FRIDAY, M AY 27, 1921 THE HUBBARD ENTERPRISE SECTION ONE OPPORTUNITY not as good or as easily made as wheat flour bread. The chief reason found is a slight dissimmilarity iu OPPORTUNITY still represents the glutenin content o f these grains the worlds greatest possibility o f as compared with wheat. A salt­ acheivement ; the one may come and raising process might solve the diffi­ Again, fruit growers would again may go, but the latter remains culty.” gladly cull a third more o f their forever. Opportunity and acheivement walk crops had they but a profitable use hand in hand; finding one is but for them, this is a great question making an^acquaintance o f the oth­ sand so fa r as oranges and lemons er and yet great profit may be gain­ are concerned bids in a fair way to ed by pursuing acquaintance as will be solved soon. There are many in­ stances yet we may but mention be shown later. To the average unemployed per­ facts which indicate opportunity— son opportunity is lost, or at least for instance grasshoppers gladly de­ almost meaningless in the greater vour homemade binder twine yet problem o f immediate need. To be will have nothing at all to do with sure the meaning would become great certain imported brands; iron ships did he but know where to start. The are repainted oftener than would be problem, thus, is one o f circum­ necessary had the paint but the pro­ stances which in itself may simmer per qualities; there is .a woeful defi­ to the peculiarities o f particular ciency in guarranteed waterproof cases altogether without number. glues, cements, and bleaching meth­ But the world lauds the “ Master” ods. “ Animal fats are injurious to o f circumstances and it is this certain types o f engines— yet it is “ Master” matter for which the almost impossible to obtain lubricat­ (Duncan world is searching even. while i * ing oils free from them.” lounds. To declare its properties as Chemical Problems). Leather pro­ resolvable to the mere word W IS ­ ducts seem to lose their color pre­ DOM leaves but little room for op­ maturely— practically nothing i s portunity and yet wisdom plays per- known about leather; curds o f soap haps% even a vital part since all in hard water are very bothersome. knowledge is useless until wisdom Since thq advent o f the now popular slogan— “ Let the Label tell” many comes and says DO ? Is knowledge, then, the essential valuable processes- become useless; achervements requisite? That it should be essen­ pursuing recognized tial seems almost like a mockery with the knowledge at hand thus when one considers the recent dis­ presents the worlds greatest oppor­ covery which proves our most highly tunities. £ 1323 prized laws o f fundamental relation­ ship (the Law o f Gravity and other less well known but nevertheless W INNECK’S COMET COMES NEXT MONTH equally important determinations) as false and unfounded. Yet this To those interested in comets the knowledge may pretain to methods perhaps very effectual when consid­ article on page 6 o f this issue about ering crop returns or the immediate these sw ift little visitors will be o f renumeration afforded, but altogeth­ interest. This doubly so, as on the er ineffectual when one considers latter part o f the coming month, that by these same methods agricul­ June, W inneek’s comet will be visi­ turists may be selling soil fertility. ble. More is known about the so- (The facts pretaining to this ques­ called shooting stars and comets tion may be found on page 4 o f this than ever before and the short issue). F or the tradesman or pro­ sketch on page 6 will be Well worth fessional man opportunity stalks, your while to read. perhaps unseen, but nevertheless present in the midst o f the curious incongruous mixture o f NEW and OLD methods which now dominate all walks o f life. For instance bread made o f rice, corn 6r barley flour is D evelop Y our H om e State by Patronizing Your Railroads The development o f Oregon and its Railroad Transportation service is a matter o f im­ portance to you. A Vital faetor in the development o f Western . Oregon is the Southern Pacifie Company. Did You Know Southern Pacific payrolls in Oregon for 1920 amounted to Southern Pacific purchases in Oregon fo r 1920 amounted to Southern Pacific taxes paid in Oregon fo r 1920 amounted to Southern Pacific total distribution in Oregon for 1920 amounted to $ 11 , 083 , 754.93 4 , 519 , 888.00 1 , 110 , 038.86 • $ 16 , 713 , 681.79 Southerly Pacific is the largest payer o f taxes in Western and Southern Oregon. Southern Pacific taxes' Average 7 % o f all taxes paid in every county through which it operates. To continue these payrolls, purchases, taxes, and provide better facilities and convenient, safe, rapid and frequent service is the aim o f the Company. W hy not travel on Southern Pacific trains and do your part to enable that Company to keep pace with the further development o f Oregon. Reduced Fare Tickets for Summer Vacationists and Tourists Back East Summer Tourist Tickets to Eastern Cities will be on sale June 1st, to August 15th through CALIFORNIA in one direction Final limit three months from sale date, not to exceed October 31st. Liberal stop­ overs and your choice o f routes. “ OREGON OUTDOORS” • * A new illustrated booklet graphically de­ scribing the different resorts, and including hotel and camp information. Copy FREE on request. / For particulars as to passenger fares, routes, train schedules or sleeping car accommoda­ tions inquire o f any Ticket Agent o f Week-end a n d S e a s o n Summer Vacation Tickets to Seashore and Mountain Resorts will be on sale May ;28th to September 30th Week-end tickets are limited to Monday following sile date'. Season tickets permit stop-overs sand return limits vary with closing data o f resorts. SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES JOHM M. SCOTT General Passenger Agent Heaven most likely is not the place a lot o f folks say it is, but a lot o f The girl graduate whoifeels quali­ ing from being run too much by one many a man fo r a useful citizen. those who think they know what it is like will never be able to say “ I fied to run the earth mav ,a few years man. Hubbard Enterprise $1.50 per year. A government job has spoiled later find herself prett/lbusy keep­ told you so.” W \ ' We Are Taking FRIENDS CUSTOMERS AND PROSPECTIVE additional space jn this^week’s issue of “The Com m encem ent Edition" to show our appreci­ ation of the Hubbard Schools as it brings the years work to a successful conclusion. Leaving this in their hands, we wish to Call your attention to our own lines, which consist o f a general assortment o f goods you need every day. It has been our policy in the past and we are v trying to make it better for the fu ­ ture to have the things that are generally called for, at the right price and in the quality you want. W e believe that Hubbard is the one best place fo r all, as it offers nearly every line o f goods that you might want. AS ONE OF THE MERCHANTS OF HUBBARD W E W ISH TO ASSURE YOU THAT YOU ARE WELCOME AT OUR STORE AND APPRECIATE YOUR TRADE NO MATTER HOW LARGE OR SMALL. THE RE-AD­ JUSTMENT OF PRICES HAVE BEEN IN EFFECT SINCE THE FIRST DECLINE AT OUR STORE. W e Eire with the m&ket at all times so that you can that what you buy here thence will be right, quality considered. W W W >♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ H. N BECK & CO. ubbard - Oregon feel