TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNB Thundar. Jan. 17, 1848 Grapefruit TEXAS PINKS 4 fr 25 ORANGES SUNKIST JUICE 50f,r49c WHEATIES orKIX CIIERRIOS Package lie TRIANGLE ROLLED SPEEEYS WHEAT HEARTS MAPLE LEAF CANE SYRUP 9 lb. bag g7 28ozpkg.21c Would you like to see a smiling talkative, compliment-paying husband across the break fast table tomorrow? Then bring him from behind his paper with these cheering good morning foods served piping hot. Believe you me, they have what it takes in the way of appetite appeal and good-tasting goodness to transform an early morning grouch into a bright ray of sunshine. So take these hot tips for brighter breakfasts and serve them in appe-teasing variety and change reveille into "revelry" at the breakfast table. PANCAKE FLOUR lb. jar. I Del Monte COFFEE Drip or Regular Pound jar 29c QUICK or REGULAR GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ORANGE JUICE BLENDED JUICE TOMATO JUICE CHILI CON CARNE STIDDSTAMALES MINCED CLAMS FRESH EGGS HOLLY -HILL 46-or. Can GOLDEN HARVEST 46-oz. Can GOLDEN HARVEST 46-oz. Can DEL ROGUE 46-oz. Can DENNISON'S with BEANS No. 1 Cans. 7-OZ. JARS FROM LOCAL FARMS SEASHORE BRAND , GRADE A MEDIUM No. Vi Cam Dos. Small 13e Large 25CSWI FT'S PR EM TRY IT FRIED FOR BREAKFAST FRESH COLUMBIA RIVER mi - SUNSHINE CUP CUSTARD COOKIES 12-oi. Can pkg. 22c 22c 24c 29c 46c 33c A fiih dinner! What a grand way to surprise him tonight. He'll wolcome the change with words of praise and cheer the appeteasing flavor with "Mm-m's" an i "Ah-h's" of appreciation. Assure the success of the surprise by se lecting the piece-do-resistance from our largo variety of water-fresh-fish tho catch of the season from ocean, lake and stream. FRESH SHIPMENT DAILY lb. SB AL1EUT as 45 Spaced Prawns $Si9 Ports Eoasfisi SWIFT'S EMIUM LITTLE PIG 1?eIs StieaEi Fancy A A - BONKLESS BRISKET SWIFT'S PREMIUM lb. 39c ib. KRUSTEAZ PREPARED PIE CRUST Add Water - N'Roll pkq. Mixed Vegetables Standby for Salad or Stew Tc No. 2 Can B CHOP SUEY VEGETABLES cr20 ROYAL DUTCH 10! i-oi. 0c SHEFFORD CHEESE AMERICAN ..... V2 Ib. pkg. 22c CHEVELLE 2 1b. loaf 79c AMERICAN 5' L'oai $1.95 2Lb08f8.c There's Prida cp.d Protertjun in a OLCROX-ClSANHozne! CLOROX run moat caustic Disinfects QT. 14c Vz gal. 23c - Gal. 39c CHEESE CHICKENS FRANKS KRAUT FANCY CHEDDAR COLORED FRYERS Keep your menus bright with the sunny flavor of fresh fruits and vegetables rushed to your table from southern sun-drenched farms. Make your daily selections at our Produce Department a winter wonderland of garden greenery and goodness where you'll always find a grand variety of grand-tasting fruits and vegetables at economi cal prices. LETTUCE TOMATOES LARGE CRISP HEAD Ripe Ready for Salad MEDIUM SIZE 2 lbs ea. c SWEET, JUICY COMICE YAKIMA DELICIOUS APPLE! Cauliflower AEETi GOLDEN SWEET 6& w&Jnr nuisets 2"25c , head 3, 100 SQUIBB VIGHAN CAPSULES 0 SQUIBB VITAMIN A CAPS. 100 SQUIBB B COMPLEX CAPS. S1.00 GROVE'S A B D CAPSULES $3.50 MILES MULTIPLE CAPS. 100 WHEATAMIN Vitamin & Mineral Tab. 100 Stayner Dicalcium Phosphate Capsules. . 30 A B D CAPSULES 50 HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES 1 PT. NORWICH COD LIVER OIL 2.89 1.65 3.39 89c 3.43 1.19 79c 33c 39c 1.09 Sunshine Assorted GUM DROPS 5 -10 10c FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES &c Scouring Pads with Soap 6 large pads 13c Pot Cleaners Metal 3 for 10c GRATERS All Metal 3 10 Primrose House Cleansing Cream 1.09 Lip Stick MAlf SFhtdesR 1. Hand Cream Astringent 50c Noxema Primrose 1 House MAX FACTOR Skin Cream 1. 43c $2.00 Colonial Dames 25 1. Du Barry 5pSSr 1.00 NUDE ReHmtr 98C 2 00 Luxuria cSm9 1.50 Ko roar m CAME Wim wtabi feodi ln biMVMt nt hJ MMrcv1 W.t- tn.a Brand rro j Rc tVaa ptx4Vi, in ea teMpooam. tt mac Mtfi VWama ti M It ago v a poaad VT ef frasi lhrw. Art TODAY w U ?J. WfcaatamVa fnd farat cad aaSS "Mora Mflat par Waair WHEATAMIN traltd EXTRACT 7-oz 2.14 lid r NORTHERN 9C , V , 'mSfm Swiff. t f ' WJOSLffi JfflT V' STRAINERS Wire Mesh Double Boilers Dunbar Glass 2.19 DUST PANS Metal 29c 52.50 All Weather JACKETS Medium Sizes 1.39 EPSOM SALTS S Lbs. 15c Emperor Pipe World's Choicest Briar 3.50 S'tt's Premium Dinner Sixe Combination PIPE GeirSocherl.ea 10c Model Smoking Tobacco. . .3 for 23c 15c Bond Street Tobacco 2 for 25c 1.50 CIGARETTES A'IS" Ctn. 1.23 Pork Sausage aBasssasasjssssssflMssssajssMsaH