1. IS H OYTPLEDGE Chief of Domestic Branch of OWI Says Office Will Not Yield to Politics. Washington, June 22. (U.F9 E Palmer Hoyt, new chiet of the domestic branch of the Of fice of War Information, prom ised today that his office would not be concerned with propa ganda but would gather Infor mation for the public "and give it to them straight. Hoyt, publisher of the Port land Oregonian, held an in formal press conference shortly after he arrived to take over bis new Job a job which will become non-existent S the sen ate agrees with the refusal of the house to provide funds for the OWI's domestic branch. He 'succeeds Gartner Cowles, Jr., J publisher of the Des Moines I Register and Tribune, who re signed. Vital Need Seen " Hoyt sad he was convinced that OWI's domestic operations were "absolutely vital" to the conduct of the war. He promised there would be do pamphleteering, and said his office would "yield to no politi cal pressure and will serve no political interests." "This is an office of war in formaton; it will deal only with Information about the war," he said in a prepared statement. He said OWI will deal with the public only through estab lished media which make up the American press "and by the press I mean not only the news papers, but radio, magazines and motion pictures." He said the three major functions of his of fice were: 1. To obtain the release of the fullest possible news from the military fronts and on the military progress of the war. 2. To obtain and correlate the news of the operations of 11 of the agencies of- the gov- MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 1943 PAGE THREE Britai in s King George Pays Visit to North Africa MI v- r I 4 " . "J. r . f I I vJ - i j : fr'-'i011 tirtbuu ,Uht tot " Mediterranean w.r .one, Britain'. wilSZ STmiiV.!??!?. rev?e,wln Amn troop, somewhere in North Africa. Other. In foreground an Lieut Ml. William Rltter, left, and Lieut Gen. Mark W. Clark, commander of the American Filth Army. OHlclal D. 8. Arm eicnal Corns Radlo-TeleDhoto. ernment concerned with the war. 3. To make all the news available to the public, as quick ly and clearly as possible, through the media whose Job it is to inform the public. Simple Program "This is a perfectly simple and sensible program; it will be conducted that way," Hoyt said. "This office will not be con cerned with "propagandizing' the American people. My pol icy is to give the country the straight information about the war - and to give it to them straight" He said he took a sfx months' leave of absence from his paper with the understanding from OWI Chief Elmer Davis that he would have full authority to operate "according to the free standards of the American press." He side stepped questions about his opinion of Washington correspondents who were criti cized by OWI Director Elmer Davis in a speech last Week by saying he hadn't been in the capital long enough to observe their activity. Don't the forget tax! The new automobile tax stamp la supposed to be on your car by July first, so if you haven't got it yet dash to your nearest post office (with five dollars in your fist). Your Stand ard Service Man will then be glad to crape off your old stamp, and put on the new one. To protect it from water damage and from coming loose, hell also be glad to put on a new, neat Tax Stamp Shield. Come on in as soon as you get your stamp. The service and shield are free! Your coupon's best friend Good driving and good gas oline combine to give yon the mileage you really de serve from your ration coupons. When it comes to good gasoline you can de pend on Standard "Unsur passed," gasoline that more than meets Uncle Sam's exacting specifica tions for military motor fuel. "B" tire inspection due Tba last day of June la the fat day for motoruU hold ing "B" book, to have their official tire Inspection. But don't wait until the last day. Many Standard Service Men nr. qualified tire inspector, sod can give yon quicker service if you come to early. TNB"tB Of CAMfO.HIA AND MAN," TOPIC OF C. S. A lecture on Christian Science entitled "Christian Science: The Truth About God and Man." was given last evening at the senior high school by William Kilpatrick. C.S.B. of Detroit. Michigan, member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts. The lecturer said In part: 'Times like the present must give pause to the man who is inclined to think and weigh events in the light of Intelligent analysis. One cannot look upon a world torn with strife, war. hatred, and all the baser pas sions of men, without some con trasting or contradicting emo tions. The question is bound to suggest Itself to the thoughtful as to Just where the onus of guilt must rest for the mental and moral upheaval which seems to be tearing down and destroying the spiritual and in tellectual building of the Chris tian era. Where, one might ask, does Christianity fit into this picture of moral desolation? What, in the light of present day savagery and unrestrained rapine, has the Bible accom plished In the hundreds of years it has been looked upon as a guide and manual for the con duct of Christian men and na tions? One might be tempted to question within himself Is there God? If so, why all this murderous destruction, this strife between Christian peoples, this cancerous growth of hate. jealousy, and revenge? "These Inner questionings of the human consciousness, these doubts which stealthily and in sistently steal into thought, these suggestions of pessimism and skepticism, are not without Justification; and except for the explanation and light which Christian Science throws upon the Bible and the teachings of the prophets, Jesus and apostles, I am doubtful whether a con vincing reconciliation of the present with the unequivocal promises of Holy Writ could be evolved. However, through the revelation of the spiritual sig niflcance of Bible teaching. which Mary Baker Eddy, the discoverer and founder of Chris tian Science, has given to the world in her book, 'Science and Health with Key to the Scrip ture , and other writings, the seeming ambiguities, inconsist encies, and contradltlons which present-day conditions empha size, are explained and all doubts and misunderstandings are reDlaced with the spiritual conviction and assurance which comes with the enlightenment thus provided. 1 am convinced that divine prophecy, expressed through the pages of the Bible from cover to cover. Is today Demg iuiiiuea not only In the history of the hu man race but also In the appear ance at this time of Christian Science as world movement a. the 'Comforter , which Jesus foretold and promised wouia lead us Into all truth. The pres ence of Christian Science at this Juncture In the affairs of men is not merely umeiy ana oppor tune, but it is God's certain and directed answer to humanity's cry for freedom from doubt, skepticism, fear and the bond age of bate, mad ambition, eov etousness, dishonesty, political Intrigue, strife, war, paganism, and the anti-Christ of totalitar ianism. Christian Science not only gives the student of this faith a full nd analytical under standing of present day events, but It supplies, with no uncer tainty or equivocation, the an swer to all human questionings and forebodings. It provides as surance of the eventual fulfill ment of God s promises to de liver His people from the thrall- dom of strife, contention, bitter ness, and hate. "To those not blessed with the stabilizing and assuring influ ences with which the study of the Bible, in the light of Chris tian Science, endows one, the future may seem to hold little of promise or hope, but when, through the lens of spiritual per ception, gained In the study of Christian Science, the mists of strife, struggle, and rancor are pierced, there is revealed a back' ground of spiritual beauty, holi ness, and permanence which nothing can efface." FLYING FORTRESS MESSINAAHACK Badly Shot Up U. S. Plane Surprises Germans Try ing to Pick Off Cripple. By Virgil Pinkley (United Press Correspondent) Advanced Flying Fortress Base, Northwest Africa, June 22 (UP.) A Flying Fortress called The Thunderbird and the crew that took her out last Fri day received the African air force equivalent of the state championship today. Her exploit shooting down eight of 24 German planes that attacked her over the Mediter ranean and then reaching a said base with 140 bullet hole dot ting her sides drew this line in an official telephoned opera tions report: "Ye Gods!" ' Swell Time "We feel Just like the league champions," Co-Pilot 1st Lieut. R. L. Sims of 1939 South Holt avenue, Loa Angeles, Cal, said. "It was a swell time." The crew was flying Its first mission in the veteran of bomb ing attacks on France to help out in the Friday Messina raid. After its bomb run. The Thunderbird was shot out of formation by enemy fighters and was last seen struggling along Just above the water. Axis planes attacked her from all sides. They included Mes sersehmitt 109's and Focke Wulff 90 s. "When we got down on the water those birds could only attack us from one direction. Sims said. "As they turned up they had to display their bellies We gave them the works, knock ing hell out of one plane after another. It was swell shooting." Center of Attack The pilot, Lieut. Eugene C. Wayman of Little Rock, Ark., said the enemy planes "all seemed to have personal assign ments labelled Thunderbird.'" The boys at this base were ready to write off The Thunder bird and her crew as lost. Then this message came over the tele phone line yesterday from Tunis: Thunderbird landed Pantek lerla. All crew safe. None in jured. Ye Gods! Plane run ning fight lasting 43 minutes . . . Shot down into sea eight Ger man fighters, one which blew uj In midair, three others plunged into Mediterranean on fire" MUTING ICE CANT Kill SPARKli . IN DRINKS MADE WITH CANADA DRY WATER ITS TIN-POINT CARftONATtON LASTS LONOUI P.8. It pcial formula main may drink tut bvttar. n mmx llji E ROOSEVELT Eugene, Ore., June 22 (U.R) Veto of the anti-strike bill was urged upon President Rooseveit In a telegram sent today -fey the Oregon State Federation of La bor at its 41st annual conven tion here. The telegram was sent after unanimous pasage of a resolu tion sayinf the bill "was se cured by pressure Induced by a misconception of the results it will produce" and that it event ually would "apply to labor in private industry in peace times. PLAYBOY MANVILLE TO MARRY SEVENTH SOON New York, June 22 U.R Right in the middle of the war and nation-wide coal strike, Tommy Manville announced to day that he will take his seventh bride in Just about the time it takes to establish Nevada res idence. The current favorite Just half Tommy's age Is 24 year old Jane Weeks, honey haired movie starlet. There's only one hitch. Miss Weeks' California divorce from Edward Conne, Hollywood press agent, is not final until February. Whispers from Camp White About Facts and Face Oa the Reservation. S'Sgt. Peter Arena of the 81st General Hospital, better known as "Little Caesar", returned re cently from a three day pass and claims he has found new love light which makes the 21st since he came to Camp White. Time for theme: "Wonder What s Become of Billy?" Pvt. Andy "Father" Devlne has woman trouble too, It seems, receiving "fascinating" letters from K. Falls. Quite popular with the ladles too. New face in the military In telligence department is that of Pfc. Eugene Roesser, who has been a projectionist on films of safeguarding military info, now he is practicing what he preaches. No questions please. Orchids to the Jiving five of the IV Corps orchestra for the fine performance at recent broadcast. Strictly in the groove stuff. Theme of the week: "Oh How I Miss Her". Dedicated to the men on the firing range. Cm MaU JtlMua Want Ada, . TheTIRE OF TOMORROW ieze TODAY Ms 1 THE WORLD-FAMOUS FIRESTONE Vcuxc (tytunfUtot TIRE IS NOW BEING MADE WITH THE MARVELOUS Hew SYNTHETIC RUBBER JUST as you'd expect, Firestone is FIRST to build the tire of tumor row tor the car owner, of America. It is only natural that Firestone should be the leader in working out new processes, In creating new compounds and In building better tiret from American-made rubber, for Firestone has always been the pioneer in developing new materials, new methods and new machines that have resulted in tremendous advance ments in tire design, construction and performance. From Firestone have come such revolutionary improvement as the FIRST straight side tire, the FIRST rubber non-skid treed, the FIRST commercial demountable rim, the FIRST patented Gum-Dipping Process, the FIRST balloon tire, the FIRST Saftl-Lock Cord Body, the FIRST Super -Speed Construction and the FIRST practical pneumatic tractor tire. In 1933, Firestone built the FIRST, synthetic rubber airplane tire for our armed force. In 1934, Firestone built it FIRST synthetic rubber passenger car tires. In 1940, Firestone FIRST went into production on synthetic rubber passenger scar tire, and began the manufacture of Its own (ynthetlc rubber, called ' Butaprene, the same type that was later adopted by the Government. And today Firestone It making synthetic rubber tire for passenger cars, trucks, blue, airplanes, tractor, farm Implements and all type of war vehicle. All of these years of experience, all of the knowledge that made these FIRSTS possible have been called upon in producing the new Firestone DeLuxe Champion Tire made with Firestone Butaprene. It it now ready for the car owner of America at released by the Government. But do not think that the crisis I past. America's greatest rubber supply Is still on the wheel of it 27,000,000 car. So you must continue all of the rubber conservation measure that have been so effective. However, if you are eligible and require new tire, remember this in mileage, in strength and in safety the new Firestone DeLuxe Champion Tire uphold the Firestone tradition of "Best in Rubber Synthetic or Natural," tMum SW VatM 1 fmttm wUX ftUUr grmtt tm4 W ftraM, OriHhg, 4mmm tf AlJrM W limine Mm 40 imifc m, JV, SAYI TIMS, SAVI CASOUNf, SAVI TIME AND SAV! MONEY IT ONf-STOP SH0PPIN0 AT TOUI NIAMY flRBTOKV OIAUI 01 flRISTONI STOII TO! THINGS YOU NIID TOI HOMI AND CAR, TOR WORK AND RICRIATI0N 'f i