HUBBARD ENTERPRISE. PUBLISHED E V E R Y F R ID A Y L. C. McSHANE, Editor It is a fact that Oregon prunes are but-little nown in the East. But the Oregon Growers Co-Operative Asso- | ciation is how putting on an advertis- Entered at the Postoffiee in Hubbard j mg campaign in New York City, in­ Oregon, as Second Class Matter troducing the Italian prunes under Subscription .......... $1.50 in Advance the brand name o f “ Mistland. ” Paid at End o f Year $2.00 This is the first time that the Oregon | prunes have been advertised under Member I a brand name. The Association is Oregon State Editorial Assn. i planning - later to advertise “ Mist- National Editorial Assn. I land ’ ’ products in Chicago and to Oregon Newspaper Conference eventually make ‘ ‘ Mistland ’ ’ and Oregon products known in every Friday, February 4, 1921 I household in the country. W ho has been able to detect any benefit to the Common Citizen or to ! anyone else resulting from the in­ vestigations o f the “ big steals” re- ' ported detected in connection with | the different war boards. Several j bodies, not “ somebody,” seems to I have stolen enough from the govern­ ment to have freed the farms o f | America from debt, i f reports are I true. Those high-up thieves should be made to disgorge. Kidnaping may not be so great “ I pledge my allegiance to my flag, and to the republic for which it ! sport for a while ip California when stands, one nation indivisible, with the sporty boys get returns on the verdict o f the court in the case o f the liberty and justice to all.” two fellows who kidnaped Mrs. Gladys Witherell and held her pris- Up until heavy trucking over the j oner for six days while they tried to Pacific Highway was the rule, that I extort $20,000 from her husband for trial piece o f paving just north o f them from ten years to life in the Salem, laid in 1915, was as good on penitentiary. the surface as the day it was put down.' But not so today. Recently According to advices . from Salem it has begun to break on the edges and in many places the damage ex­ last Wednesday, another company is tends two feet toward the center. considering Salem for the location o f Traffic is heavy and it is necessary another paper mill. L et’em come. fo r the truck to be on the side most o f the time. The point a t once arises, Colds are prevalent at this time, and it is a point sharp enough to supposedly because o f the changeable make anyone sit up and notice things, weather. who will pay for that repair if not the taxpayer? Sure, h e’s always the CURRENT EVENTS goat. That piece o f road was con­ ■ ' ' ; ■ ■ ; sidered to be and was well built. The Prohibition Commissioner Kramer, The traffic o f the common citizen had placed very little strain upon it, at the end o f the first year o f nation­ but when the heavy truck transferr­ al prohibition, declares that in his ed to the highway freight loads for opinion the American people have be­ which the railroad was built to carry, gun to taper off on their use o f the roadway breaks and Mr. Common liquor. Though there 'has been con- Citizen will pay for repair— unless ! siderable drinking, the head o f the steps are speedily taken to place a I enforcement corps believes the first tariff on truckloads when the total year’s work has brought a large weight approaches- the schedule measure o f success, adopted. ¡The common citizen is en­ titled to this protection and th'e auto owner is expected to take his' place against the road hog as well. Cali­ fornia has an operative law control­ ling trucks and their loads with weighing scales conveniently located. That state has been using paved roads long enough to appreciate this protection and Oregon should not be long in getting the same in force. One o f the Most Picturesque Drives at this time o f the year in this whole section is that piece o f road from Aurora to Wilsonville. W e make this statement on the authority o f E. G. Robinson, manager o f the Molalla Electric company. Not that he beg­ gared his discriptive powers— and he has tsome ability along that line— in telling o f his last trip, but it took him so long and there were so many places along the. road that had to be looked at "carefully to appreciate the heights and depths, (heights o f auto wheel and depth o f holes filled with mud and water,) that ¡Mr. Robinson has resigned his job as lecturer and now arrives at his office in Aurora from his home on the Willamette, via Donald and the electric railway. The reason given fo r this detour is, all last summer trucks hauled gravel over this road and the ruts were easi­ ly a foot deep before the rains began. W e agree with Mr. Robinson— ex­ ploring mudholes with an auto minus stilts is not conducive to happiness, nor cleanliness, nor— The Pennsylvania Railroad System asks all its employees to lay off one day each week to obviate, the nec­ essity o f . the road’s reducing its working force by 20 per cent. The official- personnel o f the system will be reduced 50 per cent. BROADACRES SHORT COMMENT Mike Matocha has traded his 20 acre place near Wiseacres for a 93 acre farm at Willamina -and will move as soon as weather permits. „ Last Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hagon gave a very interesting card party. A very fine lunch was served to the following guests: Mr. Tom Hunt and family.; Miss Nellie Hunt, Mr. Geo. Pendleton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. White, Ivan Fish.and sister Miss Amy. All had a very enjoyable time. The eldest son o f IMr. Landers o f Wiseacres was riding horseback Sunday morning, and had a very bad accident. The horse fell breaking the boys’ leg at the thigh. Twenty-three . o f the many friends o f Mr. and Mrs. Chas. White sprung a very agreeable surprise on Mr. W hite’s birthday, January 22, and he was thoroughly surprised, expecting to go out and spend the evening with other friends who were at the party. A delightful evening was spent. Re­ freshments were served about mid­ night. Hoover takes the rational view o f the European situation.— Tacoma Ledger. The Powers are prepared to fight over disarmament.— W a s h i n g t o n Post. JUNK I am in the Market for all kinds of JUNK D. A. DAYTON Woodburn, Oregon At the STAR TRANSFER Office One Block West of P. O. Briefly, Europe’s present trouble is too many raw deals and not enough raw material.— North Adams (Mass.) Herald. Money talks louder these days, but its list o f speaking acquaintances is growing narrower and more exclu­ sive.— Nashville Tennessean. It may soon be necessary to offer to keep the tax and let the Govern­ ment have the income.— New York world. An army that will bear reducing is the army o f the unemployed.—- The money the other fellow has is Capital. Getting it away from him is labor.— Columbia (S. C.) Record. Hurray! W e thought' w e’d have to pay income tax this year, but now | Both Phenes CHURCH NOTICE we hear the blanks are to be sent by mail. Nine rahs for Burleson. Long Lutheran services will be held at may he wave!— Nashville Tennes­ the Rock Creek church in the Ger­ sean. P h ysician & S u rgeon man and English language on the A 'letter mailed, in 1900 has just first and third Sunday in the month at 2:30 p. m. An English Sunday been returned to the writer, because Office over Hubbard Drug Store school will also be started. You are the addressee can not be located. H ubbard , , O reg on Burleson is to blame fo r only eight welcome. F. ZEHE, Pastor. years o f this, but his was 'the only ' ■ ' ' administration that gave up the The seventeenth annual conven­ search.— Kansas City Star. tion o f the Oregon State Retail Mer­ chants’ Association, which will open A man who knows says that i f the in Marshfield next Monday morning, manufacturing o f beers should come will take up the big question o f \ \ back in Oregon, there would not be whether the organized retailers o f d e n t is t a square foot o f cold storage space f the state may not bring about cer­ Special atten tion given to ¡¡ available fo r that industry. All that T tain big economies which would en­ P late W o r k ' ‘ was ever used fo r that ¡purpose is now T able them to give the public more fully employed, and still there is not H u bbard - O re g o n ;; merchandise vaule for their money. nearly enough. Which shows how »•» ♦ »♦♦ »»♦ ♦ » ♦♦♦»♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ rapidly Oregon is being built over on Life is an arrow, therefore you must new and more substantial and more know useful lines.— Statesman. What mark to aim at,, how to use the bow— I f you intend ;to go" to work, there Then draw it to the head and let it is no place better than where you are. go! I f you do not intend to go to work, for Tables and Work Board« -—Anon. you can get along anywhere.— Abra­ ham Lincoln. The National Physical Education Service urged the passage o f the Reginald once in a mood o f choler Fess-Capper bill providing an appro­ Thrust his head under a fraction- priation o f ten million 'dollars for the roller* . physical education of-, all school chil­ The neighbors were Strangely sur­ dren. It maintains ' that more than prised to find ■ half o f the American' children have How the mishap had broadened defects impeding normal develop­ Reggie's mind. HUBBARD, OREGON ment. — The American Legion Weekly. Dr. S. W. W eaver I A . F. deLespinasse J Zinc Topis Heating Stoves Lined. Plumbing & Furnace Work. Water Systems. E. S. W o lf er The United Mine-Workers o f Ala­ bama request Washington to send Federal troops into thè coal-mine strike district o f that State to re­ place the Alabama National Guard. In the future women assistant prosecutors will conduct all cases where women are on trial in Cook County, Illionis, according to an an­ nouncement made by State’s Attor­ ney Crowe. The W om en's Christian Temper­ ance Union announces the beginning o f a drive fo r a membership o f a million women to help enforce the prohibition amendment. ‘ ‘ Trouble at home ? ’ ’ inquired the sympathetic friend. “ Serious,” replied Mr. Meekton. 1 * M y wife went through my pockets last night. ” : “ A nd you are highly indignant?” “ No. „She is. She didn’t find a thing. ’ ’— Washington Star. “ What did Hogan*say when Kelly called him a liar ? ” “ Nothin’ much.” “ That’s, funny. Hogan used to be a hot-tempered guy.’ 1, “ Well, he never said a word ex­ There will be no inaugural ball, no cept, ‘ Have ye had enough y e t? ’ ” — banquet. Those attending the Hard­ The American Legion Weekly. ing inaugural will be expected to carry a “ cold snack’ ’ along with them. A ham sandwich and a dill State of Ohio, City of Toledo, pickle arc quite filling.— Statesman. Lucas County, ss. The inaugural address o f President Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of the Arm of F. J. Harding will be heard .at every army Cheney & Co., doing business in the City post in the United States and on of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, that said firm will pay the sum of every battleship in the navy,by spec­ and ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each ial wireless telephone service now be­ and every case of Catarrh that cannot be by the use of HALL'S CATARRH ing installed. It will be the first time cured MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in in the history o f the United States my presence, this 6th day of December, that an attempt has been made to A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON, (Seal) Notary Public. transmit the voice o f the president Hail’s Catafrh Medicine is taken in­ ternally and acts through the Blood on to all parts o f the country and to the the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send battleships during an inaugural ad­ for testimonials, free. F. 3 . CHENET & CO., Toledo, O. dress. This is an age o f wonders.— Sold by all druggists, 76c. H an't Family Pills tor constipation. statesman, ? Your Telephone W hat does your Telephone Service mean to Y ou ? In the necessary? successful operation of your business is your Telephone Does the Telephone in your residence prove more than a convenience and perform an important part in the management o f your affairs? In fact, don ’t you find good Telephone service essential in both your office and home? The Telephone Company believes you do and wants' to supply that service to you. Telephone properties are now operated at a loss in the State o f Oregon. Inereaséd rates are necessary to continue present service and attract capital fo r building new plant needed. Can investors be expected to furnish funds for extensions when the present plant does not pay its w ay? Is not the Telephone .Company entitled to rates which will enable them to continue to furnish good Telephone service to the people o f Oregon, and without which fhey cannot carry out their plans fo r development? These are questions o f importance and should interest every Telephone user. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co.