock. Will call and get yours. Any fancy block hogs, weighing 160 to 190 25 cents premium. We both make if you deal with me. Opportunity is offered in 22 departments o f the College of Literature, Science and the Arts Architecture and Allied A r t s - Business Administration— Edu- iation — Journalism— Graduate Study—Law— Medicine— Musis —Physical Education — Sociol­ ogy— Social Work— Extension Division. >, I N College Year Opens Sept. 24, 1928 For information or catalogue write The Registrar, University o f Oregon, Eugene, Ore. Restaurant * Woodburn, Ore. Eat here when you com e burn. A ll home cooking. to W ood­ Steaks that melt in your mouth. Darby’s, Woodburn O’Leary’s Where “ Good Food” is served 557 Court St., Salem, Ore, The Elsinore ' at Salem A theatre of exceptional merit Best of Plays. All Days. First Runs of the Greatest Pictures. The Elsinore T he Slandered Wife ‘ My w ife's as virtuous as a cloud bank full o' angelsi” sez ol’ Lem Leu til, “ but she’s got the ‘gimme’s and that’s why t call her a wantin' worn- an.” — Farm and Fireside.