SIX MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE CLASSIFIED RATES Per word, first Insertion 2c (Minimum 2Se) Each additional Insertion, per word lc (Minlmuir 10c) Per line per month with out ccpr change. f 1.2S lash or Money Order mutt accompany all mail order classified ads HO REFUNDS Given On Classified Advertisements LOST AN D FPU ND JOST Bfack leather bfllFofd, contain ing Social Eecurity card, California and Arizona driver's licmei, ground observer! card. etc. Return to Tribune office or Roy H. Taylor, Route 1, Box445. Central Point. EbST-- Black Amity billfold. Don't care about money but want papers. Wilmer Higlnbotham. Call 413 Cen tra 1 Poin t. Cost La d y1 Bulova wrist watch"; cm- number C-0147DB; gold link bracelet. Reward. Return 325 N. OaKdale. COST One White-Faced bull calf, 4 months old, wt auu ins. ljisi seen on old Stage road In Jacksonville. Mldw.iv Auction Sale tag No. 176 In left ear. Reward, wouty iw. a. Baclnnann, Rt. 2, Box 46, Jackson ville. Phone 506. Cost Black and white kitten, vicln- Ity Onkdnle Grocery. Child's pet. Reward. Phone 2587 or 405 J. St. Taken up Strayed Din. red end black spotted. Corner of Coleman Creek and Houston Rd. Earl Latter. COST Reddish brown Pekingese Named Puff. Ashland fl747 or Rt. 2. Box 240. Medford. LOST -Brown and white Collie male do, Answers to nume ol Teddy. Reward, Phone 4710. COST Between Medford and Trail", top ot heating, stove. Finder please notify lom rit7.Kcrum. imn. COST Parker fountain pen between U S National Bank and Jackson Hotel Reward Phone 0635. 203 W Third FoTlNiXoad lubrlcotlon, by exper ienced help Williams and Croucher 4th aiidlliverime HE PORT loir arflmal cruelty cases tluniiine Society Phono 0.151 WANTED MALE HELP WORKt'RS NEEDED. Will contract green chain. Hotel accommodations Available. Riddle Lumber St Mfg. Co. Riddle. Oregon. fiAVE" permanent opening for good mechanic with hand tools. See Mr. Losoe CULLEN MOTOR and 1M PLKMENT CO.. 123 .Wvwrsida. ttliNTEU Body and fender repair man. Shulta Bros. Body and Fender Service.JiSaONBnrtlelt. WANTED High school boy or man for Mail Trltmne Agency in Ash land. A good part time Job. Phone Collect, Gerald T. Latham, Circula tion Manager. Mail Tribune, 2141 or 47B4 after a p. m. WANTBD Experienced automobile mechanic Culn, Motor Co., Ford Dealer, Ashland Phone 3301. after 6 p. m.phon 4571. WANTED "A butcher and a vegetable man Weed Mercantile Co.. Weed, California. fTTEC TH 1 C Motor Repairmen Perma nent position In large, modern shop Write for details, giving your ex perience, age and other Information, Tlnling St Powell, Spokane, Wash, , LUMBER HANDLERS ft Planer Chain Pullers t Cat Loaders , r Choker Setters - Fallors and Buckcra 1 Vltul Industry - Steady work with top wares. Apply Medford Corporation North Riverside Ave., neat cit limits Phone 2268. vVANTLD" Experienced Pay Roll Clerk tor permanent position Bent Creek Orchard Phone 2161. CAHKTAKER and oddJbb man waril ed Good proposition to man who want a permanent Job Must have own transportation write to House of Mystery, GoldHll,Oregon. RELIABLE Electrical Firm woulaHllTe a rood service man Steady em ployment with advancement Write Tribune HoxjJiSB JTS Nw"Xn TED - Wltfi IlnmmermTll and teed mixing experience to work with our miller This Is a good op- rort unity (or young man. Phone 75t. F E SAMSON COMPANY WANTED FEMALE HELP WASTED Resonsible girl o slay occ.istonally with baby evenings. Jhono 0035. t V A NTED-Woman to care for Utile boy una do light housekeeping while mother works. Phone 81H2. IP A N TF D Legal-" t en ogFa p h e7TK e?f and Frohnmayer Phone 33B6. "VAN I'ED Beauty Operator. Powfler Putf Hnauty, 114 Oregon Ave., Bend, Oregon ,. , ,. WAN Til IVW oman to care for sc hool (.irl, aid 12, in her home this win ter, nt-nr Junior High school If pos sible. RtJ, HoxS73. Phone 5010. WANTED Glrl or woman for"ho"us-wot-v and care of 2 children. Call aoflri tt'AN 'rETlEx)erTeni'ed " cook. Good wbfs Permanent position tor pernt-n. Tribune J.)ox No. 3000. WANTED Feninle waitress. Apply at Pops Place. Phoenix. Ore! W ATI TE D C. i r T or middle aged wnm. an f.r house work, 3 In family. 310 So. Grape. WANTtD Two dishwaters anfTualf ress Morning and afternoon shifts, no Sundays Barney's Cafe, 100 W Main Wa N TlTBlVlT.TrMTTry cook and dTafT- warhrrThe W hat-Not. WaNTLD Housekeeper Tir"cari foT". chllriien Tribune Box2004. WANtD - Salesladies for hunters' Driui Store COUNTER WoVer"TindcheckerAp- ply In person. Medford Cleaners, 22 So Central WANTV.D -KPchen belperT PommTin-1 Ity Htpitul Apply in person I vV A NT F L Ex per i enced w a 1 1 rets , ! norning shift Apply Valentines Cafe j WANTED OlrOnr general housework . and c-ire of one child Phone 5552. i A UESlRABtJt OCCUPATION FUK YOUNU WOMEN Telephone operating pays well Fre qirnl increttiies v.fltton with pay Surrounding!) eimliirtalie snd pleas ant fc censors not necusary CO Ml IN FOH A PERSONAL tNTKBVlFW Ash tot Mim Otterdale Ftith and Uartiett Streets THE PAtMFIt. TELKPHUNR AND rtvt JG KAP11 COMPANY WA ffTr fi Tw ( waitresses or waiters and ry coos at mountain resort Yeai round work Lee Unco in Prmict Ore Phone 604 WANTKIJ -Chamber maid apply Hot. land Hotel WanYKD - txnerleneed "Fountain girts lay tor s Pennywue Urug Co fXP "CTltrrw Wanted See Mr"Stm nmns Hnlly Cate 6pEHT)R wanted at Conks Beauty Jlhop Sparta Building w ANTET5Ma lo Wt Hot eTed ford Att.-tv to Mrs OS vis WANTtD Silk finisher apply" In pers-Hri Waat ide Cleaners. 34 No Hnl HELP MALE and FEMALE tEAR Dickers WANTEDrofHohf season. Ph. UUlcrest Orchard, 6344. Monday. Sept. 10. 1945, HELP MALE and FEMALE WANTED Dishwasher. Apply Mr. Robinson, Jackson Hotel. WANTED- Man oi woman ever 18 to work In grocery store Call in per son at Humphrey's Grocery 534 Main WANTED isn" wash erTbenriy's Cafe. WANTED TTelerTam" carriers. Man, woman, boV or girl over 11 Full time or after school. WESTERN UNION KITCHt'N HELP WANTED See Mr Simmons Hnltv Cats WAN I ED SITUATION REMODELING AND NEW CON STRUCT! ON For estimate call 3467 WJL care for children in my home homo by hour or by month. Phone 3007. E X P E RIENCED typist and stenogra- pner wouia line worx to ao at nome. Phone 3067. TbUNG Girl wants to care for chlf dren in your home or mine. 415 ',a rartc FOR" INTERIOR and exterior decorat Inp Also stucco painting Free esti mates Call 50H4 Guy Rhea CET Me Bond ex your home Also fainting of all Kinds Estimates free red i ucas Ph 841 J'vllle Oregon Hosiery mending Lueila Fawcetf Phone 4440 TRACTOR "WORK Grading, leveling and plowing pnone -oh fiPriC TANK Cesspool pumping sanitary equipment Phone 0170 FaTNTiNG Interior exterior dec". orating Spray ot brush Phone '325 C H Coghlil ANTED Custom tractor work Fast modern equipment Plowing, disc ing mowing leveling and cultivat ing C L Robinson Rt 2. Box 44H H Phone fl?fl! WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED A few good fresh cows. Ph.0325: WANTED Electric stove. Ph4T04. WANT TO TRADE: 1032 Chevrolet sedan for later model sedan. Will glv-j difference. Call 0420. WANTED TO BUY From Owner un improved property, vncnnt lots or small acrenre Give locution nnd price in first letter. P. O, Box 1521, Meriiord. WANTED TO RENT Five or flrobm house furnished or unfurnished hy BsrniAnent reliable family. Call Jack anncnnB7or 3283. WANTED Girl's Bicycle. NTE. Da vis or phone 53110. WILL BUY your furniture and rent your home. H. B. Maiion, General Delivery. Medford. W AN TEli'TO It ENT. LE A SE0 Rt tJ Y 3-bedroom house, furnished or un furnished. Phone 5514. WANT1E D TT re n For lease, wit fi-or without option to buy. 5 to B0 acres with living quarters, out bulldinrs, Permanent Medford residents, can give references If needed. Contact Gene Foster, 200 Tripp, Medford. Phone 5627. WANTED to rent furnished 2-Tiedrnom house or apnrtment 3 adults, per manent civilians. Best of references. Phone 722(1. ! toJB p. m. WANTED 7 00x1(1 tlrennd tube or either J. Allen. nox43,Trall. WANTED Salmon rod, Star Drag "reel or complete salmon outfit, Call 3872 . WANTED to rent 2 "bedroom house, furnished. Permanent residents. Ph. 4401 WANTED Two hedroom 1 house or apartment, unfurnished. Permanent xtenunts, ndultr only. Good refer ences. Hugh L. Ford. Phone 3374. TEACHER wants room end board near Junior High school. Tribune Box 3005 WANTED to rent furninhednoiirie by responsible couple. Toke excellent care ot properly w. inompson, GenDe!., Medford. WANT TO BUY LargesT7e sofeTllre prof.f or steel lined, suitable for jewelry store. H. L. Morrison, Gen. Del., Medford. WANTED TO BUY Equipment for nin ejire,MioHeTrniiiiuo. WANTED TO BUY Good used cash regHie- nnd typewriter. Irvln the JTallor J2U EMoln WANTICD-One UinbraniiTenC"T211 WMOthSt. WANTED TO BUY Acreage with some fruit, good house. Tribune Box 3000 WANTED TO RENfApartmenTby Instrumental Music Supervisor of Medl'jid High, Immediately. Coll Ashlnndn72. Wanted to hentwHI-pay up io 5100 per month for furnished 2 or -bedroom house or apartment Call C. W Thompson. General Manager. Rogue JUver Chevrolet Ph220H. WANTED TO TRADE Man's balloon", tired Bicycle for girl's bicycle. 20 Myrtle or phene 32HI. WANTl'f TO RENT FurnTsVietT house. permanent residence. 1 child must bnvo by Sept 25 Coll Eagle Point 1505 "r write P. O. Box 078, Eagle .Point TANTiCB Two bedroom " house, paved jL'nsh Jl'rlbune Box 3500 WAN iEb-Use.i sedan in good condi tion Phone 5030 WANTKD TO BUY One orTvo450 x 21 tires Mus; be good tribune uox 32(H) ANTED TO RENTModern "home hv new instrumental music super visor at Medford High Wanted by Sept 10 If possible Write Tribune Box -845 DRivffia tiTTos Angeles or Corvnllls have room rot one or two rnone 3302 C S Prime WANTFl? to rent or Vuy wheel chair In good condition Tribune Box lt3 WANTED-The best rm"lS00 will buy No sealers privately owned Write Trlhu.i Box 3-01 WANTED" TO HI 'Vljito "Model used car Pay cash Phone Central Point 127 WXWtRB We Buy All Kinds ot Llveeiock- Beef. Veal Hog and Dressed Poultry A. so Rahbita CITY MAHKE1 Phone 4;t21 wTTnVF.D - Junked" wrecked' or burned ears Wii- pay nignest prices W'iikt-1 Auto ('airts Co 3 miles N ot Ashland on t!) Phone 59H5 WE nUY lUed Furniture mtscellan sous articles we also clean runs lot a reasonable orlre Call for and de liver S or more 20 A Grapa Phone 7J44 WANTED RAW FURS Highest cash prices o a ' d tor nun k rat minK bohcat etc See us for voui game trsps W also buy nldea paiu wool anti mohwtr MEI.KOHD BARGAIN HOUSE. 17 N Grape Dial 3744 fop PitKT pild for used furniture Furniture KxcranRe Cuppt furni ture Store Telephone 404U and tultt BEST PRICES PAID Foi Yom Furniture EADS FUKNHUHE Phone 4240 w AN' i KD'l'lii "Rehahle Party - 6 or 6 ront modern turnisned nouse Cash or teims Tribune Box IU75 WANTErVFx teed horses" "Phone IJi'7 r.nglt Poml fox Farm Wll.t AV MOST CASH " For Good ved Furniture Hill FURNITURE 3JNjrth Front Phone 4033 WANTED Highest prices paid tor furniture. tnv tools or what hav vout MFDPOHD BARGAIN HOUSE. 17 N Grape Pnone 3744 FOR RENT HOUSES NHV by padded van It cmts no m.ra tndt Tri uster Dial 1 2 1 TrIVkS" FOR RKNT-Mav voifrself Save nail Prunt i Mntuioil Station M jin 'nrl i w f'hon FOR RENT Furnished Rooms FOR HFNT Room to emploved rou RlT' r"r"llr' h Vacant' Sunday. Phone 4(lh9 wminjrs or Sundas f URMSHKD rooin lor rent. Ph. 4WT. FOR RENT Furnished Rooms! UPSTAIRS room for rent to quiet couple or gentleman. 1718 No, Riv erside. FOR RENT Sleeping room for men". a 1 3 fcJ;tty St. Sleeping rooms-mT s Hoiiy UOti-vt f')H RENT 4M4 S Grape FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Furnished apartment. Private bath, gas utilities. Employ ed prf u 1 ts. $30 .00. 321 Apple. FOR RENT two-room apt. on 3rd floor. No children. No pets. Call 2729. FOR RENT in Jacksonville. 3-room furnished apartment. Apply 208 Trtpf. St., M'rdford. FOR RENT Board and Room ROOM and Board for school girls, price reasonable Tribune Box 3fi40, FOR RENT Miscellaneous FOR RENT - Cabins, utilities fur. nlsncd $7 week One block from Big V Market. Old Pacific highway Pardee Coui t. FOR SENT -To Officers and families, some of the nlces' housekeeping cot tunes on the Kngue River Call Gold Hill 474 Chaikers Motel. OFFICE ROOMS for rent See Cozy Nook Confectionery 403 East Main Phone 9042 FOR RENT Cabins Hl-Way Court Phoenix FOR SALE DOGS. PETS FOR SALE Female Peki n gese pu p- fles, with papers, $35 Jacksonville Iwv Ke n n e Is phone 0141. FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE: 200 May ond 600 June turkeys All or each group seperate ly. Sullivan South 7th, Central Point, evenings. 400 NEW HAMPSIUREST2 weeks old, SI and $1 25 each. Sixth house pant Mu t lack Store on Jacksonville nichvay. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK MIDWAY AUCTION YARDS MAHKET REPORT SEPTEMBER 0 171 Head Salable MARKET swinKing back to normal after two weeks uncertainty. It appears that fut cattle of ail clnss ch will remain bomewhere near pre vious prices. The only point of definite weakness Reenis to be in the cutter or hamburger trade, where oversupply is glutting central mar kets FAT COWS scored from SI 1 .80 to $0 00 according to grade with one exceptional 1250 pound cow bring ing $12.40. Bulk of common flciby cows $8 00 to $0.00. Heifers $13 00 to $12.00 for best grades. Others 10.50 to SI 1.50 Several loads of lut and feeder steers this week. Quite a few buyers on the market for feechrs Best Kteers $13 20. One load avcrnged $12.40. Feeders sal able $12.00 to $10.00, most going around $11.50. Bulls $10.00. VEAL brought $13.00 and $12.50 for boat, others down to ii.uu. SPECIAL NOTE!! We feed and water cuttle nt our Yards tool Ann uio coat dresn't toke the profit out of your sale. No yard in Southern Oreron offers the buyers and sell ers the advantages ond convenienc es found nt our yords, such as cheap houling, trailer rental, free deliv ery to slaughter houses, special advertising and livestock scales. Take advantage of a modern yord whore up to dnte sales metnons ore employed to get the most money for vonr cattle. Sale every Thursday W. J "Bill" Hrnv .... "Newt" Mend "YOUR LIVESTOCK SALESMEN" FOR SALE 1 good brood sow. 3 Guernsey heltprs from Joe Johnson herd, 1 Guernsey bull cnlf. Beall Lane and Old Pacific Hwy. Phone 6410 w. J. Mcuuiiocn. FnrrsAi ffZKrr"Gupi'nspv"pnw','Trpin within next few days. Phone 4407 ffOH SALE Guernsey ond Jersey hetrer fresh since April. D. R Schroder. Table Rock Orchard, Cen- traj Polnt FOR SALE Nice white face heifer call. Cal14fl3 FOR "SALE Poll Tlereford bull. 2-vrs old. I'll 051 Central Point. J Elle stad. FOR" SALE 20bead CorridMles .bucks toke tiny number. Route 4. box 100, Medrord Bnrneburt: itooo. FOR's'ALE Two saddle horscs."l Bny mnr'-. I Sorrel gelding. Phone 5485. FOR"r;ALE Reitlstered Hereford. Bull 3 ycirs old Three cows Two bull cnlves One heifer calf Phon? 41110 dnytlme (1300 evenings. KOR SA1.E Two cows. 3 work horses, 1 saCille horse. I brood sow. 2 sep arat'.ri. 1 wagon, haled hoy. oats vetch ond alfalfa. Emery Vincent. Sams Valley OH BALE Registered Doubre Stiinrl ard Polled Hereford bulls. 2 years and under Also tew horn hulls, slreo by Mounteresl Ston 14th S F TeiwHUger. Momage- Calif CA S i I tor ol d oi crippled h o rs e s Hi,vnR"gue Kennels Gold Hill ffOHMS TRADING POST 1802 "W Main We buy sell or trade Phone n ' U7 FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR" SALE 1030" Model A Ford Se dan, 10 Inch tires. Fair condition, within OP A. Second house W. on Stewart Ave., from Dixie Lane. ALlTSlZES International trucks now in production Place your order tor eorlv delivery CULLEN MOTOR and IMPLEMENT CO.. 123 S Riverside. FOR SALE '34 Master Chevrolet 4 door sednn. clean, good tires, good condition. Phone 4951 or 405 W. th. lfi3 bldsmohlle convertible with ro. dto, $550 Below ceiling. 550 Fair view. Ashlnnd. FOR SALE '31 ModeT A coupe, good pninl ot Good condition. HOOsltr tires Under O P A. Ashland, 5747 or Rt 4. Box 240. Med lord. USED CARS Lots ot Them largest Stock In Southern Oregon See Us Before You tli i v oi Sell 1 N SHU ITS N Riverside between 4th and 5th FOR"" SALE l"s Chevrolet "coupe. Very clean ond extra good tires. Below OPA Shell Service Station at Rivernde and Jackson. FOR SALK-PKH Hudson "sedan" ed eotutil'on Some new rubber Me Mmn Poultry farm, 'i nulv souin Aslil u'd on Hiwy 6fl FOR SALE lti'JB Tudor Coach719 W Fourth St FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SLE--At P Grants assil rrnll from city limit. mile from bridge on Polite River 4 room modern bungalow, sleeping porch, lot lOOx 1l. 0. Lots of shade. English walnut tree. 3 plum, 2 apple. 2 pear. 2 cherrv trees. House partly furnish ed. M. P. Holdn, tiOo 7th and Pine, Central Point. r1 irtA 5 acres with choice "build- Oi'tUU t'1" I'nsurpassed view v nf the vallev. Old Military Road Electricity and telephone available. H L. COOK. Realtor 1104 West Main NlNFlToOM modern house irvthgton district in Portland to trade for city or eountrv property In southern Oregon. PhoiH flltH FOR S ALE Corner lot. 55" X U7f 3 blocks from Main, leveled ready tor bin ding, sewer specifications. Call 300"'. FOR SALE "2bcrt"Mn nuxierr"Vioue. Call hi 500 So Fir alter 7 p, m. fbH SVl.K BY THE OWNER " Five acres 2 miles fouth on Htf HU'b wav Five-room modern home. new. Now vacant Just finished Garage with living quarters, room lor 4 cars Chicken house Soft w titer ST.Vt.l cash. Rt 4, Box 374-A, Phone tuna immediate Possession 8 - room nut 2 lots and g;raie. electric wa'cr heater A good buv at J,i-0 K1MHA ' He! Emiff CttlLDEHS Fbune JackJouville Ml FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR TRADE for livestock or automobile, 40 acres of timber, 10 miles from Medford, some saw timber and an excellent wood lot. Inquire M. J. Swing, 3 blocks N. of Big Y Market on old hlfhway. $3360 560 ACRES Grazing land, fenced, free soil, stock water. Grazing itock water $3800 140 ACRES. 8-room log cabin, 28 acres cultivated, barn, free soil, 2 pumping sys'.ems, $4950 NEW MODERN HOME, garden, chick ens and a chance for the kiddies to romp, in fact, a place lor everything. iriceu to sen. $5750 FOirR-ROOM Modern Home with one acre dlfalfa in a very desirable dis trict Spanish type house, cement and Hie construction. Attractive terms Immediate possession. THOMAS J HIGHT, Realtor 20 South Central Medford, Oregon FOR SALE Close in, modern 3 bed rooms, front room, dining room, kitchen. Also sewinf room. This Is a nice home. Price $5000, About k cash, balance $27 per month. Also 1 acre, n- w house, finest of soil, close to town. Price reduced to $5750. Terms. Don't overlook this. A. W. WALKER, Real Estate Tel. 2721 Offlce47 E. Main FEW excellent lots left, 1600 block, restricted residential district. Close In on east side where new homes are being built. Owner, 15 King ley. Ph. 5480. FOR SALE Clean, modern 3-room housa with large sleeping porch. Concrete foundation, good parage and More room. Early possession. Near Washington ond High schools. uwnci, uji iwurroy Ave. $5500" oil, cation, c 2 acres fine soil, irrigated, 2-bedroom house, very modern, hardwood floors. oil hi-fit, parage, storeroom, fine lo cation, close In. Also $20,000" 00 acres fine bottom soil, 70 acres in clover and alfalfa. 10 acres oaid ud water right, balance free water. 6 room modern house, large hay and minting Darn, fine location. OH will sell 50 acres for $200.00 per acre, witn 4-room nouse, goon terms. COOPER REAL ESTATE OFFICE 223 N Riverside Phone 7357 or 0064 FOR SALE or lease, 40 acres, new House and buildings, all modern. Hon sheds Hnd turkey runs, good puttture and hay land. Want to sell furmturo and 15 or 20 ton of hay with the place. If interested see owner H. H. Shaw, on the place, 3 miles north of Central Point. ln quirc directions in Central Point. HOMES AA A H - 25. 7 - rocm modern ijOUUU house; 2 bedrooms up- siairi, ana i aown; garage; 2 w.'lnut and 2 cherry trees. flJOTCA H-40 A good small home V3lvv on the east side. Ideal tor a couple. C A 0 C H H47 A five-room com $4O0v pletely furnished house city center. C HIP A H-55 Three-unit apartment Ol iJU house; located cloae in on cast side; work shop and Kro:;e. C7flA.A H-56 B-room modern ranch U I U type home; large living T room; 2 bedrooms; kitchen and both; rug and drapes in liv ing room; fireplace, This property is wt;ll located on the east side; Uxrfc yard; plenty of shade; fruit tree. and garden space. SMALL Alt MS SF-4U. One acre; fl-room $5000" rinse in; $5500" modern plastered home; garage: chicken house; close In; city water. tK-u. one acre irrigated; 4-room modern house: 2 bedrooms: service porch: gniage; burn, chicken house; family orchard. We have some good unimproved acre ages irrigated, closed to Medford. Buy (.tie of these now and build a heme of your choice. t25Q0 A aCr6S 5 acres rrlated. $1500 acrc" Crated. $2000 $3500" "t 5 acres Irrigated; house. r 5 acres Irrigated; house. RANCHES P AAA 11-02 65 acres; 20 acres OlDiUUl under irrigation and in 7 alfalfa: 15 acres or- chnid: 11 -room house; 3 bedrooms downstairs; 6 rooms and bath up stairs: barn: chicken house; wood shed, garage: 2 acres (Tapes; 20 acret oats and vetch; balance pas ture PAAAA R-52. 40 acres all cultl tj"vUV voted; 25 acres under Eagle Point ditch; 6-room hoime; 2 bedrooms; no electricity; wcl' fonerelu inclosed: barn; chick en house nnd woodshed; Living spring on place. Q J CAA R-i'3 120 acres; access to Jt Jvv 1000 acres open range; 5 T room house; water in house. 2 bedrooms; double garage; 3 barns; machine shed; 3 chicken houses: good incubator house; wood house grapes: 2 peach trees; 30 acres (arm land fenced. HA J SCHUMACHER. Broker 417-41!) E. Main Dial 5485 Sundays please call 5785 SALE OR TRADE $5000 80-A. Ap pleitate river ranch. Phone 622 Jack sonvil e. FOR SAL '5 room moHern house, furnished, lni'ludiug Frtgidalre and washing machine, or unfurnished. Lots of fruit trees, berries and grapes Close to Junior High, grade school and grocery store. Call at 214 West Jackson street. $6000" Modern bungalow home, 2 acres fine pears, Just out of city limits, walking dis tance to everything. The pear crop will bring $1000 this year. Terms (JjrrnA ti-room modern homo Inrge yODUu chi.'lten house, good barn. In clover, paved road, close )o Tal ent. Better look this over. Terms $2750" One -acre tract, rood four- room house, barn, chlcKen house, located 1 ' miles from Medford. Immediate posses sion. Also, one nice two-acre tmlmproved trHCt, and one four-acre tract lo cated close in to Medford. These are both (me building sites. Terms. Let's look these over. HARRY LONG. Real Estate O. W Ballew. Salesman 1258 So. Riverside Phone 5i)22 $6300 FOR SA1E 1604 West Mnln street. Attrattive two bedroom, newly painted home sanded and finished fir Boors, flieplace. Corner lot. Im mediate possession. Reasonable terms Call Charles R Ray. Room 217 Mfdiord BU1g ,Phone 3902. FOR SM.E 1 'V acres, also 3li acres. cUvsu in. easy terms, for informa tion enquire t147 North Holly FOR SALE Auto court and camp ground 2'i icres excellent location near Ashland two highways, lots ot hade 13 catnnn, store, living quar ters service station, shop Price $15,'.kV H C Galey, Afvnt, Asiiland $6000" Glasst-d fng spaci $6500" 5-Rm MimI home on East stle Circulating fireplace, oil he titer, Vemttan blinds. Glassed In service porch and sleep ing space. P-wsevMon o Acres Douom isna sooa fl-rm mod house, barn, gnrnfe and shop Modern plumbing, cow, 3 calves, hay. cir culating heater. t rapes CARL GOTTSCHE. Broker 7 NBrtlett St Ph 4ti46 or 39M nTFD insurance Ray lUbu auisQat. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR IMMEDIATE SALE $9500 20 Acres garden land now In clover. Free water right out of Little Butte cree Small house, large barn, Med ford city water in house. 50 tons of hay In barn; some equipment. Total price with hay $9500.00 No better deal in land with free water in Jackson county. OR WILL SELL 5 Acres with house and barn for $4500 00. See J C. BARNES, Real Estate 31 S Front St. Office Phone 0172 Home phone 4ti28 THIS WEEK'S BEST BUYS $2650rM T about Va modern JacKson- edford Hiway, acre. $1800 Large brick building equipped for cafe. Hurry. 4-room modern, acre. This home has everything1. $6750 $3000 About 1 acre 4-room, city water and lights. Chickens and furniture goes at this price. $5250 $4800 $3250 price. Cf"orA 8 room modern on old OOLoJ Ste Road about 2 acres. Gold Hill Income. Modern 2 flat lower, now rented, 842.00. . 8-room modern, 3 lots, gar age, electric water heater. We have Ranches, Home &t Business Property KIMBALL Real Estate CHILDERS Opposite Postoffice Jacksonville Phone 101 CITY -t Apts. Now rented at $110 per month. Close In. $6850 $3150 Five- room modern home, Garage. Immediate posses sion. May be Durchased completely furnished Inc. Electric Rane for $3673. CT 1 C A Six room modern home, vJljU close in. $4800' Two Apts. Immediate pos session on one. One now rented for $42.00 Der mo. Concrete foundation. Large open porch on two sides, double garage. Go.d Hill. $1500 down. $5000 $5500 $4000 $4200 Five room modern home. Possession within one week. Seven room modern, 4 bed rooms, 2 baths, large lot. $2000 down, $35 per mo. FARMS 10 acres. No building", close in. 10 acres, 2 acres Irrigated, 3 room house, barn, chick en house. $5500 , 810 acre, 4 room modern, all irrigated, completely furnished. Mav be Durchas ed without furniture $4500. Stock Ranches large and small, Auto Courts, Business Opportuni ties, Vacant Lots THOMAS J HIGHT, Realtor So-uthr Central Phone 5307 10 ACRh'S, livable house, part clover", Blvd $3500 Terms. 41) AiJRES, clos in, fruit, small house, $3000 P. O. Box D72. Medford, or P hor-e E agle Poi n t 6 12 1 . FOR" SALE At Grants Pass U mile from city limits U mile from bridge on Rogue River. 4 room modern bungalow, sleeping porch, lot lOOx 160 Lota of shade. English walnut tree, 3 plum, 2 apple, 2 pear, 2 cheery trees House partly furnished. M P. Holden. FOR SALE- Rooming house. Decided to take small payment down. Please can oacK to Jjo o f ront. FOR SALE BV OWNER New mod ern, 2-bedroom house, parage, gas furncce and water-heater. Good lawn and garden Possession by Sep tember 24 Contact between 5 and H p m , and Saturday afternoon, 439 Haven Street. BY OWNER anyone seeking a beauti ful nome furnished or unfurnished come to 516 S Ivy. corner of 12th St . wnlkinK distance Phone 5061 2000 CASH. Four-room furnished home, newly remodeled Inside Ap- pro, I mutely five acres land with out-n-iiinmsK Lioon pressure system Rt. 3 Box 339. Medford. '4 mile from Midwav Auction on Midway road HE'ADQUARTERS for New HomesTA home within every income. Phone j!8!7. ;i08 Liberty Bldg. CO Aft ft-Wfi ofer for sae tneT5r. 0UUU Hoitman nome, locoted on the Jacksonville Highway, In Oak Grov district, consisting of large living room with fireplace, dining room, oak floors, coved ceil ings, two bedrooms, bath, sleeping porch service porch, attractive kit chen with tiled drninboard. Base ment, 'urnncti Beautiful yard, shade, shrubs. Medtord city water One aero Irrigated land. All in excellent condition. CA PA A Outstanding view of the ijtf DvU valley, five acres. Irrigated rles. pears, full bearing. Five-room senimodern home with Medford cltv water, gorafe, etc. This is a beauti'ul location. Also CO OA ( Builders Attention. 10 fine UjOUU building lots in one block. close in, water, sewer, sidewalk. Also frJOAA Six rooms and bath, fully AtJJv furnished with good furni Y ture. large lot, fine garden land Possession very soon. We fi nance nnd are in the market lor good loans. ELMER HERRIED Exclusive Agent 44N RlverstdeDlal3367or370Q FOR KaT.E $20 000 Ranch 205 acres Trout stream 25 acres free irriga tion nam. 3 houses, crop, stock, equipment Jesse Glass, Browns- boro Oregon FOR SALE- One acre and 3 bedroom home. 2 acres and one bedroom house Both modern 410 Maple Park Drive $5750" A 3 bedroom home fcxtfa v hood Located 1014 W 10th shown by appointment only BKOWN St WHITE AGENCY Exclusive agents 104 WestMaln Street Phone 2920 WANT to buy? See Ray Schumacher F U R MSI fE D 3 b e d r 00m . well con strucled house on acre of ground localed a blocks from College and 1 bloik from Grade school A beauti ful Stelnway piano, gas refrigerntot and good Easy washer goes with sale Price $7000 cash. 401 Beach Street Ashland RAY SCH II M A C H ER pays "fofashes ano sells dirt cheap LIST YOUR PROPERTY With Ut ! Then STAR'l PACKING T J HIGHT Realtor 20 S Central t Sf.t THE TENGWALD AGENCY" it you want to buy or sell property W nave some good listings and could use more Hnli Tbeoter Bidg JOn the Corner IRRIGATED ACREAGE FOR SALE From I to 10 Acres located on the Phoenix-Jacksonville highway near P0 For prlca and terms see L. G PickeM 16 S Barti ett FOR SM.E Two acres 7 miles E "of Ashland at old Klamath Fstls Junc tion All In alfalfa and farm buiid- Ings FOR S LE Aviartments and cabins' 13 units all rented or house with 3-rocm apartment and 2-room apart ment duplex in rear Call 330 No.-tb Front "stock RANES'r arms' Orchard Acreages TH.iMAS J HIGH! Realtor td S Central Phons 5J97 to Buy Home or Business Sea" BROWN WH1TF AGENCY J C Collins Pres 104 W Miin Phona IH'.M) i"or s nome or e rarrr on Ru River call it our SHADY COVE ottica U'ied n Crater Laat mgnwav HOME SFEKERS - Look up HiU"'bi Rru Kive r fon fOR 5 t.E AcreageJVWienRt 1, B"t 163 TchardHv-me Drive. RAY SCHUMACHER pays (or ashes aud MUa Url cAaap FOR SALE REAL ESTATE HEN i 111 THINK thlrlM (it Iht ien.ei 102 W Mnln or reai estate H.ley Agency $1900 CASH FOR SALfc BY OWNER At Oanip U Rest Hiway 99, 3 ml So Medford. 1945 Glider Trailer House 20 ft sieens four butane range electrlt brakes Venetian blinds welt insulated everything new "used only two weeks' Also may sell i940 deluxe Dodge coupe equipped to pu:i same Many ex tras within, OP A ceiling FOR SALE two bedroom modem housn earagr large vacant corner lot goes with the house Immediate ? obsession Phone 4321 or 5585 and 936 alter 8 p m oi Sundays IffA'iT tp elP See Ray Schumacher FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR ALE Large heater, $5.00. 321 Apple FOR SALE Hale peaches. Fred San der, "4 mile south Oak Grove school. FOR SALE Canning tomatoes, 3 c,ts. lb. One mile from end of King St.. King's Hwy., Box 530 A. Bring containers. PETITE PRUNES, 3 cents lb., even- ingj 727AlderSt: FOR SALE: Fuschia coat size 14, worn very little, reasonably priced. Call 6076 after 6. FOR SALE: Cabinet electric cream separator 335 j a West 2nd. Ph. 451 7. LARGU STOCK of Hammer-mill belts 50, 60, and 75 foot. Eatherton's Farm Store. 808 S. Riverside. FOR SALE Four-inch and 3','a-inch heavy canvas hose, washable parch rug, d x 8, table lamps, 9 x 12 rug pad 1616 S Oakdale. FOR SALE One bean spray rig, 16 gal. 6 H P. motor. Good running or der. Floyd Young, ',4 mile S. of Taj c nto n old hi g h w a y . CONCRETE and Utility-: Mixers. Sales and rentals. Eatherton's Farm Store, 803 S. Riverside. FOR SALE Alfalfa Hay in shocks. About 5 ton, 3'2 miles S. of Med ford on HiRhwoy 99. Phone 64B7. John Gedlich POWER units from 30 to 180 H.P. now available. Eatherton's Farm Store. 808S. Riverside. FOR SALE Fordson tractor in run- ninjj rendition. Star Rt., Box 12. Earle Point. FOR PALE Collapsible Baby Buggy. Phor? 4222. SEVER AL VyTscONSIN Air-Coo led motcrs with and without clutch. Eatherton's Farm Store, 808 S. Rivet side. FOR SALE Small General Electric radio. 1120 E 11th' St. FOR SALE: Iron bed. coll springs and inner spring mattress, breakfast set. 712 Uush St., Central Point. COME in and see the Schilling pnr- aen rartors can assure deliveries for fall work. Eatherton's Farm Store. 808 S Riverside. TRAILER HOME 24 ft. Kozy Coach, good cond. Elee. Drakes mahogany interior, insulated. Sleeps four. Must sell at once. 1120 Nlantic St. Phone 5682. FOR SALE New light-tweed woman's win:er coat, size 13-14. t ur coiiar, $20 323 S. Orange St., Medford. FOR SALE Golden Cross Sweet-corn ready this week, 2oc doz. You pick. 30c picked. Nealon Ranch. Table Rock Phone Central Point llxxl. FOR SALE 30-40 Craig Rifle, A-l condition, 2 ooxes of shells. Ph. 2824, Apt 17. 2th St. Auto Court. FOR SALE Few J. H. Hale Peaches left next to Humane Society. Ralph Raymond. TOMATOES You pick, 2c. Bring boxeh Dennv Mnrirona Lane off Oak Grove Road J'hone 6108. FOR SALE 1 Fo7ds7Ttriractor,"""ro6"d shape, $100. Also I buzz saw on 2 wheel trailer S35 00. Inquire Qay Guches, Bellinger Lane. FO SALEChain"Saw "(timber-HogT, 5 ft blade, excellent condition. $475. Eli Smith. Fort Jones, California or ask for Bill Taylor's place, Dead wooJ Creek. FOR SALE Electrolux refffirerator. A-l condition and oil circulating healer with lack drum and copper tubing, complete. 846 Taylor St. FOR SALE: Air-tight Heater7"Ph6ne 4003 FOR S A L E Elbert a Peaches. You pick 3c lb. Hillcrest Orchard. 6344. COIL SPRINGS and Iron Bed "for Sale". Phone 3115. I-'OR SALE Two coaster wafTons, one baby buggy. 215 West Jackson. FOR sXLElIarKewalnut dining table and riahocany library table. Dial 3Hft or 277- WE WOtlLD Like to-show you the new McDermott bale Loader Full automatic. EJitherton's Farm Store, 808S1Riversfde. FOR" SALE Wood heating stove. Good as new. 609 Dakota Ave. FOR SALE 1 baby bas-dnetteTTbaby buey 1 baby crib. Phone 6416. FOR SAXEMrCormick-Deering plow. 3-fang. J. T. Drew. So. Peach. Box 116L FOR SALE Orcan. 1716 No. River- side 10x10 brooder house, $30. easily moved, oil Sioux 500 chick brooder, $12, bought this spring. Davanola, $60. 4 months old, cost S75 new; 50 )b. ice box. excellent shape, $10 50. Rt 2 BoxU12 on Old Pacific Hwy. FOR SALE Large hot Water tank for wood or coal ranrre. like new. $9.00. After 00 p m.. 1517 West Main. FOR SALE Slightly used wood cook stove with ht water coils installed. &50 00 also attractive dog house. $5J10 Cal1 at818 So. Peach. FOR SALE Grappa. Thompson Seed less Sweetwater. Blue Mission, other later. 1 miles north of Cen tral Point. 3 mile west on Willow Springs Rond DELTA LATHE. 9" swing with Delta motor and homemade bench. 90S w 39 Onn Oak Ct. Phone 3043. FOR SALE 3 acres" cloverT Irrigated". modern nouse. Darn, garage, chicken house, cold room. All new buildings. Next to school. Furnish ed or unfurnished. Larson, back of Howard Store WILL soil or trade Underwood port- able typewriter lor gooa uprigni. 1223 W Main RELIABLE 2-h.p. motor bike. 725 Be kman. BOYS heavy duty bicycle, trash burn er with coils, wood camp stove with ov:n portable kerosene heater. 208 Tripp St. F"OH SALE 15 acres or corn tor en silage John Nealon. Phone 118. Cen tral PoinL FORS A LE 2 old davenports. $20 00 earh. 1 davenport and chair $40 00; 1 8i0 ib. cream separator with pow er take off, $40 00 M D Shults. 220 No. Bartiett, between 9 and 6 p. m. FOR SALE Hale. Mutr peaches First turn 'eft at east ena ot spring 01. J. A Nelson. FOR SALE Cooking apples, 6 cents Ib 617 Catherine St. CANNING Tomatoes 3c lb picked. Bring containers w b Medley, ena of Bear Cree bridge. Central Point to Four Corners. FOR SALE Non-irrigated Tlale and Elbcrta peaches Griffin Creek Road turn right at Griffin Creek Grange l'i miles Hufcill Ranch. HALE PEACHES Nice large" orchard run. ripened on the tree Denney. first house on Madrona Lane, off Oak Grove Road Phone 6103 BEW11 I Tinston ,$s I TRUCK TIRES ffft$g$ l.llt with D.rofl,, j&fflltfiS Ceastractica UtUW The cords, piles. H I !? traad flex as one unit vftf Stria axtra surA. V-t ejrtra ltag. vVf ' f FIRESTONE STORES fc, ill S. Riverside Th. 4T3T JB FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE One H. D. 14 A11U Chal. mer cat, winch, and dozer; Onej 13.00U caterpillar power ptani; vnc D4400 power plant. Fred Smith, Box frospect, me, rnwic FOR SALE: Pre-war bicycle. $26 50; .22 Winchester pump. $19; 22 Rem Jngtonpump $21. 937 S. Holly. FOR SALE Heavy duty delivery bf- cycle. Shell Station, Riverside and Jackson. FOR SA'LE Wardrobe trunk. Ph. 4308. FOR SALE Used Fountain Backbar. Counter, Carbonater. Weed Mercan tile (o., veea, iam FOR SALE) 16 foot house trailer, afl conveniences food tires. All In good condition. Bargain. Humphrey, Ever Shadv Auto Court, 3 miles S. on nignway FOR SA'LE One washing machine: 1 sewing machine; 1 skill-saw arm. 211 N Peacti FOR SALE Wood Circulating Heater and vacuum cleaner. Call 216 S Orange. . FOR ALE Peaches, ftne big thoroughly tree ripened Hales from our fp.ncv gift box supply, finest for canning Priced right, open 'till 7 p. m Bear -reeit urcnarus. FOR SALE One studio bed daveno, large chair and foot-stool to match, $75 One wood circulator heater. $40. May r,e seen at 604 E. Pine, Central Point FOR SALE: Low-priced Lumber. Rip saw sized and S4S Dimention 2 4, 2x6. etc. Van's Refinlshlng Mill. 3 miles ol Medtord FOR SALE: Canning tomatoes, 2c"T. you pick Pickling cucumbers, bring containers, Spear melons, 'a mile S of Phoenix on Anderson Road. Earl Harris ASTERS and other cut flowers, also cucumoers Dressler's, 1107 1 E Ma i n Ph 3656 ' FOR SALE Washing machine. Bee FloydLushbough Talent. FOR SALE Tuscan Clinr peaches, d D Vroman. i miles W of Phoenix qnColeman Creek road. Ph 6072 TOMATOES 2 ',2 miles N W of Cen tral Point, North Grant Rood. C, F Small FOR SALE V4 inch and -i inch plas ter hoard Porter Lumber Co., Ph 288L204 S Fir St. FOR SALE Good buzz saw7Ch"evro let motor. 2 blades. H. Fauts. Box 235. Thomas RoaQ FOR SALE Lawn mower: large At moray machine Thomas Road. 3rd house on the rtght, off Stewart. HEARIWG Aid users Just arrived a new jtock of A & B batteries Suite 407 Medford Center Bldg Phone 7336 FOR SALE: Canning tomatoes. 3c Ib Pickling cucumbers Bnnr contain ers mile S oi Phoenix on An derscn road Earl Harris FOR" SALE Baled groin and vetch mixed near Jacksonville W H Ar nold Phone bauy FOR SALE Cedo. shingles all grades Poiter Lumbei Co Phone 28H1 Medtord STTPCOVERS Drapes Call 474 mornings Mrs Mee, 701 King DAIRYMEN if your cows" have Mas tltis use Kennedy's remedy sold on : a mor.ev bach guarantee MKDD ORD SEED & FEED FOR SALE Connlnr beets 3c Ib rnmp nnri a ft them Bateman. U mile NW ol Central Point on Taylor roao 1 RED WOOD POSTS 7 ft extra good Hi-Way Lbr & Farm Supply Co. MecUoro city limits and J viile Hwy j WE HAVE equipment with operator available tor custom pluwing grad : infi and land leveling Medford Con crute Construction Co Phone 2469 FOB SALE Baled hay clean alfalfa i and oat Cooksey I b miles of Central Point Phone 127 FULLER brushes 619 W 2d Ph 4914 L.AHGEST and most" complete stock ot McCnrmick Ueering machine parts in souther- Oregon We know patts and nav them W E Alex andei Centra; Poi n t FOR SALE Bartiett pears for can ning. $1 per lug. W. H. Arnold, Phone 6389: GIRL'S big tricycle for sale, cot and springs. Othei misc. articles. Ph. 567 or 602 So Riverside SELLING Maisonette Frocks. Call 6219 after 5 p. m. FOR SALE 2 davenport and chair sets 1 new 1 pre-war. Call 5475 after' 5:00. ELBE RTA PEACHES 6c ',3 mile south on Coleman Creek Road. Old Bert Hamlin place. FOR SALE Used clothing, men's and women's, all sizes. Irvln, the Tailor, 128 E Main. ONE Singer and one Vhite sewing mactrnes. cabinet and table model rad.ot: Irvin the Tailor, 128 E. Main, j FOR SALE: Silver and Damson plums , 4c Ih Sewing machine, $20. 1208 E. 11th St. FOR SALE Nice canning tomatoes, 2c you pick or 3c picked. John Cntey, 1 mile N. of Central Point, second 1 house W of Railroad. Scenic Ave. FOR SALE: Elberta peaches for can ning, 3c lb. Joe Kantor, 3 miles E. of t noenix turn right. FALLING" and Bucking Wedges. Also Mining Wedges, graded and oil , cured weather resistant. Minin 1 wedc"!. $1 pei doz. F & B. Wedges. 1 specini $1 75 per doz. Ray Chomber lln, 1820 N Riverside. REPLACE AUTO GLASS PROMPT SERVICE SELBY'S TOF St GLASS SHOP or 8jli 8 jSartlett Phone 3073 FOR SALE: Tree ripened peaches, J H Hales. Elbertas and Muirs, 6c to 9- Ib tor canntnc Also canning tomatoes, meions plums and prunes At the Growers Market, 3lj mile south ot Medtord, Bert Stanclitfe. GOAT MANURE Come" and' geflt S3 00 cubic vard Four miles from Jacksonville on Rucb Highway See sign Home 6pm till 8 00 a m a nd 11:00 a m t bru JJ)0 p m THE UNITED COMPANY of OREGON". Inc , is now actively engaged in drilling an oil well at Burns. Ore gon Permit nas been granted to the compnny for the sale of a limited amount of its capital stock For fur ther particulars call at Dawson Electric, 129 North Riverside. Med ford. Oregon. J. H. Dawson, Presi dent FOR SALE! Trailer house. 16 ft Red Arrow 2 beds tee box, stove and heater Phone 8886, 375 Beach St.. Ashland PERSONAL I LONELY? Stamp for particular? P.0. Box 1171, Medford, Oregon. Experienced Sales Women Desiring Perma nent Positions and Ideal Working Conditions .... Should Make Application Now. BOX (21) MAIL TRIBUNE Lodge Notices SCOTTISH RITE Stated meeting Lodge and Chapter, Monday, Sept. 9th, 7:30 p. m. ' L. E. Williams. Secy. TABLE ROCK COUNCIL No. 13 W R. & S. M. 0 J Medford, Tt V 7 11th at 8 p n , at Masonic Temple, Tuesday, September stated meeting. R. E. Frisbie, Ill.M. CRATER LAKE CHAPTER" No. 32 RAM. at Masonio Temple, Medford, Tuesday September 11th at 8 p.m. Work in M M. and P.M. de grees. Refreshments. F. G. Morris. H P. PERSONAL 15 QUESTIONS and complete S3 00 read'r.g by mail now $100 Prof. Woodward, noted seer. Butte Fails, Oren Box 53 Full name private Reading? daily $1 00 4 miles East of butte Falls on Butte Falls Road. Sign out SARAH ANNA Crystal Readings, cup Cabin 6 801 N Central. DORA Miller palmist crystal reader. Friday only h 4495, Jill W 4th. CARD READING $1 00 329 Jeanette. PAi.MISTRY crystal reading D Miller, Ph 3446 480 Mountain Av . Ashland. MISCELLANEOUS INSTRUCTION -Learn practical nurs ing easily at home, spare time. Big demand, good earnings. High school not necessary Write for FREE facts. Wayne School of Practical Nurs- mg. Tribune, Box 3450. INSTRUCTION Male. Good pay jobs offered trained auto bodv-fender man in daily "want ads." Put in a few hours weekly learning" metal work, welding, painting, etc. Chance for high wages or your own busi ness. Write for free information, Utilities Inst Tribune. Box3449. RUTH JUY PENNY Dance Studio new location U.S.O. auditorium., Enroll for fall classes Saturday afternoon, Sept. 15, or phone 5960 or 335 L REPAIRS for International, McCor-mick-Deering tractors nnd farm ma chines. Also many machines ready for delivery. Your McCormick-Deer-Ing dealer. CULLEN MOTOR and IMPLEMENT CO., 123 S. Riverside. NOTICE: Jim Grimes' Medford Barber Shop will welcome his customers at his new address, 423 East Main, across from the Roxy Theatre. Your patronage is appreciated. ENROLI for Fall classes in tap. acro batics and ballet for both beginners and advanced students. Ruth Luy, Penney Dance Studio. Phone 5960 or 3351. WE ARE NOW equipped to service your tractor tires with calcium chloride. Protection for the winter months ahead. Eatherton's Farm Store, 808 S. Riverside. ADAH'S BEAUTY SALON will be closed from Sept 10 to Sept. 24. RECFNTl Y installed new boring oar. to our modern repair service All sxpert mechanics Hawkins Parage. 616-6)8 S Riverside Dial 5881 TRUCKS FOR RENT Drive Yuurseit Save Any Distance PRUITT'S MOBILOIL STATION Main and Ivy Phone 4145 S. M. WADE Commercial and Domestic Refrigerators .Repaired 5302 Phone 4104 L C. TAYLOR GO. pays the HIGHEST MARKET PRICES If you have a CAR or TRUCK to sell, we advise selling it now. Call or Phone Dodge-Plymouth Dealer L. C. TAYLOR CO. Phone 2963 "SB1 W s- GOOD USED CARS WE PAY Top Ceiling Prices Yon won't get more money anywhere than you get et the Automobile Market 6th & Bartiett Ph. 3919 STATE EXPERIENCE IN FIRST LETTER