Hubbard enterprise. (Hubbard, Marion County, Or.) 191?-19??, May 27, 1921, Image 1

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FRIDAY, M A Y 27, 1921
Subscription $1.50
instructors who taught school' in the city in the timber. About this time
Company a ten acre station sjld'
Purvine school were: Horace'Daugh­ Alfred Hovenden bought the Goudy
every other block in the city p ’
Old time- settlers scattered over the after the survey. Agreement
erty', ' W . H. Goudy, . Miss Virginia school building fo r the very small
fertile territory between the old made that no property was tq I
Olds, and Daniel Dodge. A few o f sum o f $100.00 and moved it with no
the young folks that attended the little expense to the Hovenden acres
W orldly experience taken from French Prairie west o f here and El­ sold.for saloon purposes ' by . ei
same school during these days are: a mile north by a little west o f here,
the life'history o f the worlds larger liott Prairie south-east o f here for party.
Mrs. Rebecca Cooley, sister to Wm. and made o f it a tool house. T h e
•men and concorded with that of, his year's gathered at a friends home on a
About 1862 a school was buili
personal life formed the basic Sunday in a social way and fo r ehur- the old John Smith place, two§t ss Jones, V ho was killed while on guard building being now no longer used but
at the state penitentiary some years is yet standing. Also about this time,
thoughts o f; the baccalaureate ad- eb purposes. Private tutors were en­ north o f here, now known as W
ago : Bud and Robert Cooley ; Susan 1876, need for a church was felt in
. dress given by Dr. W iney fo r the gaged by a few o f the more well-to-do school. The building is still -si
Coolc.V who later met and married Hubbard and a group desiring such
Class o f ’21 at the Congregational for their children, and somtimes oth­ mg but no longer used for school
Hob Melvin and became the mother being given the property by the S.
ers were asked in, but the need fo r a poses.
church last Sunday evening.
The Grimm boys and
o f Rodney Melvin o f this city; Henry Ip. Co., for church purposes-collected
Seating capacity , o f the church church and school was s o . pressing; Smith boys as well as many
Iffierhardt ; Mary Goudy; James, funds and started building on the
was taken before the | hour o f eight these hard working pioneers began went to school there undcr^Sa
Clark, Enoch, JaAe and Mary Church- j co rn e r,o f Fourth and “ D ”
,a,rd chairs were; brought in by looking' for some central location to sey, a brotjieg^ of' Wm. Jp _____
; '.vtut jsjnow the M. E . ehuiv^i
school y’diiths from th$-school audi­ ¡erect' some SniftT jF'Jim firffiiif to ' be* ip.fp'fhc '[War
Several years]before tee raiiroaa ; eepugave qf[t p e l but ■
torium to seat the ninny who wish­ used for such purposes. The main Grimm with., y o in g Ca;>e
came thru W. if. Goudy deeded t o i I used for school purposes a n
ed to hear the, address and the settlements at- that time were S t. formed a? company and Went t
special program arranged for by the Louis, Champoog, Gervais, and a some military training work on the District 15 one acre o f ground f o r ! I years. Rhoda Allen taught
lower classes o f the high school. The start o f one about W h ite’s mill on school grounds, but were toc/voung school purposes. And a school was winter, Milt Kester o f this
then built on the Goudy place a mile, j tendina: the school at that time
evening wak warm and there were Pudding river fou r and a half miles to .join the army. J
A school was. built at about the and a half south o f here. And f o r . D. Allen later became county, clerk.
many young folks present yet splen­ north o f here. Belle Passe, one-half
did attention was given through-out mile south o f Woodburn was consid-1 same time nearer to the present Hub­ several years Miss Mary Goudy o f ! The church folks having acquired
ered and selected and a lo g cabin bard town site on tllej edge -|of $ the this city went to school on the home [more funds wished to continue build­
the- eycning.
This little one room cabin prairie. This school house, a heavy place, the instructor in charge at that ing making it necessary for the school
Dr. W iney was present to give erected;-
the address as per the request o f was used for some time both as a I frame builtlifag, was chasesto theisite time being Sam Ramsey who has been folks to seek qnother location. -
At first it was’ decided t o , build on
the Senior class. The announce­ church and school by the earlier set-I presently occupied by The John Gar- mentioned somewhere above.
The deed given by W. H. Goudy to the , property presently owned bv
A better ren home south-east of here. ; In,; the
ment ; given in last week’s Enter­ tiers and their children.
prise being vice-versa to what was building being desired, a frame struc­ early ’60s the main roffc did not pass Dist. 15 for the acre on which the Gussie Miller on “ H ” street, the
really intended thru the mistake o f ture was put up by these same set - 1 right through Hubbaii, b u t; skirted school stood is at the present time in present school grounds then being
one o f the-members in the class. tiers in the .early ’50s; a two story the edge o f the Timberlalong the--riv­ the custody o f Wm. Grimm, the pro­ covered with a grove o f young fir.
This was cleared up by telephone building, the top o f which was used | er, taking that coures from -pear Ger­ perty being located by the deed as This grove was completely blown
with the parties concerned but came as a school and the lower floor as a vais to W hite’sd Mill. ThislniiH^Vone follows: so—— many feet from the down by the big rain and wind storm
too late to be rectified in the weekly church. Studies were few and - t h e o f the first known inlthp valley]being door o f the school house to a tree, which swept the valley during t h e
benches and; long desks, which seated a land mark f§u* fears; was located thence so
many feet north, thence winter “o f '’ 80-’81. The timber was
news, columns. -
’■ The Senior .class colors” were the six to eight, built pioneer style any­ on the lowlands .just below [tin; Hurst so------ many feet west, and so on to then cut up and sold and the roots
basic colors , used in> decorating o f thing but comfortable, but the b e s t property in what is now the cityj; of' the starting point. The door o f the and i stumps turned into charcoal.
Aurora four miles] tq'jthe1 nqi'tm This school house being no longer there This property being so suddenly clear­
the church fo r this large occasion. teachers possible were obtained.
ed up turned attention toward the
Many debating societies battled at road went thru; property now owned all possible location has been lost.
Special songs were rendered during
Miss Mary Whitney residing at stage road, now the Pacific Highway,
the evening by. the Simpson Sisters Belle Passe school; W ashington’s by the Gleasdta| Mishler, Dimick,
from sputh o f this city, Avon Jesse birthday was a big event, it was the Murphy and otto's to the north. that time with her parents on the and the property now occupied by
o f Canby, and Gladys Tremayne o f days o f the quilting bee and the spell­ Heed for a m # direct route - was wide prairie west o f here went to and known as school district number
Barlow. These soloists were at their in ’ mateji. William Ramsey, one o f stron g . and a/jput 1863 - John W. school in the Goudy school under fifteen was bought from Mr. Dayton.
best and; their selections more than the first teachers o f the Belle Passe Grimm, a fa jp r o f Byron ,Grimm, Sam Ramsey also. It being neces­ Building was commenced during the
school, later became attorney-general and Charles jwbbard starting at a sary fo r her to cross the creek, latter part o f 1881 on a small one-
The character guide about whom to Pres. Grant. The district, was point near (ffvais- viewed a short known to a few as Deer Creek, on a room building. While this was be­
Dr. Winey formed his ¡leading theme later divided, half going to Gervais course to AlSjbra,, the ffllonjjf town, beaver dam* and the latter part o f the ing erected school was held for sever­
through bru!# and fern. I0n| o f the three miles was through heavy tim­ al months in the building, now occu­
was one o f , the w orld’s most highly and half to Woodburn.
Following the early trappers who boys, probal» Jack Hubbard,] follow­ ber. She often arrived at the school pied by Fred Palm er; said building
: educated Romans. One who became
a master; man and a leader o f men came into the wide Willamette valley ed the viev#s on horsebackaA bun­ near the noon hour. She later mar­ then being located on what is now*the
Albert Jordan place on f 'H ” street.
after he had seen the “ Great Light.” durifig the later ’3Qs and in the ’40s dle o f bru-f tied to the horse he ried J. Dodge, both now deceased.
A fter the second train o f immi­ Right ^across the. road or-.rather “ H ”
The demand fo r stability being from Canada^settlers began-to come ■ rode maki;» the trail now followed
. stronger y at the present time than into this now famous valley, obtained by swift ;i#os and the pi'gejl trucks. grants composed o f fourty-two wa­ street stood the Petticord building
This roa d fts never been surveyed.
gons, or fourteen companies, o f col­ which was torn down some three
during the time o f Nero caused the squatters rights and built homes.
About 1847 the Hubbard boys, . The mum Hue o f travel now coming ony folk from Bethel, Missouri, ar­ years ago: This building became the
speaker to use Paul o f the apostles
as his character man in his theme; Chas, and Joe came into Oregon by over the * w road made it necessary rived at Aurora in the fall o f ’ 63 a W olfer home in ’81 when the polony
a man because o f his conversion ox team and wintered at Oregon City, to movcjjfhe school building erected great need was felt there for a school. broke up, and the W olfer boys, Ed
o f the prairie a half mile A little two-room hut, the. smallest and A l, went to school in the long
grasped the larger meaning o f soul [and the following spring came to this on the >
stability thru Christ and thus be- place and acquired a claim from Mrs. t.o the jfptheast or build a]new one. part occupied by the toll gate watch­ building across the street. The house
k came a power fo r good in the world. Hunt fo r a few head o f cattle. The T h esis# 1' course was-followed and man, then standing on this end o f had been built by Doc Beldon and
Business, life and' 'present methods land at that time really belonged to a one worn box structure built for the Pudding river bridge. The larger was used by him as a drug store for
were not forgotten in this address the Indians. These’¡were the G o l d [schopljpirposes on or near the site room o f this hut was used for some several years prior to his leasing it to
but the greater possibilities o f the Days,'and Mr. Hunt went to Californ­ of th ® °bn nie Dimick borne a half years as a school. Earl Ruche was the new school district for education-,
/ soul stabilized man 4 >r woman was ia and was never heard from. Mrs. [mil,. »uth o f ^iere. And the. older one o f the earlier teachers. School al purposes.
The following fall the new build­
j| outlined ; to the D octor’s hearers Hunt later married Robt. Eddy and buiDipi' was taken oyer b y * W m . was held only during the morning
moved to near 'what is now considered lGriMB who acquired the property he hours, studies being few, a little read­ ing on the present property w a s
with wonderful clearness.
sides on througli marriage with ing, spelling, arithmetic, and singing. opened there." Educational boosters
[one o f (the very oldest settlements in
Dayton, whose father bought a Miss Otillia W ill, now Mrs. Geo. J. at that time were also willing workers
SALE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS lOregon, Champoeg. It was during
tract o f land from Ewing Pur- W olfer received her schooling in that | and thru the efforts o f L. C. Dayton,
these years that the S. P. company
a former husband o f Mrs. M. B. Kes­
Ihc owner o f the property at the little building under the able Karl.
« Saturday afternoon, June 4th, Mrs. began building" on the- Oregon-Cali-
(th e school was built. That same
.Settlers were coming into the valley ter, the maple trees now surrounding
T. H. Richmond, will sell their house­ fornia line, getting as fa r as Albany
lol building and another to be fast following the Civil W ar and it the school were planted. C. Caldwell,
hold goods at the dental office on in 1870 and making connections: i u
tioned later are still used by Mr. was not long before thé pioneer peo­ who boarded with the Daytons, was
West A street. Usual terms; M. H. 1871 with parties building from the
|mm as a storing place fo r grain,
ple o f Hubbard deemed it wise to the first teacher in the little school*
Hostetler, auctioneer; State Bank o f south.
number o f the more prominent build a school closer to the new little
Hubbard, clerk. See bills fo r list.
Hubbard gave the Southern Pacific
(Continued on Section T w o.)-
in ^ . v- i fS alfS B I