Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 07, 1943, Page 10, Image 10

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Lake O'Woods Program Of
fers Swimming, Rowing,
Canoeing, Handicrafts.
There will be Cirl Scout
lumraer camp at Lake O' Woods
again this year, beginning Aug
ust 10, for a two-weeks period
"We now know that camp life,
be it but for two weeks, gives
boy and f irli a training in self
reliance, utilization of skills,
love of nature and the outdoor!
that no other institution in
American life so adequately pro
vides." says Manpower Commis
sioner Paul V. McNutt, and with
this thought In mind the local
Girl Scout Council has made ev
ery effort to provide the girls
of Medford between 7 and IS
with a summer camp program.
At the end of the day camp
ing It was discovered that the
girls still wanted a real camp
ing experience entirely away
from ordinary life.
Because of the demands on
adults and Die older girls to
work In harvesting the crops,
the camp will be limited. Sixty
girls will be accepted each week,
a camper may stay both weeks
If she registers for both before
July IS. No girl under 10 years
of age will be accepted. Age of
the campers will probably range
from 10 to 18 and it Is felt that
most of these girls may help in
a small way by picking berries
or doing odd jobs in order to
earn money to go to camp. The
fee will be f 10 a week, which
covers from Tuesday at dinner
until the following Tuesday at
Travel by Bus
Transportation Is available by
Rogue River Transit bus which
will be $1.50 round trip or (1
one way. In order to lessen strain
on the bus system over the week
end the camp week will start on
Tuesday instead of Sunday. The
bus will leave the Cirl Scout of
fice August 10 and August IT
at 8:30 a. m.
The camp site offers an abun
dance of activity for the girls
Lake O Woods is four miles In
length and provides campers per
fect swimming, rowing, canoeing
and sailing. Waterfront activ
ities will be In charge of Miss
Judith Bailey, now acting as wa-
terfront director for the Boy
Scouts. Beside waterfront activ
ities there will be horseback
riding, archery, hikes and ail
types of handicraft will be of
Food Is one of the most Impor
tant Items In camping; this year
it should be better than ever, as
Mrs. Wilson Walt of the Junior
high school has prepared . all
menus and Mrs. F. O. Helms of
Ashland has been secured as
The camp will be directed by
600 East Main
Medford, Oregon
Fill out and return to Girl Scout Office by July 19th.
' I hereby make application to Girl Scout Camp for period
( ) 1st Period Aug. 10-17.
( ) 2nd. Period Aug. 17-24
Enclosed Is registration fee of 11.00, which must be paid by
July 19th. Balance must be paid prior to opening of Camp, Aug.
10th. Also enclosed la for bus ticket.
Parents, approval.
Something New in Army's Chemical Warfare .
I-..T j
J- .
lAcmt Ttltphoto)
In a spectacular demonstration of chemical wsrfsre for U. 8. Army officers at the Edjewood Arsenal, Md, a
go idler at right uses a new portable flame thrower in an attack on a pillbox while in the bakjrouno a pose
Booms smoke bomb explod et all over the place.
is i;o;i-RATIONED -
Wonderful for sum
mar salads, the per
fect butter substitute
for delicious lunch
box sandwiches ...
Cottage Cheese .
You'll like It the way
we make It. Buy It
here todayl It la avail
able la bulk or pint
ie The BEST!
Portland, Ore.. July 7 U.B
State police today herd Richard
Harry Layton, 36, of Independ
ence, Ore., as a suspect in the
murder of Ruth Hildebrand, 17
whose nude body was found In
the Willamette river June 28.
Police Capt. Vayne Gurdan
said Layton was held on an open
charge and that he expected to
file a first degree murder charge
later today.
Miss Hildebrand, an Independ
ence high school girl, had been
reported missing from her home
June 7, when she left to visit
friends at Camp Adair near Sa
Her body was found In the
river nearly three weeks later.
Gurdane said state police
found evidence in a reportedly
stolen automobile, which they
used Ir tracing the suspect. The
evidence was turned over to the
state criminologist.
Newark, N. J., July 7. U.R
Asked why he plunged out the
second story window of his
home, Pvt. Donald Schaffer, 19-
year-old army M. P. on furlough
told police: "I dreamed I heard
a call for help and I started in
the direction of the voice. That's
all I remember about it.
W. J. Gebhardt, of the Cen
tral Point district, reported to
the county agent s office today a
number of his sheep had been
poisoned by poison scattered for
digger squirrel extermination.
He reported two of his flock had
died and a number of others
Agent Dickie of the biological
survey in charge of squirrel
poisoning investigated the situa
tion. Dickie said poison had
been scattered over thousands
of acres in this county, and this
was the first time he ever heard
of sheep being poisoned by it.
Mrs. Eugene Peterson, Girl
Scout executive, assisted by
general staff of unit leaders, cab
in counselors, handicraft special
ist, waterfront director and a
registered nurse. There are a
few openings for staff members
who have had either experience
as campers or in working with
children In school, Sunday school
or club work. Anyone Interested
in going to camp for a two-weeks
period as a counselor may apply
a me uiri scout office. BOO Ea.t
Main street, between 10 and 12
mornings or 1:30 and 3:30 in the
Deadline for camp registra
tions has been set for July IS.
All Scouts and non-Scouts who
plan on attending camp must
have registration slip and fee in
the office by that time.
Pas Mali Trlbun. Wm Ada,
Washington, July 7 (U.R
The Senate has approved by
voice vote and sent to the White
House two bills to amend the
veterans compensaion act.
One would increase pensions
to widows of war veterans
from $45 to $50 a month and
increase non-service connected
disability payments from $6 to
$8 a month.
The other would provide that
only "felonious misconduct"
shall be grounds for denying
disability benefits to a veteran.
Oregonian Killed
In Plane Smashup
Kingman, Ariz., July 7 U.R)
A flight officer was killed
and seven officers and two non
commissioned men were injured
Monday in the crash of a twin
engined training plane, public
relations officers 'of the King
man army air field reported today.
The army said the plane
crashed on the runway of the
field after a routine training
Killed was Flight Officer Ben
jamin O. Horsley of Bonanza,
Ore., co-pilot of the plane.
Artists are feeling the pinch
of war metals savings through
an order halting production of
metal easels and metal picture
Praise for the work being
accomplished by the wives of
the Medical Department officers
of Camp White, and the need
for more volunteers for the
work was expressed at a meet
ing pi the group yesterday by
Brig. Gen. Amos Thomas, com
manding officer of the camp,
and 1st Lt. Ruth Green, chief
nurse of the station hospital.
The meeting, attended by 90
women, was held at the home
of Col. F. T. Chamberlin, direc
tor of the medical division of
Camp White, and Mrs. Cham
berlin, at 1114 S. Oakdale Ave.
Gen. Thomas spoke briefly,
expressing his appreciation of
the excellent work done by
members of the group for the
station hospital, which he said
was considered one of the finest
on the west coast. The general
also stated that Camp White is
said to be one of the finest army
posts west of the Rocky moun
tains. The general and Col. Cham
berlin visited the meeting un
expectedly, being en route to
camp following an inspection
trip to Grants Pass.
Lt. Green spoke on Importance
of the work being done for the
hospital and stated there was an
increasing need for volunteers.
A report of the project was
given by Mrs. George Vande
well, secretary-treasurer. The
women work at the hospital
four days each week and are
completely supplying the sur.
gical dressing needs of all de
partments. The group also has
undertaken the work of filling
"bomb boxes" for each ward,
these to be used for an emer
gency either at the hospital or
in Medford.
Mrs. Chamberlin, president
of the organization, and Lt.
Green will go to Ashland next
Tuesday to discuss a program
for a group of Ashland medical
department officers' wives un
able to work with the organi
zation at the hospital and who
wish to be supplied with work
to be done in Ashland.
forests are a national re
source. They will help pay off
your war bonds. Don't burn
your collateral.
AMERICA delivers
the goods !
America has shifted into "high"!
It's a tough job... and a thirsty one.
Return "Empties" promptly
Jl the beer with the!
Wlhigh LQjIfl
Announcing a single vacancy
for the 4th District of Oregon
at the U. S. Naval Acaaemy hi
Annapolis, Md., Congressman
Harris Ellsworth today informed
the Mail Tribune that the pre
liminary qualifying examina
Hons for the appointment of I
principal and three alternates
would be held July 31. The U.
S. civil service commission will
conduct the examinations in
Candidates for the Naval
Academy must not have been
married and must not be less
than 17 years of age nor more
than 21 on April 1, 1944.
Provision will be made for
young men In the armed serv
ices to compete if tney desire
Appointees who are in the serv
ice will be sent to naval training
school to study for the final
qualifying mental examination
in April, 1844.
Candidates desiring to com
pete should notify Congressman
Harris Ellsworth, House Office
building, Washington, D. C, at
once, since the civil service com
mission must have the names of
candidates by July IS. They
should give present or expected
future addresses, and men in
service or who will be in service
by July 31 should give the name
of the commanding officer and
address of the camp or training
station to which they are or may
be attached. Only bona fide le
gal residents of the 4th District
may compete.
Marjorie Bernlce Hansen, 24,
charged with violation of the
basic rule, and reckless driving,
was scheduled for hearing in
justice court today, followins
her arrest Sunday by the state
police. She is held In the county
The state police report asserts
the woman travelled 70 miles
per hour on Court street In the
face of heavy traffic and later
drove her car into a ditch, after
weaving from each side of the
road near Snowy Butte. Two
soldiers and another woman
were In the car at the time. All
escaped Injury.
The woman was taken to
hospital for a sobriety test and
it was decided she was not in
toxicated, William E. Redenbaugh, Trail,
charged with having no brakes
on his auto was assessed S3 and
costs. Clyde W. Buckner, Phoe
nix, was fined the same amount
for failure to stop at a stop sign
near Talent.
A check-up on the where
abouts of 1,602 rural young men
in an Ohio county showed that
about 40 per cent were in the
armed services and 32 per cent
had moved to nearby industrial
The budget for school district
No. 49 for 1043-44, as published,
calls for $283,273 for operatln.
expenses and $30,738.73 for bond
and interest payments.
The increase in operatlai
costs is occasioned by an l
crease in teachers' salaries fo
next year. Other than salary is.
creases most items are generally
the same as last year or less.
As a result of increased eft
mated receipts and decreased
bond and interest payments, thi
total tax levy for all purpose
this year will be $2416.83 in ex
cess of last year, according to
Superintendent E. H. Hedrick
oi ine city scnoois.
The budget committee Is com
posed of George T. Frey, Sets
Bullis, O. O. Alenderfer, John
C. Mann and Herb Grey.
A public hearing on the budg.
et is called for July 27 at 8 p. m, V
at ine cuy scnooi on ice.
Telegraph Hill in San Fran.
Cisco takes its name from the
first telegraph line In California,
a connection with eight-mile
distant Point Lobos for early
information on incoming ships.
The Grange
Roxy Ann Grange
Roxy Ann Grange held regu-i
lar meeting Friday. Susie Stat-
ter of Tidewater Grange, a wel
come visitor, gave an inspiring
talk regarding the necessity of!
eveiyone doing his part in the'
war. I
The carnival held recently j
was most successful with a sub-1
stantial amount cleared. I
Saturday night. July 17. has
been set aside for a dance with
Sturgill's orchestra from Griffin
Creek to furnish music,
Friday. July 9. H. E. C. la-!
dies will meet with Mrs. Clar-!
ence Tedrick at 1:30 p. m. A
good attendance is desired. I
Refreshments were served at
close of lecture hour by Mr. and I
Mrs. Ira Luman and Mr. and i
Mrs. Bill Luman.
Cm Mall Tribune Want Ada.
of ALL
Closing Out All Hats in Slock
at Half Price -Straws, and Fells
Va,U8$ 1.98-13.98
The dlbertella
120 North Central
The Glass Top Seal Fruit Jar Cap for Horns Canning was developed
as a Wartime product to conserve metal. It consists of a Metal Band.
Glass Lid and Rubber Ring.
Because of the difference !n the nature of these three materials this
Cap must be used differently from any other fruit jar cap. If used properly
it will give excellent results. If not
used properly, results will be bad, in
cluding failure to seal and break of
jars. Following are simple instructions
for use of the Glass Top Seal Cap and
must be followed carefully.
Far aaaatata anahs
hutracttwu a4 ta
I" r rr
th. Ball R) Rk
Jail Brataara Can,..,.
Maada, laaiaaa. U. S. A.
1. Do NOT use in Oven Canning.
2. If processing, (cooking in jar),
leave 1 inch space in top of jar. If using
open kettle, leave inch space in top
of jar.
3. Fit rubber around projection on
bottom side of lid.
4. Place lid to rubber lies between
lid and top edge of jar.
,8LJun) .bands tnen loosen
slightly (about 4 turn). Bands must
fit loosely during processing (cooking).
This is Important and must be done to
Insure best results. If using Open Ket
tle, screw bands tight as soon as jar is
6. After processing, screw bands tight
to complete seal. Remove bands 12 hours
after canning.
TW. I.f.n.ri.. Is p,K.M I. tka Utaraat .f ..m.
aaalaf ..4 raanratlaa ,tni oaiarratto ,f food.
Medford Distributors
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