T CLASSIFIED RATES Per word, flrit Insertion 2c (Minimum 25c) Each additional Insertion. per word (Minlmutr 10c) Per line per month with out ccpy change. 8U8 Qash or Money Order must accompany el) mail order classified ada NO REFUNDS Given On Classified Advertisements LOST AND FOUND LOST From "7 27 Alder, child's small size tricycle Rewird. Ph. 513". LOST Black Schaeffer fountain pen. Name engraved, Urace Loe filer. ynone Dauo. LOST Rose gold watch. with raised crystal. Friday between Myron Root -Q. ana largui court, call 4715 $5 RKWARD for information leading to recovery of Silvertone portable radio stolen from Crater Hotel Fri day night Notify desk clerk or police. LOST et Mann's Dept. Store, black corduroy purse. Contains money. pieasu return to ivian iriDune LOST One blue wool mitten. Re ward; Phone 5490. CEFT WALLFT in First National Bank Finder please return to bank or atm u perry uui.aing, LOST rair of ladies glasses ' ' with dark glasscr attached, Oct. 23. Hewar-J. Fhone abua FOUND Good lubrication, by exper ienced help Williams and Crouch ex tin ana tu version. REPORT lost dogs, animal cruelty cases Humane Society Phone 0151 WANTED MALE HELP WANTED Laborers at Union Creek. 81 cents per hour, government camp. U. S. Fores. Service, Post Office Building. v ANTED Middle-aged man for can vas and auto top work, aunts, ji E. Main. DEPENDABLE man. married, exper ienced in dairy, s'ock and diversi fied fnrmir.K wants to rent ranch on shares oi cash or will operate for you. References A. C. Calvin, Day's Creek. Oregon. WANTED Bellboy. Holland Hotel. NATIONALLY known Food Manufac turer needt salesman to call on wholesale nnd retail trade. Car and expenses furnished. Box 2790. tV ANTED Janitor. Western UnlonT TWO JIPPO log haulers wanted to haul ixteen foot logs a distance of tivo miles. Good roads, no adverse grades. Cail or write to Herman Bros. Lumoer Laipctwic. tfc-NTED Body and fender repair man. Shults Bros Body and Fender Service, 220 NBartlett. WANTED FEMALE HELP W ANTED C oc k", gcod salary and accommodations. Park View Con- vnlpucrnt Home, IRS Granite Bt., As'. land. Phone 7091. WANTED Permanent housekeeper, top wages. No children. On bus line. 2 miles out on Old Pacific Highway. Phono 6293. 'WANTED Middle-aged woman to help in school cafeteria from 9:00 to 2:30 p. m. See Mrs. Rawson, Senior nifin, or jju rung ot, WANTED Woman to do baby wash ing, 3 times a week In own home Phono 6432 WANTED Woman to caro for Injured lady for few weeks. 0 hours a day. Very light duties. 613 East em at. WANTED GTPL for housework" "and care of children. Hhone -naJ WANTED Experienced hand ironer and mender And flat work ironer girls. Top wages tor experienced workers. Crvstal White Laundry & Dry Cleaners. W ANTE I ) Experienced1 waitress For .ft.rnnnn hlft What. Not. Wanted R-ceptiomst for doctor's office. Mnt be qualified steno grapher none omj. Wanted HousekeeDer for small family. Good wages and private apartment, pnone mbt HO'JSEKEEPER Capable middle aged woman for permanent full time position. Take full charge of household, cooking, etc. Must be permanent Top pay congenial hjme. Apply Tribune box ija WANTED Experienced stenographer. Red cross, eour mouse, rnone nua, WANTED Experienced woman to do general cleaning in pnvaie lamiiy; no cooking, close tn, highest wages. Phone 4214 WANTED Cashier. Apply after 3:00 Barnecue trin. Liner ly ping, WX'JrED Bookkeeper by old rell ahle Medford firm. Permanent po sition Phone 2261 WANTED Experienced waitress. Sundays off Apply Mrs. Robinson. jacKscn tioiei. WANTED Nurse at Osteopa'tKio Hoe- pitai WANTED Girl Tor general house work. Most evenings tree. Phone 5406 WANTED Girl or woman for house work and care of 2 children. Call 2688 WANTED-Chamber maid, appIyHbl land Hotel, A DESIRABLE OCCUPATION FOH YOUNG WOMEN Telephone operating pays well. Fre quent increases Vacations with pay Surroundings comfortable and pleas ant Experience oot oeoessary CO MI IN FOR A PERSONAL INTER VIEW Ask for Miss Otterdsle rtfth and Bartlett Street THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY WANTED Experienced Fountain girls Taylor's Pennywise Drug to fXP Waitress Wanted See Mr Bim mons Holly Cafe. WANTED Waitress morning and afternoon shifts, no Sunday work Barney s Cafe HELP MALE and FEMALE WANTED Bus boy or bus girl. Hotel .Mcniora. W A N TED Man or woman dish 'wash er Apply Mr. Roolnson, Jackson Hotel 7A NTED Mite or Female presser Wwi Side .leaners WANTED Men and women forglad inln buih Harvest 85c per nr. VV J Warner Phor.t 4573 WANT VD Pear pickers. Ulihee Or-char-l. phone 638 WANTED SITUATION HAVE YOVH c1 Move cleaned rd admstrd by cnmpeteM service man. Let ne install your new stove. Phone 2181 FOR THAT guaranteed wood shinrle or snaK? jod can J. K. Lathrop. Phone M47. Local resident. HL'NTFRS Bring your bird to me to be picked. Mrs. R. J. Sutton. Dixie Lane. o;t :ewart Ave WILL Care foi children. 35c an hour, davv 25c an hour evenings No Sat or Sfii car! 521 Edwards EXPF.RIKNCErimanu sn!sworlc'""on fry: farm or Hoc, farm. Salary or rcmmiijri Pnnne week-da vs 402.1 5;indav 72 Welch Bt. W A N T .? P o i o n as care: flktr To"r n-cur! OH --cnmg.-.. 1218 W. 10th. FOR rPRAY PAINTING, specializing in itmrv hams and roefs. pnone 941 JarHo"vii.e Oregon fOR INTERIOR and" exterior tiecorat inf Aio stucco oaiming Fve eU mates CaJ $98 L Guy ftne. WANTED SITUATION WILL. CARE FOR cniHren In your noinc evenings mono 0B37. WANTED Dressmaking alterations anu mending iuiu west em at. W A NTE D Saws to file, any kind. 815 Cedar. TRACTOR WORK Grading. leveling nd p.owtng Phone 2687 SEPTIC TANK Cesspool pumping sanitary equipment Phone 817a WANTED Custom tractor work Fast. moo. em equipment flowing, disc ing, mowing eveling and cultivat ing C L Robinson fit . Box 44ri-B Phone 6289 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO" RENT 2 bedroom home, partly furnished, by respon sible party. . D. Marr, 1005 W. Main. WANTED Four to 6 acres, free soil, buildings, within 5 miles of Med ford. Good payment down, balance snort time. Tribune Box 2636. WANTED Pasture for 33 or 40 head ncucn, ipvr piemrrea. j-none 6322. JV ANTED The best house In or near Mediord thit 93.000 cash can buy. Mail Tribune box No. 10. WANTED TO BUY Modern 2 bed roo mhouse. Will pay cash. Tribune Box 2838. WANTED Band instruments. If vou have any such Instruments you would care to dispose of write Box 2841, care of Mall Tribune, or phone j mo evenings. WANTED Haulers with flat bed trucks. Six wheelers preferred to haul 3 ft. ties Phone 713 Prospect or wrne box eg prospect , WANTED FHt truck bed factory built preferred. Phone 5464 Brook. nurst wrcnara. WANTED God gentle Jersey milch cow. Ned Sheppard Rt, 1, Box 77, Lontrai i-oini WANTED work In evenings ' after 5 p.m. by service man. Tribune Box 2643. QUIET couple want to rent'" apart ment or house. Permanent. Tri- ouiie BOX 2S3t WANTED Oil heater, davennort and chair, matched breakfast set or 4 matching (."hairs. Rt. 3, Box Morrow Hoia. mgfnnnotnam. WANTED TO REN T Unfurnished house or apartment by civilian coupie. permanent, no cnuaren. y.ione 333. central noint, WANT TO MANAGE, lease or buy part Interest in first class auto coui t. L. D Colling, Newberg, urepon. WANTI3D -2 bedroom house. Lease or rent Permanent residents. 1 134 Court St, WANTED TO KENT Unfurnished 3 bedroom house. Phone S837 be tween tt a.m and l p.m. IOST OFFICFTUn spector and family desires to rent 2 or 3 bedrom house partly furnished or unfurnished j-none 4ii!i3 WANTEu TO RENT House or apart ment furnished oi unfurnished. Phone Ashland 3141. Pla?.a Grocery. WANTED 2 or 3 room furnished apartment by local residents. Phone eooj aner o:.u p.m. WANTED TO RENT 2 or 3 bedroom houe unfurnished. Phone 6415, CLEAN cotton rags wanteu. Mall Tribune. WnN TED Junked, wrecked or burned cars Will pay Highest prices Walker Auto Pans Co.. 3 miles N ot Ashland on 89 Phone 6985 WANTED RAW FURS "Highest cash prices paid tor muakrat, mtnk bobcat etc See us for your game traps we also ouy niaes. pens wool and mohair MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE. 37 N Grape Dial 3744 TOP PRICE paid for used Turniture Furniture Exchange Cupp's Furni tura Store Telephone 4048 and 484B Highest prices paid for furniture, stoves tools or what have you? MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUHE, 87 N Grape Phone 9744. WTLX PAY MOST CASH . For Good Used Furniture HILL FURNITURE 88 North Front Phone 4023 WANTED Fox feed horses. Phone 1207. Eagia Point Fox Farm. BEST PRlCES"PAID For Voui Furniture EADS FURNITURE Phone 4240. FOR RENT HOUSES WOULD like to share my home with woman ino objection one child) or couple in exchange for dally care of two boys Working mother. Or win rent room ry ween or montn to employed person 210 Laurel U-)VE by paddeo van it costs no mure tea a iTansier uiai iu CALL 4664 City Transfer &""Stora ge and be satisfied with your move. TRUCkSFOR RENT Move ymfrselT Save naif Prultt's Mobiioil btaUon Mjin nd ivy Phone 4145 FOR RENT Furnished Rooms FOR H ENT Nicely ' furn I Sh e'd-wa rm room for man, $23 a month. Trt- nune oox 1014 FOR RENT Furnished ' room Tor working woman. Phone 4557. ROOMS FfjR RENT- 404 S Grape FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Small apt in exchange inr nousrwnrjt Pnone 44fi7. FOR RENT Miscellaneous OFFICE ROOMS for rent See Cozy "ook coniecuonery oa cast uain i-rone hu4 FOR RENT Cabins. Utilities furnlsh- ea ' ween, irauer space. 1 diock from Big Y Mkt., Old Pacific Hwy Pardee Court FOR SALE DOGS, PETS FOR SALE Cocker Spaniel puppies 8 weeks old. Registration available I'tnnia TnnHel 11...., SE A UT1 FUL irbl den female Cocker snaniei six montns om. I7ua w COCKER SDaniel DUDDies. Sea Ki bal- at Real Etaie Office et Jack sonville Phone 191 PEKINGESE puppies, all colors. Haw kins Little Rogue Kennels, 623 if. Central. FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE Live Mallard ducks. cnone rrn fOR SALE 20 laying hens. 30 Rhode isiana nea cnicKens 12 weeks old, Carn'd J Paiker. 610 So. Central. FOR SALE About lSO Rock chicks. 6 to 8 weeks, and 2 brooders for the oi. pncea to sell. Phone 3100. FOR SALE Ten light Brahma chick ens, over three months old. 32 Washington St. PEET S SPECIAL Poultry Minerals pays big dividends. For field serv ice. H. r. Bowles, Redwoods Hotel Grants Pass. Oregon. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Six extra food weaner c. ensse, Delta waters loan. FOR SALE Very gentle family cow. no i wo neners Knone 3Mfl PEETS Livestock Minerals are doing a )ot doing it well. For field crv- lee. m. r. Bowies. Redwoods Hotel Grants Pass, Oregon. FOR SALE 4 milcli rrwij and fat heifor. also white laving hens. Asa for Mrintosh. Gold Hill Supply Co.. JllU Mill fOR SALE Jersey enw W.'lltl tun sale Good Jersey -Guernsey miirh row 3rd house west ot Big i on rew nirnway. FOR SAL15 One cow 3 gallons 5 yrs. old One hore. saddle and hri'dle Barker MuUdy Springs Road, off FOR SLE R..bbit. white doe and bucks for breeding, also fryers pmvb or nre&sed c. A. Ms lab v. 4ih house on neht side of Jeanette s t r ro i sou t ho ff W Main. HOnrtS rRADlNG POST ik W Main We buy. sell or trade Phone FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Brood sow to farrow soon. Phone 6598 at AUCTION Wednesday. Oct. 31 Startlna PtoniDtlv at 1:30 P.M. The Entire Registered Hereford Herd Deionains to Frank C. Preston, Applegate Oregon win De som wunoui reserve li Yearling Bulls 6 Two Year Old Bulls 7 Three Year Old Bulls Auctioneer's Note: Mr. Preston Is retiring irom active ute due to in health afte: 30 years in the pure bred Hereford business and is sell ing his fine herd of heavy-boned, range-raised bulls. All animals are registered, nil are T B. and A. B. teste:, all lnnoculated for pink-eye, and every bull is in fine condition. These bulls are sired by Red Don ald 8 (2655410) and Bell Boy 55 (3183126). We feel th this sale affords the range cattleman ai excellent op portunity to improve his herd with one outstanding sires. SAL HELD AT MIDWAY AUCTION YARDS S milts north of Medford, Oregon, on Tble Rock Road, or 2 miles east of Central Point. Oregon. W. J. iBil'l Brav Auctioneer. N. A. Mead. Clerk. MILCH GOATS also manure. 4 miles from Jacksonville. Ruch Highway. See sign. Home 6p.m. until 8 a.m. CASH for old ot crippled horses Ftovai Rogue Kennels Gold Hill. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES fon SALE 1929 Model A Ford roadster. Phone 26J Jacksonville. FOR SALE 41 Chev. logging truck and Page trailer. Heavy rear end ana Brownie, good 8.25 x 20 tires. Rend to go. Will consider late model car tn trade. 408 Maple Park Drive FOR SALF. Model T truck engine, tires, wheels, over-drive and trans mission. A. R. Knyeart, Griffin Creek store. FOR SALS: 1A38 Ford pick-up. Stake body, below eeiling. at $525. 550 Fair view, Ashland. FOR SALE: '24 Chev motor. Good condition. Radiator and body lb Inch wheels, third grade tires. Rich field Service Station at the Big Y. 1944 l'i TON heavy duty Dodge lumber truck with 20 ft. flat bed. 6 x 10 wheels, Faoco spring and frame built-up, 2 bpeed axle, 8.23 all around. Haul available for pur chaser. Mileage 24,000. S3o2S. Terms. 1043 I) ton Ford logging truck and trailer. 5531 Brown-Lipe trans mission, 1631 two speed Eaton, 900 rubber on truck, motor 3 months old. Page & Page 13.000 pound dual axle trailer 6 Inch by 1 Inch vacuum brnkes, 10:00 rubber. (4.450 Terms. 1941 Ford logging truck and trail er, 3yM Brown-Lipe 1650 two speed Eaton. 825 rubber all around, 1943 King mere dual axle trailer, 4 inch by 3 inch vacuum brakes, 4 new tires. 75 rubber, $2,750. 1945 Pierce dual axle trailer, 17.000 lh axle, air brakes. Less than 5.000 miles operation, 10:00 tires, practi cally new complete witn log Dunns. An excellenl buy, 2.9t5. Terms. All orices within OP A ceilings. Phone 228B Mr. Peebles, Rogue River Chevrolet. DIAMOND T TRUCKS LOGGING TRAILERS SEMI TRAILERS Hoist, school busses. Cook chain drive conversions, used Caterpillar tractors, loading rigs nyster wneeia We buy and sell used cars and trucks Let us figure your aeai De fore you place an order. MILES MOTORS 128 S Riverside Pione 7254 Residence 4231 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Modern 6 " room home, cabin, all furniturn .except piano, chinn cabinet, almost one acre, $6000. Call after 5. 429 W. 12th and J. bts. flrAAfi 4 room modern house, tjJUUU hardwood floors, double const., cement foundation, house and garage, good roof, new ly decorated; piped for gas also wired for electric range. Large lot with picket fence. Close In. Terms. PtfiliA 0 room moaern nouse. UtJUvU 3 bedroom service porch, T fruit room: newly decor ated Inside and out; new floor coverings; ntce family fruit, berries and nuts; cltv water. Located in Asm.ind. terms. CQCAA acres irrigated In clover i37JjU flnd ry grass, fenced and ' cross lenced: 2 barns chicken houses 300 capacity; 2 wells. 2 pumps, pressure system. Nice 3 room modern house, cement foundation, 2 bedrooms, service oorch. Close in. fl1 P AAA?" acres Irrigated free t3l J UUu ioil. ell fenced; 6 room T modern house: large clean barn; 90 ft, well, pressure system, ciojf in. AVE HAVE the cash buyers, vou have the property, so bring your listings to us. SOUTHERN OREGON LAND CO. Mfdford Grants Pass Box 546 Phone 5390 FOR S A LB: 4 room modern home. Furnisned, good location. 519 Mayette St Phone 3248 FOR SALE In Gold Hill. by. owner, Modern 5 room furnished home. 3 tots lawn double garage. One mock north, 2 blocks west of depot, P. O Box 613. Gold Hill, Ore. $12,600 34 ' Acres. 23 Irrigated, free soil Large barn. Close in Easy terms. 56000 A p pros.. 1 sere, free soil, family ormara, 5 room modern home, 2 miles Medford. Terms. $4750 5 Acres. Irrigated. 4 room home barn, chicken and brooder house. $12,000 I 9 '10 acres 4 room modern home Barn, woodshed, garage, 3 chicken houses Some stock and equipment. $7500 acres, all irrigated, ft rooms and Dam, not qi.ire completed, close in. $18,100 100 acres. 34 Irrleeted. free soil. good old water right. 0 room mo dern home 2 barns, chicken house, granary 2 hog houses. $22,000 19 acres. 52 acres irr! rated. B room modern home Hay barn, new milking barn 2 large chicken hous es. 320 acie o and C lease at A cents per acre $11000 4 unit Apt and living quarters. Co'.'pltely furmsned. full base ment tiood district close in. Terms. THOMAS J MIGHT, Realtor 20 South Csntrat Phone 5397 CHICKEN RANCH 1 1 j acre. Large chicken house. fully equipped. Something to work with. Small house and garage. City water, 5 miles from Medford. on Old Stage road. $3000 Kimball Real Estate, Chiiders Phone Jacksonville 191. CCA A A M o d e r n home on 013 vJVvl sure roid Large living room, two bedrooms. Service pofh, launrtry travs, insu lated Iruit loom. Two acres, small bsrn with hay. Plenty of shade. Immediate no""ssion H. L, Cook. Realtor. 1I0 W. Main. RAY SC H UM AC H EH 0S tot lines ana sells dirt cheap. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE , HOMES $1600 H-70 2 room house with bath; lot 50 x 2"0. (J J P Af H-73 Duplex, living OtDUI room, bedroom, kitchen In T each unit; community bath: I lots SMALL FARMS JJrrt SF-60 5 acres Irrigated Jy In Ladino clover: 4 room " house; 2 bedrooms: pres sure system double garage; small barn, chicken house brooder house. CFTArt SF-64 j acre; 5 room I CO i vll modern house; 2 bed- hvnic ff.iraffiv Mil npw construction furniture can be pur. chased. Immediate possession. RANCHES ffFFAA K-H8 23'J acres; 13 acres uDDUv tinder cultivation, balance timhir fn njisturtft: 4. rora house with bath; no electri city 2 garages, chicken house, smoke house and oHier buildings. CIO C Aft"R 8 3 65 lcreii 5,0 tbltU .lUU acres under lrriration v in alfalfa- 1.1 rri orchard (pears, peaches, apricots, cherucs) 20 acres oats and vetch; balance pasture; a large modern house, barn, packing shed, chicken hoiLso. woodhed. garage. RAY SCHUMACHER, Broker 417-419 E. MHin St Phone 0480 Sundays please call 5783 $10,000" -On Millionaire Drive, 12 acres set to walnuts, cherries, peaches and mixed fruits, clover, alfalfa, 10 ac-es under irrigation, comfortable fiv.i rcom modern home, barn, gar age. This property has some beau tiful buildtn? sites with outstanding view nnd under irrigation. AISO $9000" 42 acres also en Mil lionaire drive, mostly under cultivation, good free aotl. Substantial five room modern home with basement, fur nace. Barn poultry house. This property also has a beautiful view ot the valley. Also DUPLEX and modern home adjoin ing, very close In. Very good in co.r.e property. Investigate this if you re interested in income properly Also OPAA Five rooms and bath, very ibfJjUU close in and near park, v on a fine lot with large shade trees, walnut trees, shrubs, ete ELMER HERRIED 4 4 N B i v era i d e Dial 3 367 or 31 7 2 FOR SALE Highway frontage, suit able for gas station and cabins. New bouse lust finished, 2 miles south Gold Hill on Hwy. 99. $750 H)0 ACRE form Apilegate district. All fenced, free water for 38 acres. 1 largo barns, chicken house, 8 log house some timber, ft room mo. decn home garage, woodshed, 1 acre family orchard. MODERN three-bedrccm home. Two lots one highway frontage. Vacant. WE NEED listings on elty property of all kinds Also close 1m acreage. Have iniyers waiting. DAD ROBERTS (Broker) 720 w ana at. BY PRIVATE owner Beautiful resi denca. view of 4 acres overlooking Rogue Rive-, 23 miles northeast of Medford Just out o fop belt. Close to iurction of Dodge Bridge-Crater Lake highway Water right and water on the ground. Star Rt.. Box SOME SEEKERS - Look up Hid at Rogue River Oregon " THIS WEEKS BEST BUY3 , lit) acres. 29 acres plow ed ready to plant, uood K m t n a n rt woodshed. mnnA anrt r-rnai-f enced. water and lights. 6 miles to Medford. Beautl- III I view oi vautey, fl :7 T A "fl "oni modern. U acre. iOt)U Bemtiful yard, city water This Is nice ffl 0AA"Br(f:k buldtng, on the tbloUU ntaln strei-t in Jackson vwww v.il( R mllM rom MeQ, ford. A pood buy. T 00 C A room, modern, 3 lots, $JLJU ftrlo water heater. r a Ar About l acres on Old tjJUUU Stage Road: modern 8 " room nome. Darn, earns KIMBALL Real Eslpte CHILDERS I'lione JacKsonvnie ii FOR SALE Rooming house. Decided to UKe small pnyment down Please call oacK to aju ino rroin. $16,000 FOR SALE Attractive suburban noma cn ra oingo " rooms, two baths, hardwood floors, fireplace, basement with new oil furnace double garage, caretaker's home larg barn with horse stalls, hsv and equipment storage and tack room, eight acres of land un dcr irrigatlm Wonderful view of valley and Mt Pitt. For appoint ment call Charles R Ray. Realtor. Room 217, Medford Bldg. Ph. 3!2. $8000 FOR SALT. rive room suburban home, to be completed tn two weeks, hardwood floors through out, purchaied allowed chotee or wallpaper. Situated on 1 acre ot choice pearhes. Hale. Mulr, Craw ford and Elberta varieties, ten cherry trees, Blnr, Lambert and Blaclc Republican varieties, walnut trees Concord frapes. For ap pointment call Charles R. Rbv, Realtor Room 217 Mediord Build- 111 IWIUMC vu'-m 11 ACRES, in pears. 4 In peacnea, apricots and cherries! U acres In vetcn and oats. 4 room house, good drilled well, pressure system, larue barn. 3rd house on lett. Cokei Butw Road. Priced to aell, hv owner. Inj. Phone 3uua fOR SALE By owner. Auto court and trailer par. ,ou per mw,.... from cablna alone at weekly ren. tnli One buck from Bi V on Old Pacific Hlgnway. Pardee Court, Rt. 3 Box am iAV SCHUMACHER paya for esbaa ana sell, oin cneep SiETHnitTROW ALD AGENCY U you want to buy or sell property We nave some food Uatings and could us, more HolU Theater Blag. "On the Corner v?ANT to buy SeeTCay 8ch"umachef NEED Inaurancer aee Ray Bchu" nacher WANT to selH See Ray Schumacher UST VOUH PROPERTY With Us Then STAR! PACKINO T. i HIOHT Realtor 20 S CentraJ ' STCCk RANCHES - FARMS Orchards Acreages THOMAS I HIGH! Realtor II) S Central. Phone SiVI Shen VC11 THINK of real esteta MiNR think of the Soenor-Baf ley Agency 103 w Main F6R SALE Apartments and cabins IS unlta. all rented or house with 3-roon apartment and 2-room apart ment duplex In rear. Cail 330 isoriii rronu (o Buy Home or Business, see BROWN & WHITE AGLNCV 1 C Colllna Pres 104 t Main Pnone mo for borne or a (arm on Row ue River call at our SHADY COVE offiea lO'-Mrd on crstei lke mrhway FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ONE ONLY Comhinauon barrow. 3 sections, one onlv power driven post hole digger. o:ie only No 21fl P A- O olo'v, all brand new. Cullen Motor A lmprement Co. 123 o. Riverside. PLACi; VOUw Ordrr now for Bolens Huskl garden tractori soon arrive. Culirn Motor 4c Implement c o i. j no niveriioa. fon fAI E Lh orae-trailer. A-l con dltton. including 7'0xlS H. D tires, Guy M'jfhe. 2nd house east of Oak r ve srnool M1NNEJ-OTA Rotary sewing machine ;i lit wft ana. fOR i-ALE HoTnV"ftrrnBce.""steei" WTth sawdiis burner 24fl Lyman Ave. TULIP BULBSSe'v rer I'Ohoiis'and mixed. Bent varieties 7?!c dozen. Dtocnunt on f.Tge quantities MED FORD CREEMIOCbE. 1003 t. Main FOR SALE REAL ESTATE JUST ARRIVED new shipment creim separators, plow shares milkers, spring teeth, peg teeth. Cullen Motor St lmprement Co.. lt So Riverside. FOR SALE One medium size Glen Wood circulating wood heater. I'sen monn.s. jii so. rioiiy. REBECCA RUMMAGE SALE Oct. 31 and Nov 1 at the K P. hall. Cor- 5th and N Grape at 9 a m APPLE SALE -a real special at 1730 N. Riverside Bring boxes. FOR SALE Pre-war bicycle, good ures, sju.uu. une motor scooter, too Dakota. SCRA K HING DOGS due to so-called summer eczema, fleas, ticks, lice, ear ana sarcoptlc mange, ringworm, dog odor ana other infections 23 In en Brush or Spray with Quadine Givi balr lustrous sheen Used by leading Kennels S I ON AR C HJT EED A FEED CO. CHINA LILY BULBS Several thou sand white or yellow. Also mixed Daffodils and Narcissus. 75c dozen. Medford Greenhouse. 1005 E. Main. FOR SALE Rugs, 6x12 and two Sxfl to maicn. New nouse at oia ruouc Ciolf course LARGE WARDROBE TRUNK Good condition and cheap. 308 North Ivy, P h o ne 2027. FOR'SALE White Rotary sewing ma chine, first class shape. Phone H446. FOR SALE Wood range, $10 00; fold ing table, rocking chnir, stock trail er. 600-10 tires. Phone B4-F-14, Eagle Point. FOR SALE One white Wallaby coat, 1 blue with red fox collar, 3 suits, green and plaid, size 12 and 10. like new . 510 Ma yette St., Phone 3248 GRAPES Concord and Mission. Readv for hiice. Re lb. Brine hnxes. Calhoun Orchards, Camp Baker Road, l'fc miles west of Phoenix. NEW, Glider House Trailer, sleeps! complete win eleetrU brakes, over load springs, ft ply pre-war tires. Considtr Mnir JT"0' furniture as part payment See Kouns before 9 a in. or after 5 p n 49 So. Rtver- sme. FOR" SALE in. Insulating wall. bonrd. Highway Lumber at Farm supply to. -ity limits, j vine nwy. FOR SALE Toledo computing count er scales. itin testea. iu ids. capa city Hione 24ft4. FOR SX LE Rew model B." R." John Deere tractor with starter, lights and fenders R E Rlchman, Cen tral rami. Oregon A CARLOAD of oiiinos just received" Fine uprig'-t plains at reasonable prices doing fast get yours to- nny. r.iuari s music aiore, iv & Main St., Ashland. FOR SALE--Underwood portable . lypewtner rnone a.iHT. HAND CARVKD and nainted 4-nanel Chinese fo'ding screen, panels 10 inch by fl t Phone 3100 fOR SALE ChTTd's orlb, twin baby ca-'risige, high kitchen stool, very reHnomible. 139 Vancouver. Phone 3fi tKl . FOR SALE Circulating neater," wood or coal, 1821 No. Riverside. Phone 3S03. t fbR SALE Grapes and walnuts. Arnold & Bellenger Lane. Ph. 63H0. FOR SAIE Electric plate, coffee pot, 2 roasters, and stove, gas lamp. Wen I lug house electric toaster and grill, electric Iron, ukulele. Rt. 3, Hox flB Morrow Rd lllggenbotham. FOR SALE 2 alarm clocks end large table limp, filo ho. uakdale. fOR SALE Maple davenport " and chair set. nearly new. Girls pre. war bicycle small- size, 18. Old chest of drawers with mirror. tlO, Call flfiOT between 5 and 7 p.m. on Siinriavs . 728 Catherine St. FOR SALE John Deere tractor, steel wheels, recently overhauled. Sign on Crater Lake Highway G. Dick inson Eagle Point, P. O. Box 4Hfl FORSALE Iloavy st work harness, neary new or iraae ior uvesiocic, FrankD unl; 1 n, Talen t. Ore. FOR SALE --"Regent B-llat clarinet, good condition. 3 pair pre-war Plantirt Ice skates, like new, sizes ? 7 7lt" Dtkota- SkV'EHAL thousand mixed tulips best vnrletles, 7 .To per dozen. Dls cornt on large quantities. ALSO several thousand white or yellow china lillirs Also mixed daffodils nnd narcissus, 7fle dos. MEDFOPD GRt'ENHOUSE U.0.1 E. Main FOR SALE Pheasantssilvers, GoM en Chinese, Ringneck and Mongol ian Rlngnei'k also the pens and coops. F. E. Morgan Hobbs Trading I'oJt, west main. FOR SALE All modern Airline trailer hous $700 Two-room fur nished modern house and 30 foot lot. glJiSO. 124 Columbus Aye FOR SALE Cream and green enamel wood ranpe with coils and 30 gal. hot Mater tank. Good condition, $V Phone 5107. 331 Mnrlc .St. FOR SALE Large ore-war Montag wood circulating heater. 53.1. Can be seen at 714 W llth. Phone 43')3. FOR-SALE One Maytag engine for bicycle $10 A. R. nyeart, Grlllin Creek store FbR SALE W a I n u t poster bed. springs inner spring mattress, dres ser, chest of drawers, $75. 9x12 rug floor lamp, large mirror, rocker, davt-nport and chair, break fast set. library dining table, metal lawn chairs, etc 603 Clark St., Apt 2 FOR SALE Baby carriage nnd bsa sinetto. Ltk new. Phone 335, Cen. trot Point. fMl.I.ER brushes 610 W 2d Ph 4014 FOR fc A LE Ho x springs, excellent condition. Pnonen033evenlngs. FOR6 A LE Oats and vetch hVy. J. M Skelton. Rt. 2, Box 178. East end of Beall Lane. FOR SALE Brown muskrnt coat, sire 14. Excellent condition. 18 Hawthorne. Apt. 7 For SALE Ire box $13. Phone 340 .108 K. utn FOR SALE Reliable gas range, 30". 311 Apple St FOR SALE Vetch seed Tor cover crops. W. H Arnold, phone 6380. FOR SALE Four Drawer SteeiFlles. Small Safes Swivei Orflce Chairs. Office Stationery fit Supply Com pany, 115 W Main Phone 2552, Mediord Or'-pon. FOP SALT Red Delicious apples. Orchard run. Bring containers. 92 a lug A. E Frost. 1st house up Dark Hollow Rd. FOR SALE Concord grapes, comb W, c. honey Hrlng containers Schmidt. 1 mile So. Airport, Blddie Road. Ph one23H. DO YOU hie files? Our screening will keen them out. Plenty at Phoenix Builder's Supply. FOR SALE old growth, seasoned, i ft. cedar po'.ts. also 8 ft. and 0 ft. anchor pouts CarolJ J. Parker. 010 So. Central. COME SEE the beautiful Oregon Agates made into lovely jewelry at the Gem Cottafe. A large stock and we ate open every day 0 00 a.m. to 0 00 p.m. 21 miles north of Med- ioro on mgnway FOR SALE One 10 foot grain drill fiood condition. H. L. Heryford, Butte Falls FOR SALE J -hn Deere D tractor on ,ruhbt Jor-n Deere 3-bottom 14 Inch iractoi plow Claude bnead. Eagle Point FOR "fi ALE OR TRADE Good bicycle apsre new tiie and tube. Trade for car rdio or 6-8 battery radio. Price 25. E C. Genrke. Gold Hill, Ore SOWERS FUF SHOP has a good se leetion of fur coats. I-arge stock and cod styles Bi- at home end save. 2 mils south f0, Grants Pass, Oregon Phone 1111 rOH7bALE--'ne Ra)-n head? one tast can. one racing transmiiislon, two ruxteil rear ends for Model T. One 8. Inch, six-rtole budd wheel One 1460 Eaton 1740 No. Riverside, junction parage. KiA f 1 1 CH '5 A I rdraulic Hammer for oliiCKcd 1 01 leu. pipe Unei, sinks or sewer lines B W Mnrmngsur, hit? mvjor Fit irECvlNATonre7ngVrntor";TSod rang? with otls, both in good rondillnn Box 1H-A Shsdy Cove. ODY WOOb" "for "sale Dry firor pine ureen fir S. A. Moore, Box MShidv f-ve tOH SALE H m river d oat and vetrh bay, Call . 11. Neidermeer, 6Jua. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SMALL size suits for sale. Irvln the laucr, ih tast Main. rOR SALE 18 ft. semi-trailer with racK. yon 20 tires. Good fifth wheel and vacuum brakes. Carter, Griffin Creek Road. Phone 6800. VOR SALE Brown caracul fur coat. sire is gooc cond'tion, Tri bune Box 1H13. FOR SALE K lectric rail re. wood and coil ennmel range, wood heat- er. wed circulator. Phone 4431 fOK GALE Eur corn, oats and vetch mixed Clem Finlev. Phone 6884. fOR SALE pples Jonathan. Deli cious and Newtown. Bring contain ers 332 Me St.. after 3:30 pm RAVING SOLD my place am selling furniture. riey piano, aavano sei. 1 rockers, 2 beds, 2 dressers, chest of drawers, table model cream separator canned fruit, many other articles. Also one grade bull lu months old, from John Dunlap herd 6 other calves about 400 lbs. each L. V Putnam, 1st house north of Joes Station, Talent June, ttoa FOR' UAL1C Must vacate Nov."l. 1 boy s bicycle, $30; 29 Barred Rock pullets, $2 each, 1 box wood heat er, gi2; I New Wood heater $4; 17.1 Barred Rock 0 wks chicks. Sue Phone 3100. 409 Maple Park Drive. fOR SALE CiicuTattng wood heater 4U leiua g Main or pnone eiu. FOR SALEiDelicious apples fl.80. 3 a j per nox. wing urcnaras, uia Stage Road. ForTsaTj: Lumber, rough and clear iinisn. steel, reawooa ana yow wood fence posts. Hi way Lumber and Farm Supply Co., city limit at jacKsonvuie uwy, fOR SALE Certified Kanota ieed oats and veivon seed barley, pnone 0103 Fbn SALE Stove wood 4 a tier de uvered rnone eagle point 33. f5R SALE Chemicals and some ap paratus Has been partly used is not a child s set Call in person after 8 p m 33 Soutn Berkeley Way. WHS HAVE equipment-with operator avaiianie tor custom plowing, graa Ing and land leveling Medford Con crete Const ruction Co Phone jl REPLACE AOTtT" GLASa PROMPT SERVICE 8ELBV S T )P & GLASS SHOP Cor 8th & Bartlett Phone 307ft HEARING Aid users Just arrived new itr.ch ot A At B batteries Suite 407 Medford Center Bldg. Phone T33H FOR SALE Cooking and eating ap olis Delicious Jonathan end New- towns, one qox or a truckload. Joe Kantor. 3 pit ' oi Phoenix, rem VaLey CXltCEST and most complete stock of MnCormlck . Deermg machine parts in aoutnern uregon we enow parts and have them W fi. Alex andet Central Point BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Old established milk ro'ite. Wholesale and retail, win do son qts or better aauy. in nunc i;ox i in t. FOR SALE Placksnmh and welding shoo. Comcietn biiiidinHs ana an, or separat, as desired. Includes blacksmiths tools, lathes, welders, va.loup tools and equipment. Elmer Morse Welding & Repair Bhnp lfi7 N Riverside Medford FOR EXCHANGE WILL TRADE '30 model A pickup nice shape and cash on '3(1, '37 or '38 light sedan. 1704 East Mala. Meat orti PERSONAL MRS PAM Spiritual psychic advisor on all affairs of life Hours 10 am. tn 7 n m. Located in Phoenix Cottage Court Cottage No. 0. Phoe. nix Oregon. RdficfcJ will not be responsible for any bills other than iny own. ueorne n. Aieaa. Rev John Voodward. Americas not- d medium & divine healer Read' Ing & treatments daily Located in white church building next to high school on Warner Ave., in laieiu. Stan Out. Donations, CARD HEABTNG 1 00 32tOeaneHe PALMISTRY crystal reading "Miller Ph 344f, 4Kii Mountain ftV , Asniana MISCELLANEOUS AtYENTION EX-BANDSMEN If you would like to again become active in n rem nvn unini iiisw iisii'b gnnized write to Box 2840, care of Mall Tribune, advising what instru ment you prefer to ploy, also if you have an instrument. Phone 4780 evenings. A 1040 FORD Sedan for twenty cents couldn't create the sensation that Kads. the Martlclan will when he appeara before your club, lodge, rhiirrh or private party. Now ac cepting engagements for the holl- nnvs. rnone .iihihihi mi; 'ilIKKKY UINM-.lt nl tile jbck sonville (;rrnne, Tuesday, Oct. Ill), from to 6 p.m. for tho benefit ot Jacksonville Preshytertan Church hulldlns fund TlckeU Sl.50. Phone ATTENTION:' Cold Star Mothers. WO WOUin IlKB lO nnv. J- " - plrture tor our Armistice Uay win dow display, riynn Electric. 131 Wr.f Main. UTOPIA Killing Station now open to the public under new manage ment. Lubrication tire repair, fas and oil and accessories. Vour pat ronage apnreclated by ex-service men. Ceorite G. Mentr.er, Mgr. COY'S CAKEciosed for r a p a 1 r s. watcn tor opemne ""v Re, airing and Cabinet Work Stevo Meroollh P O, Box 10(18 sTilOK KKPAIKINC!. Prompt service. Indies heels while you wait. C. M. Kldd & Co ATT L NT ION Gold Slar Mot her a. We wr.uld like to have your boy a picture for pur Armistice Day win Sow display. Flynr. Electric. 131 west i. i a 1 1 1 SEE US FOR ROOFING Patching, and coating. Good material, good workmanship. Hatnywaather lust around the corner. Free estimate. Call at 124 N. Riverside or phone ACMEnoOFfNG CO 12.lTisklyou Blvd.. IB yrs experience n","". root repairing, flat work. Phone f Y7"F.W!tITER ADDINd RAinJIKE ItfcFAIH.i rrompi make-. Don Crulkshank Typewrit ers Phono 3431 . SPCEDOMETKRS REPAIRED Immediate Service Removal and Installation Free Made for Any l.ock Anvwhere. Harry Speedometer ervlc ATTENTION' Gold Slar Mothers. We would like to have your boy a picture for our Armistice Dsy win dow display. Flynn Electric. 1J1 West Mn in . CoOksTlieAUTY SHOT will be clos ed until further notice du, to our accident. -jACKSbMvll.t.14 clUMBEfTTr COMMERCE Meets 1st and 3rd Thursday a pm at U S Hotel llldg. Jacksonville Oregon SON-CRUIKSHANK TYPRWRtTltrla SalM agent for Merchant Calcu latlng machine ttiiCA'Sii'toUHTXCl Open,a unoer new rnanaKmoii. ATTENTION- Gold itar Mothers. We Would I'ke to nave your boys picture for our Armistice Day win dow display. Flynn Electric. 131 Wet Minn. B; ij y N OTI Enroll now In the Me'T ford School ol Beauty Cultures new (all class. U interested in beauly work. RECENTLY Installed, new boring oar. to out modern repair service All expert mechsnlca llawklna Garage eir-ei B Riverside Dial U8l. I W MARI.ETTt. CONTRACTOR ANC HUluDER Building. Kemfideling and Cabinet Maker. 311 Laurel St Phone V42J ATTFNTION: Gold-Sar Mothers. We w.mld .ike to b ive your boy s i.e fur 'inr Armislice l)V wln- I . do-v ril'pla;-. Flyrr Electric. 131 nest main. Monday, Oct. 29, 1943 MISCELLANEOUS frLOOR sanding and finishing 5 H" Frairv Phone 261 BUSINESS D I R ECTOR Y Building BUILD A HOME first F7edHPolS7ers. ouiiding contractor, pnone Z817. LET ME BUILD your trailer hitch or irucK oca or snoe your norses. Oah grove Blacksmith's Shop, 1st p'.nv en t O.Tkrove Brhool ChiroDractor Dr E M Nelson ChTropractor. painli tension control treatment, scientific diet Dial 5867 Hrs 1 p m.-O p m 4-J4 Medfnrri (Itrtg Corsetier SPENCER Individ u a lly" designed toun- aation garments and health sup ports. Mrs James Sullivan, register ed Spencer Corsetier. Telephone H4t! Fur Shop HARRIET'S FUR SHOP, 3rd floor Aledlorcl Center Bldg. Complete fur service Lovelv new fur coats for ;Ttlo Phone 4fi7 Piano Tuning PIANO TONING. REPAHUN'G. VOTC inu j w Keiiogg, r u box 002 Ashland Phone 4152 Insurance TNlllANPli FOR CO MP LET (T protection against hub ot tiro, DurRinry iiaointy cas uslty etc . phone Walter Jones. 2570 Painting DO-V OUrI A VK ak"ltchen orhath room to ds redecorated 7 work guaranteed Call L At K Decorat- ing Co ,5420 Orchestra WHEH In need ot musicians for an occasion eau j vernoo Marshall Secretary ol Medford Musloiana tlnlnn Phone ryil2 Landscaping F.M.I. P I . A N T 1 N tl TTfl I? SEB OUH tine large assortment of noie grow'i acclimated slock 01 fruit, flowering, nut, and ehade trees shrubs and percnnlala at prices you csn atlnid. Make your own bouse into a heme. It Is easy to plant. Come out and make your own selections of live, full-of-pep stoclt from the fields, Largest nur. sery In s-mthem Oregon. Open Sundays. Park Landscape Co. mile up west side Evans creek, Rogue River, Ore , Rt. 1, Hox 304. Complete LANDSCAPE SERVICI By Expert Gardeners Automatic Sprinkling System, Old Lawns Renewed Foundation and yard plantings re arranged and brought up-to-date. Complete nursery. ( all or write us. Park l.andhcnpu Co open Sundays, Rt I, Hox :t04. Ilonie River, Ore. Notary Public RotarY TURDS After Hours and Holiday Waltel Jones Realtor Phone 3570 IU YEARS OF SERVICE Piano Instruction, hl.NO"lN8TRt.'CTlON" FRED ALTON HAIUHT. Teacher et piano Studio. 3 IB Liberty Bldg. Real Estate Listing Wanted ftRAL ESTATE OsTTNGST W A"t5TEd I'HOMPi personal Inspecuon and ap firalsai ot all properuea listed Wal. er Jones neaflor Pn 'JS70 Medford Til Work FrsH i-trn a mt Tlir" r..n.u. Bo; floors dralnbnarda store fronta. call Mr Lambert. 7:i'J8 111H W Hth. Bt. Moving SFER Si fJTonAG CO Our own padded vana serving the entire racitic coast, utai rial. FTfRNlTtmE MWlNdWywRereTny- rime city iranalar as Htorage none ,n,is Vacuum Repairing ELECTROLUX (or rent Repair all vacuums Phone 6024. Jack Wilson lo2n E.-ist 11 1 h Septle Tank Cleaning SEPTIC til n k and cotspool pumping Also drnln tile nnd leptlo tanke In- Tramrer Complete Iran-tier, moving and etor Ke fervlce Alio pocking, crating and 'hlpplns oy expert workmen 3B Sir StJ'h.no 4tjli4niKht a073 SSVlS TRANSFEH V STORAfti CO. Medford Mod ere Horace eerv Ice bong ddtonoe hauling Dial 3H8840 South Fir. fWniturb. M(5ViNfl Is STdRAflfc We have van mnvtng equipment for local and lonrt-dlnuince nnullng Dry and clean iinrnge (concrete nulla Inn) with peolnl looker rooms el low rates SAMSON STORAGF, WAREHOUSE Phone 11750 fcAM tnANSFEiT 7u' Sf CRACK CO A complete trucking icrvlce to meet ynnr nr-di Dial 7121 WU Prilling WELL DRTlXtNQ wlttTrnodarn equip-mi-nt See (JoM llros, at Stumper and Golf tiros llnrrlware, 223 W Mnln. I'hnne 303ft Medford Jacuzzi Watrr Pumps nalrs and snrvlce. WELl, DRILLING Experienced and relinhle well ',.;il-?rs 1122 S River ido, lit 4. Uox 4UU Dclstcr & Cecil WATKR WELL3 drilled 'with modern equipment Call 7:t7'i C O tiimp inn Drlllinn Co 1007 Heddy Ave Radio PRTilTfT"3 ' Service "Annex. Radio' and Sound ly-tlem repairing. Prompt ' service 1-1 N Fir, phone ."iHtiii. I WALTS RADI 'J SKU VICE HcpnirTng on el: makee riidios and public I address equipment. 400 E. Alain Phone 3209 I fhlANOLE RADIO B E R'VTCT CpflZft Dakota Ave. Phone 5166 or 4514.1 Itcpau ing on all makes ot radios. VHAVE Inrlje'stncU o7 tubes end parts to give quick reliable service . on an types or radios uiai auotf i .Fs.lVP' t:,n'7 N R'vrida Roofing ROOF contacting and roof repalre. All types o! rooting Franchmed Pdhco dlntributors Workmanship and materlm gunrantred. Time payments Free estimates EKEHSON PA1M St HOOF STORE :iH So Ba ft lett Phone 3U4J SUTr,T""u n roofs, coa tlnK free "est r mate Years ot experience. Work IV arnnteed HOWARD L BAHTO. t. 1 Bom A29 Central Point, Ore. GARDEN CLUB MEETING IS HELD AT GOLD HILL Gold 11111. Oct. 20 Gold Hill Garden Club met Oct. 19 at the home of Mrs. Bob Klcs. After the business mcctiiiR. a report of the district convention of Siski you district held Oct. 16 at Grants Pass was Riven. Attend ing the convention were Mrs. F. W. Jones, Mrs. Chas. Long, Mrs. J. W. Bryan, Mrs. J. Frost, Mrs. R. S. Kics. Bouquets of dry weeds and flowers were made and projects and work for the winter were discussed. Next meeting will be at thr; home of Ada Dusenbury, November 2 and work on the Christmas cards for boys In serv ice will begin. Wnys and means of buying and planting a "Living memorial" will be discussed. mzdford MAiL-rarBtrre HTKt Lodge Notices CRATER LAKE CHAPTER NO. 32 R. A. M. at Ntn-mme Temnle, Medford, Ttiesday, October 30th at 8 p.m. Work In Rnval Arch rt m r m m. Refreshments. F. G. Morris. H. P. SCOTTISH RITE A dinner will be served at 0:30 p.m. Mondav, Oct. 29th. A Reunion will be held Nov. S, 6 9. 12 and 19. AH visit ing Brothers axe cordially Invited. L E. Wllllsme. See. Medford Lodge Nts. 83. I. O. O. r. 221 West 0th Street Meets Everv Tiim. day night at 7:30 p.m. Visiting Mem bers always welcome. W. M Erskine, W. O. Chas Bateman, V. G. L. O. Howard, Secty. TRUCK KILLS BEAR Grants Pass, Oct. 29 R. A. Roosevelt, Consolidated Freight ways truck driver, brought th carcass of a 600-pound black bear here Friday which he had run over and killed on the highway near Wolf Creek. Roosevelt, who will have a rug made from tha skin, said the animal scrambled off a high bank onto the road in front of the truck before he could stop the machine. Use Mall Tribune Want Adl. TRUCKS FOR RENT Drive Yourself Save H Any Distance PRUITT'S MOBILOIL STATION Main and Ivy Phone 414S S. M. WADE Commercial and Domestic Refrigerators Repaired S302 Phone 4104 WANTED GOOD USED CARS WE PAY Top Ceiling Prices Yon won't gat more msne nvwhere than tou get t the . Automobile Market 6th & Bartlett Ph. 3919 L. C. TAYLOR CO. pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICES If you hiva a CAR or TRUCK to tell, we idvlia telling It now Call or Phone -"' Dodge-Plymouth Dealar L C. TAYLOR GO. Phone 2963 TODAY'S BEST BUY $4500 H-7J 4 teem modern house! 2 bedrooms,! large garagei lot 66x155. Located on the East side. SEE RAY SCHUMACHER REAL ESTATE BROKER Let ui help you with your financing problems. Wa of fer complete service in all Real Estata Problems. Wa ara obligated to both buyer, and Seller, and advisa you for protection. 417-419 E. Main St. Dial 5485 Sundays Pleata Call 5785 c QUICK CASH LOAF'S To Men or Women Wa loan from $50 to $300 on your salary, furniture or livestock and from $50 to $500 on your automo bile. You may now take as long as 18 months to repay. Only One Trip Necessary Commercial Finance Corporation SPARTA BUILDING Medford, Oregon G. A. Gibbons, Mgr. Phone 2277