SIX MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE CLASSIFIED RATES Per word flnt lntertlon....2c (Minimum 25el Each additional iniertioa. per word . , , - lc IMinimunr 10c) Per line per month with out ccpy change 1.2i ash or Money Order mutt acrompany all mail order classified ads NO REFUNDS Given On Classified Advertisements LOST AND FOUND HOST Lady'a wrlit watchTallisrnan Lost in or near Safeway Store or Boxy Theater. Ruth Marshall, Ash- land,uregon. Kl. .p013- tost Black Cocker Spaniel, male. Reword for return to 719 N. Cen tral; TJOST Waltham wrist watch, brown utrap, between Berkeley Way and R 1 vers 1 d e. Phone 270 3 . LOST black leather bllirold "contatn lng bncial Eecurlty card, California and Arizona driver's 1 1 c a n i e a. ground observer! card, etc. Return to Tribune office or Hoy H. Taylor, Routel. Box 443. Central Point. tosf-- Black Amity billfold. Don't care about money but want paper. Wllmer Higinbotham. Call 413 Cen tral I'otnt, ITjst ijidv7 Bulova wrist watch; caie number C-0U70H. gold link bracelet. Reward. Return 225 W. Oaxdnle. LOST One White-Faced bull calf73 month old. wt 300 lb. Last aeen on old Stage road In Jacksonville. Midw.iv Auction Sale tag No 170 tn left ear. Hcwara. noiny i. a Barhinann. Rt. 2, Box 46, Jackson ville Phone 506. TAKEN UP Strayed pig. red and black .potted. Corner of Coleman Creek and Houston ltd. Karl Laffer. tOST Reddish brown Pekingese. Named Puff. Ashland 6747 or Ht. 2. Box 240. Mediord, roST Iietwecn Medford' and TfaiT, top ol heating alove. Finder pleas notify lom ril7.Keriiia, riii, Cost Parker fountain pen between U s (National uann riui ni.rvuii Hotel Reward rnone ooja v Third IUN l-Cood "lubrication, by ex per lencea help Williams and Crouch r 4tn aiid Klveniua REPORT loat dogs animal cruelty casra Humana Society Phone 0151 WANTED MALE HELP XTTENTION Ex-Servlcemen. A Job for you. Wanted Carpenter. Ph. 2817. yRY COOK WANTED Valentines. WANTED Pnintera. 3 first class brush hands. Top wages. Younger' Appliance, ai in. narueu, "WANTED Corpentersi Red" Power, 308 Liberty Bldg WORKERS NEEDED Will contract green chain, iioiei accommonauon. available. Riddle Lumber U Mfg. Co. Riddle, Oregon, ISaVE permanent opening for good mechinlc with hand tool. Sea Mr. Losce CULLEN MOTOR and IM PLEMENT C Q., 1 2 3S .Riverside. WaniED Body and fender repair mar. Shults Bros. Body and Fender Service, 220 N. Bartlett. WANTED A butcher and a vegetable ' man Weed MercanUle Co. Weed. Calilornla. ELECTRIC Moior Repairmen Perma nent position In large, modern shop Write for details, giving your ex- pertence. age ana ower inioniiHuun Tlnling & Powell, Spokane, Wash. LUMBER HANDLERS Planer Chain Puller Cat Loader Choker Setters Falters and Buckers Vital Industry Steady work wltn top wares Apply Medford Corporation North Hiveraide Ave., neai cit limit Phone 2268. ffANTX'D- Experienced Pay Roll Clerk for permanent position Creek Orchard Phone 2161. RELIABLE Electrical Firm wouldTTRe fund service man Steady em Dlovment with advancement Write Tribune HoxJJlSB EAN WANTED IVItri Mammermlll and 'red mixing experience to work with our miller This Is a good op portunity tor young man Phone 3750 F E SAMSON COMPANY WANTED FEMALE HELP fit'CETOmsTrDoctor' office assist ant Experienced. Phone 5078. WANfFDGiri"for"tynlng"ancren" eral office work. Call Bear Creek Orchards. 21(1). WANTED Experienced Preiser. I.fn". coin Cleaner. Phone 1 30, Grants Pass RlTHSn WANTED at tha Osteopathic Hospital W"AN YV.Yl Girl experienced. 07fTce manr.ger, gift-box dept. Crystal Sprint Packing Co. X'ANTM Pantry" lanV. Valentines WAN1TD PantryTady," Sacred lleart Hospital. VANTKD-l.ady to care fbrVcrtjldren in my home Room, board and wag cp Phone Ashland SDHtt between 7 a:id b pm.. or contact Mrs McAoee, Skeeter's Garage, Talent, b to a 'ANl rt) Permaiientbffice gTFT. Western Auto Supply Co., lOl So. HlverMde. WAN'I K lVLndy" for-to u n t a t n w or k , Husons Coiifcctlonnry. ANTED" Bookkeeper, peKrmVnent pot il ion. Phone 22tll or call at 323 Med lord Bldg. WANTED-Woman ior day cafe o("5 children tn my home. Ph. 4228 morn'nn and after 6:30 pm. WAN TKD-'Resonslhle girl to stay ocrasiitnnllv with baby evening. Phone 5tt35. W"ANTEl Woman to rare forTHNe boy nno do light housekeeping Khlle mother works Phone B1H2. WANTFDlgaT" stenograiherTTJef and Krohnmnyer Phone 3386. WAN I'ED Beauty" Operator. Powder Pu:f Heauty, 114 Oregon Ave., Bend, Oregon WAN 1 iilvTVoman to cnfeofVchool I,lrl. nred 12, In her home this win. ter, n-ar Junior High school tt poa- Iblp. tl. Box 873. Phone 5010. WANTED Gtrl or woman for house woo and care of 2 children. Cat) 2liH8 WANTEfVxpeTftncw! cooV Rood waKs Prrinancnt position for ruttt person. Tribune Box No.JSUHO WANTKD-Female waitress Apply" "at Poo IMace. Phoenix, tre. WAITED Girl or middle "aged'om- an for house work, 2 tn family. 310 So Grape WAITED Two diihwailirys"TndwiR. rees Morning and afternoon shuts. no Sunday Barneys Cafe, 100 W Main W"ANTED" Waitress fry cook end dlh- wfherThe What-Not WANTED-Hoi.sekeeper to cVrefor 1 rhllriirn Tribune Uos 2lt)4 CoUNTkR "Worker andChecker Ap- ly ir person. Medford Cleaners, 22 lo Central WANTED -KIN hen helper" Commun ity Hi'ipital Apply in person fl?ANfEl Experienced waltres. morning thill Apply Valentine s Cafe WANTED Twn" Waitresses orwalter and rv coos i mountain resort Yeai miind work le Lincoln Proaurt Ore Phone WU4 WANTED --Chamber maid apply Hoh land Hotel WANTED - Experienced "Tountaln girU Taylor s Pennywise Drug Co 5C"P" "VTtfew Wanted' See Mr Sim mon Holly Cafe CpFraTor wanted ef Cooks Beauty Tuesday. Sept. 11, 1945 WANTED FEMALE HELP A DESIRABLE OCCUPATION FOR vuuno women "elephone operating pay well rre ?ieni increase- Vacation with pay L.rroiin1lniiPi comfortable and pieas- nt Experience not necessary COME IN FOH A PERSONAL INTERVIEW All for Miaa Otterdale rifUi and Bartietl Street THE PACIFIC TEi-EHHONB AND fKLEGKAPH COMPANY WANTED- Maid at Hotel Medford Aliulv to Mra Ua via PTANTED Silk finisher apply tn pera'-n West Hide Cleaners. 34 No HoIiy HELPMALE and FEMALE WANTED Dishwasher. Apply Mr. Robinson, Jackson Hotel. WANTEl Man oi woman over 18 to work In grocery .tore Call tn per son ar Humphrey's Grocery 534 E Mom WANTED DisKwalherTenny'i Cafe. KITCHEN HELP WANTED See Mr Slmrmns Hnltv Cnfe WAN I ED SMUAflON WANTED Local World War II vet want position with chance for ad vancement. Typing, Gen. Office and some sales exp. Best references. Available Oct.J.TrlbuneBox4143. FOR PAINTING, decorating and clean spray work, see Snm Graft, 823 N. Central or phone 0108. WANTED Position as Orchard fore man. vears of experience, capable of running larce ronch. Refernece. TrlhuneBox 4000. WANTED Housework by " the hour. Ph. SI Oil or 333 E. Jackson. REMODELING AND NEW CON STRUCTION For estimate ail 5407. FOR INTERIOR "and exterior decorat Inr Alo stucco painting Free esti mates Call Sf84 Guy Ithea LET Mf Bohdex your-home Also Painting ol ell Kinds Estimates free i red i uciia Ph 541 J'vllle Oregon fnAt'T'R WORK - Grading, leveling nn nmwing rnrma wmi SEP riC TANK Ccspo"oTpumpHTg sanitary equipment Phone 1)1 7 If PAINTING interior exterior d"ec- oratinfl Spray oi brush Phone '3i5 C H Coghill WANTED- -Cusloni"trnctor work Fast modern equipment Plowing disc ing mowing 'evellng and cultivat ing C L Rnhinsnn Rt 2. Box 4ttl-B Phone fK'I'fl WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO RENT OR LEASE Modern 4 or 3-room unfurnished house, close In. 24 Genesee, T. T. Dnnirls. WANTFD TO RENT bpfTEASE- rurnished or unfurniabed Apt., or 3-room house. Tribune Box 3758. WANTEDFrom Privntc piTriy, tho best rar $500 will buy. Will pny cash Cull Jack Meyer, Jackson Ho tel, Medford. WANTED Flu feTTn rod condition, with case. Phone 4078. WANTED Young fresh mlTcfi cow. MtiU he heavy milker with good test P.O.- Box 501, Gold Hill. WANTEDCh-np lot "with shock for cosh rrinunc hox 3inn. WAN TED TO BUY 3 m n ll acreage . 1 to 4 acre with modern house, lights and water. Tribune Box 3730. WANTED A few good fresh cows. Ph. 0325. W A NTED Electric stove. PfT74f04 . WANT TO TRADE 1032 Chevrolet sedan for Inter model sedan. Will giV4 difference Cnll 0420. WANTED "TO nilY From OwnrruFT Improved propertv. vacant lot or small acrenre Give Incntlnn and Rrlce in first letter. P. O. Box 1521, ledlnrd. WANTED TO RENTFrve or fl-"robni house furnished or unfurnished hy fieriitanent relloble family. Call J nek untienfl8I)7 or 2283. WANTED Girl's Bicycle. N. E. Da- vlor phone 5388. WILL nUYyour" furniture " ahdfent yoiit home. 11- B. Mnion, General Delivery. Mfdfnrtt. wanted f b "rentTlearr ORTlirV 3-beclroom house, furnished or un furndbed. Phone S5I4. WANTED To rent or lense. with or without option to buy. a to CO acres with living quarters, nut hulldlnr. Permnnent Medford residents can 7lve references If needed. Contact ten Foster, 209 Tripp, Medford Phone 5627. WANTED to rent furnished fl-bedroorn house or apartment 3 adults, per mnnent civilians. Best of reference. Phone 7Ji2!, 1 to ft pm. WANTED 7 00xl0 tire audfuba or either J T Allen, Box 43, Trail. WANTED -Salmon' rod, Star Drug reel or complete salmon outfit. Call 3B72 WANTED Two bedroom house or apartment, unfurnished. Permnnent tennnt. adultr onlv. Good refer ence. Hugh L. Ford. Phone 3374. WANTED t6lUTY Kqulpmeht for small cafe, JMioneTniil J 105 WANTED TO BUY Good used cash regit! and typewriter. Irvin Tailor 12B E Main. WANTED TO BUY ""Xcrenge with mini fruit, good house. Tribune Box 30U WANTED f6ENTpnrtment hr Instrumental Music Supervisor of Med:nrd HUh, Immediately. Call Ashlnnd 8072 WANTED "TO HEN'fViir"pay un b Sion per month tor lurnisnen d or 3-bertroom house or npnrtment Call C W Thompson. Genernl Manager. Rogue Hlver Chevrolet Ph 2288. WANTED TO TRADE Man's balloon- t'red Bicycle for gltTs bicycle. 29 Myttie or phene 3-til T AN'tTD Two bed rooni house . paved Cash Trihune Box x.-suo WAN LED UseXsedan tn good condi tion Phone 3030 Wanted to buy one ortwo 450 x 31 tirea Mm; he good iribune uox SJtlH ft'ANT F.Df 5 hENTtoderri home bv n'W tnsii u mental music tiH'T visoi 1 Med-ord High Wanted hy Sept to If possible Write Tribune Bos J845 DRIVING loT,o AngeWor Corvallis have rMtm foi one or two Phone 23i2 C S Prime WANTED "to rent or Kuy wheel chair tn good condition Trihune Box ltt5 ft' A NTEIV-The best cat $5H0 wtll buy No iraler pr'v:itc!y owned write Box 3-lU Wanted Yo hi vljite Ahnlel used car Pay cash Phone Central Point 127 WANTED We Buy All Kind ot i.tveamM'K - Beef. Veal Hog and Dressed Poultrv A .so rtaohila CITY MARK EI Phtne 4331 WNYl-D "- junked wrecked" or burned ear pat nighesl prices Waikei Auto rts Co ,t mile N ot Aahlar.d on 99 Phone 59H3 WE BUY Used Furniture miscellan eous articles w also clean ru 1 01 ceasonattle orice Celt lot and 1e liver or more 26 4 Craue Phone 7. '4 4 WANTED RAW FURS Highe! cash prtres pa'd tor muskrat mma Dohcat etc Set us for youl gnme Irspa W also buy ntdea pelia and mohmr atEI KtlMD OARliAlN HOUSE 17 M tirade Dial 3744 fOP"PTll'r psl3"for"used furniture F'imiture Cxcrange Cupp r urni ture store ieiepnone 4048 and 4tt4H BEST PRICES PAID F 01 T out Furniture f.AOS FUKNltt HK Phone 4240 WAN 1 ED B Reliable Party - ft or rotm modern 'urnisnei nous casn ot teims 1'rihutie Box l97 WILL PA M?'ST CASH For Goel t'ed furniture Hill rURNITlRF U Nor Lb ft 00 1 Vhoa u2j WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Fox reed horse 12d7 gagle Point tox Farm. Highest price paid for furniture, stove tool or what have you? MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE. J7 N Grape Pnon 3744 FOR RENT HOUSES M )VE by padded' "van-lt costs no mi-i e Eads I'rinster Dial 1121 TRtTck?" FOR"RENTMove vbiirBell Save halt Prultr Mnniloll Station M-nn 'nd Ivy f'heye H!i FOR RLNT Furnished Rooms FOR RENT Rooms with use of klt chn. 32 VnshinKtonSt! FOR HFNT-Rwim to" employed cou ple. Furnace heat. Vacant Sunday. Phone 4'iiir cvcninfis or Sundays. FURNISHED room for rent Ph. 4.157" FOR RENT SleeplnC room for men dij ucany hi SLEEPING ROOMS 140 S HoTTjT f'lH KENT 4M4 S (;rnpe FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT In Jacksonville. 3-room furnished n part men t. Apply 200 Trp. St., Medford FOR RENT Board and Room ROOM and Board for school girls', prlr reasonable Tribune Box 3019. FOR RENT Miscellaneous FOR KENT Three-room Cabin, Sfl a mouth. Joseph Arncmann. Butte Falls Road. No. 31. Eagle Point, Ore. FOR RENT Cabins, utilities tur- nlsncd $7 week One block from Big Y Market. Old Paclfio highway Pardee Coutt. FOH KENT To Officer and fnmllte some of the nlces hotinekei ping cottages on the Rogue Hiver Cull Gold Hill 474 Chalk t'rs Motet SFFTCF ROOMS for rent See Cozy oK LnnfecUonery 40J Cast Main Phone 0042 fbk RFNT Cabin P linen ix HI-Way Court FOR SALE DOGS. PETS PUREnitED Irish Setter pup. Alwyr tn. near uig t. FOR SALE " Two puTebred white Collle fcnuile pupsjCall (in.'j3. FOR"YVALE Female Pekingesepu1f- pies, with papers. $35 Jacksonville Hwv Ki'iineN phone 8141 FOR SALE POULTRY FOR F-ALE Six Rod "HnTnpshTreriaying hens 32VnshinKton St. 4(i0 NEW HAMPSIURES. 12 week's old $1 and $1 25 each Sixth house past Mntlacka Store on Jacksonville hltjh-.-ny FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE One fat""Vog: 3 heifer cnlvcv 50 fryers; n ducks; 1 spring lamb; 2 kid gonts. Phone 080f), lOll SALE" Cheap". .Smooth-mouth gray mare, blocky-bullt. about 1150 lbs. Work or ride. Would trade for plg:t Ray Burns. Willow Springs Dist.. Ph Central Point 14x3. FOR SALE Three registered Suffoc-Ti bucks. See Ben Day, Vnllcy'a End RnjJchSamsValby. Oregon. FOR SALE Jtsey"ovv7freshe"n5-thT month; one bull calf; 5 turkevs; 120 chickens; rabbits and hutches; garden and farm toils; chicken wire; 12 ton truck Jack. Rt. 4, Box 20. Coker Butte Road off Crater Lake Hwy. M IDWAY AUCTIONYAR DS MARKET REPORT SEPTEMBER 0 171 Head Salable MARK EI swinging back to normnl after two weeks uncertainty, it nppehrs thnt fat cattle of all clnss es will remain somewhere nenr pre vious prices The only point at definite wenkness seems to tie tn the eulte: or hamburrer tratle, where over-supply i glutting central nmr- FAT COWS scored from 1180 to $11.00 according to grade with one exceptional 1250 pound cow bring ing $12 40. Bulk of common flesh v enwi $8 00 to $0 00. Heifer $13 00 to $12 00 foe best grades. Others 10 50 lo $11.50 Several load or lat and feeder steers this week. Juite a few buyers on the market tor feedirs Best steers $13 20. One load averaged $12 40. Feeders sal-all- $12 00 to $10 00, mnu going around $11.50. Bulls $10.00. VEAL broiiRht $13 00 and $12 30 for best. Other down to $11.00. SPECIAL NOTEH We feed and water cnttle at our Yards too! And the cost d( esn'l take the profit out of your anle. No yard in Southern Oreron offers the buyer and sell ers tue advantages Hnd convenienc es found nt our ynrds. such ns cheap hauling, trailer rental, free deliv ery In slaughter houses, special advertising and livestock scales. Take advantage of a modern yard where up to onte sales niciunns are employed to get the most money for vour cnttle. Snle every Tburndny V. J "Bill" Brnv ... "Newt" Mend "YOUR LIVESTOCK SALESMEN" FOR SALE I good brood sow. 3 Guernsey hellers from Joe Johnson held. I Guernsey hull calf. Benll Lane and OH Pacific Hwy. Phone 6410 W J McCulloeh- FOR SALE A"-1 Guernsey cow. freh within next few days. Phone 44i7 FOR SALE Guernsey and Jersey heifer fresh since April D It Sohrrtder. Table Hock Orchard, Cen tral Point. FOR ""SALE 20"eadCoTridalles bucks take any number Route 4, box 100. Medford BarncburK Rond. fOR SA1.F- Two smtdle horses. l llrw mnre. 1 Sorrel gelding. Phone 541'5. FOR r.AlJS Registered Hereford Bull 3 years old Three cows Twi bull calves One heifer calf Phon 4810 dnvtlme h:io evenings FOR S.Al .E Reulstered Double Stand- ard Polled Hereford hulls. 2 years and under Also few norn nuns. slreo hy Mountcrest Stan 14th S F TciwilltKcr. Montague. Calif CASH .tor old 01 crippled Tmrtea Hi.vaiHoue Kennels Gold Kill fiOBTlS TRADING" POST "1802 W Miln We buy sell or trade Phone 1I07 FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1134 ChevroleCnew tlres. good condition, third and Laurel Sts Central Point. FOR SALE 3 acres-overTlrrVgnted, V-ro.m modern house, barn, saruge. chicken houe cold ron'iv All new build. ngs Next to school Furnish ed or unfurnished. Larson, back of Howsid Store FOR S.-.1 F Pod e Yr u c IT Old" Stage Rd By Products Rd FOR SALE 1042 Ford truck" and lsavon trailer lt42 fii;r truck and Bealt simile ale trailer. l!:itt T40 iractor with blade and drum. 80J Vmi Jai No. 8 FOR SALE 1 :i;!0 Mixlel A'FordSt dan, 10 Inch tires Fatr condition, within UPA Second hovise W. on Stevv-rt Ave . from Dixie Lane ALL SlES International trucksnow in production Place vour oro"er for enrlv tirllvrrv CULL FN MOTOR and IMPt KMKNT CO. 23 S Riverside. tp:trt Ottmobile cmvertible with ra dio, swi Metow ceiling. 550 Fair view Ashland FOR r"AI K '31 MihVcTX co"i rgood painl lob (uhhI condition dtHixiti" tires Under O P A Ashtand. 3747 or Rt 4. Box 240. Mrdtord USED CARS Lot ol Vhern lrgesi Stock in Southern iTgon See l's Hebve Vou But ni Sell 1 N Slll'l T8 N Rtvertiide beiween 4'h and 5th FOR SALE l;)?1 Chevn.let coupe erv clean and extra good tires Belo'v OPA Shell Service Station at RiverMde and J'Mon fOH KAI.E 12 Tudor Coach 719 W i OUXUl Dk , FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE lf)31 Hudson sedtn. rd co-id: fon Some new rubber Mc Minn Poultry farm, 'j muti souui AIil tr-d on Hlwy fit FOR SALE REAL ESTATE AUTO COURT Four dbublecablnJ, restaurant, 3-room lodge. Gas ta tlon 327 highway and river front are, tools (all kinds), power saw and Jointer. Ford 1-ton truck. Complete ly I Tnishcd including 2 frigldalres, wa-ihr, vacuum, etc. Good income. 2 ,5u0. Some terms. Owner Box I05Rt. l.GoldIHH, Oregon. FOR "A L E 2 0 Acres. C a b I n, fruit trees. $000. Phone 4915. FOR SALE One lot on Queen Anne, good location, 47 X 117 ft. Call 4051 after 5:30 p. FOK SALE Bv owner. 5 acres, 3 roor.i modern house. Term. Rt.' 4, Box 20. Coker Butte Road off Cra ter Lake Hwy. FOR SALE Good income property" priced to sell. Tribune Box 3081. $3500" Ren) little tourkey ranch, located 5 miles from Med ford. Nine acres. 4 -room modern house. Fine well pressure system, barns and chicken houses. This price Include one good cow. range move. L.ei s iook this over. HARRY LONG, Real Estate 1258 So. Riverside Phone S922 FOH SALE OR TRADE for livestock or automobile, 40 acres of timber, 3 0 mile from Medford, tome saw tlmher and an excellent wood lot. Inquire M. J Swing. 3 block N. of Big V Market on old hlfhway. $3360 Grazing itock water, 560 ACRES Grazing land, fenced, free soil, stock water. $3800 140 ACRES, fl-room log cabin. 28 acre cultivated, barn, tree soil, 2 pumping systems, $4950 NEW MODERN HOME, garden, chick ens and a chance for the kiddies to romp, in fact, a place for everything. x-rivuu 10 sen $5750 FOUR-HOOM Modern Home with on acru alfalfa in a very desirable dis trict Spanish type house, cement a. in me construction. Attractive term immediate possession. THOMAS J HIGHT. Realtor 20 South Central Medford, Oregon - FOR SALE Close In. modern 2 bed- rcoms. front room, dining room, kitchen. Also sewlnr room. This is a nice home. Price $5000. About Vi cash, balance $27 per month. Also 1 acre, new house, finest of soil, close 10 town, price reduced to $5750. Tennh Don't overlook this. A. W. WALKER. Real Estnte Tel. 27:! 1 OfficejL27 E. Main FEW excellent Jots left, 1800 block, restricted residential district. Close in on east sine where new homes are being built. Owner, 15 Klngley. Ph. 5480. FOR SALE Clean, modef ri 3"-robm hoiiRo with large sleeping porch. Concrete foundation, good parage and store room. Early possession. Neai Washington and High schools. uwnci, oji iviurroy Ave. $5500" oil ht, cation, c 2 acre fine soil. Irrigated, 2-bedroom house, very modern, harriwnnri flnnr oil ht, rarage, storeroom, fine lo cation, close in. Also $20,000' 90 acres fine bottom soil. 70 acres tn clover and nlfalta. 10 acres naid ud wnter right, balance tree water. 8 rooin modern house, large hay and milking barn, fine location. OR ill sell 50 arrcs for -!00 00 per acre, with 4-room house, good terms. COOPER REAL ESTATE OFFICE 223 N Riverside Phone 7357 or 0004 FOR SALE or lease. 40 acres, new boiisii nnd buildings, all modern. Hoj sheds and turkey run, good Pflslur and hay land. Want to bell furniture and 15 or 20 ton of hay with the place If Interested see owner h H. Shaw, on the place, 3 mile north of Central Point, in- quire direction In Central Point. "homes O AA A H - 25. 7 - room modern iJUvWU house; 2 bedrooms up T stairi. and 1 down; garage; 2 w.Mnut nnJ 2 cherry trees. ffQ7C f H-40 A good small home JJlUD on the east side, ideal for a couple. O iOf A H-47 A rive-room com JiQ0y pletely furnished house within walking distance of city center. (Jyr A H-55 Three-unit apartment VllDU bouse; located close in on east side; work shop and gnrnsc 17001 "58 S-room modern ranch V'vWv i.h iupihc, loruo iivuir . 1 room; 2 bedrooms; kitchen I an.l batn; rug and drnpe in liv ing room; fireplace. This property Is well located on the east side; Inr-r yard; plenty of shade; fruit treei and ennlcn nonce. SMALL. tAHMS $5000- cloc tn; t-4u. One acre; 5 -room modern plastered home; Karaite, chicken house: clow tn; city water. $55001-i b-5o une acre irrigated; 4-room modern house: 2 bedrooms; service porch; gainge; barn, chicken house; family ori'hard. We have some good unimproved acre rkc irrigated, closed to Medford. Buy dtie of these now and build a heme of your choice. $2500u S acres Irrigated. 31500 cre, rrrated' $2000 $3500 9 acres Irrigated; 2-room house. 5 acre Irrigated; 5 -room house. RANCHES R-B2 65 acres; 20 acre Ol J.UUU under Irrigation and Y ' alfulfa; 15 acres in or chard 11 -room house: 3 bedrooms down-.tairs; 6 rooms and bath up stairs. tnrn; chicken house: wood shed, garage. 2 acres rrapes; 20 acres oai and vetch; balance pas ture $9000" : V" v Faille Point R-53 40 acre ait cum acres under ditch: 8-rooin house; 2 bedrooms; no electrtcily; wel1 concrete inclosed; barn; chick en bouse and woodshed; living spring on place 54500" k-sij iju acres; acces w 1000 acres open range; 5 room house; water in house. 2 bedrooms; double garage; 3 barns: machine shed; 2 chicken houses, good incubator house: wood house grapes 2 peach trees; 20 acrvx tprm Kind fenced RAX J SCHUMACHER. Broker 417-419 E Main Dial 585 Sundays please call 5785 SALE t R TR A DE $50000-A"7Ap pie.ite river ranch Phone 622 Jack sonvil e FOR SALE 5 room "modern house. furiT;nei. Including Frtgutaire and washing ma. hine. or unturmshed Lots of fruit trees, berries and grapes. Close to Junior High, grade school and gnHery store. Call at 214 West Jacknon street. $6300 FOR SALE 1604 West Main street. Attractive two oedrckm, newly pointed home sanded and fmikhed fir floor, fliepisce. Corner lot Im med.nie ptj.eion Reasonable terms lull Char lee R Ray, Room 217 Mediord Bldg. Phone 3902. fol SALE 1 j acres, also 3j acres, close tn ey tcrnu. lor informa tion enquire at 147 North Holly f OR SALE Auto erurt and camp jrmnd 2j ncre excellent lwtion Ahltid two highways, lots ot thade 13 cabin, store, living qtlr ters service station, shop Price $15 '0 H C tlaley. Arent. Ainiand NFF.D msurancef oee Ray befiu-aiauiei . FOR SALE REAL ESTATE j FOR SALE Five room. 2 bedroom houe. also sewing room, $5000. Close In. 319 King. 1400- acres with choice build- Ing site. Unsurpassed view of the valley. Old Military Road Electricity and telephone available. H. L. COOK, Realtor 1104 West Main NINE-ROOM modern house. Irvington district in Portland to-trade for city or country property in southern Oreg.-m. Phone 5108. FOR SALE Corner" lot. 55 x U7T 2 blo'-ks from Main, leveled ready for bui'ding, sewer specifications. Call FOR SALE 2-bedroom moderr house. Call at 506 So Fir after 7 Pjm. FOR S ALE "BY THE OWNER Five acre 2'i mile south on 99 Hirh way Five-room modern home. new. Now vacant Just finished. Garage with living quarter, room for 4 cars Chicken house. Soft water. $750.1 cash. Rt 4. Box 374-A, Phone 6489 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION' 8 - room mod. 2 Jot and garage, electric waer heater A ennrt hnv at S.'i.lll KIMBALL Real Estate CHILDEHS Phone Jacksonville 101 $4500- In living Four-room modern plas. tered house, 2 bedrooms, nice hath harriu.-nnri i Innrs In living room. Good service porch. $6000-F" rive-room modern house, 2 bedrooms and sleeping blind!. High ch $4100 blind, large garage. Located near niKii scnooi. Four-room modern house, 2 bedrooms and sleeping nisnea. iots 01 nice shade $18,900- , Auto Court, 4 double and 6 single, and 5- room modern residence. store bu! $4250" electric 1 Barn, 5 store building and Service Station. rive acres under irrigation in clover. Three-room house and hath, wired Inr electric stove Some furniture goes. Barn, 5 stanchions and hay mow. mHcninesnea oiiacnen. $20,000-oj'l Dairy Ranch, 19 Acres choice irrigated land. New. very modern b"- room house, fine Dairy barn, 48 stanchions; also feed barn, and lot, all concrete. Good milk house with refrigeration Better look this over. On-J ) the nest in southern Oregon. ?1 C AAAlulJ Acre Hanch. e!Jlj)UUU irrigated 20 acr 4U a cres acres grain land. 5 room modern house guest house. Grade A milk barn. Iced barn chicken house, gar.. ij nujK cow Keg shorthorn bull team horses, harness, double unit surge milking machine, all imple ment $6500" house g electncil on pivei 35 Acres, 27 acres irrigat ed, in clover, tine larce barn 20 utanchion. 3-room house good well, pressure system. eteciricuy to an bunuings, located on pivea nmnway icrms $42,000" temporary wlrn an ranch goo $10,500" newly deco chicken ho trie hot wa tu Acres, 300 acres tree Irrigation, in nay and grain, 3 large Darns. temporary heuse, all lenced woven wire an exceptional good stock mncn gooa uui-rangc lenns. 1 acres irrigated. Clov- ei and allalta. 3 bed room modern houe newly decorated, good barn, faraye. chicken house artesian well. Elec tric hot water heater, this is a nice pia:e und worth the money. $1000',, City Lots, east side location, paved street, side walk, sewer, iots ot shade and fruit trees Will build and shade and fr finaine to 1 f:nam-e to suit buyer. $4800,, sii; 12 tuns hay Acres, irrigated in an 'a. Ross Lane district. small house arate. barn 12 tuns hay, fine soil, terms. $7250" side ha lot 50x100 it., eacn as nice fireplaces. hardwood floors, one side completely furnished, venitian blind'-, etc. $4850 chlcktn close I 2 bed-room new house. modern, cement founda tion, service borch and chick t-n house Va acre irrigated ciose in a reai gooa buy. CQITflO8 ajres, irrigated in clover. VtjlU 3 room modern house, all fenced and crossed t diced, oarn an good condition, cnicken nouse tor juu separate wells with pumps lie bure and see this one. SOU I HERN OREGON LAND CO. Mediord Grants Pass Next to Bruce Bauer on South Riverside Phone539() P o Box 608 BY OWNER, anyone seek inaB "beauti ful oome furnished or unturmshed come lo 510 S Ivy. corner ol 12th at . vvaikiiiH distance Phone 5util ?2000 CASH. Four-room furnished home, newly remodeled inside Ap proximately five acre land wun out-D-.iidingH oood pressure system Kl. ii liox 330. Mediord, U mile from Midway Auction on Midway road THIS WEEK'S BEST BUYS $2650-X0' room modern Jacuson- Medford Hiwav. anoui '.i acre. $1800 $6750 Large brick building equipped tor cafe. Hurry. 6-room modern, acre. This home has everything. QQAAA About 1 acre 4-room, city tJJUliU water and lights. Chickens and furniture goes at this price C C O C A 8 room modern on old tJUuOXJ Stagi Road about 3 acres $4800 $3250 Gold Hill Income. Modern 2 flat lower, now rented, $42 00 U-ruoni modern. 2 lots, gar age electric water heater We have Ranches. Home & Business Propertv KIMBALL Real Estate CHILDEHS opposite postntlice Jacksonville Phone 101 FOR SALE Rooming house. Decided to take small payment down. Please call oack to 330 No Front. HEADQUARTERS for New Homes. A home within every income. Phone 28J708LibertyBldg. FOR SALE $20 000 Ranch505 acres Trout stream. 25 acres free irrira tlon barn, 3 houses, crop, stock equipment Jesse Glass, Browns- boro Oregon. f6R SALE- One acre and 3 bedroom home. 2 acres and one bedroom house Both modern 410 Maple Park Drive C F "7 PA A 3 bedroom home Extra COOU larie 'ot Good neighbor h ood Locn t ed 1014 W 10th shown ov appointment only BROWN St WHITE AGENCY Exclusive agents 104 West Main Street Phone 2920 WANT to buySee Ray Schumacher FURMSHED 3-bed room, well con structed hoi. st on acre ot ground located 3 blocks from College and 1 bUxk from Grade ichool A beauti ful Stelnwny piano, gas refngeraioi and s good f.'asv washer goes with snle Price $7000 cash, 401 Beach Street Ashland ft A V SCH U Si A C H ERwyT7671 sshe a no telui dirt cneap sff. ck" ranches "Farms' Orchards Acreages TH 'MAS I RIGHT Realtor 10 S Centra t' turns 5397 IMMEDIATE from Portland itock without priority Limited Number 40 to 120 Horsepower Continental 'Red Seal' Gasoline Power Units Complete with Twin Disc Clutch and Power Take-OH Contractors Equipment Corporation 1215 S. E. Grand Ave. VErmonr 4131 Portland 14 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE LIST Y')UH PROPERTY With L's I hen STAR1 PACKING T J HI(J HT Realtor 20 a Central SEE THE TENGWALD AGENCY U you want to buy or sell property W neve some good lutings and enuid use more HoMv Tneaiei Bldg On the Comer IRRIGATED ACREAGE FOR SALE From I to 10 Acres located on the Phnenix-Jncksonville highway near 99 Foi price and terms see L- G Pickell 16 S Bartlett FOR SALE Two acre "7 miles "E of Ashland at old Klamath Falls Junc tion All In alfalfa and farm ouild Ings FOR SALE Apartments and cabins 15 unit all rented or house with 3-rocm apartment and 2 -room apart ment duplex In rear. Call 330 Nortii Front To Buy Home or Business, "See BROWN ii WHITE AGENCY J C Coil ins Pres 104 W Main Phone 2920 or 1 home 01 a farm on Kugur Hiver call at our SHADY COVE office I ova ted on Cratei Lake nighway HOME SEEKERS "Look up Hll) at Rupue Kiver iregon FOR SALE Acreage. Joe Wallen Rt 1. Box l(i2. Orchard Home Drive. RAY SCHUMACHER pays for" ashes ana -iells dirt cheap WHEN YOU THINK of real estate think at the Spencer Bagley Agency 102 W Main $1900 CASH FOR SALE BY OWNER A Oamp U-Rest Hiway 99. 3 ml So Medford. 1945 Glider trailer House 20 tt . sleeps four, butane range electric brakes. Venetian blinds well Insulated everything new "used only two weeks' Also may sell i040 deluxe Dodge coupe equipped to pu:i same Many ex tras wuhin, 0P A ceiling FOR S A LE Two bedroom modern housR caragf large vacant corner lot goes with the house Immediate possession Phone 4321 or 5585 and 5U38 dtler tt p m . 01 Sundays WANT in sell' See Ray Schumacher FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ST. MARKS' Rumm-igc Snle, Friday anti S'lturaay, Escpt. i4-i.-)tn at par ish Llall. Fifth and Oakdale, 9 to 5 p. rn. FOR SALE Large wood circulating heater. Like new. 919 Dakota. FOR SALE Bartlett Pears. Pick them yourself, $1 per lug, Tolo Road, Olsen. FOR SALE: Cement bricks. 546 Pearl Street FOH SALE Girl bicycle, never been used $38. new. Will sell for S25. Call Tiftcr 6 p. m., 412 Boardman. FOR SALEC Melody-Saxophone, 419 Haven ?'tr5p1m- FOR SALE Electric iron, good condi tion. Baby batbinettc, like new, Aqua blue. Chiffon formal, size 11. 420 V. S. Central. Phone 3425. FOR SALE Grunow refrigerator. Brand new motor, A-l condition. Also L and H electric range. Both reasonable. Central Point Apart ments. Manarcr. Phone 462. FOR SALE Chevrolet motor, 33 Mas ter. Re-bored. Phone 6542. ONE World bicycle for sale, knee ac tion and front wheel broken. Phone 4381. FOR SALE Pre-war baby buggy, goodeondj.tion.Pbone 8542 FOR SALE Front fenders, hood and head-lamps for 1939 Chevrolet Coupe Sandy's, N. Riverside at Mc Andrews. FOH SALE OR TRADE Page and Page dual axle, logging trailer, com plete with truck equipment. Contact Don Koenig. Shady Cove. ST. MARKS' Rummage Sale, Friday and Saturdav. Sept. 14-15th at Par ish Hall, Fifth and Oakdale, 9 to 5 FOR SALE Radio, $20. 108 Elm St. Phone 4833. FOR SALE-Maytag Washer, good -ondiiion. with rasollne and 110-volt electric motor, $70.00. Lyle Hard. Rt. 2. Box 55, Jacksonville. Phone 707 Jacksonville. FOR SALE Ethcrta Peaches. Bring containers. S. P. Hunter, west As sociated Company, Phoenix. FOR SALE 6 tube Airline console radicPhone 7207, 327 So. Oakdale. FOR SALE New, shallow well pump, ncvei been used. Olaf Johnson, Rl4,Bo!L80 Medford. FOR SALE Table modcl radio. Ital ian prunes. Phono 4839 FOR SALE: One wood circulating heater one baby scale and one watei tank. 300 S. Columbus, right off Main. FOR SALE Small wood range with coils Reasonable. Coil bed springs (no frame). Nice glass table lamp. Sevetai dozen quart fruit Jars with tops. Shults 412 NoL Grape St. PEACHES Hales, Elhcrlas. Muirs, tree ripened. NO CULLS, 6c. 7c, 8c per lb Tomatoes. 3c; canteloupe. 10c e.i , pears 3c lb. Payless Mar ket S3 S. Riverside, opposite Fire stone. FOR SALE 200 gallon steel oil tank. price $30.00. 12 Ailand Ave. FOR" SALE Bassinette" and electric Iron 323MarySt. FOR SALE All steel ranre. 6 lids. perfect condition. 411 So. Newtown. I OR SALE Rotary White sewing machine like new. Phone JacKaon- ville 42. R. T Lindsay. FOR SALE Beautiful Italian made 120 bass accordion, used very little. Phone 3447. FOR SALE Sweet Corn by theTsncft. Boyd s Fruit Stand, 3'a miles south onHwy tl). fOR SALE Model "A" parts, high pressure car washer, Jackson St. Garage 120 E. Jacksorv FOR "F ALE Large heater, $5.00. 321 Apple FOR SALE Hale peaches! Fred San der. 4 jnile south Oak Grove jichool. FOR SU.E Canning tomatoes, 3 cts". lb. One mile from end of Klnf St., King s Hwy., Box 530 A. Bring containers. PETITE PRUNES. 3 cents lb., even- ings 727 Alder St. FOR SALE Fuschia coat size 14. worn verv little, reasonably priced. Call 6076 ottci 6. FOR SALE Cabinet electric cream separator 33ola N est 2nd. Ph. 4al7. LARGL' STOCK of Hammer-mill belts 50. 60 and "5 foot Eatherton s Farm Store 808 S Riverside. FOR SALE Four-inch "and 3a-inch heavy canvas hose, washable parch rust. 6x8, table lamps, 9 x 12 rug pad. 616 S. Oakdale. FOR SALE One bean spray rig. 18 gal o H P motoi Good running or der Floyd Young. mile S. of Taicnt on old highway. CONCRETE ar.d Utility Mixers Sales and rentals EMherton' Farm Storo. 808 S Rivet s-de FOR SALE Small General Electric radio 1120 Uth St. DELIVERY : ; FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALJ: Alfalfa Hay In shock's. About 5 ton 3l miles S. of Med ford on Highway 99. Phone 6487. John Ged lich POWER units from 30 to 180 H P. now available Eatherton'a Farm Store, 8 ( LS R i yerside. FOR-SALE Fordson tractor in run ning rendition. Star Rt., Box 12. Eai.f Point. SEVERAL WISCONSIN Alr-Cooled motcr. with and without clutch. Eatherton's Farm Store, 808 S. Rivcisidc. FOR PALE Iron bed. coil springs and inner spring mattress, breakfast set. 71 2 Uush St.. Central Pol n t. COME in and see the Schilling rar den ractors Can nssure deliveries for tall work Eatherton's Farm Store 808 S Riverside. TRAILER HOME 24 ft. Kozy Coach, good cond. Elec. brakes mahoeanv interior. Insulated. Sleeps four Must sell at once. 1120 Mantic at. Phone 3tiHZ. FOR SALE New light-tweed woman's winter coat, size 12-14. rur collar, $20 323 S. Orange St.. Medford. FOR SALE Golden Cross Sweet-corn ready this week. 25c dot. You pick. 30c picked. Nealon Ranch. Table mock pnone t;enirai Point lixxi FOR SALE 30-40 Craig Rifle. A-! condition. 2 ooxes of shells. Ph. 2824, Apt 17, 12th St. Auto Court. TOMATOES You pick, 2c. Bring boxen Denny Madrona Lane off uan tirove iioac pnone eiuu. FOH SALE) Chain Saw ("timber HogT. s tt. blade, excellent condition, s-wa Ell Smith, Fort Jones, California or asK tor uiu rayior a piace, ueaa wood Creek. FOR SALE Electrolux refrlferator. A-i conamon ana oti circulating heater with rack drum and copper tubing, complete. 646 Taylor ht. FOR SALE Large walnut dining table and Mahogany library table. Dial 3079 oi 2770. WE WOIJLD Like to show you the new McDermott bale Loader Full automatic. Eatherton'a Farm Store, 808 S Riverside. FOR SALE 1 baby bassinette. 1 baby buggy 1 baby crib. Phone 6418. FOR SALE MrCormlck-Deering plow. j-Kuiig. .1. j.. urew. so. reacn. uox 110. 10x10 brooder house, $30, easily moved, oil Sioux 500 chick brooder, $12, bought this spring. Davanoia, S60 4 months old, cost $75 new; 50 lb. Ire box, excellent shape, $10.50 Rt2 Box 122 on Old Pacific Hwy. FOR SALE Large hot water tank for wood or coal ranse. like new. $9.00. After 6:00 p m., 1517 West Main. FOR SALE Grapes, f horn psorT Seed less Sweetwater, Blue Mission, others later. 2 miles north of Cen tral Point, 'a mile west on Willow Spr.'ngs Road. WILL sell or trade Underwood port auie rypewrner ior gooa uprigni, 1222 W Main RELIABLE 2-h.p. motor bike. 723 Berk ma n. BOY ? Iiepvy duty bicycle, trash burn er with colls, wood camp stove with oven portable kerosene heater. 208 Tripp St. FOR SALE 2 old davenports. $2000 each. 1 davenport and chair $40 00; 1 800 ib. cream separator with pow er .a x e off. S40U0 M. D. Shults, 220 No. Bartlett, between 0 and 6 p. m. FOR SALE: Hale. Muir peaches. First lurn .en at east end ot spring &t. J. A Nelson. FOR ALE Non-irrigated Hale and r-iocria peacnes irntin LTeex Hoaa turn right at Griffin Creek Grange l'a miles Hukill Ranch. HALE REACHES Nice large orchard run. r'penea on the tree, uenney. first house on Madrona Lane, off Oak Grove Road Phone 6108 FOR SALE One H. D. 14 AllisChal- mcr. cat. winch, and dozer; One D 13,;0o caterpillar power plant; One D4400 power plant. Fred Smith, Box 60, Prospect. Ore.. Phone 913. FOR SALE Heavy duty delivery bi- cycie. aneu citation, mversiae ana Jackson. FOR SALE Used " Fomit ainB"ackbar, Counter. Carbonntcr. Weed Mercan tile Co., Weed, Calif. FOR SALE 16 foot house trailer, all conveniences ood tires All in good condition Bargain. Humphrey, Evct Shady Auto Court, 3 miles S on Highway 99. FOR SALE One washing machine; 1 sewing macnine; l SKiii-saw arm. 211 N Peach. FOR JALE Peaches, fine big thoroughly tree ripened Hales from our fpney gift box supply, finest for cr.nning Priced right, open "till 7 p m Bear Creek Orchards. j FOR SALE Low-priced Lumber. Rip- j saw stzco ana o-ts uimenuon d X 4, 2 x 6 etc. Van s Rcfinlshing Mill, 3 miles S ot Mediord FOR SU.E -Canning tomatoes. 2e Ib, yiu p'CR ficKiing rucumnei. bring containers. Spear melons. a mile S ot Phoenix on Anderson Road Earl Harris ASTERS and other cut flowers, also cucumbers Dressier s, 1 107 Main Ph 3656 FOR SALE Tuscan Clinr peaches. C u ( uman. nines w oi fnoenix on Coleman Creek road Ph 6072 TOMATOES 2'j miles N W of Cen tral t oini, ivortn urant Koad. C. r FOR SALE inch and Inch plas- 1 icr i;niira t-orter Lumoer to., rn 2381. 204 S Fir St FOR fiALE Good buzz saw Chevro let motor 2 blades H Fauts, Box 235 i'homas Roao. FOR SALE Lawn mower" large "At- moray machine Thomas Road. 3rd house on the right, off Stewart. HEARING Aid users Just arrived a new arr.ek of A & B batteries Suite 407 Medford Center Bldg Phone 7338 FOR SALE Canning tomatoes, 3c Ib riCKiihg cucumbers Hrmp contain ers Hr-h mile S of Phoenix on An dersen road Ean Harris FOH SALE Baled gram ami vetch mixea near lacKsonvtue w a Ar nold Phone 6389 FOK SALE Ced. shingles all grades ' rotter Lumbe Co Phone 2881 Medtord j WE HA V'E equipment with operator available tor custom mowing grad i in? and land leveling Medford Con- J Crete Construction Co Phone 246U Have You Heard About the DISAPPEARING M0!?TGAE? A plan for NEW CONSTRUCTION, REBUILDING and REFINANCING, providing new stimulus and incentive for HOME BUILDING. Just a few of the EXCLUSIVE FEA TURES ARE: 1. Automatic reduction of interest to as low as 3' o per cent. 2. Low monthly payment less than rent. 3. Borrower may repay at any time. 4. One day service on applications. 5. Interest charged only as money advanced. No Red Tape; no long delays; no extra charges; complete information without any obligation. We would like to tell you abot this DISAPPEARING MORTGAGE Spencer-Bagley Agency 102 W. Main Phone Lodge Notices im F! T?nr-K council No. i.i R. & S. M. at Masonic Temple, Medford. Tuesday. September j 11th at 8 p m. Stated meeting. -4V R. E. Frisbie. III.M CRATER LAKE CHAPTER No. 32 R A.M. at Mason 10 Temple. Medford, Tuesday September 11th at 8 p m. worK in Ai.M ana r.xi. ae- grees. Refreshments. F. G Morris, H P. STATED COMMUNiCATION Warren Lodge No. 10. A. F. 6c A. M.. Jacksonville, Ore. Wednesday, Sept. 12th, 7:30 p. m. FOR SALEMISCELLANEOUS SLIPCOVERS Drapes Call 4774 mornings ftlrs Mee, 701 King FOR SALE Canning- beets 3c lb. Come and get them Bateman. . mile NW ot Central Point on Taylor road RED WOOD POSTS 7 ft extra goocC Hi-Way Lbr & Farm Supply Co., Med foro city limits and J ville Hwy. FOR SALE Baled hay clean alfalfa and oat Cooksey I miles ot Central Point Phone 127 PULLER "brushen 619 W 2d Ph 4914. uARGEST and most complete stock or MeCormick Ueering machine parts In southern Oregon We know paits and hov them W E Alex ander Central Point FOR SALE Bartlett pears for can ning, $1 per lug. w. H. Arnold, Phone 6389. EL BERT A PEACHES 6c -3 mile south on Coleman Creek Road. Old uert rtamun place. FOR SALE Used clothing, men's and women's, all sizes. Irvin, the Tailor. 128 E Main. ONE Singer and one White sewing machines, cabinet and table model rad.oc Irvin the Tailor. 123 E. Main. FOR SALE Nice canningTomatoes, 2e you pick or 3c picked. John Catev, 1 mile N. of Central Point, second house W of Railroad, Scenic Ave. FALLING and Bucking Wedges Also Mining Wedges, graded and oil cured weather resistant. Mining wedges, $1 pei doz F & B Wedges, specinl $1 75 per doz Ray Chamber lin, 1820 N Riverside. REPLACE AUTO GLASS PROMPT SERVICE SELBY'S TOF & GLASS SHOP Cor 8lb & Bartlett Phone 3075 THE UNITED COMPANY of OREGONT inc , is now actively engaged in drilling an oil well at Burns. Ore gon Permit nas been granted to tha company for the sale of a limited amount of Its capital stock For fur ther particulars call at Dawson Electric. 129 North Riverside, Med ford, Oregon. J. H. Dawson, Presi dent FOR SALE Tree ripened peaches, J. H Hales. Elbertas and Muirs, 6c to 9-- Ib toi canning Also canning tonvioes meions plums and prunes. At the Growers Market, 3fe milea south ot Medtord. Bert StnnclLlfe. GOAT MANURE Come" and gcfTtv m uu cudic vara roui miles irom JacksonWIle on Ruch Highway Sea sign Home 6pm till 8 00 a m. and 11:00 a m thru 3:00 p m SELLING Maisonette "Frocks." Call 62lfl after 5 p. m. HYDRO-RATION IS THE TiftOm METHOD OF LIQUID WEIGHTING TRACTOil TIRES TO GIVE YOU EXTRA TRACTION LONGER T,RE UFS fi' FIRESTONE STORES 2I4 S Riverside Phone 4757 TRUCKS FOR RENT Drive Yourself - Sav I4j Any Li fiance PRUITT'S MOBILOIL STATION Main and Ivy Phone 4t4S S. M. WADE Commercial and Domestjp Refrigerator Repaired 5302 Phone 4104 GOOD USED CARS WE PAY Top Ceiling Prices Yon won't qet more money anywhere than you get at the Automobile Market 6th & Bartlett Fh. 3919 2076 Medford, Ore.