: fOUll MEDFORD MAIL TRIBVMS Wednesday. Mir - 141 mmrrone ta Soothsrn Orecoa Bum Uia MeU Trlbuneir Dallf Exeapt aatnrdar Published by MTOrOBD PRINTING CO. rt-10 North Fir 8t. Phone ROBERT W. RUHL, Editor. WMI R. GILSTRAP, MMI. HBBB ORKV, Advertlsinf Mr. I. c. rUROUSON. Managing Edltoe tWiip nirnnv. Sunday Editor HS. OLIVE STARCHER, Soc. Editor GERALD LATHAM. Circulation Mgr. Aa asdepenilant Newspaper. kknd as Moond elRM matter t Mediard. Oregon, under Act of March 3, IBID. SUBSCRIPTION RATES rrUr end Sunday on year pally and Sunday lx monins yu Dally and Sundaythree mos. 1.10 Daily and Sunday one month.. .7o aw Carrier In Advance Merit or a, Ashland. Central Point. Jackson- villa. Gold Hill, Phoenix, Talent, ana Bally and Sunday one year....-5J Daily ana aunaay qdb muma All terma casn in aavanca. Official Faper of the City of Medfor Official raper 01 sacason muair United Preaa Full Leased Wire MEMBER OF AUDIT BUREAU Or CIRCULATIONS Advertising Representative JiOLLlUAX CUWAMX, IMO, Offices In New York. Chicago. De troit, tan Franclaco. Loe Angeles, Se attle, Portend. St. Loula, Atlanta, Vancouver, p. c OlEG( PMUIHjERJ Ye Smudge Pot Br Arthur Parry Germany has put her Johann veo Hancock on the surrender term. o the war is over In Europe. The self-admitted "super race have lost their second whirl at conquering "the world, They know they lost it, and, In the days of all now living, will never forget It. Russia will keep them reminded of It." Further more, the Muscovites will sea to It no World War III is pcrpetrat 5 i,j Prussia. Even in the sign ing, the thoroughly beaten show ed a tinea of sorrow for them selves. Said Col. Gen. Jodl after signing: "In this war which has last ed more than five years both have achioved more and suf fered more perhaps than any ether people in the world." "I express hope the victor will treat them with generos ity." "Treat them with generosity?" "Generosity" for horrors in mur der depots and concentration camps, for , organized plans to exterminate all other races, for starving prisoners of war, while their own In America waxed fat on unaccustomed food and treat ment? "Neinl, a trillion times "Neinl" a a e "Grandma Titus Is again her self, and busy hemming." (Silk Creek Jottings.) That's right, Grandma Let the diplomats at San Francisco seeking world security do the plain and fancy hawing. a a Spain, a moth-eaten land that did all It could to bring an Axis victory, managed to heroically sever diplomatic relations with Germany, Just before the Ink was dry on the final surrender document, e WAR WAR (Sr. Chronicle) Noel Toy, the Chinese fan dancer st the Kubla Khsn, is planning to welcome dele gates to the conference with a dance of the Pants of All Nations." It Is to be a strip . tease act, during which she will take off eight pair of pants which combine the col ors of every nation to be rep resented at the conference." a e e The round-up of the Nazi out laws Is progressing favorably. Mr. Goering was caught todsy, along with Field Marshal Kessel ring. This Is cauxe for rejoicing, and proof the wicked have little luck fleeing, with all mankind pursuing. e e There are clouds In the sky today. Some farmer must have soms hay down. e e e "The state's athletic bosrd. while studying changes In the basketball plan, turned down a proposal for a state football championship , , , which reminds uswhat Is the Oregon associ ation, or the coaches' association doing about the miscarriage of Justice in selecting Oregon's semi-fins lists In the 1H44 Oregon football playsoffs?" (High climber In the Eugene Register Guard.) What are the mighty Eugene Axmen doing about get ting scrunched sgain unexpect edly and disgustingly by the Myrtle Point high grid Jugger naut, as of last fall? e e e Experts and researchers arc now prowling for the "basic causes of the war." Offhand, one would guoss, the "basic causes" were too many guns, and too much shooting. General (Mad) Anthony Wayne, after whom the city was named, selected the sie of Fort Wayne, Ind., in October, 1794, when he destroyed the power of the Miami Indians under special orders from President Washington. Editorial Correspondence San Francisco, May 7. These East Indians sre s persistent bunch. A couple of them spoke st the First Congregational church on the corner of Post and Mason last night, Dr. Anup Sing, editor of the "Voice of India", and Mr. Narxieh Gail of the "Bahai World", and they didn't pull their punches. They called spade a spade, declared the Peace Conference at the present rate will be a farce and a failure, maintained that Great Britain has no more right to rule the'people of India than Japan has to rule the people of China, snd unless British imperialism is brushed off the surface of the earth, the present war will be followed By anotner one in IB or 20 years, and they didn't mean maybe. We sat next to a Canadian newspaper editor who had a terrible time controlling himself, being on the verge of apoplexy several times. When the time for questions csme he got to his feet, his voice shsking with pent up emotion snd Inquired: "When would you sdvise Canada to throw ok tne yoke 01 British oppression and Join the Mr. Gail took that In his stride too. He repeated the inquiry, said he apprecisted the fact it was made facetiously and had no proper place in the subject under discussion but he would answer it for the sake of clarifying his "There are." he ssid, "two countries like Canada, Australia up of countries like India, Burma, a part of England by language and a part of the empire. The second India, is not, never hss been, and never will be a part of England, does not wish to be ruled by England, and does wish to' return to the freedom and Independence enjoyed before being conquered by England. It is sn inescapable obligation of the present con ference to see that this effort of India to become a free snd inde pendent nation, be endorsed, and British Imperialism, as well as Dutch, French, Japanese or any and destroyed." The congregation was not s hundred people, but they were left no doubt that a majority speakers. Well something may be done. But as before stated, we can see regarding India, as far as Great Britain and the United States are concerned. It is our impression they both wish to dodge the ticklish issue for the sske of harmony if they oppose action vigorously, It la different with Russia. In admission of Argentina, Molotov brought up the Indian issue and made what, under the circumstances, was rather a startling state ment, to-wit: The time wilt come when India will be heard." No wonder Mr. Anthony Eden, flushed and clasped his hands behind his head 'Snd leaned back in his chslr, as if to esse the inner tension. Imagine the army India could And that, believe it or not, is Indian delegates the unofficial ones we mean led by the attractive and forceful Mrs. Psndit. They never say so in so many words, but they might as well for there is no their remarks. if the people of India, close to 400,000,000 strong, sre not GIVEN complete independence, they will TAKE it. What 'other war" could they mean with picture, when they keep declaring that failure to grant India her Independence means another Whether such threats are good they are being made In one way delegates every day of the conference. We remarked at the outset of ordering t lone Indian heckler because he lacked proper credentials. She does lack humor where India Is concerned, when people are fighting mad they usually dol The delegates are still speculating sbout Hitler, wondering whether be Is alive or dead, some too good to be true. There is no doubt at far as If Hitler were alive, the Germans other to surrender, they would enemy or they would be fighting no, Hitler said he would never have. Realising this, the army lesders Including probably some of Hitler's former supporters, saw that the second attempt to "get the boss" did not fsil ss the first one did, for they realized the war was lost, to continue fighting One of these days no doubt the we wsger It will be honey. We also wager Der Fuehrer never killed himself, ha was killed by order of the German High Com mand. As an aside and prosperity note, Shreve's display window on Post and Grant has been attracting almost as much attention as the St, Francis cntrsnce on Powell and Geary. The reason, a display of Jewels representing the United Nstions. In the center a solitaire diamond from South Africa, about the size of a wrist-watch, priced at 1192,000, other contributions run as cheap at 1890, not Including the federal tax. We trust our muscular young friend from Moscow tees it before he departs. Another aside for E.T., only: Down at Corbett't they will take even money the war In the Pacific will be over before New Year's 1946. Yet this "weathah" Is very bracing but It it a bit monotonous to have clouds and fog day after day for solid week. It is easy to understand why so many San Franciscans like to spend the summer at their fishing cabins on the Rogue, San Francisco has no summer, it is colder and more disagreeable In July than in January. The popular term for Senator Vanrlenhera li " the U. S. delegation." Mebba so, iii..uir win not rccora mat quality ss me Keynote of the Michigan Senator's character. This conference continues to remind the writer of that Disarma ment Conference In Washington, D. C, some 25 yeart ago. Then too thsre wat no doubt of the ultimate success of the effort for the world was war-weary and the world at least the allied world did disarm. The one question mark and stumbling block In that conference was an oriental nation known as Japan. The one question mark, if not stumbling block at this conference Is another oriental nation, Russia. Then the big man of the con ference wat U, S. Secretary of State Hughes, as Secretary of State Stettinius is at this one if any. Those who did attend the other At the MarKade A mother snd daughter ban quet will be given at the Mar Kade May 14 at 7 p. m. for both Junior and senior hostesses of the MnrKadc. Any hostess not previously contacted U asked to call Jean Coffin, 383, not later than Thursday noon, tor Infor mation. Hostesses who regularly serve on Monday sre asked to be st the MarKade at 0 p. m. to get the tables. Those having flow ers which they will donate for decorations may leave them at the MsrKsde for Monday. Of all the modern languages derived from Latin. Rumanian Is the nearest to the original tongue. free and happy nations?" position. British empires, one made up of and New Zealand, the other made South Africa, the first really culture, and anxious to remain on tne contrary ana particularly other Imperialism be condemned large one, perhaps two or three very attentive, and the applause of them sympathized with the no evidences of favorable action and speedy action, snd of course no action will be taken. that speech urging the delay in the voice of an INDEPENDENT who was presiding, winced and raise with a little Russian help! really the threat of these East other conclusion to reach from Germany and Japan out of the one? strategy or not, there la no doubt or another, by these East Indian Mrs. Pandit's lack of humor in out of her first press conference believe the news of his death this department is concerned. would not ba running over each either be in there fighting the Der Fuehrers storm troops. capitulate and he never would fruitless. full story will come out snd mebbe so. But we venture to say RUPTURED? The IMPROVED PATENTED DOBBS TRUSS Is DIFFERENT New Neoprsne Composition Non-Irritating Washable NO STRAPS. BELT NOR BULBS CANNOT SLIP. Holds muscles together with a so(t concave pad. Keeps rupture tightly closed at all times while working, lifting, walking or swimming. Lightweight. Reason should teach you not to place a bulb or ball In opening ef rupture, thereby spreading muscles apart. mt DEMONSTRATION NO OBLIGATION For Men, Women snd Children SATURDAY, May 1210 a. m. to I p. m. SUNDAY, May 13 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. MEDFORD HOTEL Phone 21S1 Ask for Dobbt Co. conference we believe are somewhat justified In having certain skepticism regarding the ULTIMATE results of this one. . e e e e We said "ultimate" say another 28 years hence, not immediate. e e e e( This IS news, the most ghastly war in human history ending on a comic note! But that Is true of the poor old S. F. Call. Ever since that fake war extra of 10 days ago it has been banner ing the approach of peace and this morning came out around 9 a.m. with "Unconditional Surrender" plastered across the front page and above same in small type "Associated Press says:" And, according to the radio, the A. P. was cut off from all news from Europe for Jumping the gun the SECOND timel Please pause a moment while the angels weep! R.W.R. News Behind The News By Paul Mallon San Francisco, May 9 Amer ican international trusteeship proposal appeared to a great many experts f V ' uumvaea out here to be a plain gratuit ous gift to in- t ernationalism of our hard . til won Pacific is- wf gland ba ses. There was quite an inside fight, which was kept quiet for diplomatic reasons. Sen Paul Mallon ator Byrd ap peared twice before the Ameri can delegation with his men from the naval affairs committee demanding outright ownership. Both the army and navy con sultants here threatened to walk out of the conference, so out raged were they over the accept ance of the international ana human rights" approach to the whole problem instead of a real istic appreciation of the necessi ties of security to guarantee these rights. But the whole American dele gation sat adamant in its posi tion. In the secret meeting State Secretary Stettinius argued that under the trusteeships we would really operate the bases anyway. There is a yes-and-no answer given to that by Byrd and oth ers. Our navy will no doubt be the largest in the Pacific but all other nations will use these bases freely as their own under the Joint ownership proposition and with their planes. N the end Byrd and the army and navy shook their headt in strong disagreement but agreed to restrain themselves publicly for a time at least to tee how the affair works out. It may become the subject of some future diplo matic dickering. The text of the proposal says the idea behind the proposal of the trustee system is (a) "To further international peace snd security." Security In the Pa cific will most assuredly rest upon the American fleet and planes in the future, and the navy says it wants ownership of the basos outright. What better authority could be offered for our necessities? Then, the text continues, the plan was designed: (b) "To pro mote the political, economic snd social advancement of the trust territories and their inhabitants and their progressive develop ment toward self-government. That sounds like a rather grim Joke. The Japs are the people on the isands we want and have. With everyone proposing the ut most punishment for the nazis In Europe, it Is titterlngly ironi cal to suggest that the Japs on Okinawa and in the Marianas required such consideration. Their social advancement, as well as. their "political and "eco nomic" progress and "advance ment toward self-government'' are less important considerations than what the best authorities on the subject think necessary for our security. e e a AS a matter of basic fact, there are nnt minv inhahl. tants on the particular islands we want. The third excuse In the text was: (c) "To provide for nondis criminatory treatment in trust territories with respect to the economic and other appropriate civil activities of the nationals of all member states." The eco nomic part of this suggests other nations want to open these islands to trade, and I do not know what "civil activities" other nation! could possibly de sire on these volcanic cornl reefs. Any marine from out there could testify they are not pleas ant places to live, and about the only trade most of them have known was a ship or so a month. In peacetime days. jet, to quote the text further. "all functions of the organiza tion relating to strategic areas, including the approval of the trusteeship arrangements and (mark this well) their alteration or amendment should be exer cised by the security council" meaning not only the big five, but the little six nations from there on can change the trustee ship arrangements and we will have only one vote In 11 in the matter. Flight o Time Mediord and Jackson Co. Mis' tory from the files of the Mai) Tribune 10. 20 and 34 years ago. TEN YEARS AGO TODAY May 9. 193S (It was Thursday) Gold Hill loan for irriaation bonds paid. Labor strikes sweep nation, and administration hesitates to act. Secrecy shrouds location of navy planes en route to Midway island. Holiday ordered in all CCC camps for May 15, on second an niversary of establishment. Fair. High 78, low 48 degrees. Woman's threats against Dutcner told in Klamath Falls murder trial. Miss Jean Steele to receive sal ary as commissioner of Crater Lake National park. Relief rackets to be probed by congress. TWENTY YEARS AGO TODAY May 9, 1925 (It was Saturday) Japan approves ban on poison gas in war. Copco employees to stage an nual dance and frolic. Failure of German offensive In 1918, due to excessive drink ing of liquor, report states. University of Oregon regents plan shake-up at secret meeting. Partly cloudy. High 69, low 47 degrees. Bandit suspects st Ashland shot at by speed cop. WINDSORS LEAVING Palm Beach, Fla., May 9. (U.R) The Duke and Duchess of Windsor, who have been visiting here since leaving the former king's post as governor of the Bahamas, today prepared to leave by train for New York and Canada. PHOTOGRAPHING FLASH An electronic "memory" ma cnine retains the image of sn electric flash 125 of a second long enough to take a photo of iue nasn tor research purposes. Daily Weather Report FORECASTS Medford and vicinity: Cloudy with oceawonal lifht rain tonifht and Thursday. Cooltr daytimt Umpara- Orion: Partly cloudy tonlht and Thursday with occasional llsht rain in western part tonight and Thursday. Tmnrrjiliir vr a.j ... . HighMt fit: Lou-ast 4. iota! monthly precipitation- Traca. Daflciancv for tha month' i inh.. Total precipitation since September 1, 1044: 14. IS Inches. pendency for the season: .58 inchea. Re alive humlriiiv at i-in n m vai. terday: 18; 4 30 today Tomorrow Sunrise 5:56 a. in.. Sunset 8:19 p. m. h low Free Rolne Boston - 30 4 ..71 ,..M ...11 ..M . .1 ... ..S3 Chicago uenver Eureka ,, Havre Los Aneelee .1 4S as ss Med ford New York Omaha Phoeni , Portland . J 41 4S sn 4 4J Sf 3S Reno . ..7! Roehurg Salt Lake ..7R ..SO San Frsnclsco Seattle Spokane Washington. Yakima .... D. C. 18 We Have in Stock One NEW FEDERAL TRUCK WR THOSE WHO CAN QUALIFY WITH ODT a 15.000 Grots Vehicle Weight 4-Speed Trenimiuion a 2-Speed Axle a Six 8.25x20 Tirei a 167-inch Wheel a 263 Cubic Inch COME IN AND LET US HELP YOU WITH YOUR APPLICATION! American Fruit Growers Inc. 213 South rir St Medford. Oregon Camp White Dance Schedule Thursday Regular informal dance st Service Club No. 2 with SCU band. Refreshments and floor show. FARM SAFETY WEEK Washington, May 9. (U.R) President Truman today pro claimed the week of July 22 na tional farm-safety week. The president noted that there was needless waste of farm manpow er through accidents 1,400 lives lost monthly and 125,000 persons injured. WEATHER FOR PAINTS Now there's a weather bureau for paints. The "weatherometer" tests the ability of paint also cloth and paper to withstand the elements. STATED COMMUNICATION of Reamea Chapter O.E.S., rnursaay evening, May iu. Mene night. Initiation. Fro. gram and refreshments. Vis iting memDers invited. AMELIA RILES, W. M. Tjo Late to Classify LIVESTOCK Auction every Saturday i me j-avuion, rnoentx, ore., com mencing at i.w p. m. aiiaro. We an ticipate a good run of cattle lor next Saturday aale. It you are on the market for beef, dairy, or stack er cattle better plan to attend thl aale. You will lind every conven ience of a modern auction sales yard here. Our Yard and Sale force are thoroughly experienced handlers ui jivesiucK. we cater strictly to tne sale and transportation of livestock. Southern Oregon Livestock AucUon wo. -i.ive aeuers 01 livestock. Col. A. H. Dudley, Auctioneer Phone 622S Medford. Ore. WANTED Home for 2 dogs. 1 black Water Spaniel and 1 part Cocker opaniei. jut n. uoiumbus. CAR Loader Wanted to load dry lum ber in Medford. Sea George W. Ring. Sr.. at 4031, Earhart St, Medford, urcgon. WANTED Logging trucks, abort haul. swig roaos. rnone oujo. FOR SALE Good Jersey cow. Milk ing o gallons, rnona 3313. TOR SALE 7 Acres, 4 alfalfa. 2 furnished houses, electricity, year around spring, open range. Edna Hurley. Hornbrook, Calif.. Box 166. LOST 35 mm camera, in di In paper bag. left in wasnroom of local tireynound bus depot. Liberal reward. Call Ro ger Chrsyler. care of Hotel Medford. WANTED Hay to cut on shares. Ph. 6316. FOR SALE Kitchen cabinet, large leather rocking chair, full aizs metal bedstead. 938 S. Holly. FOR SALE ,a H.P. Crown Compres sor, inquire nttspurgn faint ptore. S3 HEAD of Hereford cattle will be sold at tne rnoenlx AUCUon Satur day. Thie lot consists of 11 stock cows and calves, 1 bull, the balance of which ara steers and heifers. LOST Black billfold, belonging to Mall TriDune carrier on r.ast sine. Please return to Mail Tribune. WANTED Your burned-out car gen erator in traae tor amp. neavy duty type at Severin Electric Signal olatlon, I3UJ mversioe. FOR SALE Modern house on paved street, close to scnooia. taii aim 3:3U. rnone 33UB. FOR RENT Modern cottages, double or single, neo vrrow v.ainp. R4R1. WANTED Man. Tire service and re- pair worx. UOWI opporiuniij-. amwuj employment. Jennings Tire Co., 229 w. Miversiqe. FOR SALE One Jersey heifer, fresh 9 weeks, iirst can; aiso o jwiu,,. heifers. Reasonable price. J. E Fniintain. ?. mile E. of Talent. For sale 2500. 3 rooms, nook and snower on luin ai. -iiuhw call 329 N. Second week days onl y FOR SAL1S uaoy crio inn n""". also pre-war couap.ioie uusej n,aiir. am w. lith. Ehoice FLOWER PLANTS Petun- las, zinnias, asters, ana uuwfc - diana Canner tomato, nine other varieties: also cabbage, lettuce, pep per, eggplant, and celery. Valley Greenhouses, Franquette St.. off 5. Riverside at Anderson's Thrift Mar ket. prM3 CAT if-ASHi FURNISHED 8-room home. Three bed rooms, iront ana uiiuiie .".... wood floors, kitchen and breakfast r.ook. Inlaid linoleum, bath room with rub and shower, double plumb ing, wash-room, two tubs, fruit cooler, housa air conditioned. Gar age, cement floor, store house and work shop. Hen-housa with woven wire enclosure. Lot I's shrubbery, flowers, shade and fruit trees. See owner 339 Mae at., alter i p. m- $14,700" 17 Acres of valley a finest land, part irri gated with pumping system, grade A dairy equipment, neat modern cottage, fully furnished with good furniture. Eight high grade cows, all crops Included. Im mediate possession. On paved road, close In. Also 4TiO C AA Approximately SO acrea. 5ZZ.JUU " Irrigated, bal. T"T subs., fine year around stream through the place. Grade a bsrn. large feed barn. About 23 .head cattle, team, machinery. Retail milk route. Very attractive l;-r"1,'"?; em bungalow with hardwood floors, fireplace, fine lawn, shade, shrubs. Familv orchard. Crops alone should bring t23O0. Located on Pa- Et'ffiSSwO. F-xcluslv. Agent .i 5i7. or call at 44 N. Riverside Tor sale Hay In shock. Priced for quick sale. -aii 1939 BlllCK Special 4 Door sedan. 2 new tires. 2 recaps. This i car 1; clean, never Been n "1"" it. wreck, one owner. Sell at OPA ceil Ir7g lioss. Will take cheaper car In trade. Champa Garage. U S- ". Tlt.il .OA . 5!:rMOTH. a potted ftsTW; ler oreen nuuie, ... tme. J-c "" Mw . - - --j lrTTRNITURE ttorane Phone rn service; yc--", . c r 28RS. Davis Transfer & Storage to.. 40 S. Fir street. late Motor PACKING, eratinx nd ehipplnf . Com plete service. Wiy iransier oc aujr aye, rnone eoo. jo q. s-tr mtv. GUARANTEED AUTO PAINTING. STEAM CLEANING AND SIMONIZING MITCHELL PAINT SHOP flQB South Riverside FOR A PERSONAL OR AUTO LOAN THS OREGON FINANCB CO. 45 South Central A Pioneer Firm FOR SALE New 4 room modern home, stucco and plaster. Approxi mately two acres, irrigation. Price S4500. Second house E. of Lozier Lane on Stewart. William P. Young. FOR SALE Nice six-room modern home, close In. $5200. Call 9492. FOR SALE BY OWNER 4-room house. Newly rebuilt inside and out. Well located. Immediate possession. f none atjou. FOR SALE Well broke black saddle mare and heavy stock aaddle and bridle, pnone S3B9. fHERE will be a consignment of springer heifers. Also a saddle pony, gentle for children sold at the Mid way Auction xaras jnui&cmy. RUMMAGE Sale by tha Rebekah Lodge, Friday and Saturday, May 11th and 12 at 9 a. m., corner of Holly and Main. Also a large as sortment of cactuB. USED TRUCK TIRES 82320 and 80020 Army used truck tires. These require ration board certificate. OLDER TIRE EXCHANGE 8th and Riverside 1 $3750 10 ACRES. 3 irrigated, food-subdi-vision, near golf course, good soil, partly wooded, 3-room old house and well, city water will be avail- aoie. $4250 FIVE rooms, close in. fireplace, fenced, until joiq, garage, pavea street. Owner leaving. I. E. SCHULER, Realtor, 223 W. 6th. Ph. 5671 eves. R. E. Bebb, 2343. FOR SALE Shelving and counters from Barker's P. X. Please inquire "Qi iter aiea i siore, WANTED Lawnmower. Phone 23S3. BENEFIT DANCE Griffin Creek School Gym.. Saturday, May 12th, g.uu. rree juncn. gooa music, FOR SALE Good used lady's bicycle 10. lUf W. 1UTJ1 WANTED Experienced Ford mechan- ic. ray top wages, crater Lake Mo tors. CASH for your car. regardless of con dition, unampi oarage, an Apple. FOR TIRST CLASS Auto " repairing ii m v-iiHmp s uarage, a.ast otn. rnone oy; THREE acres irrigated, on old Stage roaa, ocauiiiui Duuaing sue, urana view of Mount Pitt and valley,, 12 large apple trees, nice shade, fenced. uwner at zi7 Apple, mone 5L)42. WANT TO BUY Fordson tractor. steel wneeis and plow. Tribune Box 1154. WANTED Couple to work on farm. caring for turkeys and general chorea. Year 'round work. Modern house furnished. Good wages. Phone uenxrai roint, jhj. IrOR RENT Housekeeping Rooms, ciose in. jiu jNonn uameii. FOR RENT Small apartment. Private pain ana entrance, tza rung. CLEAN nicely furnished aparrmenT, ciose in. uuuuee paia. at ten tral. THREE acres. Irrigated clover. Some lrutt. 4 room nouse. L.ignts, Aieaiora city water. Garage, barn, hen-house. On Spring St. Immediate possession. 82.000. D. E. Millard, 104 S. Oak dale. rnone ijv WANTED Dishwasher and kitchen helper. Best of wages. Berrydaie Restaurant, laia n. mversioe. fOR SALE-Fly mouth Coupe, 1034. uooa condition, gooa tires, gooa gas mileage, can z73 or ai7 s. urnnge, ADAH'S BEAUTY SALON la now open for Business. FOR RENT Best of garden land. snare crop, piowea ana narrowea. Dodson, ,i mile west of Central Pt. WANT March issue of Marine Leath erneck magazine, nease writ Tri bune BOX 4930. REPLACE vour broken window glass new giass insiauea wnue vou wait MEDFORD M1LLWORK CO The Olaaa House Phone 1112 10th and Grape WANTED Experienced alteration woman. Appiy in person, jacque LfnoXi WANTED TO BUY Keros ene-operat- ea reingerator ana stumo coucn in good condition Phone 3557 eves. EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD ASSORTMENT Rough boards and 2x4 ' to 3xl2'a LOW PRICED. NO PRIORITY CAMERON-MOFTTTT LUMBER CO. So. Riverside at Barnett Rd. Madtprtj Phone 5462 CASH Of A FLASH FOR YOUR CAR lava Tlrna Cash and Oaa Call Automobile Market, Friendly Medford Dealer. Ph. 3019 6th and Bartlett No Red Tape When You Sell to Us WANTED Experienced gTOceryman Appiy in person, ttiverside mantel. VISIT our gift department before Mother s Day ACME HARDWARE Main and Graoe WANTED Rabbits, "any amount, alive dressed. Phone 2117. Riverside Market INSULATING waU boards celling tile. aiso sneex rocs: uig fines L,umoer Co WANTED -Chickens, any kind, any amount, live or aressea, laying nens or otherwise Phone 2117. Riverside Market. WANTED Experienced waitressr Ap- piy in person, tuversiae Aiaraei. WHY WAIT.? ARTHUR BROS. CIRCUS AMERICA'S NEWEST AND FINEST SHOW . MEDFORD One Day Only SATURDAY, MAY 12th PACIFIC HI WAY with KEN MAYNARD in Person and the Wonder TARZAN Herte JORGEN M. CHRISTIANSEN S LIBERTY HORSES men MISS AIRIELETTA queem or the air BUDDY" Th T"'n I UNO LINO BINO Seelion I TROUPE Ticket On Sale Circus Day, 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. at MtATH 5 DRUG STORE ITR ROUGH BLOX & SLABS, fraea Dig louDie oaa id ou meaiora fuel. Tel 3111 NOW AVAILABLE No. 1 certigrade red cedar shingle Big Pinea Lum ber Co FOR SALE 1930 Chevrolet $150 Phone 4068. "sedan. WANTED Plowing, harrowing, any kind of tractor work Phone 2117, Riverside Market Medford or 7H2 Central Point RESPECT For the Departed Through many yean of ex perience in serving the Fr oople 01 this community n their hour of sreat lost. Perl's have the deepeit re spect for loved ones who have passed on. and kindly sympathy for those left be hind. That is why Mr. Perl or Mr. Davis will personally handle all details) that is why Perl's up-to-the-minute facilities are devoted to the very important task of pro viding the finest of tributes to loved ones. PHONE Ambuane Serviea Lady Attendant PEEL'S FUNERAL HOME 426 WEST SIXTH ST. Mother's Day Cards Choose from the finest lines in America dis played here. SWEM'S Book & Gift Shop PROMPT SERVICE REASONABLE RATES Z. ON ,M0V1NG V AH SERVICE nirtflNI. r.R&TING LTrHM,,,u " LSTORRGE UJISTRIBUTION UOCM. CARTAGE CALL us when YOU NEED ANY OF THESE SERVICES 703 NORTH CENTRAL Phone 7104 AT SO. CENTRAL CHEERFUL GARDNER! ELEPHANTS rtA