TWELVE MEDFOHD MAIL-TRIBUNE Friday, Sept. 14. 45 CLASSIFIED RATES Per word tint lnsertlon....2c IMinlmum 25c Each additional tniertion. per word -le IMinlmurr 10c) Per line per month with out ctpy change $1.25 ?sh or Money Order must accompany all mail order classified adi NO REFUNDS Given On Classified Advertisements LOST ANDFOUNp LOST SrnaTl brown purse nearThoe. nix Mi-rchantile store, containing CHh Please notify Halph Wilson, UU 2. Iiox 141, Ahlandrleward tbSTlJrown buffnlo leather purse and contents. Reward Phone 4283. 707-4 Clark St. LOST Black zipper billfold contain, ing about $30 in currency, some sil ver and some pupers. Hcturn billfold and papers, keep money. Return Un ion CUib. osT Saturday night, music for long-a work, valuable to owner. Phone 44BH. LOST Ladv'fl wrist watch, yellow gold. Verl-Thln Grurn. Rose-face, hrowl' band, near Medford Hotel parking lot. Return to Medford Ho tel. LOST Lady's West wrist watch. Sentimental value to owner, Reward. Phone 4523. LOST wrist watch. Reward. I'hor.e 3o!2.SKt. Tlchy. LOST Lady's whlib gold Oruen wrist watch. HcwardJ'hone 27. LOST Two key rings holding large number of keys attached to mewl strip Cmh reward (or return to KiBito Theatro. 1 UIST-Nuggel watch chain, Trail to Med lord. Liberal reward. Box 2ii. Trfoune. LOST- Gold Bracelet with blue Cameo sett'ng Either al Cruterlan or be tween Craterian and Valentine's on MnlnSunday evejiewerd. Ph. eu7. LOST- Huh- Chaps near Midway 4 corntrs, Saturday. Sept. 8lh. Reward. hunjll.l!CiCentrulPotnl! LOST Lady's liulova wrist watch: case number CK147H8: gold link bracelet Reward. Return 2ii . Oa.tale. Lost One WhlteTaced bullcalf. 3 months old, wt 300 lbs Last seen on old Stage road in Jacksonvl la. Mldw.ty Auction Bala tag No 176 In left ear Reward Notify M. Baclnnann. Rt 3. Box 41), Jackson vlllerhone 511(1. T-n, -,, EbST-Between Medford amTTVall. top ol Heating stove. Finder pleaae nulifyjromUBej'uldjjrrall; 1011 NT) Good lutirtcatlon, by exper ienced help Williams and Crouchar u and Kiversiae RtPORT lost" dogs animal cruelty cases Humana Society Phone 1M WANTED - MALfc rfELP PANTED Planing mtinhjTiJay and n i ght shifts . PhonejngB WANTED Carnentera Cor steady work. Crystal Brewing and Dtstrib uting Co.. 3ul N. Fir. EXPERIENCED Men preferred for the new Firestone Retread Shop. Beit working conditions in employment wltn a future. FIRESTONE STORES 214 S. Riverside WAWED?Mcat cutterphoneSyy. WANTED Carpenters for steady work Crystal Brewery and Distrib uting Co., aoi N. rir. W"ANTED Man or hoy good at mak -inc models or mlnatures. to build Hiuple models of railroad cars. M. Dale Newton Co.. phone 6373. STAN WANTED for warehouse work and receiving clerk. Steady employ ment. Pacific Coop. Poultry Produc ers. 13th and FrontSt. WANTED t)eliPoy. Medford Hotel. MEN NEEDED IMMEDIATELY High WAGES LONti HOURS. Tratm portntion available from Eagle Point Call Tom MeGraw. 11338 Med ford after 7 p. m. McUFKAW t . COLLINS SAWMILL. f6jfARtKb--VaTTnliKes. WV.N1 Fli Bodv and fender repair mar. Sluilis Bros Body and Fender ServlreJt-0 N Barllett. WANTFD A buu-her and a vege'talile ntmt Weed Mercantile Co.. Weed. CaUltrma. LtlMHER HANDLERS Planer Chain Pullers Cat Loh iters Choker Setters FallerH and Muckers Vital Intluitry Steady work wltn top wines Apply Medford Coip"rHon North Riversule Ave., iitfai cit limits Pnone iitiS WANTED Experienced Pay Roll t"leik tor permanent position at Creek Orchard Phono 31M. RELIABLE F.Uctrical Firm woiildTtke a t;"d servuw man Steady em piownent with ativaiicement Write Trinone Hux Jifltt Sl'AN WANTED Mth "Mnmmernilll and eeti mixing experience ' work with our mliirr Tins is a good op. Sovtunity tor young man Phone F E SAMSON COMPA N Y WANUDj- FfcMALt HELP VANT HD aporieiice(i waitresses. Time and a hall over An hours. Ap pl Cmnp While F.xhanm?. Bookkeeper Nuvy ships" Service Stoi'f lust opruing Modern equip men: and (en. lu1U to tveicm with ti-ii will iiifrc-tr. plcusant sur. roinntnutt, excellent nalwiy. perma neni Phonr Lt. Hu&srll. Camp White extension 4etuti, for inter View . SV'AN I ErvTwu hhirt press" oVern tor H AUu lohler. fet-th-rs Mini shakers lor Hat v.ork. Experience not iHM-r.-nry. AiiK-riran Lumtr.v. l.TJ S. Central. VVANTr.U-'Maid Call 2UH4 Utopia Ton riM lla'cii. WANTED Ex perleneed "stenojrrapher. Tm.o nnd a Kail over 4t' hours. Ap- plv l iMiip Wtine Fxt-hanne. "CVANTEIJ Clcming women Apply in pernor. Community Hospital. WANTED DishWHfhrr and hmgirl. Top ,vcm Apply altrr 3 p. m , Brirlcuec;rtil. l.ttM-rty Blrtg WANTED -- Exprrieneed cok7 good permanent osiTlon for right pen..: Trihune Box 4241. f'EEDEHS. Folders Httnd-lruner "and Siifi Ktnhrr. Apply in person, Cr.1nt White Ijiumiry blX.i Kinlsherr and Pressers for try Cleaning IM leaning Dep.irtment Apply tn per. hi Crystal White Laundry & Clean- son era WANTHDOMire fietpVlth some sales exprrtence. steady work. Bok 4217 ci ot Trihune WANTFD Experienced Cashier for ItfkiiutBiit and lountatn Must have . ft ft iipp Hours it JO to 10 p. THE WHAT NOT W NTED-Experienced Waitress" fry took ana aisnwasiier ine v nat-ioi. WANTFD Ciris for tviin"Vnd een- erai office work. Call Bear Creek Orchards, aim. WANTED Experienced rev? l.ln oln Cleaners. Phone lau, GranU fas fiUPsrlr,'A"NTED aFthe Osteopathic Hospital. W A NTED F EM AL E HELP WANTED Permanent office r tTT Western Auto Supply Co., lul So. Rivertlde WANTED Lady for fountain worS. Husons Confectionary. WANTED Brokkeeper, permanent position, pnoni I 22il or oil at 323 Medlord BldK WAN 1'EI) Beauty Operator. l6wder Pu:f heauty, 114 Oregon Avi , Bend. OreK'in WANTED Girl or woman tor hbuse- worf and car of 3 children. Call 2fiHii WANTED Two dishwashers and'waft- resi Morning and afternoon shuts, no Sunday Barney Cafe, 109 W Main WANTED Housekeeper to car for 3 chtirittn Tribune bo ys. COUNTER Wo'iter and Checker Ap- Jily in person Meaiora ieaners. o Central W A NTKIJ Chamber maid, apply Hb. land Hotel. WANTFD Experienced Fountain rliia laviors rennywise urua ,o tfXP "TrVl tress Wanted See Mr Sim- muni Holly uare WANTFL Experienced waitress. morning smu Apply vaicnunv a Cate OPERATOR wanted T Cooks "Beauty snop apart Hunaing A DESIRABLE OCCUPATION fOR VOU NO WOMEN Telephone operating pays well Fre- ?uenl increases Vacations with pay urroutidings comlnrtahie and pleas ant Experience ooi necessary COME IN FOR A PERSONAL INTERVIEW AsR tor Miss Otter dale Fttth and Uartlelt btreeU THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY WANTED Maid at ffoteT Medford WANTED Silk finisher apply in llntiy HELP MALE and FEMALE WANTED Pear pickers. Phone 3918. i-nng jon. WANTED- Pickers for of the season. Orchard Park Farms. Phone 8333. flELP WANTED Onion Toppers. H. it. meia. central roini. rnone ioa. MIDDLE-AGED man and wife. No children. Wife to assist with cook ing, sewing and housekeeping in modern ranch home for family of 3. no small children. Mun to care lor yard, garden, poultry, repair work. Board and separate quarters fur nished. Must be neat, rlenn, experi enced and furnish written recom mendations. Give all particulars in first li tter. Write Box 4023 Trihune. WANTED Dish warmer, Denny's Cate. KITCHEN HELP WANTED See Mr Simmons MoMv Ctile WAN I ED SI I UA I ION WANTED Light carpenter work. Ph. J!V77 WANTED Employment with bulMIng contrncior: wioe renerni experience; familiar with plans, specifications and estimates, good rouKh carpen ter, expert on foundations, forms and concrete: Active, stendy. respon sible Prefer work In Ashland or Medford Write Thomas Williamson. Gen Del.. Ashland or call at 0 Granite St. fiEALTHY Middle-nged wldnw desires fins i uon as nostess or resort or what you? Know how to meet the public. Understands food buylnr Bent of references. Tribune Box 371 FOR PAINfTKo. decorating and clean spray worn, see nm urait, oJ . C.-ntral or phojie tniiG. rVEMODELING" AND BW CON STRUCTION For estlmnteall B4U7 FOR I N T F. R I OR and exterior decora t Inr Also stucco painting Free esti mates Call 51)04 Guy Rhea CET Me tinndex your home "Also pmntlng of ail atnds Estimates free Fred i liens Ph 541 J vlllo Oregon fnAT?T')R VORKGaTfingrTeveilhg and mowing Pnone at(87 SV.PriC TANK CesspooTpumnTng aanitary equipment Phone 0179 PAINTiNQ Interior exterTor dec orating Spray oi brush Phone '32ft C H t or hi 1 1 W "RtED Custom tractor work Fast modern equipment. Plowing, disc ing mowing 'eveitng and cuttivat Ing C L Robinson Rt 3. Bos 4 Pi R Phone (Wllti WAN f ED MISCELLANEOUS WA NT F D TOR en f Sm nil "h ouVe "or aprirl'iient, Mirnlshen or unfurnished. Close In. phone 6(H) 3 after 0 p. m. P. O. Dox4!3. WANTED LariV wardrobe trunfc. Must tie prncUcnlly new. Rt. No. 1, Box 443-C. Medford, Ore, WANT TO RENT 3 or 4 room un furnished house. 9 adults, both em plnvrd No pets or drinkers. Call Ina Stolli-, Jackson Hotel Coffee Shop between fl and 11 a. in. MAN Uantx ride to San Francisco or vicinity Sa tui day or Sunday. Will drive and share expenses. Ed Burke, Merrick's Motor Inn. WANTFD Good pi Ileus stock or wa gon scale. State make and price. Trlbuhebox No. 38.2. WANTFD to rent ufnihedHnnuseTy renpor.stble couple. Take excellent mm oi property, c w. inompson. Gen Del., Medford WANTED -Home for 3 cute puppies. Phone 4S23. WAN lEiOldnlversarw'ashlng mi- chine wanted (or parts, rnone nw. WAN TED TO RENT One of"ahd- room. furnished house or apartment. Pein.nnenl ciiuple. Call H408. WANTED TO BUY Twb-wHeel Trat'rr Phone S7H4 WANrFD-OO Inch flaTlopdesk. and swivi I chair. Phone Sii;t2. W ANTED Cast paid" for men's" good ue.i kiilts. shoes. pnnti, hat, jackets. Al..! shirts, raincoats, work clothes. .11 a E Mln WANTED TO RENTTSvo drTner- ronm home, unfurnished, perma nent civiuniu" Kooeri iinrt, rnone Ml or Central Point. 3H2. S'ANTfD TO RENT OR If ASH Mo.krn 4 or fl-room unfurnished honntv close in. 24 Genesee. T. T. Dm.l.U WANTED TO BUY From Owner un tmrrcved property, vacant lots or smalt acreare Give location and prii-t' -Ud vVanteD TO R Ft Five or 4 room houe furnished or unturnished by remanent reliable lamlly. Call Jack 'untxtv .fii'7 ot 2iH3 VII.i, BUY your furniture and rent youi home H B Mason. General I Vi f rv. Mf ford WANTFD Two bedroom house or apa'ii-ent. mlurni-.hed Permanent tenunts adult only Good refer ences Hugh L. lord Phone 33 WANTFD YO RFNT Apartment-lr liuti utiienmi Molc Supervisor of Med'-ird Hi;n. immediately Call Ashland ANT(CD TO RFNT Will pav bn a (to ner month tor turtmhed 2 rt - he; room house or apartment Call C W Thompson lienertii Manager Roirne River Chevrolet Ph 2288 WAN FED' TO" TRADE Man s"ballov-n. t e1 Bicycle tor girl's bicycle 3t MyrtV or ptu ne 32 til JAN'tTD Two bedroom house paved Cash Tribune Box 35ld WANIFO-Usersedsn In 'good condi tion rnone auj WANTED TO BUY One "br'two" 43(1 21 iires Mus. be good Tribune Boa 32 BP wNT"DTO nrVt-Modern home by nw tnstr umental music iuper vism i Med'ord High Wanted by Spt in If Oitsstble Write Tribune DRIVING to" lie Angeles or Conatlls . have room foi one or two, Phooe vi. u o, Pflrosv WANTED MISCELLANEOUS i WANTEL' to rent or buy wheel chair In gn'd condition iribune box QA NTED Th e best car 1500 will buy No sealers privately owned write Trihunt- Box 32U1 ANTED TO BU Y IteeTused car Pay cash Phone Central Point 127 WANTED" We Buy All Kinds ol Liveeiocn-- Beef. Veal Hogs and Dressed Poultry Kabni u CITY MAJtKEl Phone 4J21 mNTRD Junked wrecked burned cars Wii' Day ni chest orlees Walker Auto Parts Co A miles N ot Ashland on 89 Phone 59B5 WE BUY Used Furniture miscellan eous articles we also clean rugs tor a reasonable or Ice Call for and de liver 9 or moro 26 & Grape Phone 7244 WANTED RAW FURS Highest cash prices pad tor muskrat minx bobcat etc See us for your game traps We also buy aides . pelts wool end mohair MEl'FORD BARGAIN HOUSE. ' 37 N Grape Dial 3744 fOP PRICE paid' for used' furniture Furniture bxebange Cupps Furni ture store Telephone 4U4 ana WANTED Fox teed horses Phone U07agle Point fox farm. BEST PRICES PAID For Youi Furniture EADS FURNITURE Phone 4240 flVAN'l ED Ry Reliable Party & or6 room modern rurnisneo nouse or teima Tribune Box 173 WILL PAV MOST CASH For Good Used Furniture HILL FURNITURE 33 North Front Phone 4023 Highest prices paid for furniture, stovee tools or what have you? MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE. 37 N Grape Phone 3744 FOR RENT HOUSES CALL 4064 City Transfer & Storage and he satisfied jvithy our jrnove FOR LEASE Two bedroom house. closi in. Phone 2320 for appoint ment FOR rtKNT Furnished "house. Lare enoiirh for two couples if relative's or trlends. Inquire 303 S. Oakdale Ave IVE by padded van it costs no n re Cads Tri osier Dial 1 121 fRUCKT FOR RENT-Move vourseff Save naif Pruiit s Mobiioii btauoo Mi in nrt Ivy Phone 4 1 46 FOR RENT Furnished Rooms ROOMSFOR"RENT 1104 W.4th St. FOR RENT Room with kitchen privi leges, inn s Hoiiy. FOR RENT Sleeping room for men Bcnttyjit SLEEPING" ROOMS" 146 "S "llojly HO'ivr. f'W RENT -"M (Trape FOR RENT APAR f MEN I S FOR RENT Five room Apt.. 2 bed- roomr overstuffed living room fur niture, electric refrigerator. 17 New town. Phone 508. FOR RENT Nice furnished 3-room Apt. close In to responsible couple. Mall 'Iribune Box No. 4247, FOR P ENT Two-room Ant., com pletely furnished including electric ity Qiio waicr. per niuniii. .en. tral Point Apts. FOR riiNT Furnished 3-room opart- mert Adults Garage 124 K t n g FOR RENT Miscellaneous FOR RENT Irrigated dairy ranch, free water, with or without cows. 2 unit milking machine, possession Oct 15. For complete Information Inquire Mrs Dora Satmel, Rt. 1. Miirphy, Box 61-C. FOR RENT - Cabins, utilities fur nlsiied $7 week One block from Big Y Mnrkel Old Pacific highway Pardee Couit FOR RENT Furnished Cabin, suitable for single man. (Shower bath). $20 month H13 w Main. FOR" RENT Three-roo"nTCabiri7SBa mmi'h. Joseph Aruemann, Butte Falls Road. No. 31, Engle Polnt. Ore. FOR tKNT To OtficfM and tamilies some of the nlces houseKerplne cottHCes on the Rimue River Call Goldlllll 474 Chamers fc'.olcl OFFICffROOMS tor rent See Cory N.Kik Confectionery 403 East Main Phone mi42 fbR RENT Cabins llfWay Coir, Phoenix FOR SALE DOGS. PETS ErlXvi-fON bred PrklnVne puppies. unfins irnnM. Di:.i to. uenlrnl. P11HE11MKD Irish Setter pups. Alwyr v-n mill mn i FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE 73 New Hampshire Bed pullets, just starting to lay. A. E. lutber. Beali Lane, third house on ngi.i, w. on itn. call after 5 p. m. FOR SALE Fryers 3'2 to 4 lbs. Also younti punets 4UU Maple Park Drive. Phone 3100. ORDER your"undav iKer now. Ph. 147 or call at the Orange Grove Montei hi n. Klvcrslde and Centrnl FOR SLE 400 Hampshires, Fryers and pullets. 3 months old Corner ol Fifth and Maple along side the Cen tral PoliU Hatchery. 400 NEW HAMPSinRE3reeks old 91 and SI 2.1 each .txth house ist Maiiacka Store on Jacksonville c n v n v FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOn SALE One Guernsey cow i freshen about Feb. 10. One register- rn ".tvirrnsry cow, iresnen in ren. One Guernsey bull. O-mo.-old, eltgb ble for registration. Rav F. Martin. Gold Mill. Old StHge Rd. off Hwy. 99. FOR SALE Young Jersey cow and calf, Rt, 1. box 1(38, Medford, call after 6 p. m. P'OR SALE One young Jersey " and Guernsev famllv cow, $73. Rt. 4.1 Box 418. Medford. E of County Shops at Barnett and Barneburg. FOR SALE Good Guernsey cow. PhT. FOR SAY.?. cKeapTr i.en aFohce. Gueinsey hull cair. best of breeding. Sl J,,bnaton Applegute. FOR SALE Milch cow. 7 fryeFTab. bits I buck and doe Damon Flovd. j mhe E of Talent. Valley View road Third house on right. f OH SALE One bull-and 1 "heifer catt. 3 and tt months old Also about 60 young chickens, weeks to 4 monihs old Talent Carpenter Shop. Talent, Oregon. ton SALE--W'hiten;OViWVc"e(. 14c and Lie lb. Call 4H78. LIVESTOCK "AUCTION everv"SnHir. day ,it ihe Pavilion. Phoenix. Ore., commencing at 1 00 p m sharp. We havii itmsigned a lot of good llve-stoi-it tor next sale In addition to our regular nin of dairy mid beel cattle we hae listed 31 head ' ot excellent qolltv Hereford weaners. incliulmg 1.1 head of ntcelv marked heUris Also 1.1 head of fat South down ew lambs and 7 ram lambs These ewe lambs are of good quality and a good bet for club work The service ol this Market Auction as sure. ou the highest market price for your livestock, a marketing serv t -e based upon methods and princi ples which experience has proved to e thcroughK sound. SOU1HFRN OREGON L1VFSTOCK AlVTI N COMPANY "Liye Sellers of Livestock" Col A H Dudley. Auctioneer Phone r223 Medtord. Ore. tOH b.LK iV-tPlfesh Guernsey and Durham hellers Also Jerev cow to freshen In a few days. Box 349-A. Liviet Lane. FIVE 6 mo Steers3 ired heifers, team black mares 1 ' mile W of Gnfilp Creek GrantY. Maddox Ranch RAniillSy6R SALE--Eir!iraoes7 bucks 33 Fryers. 437 Morton St.. Athl.tnrl. FOR SALE t"o saddle' horseert" Bar mar- I Sorrel gelding Phone 4t3 FOR S M.r: Reiitered Double Stand ard IV Med leretord bulls 2 trs and .ii'der Aio few horn bulls sueo bj Mount.-rest S'sn 14th S. F TUMfiUer, Moniajue, Csiii. FOR SAL E LIVESTOCK . FOR SALE 23 Red weaner pigsT red pttgy sows. Phone 6451. S. H. Younn. COUGER HUNTERS . Have a fine liMer of female puppies. Blue Tick and Red Bowl, all colors. $3 each. M. McCulioch, '4 mile E. of Bear Creek bridge on Burnett road FOR SALE Jersey cow, freshens this month one bull calf; 5 turkeys; 120 chickens: rabbits and hutches: garden and farm toels; chicken wire; 12 ton truck Jack. Rt. 4, Box 20, Colter Butte Road off Crater Lake Hwy . ' NOTICE TO STOCKMEN Having other business requiring all my time. I sm having to sell my herd of Registered Hereford of the Domino strain, consisting of 1 Here ford bull, 2z years old. 1 3 years old cow with calf. Bred back. 1 4 year nld cow with calf, bred back. 1 6 year old cow with calf, bred back 2 3 year old cows, 1 with calf. 1 due fresh this month. 1 3 year old cow not bred. The herd Is one of the best small herds in southern Oregon. Address is Rt. 3. Box 923. Grants Pass. Oregon. Call Granu Pass 720 CASH tor oh! oi crippled horses Royal Rogue Kennels Gold Hill HOriAS TRADING POST 1802 W Main We buy sell or trade Pbone fli07 F0R SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE-Chev. lumber truck, dual axle. Freemantle saw. mill behind ton Applecate. FOR SALE -Model A Ford panel truck 4 new tires. Phone 59b7 after 6 p. no. FOR SALE Late model truck. 3 wheei with good lumber haul. Big 6 Sawmill, Drew, Oregon. FOR S ALE 1036 Ford. CaTT3407. FOR SALE 1931 Ford Coupe, 600x16 tires Good mechanical condition. Clean throughout. Call 6342 after 6 p. m FOR SALE REAL ESTATE THIS WEEK'S BEST BUYS $3509 -9 Acres, 4 room modern, 4 miles to Medford. , -3 Acres, cabin, cow, chick, ens. 3 miles to Medford. $2500 $3000" 9 room modern, garage and chicken house About ',a acre. 512,i AAA T; Aces and- Apt. UUU house cows, chickens. ' tools. This la eood. $.1,000 down. CO O L' Aa room modern, 2 large uOCtCV lot- Ebsc. water heater. We hive lots of listings In Homes, Ranches and several good Busi ness opportunities . KIMBALL Real Estate CHILDERS Phone Jacksonville 191 FOR PALE TowrTlot. plentyof shade trees good location, new garage on lot. concrete floor. Corner 10th and Watfhlnjrton. W. C. Gray. Box 200, Talertt.or Inquire1310West 10th. OnC AA Suburban grocery and gen JI jl J erl store now showing net 750 monthly. BROWN & WHITE AGtfiNCY 104 West Main Street-lhone 2920 25 ACRES Fronting on Rogue River. 16 acres under cultivation. Priced for niiick snle $6300. BROWN & WHITE AGENCY Shsdy Cove Office Phone Trail 1112 af A A A Beautiful modern home, OUvU V fireplace, furnace, nice " yard. trees, shrubbery. Terms Also Apartment house close in, good rentals. H G. WILSON, Realtor 7 Chcktnut St. Phone 4644 CP AAA Good 3-room home, "located JJUliU close In on West side. Sin Y gle garage. This is a food plastered house on paved street, lot 50 x 150 feci, frame construction. Cemvnt foundation, walking dis tance to everything. Terms. iARRY LONG, Real Estata O. W. Brtllew, Salesman 1256 S. Riverside Phone 5922 FOR SALE" Duplex home, unfur. nishect, beautiful spacious yard. In vestigate this for value. See owner, 516 ii Ivy SI. $10,000 Large house rlose In on large lot facing 3 streets su. table for conval escence home or rooming house, 2 hutns. 3 car garage, beautiful shrub bery $3500 GOOD 4. room modern house, close to Washington school $?850 Three-bedroom house, garnue and wonmhed House in excellent con dition. 1. E. SCHULER. Broker R. E. BEBB 33 N Grape Phone Bti71 ff r r A A Six-room modern home, ODDlU large chicken house, good Y born, 3 plus acres, ull Irri gated, in clover, paved road, close to lulcnt. Better look this over. Terms easy. $2750- Onecre tract, good tour- room house, barn, chicken house, located 1 'a miles from Medford. Immediate posses sion. Also, one nice two-acre unimproved tract, and one tour-acre tract lo cated close In to Medlord. These are b'lth line building sites. Terms. Let's look these over. HARRY LONG, Real Estata O. W Ballew, Salesman 1256 S Hiverside Phone S922 HOMES $5500 -H-A2 Four lots; S-room house and bath; 2 sleeping porches. Located on East side C7AAA H-sa Five-room modern Of JvU ranch type home; large llv Y ing room: fireplace: 2 bedrooms; kitchen and bath: rufs and drapes in livlna room: plenty of shade' large ynrd. frutt trees and garden space This property is well itn-Hted on tne tasi side. COCDA H-3Y New building not dOJvV eompleted, 33 x 27: 148 ft rivet frontage; new well; electricity: good building for busi ness or dwelling Located on High way at Shady Cove. SMALL FARMS ejpAA SF-2J Eight Acres lrrlgat It I Dill) ed: 3-room modern house; 3 bedrooms: garage, hot water heater: new wood stove: nam chicken house, woodshed; family or - chsui cltv water. C7CAA-SF"i4 114 Acr,i irriga tlon water when wanted: Y 4-room modern completely furnished home grtrat-e: good spring with pressure pump, family orchard; Koo-1 garden; carden tooW: 2 chicken nouses: cow Nrn; woodshed, fruit room smoke house, 1 cow; 5 or 6 doj chickens hay In barn. Located in cold Hill frr AA SF-50 One Acre trrtgated jJJuO 4-room modern house: 3 bexirtHims; service porch, garace; barn; chicken house; family orvnetra. RANCHES CJTAA K-86 IS Acres; 9 acres lr- ij40vl rtsated in clover; 4-room house: 2 bedrooms; room for Kth: drilled well; barn; large corral, fenced; a few pear trees. Wen furnishing $47 JO OlDUU '""d some mercantile tnn " ber: county road through prprtv Q A A R-99 2S0 Acres: 3-room oOuUU niodern house not com Y plete. tumlter on piace to finish It: spring water pipe tn house; bam- chicken house; ISO hers, pir- age; 83 acres under cultivation; 30 acre could be cultivated, balance graimg and timber This place will make a good sheep ranch. RAY SOHV MACHEK, Broker 417-11$ F Main St . CaM S43 Sundays peae call STA5 ?TMRP LAND tor SAhe"lfO Ares south of Jacksonville P A. Morgan. Gmeral iviiverv Medford iOR ?MF Fv ".fr. 1'- acres trri- gstcx' J-rwiti house, garage, barn. .-tv.-k-'n houe See at Bok 78, Rt. 3. 1 Morrow Road. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE $15,000" . 17 Acre Dairy Ranch all equipped. 15 cows ell kinds of machinery. p i Q A A Five-room house modern. J4i5UU " crs Irrigated, close in. T Terms. Also TWO Acre Tracts close In. Good terms. H. N LOPLAND 223 8. Oakdale FOR SAL15 Modern 2 -bed room house, $4800, terms. See after 6 p. m., 373 Manz-jnlta St , Central Point. LET US HELP U COME TO EARTH CJAAfi S1 Acres, irrigated clover, uDUvU 3-room modern house, ar teslan well, pressure sys tem, double garage, outbuildings, garden, lawn Some stock, hay, worn', chickens, house practically furnished. CCCAA20 Acre ""ncn' 14 cuiu- OOJUv ,vated, irrigated closer. 'balance pasture, fruit, far den. shade, nice new 4-room bunga low, barn, garage. 2 henhouses, ce ment floored, close in, highway, soma tools go or AAA 15 Acres, new 5 .room mod. tjjUUU em house, garage, wood- Y 2 hen. houses, 24x60 brooder-house, larfe cement floored barn, 330 turkeys, 300 chickens, water heater, Vene tian blinds, floor coverings, close in. 380 Acie Stock-Dairy Ranch, will run 100 head stock cattle or au mucn cows. 90 acres Irrigated clover, 20 acres sub-Irrigated alfalfa, fenced 15 fields all with water, 3-room mod ern house,- tenant house. 2 bams, hop house., garage, garden, lawn, shade, highway, 50-ton hay, $25,000, terms. TED GUETZLAFF AGENCY North Pacific Highway Past Big Y Phone jO709 STORE Building In Jacksonville for bale oi iraae tor mexup. uunaing rent-d at presenL 638 N. Central, Medford. (PCCAA Suburban, one-half acre tjJjlU irrigated land. 8 -room " mn.l.rn huntralrtw Mrri. ford city water Can buy additional acre irrigated, Joining property for $500 extra. Immediate possession. Also (J r AA Three bedroom home, tnod 2)4 Jul) ern close in on paved St.. haH flnwrri. etc. Also Very attractive almost new suburban home, 1 acre irrupted land, family or- chard House consists of 5 rooms, ba;h fireplace, furnace, oak floors, all in the very best ot condition. Excellent view of the . valley and city Possession very soon. ELMEP HERRIED. Exclusive Agent Dial 3367 or 3700 FOR SALE 177 Acres S53O0. Rt. I. Box 413. Ashland G. W. Rogers . FOR SALE By Owner, beautiful country home, finest view of the mountains. Five rooms. 3 miles S. of Medford, Coleman Creek Road. Rt. 1 Box 437-A. AUTO COURT Four double cabins, restaurant, 3-room lodge. Gas sta tion 327 highway and river front are, tools (all kinds) power saw and Jointt-r. Ford 1-ton truck, Complete ly t.rnlshed including 2 frigidaires. washer, vacuum, etc. Good Income. $21.5u0. Some terms. Owner Box 165. Ft. 1. Gold Hill. Oregon. FOr. SALE 20 Acres. Cabin, fruit trees, SHOO Phone 4915. FOR SALE: One lot on Queen Anr.c. good location 47 x 117 ft. Call 4951 after 3:30 p. m. FOR SALE Bv owner. 3 acres. 3 rooin modern house. Terms. Rt. 4. Bnx eiC. Coket Butte Road off Cra ter like Hwy. FOR SALE 3'a acres cfover. Irrigated. modern house, barn, garage, chicken house cold room. All new build. Next to school Furnish ed or unfurnished. Larson, back of Howaid Store SEE THE TENGWALD AGENCY it you want to buy or sell property . We nave some good listings and couid use more Holiv Theatei Bidg On the Corner FOR SALE or lease. 40 acres, new housH and buildings, al) modern Hor sneds find turkey runs, good pasture and nay land Want to sell furniture and 15 or 20 ton of hay with the plitce If Interested see owner h H Shaw on the place, 3 miles north of Central Point In quire directions In Central Point. FOR SALE 5 room modern house, furnished, im hiding Frigidaire and washing ma.. nine, or unfurnished Lots of fruit trees, berries and gravies Close to Junior High, grade school and grocery store. Call at .1A West J tick son street. NEED insurance' sea Ray Schu- C1.AA5 acrM w,tn choicebulfd OItUU "g site Unsurpassed view T of the valley. Old Military Road Electricity and telephone available. H. L. COOK. Realtor 1104 West Main C1 C AAA"80 AtT Stock Ranch, ijlD UUU 100 rea cultivated. T Range for .180 head of stock. Six-room modern house and service porch, fireplace. Gravity sprint;, piped to house. Barn and chicken house. Barn 100 x 30 ft. This is a well Improved mountain ram-h. (JHAAA 22 210 Acres, 13 acres ir tJlUuU rignted 5 acres clover. 4- room modern house. 2 car garage. Barn has 8 stanchions. CT AAA Five-room modern, plas. VJUUU tered house. 2 bedrooms and service porch on East side Will take tn a good trailer- house up to $1000. C A C A A Four-room modern, plas- tjTvUU tered house. 2 bedrooms. hardwood floors in living room. Nice service porch, garage and woonsneu. locatea on cast side. CI C rAA2"0 Acres- 20 acres lrri . 1 .Y.nlll sated. 33 acres cultl ' vated. New 5-rooms and bath, screened porch, new 110 electric olant 14 head of Herefords, 1 Guernsey milch cow, 2 calves, 30- ton nny, ao latipiiiar and ail im piements. $18,500" . proximately Auto tourt on tne Rogue, 6 modern cab- Ins with earases. Ap proximately 730 ft. river frontare $6000-"" e-room moaern nouse, bedrooms and sleeping porch, drapes and Venetian bllndi. large garage. Located near idl. lari h school ,900" Hieh school. CIO AAAAuto Court, 4 double tMiJ.yUU and 8 single, and 3- 1 7 room modern residence. store building and Service Station. r JOt-A Five acres under irrigation uTlZ lU ln clover. Three-room house and bath, wired for electrlt stove Some furniture goes Barn, 5 stanchions and hay mow Machmeshed attached. CCCAA-34 Acres. 2? acres trngat UUJUU l m clover, tine iar-e barn' 20 stanchion. 3-room house good well, pressure system, electricity to all buildings, located on ptved highway Terms , 04L.UUU trngauon. in hay and 1 grain. 3 large barns, temporary house, all fenced woven wui an exceptional good stock ranch good out-range Terms. $10,500" 12 acres trrigaiea. ciov- ei and alfalla. 3 bed room modern house newly decorated, good bam. (arage. chicken house artesian well Elec tric hot wati'i heater this la a nice plare and worth the money CI AAAEacn 3 Clty LoU- lt, OlUUU f,n location, paved street, side walk, sewer, lots of shade and fruit trees Will build and t:nsn to suit buyer. C40AA" Acres, unrated tn ait OtOUU Ro?i Lane district, small house, garafe. bam 13 tons ha v. fine soil, terms. C7OC A" Duplex, lot 30x100. ft each V I ujJ has nice fireplaces. hardwood lloors, one side completely furnished, veniilan bltro etc. COCAa bed-room new house j-40jU modern, cement founda tion. service porch and chtcksn house acre irrigated close 111 a real good buy CACnA" -r. irrigated in clover. VDUv room modern house, all fenced and crossed fenced, barn, alt good condition, chicken house for 3'V t separate, wells with pi:n.c Be sure and see this ore SOLI HERN OREGON LAND CO Medford Grants Pass Next to B rice Ban er on South Riverside Fdoq t30O F. a Bex 50e FOR SALEREAL ESTATE C C 7 C A-E'U VB 5-rom modern 3 J jU home, and 2 acres irri v gated in Klamath Falls. Tern--.. PiTPA-Buys 2 Acres ln clover, 4- M JU room modern house. Terms. Q JTAA Buys 14 and S'10 Acres. 9 tj4jJU cres lrncated, good 4 " house. Immediate possession, close In. Terms. CC C A A Bu' furnished, modern yJjUU duplex. Close in. Terms. $6825 Buys a furnished 6-room modern house, ciose in.. L. J. REED. Broker. Across from Craterian Theatre Phone 2033 FOR SALE Brick house, 9 rooms. About l3 blocK. lerms. or $5000 cash. Corner Main and Third. Jacksonville. FOR SALE One acre, new modern house w or urcnara nome wb on Stewart Ave., irrigation. SIX-ROOM modern house, some fur n i tur. 429 W. 12th and J S ts. FOR SALE One acre, new modern house W. of Orchard Home Drive on Stuwat Ave.. Irrigation. FOR SALE Five-room modern home. centrally located, j aciwonvuic. FOR SALE Five-room modern house lot oU X lau. rium, aogu FOR SALE BY THE OWNER Five acres 2 b miles south on 99 High way Five-room modern home, new. Now vacant Just finished Garage with living quarters, room tor 4 cars Chicken house. Soft - water. $7303 cash. Rt 4. Box 374-A. Phone 8489 NINE-ROOM modern house. Irvington district in Portland to trade for city or country property in aouthern Oregon, rnont oiao $2000 CASH Four-room furnished home, newiy remoaeiea innae p prox imately five acres land with out-b'kildingM Good pressure system Rt 3 Box' 339. Medford. l mile from Midway Auction on Midway road HOMES $5250 SIX-ROOM modern home. 3 bedrooms, (ireplhce. close to schools. Terms $5750 SIX-ROOM modern home In excellent condition. Gas circulating heater in cluued in sale Fine residential dis. trict on paved street. Close in. no. 253-A. $5000 SIX-ROOM modern home, well lo cated close in on paved street. Oil but net included in sale. Terms. No. 234-A ACREAGES $6000 3 '4 ACRES fine soil all under irrt- gauon 7-roon modern home, two vears old Out-buildinrs in excellent condition. Well located. Approxi mately 2 miles from Medford. No. 456-B INCOME PROPERTY $7500 SERVICE STATION and Living Quar ters well located on Highway 99. Fully equipped and shows a good net income Terms No. 232-C. SPENCER-BAG LEY AGENCY 102 W Main St. Phone 2076 or 6892 FOR SALE Rooming house Decided to lane small payment down, riease call sack to 330No Front. HEADQUARTERS for New Homes A home within every income. Phone 2817. .i08 Liberty Bldg. FOR SALE $20 000 Ranch 205 acres Trout stream 25 acres tree irrira tion barn. 3 houses, crop, stock equipment Jesse Glass, Browns boro Oregon FOR SALE- One acre and 3 "bedroom houtr. 2 acres and one bedroom house both modern 410 Maple Park Dr 1 v CC7CA-A 3 bedroom home Extra fJJf jU 'ne 'ot Good neighbor V hood Located 1014 W 10th shown by qppuintment only BKOWN 8t WHITE AGENCY Exclusive agents 104 VestMain Street Phone 2920 WANT to buy? See Rav Schumacher It A V SLrHUMACHER pays for ashes ano sell dirt cheap ST' CK RANCHES FARMS Orchards Acreages TH MAS 1 HIGH1 Realtor M S Central Phone 5397 LIST Y'HIH PROPERTY With Cs 1 hen STAR 1 PACKING T J Ilium Realtor 20 S Central IRRIGATED ACREAGE FOR SALE From I to 10 Acres located on the Phnemx-Jocksopville highway near 99 Foi price and terms see L G Plckell 16' S Bartietl FOR SALE Two acres 7 miles E Of Ashland at nld Klamath FalU Junc tion All in alfalfa and farm ouiid (ngs FOR S LE Anartments and cabins 15 units all rented or house with 3-room apartment and 2 -room apart ment duplex in rear Call 330 North Front To Buy Home or Business, See BR )WN Ar WHITE AGENCY J C Collins Pres 104 W Main Phone 2920 or ttume ot i farm on Rogue Rivet call at our SHADY COVE office located on Cratei uaae nighway t tfOME SEEKERS - Look up HJlPat Rnrue Rivet iregon FOR SALE Acreage, Joe Wallen R4 1, Box 162. OrchardHome Drive. RAY SCHUMACHER pays for ashea and tells dirt c.neap WHEN YOU THINK of real estate think at the Spencer Bag ley Agency 102 W Main $1900 CASH FOR SALE BY OWNER A Oamp U-Rest Hlway 99 3 ml So Medford 1946 Glider Trailer House 20 't . deeps four butane range elecl brakes . Venetian blinds well insulated everything new "used only two weeks Also may sell i940 deluxe Dodge coupe equipped to pull same Many ex tras w!binOjA ceiling FOR SALE Two bedroom modem house garsgr large vacant corner lot goes wltb the house Immediate possrssion Phone 4321 ot 5583 and 593ti titter 0 p in oi Sunday WAVT to sellt See R.-fy Schumacher FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ! FOR SALE 10 adjustable window screens at aoc eacn. r'none 3243 or call a'20,N. Grape Sr. Medford. FOR SALE io" Horsepower Titian chain saw. A-l condition, with two 5-fr chins.Phone 3967 after 6 pm. FOR SAIE Jap rlfle. 723WClaflT LIMITED Stock of sheet metaTsheet metal elbows pipe, grills, etc. 142 N.Fiont street. 8.00 to 3.00. F"OR SALE Third cutting-alfalfa fn shock. R S. Axtell, Laurelhursl Rd.. Triil Ore FOR SALE Good ladino clover threshings. $13 ton in field. Phone 3S.l.OttoBohnrt.j:entral PoJnt, fOR S Vt-E MasoriTte tempered hart! boaid all .engths Porter Lumber Co204 S. Fir. Phone 2681 FOR SALE 1 console mctferTficb radio in verv good condition, price $33 One late model wood burning porcelain enamel circulator heating stove I'sed less than ore season, cost new $39. will sell for $33 ; 1324 Queen Anne Ave. FOR SLE Davenport and chair. Can bescn at109 Geneva after 6 p. m. f OR SALE 12" doubIebafre"t shot eun. Call 406 Mane street after t 6pm ! HALE ?EACH"tSNlce large orchard t run. npened on the tree Oenney. ' first house on Msdrona Lane, off OakCrove tad Phone 6l0 i CANNING Toms toes 3c lb" BriPg'con- i tamers Colored frvers and bens rR..NKl-lN S GROCERY. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS AIRPLANE " FOP SALE 1943 Taylor Craft tandem, good condition, can 4123 or 4646. STLVER PLUMS, 3c lb. 1208 Eolith. FOR SALE Canning tomatoes, l'ic lb. You pick. Pickling cucumbers. Brinr containers. Spear melons, la - mn s. of Phoenix on Anderson Road. Earl Harris, FOR SALE Dining room set. laced rawhide bottom chairs, modern, ex cellent condition. J- . r FOR SALE Two-wheel Trailer. 413T5 Park FOR SALE 20 Tons "clover hay. O. S. Jones. Coleman Creek, corner Dark H 01 lew. FOR SALE 12 x 14 white wall tent, $23 7x7 Auto tent. Khaki, both lik? new. $15. A. E. Jordan. Rt. 1, C old Hillon south side of river. FOR-SALE Petite Prunes, 3c. Phone 4495 or 1128 w. rourtn ai. CANNING Tomatoes 3clb. Bring con tainers. Loiorea iryers FHAVKLIN'S GROCERY. FOR SALE C Melody Saxophone. 419 Haven af ter 5 p. m. FOR SALE Separator. Montgomery ward, ouu id. capacity. month. Western Auto Supply. TOMATOES, 2c lb. You pick. Bon na m place. jntte JS. of P hoemx AIRPLANE FOR SALE 1943 Taylor cr-itt tanaem, jooo sunuivwu. 41Z. 01 ttt-io FOR SALE at Phoenix Auction Sat- urday, sept. iam, a sinsie unit i-'c-Laval Magnetic Milking machine, complete with pipes, excellent con dition FOR SALE 9 -Tube Consol, $35. Good condition. Call alter 5:30 p. m. 1010 W. Fourth St. FOR SAL1S Balloon tire bicycle. Mur- ry s Bicycle Shop. FOR SALE Portable Easy mangle, sugniiy useo. rnonc hop. MASTFR-BUILT Trallerhouse for sale. "42 Model. 20 ft. best tires. $1250. 344 N Central. FOR SALE Several 35 gallon steel drum 344 N Central. FOR SALE House-frailer, Travelome, accommodates 4. Glass apartment, Central Point Clyde f ields. STANDARD Royal Typewriter for salfe, $30. 102 E. Main. FOR SALE New wood range and pipe u'etl 6 weeks. Also wood. King mere Dairy, Rt. 1. Box 197. COIN Machine Route. Automatic Jute boxes 3-ball pin tables. 5. 10 and 25-cert slot machines. Earl Johnson, 173 Cak St., Ashland. Oregon. GOLDEN ORTLEY apples ready now. Excellent for all-around use. Phone 6598 FOR SALE One Fordson tractor in good shape. Two-section spring tooth harrow, 3 section straight tooth harrow. Need some repair. Misc. double-trees and singe-trees. Also one walking plow, '28 Doufe motor and chassis. 901 W. Jackson. FOR SALE Winchester 44, 542 Mary St. FOR SALE Grunow refrigerator. Brana new motor. A-l condition. Also L and H electric range. Both reasonable, Central Point Apart- mem? wanarer. rnone . FOR SALE Front fenders, hood and head-lamps for 1939 Chevrolet Coupe Sandy's, N. Riverside at Mc- Anarcsws, FOR SALE OR TRADE Page and Page dual axle logging trailer, com plete with truck equipment. Contact Don Koenig. Shady Cove. FJt . R brusher. 619 W 2iTh49T4" FOR SALE Sweet Corn bv the sack. Boyd s Fruit Stand, 3 miles south on flwy 99. FOR SALE; Model "A" part high presMire cai washer. Jackson St. Garage 120 E Jnckson. FOR SALE; Large heater, $3 00. 321 Apr-le FOR SALE Fuschia coat size 1 4. worn very little, reasonably priced. Call 6076 aftei 6 TRAILER HOME 24 ft. Kozy Couch, good cond. Elee. brakes mahogany Interior, Insulated. Sleeps four Must sell at once. 1120 Nlantic St Phone 5682. FO" SALi: Chain Saw itlmberTloi). 3 ft blade, excellent condition. S475 EH Smith. Fort Jones. California or ask for Bill Taylor a place. Dead' wood Creek FOR SALE MrCormlck-Deerlng plow. i-k"uk- v. 4. urew, so. reacn. cjox 116 BOY'S heavy duty bicycle, trash burn er with coils, wood camo stove with oven portable kerosene heater. 208 iripp tt. FOR SALE Non-lrri gated Hale and Elbcrta peaches Griffin Creek Road turn right at Griffin Creek Grange i'i mnes nuKiu ttancn AUCTION Ilavlnt decided to return to Los An. geles I will sell the following per sonnl property: 21 miles north oi" Medford. 1 mile north of Shady Cove on Crater Lake Highwav. Household Goons 1 8-tube Philco radio- 1 6-pc. Birch bedroom suite; 1 Club chair and Ottoman; 1 Wing chnlr. 1 Chateau chair: 1 Knee-hole desk- 1 Desk lamp; 1 Hollywood bed and inner mattress and box springs: 1 Chest with 8 drawers (glass topi; 2 Chest of drawers: 1 Heating stove: 3 Cornered What-nots; 1 Coffee table; 1 Ice box; I Library table; 1 Set of dishes (sen-ice for 101 Table and 6 chairs. Book case; 1 Alexan der Smith rug (10x131 with pad. royal blue; 1 Alexander Smith rup t9 x 12i with pad. roval blue, and runner to match; 1 9 x 12 rug and pad; 1 large plate glass mirror; l1 dozen bed sheets; 1 dozen wool and rayon blankets; 5 pair (down) pil lows; 8 pair of custom made) organ die drapes; 4 pair of gold silk drapes; 1 Underwood typewriter and stand Appliances 1 Westinghouse electric range; 1 electric toaster; 3 electric motors ( h p ); 1 electric motor l hp )- 1 electric motor ( h.p); 700 feet of electric wiring; 1 electric air-flow spray paint gun. Miscellaneous 14 3-ft. new win dows, casings and weights, com plete. 1 door, size 6 ft. 8 in. x 3 ft. new; 1500 feet of select tonfue and groove siding; 750 ft. of mixed lum. ter; 1000 feet of new pipe (! to 1 Inch) valves and cupplings; 150 feet of garden hose and sprinklers; 1 Guernsey cow (3 years old good family cow; 1 calf (4 months oldi; 500 cilckens (red) 1 to 3 months old; 1 lot of miscellaneous tools and many other articles too numerous to mention. Ir30 Sundav afternoon, Sept. 16 Tivms of Sale. Cash. No propvirty moved from premises until setHed for. Pat Loyd, Owner. K. W Holmes, Auctioneer. Mrs. K. W. tier FOR SAI.E a old davenports. S201M) earn. I davenport and chair S40 00: 1 8'h) ib cre.n separator with pow er Me off. J40 00 M D Shults. 320 No Bartiett. between itnd 6 p m $50 to $300 on your Furniture, Salary or LivestocB $50 to $500 on your Auto Money for Vacation Money for Dental or Medical Bills Money to consolidate your bills into one small monthly payment ' Money for any worthy reason COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. Main and Riverside Medford. Ore. Lie. Ml 34 Phone 2277 Lie. S244 Lodge Notices SPECIAL COMMUNICATION U.4(,,r t v4cr N'n inS A. P G it A. M.. Friday. Sept. 14, B p. m., txanunauuiu. welcome. R. L. BUSSEY, W. M. FORSALE MISCELLAN EOUS FOR SALE One washing machine; 1 sewing machine; 1 skill-saw arm, 211 N Peach. 1 fOR 3ALE Peaches, fine bl thoruughly tree ripened Hales from our fancy gift box supply, fin eat for canning Priced right, open 'till 7 p rn Bear Creek Orchards. FOR SALE Low-priced Lumber. Rip- saw sizca aim i., - 2 x fi. etc Van s Refinishing Mill, t mii.. nt Medtord ASTERS and other cut flowers, alee) cucumoers ui-s33iw . vi s,.M DU FOR SALE U inch and inch plas- . i a n I ..mKaif ln Ph ' tavt -XH Fir FOR SALE! Good buzz saw, Chevro- let motor Diaae. c ,u, dv 235 Thomas Road HEARING Aid users Just arTivedT new itr-ck ot A fit a Datteries suite 407 Medford Center Bldg Phone I J Jo FOR SALE Baled gram and vetefi mixea near jacuiiviw n noiu rnune doov FOR SALE Cedai shingles all grades. Potter turn be Co Pbone 2881. Medtord WE HAVE equipment with operator available tot custom plowing grad ing and land leveling Medford Con crete Construction Co Phone 24t9. FOR SALE Canmnt beets 3c lb. Come and get them Bateman. '4 mile NW ot Central Point on Taylor road i RED WOOD POSTS 7 ft extra goodU Hi-W-.iv Lbr St Farm Supply Co., Medtord city limits and J'ville Hwy. TOR SALE "Baled hay clean alfalfa and oat Cooksey I miles ft o Central Pojnt Phone 127 ' REPLACE AUTO GLASS PROMP1 SERVICE SELBY'S TOF St GLASS SHOP Cor 8th & Bartiett fnone 3U7o pOR SALE Tree ripened peaches. J. H Hales. Elbertas and Mulrs. 6c to 9i lb tor canninc Also canning tomrtues. meions plums and prunes. At the Growers Market, 3Va miles south of Medlord. Bert Stanclitfe. LARGEST and most complete stoclc ot Mccormick ueenng machine parts in southern Oregon We know paita and have them W E Alex andet Central Point ELBERT A PEACHES 6c fjmils south on Coleman Creek Road. Old Ben Hamlin place. FOR SALE Used clothing, men's ami women's, al) sizes. Irvin, the Tailor, 128 E Main. FOR SALE Elberta peaches for can nine 3c lb. Joe Kantor, 3 miles E. of Fnoenlx, turn right fL EXCHANGE TRADE for Pickup or cattle. ioW Chevrolet 4-door sedan, excellent condition and new stock trailer. Joa Roso. Phone 6225. Phoenix, Oregon. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Good Restaurant "fn"an excellent location, very good steady bu.iiress. A food spot for 24 hour service. Lots of equipment and re frigerator. This piace has a very low overhead. Our books are open for inspection on request. Also our OPA receipts. Call 9003 between 5 a. m. and 7 p m., every day except Sun d y PERSONAL 15 QJ5STI0NS and complete $3 00 read'r.fc by mail now 1 00 Prof. Woodward, noted seer, Butte Falls, Orejc n Cox 53 Full name private Reau.ngp daily SI 00 4 miles East of Butte Falls on Butts Falls Road, Sign out SARAH ANNA Crystal Readings cup turn.nR Cabin 6 801 N Central OORA Miller palmist crystal reader. Fr day onjy Pli 4495, 1U1 W 4th. g AHD READING $1 00 329 Jeanetta. PAi MISTRY crvtal reading B Miller. Ph 344R 480 Mountain Av . Ashland. MISCELLANEOUS RUTH LUY PENNY Dance Studio will hold enrollment for fall class at the USO auditorium. North Riverside Ave. Saturday afternoon, Sept. 13. TRUCKS FOR RENT Orive Yourself Save I4j Anv r.lstanre pRurrrs MOBILOIL STATION Main and Ivy Pbone 4143 S. M. WADE Commercial and Domestic Refrigerators Repaired 5302 Phone 4104 nam 1 WANTED GOOD USED CARS WE PAY Top Ceiling Prices Yon won't get mora money anywhere than you get at tha Automobile Market 6th & Bartiett Ph. 3919 V