Hubbard enterprise. (Hubbard, Marion County, Or.) 191?-19??, August 24, 1928, Image 1

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HUBBARD E nterprise
A Community Paper Publishec 7or the Good of the Community.
Vol. XV. No. 25
Subscription, $1.50 in Advance
Hubbard, Marion County, Ore go August 24, 1928.
Some o f our fine Community wom­
en workers in Hubbard certainly made
things “ hum” and “ hustle” fo r the
big Clackamas-Marion meet. “ Spuds,”
“ Murphys” or if you wish Killarney
peaches were made into the best salad
ever tasted. Mrs. Herman Carl, who
is the community worker par excel­
lence in everything from a high school
social to a club picnic, made the
dressing and 99 other things. Mrs.
H. E. Adams, Mrs. Ed W olfer and
Mrs. George Knight prepared those
“ spuds” as only real chefs could. Mrs.
W olfer decorated the tables with
flowers from the Ed W olfer gardens
and they were beauties. Taletta Voget
brought in a gallon o f that super fine
cream from the Foshay farm to go
with the 20th Century coffeee, do­
nated and served by our Oregon City
friends who were glad to do it for
that Clackamas booster, Percy Cau-
field. Mrs. Laura Knox o f Gresham
boiled “ Murphys” until the Irish were
already for a dandy good “ dressing,”
and, believe me, she knows her
“ spuds.” The Herman Carl farm sent
in two gallons o f Guernsey cream for
Senator Reynolds and Henry Craw­
ford to pass on and fo r Senator Linn
Jones and “ Tex Rankin” to sample.
You’ve got to fly high “ to beat” it
said “ Tex.”
“ We Trailed ’Em to Salem,” fo l­
lowing Charlie Wilson’s advice and
got that fine Rotarían Malloy, o f the
Cherry City Baking Co., to send down
wonderful cakes fo r 500 “ eaters.”
Then we grabbed Frank Deckebach,
another “ Rote,”
o f the Marion
Creamery, who “ loaded” us up with
Hollis Huntington, o f th e.
Man’s Shop, the best in Oregon, re--
marked that a couple o f excellent
cravats would be in keeping with the
cheese and cake, - so we took them.
Then comes that “ up and go-getter”
Kiwanian, Howard Hulsey, o f the
Western Dairy Products Co.,-* and
shouted “ get into that ice cream,
Prof., and name your quantity.” And
we DID. Mr. Mattson o f W oodbum ,
who makes the finest home made ice
- cream you ever tasted and who packs
it in his own manufactured “ clear as
crystal ice,” handed us 5 gallons as
a gift. You’ve got to have a “ comfy
cushion” fo r this show, yelled Carl
Hansen, o f the Hansen Motor Co.,
and he gave us a red one to match our
complexion. What good is a com­
munity meet “ piped u p?” Mr. Beers,
o f Moore & Beers Drug Co.; if the
ladies do not have some exquisite per­
fume ? And he dumped two big bottles
o f the expensive odor in our “ Univer­
sal,” (paid ad fo r Henrico). This
happened in W oodbum , the “ W orld’s
Berry Center.”
“ You’ll need a headlight or a flash­
light, to see your way,” said Bill
Gifford, o f the Hubbard Garage Co.,
and he handed us a dandy. “ What’s
the use o f all this stu ff,” said Frank
Thompson and George Garland, “ if a
couple o f boxes o f fine candy are not
on the list? You need them in your
business. So candy is our sweet word
to you.” Joe Hicks, that genial and
courteous manager o f the 20th Cen­
tury and as popular as our next presi­
dent, Hoover, whispered in our ear,
“ better get all the cheese and sugar
you can ‘old top,’ so count me in as a
community booster.”
This we did,
and we were so tickled right then that
we could have kissed Joe just like
George Baker “ smacked” Mary Gar­
“ What’s this noise about,” squeaked
Jack Sadler, in his delicate tenor
voice. “ Step into this mercantile es­
tablishment and see if you can find
better sugar or mustard anywhere-?
Sadler & Krauss' want you folks to
know that Aurora grows the best
sugar cane and mustard this side of
the Pudding river.” “ Listen to me,”
sings A. L. Strickland,“Uf the Molalla
Electric Co., “ the Stafford Pickle Co.,
known all over the world as producers
-of the only pickles with guaranteed
100 per cent warts, wants your meet­
in g to know that sugar and mustard,
.«or even ice cream or Fishers Pigs in
blankets were never complete without
a Stafford pickle.”
“ Save your
nickels fo r Staffords pickles,” (copy­
righted in Aurora).
And then to that big little town,
the “ hop land” o f Oregon. “ Take
th e bloming store,” said Earl Carver
and Joe G roff, ,“ anc( if you need
y is
H im
i BBpjjjà
T -
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mack have re­
turned from the beach.
Mrs. McKenzie’s brother, who has
been on a visit .her, has returned.
Mr. and Mrs.. Bert de Lespinasse
and children were Sunday guests with
Dr. and Mrs. de Lespinasse.
Piper the jeweler of Woodburn
will make that watch or clock
run. Just trv him.
Pelmuider’s. Floral Gardens
have anything you want for your
garden, porch box or any floral
Stuart L. Johnson, president o f the
Commercial, club, brought in Mrs.
Johnson’s cake and it was a dandy.
L. A. Beekml andT. C. Wat-
ton were
Pfitland visitors
Dan Hostetleland family are
leaving forlndwia to be absent
until January. I
Wm. Dick aid family of
Portland were lubbaril visitors
Chiropractic Ilreatipents. Dr,
Ethel K. Riley,|3ubbard. Calls
Big time Labor Day at Play
more Park.'
Mr. and Mrs Howard Pemble
are occupying the Joe Weaver
Mrs. Ida Hochstetler and sons
have returned from a visit ini
eastern Oregon.
These are the big days—Sept.
19-20-21-22,— at the Rqmnd Up in
Pendleton. Who’ s going?
J. P. McKillip, St. Paul whole­
Cold storage
Roy Troyer i$ planning a trip sale butcher.
to Kansas .witMhis family in the equipment. See me if you haye
-74 f
near future. |
J. J. Hershberger and family
are expected pome , about the
10th of September. 1
Be SURE you register if you
Fred Gearin o f Donald had to speak want to vote. I If you are NEW
a la Jerusalem with his hands. He citizen bring your final record
was too busy with a “ Pig in a papers.
NOW is the time to
Going to buy a piano? See us
Mr. and Mrs. August Rieehel
at the Enterprise office.
of Woodburn attended the joint
Get Piper at Woodburn, the Clackamas-Marion meeting last
real jeweler to repair it.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sadler o f Au­
rora were present at the Clackamas-
Marion meeting. Always glad to see
the Sadlers.
We noticed those fine twins- with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
Strickland. You can even duplicate
“ Jimmie” or “ Gene.”
Tom Kay made a fine ta lk'at the
Clackamas-Marion meeting. He cer­
tainly put a ’ ’crimp” in Joe Dunne’s-
“ bill.” Tom knows his “ Dunn.”
I f Frances can-ever bake a cake
like her good “ Ma” we bet she will
have a million sweethearts.^ Thanks
Mrs. Leffler, we certainly appreciate
Frances Weaver in her Fisher Blent
costume had Mary Pickford “ backed
o ff the map.” Frances Weaver work­
ed like a beaver. And so did her
good mother. - Many thanks.
If Olson can’ t repair it, throw
it away.—0. S. Olson, Watch­
maker and Jeweler. Woodburn,
W e’re going to move right next to
George Grimps to simply live on that
fine cake that Louise bakes. Not only
can she sing and handle the saxaphone
but she certainly wields a mean hand
when it comes to cake. W e’re fo r you
One o f the very first workers to
respond was Mrs. George Leffler, who
carried with her a cake such as only
Mrs. Leffler can make. No wonder
George is so happy and good looking.
Mrs. Leffler was head over heels in
w ork.from the time She arrived until
the lights went out.
sugar or cheese or mustard or anything
else, we have the best and are al­
ways ready to boost the community.”
You simply can’t beat that combina­
tion— Carver and G roff.
Little Jack Bush turned the corner
in his $7000 meat auto and nodded
that he wished to see us. “ What’s
the matter with the Donald Meat Mar­
ket sending over about 25 pounds o f
Frankfurters?” “ Why nothing, Jack,
only I’m afraid Ivan Stewart and
Fred Gearin will eat nothing else but
Donald products.”
“ Let the bunch
sample them, Doc, and since my good
old friend, George Grimps, is also do­
nating a lion’s share I want to be in
on it too.’ ’ There you are. Two o f
the best butchers in Oregon, Jack and
George. What! No more type? So
the printer says and we will have to
“ throw in.” But the trip around the
Horn was worth it, and we’re going
to send Ivan Stewart, the popular
secretary-treasurer o f Marion Com­
munity Clubs, and that good old scout,
Henry Crawford, a full account o f the
meeting, written on the classy sta­
tionery donated by tlie Evenden
Drug Co., o f Woodburn, and held in
the fine book stands given by Eyer-
ley’ s Variety Store from the same
When all other remedies have
failed, yvhy not try CHIRO­
PRACTIC. Dr. Ethel K. Riley',
Specialist, Hubbard, ’Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. George Leffler
and the Holmes family of Mo­
lalla enjoyed a week at the New­
port beaches.
Margaret“* and Vivian Miller
visited with their grandmother,
Mrst Adams, at Woodburn, last
George Riley and wife of Port­
August Will and B. G. Wells
recently visited the former’ s land visited Mr, and Mrs. George
Beck last Sunday.
farm in southern Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. R. p . Knox of
Dr. Tho.npson, Fri-
Gresham were week end gupsts
day, . August 31 -
with their daughter, Dr. Ethel
, Thompson’ s Hotel,
K. Riley.
Those fine Camp Fire Girls
Kodak Finishing. Hall’ s Studio worked ike little troopers and
Woodburn. 116-120, rolls devel­ we are iriighty grateful to them.
oped, 1‘ print^ei^vf'W.c. 11 i 3-tf You know our number, -girls,
Bob Smith has made a splen­ when you need anythihg. Be
did residence out of the old sure and call on .us.
Wolfer mercantile building. It
For the Butteville Fire Relief
adds greatly to the town and
Insurance or any other insurance
shows what a person may do in
the way of beautifying his prop­ phone Wm. Bliven, Blue 32, Wood­
erty if he so desires. We offer burn, at Mr. Bliven’s expense or
leave name at Hubbard Enterprise
Bring your seed to office.
Stewart & Garrett at Donald.
Get your tickets for all
The best equipped plant. Clover, S. P. stages at Garland’s Barbe­
vetch, flax, etc.
Experts in cue.
Farmers always wel­
If Olson can’ t repair it, throw
it away.—O. S. Olson, Watch­
Cobie deLespinasse peeled and maker and Jewler, Woodburn,
boiled spuds for the Clackamas-
Bill Gifford of the Hubbard
Marion meeting like “ a house
afire” . Cobie said it is fine prac­ Garage donated 10 gallons of gas
tice for the slide trombone. to the big Clackamas-Marion
Tom Molloy of Salem
Well, she knows how to handle meet.
and knowing our fail
the “ Murphys” as well as the
ing for “ gas” , gave them to us.
For ¡which, dear Lord, we are
Thanks to.the mayor and city grateful. Thanks, Bill; thanks,
council for the use o f the chairs. Tom.
And thanks to good Levi Miller
Three sacks of grain were
and Volunteer Firemen, who stolen from Cecil Daemler’ s
hauled them and brought them truck Monday evening. Thieves
Thanks to everybody broke into George Grimps’ build­
from - everywhere who helped. ing, just outside of town, and
We WILL NOT and DO NOT stole several hides. It is. high
time to stop this sort of thing,
WANTED—Girls and women even if the city has to pay an
to work on pears. Season will official j to patrol our streets.
start about Aug. 20, and will last The public will demand this
about six weeks. Good wages I soon and rightly so.
can be made on the piece-work
Piper, the jeweler, of Wood-
basis. Phone Main 84.
I burn, will trust 'you. Repairs
Ray - Brown Company, Inc., ! fine watches. — Adv.
Woodburn, Oregon.
Tex Rankin, Oregon’s own
aviator and a dandy at that,
gave a magnificent talk on the
future of aviation at Playmore
Park last Friday evening. Tex
is Snot only a good flier but a
rattling good talker. The audi­
ence liked this clean cut aviator.
The Man’s Shop, Salem.
Y. M. C. A., Salem. •
Marion Creamery, Salem.
Western Products Dairy Co., Salem..
S tiff Furniture Co., Salem.
Gahlsdorfs, Salem.
Rand-McWhorter Paper Co.v Salem.
Fishers Flouring Mills Co., Port­
20th Century, Oregon City.
Foshay Farm, Hubbard.
Carl Farm, Hubbard.
Frank Thompson, Hubbard.
George Grimps, Hubbard.
Garland’s Barbecue, Hubbard.
Hubbard Garage, Hubbard.
. Hansen Motor Co., Woodburn.
Beers & Moore Drug Co., W ood­
Evenden Drug Co., Woodburn.
Jones Drub Co., Oregon City.
Huntley-Draper Drug Co., Oregon
Burmeister &' Aridresen, Oregon
City. ,
Pelmulder Floral Garden, W ood-
John Moor, Playmore Park, Hub­
20th Century, Hubbard.
Sadler & Krauss, Aurora.
1 * .Carver & G roff, Donald.
I Donald Meat Market^ Donald.
Mattsons Ice Cream Co., Wood-,
(Between W oodbum and Hubbard)
' Ed W olfer, Hubbard.
Wm. Bliven.
Mayor and City Council, Hubbard.
Levi Miller, manager ^Hubbard
Lumber. Co.
' • <t
■ Eyerley’s Variety Store, Woodburn.
Butteville Fire Insurance' & Hop
Growers Association. ®
Wf '
through Mrs. Hazen.
Thé program rendered at Playmore
Park August 17 fo r the Clackamas-
Marion- meet was', to say the least,
exceptional., The ’ Mt. Angel Boys
ba,ni; played magnificently, Mrs.[ Ivan
Stewart, accompanied by Marguèrite
Blumenberg, was in her usual splendid
voice. Vernon Keane and Ted Kinns
showed them how to play banjos and
that boy from Milwaukee made them
laugh. Mr. Henselman, with his ac-
cordian, again made the Cherry City
famous and had Charlie Wilson all
smiles. An inspirational talk from
Oregojn’s fine orator, B. F. Irvine, won
the hearts o f all.
Other speakers
were State Treasurer Tom Kay, Sen­
ator Reynolds, Henry C raw ford,.
“ Tex” Rankin, Merton Ellis, Ed
Brodie and Howard, Belton.
movie - man took several pictures
which will be shown in Salem and
Oregon City. The meet was a decided
Moving pictures of the Clack-
meeting were
shown at the Elsinore theatre in
Salem, Saturday, Sunday and
Monday,, and in Oregon City,
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs­
This is a big advertise­
ment for the two counties and
especially for Playmore Park,
Hubbard. Several people from
Montana, California and some
srom Hood River and Grants
Pass who saw the picture said it
was an “ ad” that certainly
would do good.
Here they are: Mrs. George Knight,
Mrs. Cobie de Lespinasse, Mrs. Her­
man Carl, Mrs. Ha} Hoss and Mrs.
Laura Knox. The clubs certainly en­
joyed them, ladies, and WE thank you
“ a million.”
We have the agency for
A ll Sh erm an -G ay Instruments
Pianos, Organs and every musical instrument.
Also the wonderful Sherman-Clay Radios.
Reduced Prices.
Come in if you need a piano and we will talk business.
Everything in music.
We are agents for Sherman-Clay of Salem.