MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1943 PAGE THREE ,4 1943 CORN CROP T IN U. S. HISTORY Agriculture Department Es timates 3,085,652,000 " Bu.; Wheat Unchanged. Washington, Nov. 10 (U.R) The Agriculture Department to day estimated the 1943 corn crop H 3,085,652,000 bushels, second largest in history. . The department said Novem ber 1 conditions indicated a one per cent increase over expecta tions of a month earlier, and a to tal crop exceeded only by that of last year. , 32.7 Per Act The department said the aver age corn yield per acre of corn would be 32.7 bushels, compared with 35.5 bushels last year and a 1032-41 average of 24.9 bushels. y Early frosts caught corn in some southwestern Minnesota and North Dakota counties, the department said, but dry weath er generally aided in harvesting HEARING difficulties overcome instantly with Sonotone. Write SAM METEi P. O. Bex 582 for FREE Home Demonstration. of the large crop. The wheat estimate was un changed from a month ago at 835,816,000 bushels, compared with 981,327,000 bushels last year. More Spuds Production of potatoes was es timated at 469,092,000 bushels, compared with 371,150,000 bushels last year, and sweet po tatoes . at 75,801,000 bushels, compared with 65,380,000 bush els last year. The commercial apple crop was . estimated at 86,122,000 bushels, compared with 128,597, 000 bushels last year. Livestock Portland, Ore., Nov. 10 (UP) Livestock: . . Cattle, 35; calves, 35. Slow. Quality plain. Few sales weak. Canner and cutter heifers, 15.00 7.00; medium beef heifers to $11.00; canner and cutter cows, $4.000.00; common to medium bulls, (7.0011.00; good choice vealers, 913.00 13.60; few cull calves, $5.00(3 6.50. - Hogs, 450. Steady with lata Tues day for 25c below early. Good-choice 160-235 lbs., 13.00 1 13.25; 340-300 lbs., 13.00i?i 12.50; light-lights, $13.00 $ 13.25; good sows, $10.70; feedei pigs, $10.00. Sheep, 250. Steady. Good -choice truck-in wooied lambs, $12.25 13.60; carload to $13.35; clean-up sale cull lambs, $3.OO67.00; good ewes, $4.o0 5.00; common-medium, $3.00 4.00. South San Francisco, tfov. 10 (UP) (USD A) Cattle, 300. Fat steers and cows quoted steady. Fleshy' medium over 850-lb. feeder steers, $13.50 13.50; medium, com mon, canner and cutter cows, 60c $1.00 lower than Monday; few com mon cows, $9.009J5; canners and cutters, $6. 50 8.00. Calves, 35. Good to choice vealers steady. Common and medium weak. Hogs, 400. Unevenly 10 16c low-ar. One load 305-lb., $14.50. extreme top; bulk medium to good 172-lb. bar- GOOD COFFEE MEANS A LOT . . . in any weather ' 'Silver lining! Every cloud has one, for Schilling Coffee li waiting to bring delicious, bracing good cheer. VACUUM . PACK ID Schilling TMC MORN I NO rows and gilt. $14-36 14.40 sorted; pigs and under 180 -lb., dull and weak; few medium to good sows, $11,004 13.00. Sheep. 050. Undertone on lambs steady. Yesterday, two loads good to choice clover lambs, $14.60; cull to good we quoted ta.OO46.OO. Chicago. Not. 10 (UP) fWFA) Livestock: Hog. 30.000. Slow, steady to 86c lower. Good and choice 150-370 lbs- $11.75313.75; bulk good and choice. 300-550-lb. sows, $12.0013.16. Cattle. 12.000: calves. 1000. Pad steers adh yearlings weak to 25c low er. Largely steer and heifer run. Veal ers, $14.76 down; bulk, $13.60 16.75; top, $16.50 on choice long yearlings. Sheep 6000. Early bids and amies good and choice native lambs, I60 or more higher at $13.75 140 With some weighty kind at $13.60. Portland Produce Portland, Nov. 10 (UP) Whole sale market: Cranberries Coast, $6:60$7.00; Coos Bay, $7.00(3 8.00. Beans Cal. green. 16 18c lb. Lettuce Local 3s, $20 2.75; The oaues, sa.009a.tH. Chicago Wheat Chicago. Not. 10 (UP) Wheat: Open High Low . Close Dec. .i.a7V4 ti.57 i.74 11.57ft May 1.66 1.5814 1.56 1.5Vi July . 1.54 1.64ft 1.54 1.64 S. F. DAIRY PRICES San Francisco, Nov. 10 (U.R) Dairy market: Butter: 93 score 43c, 92 score 42V4c; 90 score 42'4c, 89 score 41e. Cheese: Wholesale prices, loaf 7Vfcc, triplets 27c. Eggs: Large grade A 57c, me dium grade A 51c, small grade A 44 Vic, large grade B 47c. Wall Street New York, Nov. 10 U,B Stocks rallied fractions to more than two points in quieter deal ings today and held most of the advance despite a late profit taking movement. With sentiment aided by Prime Minister Churchill's as sertion that he anticipates no early peace in Europe, the stock list pushed forward after a firm opening under the leadership of rail, aircraft and whiskey shares. Today's closing prices on se lected stocks: American Tel. & Tel ..153 Anaconda . . .. 28 Chrysler 75,4 Curtiss Wright 6Vs THIS STORE WILL OBSERVE ARMISTICE DAY WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY THURSDAY, NOV. 11 4, 0g$tmr 00. t t0 BUY YOUR WAR BONOS TlRSTl Then Fill Your Wartime Needs with , Duration VoIumI a onnnT proennss of superb 75 Hard to bcliov but really truel Evtn In the old days of plenty, wch luxurious fur coats would have been a priit "And" . . . TODAY they're mlrqculousl A real opportunity to Invert in your next winter', coat nowl LUSTROUS MINK DTED CONST fUR COAT 44.71 Soft, gleaming fur, dyed a rich, deep brown ... cut in graceful iwnnntr good look. 12-40. style for enduring li. Warmly interlined. SEAUNE and BEAVERETTE DTED CONET COATS UM Soft and silky, yet sturdy, long, wearing fur in clank swagger design. Beautiful, all-occasion coats. Warmly interlined. Brown, black. 12-40. . vv-,. i&A'Jii 6S00' 7 Ml I Ml I f LAY AWAY YOU COAT TODAY ray iec U b7 Ike tbM yra aeail Ut Plus 10 FedarrJ 'i V Shop Penney Second Floor and Save! General Electric General Motors Montgomery Ward Penn. R. R. Phillips Petroleum J. C. Penney rladto Southern Pacific . Standard Oil of Cal. Texas Gulf Sulphur .. Transamerica . United Aircraft U. S. Rubber U. S. Steel 35H 50 43 28V4 44V4 94 Vt 21H 37V4 35V4 VA . B7V4 88 51H of the commission. During the' past two days he addressed stu dent bodies in Ashland, Jackson- CALENDAR Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Chrysanthemum circle No. 84, Neighbors of Woodcraft, K. of P. hall, regu lar meeting followed by pot- luck supper. Thursday . 11:45 a. m. Opening service World Community Day of Pray er, sponsored by Federation of Women's Missionary Socities, First Christian church. Pot- luck dinner at noon. . Two prayer esrvices in afternoon. 12:00 noon American Legion Auxiliary, pot-luck luncheon at Girls' Community club. Visit ing unit members invited to at tend. Medford members asked to bring Xmas gifts for Roseburg hospital. 1:00 p. m. Crater Lake Auxi liary, Fraternal Order of Eagles, birthday dinner. Those having birthdays in October and No vember to be guests. Other members asked to bring covered dish. 2:00 p. m. W.C.T.U., West Main USO. Address by Ad, C. K. Cox. 8:00 p. m. Crater Lake Aerie, No. 2093, and auxiliary, Frater nal Order of Eagles, in armory. Regular meetings, initiation and dance. 8:00 p. m. Reames Chapter, O.E.S., at Masonic temple. A grand chapter officer will be present and there will be initia tion. 8:00 p. m. Past Noble Grand club, Girls' Community club. Final plans to be -made for bazaar planned for near future. Friday 1:00 p. m. Friday Luncheon club, home of Mrs. Nida Oat man, 516 South Grape street. Luncheon. 2:30 p. m. Lincoln P.-T. A., room number 8 at school house. 8:00 p. m. Graduate Nurses association. District four, home of Mrs. David Rees, . 1705 E. Main St. Saturday . " ' 2:00 p. m. Zuleima Temple, No. 13, Daughters of the Nile, Medford Masonic hall. Routine business followed by tea honor ing past queens. Members urged to attend and visitors welcome. 2:00 p. m. Degree of Honor Juvenile Society, Presbyterian church, Mrs. Littrell s room. 2:30 p. m. Rogue River Val ley College Women s club, Girls Community club. Miss-. Vera Humphrey, hostess; Mrs. G. E. Evanson in charge of social hour. Mrs. Alice Willits will review the book, "Mr. and Mrs. John Quincy Adams," by Mrs. Dorothie Bobbe. Visiting Parents Cpl. James T. Eakln is in Medford visiting his parents, Mn and Mrs. V.. I. Eakin. He has been in the army one and a half years, and was recently transferred from the Aberdene Proving Grounds to Atlanta, Ga., where he handles instruments in an army ord nance unit. He will return to Georgia after spending five days here. ' Starts Training Recently commencing his army primary flight training courses at Thun derbird Field II, Paradise Val ley, Phoenix, Ariz., was Avia tion Cadet Cato Wrav. Jr.. 20. son of Mrs. Gladys Wray of Lot Angeles. Young Wray, former Medford high star football and track performer, spent a year at University of Southern Cali fornia prior to entering the service. Mrs. Mulhelland Here Mrs, Richard Mulholland is in Med ford from McMinnville transact ing business. At present Mrs. Mulholland is at the family's former home, 105 Vancouver Ave., which she will dispose of while here. Dr. and Mrs. Mul holland. left here a couple of years ago and for a time Dr, Mulholland was in government service but he has now establish ed a private practice in dentistry at McMinnville. The Mulhollands lived here for many years and have many friends. Addresses Students Walter Meacham, executive secretary of the Old Oregon Trail Centen nial commisiun, addressed stu dents at the local , high school, junior high school and four ele mentary schools yesterday, speaking on the history and work naert sMrsss tf OKTra.Y-v Femlel.'eaxnsss Lrdla X. Ptnkbam'a VtfrtabI Com pound Is mad aspects!!1 or women to halp raUere pertodlo pain with weak, narroua, blue leellnse due to functional monthly disturbance. Taken retularly It help buUd up resistance again such symptom. Follow label direction. ivnur tttuiruiM'e wyjj! lfifl nnnnnm w ville and other surrounding com munities also, and was a guest speaker at the meeting of the lo cal Klwanis club luncheon meet ing Tuesday. He left this morn ing for Roseburg. The state of Oregon ranks a the principal producer of lum ber in the U. S. SHE n I 4- COMIC JUUOK Your favorite visnay char. ctersl la Pages of fan e laughter, li In bright COlorsI Com. . in today) LU-V1 V " ..ulon . iut- Atu tw tia er ... ut( - .i- . nil"1 " . .. o" ii... pufPl.nfyofGan.,UT-' CHEST of GAMES 1.00 WBOU TABIE A1VD CHAIR sex 3.79 rah . . . . "rc. lea 5.t ?8e 10-Inch Brnm olorod on" 1 OS B . Tnrile ,.? red and . : when you P"" - ExcluiivelyforBrettone P. S. A It MY TAIVK with red and blue trtui Wnen You Gel R lit" 0 WW tlonfng Ctrtifieate, fnsftt on . The Famoua Virc$tonc ' DELUXE - CHAMPION TIRE ' rcapped tun fMr tunel BttUt with Batti-Buttd eonstrno- Th. ONLT ttr bnui " . nillaf. tion, Increasing tu y. AMI .tapping ... If tatay Ho "u,... Th Firestone rotory- Snger nuleag. guaranteed aatuf action. itttn Un Hi '"Knurl BU. PLAY TABLE 9 IQ tocTioriogboa', Oiildrtn Lovm TL,.I 1.00 njr ton.. Won, incinde, ,i WH O Oku 214 SOUTH RIVERSIDE TELEPHONE 4757 IMUnH VU yoi tt rtr-Umi wUX 6n t Of firm ImapXn Orr HtUi wmlnaa wt N. . B.