TWO MEDFORD MAIL THIBUKh Monday, June 19. 194S Red Davis Hurls Nice Game To Thump Butte Falls, 9-3 Red Davlg, 17-year-old high school pitcher, stopped Butte Tails 9 to 3 at Butte Falls yester day to give the Medford Crater their first win in their initial appearance in the Southern Ore gon Baseball league. Central Point stepped Into the win column with a 14 to 11 con quest over Ashland in 13 In nings, No report had been re ceived early today on outcome of the Navy-Marine league clash at Klamath Falls yesterday. Davis never once was in trou ble with the Butte Falls batters. At All Dealer! WASHING MACHINES REPAIRED Parts ft Service on All Makes B. & B. WASHER SHOP 408 E. Main Phone 8302 In the seventh Inning Thomas, Butte Falls catcher, connected with a sizzling triple which went over Floyd Lawson's head in left field to score two runners, Thomas later scoring. Three Doubles Medford scored one each In the second and third, four in the fourth, one in the sixth and two In the seventh with Davis giving up three hits. The Craters col' lected nine blows off two Logger chuckcrs. Herb Burnham, Dick Babb and Al Klrcher hit doubles with Babb's blow driving in two runs. Burnham hit two for two and scored two runs. Steve Crlppen relieved Davis In the ninth inning although the stubby redhead still was master of the game. His fast ball and nice breaking curve and excel lent control was holding the Loggers down effectively but he began to tire slightly so Crippen was substituted. Davis Fans Four Medford came up with two double plays with Davis striking out four and walking one. Butte Falls pitchers fanned nine and Walked a like number. Central Point grabbed a four run lead in the first inning and led 9 to 4 at end of the eighth frame but end of the ninth saw the score tied 10-10. Each team ClOOII PRE-WAR QUALITY CORBY' 86 Proof 68.4 Grain f Neutral t Spirits HjnJ CORBYS Jot. Barclay & Co., llmlttd K Vll EPfrfrtj Peoria, Illinois S5 If yon are looking for light, sociable blend, try Corby's-thewhiakevwiUia -Crand Old Canadian Name! If you don't know ibis pre war quality whiskey, now Is ' your opportunity to enjoy lu flavor critlcallyand care, fully. Next time aik for , Corby's. PRODUCED IN THE U.S.A. Vnrftr tht d'rtcr luptrvliJon of t cur apwJ Canodion bfindir . collected a run In the twelfth inning with the Studders Mov ing across the winning score in the thirteenth on two hits and a walk. Dewey Hill, veteran Studder catcher, got a home run In the first Inning with the bases load ed. Scores: Medford . 9 9 S Butte Falls 3 4 4 Davis, Cribpen and Citzcn; E Abbott, Baker and Thomas, Sail-bert. Central Point 12 14 Ashland 11 11 Worley, Rees, Colley and Hill; Sage; J. Mitchell, Gosnell, Jones and Larson. E CITY GOLF MEET SEPT. 27-28 Portland, Ore., June 18 (U.PJ Date for five open golf tourna ments in the Pacific Northwest this fall were announced tonight with assurance that the nation s topnotch shotmakers would open the winter circuit out here. Robert R. Hudson of Portland, sponsor of the first annual Port land Open last year and "father of the Northwest series, said as surance had been received from the Professional Golfers Associa tion that Byron Nelson, Sammy Snead and all the golfing greats would be on hand. Portland is next with a $13,- 500 war bond tourney at the Portland Golf Club on Sept. 27, 28. 29 and 30. TO FACE LEONE "Gorgeous" George Wagner, the hated Eugene turkey grower, has been signed a face equally hated Antone Leone in the top main event of Thursday night's wrestling card at Medford ar mory. Walter "Sneeze " Achieu will collide with Otis Clingman in the four-round seml-wlndup and Jack Lipscomb, the Hoosier Hot Shot, will lace Kenny Ackles in the opener, set for three rounds. Lipscomb has recently return ed to the northwest after suc cessful invasion of eastern cities Scores Yesterday National St. Louis 7, 6; Pittsburgh 0, 2. Brooklyn 9; Boston 6. Philadelphia 11, 8; New York 9,2. Chicago 3; Cincinnati 1. American Chicago 8, 7; Detroit 1, 8. Philadelphia 1, 4; New York 7, Boston 2, 7; Washington 1, 1. Cleveland at St. Louis, post poned, rain. Pacific Coast Portland 6, 2; Seattle I, 0. San Francisco 7, O; Oakland 6, San Diego 9, 8; Sacramento 7, Los Angelca 2, 8; Hollywood 3, ISP5 New Analgesic Tablet (Pain e.lltf) now released to public Thousands find it gives quicker; safe refe' from headache from pains of sinus neuritis; neuralgia and arthritis TOR MANY YEARS tffilrla hn beta ccepttd br both tht mtduaJ profession od tht public u !, sure way to felier pin. But mm? popU who hid complet conftdenct In aspirin did not 6nd it as fka relief from bliodiaji. maddening pain at they hopad for. Henca in desper ation they sometimes inroad to other remedies lea well proved. To moot ttila sftvotUit group of medical research men art out to tea what could b dona to speed up the analgetic or "piio-lullio" action of aspirin to naka it bring their patienta quicker re lit, without heart or stomach upset. Out of thett fete arches urn a really flaw kind of analgesic tablet, a combina tion of aspirin andValdum g tuts m it. la this new tablet, aspirin doea its old, tsla fob of relieving pain. But through its combination with calcium glutamic. tr teasi teitifhy physicians showed it ga most people bot hfmkkrr relief aad grttr nlitj from pain. After this xtonstVo Hattnf and at be members of tht medical profession at a prescription remedy, this new analgesic tablet has now been released for non prescription asle by teery druggist. It ia called Superin (from au per aspirin). Yoa can get its blessed, quick relief from pain by asking your druggist for a bottle tod if 50 tablets for Jv. Ask for Superin $prim. Prepared bf Carter Products, Inc., Niw.Votk. Sup cut a ; Quick relief from painwith safety SHERIFF POSSE RODEO WILL BE HELD TWO DAYS Medford will become the "cow-canital of Southern Ore gon" on Saturday night, June 30, and Sunday afternoon, July 1. when the Jackson County Mounted Sheriff's Posse stages their fourth annual rodeo and horse show. More than 600 of the finest saddle horses from all over southern Oregon and northern California are expected to take part in the big downtown par ade Saturday night, according to Flash Fidler, general chair man and producer of this year's show. Some of the best buckeroos throughout the west have placed entries in different events and await the call to match their skill and daring against outlaw broncs and wild steers In this annual show. More than 8,000 visitors are expected to witness the western spectacle, which will feature all the colorful sports of the pioneer days. i The rodeo and horse show will get under way after the down town parade on Saturday nisht Twenty big events are pro grammed and the show will run a full three hours. Kent M. Weaver of the Palo mino Horse Breeders' assocla tion has been named official judge of all horse events. Mr Weaver is known throughout we entire country as one of the fairest and best qualified judges of horseflesh and the committee In charge is happy that he has accepted the invitation to Dartt clpate in this show. Seats for both performances win go on sale June 22 at popu lar pre-war prices. The Sheriff's Posse drill team and the drill team of the Ladies' Mounted Troop are drilling three times weekly to be ready with their beautiful precision mount ed drills for the entertainment of the crowds both days. Game Commission In Plea Against Picking Up Deer The Oregon State Game com mission makes it annual request that sympathetic individuals re frain from picking up fawn deer that appear to be deserted. In most instances this is' not true. and if the fawn Is left alone, Its mother will eventually return to claim it. Deliberate picking up of fawns in order to obtain a pet is against the law, and a per mit is not Issued to keep it un less It can be proved that the fawn actually was deserted and would have died. While young deer may be at tractive pets, as they grow older they can become burdensome to care for and often dangerous to human life if adequate facilities are not provided. In the end, the deer may have to be killed as most of them cannot be satis factorily released after beine raised In captivity. Pairings Made For Western Open Play Indianapolis, June 18 (U.R) Defending Champion Babe Did rikson Zaharias of Los Angeles and Louise Suggs of Atlanta, Ga., drew top billing today in the 18- hole qualifying round of the women's western open golf tournament. The Zaharlas-Suggs twosome was among the 68 pairings to compete for 32 places In the six day matched play championship. which started over the rain-soaked Highland Country club course. A 6,240-yard, well trapped layout faced the 136 golfers. FIELD FORME Philadelphia, June 18 (U.PJ Byron Nelson, whose specialty is winning under pressure, made it plain today that no golfer in the world can top him when he has his heart set on a championship. He began the final round of the 72 hole Philadelphia In quirer golf tournament yester day one stroke behind the pace setters, Harold (Jug) McSpaden and Johnny Bulla. Because Nel son's putting had been off-form, the experts said he never would close the gap. When Nelson finished his final round, he had shattered the 10 year course record with a seven under par 63, and he was 11 under par for the 72 holes with a 269. To win, he had to beat his best friend and host for the tourna ment, McSpaden, who entertain ed Nelson at his home here, then had to take a trouncing from him on the links. TRIBUNE CARRIERS BEAT 0REG0NIAN BOYS, 20-18 Medford Mail Tribune carriers evened their series with Ore gonian carriers at the high school field Saturday with a 20 to 18 baseball victory. The Ore gonian boys won the previous contest 18 to 17. Third of the series will be played next Saturday. Score: Tribune ... 20 25 14 Oregonian 18 23 10 Morgan and Dye; Gill and Haines. ClMlna time for Claiflfled Adl 8:30 a. m. Too Late to Clanlfy 12:15 p. a. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oreeon for Jackson County. In the Matter of the Estate of Almida Spjuth, Deceased. The undersigned, having been appointed Administrator of the above estate, by the County Court of the County of Jackson, State of Oregon, and having qualified, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against said estate to present them at the office of the under signed, at 126 East Main Street, Medford, Oregon, properly veri fied and with proper voucher, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, which is the 4th day of June, 1945. O. H. BENGTSON, Administrator NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State h of Oregon for Jackson Count. in the Matter of the Estate of JOSEPH MAR NACH, De ceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of Jackson County, Ore gon, as the bxecutrix with the Will annexed of the estate of the MMLm THE MEAT SAUCE mm me mm TIRES LOANED FREE H I NO RATION WHILE WE RECAP YOURS Save Your Tirei With ?iTt$font Factory-Method RECAP1MXG iu (S.70 Fra impecuonl Prompt Miricel DrlTt In today your Urea may b at tht duiir point I CIRTIMCATI NIIDID 0 FIRESTONE STORES 214 So. Rivcrsido Medford Phone 47S7 above named decedent, and has duly qualified as such; all par ties having any claims against said estate are hereby directed and required to present same, duly verified and with proper vouchers attached to the under signed at the office of F. J. New man, Attorney for said Estate, in the Craterian Building in Med ford, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publi cation of this Notice. Dated and first published on this 11th day of June, 194S. MARY JAMES, Executrix of the estate of Joseph Marnach, Deceased. WANTED Hay Mowing and Raking PHONE 4941 E. H. BRAYTON - 314 Vancouver. Ave. New REVISED SCHEDULE FOR BUS SERVICE BETWEEN MEDFORD AIID ASHLAND Effective Monday, June 18, 1945 DAILY Except Sunday . SUNDAY Going Return Gomg Retur" Leave Leave Leave Leave Medford Ashland Medford Ashland 6:20 A.M. 7:00 A.M. v. 8:00 A.M. 8:30 A.M. 8:00 A.M. 7:30 A.M. 10:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 10:30 A.M. , 8:30 A.M. 12:30 P.M. 1:00 P.M.. 12:30 P.M. 11:00 A.M. 2:00 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 1:00 P.M. 3:30 P.M. , 4:00 P.M. 3:30 P.M. 2:30 P.M. ' 5:00 P.M. 5:30 P.M. 5:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M. 6:30 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 5:45 .M. 6:30 P.M. 9:00 P.M. 9:30 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 7:30 P.M. 10:30 P.M. 11:00 P.M. 10:30 P.M. 11:00 P.M. Clip Out This Schedule and Save It ROGUE VALLEY TRANSIT 121 No. BartlettO Phone 5362 Vhy Telephones are Scarce America's largest sky weapon Is the B-29 Superfortress. With its elaborate communications system requiring the largest communications personnel of any combat plane, it is practically a flying radio laboratory. This and other war communications equipment is being made in factories that in peacetime supply civilian tele phone needs. That is why there is a shortage and why many people are now waiting for home telephone service- If you are among those who are waiting, we want you to know that your patient understand ing is a big help. And we will do everything we can to shorten the delay. Make the Seventh a Success THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY 145 N. BartUtt Ttlaphena 2101