TEN MEDFOHD MAIL TRIBUNE CLASSIFIED RATES Per word, (irit tmrtlon.2e (Minimum 25c) Each additional Insertion, per word ......lc IMinlrounr 10c) Per line per month with out ccpy change $1-25 Sash or Money Order must accompany all mail order classified ads NO REFUNDS Given On Classified Advertisements LOST AND FOUND LOST Marine air crew wings he tween bnadea ana craienan wen necday. Heward. Tribune Box 2623. LOST Wednesday night, brown iml latlon alligator purse. Contains rn tfon books and identification. Re ward Phone 3328, Mrs, C. C. Archt- nairi, LOST A brown Imitation leather purse, containing papers valuaol' only to owner. A postal money order ana some currency, itewaro ior re turn to Rt.. Box 149, Med ford Phone 4839. HOST- -No. 4 ration book. Earl Ct. Vorton. Rt. 3. Box 470, Mertiord. FOUND Bicycle Royal maroon and white paiioon tires. l. iuia ai u-u 1102. 810 S. Riverside. 0ST--Last Friday. Hold Conklin pen- cil, en craved J. P. B., handsome reward, tf found, riease cau ur Bray at 5082 or 5571. LOST Tuesday night. Ladles' rose- gold 1 engines watch. Reward for return. Phone 3400 or return to 310 Genes ee. rbsf Billfold containing check, pa- pers and currency. Heward. R. H Field Central Point. Phone 185, COST Brown leather billfold, coir tainlnu money, pictures and papers. Reward. Lillian Weathers, Rt. 1, Box 208, Ashland. Oregon Eosf Small black and white male Toy Shepherd Answers to name ot spotty. Kewara. mono vm. at n central. COST Parker fountain pen"belweeh U S national uriik ana jacasun Hotel. Reward. Phone 0033. 2U? w Third , FoiN l Cood lubrication' " bv exoer lenced help Williams and Croucher 4th and Hiversiae. REPORT lost dojjs. animal cruelty csves numa.ni? auvmy rumm WANTED MALE HELP WANTED Experienced tie sawyer. Man that can operate mill. O. W. Curtis, Butte Falls, Phone 1321. WANTED Carpenter for out of town worK Excellent wagfs. can oua a. Newtown or phone 2569. WANTED Experienced top-16ader, SI. 50 per hour and overtime. Dial aiau uuo . uaKaaie. WANTED Shakers and folders for flat work lroncr ; also press opnr tors Exoarience not necessary. American Laundry, 132 S. Central. MEN WANTEDEdgihg picker and on-nearer. ueArnionn Lumntr -w. located between Medford and Jack sonville, WANTED Men for oacklna house work. Bear Creek Orchards, So. Pa cific Hwy. A'ANT ED Experienced auto "trimmer. permanent Job, good wages. Selby a s top uiass anop, cm ana rtarucn. HELP WANTED We can place three first class auto mechanics in our snop at ones. Earning., high. Best working condi. lions. Ask for Mr. Darland. iSDGERTON MOTOR CO. 133 So. Riverside Phone 3684 MAN WANTED for floor service. Fire- stone Stores. 214 a. Hiversitie. WANTED Carrier for Mali tribune Route in uerrydaie. Apply circuia t Ion Departm e nt, Mai lTr Ibune. WANTED One Jammer luncKer, 91 50 per hour nnd transportation. Phone 561, Jacksonville, Nate H. Smith. MAN WANTED As receiving-Ship-ping cierk. Permanent position with opportunity for advancement. Va cation pay and other privileges. Annual salary S1821) to start, bee Mr. Timm, Montgomery Ward. WANTED Fry ccKik. A p p TTMr. R ohlnton... J ackmn Hotel. WANTED Fuel Oil Delivery man. Steady Work. Co Box 1003. WANTED AT ONCE Experienced Pondman and Edserman. Steadv Year Around Work MEDFORD CORP. SAWMILL N. Riverside Ave. ETngi.E man as Animal Honpltal at tendant, living quarters furnished. Work light but cleanliness and per manency requited Apply In person 1455 N Riverside. MEN NEEDED DEFENSE WORK Carriage Setter Power Setworks. fc.iwm.Tl workers Call Tom McGraw Telephone 2536 Medford. WANTED FEMALE HELP WanttTd Chamber ma id? apply "Hol- land Hotel. WANTED-Kitchenrielper at SacrcB Heart Hospital, WANTED Woman to dnKoiiworK by the hour. Phone 3058. X "PERMANENT position in Doctor's ofifre is open to local girl. Ability to type and meet the public essen tial. TrlbuneBox 2600. WANTED Exeprlenccd waitress. What Not. WANTEDClfPto care"7or chlliTTTi yean old lor about one week. Moth er alio at home. Call In person. 730 West 14th WiNTKD Experienced Stenographer ana cierx, some noon Keeping ex perience preferred, good position for capable worker. Start at onre, state experience in nunc mox WANTKD Woman for householo: uorx. mil or part time. Phone 3.150. WANTED- Housekeeper. Room and board and waives J. 1. Fen ton, Rt. 4, hox 37.-Memord. WANTI-D Girl or mlddle-nt-ed worn- an ioi housework. Two in family Good pay, 319 S Grape. WANTED Experienced cook on ranch 8 miles from city. Tribune box a;Bn. WAN TV I) -lYi -dVwnsTi Ter A pply Mr Robinson. Jackson Hotel. WANTED Lady to do cnokTnT-and haute work and help rare for invalid wonmn Good home Sam Betten courr. P O Box72.T, Eagle PolnT Ore. WANTED Lady for part time torn'. Ramon to smi-invalid and light outewirk, Phone 4l50. WANTED Experienced "' Fountain girls. Taylor's Pennywise Drug Co. EXP Waitress" Wanted. SeeMrrim mons. Holly Cafe. a desirable occupation foh vouno women Tele phon t operating pays well rre qiient Increases V sent tons with pay Surroundings comfortable and pleas ant Experience not neceasary COMB IN FOR A PERSONAL INTERVIEW Ask tor Misa Otterdsle Fifth and Uartlett u-eeU TUB, PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TKLEGHAPH COMPANY rVANtKb""-' Help' foT thVTTWnlnl plant boih men and women West Side Cleaner 34 N Holly WANtTfiMatd at Tlotal Medto" Sunday, Aug- 19, 1945 ' WANTEDFEMALE HELP I WOMAN" Wanted for caro of two -mail i child i en nt Mountain Resort No ! cookiiuz. Wanes ODCn. Phone Pros pect 004 or Box 04, Prospect, Ore. OPERATOR wanted at Cooks Beauty rnop paria uunaing. WANTED DUn washer. Apply Hotel meotora. WANTED Experienced Waitrcu. Ap- piy vaieniino t laie. WANTED Housekeeper, ' jo home I nifhta Phone 3'Jit WANTKD Experienced Saleswoman RureKnn 3 N Cen tral HELP MALE andFEMALE WANTED Capablo'man and wlfiTio operate lunch room. Tribune Box 1DII6 WANTED Orchard workers. Steady employment. Klamath Orchard. Ph. 8274 evenings after 6 p. m. KITCHEN HELP WANTED SceMr. Simmons. Holly Cafe. WANTED An ambitious enTpIoYee'fbr a permanent post-war position. Some knowledge of accounting required. Opening position as posting clerk with opportunity to advance to chief accountant, Work is interest ing but fairly difficult. Pny excel lent Young sinrle woman or ex. serviceman preferred. Call Mr. Clark orMi :.rG r o vc a t 2 78 8 WANTED Man or woman over lfTfo work in grocery store. Call in per son at Humphrey's Grocery. 534 L. Main WANTED SITUATION FIRST CLASS Painting and decora t ing. Free estUnatea. CnH 3248. BOOK KEfcPER 1 2year5exprTe77cc; Qualified to take dictation. Can op era (e any typo office machine. Ph. 6220. HOSIERY Mending. S07 Fairmont. WANTED Fruit hauling. Call Dayton Cooper at Jackson Hot Springs. CALL 4425 for spray painting, bdc- cfahring In roof staining. O. K. i White FOR INTERIOR and exterior decorat ing. Also stucco pmntlng. Free esti mates Call 5S8t Guy Rhea. ALL Kinds of Kent-Toning, one room or more, excellent worn guaranteed. Call L & K Decorating Co., 5420 after 8 p. m. HOSIERY MENDING Luella Fawcett. ri.one 44 TRA"t:TOR WORl?G7aTOgTneveling and olowing Phone 2687 (VANTED Washing and Ironing Ph 3806 XT Me Bondex your home Also P mnting of all Minds Estimates free red Lucas Ph 541 J'vllle. Oregon WEJ-Icndlothlng hone 4780. SEP riC TANK Cesspool pumping sanitary eouiDment Phone 0170 PXTnTiNG Interior, exterior clcc. orating Spray oi brush Phone 7325 C H Coghlll WANTED Custom traefnr wor(tFast. modern equipment Plowing, disc ing mowing leveling and cultivat ing C L Robinson. Ht 2. Box 44rt-H Phone 62111 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANT TO RENT three-bedroom house In town. Call 4f21. WANTED TO RENT 6R"TE"Agl? Alonlie loader, for loading logs on GondMas, Contract per M., John F. Taylor. Phone 3611, Ashland. WANTED Work for lumber truck. Rt. 1. Box 332, Thomas Road. WANTED Passage East to "Florida if possible. Will drive to pay share of expenses. Want to leave Aug. 25. 28 or 27. Write Dan Duncan, care of O. and C. Adm., B.H.C., No. 1, Med ford WANTED TO LEASE for 2 to 3 y?a"rs. gooa i arm. iteierenccs, Tribune box 1675 WANTED TO RENT 4 or fl room furnished house. Two adulls. Per manent. 132 Tripp. Phone 41173. Wanted to rent house with-5 rooms or more in or neiir Rogue River, Oregon. Responsible party. can give references. Tribune Box 1670. WANTEfTSllvrr prunes, 534 N. Bnrt leu. mono ouoy. WANfto'nuY 1 tractor snhsoTW. N. N. Davis. Rt. No. 1, Box 865, Crescent City, Calif. WANTED tO RENT Modern home by new high school instrumental music supervisor by Sept. 10 If pos sible. Call 2405 after 5 p. m. ELECTRIC rcfritrator wanted. Ph. 0122. DRIVING to Los Angeles or CorvaTlTs nave room mr one or two. rnouc 23H2. C. S. Prime. WANTED "to buy good quality whe-ii ann on is, can furimn sbcks, aiso will huv good saddle horse. R. Sav age, Phone Central Point, 103. WANTED to rent or buy wheel crtntr tn good condition Tribune Box Iti'i.V DRIVING to Portland Monday. Can take 2 or 3. Phone 4334. WANTED Five or rt-room unfur nished house or apartment with re frigeration. Phone 3780. PERMANENT Pnclfle" FrulTmpmye ann i.imiiy must nave 9 or tf-room house to rent, fununhed or unfur nlshid by Sept. 1st. Please call Jack Dannen 5fl7 or 3283. WANTED Board and room in piTvafe home for working mother and one child Can furnish references Ph. 5i!6(l between 8 a. m and 5 p. m. W ANT 10 LEASE- Gotd" Ranch on canh f hare or salary basis. Have Farmnll M and equipment. Good reierrnces. L. A. Worlcy, Lake Creek. Oregtm. WANTED Two wheel trntlerTTn good condition. none atmo. WANTED" to" RENT By permanent civilian couple, small home or du plex, partly furnished or unlur ninhe'1 Heferences, The Lodga Mo tel Phone 5042 Wanted" to RENtnyHHrisO or -ietiroom nouse. lurnisned or unfurnished by local reliable civil ians. One tour-year-old iirl Can Ive references. Call 410 between and 5 WANTED FurnishetTlinuse or apart ment o be occupied by mother and aaugnicr rermanrnt local resident Adult References Phone 3081. WANTED Ued Coach or Sedan. 36 or "37 Model Phone 503H WANTEI-lThe best c.ir SOlAvlll Kny No dealers, privutely owned Write Tribune Box 3201 WANtEU-One log trucV fofsteanTI mile haul. S:t 50 per thousand Alio nae nrtontv lor new Reo og bunk truck. Model 25 VBS and Tromhly Iraiter tot further Infor mation call 6476 Ashland CC ANTED" TO III IY-Iji te" MfHtePuVed car Pay cash Phona Central Point 127 WANTED Wa Huv All Kind, ot l.lvrKtork llrt'f, Vral Una. and DieN.ed Poultry A. so Rahhits CITY MARKET Phone 4.(21 TOP PRICE paid tor u.rd furnitiira Furniture Excranna Cupps rurni ture Store Telephone 404B and 48ttl WANTED RAW niHS Huhest iah Linrei paid lor mu.krat. minK notM'al 1c 8e u tor your game traps W, al.o buy hides pelts swl and tnoh.ir MKIKIHI) UARUAIN HOI'sr. 97 N Crnp. Ull Jl t BUY" t'lrdTTirnltnTe' miscellan eous articles We also clean rues tor a reasonable prlcy Call lot and de liver or mora 24 d Grapa Phone 7J44 WANTED Highest prices paid tor rtirnltura. atovaa tools or what have you? MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE, 17 N Grape Phone 3744, nr;$TPnTcr.'S""lAtn ' Tor Voui Furniture IAD8 FUHNI1UHE Phona 4240. WnNI F.D Junked. wrecked or burned ears Will pas highest price. Walker Auto Parts Co S tulles N ot Ashland on P Phone SPKa wilCpaT" MOST CAil For Good t'sed Furnltura a. u I";1 FURNITURE II North Front I'hona 4('2J WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Fox I ted homes Phone l2'r7Eagle Point Fox Farm WANTED ByRehable Pnrty' 8"or room modern furnished house Curl m trim Tribune Box 1975 FOR RENTHOUSES MOVE by padded van It costs no mi-re Eods 1'r:inster Dial 7121 TRUCKS FOR RENT Move yourself Save half Pruilt's Mobiloil Station M.im pnd Ivy f'hone 4145 FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Furnished 2 -room apart ment Adults. Ho drinkers, 21 Hazel fit. FOR RENT Three-room Apartment. 22f) S. Front St. Phone 2089, No rnnnren. FOR RENT Furnished Rooms FOR HENT Sleeping room for men, . l!HUy 91. FOR RKNT Room with private en. iiitnt-c. n i j v est luin FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping room, i izu iNiannc. FOR HENT One comfortable house keeping room, suitable for 1 or 2 adiiltH. Completely furnished. Pri vate entrance. Phone 3922. FOR RENT" ""Sleeping room with kltchen privileges. Phone 4557. FOIl RENT Room for" man, close in. 60!) Lnst M.-iin. FOR RENT Nicety furnished room, close n. 7jl E. Majn. M . E K PING HO OM H j 4 6 S H oil HQOMS K'Ht KENT 404 S Grope JFOR RENT Miscellaneous FOR RENT Pasture for 3 or 4 head of cattle. Rt. 1. Box 232. FOR" RENT One room cabin. 1117 west nth, FOR RENT Cabin. Utilities furnished. 420 W 12th "J" street. EVERSHADY AUTO COURT 3 (a miles south of Med lord on 09 high way Modern cottages and trailer re space uy. weeh or month FOR HIRE Two flat-rack trucks. Hnu5 tons. Phone 414 Grants Pass. FOR RENT Cabins. IH-Way Court Phoenix 5FFICE ROOMS for rent SeeCozy Nook Confectionery. 403 East Main Phone 0042 FOH SENT -To Of f I cTrsand'famlllefl some of the niccs housekeeping cot ih hps on the Rmiue River CaO Gntd Hill 474 ChniKers Motel F0R SALE DOGS, PETS FOR SALE: Puppies $20j each, mother dog small shepherd Si spitz, exrcllent child's pet. to give to good heme. 657 So. Holly, phone S05fi. FOR S A LE thorough brcdBurWog puppies. 27 Ross Court. FOR SALE Purebred Irish Setters. Alwyr Co. PURE-BRED Fox Terrier, the last one. a beauty Oregon Kennels. Pad He highway and Elm St THREE litters PekiliKese puppies ready Hawkins' Kennels, 623 3 Central FOR SALE Toy Pekingese ahdPofn eranian puppies $20 and up. Ken neU Jacksonville highway, 2 miles out Phone 6141 FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE 25 Austrotorp pulTels. Phon? 65 II. FOR SALE Efght-wcek-old New Hampshire chickens. 400-A, Maple Drive K FOR SALE LIVESTOCK THERE WILL BE 2 young registered Guernsey bulls at the Grants Pbbs auction Tuesdny. These bulls are outHtanding Individuals and guaran teed breeders. Also 10 young sows j - ",s" ie goon sneep. Tuesday Aug. 21, Grants Pass Com mission Yards. FOR" SALE Good""ftirltlTl?n7hTM, 81.10 Phono 3234 Ashland, R. L. Wymit. ONE l.t-moriths old Jersey . "ft uenisey iii. ii, Mniirm nrro or meat am- niai. II I. fl. uox 133, Spring St. Rd or rail 5500. GOATS Registered Nubian bucks at num. ni. i, uox a. uriffin Creek FOR SALE Guernsey heifer. Phone 2850. FOR SALE Sow and 7 3-wceks old pigs. Also 14 'a acres, .1', grapes, rest nay land or will subdivide. Jake M.vcrs, ' 3 mile norm Central Point. GRANTS' "PASS AUCtlON Wo have for next Tuesday's salt a consignment of 100 ft Hereford steers hIo fat heifers and veal calves This is an unusually fine and uniform herd of white face cattl?. Wo will also have the usual run of dairy cows, stock cattle, hogs and horses. Don t miss this sale Tuesday. Aug. 21, 1 P. M. Grants Pass Commission Yards. Local and long distance hnulinr Tel. Medford 4273 Grants Pa.s 5U7R1. FOR SALE Jersey cow.' 2 Guernsey calves Hereford bull, Tractor and mower. Box 123, Spring St., or Ph. MUST sell at onre a work horses and hamcsi. 2 saddle horses. 001 West Jackson. WANTF D S beep pasture, good grai h sluhbie, lotus, clover or altalln Call, write or phone V J Phillppi in care ot MorriLk s tojrJnn Phone 2533 CASH for old oi crlppfed hTorsVi" Hi.yal Rogue Kennels Gold Hill. liO'HtlS "TRADING" POST " . "I802"W Mrtln Wa buy sell or trade Phone f:07 FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Model "A" J-doorTfixed ,..li n-up. i u, i.ourl l. kik MM.E lll.io Bulck 4-door se rian. new paint, clean. Good mo- r. iniorr in n. ceuinr. 30S Chestnut Phniu- .11159 lH.m roilll COi'l'liTnr sale. finoJTS tires. 3.-t), under O P.A., 1T1S No. Riverside. FOR SALEJTSiipTTSln Ksaex. good condition and lots of rubber, about halt OPA rclling price. 1211 W. (lih. FOR SALE -Model T touring" rarTvillh ruve! gears and Rocky Mountain hralics Fair condition. Phona 0034 betwe.-n 9 and . FOR SA1 E One long-wheel haar. 'fll.11 Ford Truck. $300. within OPA ceil. lnr. McllcM-d Auto Wrecking. 19:10 MODEL A Ford! $300 rash.wlifr- In OPA celling. 4-dx,r sedan, motor overhauled. 2 new tires. 3 new tubes Tony Corev, Rt 4. itox 20. Coker Unite Road. Medford. Ore. FOR SALE 34 4-door Chevrolet "se- dnn. See at Ml Pit mill, i, mile east of Central Point. USED CARS FOR SALE 1841 Willys deluxe coupe. This car Is really clean Looks and run like new Equipped with heater... t30 00 1P40 rtnirk Speclat four-door sedan. Equipped with radio $1250 00 1P38 Pulck Special two-door sedan. An 'xceptlonally good car for this mod I J893 00 The above ears are priced below OPA Celling FDGFRTON MOTOR CO 133 S. Riverside Phone 2884 roR$Aiy3r"Re Ford pick-up: '30 Lincoln iSe.lfln. clean: extra good 2-wbeel trailer. Lots of food uet cars I N MU X I S No Riverside between 4th Jtr 5th FOR SALE 1!35 bintness coupe. 'One years Insurance. Call 2D28 atter 0 p. m FOR" SAi E-l34 ortTfiedan. rref. lent iirri. ginyl motor Anderson's Thr.lt Market. 710 S Riverside. FOR S 1.E l!'JS "Motel A iiport Cou;e, IIM 001 West Jaeison. lOtt CHEVROLET Togging Truckana Pierc trailer t nil v equipped nnd re.idv t roll INew engine as-aamlOy with .t'MMl miles operMtlon (475 Ed ton 3rd axle trailing unit JDM Hrown-i.tpe trsnmlion 8x25 tires in g'd condttinn Ji5AO to finance Miie onre Hfio Helow OPA as is1 "iling prka. Rogue River Chevro- i ' FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE '38 Ford true. 4-5 dump Box In b'ood condition. V.'u.'n J has 2 speed Brownie and 1460 Laton read end. B23-20 tires in good con dition. (106 N. Riverside Ave. MOTORCYCLES f'OH SALE Ikrley-Davidior. motor cycle. $150. Priced lor quick ,ale. Bernctt Vorton, Kl. 3, Box 4V, Med ford. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE $1800" Three-room house with bath, all furnished, hot and cold water, connected garage, lot 50 x 200; woodshed, gar den, and lawn. Terms it needed. Near Camp White. C (T A 2 3 a irrigated acres, new Ovl jj four-room house, cement lounaation, new bath, large garage, cement floor, good wcil and pressure system. Close to town. WQftll"53 ACRES Irrigated. OOOUU 5 -room modern house, 2 " bedrooms, service porch, clean and in good condition, fruit house double garafe, chicken house, large barn, fine artesian well. 4 tons of hav, and separator, near talent. POOnft One acre, u acre alfaiia. Vw0UU Hall acre clover, 4-room T house, fruit house, gurage, barn pnd chicken house. ffJ?7C f Four-room Knotty Pine vDtU Interior home, u acre Ir T . " rignted, fully furnished, with electric stove, electric Ice box and washing machine, maple floors in house and fireplace, near Med ford. CJQAAA 30 Acres, 12 acres clover Vy vUU 'or ieed crop, 18 acres dry ed, 4-room house in good condition, electric hot water heater, 6 milch cows. 2 heifers, 2 bull calves. Ford son tractor, mower, rake, separator, and 30 tons of hay. I COCAA 1U Acres, 3-room house,! ijU-Jij irrigation pump, barn. floor coverings, cook stove, farage. Close to town. CCCAA 30 Acres. 5 Acres alfalfa, 0 OD v U ift acres oa ts, 4 -room Y house, 2 car garage, brooder house, alt well-built, small barn, mower, plow, binder, plenty hay and seed oats, posts, wire fence. Some terms Q A 1 ftft Four-room modern house. u4lUU dinette 2 bedrooms, seml " furnished, nice lawn and shade city water and sewage. A neat clean place. Some terms. (JO OCA 5-room modern home. Vt)ODU fireplace, 3 bedrooms, " " breakfast nook, built-ins, , cement foundation, good roof, trash burner and electric range, close to downtown. Immediate possession. f?1 1 AAA Hardware store with Oil UUU (food business, llvinr ' aunrlers and aoartment above atore now rented, good build ing recently painted, all store ftx fixtures go with the store. All fur niture in the apartment goes. 2 bstlw, good lawn in rear, garage and storeroom. Also woodwork shop. Apartment house with four SjUU completely furnished units, nil rttntfri rlns in loca tion, garages for three cars, figures good income on investment. CIA Cflfi-79 Acres- a6 Acres patd div.OUU "P Irrigation, all under ' cultivation, 6 - room modern house, fair condition, barn, tool shed, chicken house, well lo cated and close to Medford. JOpA Two Acres, free irrlrated jQij'J soil. 4-room house, bath i-nmnlclp evrent shower. or tub good cook stove, butlt new. floor coverings, and new pressure svstetn, fine drilled well, close to city. ffrAA 110 Acres wood and tim uJulU ber lnnrt- 35 acres ready to fiillU-nln l.rnnm modern house 3 bedrooms, screen porch, good barn, gravity spring and good well, noth connected to pressure sys tem. Near Jacksonville and has won derful view. Good terms. WE HAVE Stock Ranches, equipped and KtocKcd farms. Alio l our is. Cltv Property and Suburban Homes with or without acreages. Contact us for information or details. List with US and let Action. SOUTHERN OREGON LAND CO. Medford Grants Pass Next to Bruce Bauer on South Riverside Phone 5300 P O Box 608 $10,200" Jl Acres bottom bind. 40 irrigated with paid paid Very p water right best of soil. Four-room house with beau'iful shade. In Central Point district. Excellent terms. Also $8500" Three-oedroom house, very modern. Hardwood floors. firenlare. oil heat. Lot Oil ft. frontage, 200 ft. deep. Nicely landscaped. Good terms. COOPER REAL ESTATE Chns. Illness. Salesman Office 223 N. Riverside Phone 7.C.7 or C C 7 C A Modern 3-bcdroom home, tb J I jU f'lv furnished, electric WW WW . .., i naiari street. $2500 down. C0AAAA vcrv love,y rnodern -OOUliu bedroom home, large liv- t, .i,. furnnce. circulating fireplace, hardwood flimrs in living room, dining room and one bedroom, attached apart ment, furnished, rns floor furnace, bath and entnmce. 'i room fur nished apartment with private b:ith. over Ktoie room, rent on ench Apt., $40. 'i'wo-car garage, cement floor, lot Hii x 134. paved street, poscs- mon in J" onys. $i5,ooo-; -47 Acres under lrrtRa- 7 -room modern. stered house, large barn. 15 dairv cows and all farm equipment. Including new milking machine. 7 mites out. H. L. COOK. Realtor 1104 w. Maui rRS7T.E-Six' room modern pins- tered house, large chicken home. 5t ares irrigated. 125 Scenic Dr.. Ashland. Oregon. FOR SALE I Acre Irrigated. 3-beiT- room mod. house, newly decorated. New bath, hunt-ins. service pfircn with laundry trays, fruit room, floor coverings. New garage, wooosneo. chicken house, garden. While house with blue shuttcrs. Izier l,ane. J15O0 40 Acres, 33 miles from MecT fnrrt. -.room loa cabin, ham. store room and olher buildings. At'out 20 acre fenced and tiuaiue. rtaiancc snleatlc tlmler. Owner Dennis Lee, Rl4. Box 75 Mjedford. FOR SALE Two bedroom modern hous?. ginace. large vacant corner lot ge with the house. Immediate possession Phone 583 or 5f38 after 8 p. m , tr Sundays. r OR SALE Four niceulilithiP(Ts on W Second St. Good di-itrlct. rear school Also Two tenutilul lots on Lvman Ave . near Goil Course, $600 earh A. W. Walker. Heal Kstate, 47 F. M.itn. lhone 2721. j"5MHr FOR SA1 E Hy " Ow nefT S'aercs 5-rom new niiKtcrn house, double garage concrete floir and walks, large g1a'd-tn screen porch: coX ing stove and beater; linoleum, da venport and chair, cow, call, chick en. (Hhbits iv" with place. Tony Corev Box 20. Rt. 4. Coker Butte Road, olf Crater Lake Highway, 4 mile from Medford. FOR "SALE Modern plastered "home on El ude. 4-rooms. bath, screened porch, laundry trays, cement foun dation mm r. new pnlnt mUie and out. Phone Central Point 263. FOR SALE--One acre" IrngateflTff rmrn mtern houe, fireplace, rook cellar, douhle garage. Cow, chickens. 32-A. loier lJine FOR SALE By owner. 5-room nioj". rn hoiL-ae. 3-bedi wm. ttrcpla.-e. En closet hack ard. I.IU'HV 908 W. 10 Street PHYStt'IAN and"SurKcon wisK.-s to sell hn homo and exclusive practice in Southern Oregon town. Includes large 3-bedroom modern home-, con taining office, All office equipment, such as N-rav. operating tahle. cahi nets. instruments, etc Also carries own drui Price $8500 Half down C. H Williamson. Salesman. Harold Brown Agency, 133 E. Main. Phone 14H8 FOR 5tAT.g-Vtce Vtr.ceTu"rhTh'd 3 roMn and bath bif back porrh. laundry tra. cm- water. Irriga tion, low taxes. Barreque. frv grill and Patto in bk yard Workshop ann i.irate apoui ' acre. (ne mise from center of tonn. Phona owner .3375 after 10 a. m. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 'iboul 2 lien'.. Mostly in youn peaches. Crop goes. 3 walnut irees, i coi. hmau 4-room nouse, now modern. Drilled well, pressure system, utility building 14 x 16. chicken house for 500, 20 x 02. Close In. AW under irrigation and fc-t piped under ground. Gravity pressure. Price $3300. Rt. 1, Box 607, Dark Hollow, ailter 6p. m. $12,000 12-ROOM House, close In facing 3 s tree la, lot 106 x 150, 3-car garare, beautiful shrubs and trees, grapes and liuit. 7-bedrooms, 2 baths, suit able lor convalescent home. $7500 FIVE Acres, close in on paved road, irrigutcd 3 acres clover, 2 acres young fruit trees and berries, 6 room modern house, chicken house, 18 x 80, double garage, school bus and mail delivery at door. Worth much more. Some terms. I. E. SCHULER. Realtor or ROYAL BEBB Phone 5671 32 N. Grape C I T V -East Side, 2-bedroom mod ern home, near schools, corner lot. lame eardue. $7000" This is new and will bear Investi gating. -Four lots, 4-room home, fJ nearly new. On small sircum. ciusc q a anop- ping ccmcn ACREAGES $6750' One acre in alfalfa, 2-bcd-room modern home. Span-lsh-tYDe. tile roof, free rfoil. near Mediurd. PyfCAA 10 Acre irrigated, all In al t54 Jul falfa, near Medford. No improvements. 1C AAA o Acres, 11 in clover, ylvtUuU 9 oats, 5-room modern, 1 large barn. Just out side city limits. C1t CW Acres, irri fated, lree vlv(t)vU bo'1' no improvements. 7 Close in. DAIRY and STOCK RANCHES 4i Acres, 10 cultivated in clover, 6 irrigated, 5-room nome, o stanchion barn, 17 head neners and calves. All h on hold furniture. $7800" 15 Acres, close In, near schools, 6 acres clover, i uaianci; pasture, iu irri gated, 3 milch cows, 17 beef cattle, nogs, chicxens, la ton hay, wood supply. $14,000" Grade A Dairy. 100 Acres, 19 in Ladino clover. 0 alfalfa Hi cows, 1 bull, team and haying equip. 4-room modern home. AAA-ierms' Acres, 106 OiVUU irrigated, 31 stanchion barn, nulk parlor, 8- room home. CO'j AAATerm8, 140 Ac. i"n uliLtJJ) cultivated, 87 irrigated, ' 30 free water, 2 large barns, Barn tuil ot nay, adlno seed crop. All equipment. (?Ofl AAA Graae A Dairy, 100 QLL)j acres, 77 cultivated, 63 clover, 31 Guernsey stock, all equip. Four-room modern home, highway. Attractive terms. co caa-0"41 A ""i 108 0LJtuJJ acres. 60 irrigated. Ap proximately 60 head stock, almost new ordson Ferg. equipment. COl AAA Industrial and Ware Q&LtJjj house Site. Approxl- . . niately 2G00 leet Rail Road Trackage. Close in. THOMAS J. HIGHT, Realtor 20Ceiliral Phone 5397 FOR ALE Manufacturing machine shop and Bldg., 5uoo. lr ibune Box HOMES CCOCA H-30 bix - room modern tJjiJU house; hardwood floors in livinKroom and dining room, circulating heater; electric hot water tank; garage and wood shed. Cii)A H-31 Three-room modern tJa-.0vU house; garage and wood shed; 3 lots. Located in Central Point. OylAAA H-38 Five-room modern u'lUvv home; service porch; gas water heater; Venetian blinds; newly decorated; garage. CACA H-40 hive-room nouse; 2 OJJ) bedrooms; partial bath. Not completed. SMALL FARMS $2800" -ht -12 1 Acie, 3-room modem hou.se lurnished. family orchard. $5000" chicken $3750" 1 Ish-il 2 bedroom modern house: service porch with laundrv travs: uaraiie: chicken house; small barn. -St -3D 1 Acres; 4-bed-room modern house: fire place: garace; wash house: woodshed and wood: large barn; chicken house; city water; sprink ling stem. $2250" k SF-42 3 Acres all Irri gated; 2 acres in Bartlett and Cosmice nears. a vera r- ing SI 000 per year; 1 Rcre in clover; underground spraying system; fenced. RANCHES CTAAA R-45 43 Acres; 33 acres UOUUU under Talent irrigation; 40 T acres under cultivation. S2500-5: -00 10 Acres all lenced room house; pressure cres grapes; barn and other out-biuldlngs. $4200 K-a 4u Acres; u acres ot peaches and vineyard. S4500"r 88 15 Acres; 9 acres irruated in clover: 4-room house. 2 -bed rooms: barn with large corral. BUSINESS PROPERTY $16,000" . An 8-unit Apartment house; six 2-bedroom units: two 1 -bed room units all with bath; partly furnished; garages. RAY SCHUMACHER. Broker 417-4(9 E. Main Call 5485 Sundays please call 5785 $6850 FOR SALE Income property, close to business district, 2 furnished apart ments - upstairs, bringing $f0 a month, and downstairs owner s liv ing quarters with 2 bedrooms, large living room, dining room, kitchen and bath. CHARLES R RAY. Realtor Room 217 Medford Bldg., Phone 302 $8200 FOR A4LE Nicely furnished EaM side nearly new home, bard wood floors and circulating' fireplace tn living room, 2 large bedrooms with large closets, dinette and kitchen have attractive linoleum on floor, lots ot built -Ins In kitchen, oil or cula.or included. Building used as giiraife has large store room. Lot 80x 150. good creek soil. CHARLES R BAY. Realtor Hioin 217 Medford Bldg., Phone 3;02 FORS.LEBy owner, 5 room motT ern hi use. garage, chicken house, tine acre on Berrydale Ave . 5.000. Turn west at corner store from Old Pacific Hwv., second turn on left. T M Row. den. c'OR SALE Modern home, concrete ' foundation, close to school, paved I stret Call after 5 SO p. m. Ph. 2306. OH THE SPOT SERVICE Call 4061, Ashland -Make Your Appointment Any Mechanical Work Bear Wheel Aligning v New Chevrolet Moron Body and Paint Work Sclby Chevrolet Co. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE $6300 FOR SALE Five-room West side home, corner lot, recently painted, large combined living room and din ing room, oil circulator and trash burner with hot water coils, Includ ed. Possession Sept. 1st. CHARLES R. RAY, Realtor liooni 217 Medford Bldg., Phone 3Ua 5 ACRS irrirated. 3 acres pf pasture. l';i acres in young fruit, good well. 2 fine springs. 6-room modern, clean home. 2 bedrooms, all fenced, 5 minutes to heart of Medford, paved road. $4900 cash. Balance $2600, payable monthly. FOR S A L& 5 room modern house, 1 ',i r.cres, 2 chicken houses, trees, shrubs and iawn. City water, furni ture, 4 blks south on 3rd St. Jack sonville, Ph. 242, R. T. Lindsay. $10,500. Furnished 3 -bed room home. Has large living room for studio. Re cently Temodeled. Gas furnace, 3 lots 100x150. Close in. C. H. Williamson, Salesman HAROLD H. BROWN, Agency 123 E. Main Ph. $6500" stool coi Good bu -Ont of Medford's well lo . cated cafes. Price includes all modern equipment, iu stool counter, 8 booths, low rent, Good business with a good quota. CM C AAAR-8265 acres 2 dlD.lUU under irrigation T ' alfalfa. 15 acres ZU acres and in cres orch ard. pears, peaches, apricots and cnerries. acres oats ana vcicn. 0 room modern home. Good barn, chicken house, woodshed, garage, packing shed. RAY SCHUMACHER 417-419 &. Main Call 5485 Sundays please call 5785 FOR SALE Iare poultry ranch, ca pacity 1000 hens, 13.2 Acres. Woven wire tence, barn, garage, fruit stor nee and seven room modern home. Plenty of nice shade trees, 12 large R-nfiiisn walnut trees, price cut to $700o for quick sale. Business calls me east. See owner at once. Rt. 1, Box 198, Griffin Creek Rd.. Medford. FOR SALE 5 acres alfalfa. 4 room modern house, garage and chicken house, lawn, fruit trees and berries, 2 miles from Big Y on Beall Lane 2nd house on right across tracks, SiiOOP. C all evenin gs or Sundays. NEW Modern 2 bedroom home, gar age. acre irrigated. N. E. of town. Close in. $4,250. Tribune Box ' 2398. FOR SALE Nine-room modern house. 5 -rooms and sun-porch on ground floor, three room apartment and store room on second floor. Apart ment rents af $30. Good founda tion, good roof, out-buildings, one acre good land, fences, cow pasture. garden flowers, lawn, fruit trees, nut trees Write for information. No Sund.iv business. John Simpson, 84, Garfield. Rt. 1, Box 40. Ashland. WEST SIDE HOME. 320 W. Clark. 6-room house, good condition, shade and iruit trees, close io scnoois. Reasonable. Inquire at 1122 E. Main, between 0 a. m and 4 p. m. FOR ALB By Owner, $8750. 100 acres. 7-room modern house, pres sure system. 2 weus, spring, gooo barn Hen house, etc. Fruit and nut trees. 30 acres tillable, 70 acres tim ber and pasture. Six miles from Medford. Terms If desired. Tribune Box 142. I R RIG A TED ACREAGE FOR SALE From i to 10 Acres, located on the Phoenix-Jacksonvtlle highway near j)9 ror price and terms see i. u. PickeJI, 16 S. Bartlett. FINE MEDFORDllOME" Very close In 4 -bed rooms. 2 complete tiatns Hardwood t mors, posession soon. S6500. WALTER JONES, Real- tor. P-ione 2570. SUBURBAN HOME FURNISHED IMMEDIATE POSSESSION CLOSE IN WITHIN walking distance of town. Two-bedroom dwelling, modern acre tiact irrigated. $4500. WALTER JONES, Realtor Phone as yu RAY SCHUMACHER pays for ashes ana icus oiri cneap . FOR SALE Five-room house, house- hold and kitchen furniture, good barn, good orchard, plenty of ber ries, good horse, 7 years old to work or rule. Cash or terms. Rt. 4, Box 275. Medford. FOR SALE Two acres, good road72 miles from Courthouse. 3li acres, some conveniences, easy terms. Ownet at 147 N Holly. WHEN YOU THINK or real estate thina ot the Spencer -ttagivv Agency I trj W Mat n FOR SALE Two acres. 7 miles E of Ashland at old Klamath Falls Junc tion. All in alfalfa and farm build- Ings. THIS WEEK'S BEST BUYS $5000 - ine acres Old Stare road. City water. $2650 $6800 3 room modern, large gar age. 8 rooms, hardwood floors. oil furnace. $1850 About 3 acres Irrigated, fenced. S1750 3 rooms, chicken house and garage. $23,000 380 Acres, stocked and equipped. 100 irrigated. $3000 " 4 room, new, a acre. C1 ) AAA 182 acres, stt 5l4.,UUw equipped, 50 locked and irrigated. $2750 8 rooms, about k acre and barn. $2100 Pool hall and card room. brick building. $2500 Store building and 3-room apartment. $1000 down. OTHER GOOD BUYS KIMBALL Real Estate CHILDEHS Phone IP! Jacksonville JliSOO I arge 6-room home. 1 mile from Medford, 1 acre fine free soil, in r den land Irrigated. Beautiful lawn and shade trees, garage and other out-b'iildings. Might take smaller property as pa.'t payment. $1350 Imoroved J of an acre, new 3-room house chicken house, shade tree garden soil. Terms and imme diate possession, located near Phoe nix. HARRY LONG. Real Estate r. W Ballew. Salesman 1258 S Riverside Phone V22 RAY SCHUMACHER paylflbr ashes and sell dirt cheap NEED Insurance' 5ee""ftay Schu- -nche HOME AND 1NCOM EROPERlf Vo"h Main Highway 86 2 63 acres, creek bottom land, tn clover and altalia, 4 room modern newly decorated house 20 ft well, pressure system. 20x40 14 -stool Cafe and store doing tood business 2 modern rest rooms. ecr license, all equipped 3 pump. Killing Station 1400 capacity, selling 3000 gfil per month, large com mercial gar.ige WE opened this place April 19. 1945. getting better fast Some cah. Some cash, terms on balance Interest See owner, at Hills Sta tion. Klamath Junction. Rt. 1, Box 450. Aihland. Oregori FOR SVLE By-ov-ncr, smnirimoderh house well constructed Near Wash ington and high schools Shade and fruit trees . 931MurryAve FOR S A LE-N'ew house, west of Or chard Home Drive on Stewart Ave. WANT to buy? See Ray Schumacher FOR SALE REALESTATE " STi-rk RANCHES - FARMS Orchard, Acreatie, TH.JMAS J HIGH! Realtor i0 sCentrniPhone J307 list yoiin property With U Then START PACKING T J HIGHT Realtor 20 a central HOME SEEKERS Look up Hill at Ropue River Oregon Tn R.,v Hnmp or Business. Se BROWN 4 WHITE AGENCY J c. Collin,. Pre, 101 W Main Phone 2920 "or t home or a farm on Rottue' River call at our SHADY COVE otlira located on Crater ijKaJiighway "SEE THE TENGWALD AGENClT U iu want lo buy or tell property We nave some cood listings and could -jse more Holl.v Theater Blag "On the Corner WANT to sell? See Ray Schumacher" TWO 50 x 100 ft lots, near Big V on Highway S3. Phone 3048. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS AUCTION SALE Monday, Aup- 20, 1045 Starling at 1 p. m. sharp. Having sold my place I will sell at public auction the following de scribed property to the highest bid der without reserved bid; located in Gold Hill, Oregon on Highway 90: 1 Jersey cow, 3rd calf, fresh 3!a months, test 5.2 milking 36 lb.; a thoroughbred; 1 Guernsey heifer, 20 montns old. had her first calf: 1 Guernsey cow, 2nd calf, 3'3 years old; 1 Guernsey cow to be fresh last "of September, 7 years old a six gal lon cow; 1 Jersey-Guernsey cow, to be fresh last of December; 1 White Face heifer, had first calf. Paster bred; 1 White-Face calf; 10 doe rab bits and hutches; 3 or 4 tons of al falfa hay; 1 potato planter; 1 po tato aiggcr; 1 12-inch plow; 1 slip scraoer; 1 sprinr-tooth harrow: 1 card en nlow: hoes: rake: and gar den tools; 1 Jointer and table saw. Thesy are nice outfits: 1 lawnmower, several sacks of wheat; a few thou sand feet of imitation Log siding; 1 2-p:. tapestry; daveno and chair, very nice; 2 occasional chairs; 2 floor tamps; 1 a 7-way light; 1 tele phone table; 1 hasset; 2 stand ash trays: 1 2-pc. bedroom suite; spread and drapes to match: 1 2-pc. bed room suite, coil spring and inner spring mattress; 2 beds and springs: 1 chest of drawers: 1 white enamel cookstuve; 1 dining table and 6 chairs; 2 breakfast sets; 2 lawn tables and benches; 2 heating stoves: 1 good one; light fixtures and some wire: other tools, and many other thinij too numerous to mention. Terms of Sale are Cash F. V. HUFFMAN. Owner Elmer (Red) Chamberlain, Auctioneer R. C. Lawrence. Clark PORTABLE Sewing machine in ex cellent condition. Will sell or trade for good portable typewriter. In- quire Lod ge Mote I, A pt..No. tL CULL Pears. Truck load lots. Call Eads Transfer, 7121. FOR SALE Davenport and chair, blue, $80. 304 Boardman. FORSALE Balloon-tired Bicycle. George Carr, Rt. 4, 3 miles E. of Phoenix. FOR SALE Davenport and chair, pic turea. curtains, 427 Haven St. FORSALE White rotary treadle sew ing machine. S30. Phone 3049. 2 FRAME HONEY EXTRACTOR for sale or trade for bees, X. Widmer, Rt. 4. Box 174. Medtoro. i-none oout. .ar uai.p. Hint hint left on hand suit and overcoat. Irvin the Tailor, 123 E Main, FOR SaLE Large size Rumley clover hullr in extra good condition. 40 in. cylinder. T. W, Jones, phone 4404, Merrill, Oregon. FOR SALE At Boyd's Fruit House, Crawford and Rochester peaches, to matoes at $1.23 a lug. Bring boxes, 3 ljmHes south on 99. FOR SALE Large wood range. $15.00. Phone 4037 or call at 435 No. Bart- lett. , FOR SALE Oil range, white enamel, coils, 523 so. ivy. DRAG SAW complete, used. Flounce Rock Ranch. Prospect. IMionej500u FOR "SALE 2 beds, dresser, 2 chests of drawers, daveno, table, chairs and fruit.733S. Holly. FOR "SALlK One daveno. 1 "bedroom set, including inner spring mattress and springs. One bed spring and mattress, piano, library tanle. break fast s-.'t. 513 Fairmont. JPh.""?,397 FORSALE Alarm clocks and sewing machine. 1310 W. 10th. FOR SALE Good 2-wheel trailer, me dium size, ideal for moving, 25 Quince. FOR SALE Bedroom set complete with .springs and innerspring mat tress, davenport and chair. 2 occa sional chairs, end table, wool runt, miscellaneous articles, 222 West Jackson. FOR SALlv Springfield 30-08 rifle sporting stock. Lyman sights, 21 Kenv-.wd Ave. Phone 3784. FOR SALE Good dentist chair with attaenments. J'hone Surgery 2281. FOR SALE-Tire" and tube 4.75x19: aUo range with coils. Phone 3037 or cnll lJlO W. Main. TWO F.irthen Crocks 20 and 12 gals, mpacitv. folding ironing board, me dium step-ladder, sturdy chairs, good kitchen cabinet, small single burner clcetr'c plate, etc. 714 Welch at W. .1acknn. JUST Received Shipment of Minne- apolis, Moline spring ana spmc tooth harrows, tractor plow and cul tivator. Taylor Implement Co. Your Minneapolis. Moline Dealer. 112 S. Riverside Phone 2065. FOR SALE Completely new factory- built luceage trailer, ..-.jxio urrs, $J00 Hilton Ranch on old road to Central Point. FOR SALE New wood or coal range. other lurniture. t-iovcr run uuiry, Earl Tyler. CUCUMBERS Dresslers. 1107 E- Main. FOR SALE 1 home made tractor. Dodge engine, 2 sets ot wheels, one 16-inch plow. Ktnft Hwy., turn first road to left, then turn right first white hbuse on right. Earl Croft. FOR SALE Pickling Cues. 2 blocks south of Roxy Ann Grange, Valley Vlwlr iM R .Triac ' FOR SLE Power saw. 8-lncn "bla'tfe; a4-tnch Bato4'j inch Joiner. 'jinch motor all mounted and ready to go. CaU 49 7 IT FOR SALE 22 H p7 Fairbanks. Morse gas cnipne, will burn stove oil Wal ter Messenner. Ramsey Canyon Road GoKJ Hill FOR "SALE KitcVeiTtnk'n'cabr- i net unit. Alsn one kitchen cabinet, i 128 Mistletoe. $50 to $300 on your Furniture, Salary or Livestock $50 to $500 on your Auto Money for Vacation Money for Dental or Medical Bills Money lo consolidate your bills into one small monthly payment Money for any worthy reason COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. Main and Riverside Medford, Ore. Lie. M134 Phone 2277 Lie. S244 FORSALE-MI5CELlANEOU5 FOR SALE Dcvan platform rocker, 2 eongjlium 0x12 rugs, dining table and 6 chairs, floor lamp, stand table. 7 C. E DeVilbiss, Dark Hollow Road, 1 5th house. FOR SALE Rochester "champion and Eear.y Crawford peaches at Stnn ciiff fruit stand 3 'a miles south of Medford in Oak Grove. Hale and Elbertas after Sept. 1. Bert Stan di iff. FOR SALE Wood circulating heater", very good condition, also good milch cow. Rt. 2, Box 170, Old OH Hwy. FOR SALE Bicycle In Rood shape, $25.00. Champ's Garage, Phone 5043. FOR SALE One 2 1 jewel lllinoni watch, one Remington slide action 44-40. one 30-40 Cratf. Want to buy old guns and parts, also 7-62 M M. shells. J. E. Powell, call evenings. 1000 West 11th St. FOR SALE Large round oak dining table, Iron bed and coil springs, single folding cot with mattress al most new. A few kitchen pans, ket tles and other odds. Mrs. Buck at 10th and Muple. Ph. 5x2. Central Point. FOR SALE Fresh picked sweet corn, by the sack. 1612 W. Main, after 7 p. m TOMATOES Good seconds for can ning or slicing $1.00 per Iu.?, your c on ta i n e r.302M a p le St., Phone 37 03. FOR SALE One Royal vacuum clean b er. Including attachments. One elec- trie reflector heater. One oak li. brary table One electric toaster, and electric iron Other small items. Also 30 ducks. One white enamel trash burner. Phone19xxl "or 2nd house south of Willow Spring Sta tion, Highway 09, Anderson, Cen- tral Point. FOR SALE, 35 New Hampshire, din ing set. 34 bed. springs and mattress, one single mattress, baby bed. chair and rocking horse. Other articles. See them at Box 198. Rt. 1, Griffin Creek Road. Medford. fOR SALE Wardrobe trunk S2.T, camp bed and mattress, electric bathroom heater, bottle capper, kitchen scales. 1120 E. 1 1th. FOR SALE 3 4 carat blue white dia mond. Tribune Box 1528. FOR SALE 2 burner" gas plates and ovens box spring. 245 No. Grape. PEACH SPECIALS Extra good eanners 8c and up. Fancy canning tomatoes 3 to 7c lb. Fresh, corn and string beans. THE ORANGE GROVE MARKET So. Riverside at Central Fh. 4479 FOR SALE Kitchen cabinet, dining table, redwood tank. 711 E. Mam. FOR SALE Two 12-foot stake truck bodiVj. See McDonald Candy Co. FOR SALE Two complete Lionel Electric train sets. Sold together only Below catalogue price. P. O. box 199 ,J y ill e FOR SALE Household furniture, Da veno, davenport and chair, break fast set, electric range, washing ma chine, ice box, miscel. articles. Mrs. George Vakac. Ideal Court. 'J." FOR SALE Caterpillar RD-7 with LeTourneau Angle Bulldozer with, Cabla Hoist with Double Drum Pow er Unit Eagle Point Irrigation Dis trict. Eagie point. FOR SALE Good 2-wheel Trailer. Phone 2868. FOR SALE Man's pre-war World bi cycle. with extras. $40. 9 Louis SL Complete Factory Approved SAFETY SERVICE Chrytler Fac tory Engineer 9d and Inspect ed Parts for Chrysler Dodge Plymouth Dodge Trucks L. G. TAYLOR CO. 112 So. Rive.aide Phono 29ES TRUCKS FOR RENT Drive Vuurseil - Save Anv Llftanre PRUITT'S MOBILOIL STATION Main and Iv, Hhnn. 4I4S Sf PAVING BLACKTOP ASPHALT AND CONCRETE Driveways, Service Stations and Parking Lots T. R. FLOREY Phone Plant 5336 or 2687 3 2 GOOD USED CARS WE PAY Top Ceiling Prices Yon won't get mora money anywher. than you get at the A'ilcmobi.8 Market 6th & Bartlett Ph. 3919 Ll KxnKv.y- E ( V 2Siua3 a