Hubbard enterprise. (Hubbard, Marion County, Or.) 191?-19??, August 24, 1928, Page Page 6, Image 6

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Page 6
to do more than advise, although his
opinion was sought by Braddock.
It was decided at this council that
Is Foot Comfort
SL Clair, with four hundred men,
F r e q u e n t ly y o u h e a r p e o p le
should go ahead to burry up the road
s a y , “ M y fe e t p e r s p ir e w in ­
work, with Braddock, Burton, Halket
te r a n d su m m er w h en I p u t
and Sparks following two days later
o n r u b b e r s o r h e a v ie r f o o t ­
w e a r —th e n w h e n I r e m o v e
with eight hundred picked men. This
m y sh o es m y fe e t c h ill
decision gave great offense to Colonel
. quickly and often m y hose
I seem w et through-” I n every
Dunbar who. with Chapman and others,
^comm unity thousands now
was left behind. Thus we had not
use ABcn’sFoot-Ease in
the foot-bath daily and
only sickness in the army but, also,
’ then dust the feet and
ill feeling and jealousy.
shake into the shoes this
antiseptic, healing powder.
On the day Braddock left the
__ Pull directions on box. Trial
Meadows he announced he would reach
Package and a Foot-Ease W alking D oll sent
fr e e . Address, Allen's Foot-Ease, Le Roy, N. Y .
Fort Duquesne not later than June
In a Pinch* Use Allen’s Foot-Ease
twenty-eighth. - But although it was
only seventeen miles to the Great
lllu s ir a lio r v s
crossing, this portion o f the march
For Foot Rot in Sheep and
I r w i n M y e n s
was not covered until June twenty-
Fouls in Hoofs of Cattle
fourth, making five more precious
Honey back for first bottle I f not suited. A ll dealers*
days consumed- Truth o f It was the
W . N . U . S'ÊRVICe
entire army was forced to mark time
Copyright by Hugh Pervdexfccr
at the heels of SL Clair’s tree-chop­
Diversion at Hand if
He chuckled and explained:
Palm Beach W as Dull
It surprised me to learn that small
“ I ain’t been in the village. Once
Barclay Warburton, the new mayor
bands o f Indians were already harass­
o f Palm Beach, told a story at the
to this side and waited for him to ing the army and that only strict po­
W e b s te r B ron d , scou t an d spy
Everglades club.
fo r
B ra d d ock ’s
a rm y,
secu res
come out. I knew he’d be in a sweat lice methods prevented a massacre.
“ It's astonishing,” he said, “ how
At that point in the campaign, Cap­
v a lu a b le in fo r m a t io n a t F o r t D u -
to make Duquesne. No village Injun
many New England farmers leave
q u e s n e , b u t B r a d d o c k , t r a i n e d in
tain Jack and his riflemen would have
E u ro p e a n w a r fa r e , fa ils to r e a l­
their ice-ribbed farms in the winter
iz e i t s i m p o r t a n c e . B r o n d is s e n t
My mind was greatly relieved, i been of inestimable service.
and come to Palm Beach to enjoy
It was obvious that the army was
b a c k t o F o r t D u q u e s n e a n d Is
adhered to my plan of entering
themselves. W e must see to it that
a ls o in tr u s te d w it h a m e s s a g e
sick and disrupted, and that the pro­
G rogh a n ,
E n g lis h
e m is s a r y
they get plenty o f enjoyment.
Cromit appearing for the first time vincials were filled with forebodings
a m o n g t h e I n d ia n s . H e is a c ­
“ Some farmers were chewing tobac­
c o m p a n ie d
Paw ,
and with Beauvais hidden in the river, as they daily looked for a fight in the
co ’round the stove in a New England
fr ie n d ly
In d ia n
s c o u t. O n t h e
Allaquippa’s Delaware would know woods while being tied down and ham­
livery stable.
w a y t h e y a r e jo in e d b y a b a c k ­
nothing o f the bloody business and pered by absurd military restrictions.
w oodsm an,
C r o m it .
p a rty
‘“ So Abner Moss has gone to Palm
the road to the fort vyould be open This gloomy bearing on the part of
Beach!’ said a farmer with gray
men supposed to know the ways of
t h r e a t e n i n g a y o u n g g i r l , fe ls ie ,
to me. I proposed taking the Onon­
whiskers. ‘Wonder i f thar’ll be enough
the Indian discouraged the regulars.
D in w o ld , w h o m t h e y a ccu se o f
goin’ on down thar to satisfy him?*
w itc h c r a ft .
B ro n d rescu es h er
What was another inexplicable piece
Cromit remained in the village to re­
a n d s h e d is a p p e a r s . B r o n d d e ­
“ ‘Be that’s it may,’ said a farmer
folly was Braddock’s failure to util­
l i v e r s h is m e s s a g e t o G r o g h a n .
lay my report back to the advancing
with white whiskers, ‘old Abe ain’t
ize Croghan’s forty Iroquois warriors
Y o u n g C o l. G e o r g e W a s h i n g t o n
a-runnin* no chances. He took his
r e s c u e s th e s c o u t fr o m b u lly in g
on the march. It seems that Colonel
So we swung away from the path in
checkers and checkerboard along.’ ”
E n g lis h
s o ld ie r s .
B ron d
p ro­
Janies Innes, governor at Fort Cum­
a wide circle, the Onondaga scouting
c e e d s o n a s c o u tin g e x p e d itio n to
berland, did not wish to have any of
F ort
D u qu esn e,
fin d s
ahead to prevent our walking into any
the sixty Indian women and children
Tinted Coal Coming
F r e n c h s c o u tin g p a r ty b e s ie g in g
a n o ld c a b in in w h i c h E l s i e h a s
left under his care during Braddock’s
Pink-tinted coal may be the latest
ta k e n re fu g e .
I n t h e e n s u in g
absence. He assured the commander
fashion ih anthracite i f experiments
fig h t sh e esca p es. B ro n d ta k es
that eight Indians would suffice as
now being made by a Pottsville (Pa.)
h is w a y t o D u q u e s n e . C a r r y i n g
scouts and that the rest should be
producing company are successful.
o u t h is p la n t o e n t e r t h e f o r t
u n q u e s t io n e d ,
B ron d
v is its
directed to take their families away
The object o f the colored anthracite
In d ia n
to w n
w h ic h
w om an
from the creek.
would be to give it a distinctive ad­
sach em ,
A lla q u ip p a ,
c o n t r o ls .
Why General Braddock should have
vertising feature and distinguish it
T h e r e h e m e e t s a F r e n c h o ffic e r ,
listened to such ruinous advice Is be­
F a l e s t , w h o h a s f a i l e d in h is a t ­
from other coal. The paintlike sub­
t e m p t t o w i n o v e r A l l a q u i p p a to
yond any forest-runner’s comprehen­
stance is put on the coal with a spray­
th e F r e n c h cau se.
B r o n d fin d s
sion. Up to the time the Onondaga
er, and it is said not to Interfere with
E l s i e D i n w o l d , d r e s s e d a s a m an *
and 1 left W ill’s creek, it had been
the burning qualities.
u nder
A lla q u ip p a ’ s
p r o te c tio n .
T h e g i r l t e l l s h im s h e h a s fo u n d
the commander’s great desire to have
t h e E n g l i s h c r u e l, a n d is g o i n g
as large a body of Indians accompany
The father o f a sea-horse family
t o t h e F r e n c h . U n a b le t o d i s ­
him as possible. He completely re­
puts his mate’s eggs into a breast
s u a d e h e r , B r o n d t e l l s h e r o f h is
versed his judgment and agreed with
m is s io n t o D u q u e s n e , a n d s h e
pocket and carries them there until
p r o m is e s n o t t o b e t r a y h im . T h e y
Innes that eight would be enough.
they hatch.
le a r n B e a u v a i s h a s e s c a p e d f r o m
It was to Captain Hogg’s camp of
C r o m i t a n d is o n h is w a y t o D u ­
road-builders, slightly in advance of
q u esn e. B ro n d r e a liz e s h e m u st
b e s to p p ed .
the body under Sir John SL Clair, that
Cromit had taken Beauvais. While in
the camp, he had been Impressed by
CHAPTER VI— Continued
the great fear o f the men. They con­
E n ro ll a n y tim e . Send f o r lite r a tu re .
sidered it miraculous that ffiy com­
— 15—
panion should succeed in bringing a
With a squawking cry the fellow
T * M . C. A « B l d g .
P o r t la n d , O r e g o n
French prisoner through the enemy’s
came to a halt, and it was Cromit’s
savages and into the camp.
voice that drawled:
Although he assured them that no
“ Lor’s law ! If it ain’t Brond! Pm
Onm o f P O R T L A N D ’S Newer Hotele
Indians were then lurking about the
mortal glad to see yon, mister.”
All room s h a ve sh ow er o r tu b , $2.00 up. FIREPROOF.
camp, they were very loath to sep­
“ Balsar Crom it!” I exclaimed In an
221W . P a r k St. C offee Shop. G a r a g e opposite.
arate from one another, or to pene­
undertone. “ Get into the bushes here,
trate more than a short distance into
HOTEL W ILTSHIRE, San Francisco quick! There’s a man coming 1 have
“And That Just About Empties M y the woods. False alarms were repeat­
340 Stockton St., near Union Square. Sutter 2290
H A R R Y B O YLE . Manager
Skull,” Said Cromit in Finishing edly being given, all o f which slowed
Outside rooms w ith bath, $2.50 single, $3.60 double.
game. How the devil did you come to
Court rooms with bath, $2.00 single, $2.50 double.
up the work of hewing out, the road
H is Long Recital.
be ahead o f the Frenchman?”
Breakfasts 85c, 60c, 60c; Dinners 85c; Sunday $1.00
for Braddock.
“ I proved to be the better man. So
Delaware hunters. And as we trav­
While in the road-camp, Cromit had
25 t o 50 p e r c e n t p a id w h ile
eled Cromit told me of the things he
lea rn in g . P o s itio n secured.
“ You saw him?
Beauvais, the had heard and the conditions be had met Christopher GisL veteran of the
L e c tu re s w e e k ly . 32 co lleg es. W r it e fo r c a ta lo g
Ohio country, who was now acting as
Frenchman?” I gasped.
observed during bis brief stay at the a scout for Braddock. On learning
306 Burnside Street, Portland, O ra
“ He was behind a tree. I offered camp of the road-builders.
that Cromit was to report back to me,
him fair fight with empty bands and
Captain Jack, the wild hunter of could he find me, Gist had supplied
the varmit tried to shoot me. We the Juniata, and bis5 men Had offered
him with many of the facts relating
fired ’bout the same time, but it was their services to Braddock at WilTs
to the departure of the army from the
my lead that done the tickling.”
creek, only to be told they must be creek and its faring as far as the
“ You fought with Beauvais? You under military discipliné. The marti­
Great crossing.
shot him?” I dully asked.
net had held to his ^decision and the
“ And that just about empties my
“ He’s feeding the fishes In the truly formidable band had returned skull,” said Cromit in finishing his
Monongahela now. Didn’t know bow to the forest.
long recital. “ I ’ve walked soft and
First and Taylor Sts., Portland, Oregon
the Injuns at the village would take
It Is not given to any man to know easy so’s not to jolt anything out of
It If they I’arned I’d killed him, so 1 how history would read had those my poor bead. And Tween you and
C o m fo rta b le and
h om elike.
tucked some rocks in his clothes and bold and cunning ¡rangers been re­ me and the Monongahela that Gineral
$1.50 an d up*
heaved him and the stolen gun into < ceived on their own terms ; but I, for
Braddock will lick himself before the
Absolutely Fireproof. P a r k in g sp a c e an d g a ra g e .
the ri^er.
It was a most fetching
one, will always believe the result French have a chance to have a wring
C orn er 6th a n d H o y t Sts., N e a r U n io n S tation ,
rifle. Hated like sin to heave it In.”
would have been different.
with him if he ain’t mighty careful.
Halket and bis division bad started
“ You’ve killed Beauvais the French
P ortland Auto W recking 0o. man,” I repeated, hardly able to real­ on the seventh o f June, Gates with his If he’d send six or eight hundred rifle­
men ahead and turn back all his big
division on the following day, and guns and wagons, we’d have Du­
R u ssel P h ea n is a n d D w ig h t M isn er
ize finis sudden turn In affairs, and yet
A n y P a r t f o r A n y C a r A n y T im e fo r L es s.
selfishly glad that the disagreeable Dunbar— destined to be known as quesne in two shakes o f a dog’s tail.”
542 A ld e r S treet
Portland, O re.
task bad not fallen to me to perform. “ Dunbar the Tardy’fe-on June tenth.
“ No matter how slow the army Is
The army bad moved at a snail’s In coming, it will reach the fort,” I
‘•‘He’s just as dead as be even can
P I P E — 500 tons new an d used b la c k and g a l­
be. But he fired first. Only chance pace. Five miles had been a good
told him. “ The French are whipped
v a n iz e d pipe— a ll sizes. W ir e , w r it e o r phone
he had. Lawful l ife ! But I’m glad to day’s march. Soriiê days only half already.”
f o r prices— you can p o s itiv e ly sa ve m oney.
that distance had .been,covered. Be-'
J O B L O T — G A L V A N I Z E D R O O F IN G
see you.”
He said nothing to this, and for
Just rec eive d tw o ca rloa d s v e r y s lig h tly
“ Hush! Here comes another with a cause o f the artillery and the many once I found the grin missing from bis
d a m a g e d g a lv a n ize d , co rru g a ted roofing, in
6, 7, 8, 9. 10 a n d 12 fo o t len gths. R e g u la r
wagons it was necessary to halt and
light step. This man will be red.”
homely face.
I explained my plan
p ric e $6.75 p e r - s q u a r e ; our p ric e $5 per
build bridges overfthq. many creeks
square. T h e only d a m a g e to th is m a teria l
for him to wait in Aliaquippa’s vil­
is th a t it has been in w areh ou se and is v e ry
s lig h tly o ff color— r e a lly 99% % new. Rusn-
hind some sugar trees. But as the and make a passable road through
lage and to be ready night and day
y o u r orders, as th is is a ra re bargain .
every stretch of swamp. It resulted to carry to the army any news that
newcomer turned the bend the in
10 N e w % h. p. an d 2 % h. p. E le ctric,
M o to r D rive n L it t le G ia n t W in d s o r Pressu re
creased light perrilitied me to recog­ that the wagons and packhorses were the Onondaga might bring in. The
Pum ps. 200 G allons an H ou r— W o n d erfu l
strung out to a most dangerous length.
nize him on first sight. I relaxed mj
fo r F a r m Use. % h. p. cost p e r set a t fa c ­
program did not please him, but his
t o r y $70, our p ric e $35. % h. p. cost p er set
Could the French have led their In­ visit to Hogg’s camp had impressed
a t fa c to ry , $120, ou r p ric e $60. Rush Y ou r
O rders as T h is Is an E x tr a o r d in a r y B a rg a in .
came down to a walk and without any dians beyond the Little crossing it is him with a. fear that all was not go­
J O B L O T — R O O F IN G P A P E R
hesitation swung off the path and my belief the army would never have ing well with our cause, and he was
1-piy, 2-ply. 3-p ly ; g ood q u a lity. P r ic e d rig h t.
us. When he beheld Cromit he reached the Great crossing.
much more amenable to reason than
“ T h e House o f a M illio n B a rg a in s”
The steady salt diet had brought a formerly.
grunted a soft “ Yo-hahl” bbt other­
$40-242 F r o n t St.. P o rtla n d
A T 4191.
general sickness to' the army. I was
wise showed no surprise.
Round Paw was waiting for us at
Common Sense System
“ The bone-breaking man killed the especially sorry to learn that Colonel
the southern end of the village. To
SANITARY SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE Frenchman and threw him Into the Washington a [ veteran in Western relieve Cromit from possible annoy­
Established 1909. Com plete coursè, $62.50. W ith
river,” he announced. “ The Wolf man travel, had been ill for several days. ance should he be seen In the com­
ou r com plete course y ou can w o rk in any shop.
The army had used up ten days in pany of an avowed supporter of the
did not know which was in the river
400*414 Dekum Bldg.
3rd and Washington
Portland, Ore.
till now. The bone-breaker’s orenda making the Little Meadows, a distance
French, we agreed it was better for
I of from twenty-five to thirty miles, a the Indian and me to enter the village
MAIL your FILMS to us w s very good to him.”
“Ding him mortally !” exploded Cro­ good day’s tra veil for such men as together, while he held back for an
“ Once a customer, always a custom er”
his eyes frowning. “ I would’nt Gist and Croghan. <y
hour. When he next saw us, he was
At that campfea ¡¡council of war had QOt to recognize us. #
P.0. Box 762 413 E. Morrison S i Portland,Ore
take his parole at night and he slipped
the rawhide and stole the gun and been held by the commander and all
(T O B E C O N T IN U E D .)
ducked out. I’ve trailed him night staff officers. At that council Colonel
Washington had boldly urged a rapid
and day.”
Jealousy is compounded o f selfish­
“ W e will swing back and enter the forward movement; with the light di­
E v ery room w ith bath o r shower. $2.00 to $3.50.
vision, leaving ■ tfie heavy troops to ness, egotism and vanity. It is a piti­
village from the south,” I said. “ Did
Jones a t Eddy.
Garage n e x t door.
tt&yoae see you follow him from tlie come up as best they could. Unfor­ fully small nature that cannot bear to
tunately bis rank did not permit him hear another praised.
W. N. U., P O R T L A N D , NO. 33-1928
One Secret of Beauty
The R ed
cA Romance o f
Braddocks Defeat
H ugh P endexter
Oregon & California Directory
Hotel Roosevelt
S ta rt Now
P ip e V a lv e s, Fittings
Pump Engines
Farm Tools & Supplies
Hotel Hoyt
THERE is nothing that ha9 ever
taken the place of Bayer Aspirin as
an antidote for pain. Safe, or physi­
cians wouldn’t use it, and endorse its
use by others. Sure, or several mil­
lion users would have turned to some­
thing else. But get real Bayer Aspirin
(at any drugstore) with Bayer on the
box, and the word genuine printed m
A n d It Seem ed Such
a Prom ising Scandal!
A conversation between two women,
one o f whom was hard o f hearing, in­
terested the passengers o f a crowded
“ I saw her on the street downtown
with a man.”
“Is that so?”
“ Yes, and it was after ten o’clock,
“ The very idea.”
“ I never suspected her o f flirting
“No, nor me, either.”
“ But you can never telL”
“ Ain’t it the truth?”
“ It is that.”
“Do you know her husband?”
“ No, I ain’t never seen him close.”
“ Well, he is a big fa t man.”
“ Does he wear a brown suit?”
“ Yes.”
“ Smoke a pipe?”
“ Uh, huh!”
There was deepest disappointment
In the woman’s voice as she ex­
“ Fiddlesticks! Then it was only
her husband after all.” — Chicago PosL
Prehistoric Skeletons
Skeletons of prehistoric animals
have been unearthed in fossil beds re­
cently discovered near Redington,
Neb. One of the specimens is believed
to be the skeleton o f a mammoth.
The skull Is about four feet across
and seven feet long.
The complete
head weighs 1,100 pounds. The five-
foot jaw bone of another unclassified
fossil was found. Further evidence of
prehistoric life was discovered In the
way o f shells and prints of vegetation.
The fossils were obtained from beds
that are believed to have been the
banks of an ancient river.
| Costly Road
A “ superhighway,” extending fo r
42 miles from Glasgow to Edinburgh,
Scotland, Is being projected.
road will have two traffic lanes, each
30 feet wide. It is estimated the road
w ill cost $195,000 a mile.
First Diva (behind the scenes)—
How should I make up to look old? ,
Second Diva—Just wipe the powder
off gently.— Stockholm Sondagsnisse-
Smith-—What musical instruments
do burglars like best— the lyre?
Ethel— No— the loot.
Business Training Pays
Last year
1000 in
can place
W hen
w e placed more than
good positions. W e
you w h en competent.
w ill you be ready?
Send fo r Success C atalog
Behnke-Walker Business College
11 th and Salm on Streets
P ortlan d, O regon
tf 600 np
8 8 “ Transylvania” sailing Jan. 30
C lark’ s 25th cruise, 66 days, including Madeira,
C anary Islands, Casablanca, Rabat, C apital o f
Morocco, Spain, A lg ie r s , M alta, Athens, Con­
stantinople, 15 days Palestin e and E g y p t, Ita ly .
Includes hotels, guides, motors, etc.
Norway-Mediterranean Cruise,
July 2, 1929; $ 6 0 0 up
F R A N K C . C L A R K , T im e s B l d g ., N .T .