PAGE ELEVEN Want to Buy, Sell or Exchange? Read the Ads on This Page! It's Filled With Opportunities! r MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1943 Turn to the CLASSIFIED For Your Wants n every ad m this pete H will probably find atari ly tbc mint, yoa nave mi louk lnt fur a sale ot trad for nuerd artici von may nave. aearra foul alter tort ronsa yoa ma; nnd Mn) things others r seeking and bf able to re lire immrtllale rweh If what fan wan I isn't beta, ad vertise foe It. Trthun Cbwal flrd ads an inexpensive ef fective. RATES ret word flrat Insertion 9 (Minimum See) Earn additional Insertion. per word id (Minimum 10c) rrr II m per mcnth wttbont cop; change SI- CASH or meoney order muat accom pany ail mau order classified ada, LOS1 AND FOUND LOST Ration Book No. 1. Reese M. , Alexander. $19 E. Main. LOOT ttstiuii w aw - - captured Canary, let nana - 8921440. Pbone 3S2D, evenings. m MM ,hnna 8sM. jtjwi.-.m"1" "" - LOST Parker fountain pen. black and sold. J. o. ure. rnone ova. 138T Bbeafier fountain pen. Bettle Brown, pnone oiii. LOST Hub cap '41 Studebeker ear. rr ana iiw as..uj : $080. BEPUH'l wet dwga animal crueltj caiea Humane gictjPhuntai5 WANIED MALE HELP itrrm-HAK Up TO 65. TO WORK i IN MEDFORD. BOOKWORM!. AND SALES WORK. BOMEWB f IBNCED IN SEED AN PEED LINE MAN WANTED for yard work. Bayard M. uetcneu, air we d,. WANTED Experienced bartender. See Mr, wwi .-.. MAN WANTED to care for lawn, gar- . den, cnlcxe, w ,wu wcm ' Ure on the plaoa from June 8 to ' 33, batch, act aa watchman. Pbone T 8375. M. Dale Newton. HELP WANTED Window cleaner at county courthouse. Contact the i,. in- -ar ar Individual cleaning. PIREMAN wanted. Hotel Medford. WANTED Man for tire service de partment, see Mr. Brown. Montgom ery Ward. 10 MEN NEEDED In aawmlll, detente Industry, experience not necessary, high wagea. ateady work. McORAW COLLINS LUMBER CO. Call Tom McOraw. 4008. Eagle Point after 1 p. m. WANTED Dishwasher. Valentine' Cafe. NATIONAL defense project on Oregon - coast. Celling scale to heavy duty f mechanic, pipe layera and laoor ' era Oood living and working con dition. Release from WMO needed Strona-Macdonald-Whlte, Newport. Oregon. I WANTED Boy to register for Mali j Tribune route Route will b open f June I nd instruction claaae will begin this week on route manage. ment and operation method Apply f In person to the circulation man- i ager at Mall Tribune office. W ANTED Experienced Oudy feudei t and paiut man 8 35 pel bout I Hawaina Oarag. 616 818 6 Rlv . eraida SPHAVEKS and aeneral orchard banaa Hsve otNiroiug ouiiee co m mudatione evatlsole Rrue Rivet Orcneroa Ph 4308 End K Central I ve Meirwrd taeaajicn null I Mf I WAP4 I tU PtMALC niir WANTED Two wBltreBse. two dh waahers. Top wagea. Dill Cal. 127 East 6tn. DISHWASHER ValenUne'a Cafe. WANTED 8 eiperienoed Vlrtorv Cate HELP MALE and FEMALE WANTED Have steady employment for reliable elderly man and vniv. House lurnianed. oooa propoaiuon. Phone 3083. WANTED Mtddle-aeed lady or man dlahwaaher. Top wage, rranaune uaie. WANTED women and bora for thin ning peachea. Bear creak orcnaro, South Pacific Highway. WAWTTD EXPERIENCED O RIDDLE COOKS, alao atria and women Be tween aee ot IB and 4ft tot work In the Camp White Eichanee cafes No traiiiina needed rime end oalf lor over 40 nourft ovpia'tunltie for advancement A op y Camp While cvrnne KmpitfVmeiil uince bio Tool camp white week dsve oe- ivn in nour of 10 m i 8pm COOK wanted, Denny' Top Notch t-eie. WANTED Cleanup man or woman Itxl Cat, 137 Cat SalA, HELP MALE and FEMALE WANTED Competent eouple for email country place. Man lor gener al farm and garden work, woman to cook and erve evening meal Good wage, t room bouae. dairy product. Irulta and vegetable, tteJ supplied. Boa at? Tribune. WANi'XU Couea aitcnen help eno waitreeeee lei Camp While 1231 Extension 918$ WANTED SITUATION SOLDIER'S Win with baby wanta - to work for room and board with email wage. Phone 4087. LOCAL WOMAN for general house work. Pbone 4131. WANTED Poaltlon aa houaekeeper. Board, room and email wage. 844 Bnarrtman. I BOOKKEEPER, accountant and aud itor desire poaltlon. Drift eaempt. beat reference. Pleaaa atat aalary and kind of bualneaa, Reply Box 875. Trunin. VANT ED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED H b. p. alectrle or ga air compressor, 100-lb. preaeura. O. L. Witt. Box 15, Phoenix. WANTED By gentleman, ride to Klamath Palls, Saturday after 6 p. m. Return Monday. Phone awe. WANTED New Wardway Oyrator waaber. with or without motor, s. Jonea. Crater Lake and Coaer Butte highway. WANTED Stout dining table, either good finish or one that can be painted. Phone 5067. WANTED To rent by telephone man permanent s-Dearoom nousc. Phone 6334. WANTED Pumlahed house. 3301, Major Earentrle. WANTED Someone to plow about K acre ground. Leonard Oreen. Route 1, Box 43-X. otf Chestnut. WANTED TO RENT by local bualneaa . man and wile with one child four or five-room unfumlabed mod ern bouse. Can furnish excellent reference. Prefer one-year lease. With to occupy by June 15 or 30 Phone 8147. WANTED Room or bachelor quar ters. E. R. Goodwin at Bruce Bauer Lumber Co. Phone 3311. WANTED Small Ice box. Mrs. Myrtle Mack, Box 108 South Peach. WANTED to rent 5 or 8-room un furnished bouse by email local family. Pbone 3168. CULTIVATOR WANTED One-Home aultable for truck garden. Would oonslder bone and harneea also. Phone 6376. M. Dale Newton. WANTED Electrle hedge eheerere. Will buy or rent. P. W. Houston, Rt. 3, Ashland. WANTED 5 h. p. alngle phaas elec tric motor. Eagle Point Cleaner. Phone 44. 610 REWARD for electrlo refrigerator In good condition, pnone sum aiier 6 p. m. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished house near Washington acnooi, oy June 16 or sooner. Permanent, reasonable. Tribune Box 804. WANTED To buy or rent for sum mer, used sewing macnine. iTiouoe Box 1096. WANT TO BUT Cabin at Lake o' the Wood. Olve partleuiara and price. Box 818, Tribune. WANTED Heavy - producing milch cow: alao light work norm oroaen to ride. Rogue River Orchard Co, end N. central av. WANTED Table model cream separ ator, pbone 4141. WANTED Electrle fan In working condition or to rebuild: oscillating tpve preferred. Barker' Mane Store. WANTED Maytag or Easy washing machine. oyro uetcneu. ai r wcai 6th. UNITED Airline manager end wife desire nicely furnished bouse or apartment. Price open, permanent Phone Mr. Meyer Medford Hotel or 7111. WANTED Sawmill help. Boarding bouae at mill. Herman Brothers Lumber Co., Prospect. WANTED Cement block machine. 814 Weet and. WANTED 34 or 36-ln. tricycle. Phone 6393. WANTED-Oood, small, three-burner electrlo range, with over. Ph. 4i WANTED Furoiftbed bouae by eponelble local couple. Phone 8058 after S p. m. WANTED pox feed bores. Phone 1307, gagl Point Pox Farm. SEE u before you aril your furniture y - w w) -ou , lrd. wee- tern Auto Supply Company, 101 South Riverside. WANTED Card ear, truck and eomraer atoney Immediately aio Delay See Ot Before Ton BUT OB SELL CRATER LAKE MOTORS Tuul Ford Daeuer Ith and ivy Pbone I Medford WANTED AT OftCll OOUU UCD FUHMIURS Caen or generous credit on a) borne rurnisriliig CUPP FURM1UKE rtURS, Ph-ne 448 tttb end IMriett THE FUKNII'UKS aMtCHANOE. Pbone 4u46 Suth and Fruni tneta. WAN CED IU BUT - Uaed ot oea ano to uu amp Are aveMing Me eh 1 1 . Sural Fine Lumber Co At,end ore FUwot 4131 Mill f Mll-I N tm iimmI I aval rerun era HIHHN1HIR rlM.MIIMS tt Neflh rM FImmi 8t Ural pmrta rn fee M wait ere $JU flaVMILBK. rkeea tS4 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS Blgneet orleee paid for furniture s loves tool, ot what ban eouf allUPOKD BAKOAIM RUUSB tl B Ore pa Phuo 8144 SCRAP IRON SCRAP lOTaJ. WANTED ' Tour government need thta vital maunal rut defense. - Sell no blgneet pnoea paid crap auto nnxa and tubes Any Quantity MEDFORD BAROA1N HOUSE 37 Ore pa Pnone 8144 WAN1 IO BUT OR BELLI Llat foui pruperty with ua. MARK A OOLDT Realuir 108 E Main Pbone 8388 WILL oar tone fta teat elflelent fry ouok Preferably female Denny f rop Move car PAT-AS-TOU-tIO - Rat mechanical oudy work dune tuday- pay in easy mouthiy payment we eata out own Dudeet partnent plan Craw Lake Mutore Tom Ford Dealer. 6tb and Ivy Medrurd WANTED Live etock Call Jack. 5811 Meat Center. 231 East Slxtb St LIVESTOCK WANTED L C. Lumen Phone 3834 FOR RENT Furnished Rooms ROOM for gentleman. 338 8. Ivy. ROOM for men Clue in 608 K Main FOR RENT Miacsllaneout RENEW those dull floors I Rent Ward a floor under nd edger. PR EE PASTURE for horeee. Phone 4467. FOR LEASE BO-acre ranch. 45 In cul tlvatlon. Crop In. Writ P. o. box 553, Jacksonville. CLOVER paatura for 8 cow. Running water. 83 per mo. pnone o?oi. FOR RENT Furnished cabtna. aocom- modatlona for 3 to 5 people. Reason, able rent per month Idee for sum mar shady park on river, boating and swimming, paelfle rurnway w, 7 mllaa south of Grant Pas. Or Rogue view Camp. FOR LEASE Furnished bouae, store cabins, on river 80 minute from Camp White. Phone Eagle Point 1408. FOR RENT Cabin on river. Modem. Sunset on the Rogue. Trail, Ore. FOR RENT Clover pasture. Ph. 6611 OFFICE ttuoMS for rent See Car) Nuok Confectionery 408 Beat Main fel KM1 FOR SALE DOGS. PETS FOR SALE Cocker pupplee, black. A grandson ana grenaaaugniers oi champion "My Own Brud." Pa pers. 611 S. Riverside, aoroea street from parxera r-otato t;nip rectory SCOTT1ES Same breeding a Pala Royal Rogue Kennel, nortn oojo Hill on Highway. PEUKIKEE Kollel eaiirte linger pairs and trio tot oreedliet Alet ce 111) W Min Pbone 481)7 FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE Hampshire chicks. Phone 8335. hen and FOR Sale: Hampshire aettlng egg. Phone 8326. FOR SALE Whit Leghorn laving bene. J. F. cook. Rt. a. box os Lone Pine School Road. BROILERS We bav lot of them Come and pick your own. 1 14 miles north of Eagle Point Junction on crater Lexe nwy. w. e, lng. FOR SALE Red fryer. Rt. 4. Box 83 Medford R. M Baldwin. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALB A real mower teem that will cut their 12 acrea in 6 hour Orey mare, 1350 lb., with mare colt by her aide, bay gelding, 1160 lb Team true and genu but lull of life. A. w. Melntlre. Route 1 Box 75. Rogu River. Oregon (t Wlmer.) FOR SALE Saddle horses: male Palomina yearling: a - year - old filly; straw berry roan mare: also sorrel mare. Horn Sunday and eve. nine at Cerley Ranch, 14 mllea east om valley etore. n. a. (par ley, owner. FOR SALB 10 heed white fee 8 to 4-year-old belter. S bred, a with calve: I teem, weight 1700, farm or logger. Can be aeen Saturday or sunoay at ranco on rock creex 4 mllea off Sam Valley highway. w. v. luaaneier. LIVESTOCK AUCTION very Satur day at ravuion. rnosnix, ore. commencing at 140 p. m. 'Have Km, good milk cow for this sale, alao young stock and butcher cattle 80 bead of fat ewee. All stock must be at yard by noon aale dy So. Ore. Livestock Auction Co. Col. A. H. Dudley (Auctioneer) FOR SALS 3 calves, 635 for both 600-ehick electrlo brooder, milk cooler, and fryer. PL Prlebe, Rt. 1 Box 876, Orllfln Creek. FOR SALB 1 four-year-old Ouemevy cow, good milker; elao 1 Chrysler car, 6 good urea. 336 Chestnut, FOR SALB Purebred Hereford bull. 16 month old; one fine gentle addle horse. Inquire 838 Bennett. rnone aooe. FOR SALB Choice weener pigs. Rt. 1 Bo 13. Central Point. Oppoalt wuiow spring seme tattoo. FOR SAL R 4-weeks-old rabbits, Oc eerb. Tel. 3010. FOR SALE -Weener pa 7 weeks old. Inquire Sunny ride Sunrise Station, Bueh, JaekaonrUltt Hifhway. Ives MeDonough. FOR BALE T bead ragutered t-yr- old Hereford bulls, all Camino strain; 3 t-rr -old registered Here ford bulla. Ph. 5M, Jacksonville FOR BALE $ veal calvea. J. B. Winn. Trail, Ore, HOBBS TRADINO POST West Vstn at Western Avenue. Buy, ssU and Uada, We IFOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALS Team and names, cheap D. A. Lowe. Rt. 1, Box 400, Medford FOR SALE Guernsey heifer and calf. Cor. 6th and Laurel, central point CASH tor old boreea. Royal Rogue Kennela, oold HllL Ore. FOR SALS Herd of 10 choice milch cow. Don and settle atore, 4 mllea north of Eagle Poiut, Kill Owen. WAKI1U hx milk w flit feed Phone 6S&4 FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES 1838 CHEVROLET log truck. Samson Walker dual axel trailer, 80 rub ber. Claude Ragadale, Shady Cove. USED CARS Over 100 of them to chooas from. 1836 to 1840 models. Largest stock In town. Priced to ell. Shulta Bros., North Riverside. between 4th and 5th Sta. FOR SALB O. M. O. dump truck, wrecked, will sell a la or pan. Wood bout and body yard. 1416 Eaton rear end. 338 cngin. 826 K. Main St., Ashland. FOR BALE Truck, V-S lu,-ton. panel body, 6' wide, IS' 8" long, g' high. duel wneeia, 7 good urea, A-1 snap. 8860 cash. Roy Swan.'cr. Roy Stan ley ranch, Eagl Point. 1841 PONT1A0 aedanetM two-tone. lust like new, radio, air condition ing, excellent r.rea, sow mileage. Pbone Curley 3314. FOR SALB-1838 Chevrolet aedan. also 138 Ford roadster. Rt, 1, Bos 108. south peech. FUK SALB Second neud Bulct 6 peaaenaei eeaen practically ne tire (oi 66UU cash tl lekea at oooa Pbone Skmuef a garge STOP looking fot a car See us today 111 us whet fuu want, we will get It lot vou Autoniooile Marketq 6th and Sartlett Phone 3W18 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 8?1 nCA On'T four of the new. falyJJU modem home on South Holly St, In the 700 block left. Im- meaiete poeeeasion. 1 wo Deurooois. Flood furnace. Hardwood floor Separate garage. Down payment aa utile aa au.oo. omau mommy payment. Interest and texts very low. EXCLUSIVE. C 11 Art A real home: excellent lo- pj,vUU cation: all room; three bedrooms; oil beeter: ftreplaot; new roof: plenty of fruit end ahade trera; garage: poultry bouse. Easy terma can be erranged. Our No. iso-a. e::clusive. drt AAA Large house, dose In; nine VayvUU room: price is based on rr-mod sling. Oood Investment, our N1. 102-A. v (PI 7 Cli A 46 a.; 130 . In cultlva JlljUUV ration; 68 a. Irrigated free water; 35 a, clover. Seven room modem bouae. Two large barns. Four poultry bousee. Tenant house. Deep well. An excellent place. Arrangemcnta can be made with owner for equipment. 83.003.00 cash will handle this. Immediate possession. Taxes very low. Our No. 320-B. EXCLUSIVE. SPENCER-BAOLET AOENCT 103 W. Main St. Fhon S076 Evening 8603. Medford, Oregon. A SOUTHERN OREOON HOME for le. Located In the city of Rogue River. 6-room house, modem. Front and back porchea screened, lty acrea garden aotl. Irrigated Big gar- cen growing, a apple treea, ang ltah walnut. 4 peara, 3 cherry. . peach, 7 plum, erapea and berrlee All bearing. 3 block from high and grade acnooi. pasture for one cow. Room for 600 cblckene. Priced to en. Liberal terma Want to retire. A. T. Mcllvaln Rogue tliver, Oregon. S5250 near high school automatic oil furnace largi room and sloe ping porch, ftlra sleeping quarters in rear. Hardwood floors, fireplace, nice lawn, large lot. Immediate posses sion. Sam j Terms. MARK A. OOLDT Pbone saet) 105 S. Main Evening 3417. Mr. Bee be. FOR SALE Country home four miles irom Mecuora on pevea nignwsy, Hoacm. Hsrawood floors, bath, furnace, stationary tubs, sun porch basement. Four acres of ground Irrigation. Address Tribune Bob joo Man Tribune. $4200!;: -room modem home. On the bill east aloe. Oak floor, fireplace, oil beet, electric water heater. Large yard, lawn and aneae. CARL OOTTSCHB T North Bartlett St. Phone 4646. fCflflft Bubarban home, 3Uj acre, V JUUU imgeted with free water, fin garden soil. Two-bedroom ful ly furnished borne, atrlctly modem with fireplac, oek floor. Barn, chicken house, garage, fine garden ton, cmcxena, cow. All goes. Alao C97flA Bit room end bath, ga- 7fVU rage, poultry bouae, two acre Irrigated, family orchard, abade, ahruhe. Fine condition. ELMER HERRIED 44 North Riverside, Dial 836T or 4860. FOR SALB or RENT 6-room house, 1 er. Cold water In house. Large garden. Chicken bouse. 61600 rent 835. Inquire Clark St. FOR BALE by owner Excellent bual neaa property In Medford. produc ing good net rental Income, Phone SOl , $3500 CTTT WATER . ITtRlOA'tTD 1 FULL ACRE - SPRING ST. 4-room modem, sleeping porch, email basement, concrete foundation. Lo dlno clover, small bam. Part cash MARK A. OOLDT Phone 6366. 105 E Evenlnr 341T, Mr. (Exclusive Agent) SHOE REPAIRING PROMPT SERVICE Top Lifts While Yen Wjit UmHti Tim Only C. M. KITD & CO. 221 Utf Main St. FOR SAL I REAL ISTATl FOR SALB by owner 7-room modern Bouae ano x lota located in rnoe nix. 63300 oaab or terms. See Bert Stancllffe. Phoenix. Ore. STOCK and dairy farm. 116 acrea. 40 In rlover end grata, balance dry paa tura land, ail fenced woven wire, new 6-room bouae, electric wter preeeure aystem, cement cellar, new large barn, on achool bus line nd cream route. Owner, leaving coun try, must sell. 86000, Including crop Alao 6-room house with bath. Urge living room, service porch, laundry traye. cement foundation, garage, extra large lot, abade. on pavement, near high acbool. 3300; 61000 cash Alao 10 acre, 3 mile from Medford on Phoenix end Jacksonville high way, all in crop. 62100. , L O. P1CKELU 16 South BarUett St. $4500 45 sores. Irritated and In fine stand of clover. This year's bay crop wui pay tor nau or tne pur chase prtoe. Fenced and U locat ed. First cutting now ready to out. ELMER HERRIED, 44 H. RlTeralde. Dial .Ufi7 or 4630. FOR SALE 4-room bouae. Shads. S30 South Riverside. FOR BALE Farm bouse, furniture. Including high-oven Hot point range. At first covered bridge on Tnompson creea. Appiegaie. OWNER offers new 4-room knotty pine hideaway home on 40 acrea beauurui nr. osa. isurei. pins ana maple woods: 3 creeks with all-year springs. One hour from Medford. level mostly paved roaa. House sol idly eon it rue ted. double floored, screened doors and windows, wltb locking storm shutters for each. In sulted solid sheeted oedsr shingle roof. Built-in kitchen, buffet, sins and drain. Three cost Fuller paint Job Half mile from Evans creek and mall route, five miles from Wimer general atore. A genuine har gain st 11360. Furnished. Including 4 beds. Price good only until June 10. H. C. Robinson. Box 70, Rogue River, ore. FOR SALE Large bouse, dose In usk floors, gas noor furnace, steam heat. $100 Income monthly besides owners quarters, mow. aiso 5 bedroom modern home, lawn ahade, fruit. Owner leaving. Price 41700 terms. See A- F. Flowers, cor. 13th and Front. MUST s?ll home 418 ft. river front axe on highway, wit fl-room mod ern bouse. Electric water beater nice orchard, large barn. Inquire Bridge csie, tcogue River. SO ACRES wood ranch. Will trade fot car or cowa. D. A. Lowe, Rt. 1, Box 400. Medford. FOR SALB Two Iota with large building, N. Riverside, Highway 99 Suitable for buettieaa or residential See owner. 1036 Court St. Ph. 5911 ARK YOU BUYING OR 6 ELLIN Q REAL ESTATE? . Ask the oldest firm in Medford, BROWN WHITE AGENCY, IN0. Phone 2930 FOR SALE OR TRADE Small furnished houses Oood furnishings. Oood electric equipment. 130 so. Orape. FOR SALE SOU acres clover, alfalfa irrigated, moaern Bunding, aiso loo acre ut. Ratuouo, Kt. 4, Boa 211 B, Fern valley Road. FOR SALE A beautiful 130 sere dslry i arm, witn a good trout stream serosa it. near wiuiams. una oi free water machinery, 85 "sad of stock. Modern 6 room bouse with furniture. Also tenant house Oood land and some timber. Prtoe gSOOOO, some terms. Inquire 44 N. Peach, WIN 8 LOW Arts g rum bouses Sew. era Ha tidy man maks llviug from rent titan dry climate mum eon elder chicken ranch trsde Ownst gJ3 W 1st. Winalow. Aria - FOft SALB 31 acres on Roaa Lane acres alfalfa 3 acres grspes buune osrn. etc Lota of shade, fruit, flow ers S52&0 Phone 0380 WHEN TUU t-HINK ot resl estate think of the Spencer Baglet age ncr im w Main WAfTI ro BUY OH 8El.Lt List you property with ua MARK A OOLDY Resit 106 Mnii. Phone 8386 FOR SALI MiicalUnooug FOR SALE First cutting alfalfa. baled. 11 tons. Max Breed love, Cen tral Point. Inquire Faber's Store. FOR SALE Rem In ir ton Noisleaa type writer, 030. 6S7 West 10th. FOR BALE Emblem bicycle: salmon reel and Una. 10 Western Ave. FOR SALE Fairbanks Mores pressure pump, grease trap lor cepuo tana, platform rocker, Maytag gas engine, rnone mus alter a. PROTECT YOURSELF New Oregon financial responsibility law effec tive in June, we are saving policy holders 35 on sutomobiie Insur ance. Standard policy. Stock com pany. For further Information phone 5545. Vert L. Bray, 33 Port land. FOR BALE Cornish Oarae bens: platform scales; Dayton counter acsis; vacuum cleaners, rocatrs, overstuffed chslr snd stool: floor lamps; wood rsnge: breakfast set: small tables; portable typewriter; daveno; plcturer, beds; Inneraprlng mattresses: coll springs: 9-tube Fhtleo radio, consols, practically new. Midway rour comers, oen- era Petroleum station. FOR SALE Cut flowers. 300 South Holly, after I p. a. WILL DELIVER good old growth iB-inen nr wooa e.?ov a coro tn t-eord lots Write L. H. Myers, Jacksonville, Oregon. FOR JAtt MbctlUnMut NEED A BROODER I W Rave Juet Received Lara auupment. 500-ehlck ta 86 SOO-chlck elee "" 360-chick eiae " 830-chick alee -" '"' 975-chick el oil- .18 41 .11.70 300-chlck alaa karoeneH 500-chick ata keroeene- -11.76 MONTOOUERY WARD CO. FOR SALE oil circulator, good con dition, pnon 330 after p. m FOR SALB Stake truck bed Txl3 feet, inquire Shady Cove Poet OIIIO. RUFFLED and beddli petunias. asters, slnnlaa. In separate oolors. New Cupid marigold. New All- American double petunia, new Navy aster, field grown perennials. geraniums, purple robe nierem bergla. Flsnu for beds and window boats. Berry! Flower Farm, Old Highway North. OONT QUIT TOOK JOB to eel eour oar inaurea for protection under to new Itw. Writ or phone 34M. xoak ot ear, year model and motor and (actor numbers si ppeara on title U A ga book, send ,12.76; B, 13.M: C. 14.90. Clarence Pierce, Room 1, Palm Bldf, Med. ford, Oregon. FOR BALE 17-foot trailer bouae, oomplele, rang, heater, Inneraprlng cuaniona, vacuum Drakee, soo oaan. L. Btepnena, Box toy Hilt, Calif. FOR BALE 12x14 wall tent almott new a-wneel trailer wtta 1S-S00 e-plr trie. Alao -fo!d 94 Board man Bt. POR BALE 7 meul eerd tabl chair. Mr. Nvaaraner. Talent, POR BALE Davenport, oocaalonal taoie. Ming macnine, all In good conoiticn. sir, o. H. uedberg, vu oecona st Aamena. FLASHLIGHT battcrtee, hundreds of tnem, loo eacn no priority, oeorge Goodman, etandard suuon, Rtti and central. POR BALE Oood oedar fenc post n. aa. nuiton, uoio HllL on Bar. din creek. POR BALE Chick Battery, home maae. ouuu twoweeaa-oia onick oa pacity. Battery house axai ft., built aled type, will aacrltlce I5. Also oil circulating heater wltb fan, 100- ganon ruei tank, son reet new gi vanlaed H-lnch pipe. Ph. 6017. ELICTr.IC PENCSt Tea. I bav them good onea. Harry weagant, one nil, outn or rnocnix on nignway. nea Btucco nous. FOR BALE Weattnxhous refrlger- tor, eo; neavy duty cloctrlo range, T0; electric griddle, 140; email Ice box. $7.60: plet glasa ahowoaae. $13: I do, heavy coffee cups, 10c aecn: isvetory, peaeetaj atyie, io; mill Phllco radio. $10. Holly Cafe, next to riunrer Bxry. FOR BALE Kimball piano, eoneolett, tun length suing, matching bench wainut, excellent condition, beauti ful tone. 707 S. Holly St, FOR BALE Chick battery, home made. $000 two weeka old cblck capacity. Battery houaa xlg ft. built shed type. Will secrlfle $19$ Alao oil circulating heater with ten. iw ganon ruei tani. aoo reel new galvanized ft Inch pip. Phone FOR BALK IB-ft. factory built trailer nouae, aieep 4, fully equipped, le ft, home mad trailer houee, fur nlhd. Also 9-wheel domretla trail er, good Urea Wagner Ave., corner 9nd., Talent Oregon. Oeorge Clark plaoa. POR BALE Plant, tomato, cab bage, celery, heed lettuce. prn. quett Bt. Oreenhoua. FOR BALE Mimeograph and mlmeo- erope. aioo oo or, credit Bureau Pbone 93$ 1. JACUZZI et UTER8 PUMPS, drilling and installation, loon fuarante r ics nsravaiv. POR SALE About 90 to 9$ tone al falfa In field or want aomeone to cut and bal R H Prl.De. Rt. Bos $7$. Griffin Creek road POR BALE Body fir wood Will de liver for the nxt two month Phone 8 S3, POR BALE Blue Atla, cedar, laurua- rlnua Italian cypres eml dwarl green lumper, narrow ina and HI. Sierra Spire luiilpere Alao nice ca mn Economy Seed and Peed. 917 w tn POH ttALB PI, eleb and fit cwdiiei for immediate delivery Phone 4449 panera 94 sums Rlverald Ph-Mie 901 Central Point jSwMMBev ymmj I nihf rfrtve it , leieae'erery If yew 'ewe vei.ef bt m east drraieav freeai which fei er ate reaWfa, anes ! . yew caw ywy e idfemaf yew. I V bicb means ROMBERG Ct DEATTY 212 WEST MAIN TELEPHONE 298 FAIMCBI AUT0M0BI1E r.T.ViNf UBANCS ........ TBDCK INSUBANCI EXCDANGE POR SAH MlgcslUnsow FIR SLABS Big 900 eu IV load pnon eeii union puei. BAKUAiNS SllabUy ueed clotbiug rot wnuse lamuy l kaat stain PULLER oruabee. 1904 Ready Phone 4914 PUR SALB U priced lumoet 1x4 to Isu est to 9su enipiap ruol In, aud oulidlng materlaia R O Bispoensi-ti Co. Court and MeAn- 9O00 MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE W hsve more high grade mechanics thsn w br vr naa. uet your car repaired while this type of mechanlo la available. W will consider a pyrnnt plan on voui overheul Job If you so desire. Rogu River Chevrolet, win ana naruen Phone 9299. BOWMAN BKAUTT SALON baa the EXCLUSIVE RIOHl to the C1HU LETTS AND W11XA1 COLO WAV1 In Medford NO HEAI NO PRO- 17SCTOKS NO 8TRETCHINO Of HAIR Can be given no matter bow recent rour leal pikmamki Uavea your hair very aoft will curl any kind of nau eveu aitai re cent 11 In eee Experienced operator 937 Ceulrsl Pbone $18$ WE NOW HAVE three good mechanics with veara of experience on eu make of oar Open until $ p for your .onventrnc. Hawxin Oarage. BIS-SIB South Rlverald Phone SMI PERSONAL WANT A COMPANION who can read and write, about 69 yeara old, with home. Anwr at one. Trib une Box 1077. GENTLEMAN of good character like movies, wuuia enjoy uis vumpsuy Ol congsniaj isniw, sv ev w w sTioune BOB ,11. NATIONAL defence project on Ore- eon coast offera unusually attrac tive working and living conditions at celling scale to mechanlca, pip layer and laborer Write your qualification to Box 199, Newport, ur. SARAH ANNA will turn the cup every dey out naiuroRy ana ounaay 414 Rlveralde, in rear. Palmistry crystal Heading U Mills Pli 9440 40 Mountain av aaniano CARD KEAUlNfl ,1 00 9J Jeenelte BUSINESS DIRECTORY Chiropodist (reatment ot All Puut tTuunlae Or A M Depuet Registered Chi rooodlst i Pool BDaclallatl 911 Plnhrel Bid Dial 9I0S Cortir NU BONE foundation garment, di auralval maternity and aporu wear Mr Alice Copplo 944 S. Central Phone 9D8 Trautfer crnt ntANHPEH t siohaiie co- Houftehold movins snd eeneral haul Ing 99 8 O rap PBon 4$o4 (My oi niahl fiH V IB rKANDPIH AND 810RAUB 40 8 PlI aireet Insured Cerrlers Local and Long Ulslenc CUulIng Pnone WW EAUS ntANMPEH at B'llJKAtIB CO Office I South Pw Phone M9$ . Prices right Service guaranteed PUKNIItlHB MUVINO 8TOR AilE We nv veu moving equip meut for l-l and lone dlaiauce hauling Dry and Mean atoraee looncrele bulldiiNtl with apecia locker nsena at low rates BAUSON SIORAlIt WAREHOUSE Phone 9M Money to Loan fHERB Is money to b rntd through the ownership of cow, hogs and ehlrkana we will finance ineir pur ehese for vou on four own terms Help vourself snd the war effort By producing more toon. OREOON FINANCE CO. Sine 193$ Locally Owned 4$ South Central Ave. 4 OK Jawelry Cemere, end Murl In trumente People Loan Company 999'-, East Mala Bk BMW Ucenee r-isr. tCO CCD Vm . Nm mm ttM 1 W dto axil 4W MM eaf MTi t pfptnf if tw wmt , m fjmmmm muMtmm mm npmmim fm m ttM pit mm FARMERS LIABILITY INSUR. ANCE fives complete protection psyt dsmtget or judgments i provides investigation end de tense... FOR ONLY $3.96 each six months. Present "A" Gil Ration Rte for tVOOO 1 0)00 Bodily Injury and D.0OO Property Dtmsgeforihislocality. LODGE NOTICES Thla column ts reserved far notice f say kind and all fraternal and centre rganlsallana r invlled ta ass it. Sale tee Un flrat In avrtlon. $c Un for auk fallowing Ion. SPECIAL COMMUNICATION Medford Lodge No. 10 a. P. a. a u vtm.b m.i- O May 9S. Work In M. ML Degree. Visitor welcome. eWfreshment. P. O. Mont, W. M. BUSINESS DIRECTORY 0rsmskln9 OHESBMAKINO - Alteration uik in I Kaiherln satterlee Sewtn Macnine Shop 93 s a rape Pnooa 9389 Moving EAOS TRANSFER a, STORAOE CO. Padded vu moving. Oregon, Wssh Lngton and California. Medford. 18 B Fir. Dial 9938. Portland, 111$ M. B. Broadway. WE 9558 eBBsnfcaj9BBae5SrssafSfaeaBBBB Piaae Tuning, PIANO rUNINO REPA1R1NO. VOIO WU J w Kellogg P O Boa SOI, Ashland Phone 4IS9 Roofing WE REPAIR or apply any typo ot root Paoeo Rooting Sbliaflea. cuaunge ud retnta New Well Paper Ekemi paint an Roil Ou a 8 Brtlelt lei 994$ Vacuum t.apaiting ELEtriKuLUX rot rent Repair all vacuum pnona 9994 Jack Wllaoaa. lojo KT nth Wall Drilling WEU. DKllXlNfl with modern equip. meut uou Bh, loqutr Plcsw Hdwr. or Phone 999- R Write $14 toman at Orant pass BRANDT IN 8BHOOL Berkeley, Cal. (U.rO A nw problem In psychology has Just been poged to psychological ex pert at the University of Call, fornla. It Is the problem ot why a man ihould ateal a textbook on psychology and a bottle of brandy at the aame time. Aa the experts admit they have not had much experience with brandy. little progress Is being made to wards finding the reason. The theft occurred recently at the university. PAY AS YOU GO Congolldat year oM debts with b cs$h loan. Up to 12 months to repay. Money stso available tot cnr rant needs. Airtomobilo Loan up to SSOO. Purnfturs Salary Loans up to $300. PRIVATI SALES FINANCED COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORPORATION O. V GIBBONS Mgr. Sparta Bldg. Main ft Riverside. Medford Oregon. Phone 2277. License Ne M 134. License Ne. S 244. ioawtWT m Immt mm mmmmm mm mmtm mM r lift siainil rW tmnlh with firtl tin mtmbi prtmium. 4 Invar with fsnm aael yoej woo'tj risk iotlag the right ro drive. W have prvpared a brief alytlt foldet' ol ike liuMKttl mpoatibility Itw which will be eatiled row poa r quest. Oil. write, of com la so the aid dm bale fot yoar copy.