SISON'S PARTY H. Gohrice, NIel R. Allen and H. fleers to serve as ex-offlc!o mem H. Singleton, with the post's of-1 bers. Wounded YankTAwait Transfer to Hospital Ship L fEIf MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE Wednesday, July 12. 1944 X & FIR L OF CIGARETTES 10 BE SCARCER Washington, July 12 ftJ.R) Civilians will probably continue to get plenty of cigarettes but they will have Increasing diffi culty in obtaining popular brands, authoritative govern ment sources asserted today. With the armed forces hold ing a priority, it is anticipated that the civilian cigarette sup ply may become comparable to the cigar situation. Civilians can always get a certain num ber of cigars, but often fail to find their old favorites on the counter. The cigarette industry's vol untary rationing system inaug urated last fall first affected Camels and Philip Morris but a somewhat less drastic scale has recently been extended on to Old Golds, Lucky . Strikes and Chesterfields. Proof that civilians as well as servicemen smoke more in wartime Is shown by compari son of the 180,663,000,000 cig arettes withdrawn for consump tion In 1940 with the 257,737, 000,000 withdrawn In 1943, ex clusive of amounts for the arm i ed forces , overseas. The figure Is expected to be even higher this year. "Pete the Iceman," a new type of de-icer with elctronlc con trol that inflates and deflates tubing along the wing edges of a plane, enables the pilot to vary the pulsations according to the type of Ice formation on the wings and the loosened ice- is carried off in the slipstream of the plane. Industrial users of. rationed foods, including bakeries, brew eries, canneries, candy manufac turers and dairies should write to the OPA office, 1019 Bedell Building, Portland, for July, An- gust and September allotments. it was stated today by the local War Price and Ration Board "This is the new method of making allotments to industrial users, said u. Lj. Ternahan, ex ecutive secretary of the local OPA. "The files are in the Port land office, so all that the dif ferent users have to do is to write direct to the Bedell build ing. No allotment will be made unless a request is mailed in This matter should be attended to at once." Complete Factory - Approved SAFETY SERVICE Chrysler Fac tory Engineer ed and Inspect ec Parts for Chrfaler Dodge PLYMOUTH Dodge Trucks 1 L. C. TAYLOR CO. DODGErfSdfeTRUCKS 112 So. RWerstd Phone 296S JUDGE SHOWS CARTOON Seattle (U.R) A Percy Crosby cartoon, depicting the tragedy of children of divorced parents, hangs in one of Seattle s di vorce courts. The presiding judge points out the cartoon to couples seeking separations. Daily Weather Report Forecasts Medtord end vicinity : Partly cloudy tonight and Thursday. Little change In temperature. Oregon: Partly cloudy tonight and Thursday with Mattered thunder storms over and east of the Cascades this evening. Cooler and Xalr Thurs day. Local Data Temperature a year ago today: Highest, 86: lowest, 46. Total monthly precipitation, 0 Inches. Deficiency for the month, .17 inch. Total precipitation since Septem ber 1, 1043, 16.78 lncnes. uenciency for the season, .77 Inch. Relative humidity at 4 :30 p. m. yee teday, 28 Tt; 4:30 a. in. today, 74. Tomorrow Sunrise 6:47 a. m.. sunset 6:40 p. m. Past 24 hours; High Low Prec. Boise BU 60 Boston 84 Chicago 94 Denver Eureka Havre . Los Angeles Medford New York Omaha ...... . Phoenix Portland Reno 66 BS .. 60 88 B2 . BO 102 79 00 .... 83 Rosouurg .. Salt Lake 68 San Francisco .... 6a Seattle ......... 78 Spokane M 00 Washington, D. C. 03 YBklma 03 73 86 63 66 64 76 ea 66 60 40 63 64 40 68 66 74 66 9. f-if1 . , j f , ' A v J n , - i . I k f.'lr ? If - U Z ' . ?J f irV f i it 1 (Acme lelciihotol Wounded American doughboys fill this landing craft qt Normandy beach as they await transfer to hospital chip that will bring them back to England for medical treatment. Some lie still, staring blankly ahead; others strain to lift their heads or to shield their eyes from the sun. aw for HOME REPAIRS! Eleanor Not Told Candidacy Plans Dayton, Ohio, July 12 (U.R) Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt said that Monday's announcement by the president that he will accept the Democratic nomination was her first intimation that her husband will be a candidate for a fourth term. 'He had never said anything to me about it," she said. "The situation is quite similar to D-day, when many people be lieved that the president had given me .the date in advance. But he doesn't tell me every thing." 10 APPEAL CASE DELINQUENT TAX LIST WILL APPEAR JULY 18 First publication of the Jack son county tax foreclosure pro ceedings for the year has been tentatively set for Tuesday, July 18. It contains approximately 75 names, the smallest in manv Salem, Ore., July 12 (U.R) years. None of the amounts in- An appeal to the supreme court volved are greater than $300 and for a stay of execution has been , the smallest is $2. Many have filed by Mrs. Rowena Thornton. recently paid up and removed who was convicted of violation ; their names from the list, nnri London, July 1 2 (U.R) Unit ed States Secretary of War Hen ry L. Stimson and his party ar rived in England today from Italy. Stimson's party, which arrived by plane' at an unnamed airport in England, included Harvey Bundy, his executive assistant; Maj. Gen. Norman T. Kirk, sur ?pnn eeneral. and Mai. Gen. Al exander Surles, director general of the public relations office ot the war department. While In Great Britain the party will visit troops, military installations, hospitals ana wounded men, and will confer with Allied military and polit ical leaders. SLABS -MIXED You'll like the Big, Rough Blox Compare the Quality of This Fuel Big 300 eu. ft. Load, 12 or 16-in. MEDFORD FUEL GO. Tel. 3111 $550 1122 N. Central Navy Coach Admits He Mauled Woman Los Angeles, July 12 (U.R) Police said today that Chief Pet ty Officer John M. Maloney, na vy physical fitness instructor and former Notre Dame football player, admitted striking a sail or's wife whose bruised body was found Sunday morning shortly after the couple had com pleted a tour of barrooms. The 27-year-old Maloney said he had neen going with the vic tim, Mrs Mary C. Walker, 31, since he met her a year ago, when she went to San Diego to visit her husband, police reported. of a Portland city ordinance pro hibiting boys under 10 and girls under 18 from selling periodicals in the street She will appeal to the United States supreme court. The Oregon court recently up held the Multnomah conviction, which involved a fine of $25. Mrs. Thornton is a member of the Jehovah's Witnesses. She was TURKEY SIGNS PACTS WITH NAZIS, ROMANIA London, July 12 (U.R) A Vichy broadcast said today that , charged with permitting her son Turkey had concluded two commercial treaties with Ger many and Romania. The German treaty, It was re ported, will provide for an ex change of goods to the value of $104,160,000 and the Romanian agreement for delivery of gas oline to Turkey. BIRTHS LININGER To Mr. and Mrs. Earl, 438 N. Main St., Ashland, July 10, 1S44, a boy, 8 lbs., at Community hospital. TOWN To Mr. and Mrs. Leonard, 2334 Capital Ave., July 10, 1044, a girl, 7 lbs., at Com munity hospital. TRAUTMAN To Mr. and Mrs. Herbert, Central Point, Ju ly 11, 1944, a girl, 7 lbs., at Com munity hospital. Leather" Northern California Clear to day, tonight and Thursday, but local fogs on coast. Slightly warmer In central portion. Oae Mall Tribune Want Ads. ' to sell "Consolation and "Watchtower," publications of the sect. COURTHOUSE REPAINTING IS DIRECTED BY COURT The county court has called for bids for re-painting the in terior of the courthouse, County Engineer Paul B. Rynning re ports. It is the first time, since the courthouse was constructed 12 years ago, that all offices in the building will be repainted along with the woodwork and hallways. It is anticipated the work will be underway early in August. more are expected to do so be fore the end of the week, One of the curiosities of ex press shipments in wartime is the successful transportation of honey bees, which are accepted for trips lasting six days. A spe cial technique for handling bees has been developed, including spraying them in hot weather, which assures their safety in transit. The migrations of honey bees help balance the sugar shortage, according to Railway Express, besides making it pos sible to spread pollen in fruit orchards and seed crops on farms. HEYDENBURK TO HEAD G. PASS LEGION POST Grants Pass, July 12 E. S. Heydenburg was elected com mander of the Grants Pass post, No. 28, of the American Legion Monday evening. Other officers to serve for the ensuing year are Frank G. V. Gordon, first vice commander; Floyd Smith, sec ond vice-commander; A. S. Mc Queen, adjutant; Oscar M. Shep herd, finance officer; the Rev. Francis H. Ball, chaplain; Robert W. Bryant and Robert Garrett, sergeants-at-arms. Members of the executive committee are W. G. Bonney, E. Closing time for Classified ads e . m. Too Late to Classify, 13.30 MR. WARWORKER DIESEL JOBS - TRACTOR Better your position In war work. Permanency Afterword HI Pay. 35 Will Be Selected in Medford Area in July for Training Ic Placement Service No Time Lost on Present Job. For details write Trnrtor Division, 610 Mead Itldg., Portland, Oregon. : , ', , , ' i i f mmmmmmm Surprise the Folks Back Home with a Photograph of You in Uniform Let an EVERGREEN PORTRAIT of Dis- ' tinction be the link that binds you to the home-folks who are missing you perhaps more than you know ... Do it NOW ... It will take but a moment of your t:me and the cost will be trifling compsi-ed to the joy it's bound to bring to THEM! No Appointment Necessary fSTUDIOS 'lX "PORTRAITS OF DISTINCTION", 40 South Central Acrott horn Crotirlan Titafre Phone 2069 . . . Medford Open 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturdays Until 8:30 p.m. A. Army ordnance has added comic strip humor to its store of weapons against the Axis. "Joe Dope," the G.I. who does every thing wrong and gets exagger ated punishment for his mis takes, is the "hero" of the new Army Motors magazine feature which teaches soldiers the neces- sity of preventive maintenance, for their equipment. Dse Mali Tribune Want Ada. JACKSON COUNTY FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 126 EAST MAIN MEDFORD, OREGON OFFICERS C. M. KIDD President JOHN C. MANN Vice-President W. J. WARNER Vice-President H. 3. FIELD i Vice-President K. P. BUTLER Secretary R. E. GREEN .......Treasurer EARL B. BIGALOW Asst. Secy. (In Army Service) GLENN O. TAYLOR Attorney O. H. BENGTSON Attorney DIRECTORS C. M. KIDD C. M. Kldd St Co. JOHN C. MANN Mann's Department Store DR. R. E. CREEN CLENN O. TAYLOR 126 East Main W. J. WARNER W. J. Warner Gladiolus Gardens A. P. BUTLER Secretary of Association 1 H. J. FIELD C. M. Kldd St Co. SEVENTY-FIRST SEMI-ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT JUNE 30, 1944 ASSETS First Mortgage Loans ' 903,028.03 Lonns on Passbooks and Certificates... 1,000.00 Properties Sold on Contract 26.971.02 Real Estate Owned and In Judgment..... 3.773.65 Investments and Securities 162,000.00 Cash on Hand and In Ranks - 85,223.69 Office Building nnd Equipment, less denreciatlon 21.930.00 Deferred Charges and Other Assets 189.56 $1,266,116.87 LIABILITIES Members' Share Accounts $1,136,168.01 Loans In Process . 7,841.63 Other Liabilities 13,998.52 Specific Reserves . 1,007.48 "eneral Reserves.... . 64,159.62 Undivided Profits... 42.941.61 $1,266,116.87 Our Reserves and Undivided Profits have increased over S50,CC0 in the pasl five years. Fleas Go to the Polls Next FRIDAY and VOTE FOR MUNICIPAL M UIIYl So We Kids Can Learn to Swim and Have Some Clean Wholesome Fun! SWIM (in P(fllf Hill "YES" On the Swimming Pool Measure! VOTE AT- Jackson County Court House Boy Scout Headquarters Roosevelt School City Hall Bldg. Medford boys and girls sorely need a place where they may learn to swim and enjoy this invigorating, body-building sport. Medford citizens owe it to the children of this community to provide a modern, adequate and sanitary swimming pool! The boys and girls in the armed forces will enjoy this pool when they return from service and heres an op portunity to assure a place to swim for them, too! in behalf of a municipal swimming pool for the City of Medford, and in cooperation with these sponsor ing Medford organizations: Published by the LIONS CLUB of MEDFORD Business and Professional Women Jackson County League of Women Voters Zonta Club Rotary Club Kiwanis Club Federated Church Women Lady Lions Y. M. C. A. Girls' Community Club City Council of Parent Teachers Assn. Junior High, Washington School, Roosevelt School, Lincoln School and Jackson School Parent Teacher Associations. 3